HOBO Chapters 1,2 and 3
HOBO Chapters 1,2 and 3
Sex Story Author: | Rhiannon57 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | He had everyone of my teachers write glowing letters of recommendation for me to accompany the applications. The running |
Sex Story Category: | Fantasy |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction |
This is my first story in quite some time, several years to be exact. After my first two stories
“My Sister in Law Beth” and “Game of Inches” were published, I began working on my third story.
During that time, I suffered back to back brain aneurysms almost simultaneously. I had three brain
surgeries in eleven days and after the third I had lost the ability to recognize family members or even
recall my name. After six weeks in the hospital something clicked and my memory began to come back.
After two months in the hospital and almost a year of rehab learning to walk and talk , I returned to
My speech therapist suggested that I continue writing although I omitted what type of stories I wrote. So
I once again opened the laptop and starting writing “Hobo”. I will admit it was a struggle and the words
didn’t flow as they did before. It took a while to write this story but by the end I felt I had made decent
progress. I have already started writing another story as I feel motivated at this moment.
My original post was rejected due to underage material which I still am not clear why. I rewrote the first
chapter with the main character Tim Williams only reminiscing about his childhood. I hope that will be
acceptable to the moderators as there is no underaged sex involved.
If you want to read a short story and receive instant gratification my stories are not for you. There are
many great short stories on this site that will fill your need. I don’t write sex stories, I write stories with
explicit sex in them. I have been accused of being old fashioned (true) and a bit long winded (true).
Trust me this story starts out slow but if you give it time there are many sexual encounters to enjoy. I’m
sure they are grammatical errors although I tried to fix most. If you find a mistake or two please overlook
It and don’t let it ruin the story. I am not a professional write but do enjoy writing for the members of
www.xnxx.com. I am on my ninth year and have talked to many nice people by email that I have met
in my nine years here.
To all of you who read my first two stories and graciously kept me in the all time favorite stories list.
thank you so very much. I hope you will enjoy this story and the one I am working on now.
Keep yourself safe in these uncertain times.
When I stepped off the bus at the University of Texas in Austin and heard the door of the bus close, I immediately thought that sound and the significant importance it played in my life. I was approaching my nineteenth birthday and the first eighteen years of my life had closed just as the bus door had.
To understand my story, I simply must inform you of my years growing up. My father left home when I was very young and the only recollections of life was the constant fighting between my mother and father. I do not remember what year my father left but from that point on I became my mother’s useless male. My duties including cleaning bathrooms, washing and drying dishes and mopping the entire house. My mother applied for social benefits and along with my father’s child support she managed to lay on the sofa all day and drink herself into a stupor.
I was severely bullied at school because of the way I dressed when I went to school. I did not have much clothing, so my three pair of jeans and two t-shirts were my constant apparel. My tennis shoes were patched with duct tape to hold the soles on. It earned me the nickname “Hobo” which would follow me until I left town at eighteen years of age.
We only had one television in my house and it was in the living area where my mom was always laying on the sofa. So being able to watch anything on tv was out of the question. I had a few toys left over from when my dad was around, but I had outgrown them.
Since I was always being picked on at school or in a few instances beat up my grades did not matter much although I always managed C & B’s. I am not sure when or what grade I was in when everything turned around academically for me. Being stuck in your bedroom for extended periods of time left me with little do to other then sleep or read. I chose the latter and soon had read every one of my textbooks cover to cover.
I then started checking out book from the library especially about history which I really enjoyed. I learned about the Roman Empire, Kenghis Kahn, the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. By reading my textbooks carefully from cover to cover my grades immediately moved up to the better grades in the class.
My principle at my school wanted me to skip a grade but my mother refused. I mean after all I was cheap labor. I left John Milton with a 4.12 GPA, the highest in the school. My principal at Roosevelt High, Mr. Peterson was waiting for me on the first day of school. I met with him right after home room and he was waiting with my file on his desk.
I remember him being the first adult who exactly seemed as though he was seriously interested in me. He mentioned that he was going to monitor my progress and meet with me from time to time. He acknowledged that I could possibly have a bright future ahead of me which was the first time anyone had told me that. Up until that comment, I always thought that I would struggle for the rest of my life.
That first year, I met Miss Thompson who would be my English/Literature teacher. She gave us a list of books we would have to read that year and issued the first paperback on opening day, Animal House. I finished the book in three days but since I was still vague about the meaning of the book, I reread it gain. I then went to the library and talked to Mr. Tooley, the head librarian. He filled in the blanks for me basically making me understand that the book was about the Russian Revolution of 1917 and Communism. Once he described the characters to me, I reread the book again and everything made sense.
By the end of the year Miss Thompson had me read Great Expectations, Hound of the Baskervilles, Lord of the Flies, Old Man and the Sea, Jane Eyre, Last of the Mohicans and several short stories from Edgar Allen Poe.
I ended the year with a 4.21 GPA, the highest in the school. I was still being laughed at on a daily basis and had been punched several times that year. There was not much I could do about it other than report it which I only thought would make it worse. Since I was doing so well, Mr. Peterson suggested I skip a grade and become a junior immediately. I doubted my mother would agree but I caught her really drunk one night and lied saying it was just a permission slip and she signed it immediately.
It took me a few weeks to acclimate to junior class, but I caught up quickly. If I remember correctly the abuse became even worse because Hobo was a year younger and showing up the junior class. Again, I tried best to avoid everyone even skipping lunch most days where I would hide out in the gym and read or study.
Mr. Peterson asked me that year to start a tutoring program in the library after school for students who needed help. I agreed and soon there were two seniors and myself all helping anyone who showed up after school. I still remember Dillion Harper, the most beautiful girl in our school show up one evening when I was the only tutor then. She was woefully behind in Math and on the verge on failing. She dated Brad Parker who was Mr. Wonderful on campus and the quarterback of the foot ball team.
After finding out that Hobo was hanging out with his girlfriend my life got even worst. They would follow me around school, throw things at me and jump me in the bathroom whenever possible.
That year, a new couple moved in next door to my house. It was a younger couple as I would later learn were Walter And Sara McAllister. On our first introduction, I learned that Mrs. McAllister was a nurse and Mr. McAllister was a certified public account. When Mr. McAllister asked me about my schoolwork, I explained what had happened to me as of now. He seemed impressed that I had skipped a grade and told me if I was that could at math, he could use some help.
True to his word later that year he asked me to help him double check simple math and check spreadsheets for clients. I was super careful always striving to be correct and more than one occasion I would find an error which always made me feel great. Not that someone had made a mistake but that I could find it.
Toward the end of that year, I was in the library helping Dillion Harper take a practice test when her boyfriend walked in. He immediately accused me of sitting too close to his girlfriend. Dillion came to my defense saying I was the only reason that she would pass and become a senior. But since he had two buddies with him, I guess he felt he had to prove a point. Out of nowhere his fist met the side of my face knocking me to the ground. I remember laying on the ground for quite awhile and once I got up the library was empty. By the time I came back to school my left eye was swollen shut and most of the left side of my face was black and blue. I remember being sent to Mr. Peterson’s office from homeroom for an incident report. On the walk, I remember thinking telling the truth would be disastrous for me. So when he asked me what had happened, I lied and told him a boy in my neighborhood did it. I don’t think he bought it but there was not much he could do at this point.
I got out of that year without much more trouble in part because I did not snitch Brad Parker out. On the other hand, knowing I kept my much shut gave them carte blanche to do whatever they wanted to do to me. I still had two more years of school left and tried to make the best of them.
Once again, I kept to myself at school and worked with Mr. McAllister as much as I could. I had saved some money which was tucked under the carpet in my bedroom. If my mother ever found out she would drink it up in no time. In the middle of that year, Mr. Peterson called me into the office and asked me about where I attended to go to college.
I explained to him that my family had no money and my mother’s situation. Between study for school, working for Mr. McAllister and cleaning my house I had very little time for anything else. I explained that my mother constantly drank and did not have a job. He seemed quite shocked but listened carefully to my story.
When I ended, it was easy to see he was deeply moved. He informed me that he could help me to apply for several scholarships due to my stellar academic record. He asked me if I have given any thought on what I would like to do after graduating and I mentioned that I enjoyed the work I was doing with McAllister and might consider that.
At the end of the year, Mr. Peterson told me even though I was in twelve grade I would not graduate. We had one class in school that took nothing but pre-college courses. Since there would only be seven students in this class, I was given textbooks to take home and look over during the summer.
During that summer, I started going to the library quite a bit. I started the with most basic books about banking and how they operated. By the end of the summer, I was reading books on investing and the stock market. I would also get on their computers and read about anything I found interesting. By the time I stared my last year of high school, I began to see the world in an entire new way.
From what I gathered the ability to make money and keep it was what kept the earth spinning on its axis. Not that money was everything but the lack of it was much worse. During the summer with my new found outlook, I knew I wanted to take accounting in college.
When I returned to school and met Mr. Peterson, I informed him that accounting was my choice. He nodded and told me he would get right to work on it. I started my last year of school with a vengeance studying and reading everything I could. I would spend all day of Saturday in the library reading anything I could about economics, money, investing and brokering.
The most ironic thing about that last year in school was that Brad Parker had failed the previous year. His girl friend Dillion had graduated and went on to college out of state. Brad was now under the gun to get a 2.50 GPA in his first nine weeks so he could remain on the football team. It was hard to believe that in less then a year my life could possibly changed forever. But I was going to need a lot of help and I did not have many people in my corner.
My mother had gotten to the point where she was drinking a fifth or more of vodka every day. She would drink anything, but vodka was her drink of choice. Only a few times a week would I even see her awake and even then, we had nothing to say to each other. I was still keeping the house clean just to keep the peace.
I was meeting with Mr. Peterson about once every two weeks as he helped me fill out scholarship forms.
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