
Honey for sale part 2

Honey for sale 2

I was holding the check out to Jeb, but he wasn’t reaching to take it and I began to worry that he might back out of the deal.

Jeb scratched his balls and sniffed his fingers; the odor must have met with his approval because he looked at me, rolled the match stick in his mouth to the other side and said. “I got a couple stip-a-lations ta add ta this’en greement.” He said trying to sound all lawyer like.

“What kind of stipulations?” I eyed him suspiciously.

“Well,” he paused, “you gonna be taking my young’en and I be gonna wan’ta see her least once a munth, cause I gonna miss her so much. Yer kin fetch her back here or’in yer kin pay fer the Trailways bus ta take me ta yer place.”

I figured that I only lived about an hour away and his request was a reasonable one but I wasn’t stupid enough to believe that he was requesting these meetings out of love for his daughter, more likely than not he would be missing his regular pussy and blow jobs. I’m not sure how much resistance Sugar would give him regarding her making up for the loss of Honey’s duties but I would bet Sugar wasn’t going to give it up easily.

“So you want me to bring Honey back home every month so you can fuck her.” I stated.

He looked at me with a startled expression, then he let a sly smile slide across his face and chewed on the match stick, then he said “Yep.”

I smiled back at him and told him, ”I don’t have a problem with that. What else?”

“You gotta git me n’ her one O them fancy shell phones so’in she can call n’ talk ta her sister n’ me.”

“OK, but I’m not sure that you can get reception out here.” I took my iphone out of my pocket and was surprised to see that it had three bars. “anything else?”

“Nope,” and he snatched the check out of my hand.

Sugar was crying and hugging her sister. It was clear that there was a close bond between the two girls. Honey seemed to accept her fate with the same resignation as she showed at having to fuck a stranger. It was what her dad told her to do so she was going to do it.

Honey had dressed in a pair of thread bare blue jean cut-offs that were so tight that the seam between her legs deeply divided her cunt neatly in half. She also had on a black Grateful Dead “T” shirt and a pair of raggedy old flip flops. Sugar handed Honey a paper bag with what I assumed were the young girl’s worldly possessions.

“OK, its Monday,” I said to the lanky man. “So I’ll get your cell phone to you before the weekend.”

Jeb loaded the big yellow dog into the back of my car and slammed the hatch. The share cropper had put a thin rope around the dog’s neck as a makeshift leash. The mutt had no collar.

“What’s his name?” I asked the weathered man.

“Boner,” he responded with a grin. “Kinda fits doan it?”

Everyone said their tearful goodbyes and Jeb gave me directions out of there. Honey crawled up into the Grand Cherokee and ran her hand with wonder over the leather seats as I put the black Jeep in gear slowly proceeded away from the only home she had ever known. She turned, knelt backwards in her seat and waved at the two figures perched on the rickety old porch.

When we reached the paved road I showed her how to buckle her seat belt. She had been tugging the seam in her shorts in a futile attempt to get some relief from the material cutting into her pussy.

“Are those shorts hurting you?” I asked her as she wiggled in her seat.

She looked up at me with those big green eyes and nodded.

“If you want you can take them off so you can be more comfortable.”

She smiled at me, unbuckled her seat belt, quickly stripped the denim rag off of her body and began rubbing her hairless little pussy where the cloth had cut an angry red path through her cunny.

I could not keep my eyes off that precious little pussy and my cock began to get uncomfortably tight in my pants, so I reached into the rear seat grabbed a towel that I kept in the car to wipe my hands with on the rare occasion that I had to inspect some farmer’s equipment and I told her she could cover up with it.

She smiled up at me again and said, ”I don’t mind sittin naked, besides it’s much better’n them shorts.” Just then I realized that was the first time that she had spoken directly to me.

“I’m sure that it does feel better, but your cute little body is causing ME discomfort now.”

She grinned, unbuckled her seat belt, scooted over beside me and wrapped her tiny hand around my dick through my pants then said, “I can fix that for you,” and reached for my zipper.

“Whoa, young lady.” I said a little too abruptly. “It’s not safe to do that kind of stuff while I’m driving. You scoot back over there, buckle your seat belt. And drape that towel over that tasty little pussy so I can get us home in one piece.”

She snatched her hand away from my cock as if it were on fire, quickly moved back to her place and fumbled with her seat belt. I could see her lower lip quiver and a tear trickle down her cheek.

“Hey,” I said as I reached over and lovingly wiped the tear from her cheek. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to snap at you. You didn’t do anything wrong. You just didn’t know that we shouldn’t play while I am driving. OK?”

She looked over at me and nodded. Another tear escaped from the corner of her eye and she leaned against the door and fell silent.

I looked in the rear view mirror and noticed Boner in the back calmly watching the scenery fly by.

I turned my attention back to the road; my thoughts went to my wife and what her reaction would be to me bringing a nine year old ‘whore’ and her ‘fucking’ dog home with me. I actually wasn’t too worried about the girl; I was more worried about the dog. Beth does not like dogs. Never has. She has never told me why, but she has refused to let me get one for the farm. As far as the girl was concerned’ I felt that since we had been talking about the possibly of adopting a child some day, that she would welcome Honey with open arms. Although I wasn’t too sure about how she would take the ‘whore’ part.

Beth and I are, for lack of a better word ‘swingers’. I do a little fucking around with Beth’s knowledge, but it is she, that is the real slut in the family. She has my permission to spread her legs whenever the whim strikes her and she exercises that option frequently. Occasionally we gather anywhere between five and twenty men to gangbang her into a sexual stupor.

So I felt that I had every reason to believe that my wife would embrace Honey as a fellow slut and maybe even as a temporary daughter. At least I was hoping that would be the case. The reality was that I was flying by the hair on my balls and was probably fucking up big time, but since I have already stepped in this bucket of shit I may as well track it all over my marriage and hope for the best.

I was weighing my options as to whether I should call my wife or not. I finally decided that I should at least give her some idea of what to expect when we got home.

“Hello dear,”

(Me listening to Beth)

“Yes, I am about thirty minutes from home but I have to make a stop on the way.”


“Ok, but I have something to tell you.” I continued.


“Well, I’m bringing someone home with me.”


“It’s someone that I think you will like very much, but I would like you to just greet her and…….”


Yes, it’s a her. Look I don’t want to get into it on the phone. Just go with me on this. When we get there let’s make her comfortable and get her settled in one of the guest rooms and we can talk about it later.


Sweet heart, just trust me on this. Let’s welcome her and when she goes to sleep I will explain everything. Yes, thank you. I love you too. See you soon. Oh yea,” I quickly added. “Watch your language, OK?”


Ok, ok, take it easy, no, I wasn’t criticizing; I just wanted to prepare you. I love you too. Yes, bye.”

My wife has a gutter mouth. Beth’s vocabulary consists of mostly four letter words and I did not want to shock Honey with Beth’s language. I truthfully doubted that Honey could or would be shocked by any language, but I wanted to be careful just the same

We drove south into Ray City. Ray City, Ga is a fairly small comunity that is just north of Moody Air force base, which is just north of Valdosta. As we passed the city limits sign I spied a Wal-Mart and pulled in.

I instructed Honey to stay in the car while I went in and got her something to wear. I took the cut-offs with me to judge what size not to get and blew her a kiss. She smiled shyly at me and scrunched down in her seat.

Boner barked twice letting me know he wanted out.

I quickly picked out a pale blue pleated skirt with butterflies on it that I thought would fit and a three pack of panties. As I headed to checkout I passed the pet supplies isle and grabbed a small bag of dog food for Boner, paid for the items and rushed back to the car.

When I got back into the Cherokee I set the dog food on the floor behind her seat and handed her the blue and white plastic bag and told her to get dressed.

She pulled the pack of panties out of the bag and looked at me with wide eyes. “For me?” she said excitedly.

“Of course, how many other pretty young ladies do you see sitting in this car?

She quickly tore open the plastic package and caressed the silky garments with her fingers and then she pressed them to her cheek and giggled.

“There sooo soft.” She said in wonder.

“Well,” I said with anticipation in my voice. “Put them on and see if they fit.”

She kicked off the towel and shimmied into the white panties.

“Oh, they feel so good.” She said running her small fingers over the material.

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