His Women (2)
“We’ll just have to work around it, she was pretty insistent, she particularly wants to see you Ryan, first grandchild and all. Since you’re so frequently deployed she wouldn’t be denied.”
Back in Springfield, Gram, Tina Wright, was a little befuddled, it had seemed that Kim didn’t really want her to come but she wasn’t going to be denied. At seventy-one she was a rather regal woman, her hair, now snow white with age was still beautifully coiffed, she, like her daughter was tall and slender her clothing modest, for she was a modest woman who led an exemplary life. She had a voice from the angels, a high soprano. She sang lead in the church choir, she’d done so since she was seventeen. She attended church services every Sunday, Wednesday evenings were devoted to choir practice, she went to the garden club on Mondays, her roses were prize winners every year. On Tuesdays she got together with three other friends for bridge and their one vice, they all drank a little wine. Thursdays she volunteered at the church thrift shop, Fridays she met friends for an evening out, they tried various restaurants and took in a movie. Saturdays she devoted to herself, she studied her bible.
Her life seemed so full, she was continually on the go, but to her, it was like life was passing her by, sometimes she felt like she was in a cloistered convent albeit one without walls. Tina had grown up as the only daughter of a church deacon. Her father recognized her fantastic voice, he’d introduced her to the choir master, at seventeen he’d made her the lead singer. His name was Marvin Wright, he was twenty years her senior, she was twenty-two and a virgin when they married. They had their daughter Kimberly when she was twenty-four, she was a widow by the time she was thirty, a heart attack had taken Marvin at the young age of forty nine. She had been celibate since. Forty-two years, she’d prayed that she would meet someone but that prayer was never granted, now she was well past any expectation. The bible offers a life span of three score and ten, she felt like she was living on borrowed time, she was three score and eleven. That was why she was so insistent about visiting, it might be her last chance to see her grandson Ryan.
Yes, Tina Wright had led a chaste and righteous life and sometimes she regretted it, somehow she felt she may have missed out on some of the fun things in life. If asked if she was happy she would reply that she was content. She had her friends, her church, her little Peekapoo Mitzi (who would be staying with her neighbor while she was away), her home and financial security, what more was necessary?
Well, she did have one secret, she’d prayed about it many times, it seemed somehow evil, but buried in her panty drawer was her secret, a small vibrator she used once a month. She could get herself good and wet although she’d never climaxed. She’d gotten it out, should she take it with her? No, she’d be too embarrassed to use it, she reburied it among her plain white cotton undergarments.
Her flight was uneventful, Ryan had parked in short term, sh there was a quick hug and a peck on the cheek, he grabbed her luggage and off they went.
“I thought Kim and Ursula would be with you,” she said.
“I think they’re in the midst of fixing a big feast in your honor Gram, we’re all so glad you came, it’s been to long.”
“You have no idea how happy to be here, you’re right, it’s been a long time, far too long.”
They made small talk for the remainder of the ride. Both Kim and Ursula were in the kitchen when they got there, hugs and peck kisses all around, both of the girls were clad in shorts and tee shirts, the fact that they were braless was evident (well at least in Ursula’s case), Tina was a little surprised at the casualness but refrained from commenting. Kim suggested that she might want a bath after traveling all day. Tina said she did, Kim asked Ryan to show her to the guest room.
He carried her suitcases and put them on the bed then showed her to the bathroom , he started the water running to fill the huge tub.
“Gosh, I believe I could swim in this,” Tina commented.
“Try the Jacuzzi jets Gram, they’re great on stiff muscles.”
He got a fluffy white bath sheet and a loofah sponge, “Enjoy,” he said as he left.
She did, enjoy that is, she’d never been in a Jacuzzi tub, she could get used to it and she could afford it, she might just to have one installed.
She’d positioned herself to get a shoulder massage, rolled onto one side for her back then the other side for the rest of her back, she even presented, she’d never had a butt massage, again, she could get used to it, then her legs and thighs, it got a little too close, she thought, naughty girl, she’d never gotten a massage there either, it had reared it’s little pearl tip in appreciation of it’s bath, it was now nudged through her labia, all she could think was “Down Girl,” then she thought, Oh Lord, I’m seventy-one years old, what am I doing, she’d pray on it tonight.
She dried with the big fluffy bath sheet, opened her suitcase, took out and put on her brassiere and her cotton panties then sat at the vanity to brush her hair. She applied antiperspirant and dabbed on a little cologne, then a light lipstick, she stood, she approved, she put on a white sun dress and a white blouse adorned with blue sun flowers, she stepped into a white pair of mules and opened the bedroom door.
She was hungry, peanuts on the flight didn’t go far, her mouth watered, a beautiful roast of beef, brown and crisp on the outside, a band of perfect medium rare and a rare center, it was accompanied brown and luscious Hasselback potatoes and a summer squash medley, there was also a bottle of Zinfandel breathing on the sideboard, Ryan directed her to her seat and pulled out her chair.
“Gosh Gram, you’re beautiful, I love the dress,” he told her.
“Thank you Ryan though I feel a bit overdressed for this occasion,” she eyed her daughter.
“I’m sorry Mom, I should have told you, here we opt for a casual approach.”
“I’ll say,” Tina commented, a little haughtily perhaps.
Both of the girls had removed their shorts, here at the table they were barefooted wearing only tee shirts and panties.
Their appearance didn’t at all detract from the meal, it was absolutely delectable and the Zinfandel, she thought of Zinfandel as pink, this was a deep red and a perfect compliment for the beef. When she commented that she thought of Zinfandel as a pink wine and too sweet for her taste, Ryan educated her.
“Gram, both come from the same grape, the grapes used to make Pink Zinfandel are peeled, the grapes to make this are not.”
Dessert was pecan tarts served with a Malmsey Madeira, coffee was offered but no one was interested, the wine was the perfect compliment for the tart.
They sat around the table, each took a second glass of the Madeira, the conversation pleasant as they caught up on family and friends.
Finally Tina said, “It’s been a long day and I find travel tiring, if you don’t mind I think the bed is calling.”
Everyone gave her a good night peck and a hug. Once she’d gone to the bedroom Kim asked, “What’s the arrangement for tonight?”
“I thought you might like company, would you mind?” Ryan asked.
“Your room or mine?” Was all she wanted to know.
“Yours, did you stock up on some lubricants?”
“You know I did, so did Ursula, no way that pole of yours goes in without greasing the chute,” they all had a little chuckle.
The three of them traipsed up the staircase.
“Tina had undressed, hung her dress up like the fastidious person she was, taken off her brassiere and donned her nightgown, she slept in her panties, perish the thought but there could a fire, she couldn’t be caught bare bottomed.
She turned back the covers, the linens were crisp but wonderfully soft, the sheets were 5000 thread count Egyptian cotton, soft as a cloud. But as she’d rolled back the duvet an odd aroma had wafted up, now it was a fragrance that was niggling, she should be able to identify it, it played through her mind, she knew that the sense of smell created the most powerful memories, she was tired but sleep eluded her while her mind churned finally sleep won out, Tina slept.
Breakfast was served at eight, it was Monday morning, Kim had arranged to have the week off to spend with her Mom but Ryan had work and Ursula school, both were dressed but Kim was again attired in panties and a tee shirt. Tina had taken the time, after completing her abulations she’d brushed her hair and put on minimal make up, if pride was a venial sin she was guilty, she did take pride in her appearance, she donned a light blue dress and came out in time to see Ryan and Ursula leave, she joined Kim at the table, white coffee with two sugars, Kim made whole wheat toast.
“Dieting,” Kim asked.
“No, I don’t try to lose weight, I can’t gain it, how about you?”
“One thirty five for most of my life.”
“So why only the toast?”
“My tummy sometimes gets a little queasy.” No way she could confess that nine inches of her Son invading her bowels could sometimes leave her a bit distressed, this was one of those times.
“I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, is there something I can get you?”
“No Mom, I’ll be fine but thanks for your concern.”
And it suddenly came to her, of course she knew the scent from the bedroom last night, fact be known, it was so familiar she’d overlooked it, she’d probably added a minuscule molecule or two, it was a female vagina, she had one, Kim had one and so did Ursula, now she could smell her daughter, it was more than just a scent of her vagina, she smelled of sex, sex with a miasma of sewer gas, ah Jesus, Tina was hardly an expert on sex, Marvin had been her only partner, she’d never done or had done those scary, immoral, wonderful things that she’d read about (under the covers of course) in the novels that were then called “Bodice Rippers,”
“Kim, I’m old, I’m ignorant and I’m naïve, but Kim, I am a woman, would you like to talk about it?”
“What do you mean Mother?”
“You haven’t changed a bit, I’m always Mom except when you have something to hide, then you get formal and I’m Mother. I’ve got a couple of suggestions if you want to hide what you’re doing; bathe before you come down and, for God Sake change clothes.”
“I, I don’t know what to say, was it that easy to find me out?”
“Maybe but not really, when I pulled back the duvet on the bed I smelled something, it toyed at the edge of memory all night, I didn’t realize what it was until I went to the bathroom this morning, I could smell myself, similar genes, we smell quite alike, I knew I was smelling you on that bed.”
Kim’s head hung, was there anything worse than being outed by Mom?
“I I don’t know what to say Mom.”
“Is this why you didn’t want me to visit?”
“How long has it been going on Kim?”
“Several months.”
“I’d like for us to go to church, doing this isn’t natural, we should pray on it.”
“Mom, I have, I prayed for years, life’s lonely without a man, the bed’s cold and so is the heart, I prayed and finally my prayers were answered.”
“Ryan, he was the answer to your prayers?”
“Yes Mom, he’s wonderful, he loves me and he wants me. I’ve never been happier.”
“Sex with your son, I don’t know what to say Kim.”
“Mom, you don’t need to say anything, I’m sorry you found out, I’m sorry but I’m not ashamed, if you want to damn me, so be it.”
“No Kim, I don’t want to damn you, you’re my daughter and I love you, I want to understand you.”
“Mom, I’m a woman, I have wants and desires, I’m forty-seven and life was passing me by, my son is usually out of the house and my daughter will graduate college in two years, I’ll be alone here, I don’t think I could stand it, being alone I mean.”
“He’ll be deployed again, won’t he?”
“Yes, of course, but I’ll have my memories and, beside he gets annual leave, I can wait a year but I don’t think it through a lifetime.”
“Kimberly, it’s been forty-two years since I’ve been with a man.”
“Then you’re a far stronger woman than I am.”
“Does Ursula know?”
“She knows.”
“Have you spoken to her?”
“Yes Mother, I’ve spoken to her many times.”
“The clothes, please don’t tell me.”
“Ok, I won’t.”
“She, she, both of you.”
“Yes Mother, we share.”
“So he has his own little harem if I understand correctly.”
“If that’s the way you choose to view it, I suppose so, it works for us.”
“Tell me, what kind of lifestyle is this?”
“Oh, Mom, I don’t know, that’s a judgment you can make if you must, pretend we’re Mormons or something or maybe he’s an Arabic pasha. But please don’t criticize us, we love each other and Mom, we love you, too.”
“Kim, I’d like to pray on this, I need to ask God’s direction, please excuse me,” as Tina returned to her bedroom and shut the door.
Kim was sick, why did she have to visit now, her righteous, chaste and sanctimonious mother had no place in her life right now. She loved the woman but she was going to be a major intrusion in, perhaps, the happiest time of her life, she wanted to throw something, she wanted to cry. She fixed breakfast, a slice of melon, two eggs poached, a single rasher of thick sliced bacon, two slices of whole grain toast with I can’t believe it’s not butter and a four ounce glass of V8 juice. She fixed two portions.
“Mom,” Tina said as she opened the bedroom door. She found her mother kneeling at the foot of the bed, obviously praying, “I’ve fixed breakfast, yours is ready.”
The older woman looked over, “I’ll be just a moment, you go ahead.”
Jeez, Kim thought, she’s really taking this to heart, instead of having her hands clasped in prayer she was holding her breasts as though trying to gain access to her heart, she silently closed the door.
Breakfast was a silent affair, Kim didn’t know what to say and Tina seemed preoccupied. Finally, finally she said, “The Lord gave me no directions, I guess I’m alone on this.”
“You expected God to speak to you?” Kim asked.
“No, not at all but usually contemplation leads me to an answer, but not in this event. It’s created a dilemma, on the one hand I don’t believe it’s right but on the other it involves the three people I love best in the world, do you see?”
“I guess I can understand but please realize, it hurts no one, no one aside from you knows or suspects and it makes us happy.”
“Kimberly, I have come to a decision, it’s your life, I have no right to intrude.”
“Thank you Mother.”
“And please stop calling me Mother, I’m Mom, remember.”
Kim laughed through the tears leaking from her pretty hazel eyes.
“Yes Mom.”
“That’s better, come here and give me a hug.” The women embraced.
“Ok, now that we’ve gotten through that, tell me what it’s like to be part of a harem, does jealousy rear it’s ugly head?”
“It did but it’s something we’ve worked through, I even believe it brought us all closer.”
“Ok, tell me, why the get-up, the way you and Ursula dress?”
Kim flushed with embarrassment, how could she talk about this with her Mom.”
‘Come on Kim, it wasn’t that hard of a question.”
“Mom, please this is kinda hard, I suppose the answer is we want to show our wares, entice him, and, obviously it makes us more available to his touch.”
“So it’s carnal desire?”
“Yes damn it, yes, his touch inflames me, it makes my tummy churn and my panties get wet, God, just talking about it now and I can feel him me, do YOU understand?”
“No Kim, I’m afraid I don’t,” Tina said as she got up and returned to her room.
She stripped of her dress and shoes and laid down on the bed. No, she couldn’t understand, she couldn’t understand the emotions of her daughter. Tina had been married, she’d had a child, she’d had a sex life. Marvin wanted to engage in sex once a month, it consisted of him mounting her for two minutes then him rolling off and almost immediately beginning to snore, how could that be so attractive, she hadn’t enjoyed it, it was a duty and nothing more.
She wondered what it must be like to experience the excitement and arousal Kim felt? She was seventy-one, she was pious, she was chaste, her hand caressed her tummy, what would it be like to have a man who made you wet your panties and act a bit crazy, her hand slid down to her abdomen, it was really there that Kim would feel the churning, her vagina, her anus, uterus, ovaries, Tina had them, too but hers didn’t churn, they occupied space in her body.
What would it be like to be a woman, oh she knew she was a woman, she sat down to pee, which seemed the only remaining part of her plumbing that was useful, no she meant A WOMAN, one that had a man she wanted as he wanted her, a man to laugh with and to cry with, a man who could ignite her with only a touch. She’d never know now, she was old and alone, she doubted that, at her age, there was even tinder for a spark to ignite.
She softly wept into her pillow.
Ursula came from school and, soon after Ryan was home from work, Ursula bathed then she and Kim started working on dinner. Tina saw more now.
Kim was at the sink, Ryan approached her from behind, he hugged her, “Have a good day?” He asked., His hand was on her abdomen, he pulled her back against him, he kissed the nape of her neck, her head fell back on his shoulder, her smile was angelic as she cooed, “It is now.”
He was different with Ursula, he teased her, “Um, what are you fixing, it smells good.”
“A stew from left over roast beef from last night.”
“And I thought it was the fragrance of sweet sister,” his fingers lightly stroked her shoulders and back. Tina heard her whisper, “It’s my turn tonight.”
“Ah, a dessert sweeter than Pavlova, I can hardly wait.”
He walked over to Tina, “I owe you a hug Gram, and I must say, you look especially attractive tonight, I love your hair.”
Tina blushed, she wasn’t accustomed to such effusive flattery. She made an effort with her appearance, it was rewarding to have it acknowledged. He hugged her and gave her a little kiss on the throat.
“You’re delicious, I’m so glad you’re here with us, it makes the family complete.”
His hand was on the small of Tina’s back, she realized she wanted him to draw her to his body, her knees felt weak, she moaned softly in his ear, she pulled back from his embrace, she was on the verge of making a fool of herself, she glanced toward the kitchen, Kim was watching her, she’d seen, she smiled.
Tina moved quickly back to her bedroom, she’d embarrassed herself, she was Miz Perfect, she kept her emotions in check, she sang high soprano in the church choir, she donated time and money to worthy causes, she’d felt it coming, it’d been like a flash of lightning then a rumble of thunder, she reached under her pretty dress, her panties were soaked.
It had never happened to her before, it was spontaneous and uncontrolled, her body sensed and prepared, she wanted and expected to be bred, her lubrication made it easier for him to get into her. Of course at seventy-one she was well past the age for breeding, she slid a finger through the leg hole of her panty, she touched herself, the fluid was viscous and slick. She laid quietly, lost in though, experiencing self-recrimination and day dreams, she thought herself a silly old woman.
She bathed, the warm water was so relaxing, as it began to cool she added more hot, she wasn’t ready to face whatever waited outside her bedroom door.
Finally she got out and dried, she brushed her hair and touched up her make-up, she pulled on panties and a bra then decided to shelter herself behind satin pajamas, a matching robe and wedge heeled bedroom slippers
“I’m sorry Mom, I guess we thought you’d gone down for the night, we went ahead and ate but I saved you a plate,” Kim told her.
“That’s fine, I’m not particularly hungry, my stomach’s a little queasy.”
“Can I get you anything else?”
“The wine we had last night, the Madeira, perhaps a little of that would help my tummy, could I?”
“Of course, Ursula, would you get Mom a glass please.”
Tina was hardly a drinker, a glass or two of white wine on bridge night, tonight was an exception, when she poured herself her third, Kim cautioned, “Mom, Madeira is a fortified wine, it’s far more powerful than normal wine.”
“Thaas Ok,” Tina answered, gulped down the half glass and poured another.
Ryan excused himself and went into the living room, there was a basketball game on that he and his $50.00 bet were interested in.
Shortly Ursula left, announcing, “Got school tomorrow, night all.”
Ryan called after her, “I’ll be up as soon as the game’s over.”
Tina thought, so it’s Ursula’s night. Kim stayed up for another half hour before saying goodnight, Tina gave her a little two finger wave, “Night Sweetie, I think it’s my bedtime, too.”
As Kim climbed the stairs Tina returned to her bedroom.
She sat on the bed, she felt she was going to faint, when she heard him turn off the television she thought she’d wet her panties, she stumbled to the bedroom door, her knees were knocking and her body was trembling, she was frightened, of course he was going to reject her, she was just a foolish old woman.
He was walking toward the staircase, her voice stopped him. “Doesn’t Gram get a good night kiss?”
His smile was beatific, “How could I forget the sweetest girl I know,” as he came over to her.
She was trembling, when he got to her, she thought she might be sick.
He hugged her and started to give her a little peck, her hand went to the back of his head, she kissed him with a passion she didn’t know she had, she pressed her body against his, he didn’t push her away, he held her close, one hand on the small of her back the other around her shoulders, she held the kiss, he didn’t try to break it.
Her breath was sweet and hot coming in gasping pants, she painted herself to him, her breasts against his chest, her groin grinding his.
He broke the kiss, “You’re sure Tina?” He asked.
She nodded yes then looked into his eyes, “Please Ryan, please.”
The hand on her back slid lower, he caressed her bottom and pulled her even closed, she could feel his erection rising, she felt like she was floating, and then she was, she heard the door close and the lock fall into place then she was in his arms, he was carrying her.
He sat her on the bed then climbed on behind her, with his hands on her shoulders he nuzzled, kissed and softly nipped at the nape of her neck.
He tok her robe down off her shoulders, once it was off he said, “Pretty PJ’s Tina,” as he began to unbutton the front.
Once they were open he cupped her breasts, “Magnificent,” he said.
“Tiny,” she replied.
“Bigger than your daughter’s,” he countered.
“She doesn’t have any, that’s no comparison, look at Ursula’s.”
“I do Tina, I do.”
“I see a spectacular woman who I very much love,” he told her.
She expected to be stripped, she expected groping hands, she expected two minutes of boredom before the infernal snoring, she, she, she.
He whispered, “I love you, you know, you’re such an important part of my life.”
Her pajama top was unbuttoned, the plush satin slid from her arms, his lips were at her throat as though he was tasting her, in fact he was, pheromones, hormones and stress perspiration.
“Relax Tina, there’s nothing to be afraid of, I won’t hurt you, you’re my special gal.”
He unfastened her brassiere and slowly lowered it over her arms.
Over her shoulder he kissed her right breast, “You should never wear a bra again, your breasts are beautiful.”
“Oh Ryan, I sag.”
“Then it will be my job to keep then full and swollen, would you like that?”
“Silly Boy,” she said.
She gasped as he took a nipple between his lips, rolled it and teased it with his tongue, her breath came in ragged puffs
“What do you like Tina, tell me what you want.”
“I don’t know Ryan, I just don’t know, I’ve never done anything like this before.”
“Wonderful, that gives me the opportunity to explore every nook and cranny of your delightful body.”
Fingers stroked her flanks then down over hips then down the outsides of her thighs, he kissed her feet then sucked each of her toes then lightly massaged her inner thighs, instinctively she opened her legs further granting him access, his thumbs pressed along her femoral arteries, beside her vulvae.
Touch me, she thought, please touch me, he continued to tease her, every place touched seemed to burn, his touch was hot her body was demanding, “Take my pants off Ryan, please take my pants off.”
He smiled at her, “If that’s what you’d like Tina.”
Her hands flew to the buttons, she lifted her hips as he pulled her pajama bottoms off, she was now clad in only her panties, finally he touched her, he stroked her vulva through the soft cotton.
“God, you’re such a desirable woman,” he told her.
“Then take me, please take me,” her hips were working simulating sex.
“There’s no rush Tina, do you like oral sex, I can’t wait to taste you.”
“I, I don’t know, I’ve never done that.”
“Then, my sweet lady, you’re in for a treat, lift your hips.”
Her underwear came off, he sat back on his haunches taking her in.
Her face was still pretty, her cotton top in a short bob, she had crow’s feet, smile lines from her gray/green eyes, her neck was long , swan like, her breasts were a size larger than Kim’s and, yes, there was a little sag, there was a small amount of loose skin at her stomach and abdomen, her pubic hair was untrimmed and predominately silver, her thighs were still slim and firm, the only sigh of age in her lower extremities were the blue veins evident in her feet.
She expected him to take her, he didn’t, instead he laid over her, he kissed her then whispered, “I’m going to make love to you Tina, I’m going to make love to like a woman deserves.”
He started with a kiss, he stole her breath, his tongue snaked into her mouth probing her until she answered, he nipped at her lip then moved to her ear, again he nibbled her lobes, with a finger under her chin he lifted her head to kiss her exposed throat followed by a hand, he gently squeezed.
She was scared about what he was doing, she felt the pressure, his eyes locked on hers, “Let go Tina, just let go,” she came for the first time in her life. She was trembling, he held her close, “That’s my girl,” he told her.
He continued to trail down over her, he massaged and caressed her breasts, he circled her areolae with the tip of his tongue, her nipples felt like they were going to burst before hot breath and tongue trailed down over her soft belly. How can tugging at her pubic hair be arousing, it was, his mouth was so close, she’d never done it before or had it done to her, yet she was exuding fluid in anticipation. He was gently blowing on her then a soft kiss, a kiss where no one had ever kissed before, just the touch of his lips, her body shook as she climaxed.
“Nectar of the Gods as produced by my Goddess,” he said as he licked her, he even sucked at her vagina so none was missed.
His tongue circled her clitoris, he kept her at the verge, she cried for him to finish, instead, he worked down.
His lips encompassed her urethra, he even sucked a little, Oh my God, she thought, he’s tasting my urine. It should have been repulsive, it was, she couldn’t think any further as she had her third orgasm, he looked up at her and smiled.
He didn’t spend a lot of time at her vagina, just a quick dip. He hadn’t forced her legs back but now he didn’t need to, she pulled them back herself, she wanted to expose herself, he was licking her perineum, that area between vulva and anus, (some call it taint, taint pussy, taint asshole), he wasn’t so crude, her sounds were luscious when he began to rim her.
Oh my god, he’d drunk her pee but now he was, Sweet Jesus, she had to make his stop, she, oh no, it was so dirty, so nasty, she could make him stop, it was her body, she could tell him no, she could tell him
“Nooooooooooooo,” she screamed as the strongest orgasm she’d had yet rocked her, he moved up, her clitoris was swollen and blood engorged, it protruded between her labia, he flicked it with his tongue, she came again, he moved up and kissed her, she could taste herself and she didn’t mind at all.
“Are you ready Tina,” he asked.
“Please, I don’t think my heart can take any more.”
“So you liked?”
“Oh Ryan, I’m seventy-one, I wish I was twenty-one so I could look forward to fifty years of this.”
They smiled at each other, one of the real benefits of sex between people who love one another, Ryan said, “I’m pretty big so I’m going to use a lubricant, do you mind?”
“I’m the novice, you’re the expert, do what’s right,” she said.
They’d stashed the lubes in the bottom drawer of the nightstand, he got out the KY Jelly, anointed the throat of her vagina with a small amount, slicked a little on his penis then settled into the warm and wonderful cradle her upraised thighs had created.
Their eyes locked, each anxious to see how the other would respond, he ran his penis along her slit, she was breathing hard, he centered on her vagina and nudged the tip of the head into her.
“Ready?” He asked.
She nodded yes.
The lubricant helped as his penis slid further in, she was nearly as tight as a virgin, forty-two years of celibacy left her vulnerable, he took her slowly, gently. She was seventy-one and his grandmother, he watched her face, she was beautiful, nearly angelic, he edged forward, now a grimace, he only had two inches in her.
“I don’t want to hurt you Tina, are you Ok?”
“Oh God yes, please Ryan, put it in me, let me know how a woman truly feels, she had to turn her head aside, these words had never passed over Christina Wright’s lips, they came almost as a plea, fuck me Ryan, damn it, fuck me.
He had about four inches into her, he began to slowly stroke. With each stroke he thrust a little further, a little deeper, she spread her legs further, he stroked her face, she was sweat soaked, she was seventy-one, her body was being stressed, he loved her, he didn’t want to hurt her.
Tina knew this wasn’t going to work, he cared too much for her, she tensed, her hips and legs still retained much of their earlier strength, deep breath and up, she exploded up.
She cried out, yes, it hurt, damned right it hurt, through the pain she smiled, “I love you Ryan.”
“I love you, too, Gram.”
He was in her.
“Now please fuck me, I want to know what it’s like,” she told him.
Really spectacular, her moans and gasps, he really was gentle with her but he couldn’t change the fact that nine inches of cock was exploring the what would have been known on the old show Star Trek as the unexplored country, she gasped as he went further into her depths.
“Am I hurting you Tina?” He wanted to hear her.
“Yes, of course, it feels like I have a telephone pole in me and, foolishly it’s exactly what I want, damn it Ryan, fuck me, I won’t break.”
He held her in the missionary position, his big cock was opening her, her sounds and expressions were delightful, oh, sometimes it seemed she was being hurt and, perhaps she was but it was a pain she’d craved for over forty years, he laid back and pulled her atop, she was riding him Cowgirl, without his weight on her she rode him. Their faces wee only inches apart, her breath was coming in gasps when she came, he loved it, she trembled, her vagina clenched with a contraction, her eyes, they flew open, she moaned then gasped, “Oh My God.”
He said to her, “It is pretty nice, isn’t it.”
“Oh Ryan, why did I wait so long.”
“Maybe I’m glad you did, otherwise it wouldn’t have been me,” her head fell to his shoulder, in her orgasmic frenzy she bit him.
“What are you now, my little cannibal, I’ll remember that.”
“Oh gosh Ryan, I’m sorry, I was just overcome.”
“Are you having fun Tina?”
“This goes beyond fun, fun is a merry go round, a Ferris wheel, this is heart rending, gut wrenching, he thrust up hard, she moaned then admitted, and vagina stretching, you’re so darn big.”
“You like, don’t you?”
Her position atop him and their slow pace allowed for conversation.
“So, tell me Tina, is it what you expected?”
“No, how I’ve felt, how I feel was unimaginable to me just hours ago, Ryan Honey, not only have you opened me physically, you’ve opened my mind, I have a lot to think about.
Tina raised herself above his cock, it fell out, she slid down his legs, “I’ve always wanted to try this,” her hand grasped and stroked his cock as her sweet lips took the head in.
She could get about half of him into her mouth, she worked him, she gagged but she didn’t give up, her cotton top bobbed.
Her head came up, “I never expected that I would do this especially with my own taste on your shaft.”
“Do you like it?”
“Unhunh, I do.”
He let her work on for about ten minutes, she was like a kid with a new toy as she sucked, licked and stroked his penis and God, it felt good.
Finally he asked, “Tina, do you want me to cum in your mouth?”
The cotton top bobbed up, she had a little smile on her face as she admitted, “I don’t think I’m quite ready for that yet.”
“Then we better change positions, you’re just too good at what you’re doing.”
He coaxed her up onto her hands and knees, “Damn you’re sexy,” he commented as he licked her several times before he spread her labia and entered her.
He was deeper in her and she realized she was making little whimpering sounds, it was giving her an ache in places she’d never ached before, she wondered how could pain feel so grand. She felt it coming, her extremities began to quiver, the sensations turned her to jelly. He felt it coming, too, he gripped her hips and thrust hard, deeper than he’d been before and held her there, she wailed as the orgasms rolled through her. His arms came around her, he lifted her backwards, with his hands on her breasts he pumped her hard and fast, her legs began to tremble, Ryan continued to hold her, his cock was deep within her, he held her fast.
“Just go with it Tina, let yourself go, I’m here for you.” He could feel her contractions coming hard and fast, she babbled, her feelings beyond lucid expression, she was sweat soaked, her body slick as an otters, Ryan continued to hold her, whispering to her, encouraging her as years of sexual frustration was purged, her head dropped.
His cock was still in her, as he lowered her to the mattress it slid out, he turned her onto her back, she gasped, “Ryan?” It was a frightened question.
He leaned forward and kissed her, “It’s alright Tina, I’m here for you. I’m going to finish now,” as he slid into her vagina.
Her arms and legs wrapped around him as she moaned into his ear, “Ryan, Ryan, Ryan.”
He gave a quiet grunt, whispered, “I love you Tina,” his cock jerked then pulsed within her, his ejaculate was hot as it flooded her, he slowly pumped her until the flow stopped, Still he didn’t pull out, he stroked her face and finger combed her cotton locks.
“It was unbelievable Ryan, I had no idea,” she said.
“You enjoyed it then?” He asked.
“Oh God yes, I had no idea what you brought out of me, it’s just that it was so out of character for me, I’m going to have to contemplate on it.”
She continued, “I’m so naïve Ryan, the feelings you could give my body, I feel like I’ve succumbed to the temptations of the flesh, like I’m unworthy.”
His cock had become flaccid and fallen out, he laid down next to her and took her into his arms.
“As you contemplate consider this, there is so much more that I want to teach you Tina. I’ll hurt you, I’ll make you cry, I’ll make you laugh and I’ll make you see stars, it’ll be a hellava ride. I’ll make you want me as much as I want you.”
She looked into his eyes, “I already do, can’t you see, that’s my dilemma.
He gently stroked her, her flanks and tummy until she settled into the Arms of Morpheus.
He waited several minutes then got up, she was nude, he pulled the sheet up over her.
As he opened the door, she said, “I was afraid you weren’t going to come.”
“I won’t disappoint you Sis.”
He slid into bed with her, she could smell the other woman on him, she moaned, he had taken her quickly, he was in her.
Tina’s sleep was wracked by disturbing dreams, she was a chaste and pious woman, she sang high soprano in her church choir, she, she couldn’t shake the thoughts of what she’d done and it called her faith into question. Not her faith in God, that was unshakable but her faith in organized religion, the rules were written by men not God. Rules that suppressed carnal delight for females, were they only to gain and keep control over women?
The fundamental enigma for her was, if God had endowed his female creation with such an extraordinary body, a body structured for pleasure, why had the authors of the Bible denied and stiffled it’s existence. Was it possible that womankind was a metaphor for the forbidden fruit in the story of Adam and Eve? Her delights the temptation of Adam? She thought not, the urge to couple, to procreate was fundamental to the existence of mankind God in his wisdom, had made it a pleasurable experience for woman, why else would she permit man to penetrate and invade her?
Tina woke fresh and invigorated, she bathed and dressed then knelt at the foot of her bed to pray.
She thanked God for her family and for her faith in Him, she hesitated, could she even say it? Thank you Lord for making me a woman and for leading me to my grandson so he may be my teacher, amen.
When she came out they were already at the breakfast table, Ryan in uniform for his day at the recruiting office, Ursula in shorts and a top for her day at school and Kim in panties and a tee shirt.
“Good Morning,” she greeted.
With a smile from each of them she heard, “Good Morning Gram.”
She poured herself a cup of coffee.
First Ryan then Ursula left to meet their responsibilities for the day, Kim and Tina remained.
“Mom, I’m gonna add a little brandy to my coffee, then we’re gonna talk, you want some?”
“Will I need it?” Tina asked.
“Probably,” Kim answered.
Tina pushed her cup toward Kim.
“Do you want to talk about last night Mom?”
“You know?”
“Yes Mom, I know, how did it happen?”
“I can’t really say, I guess I realized how you all were living your lives, or maybe better said, your communal life and you all seemed happy. Happy in a way that I’ve never really experienced, I wanted to sample it, taste it, feel it.”
“Did you?”
“Oh My Yes, Kim, your father was the only man I’d ever been with, his penis was about five inches long and no wider than a taper candle. Sex or what passed for sex was two minutes atop me, roll off and snore. That’s all and everything I knew about sex until last night.”
“Mom, we’re not so different, I’d been with three men, two short term and, of course my husband. Sex wasn’t comets and starbursts, it was an obligation, at least I got five minutes before the snore.
And Ursula, she was a virgin, she insisted that Ryan take her virginity, isn’t it ironic, he has three generations and we all offered or forced ourselves on him.”
“Kim, it scares me, I don’t mean what happened, I mean how I feel, I’ve never felt so much a woman, sometimes it came close to ripping me apart, sometimes I wanted to just scream, I am woman hear me roar, and, Oh God he made me roar. One night, just one night and I don’t think I can go back to being Miz Prim and Proper, I want to be in his arms and I want him in me.”
Kim smiled, “It doesn’t take long to become addicted, I guess he has three girls now.”
“I can’t imagine I’ll hold his interest long, I’m old.”
“Mom, I believe one is only as old as they let themselves feel, Ryan will tell you, your most important sexual organ is your mind and it’s true, you want to learn, you want to explore, I know him, he’ll want to teach you, you don’t have a thing to worry about.”
“I don’t know Kim, I’m almost afraid, I liked it too well, what happens if he decides to reject me.”
Kim thought on for a moment then laughed, “We go on strike.”
“What in the world are you talking a bout.”
“Simple, we keep our panties on, you got to remember, he wants us as much as we want him.”
Tina laughed, too, “Would we picket out front?”
“Might work, it would sure as heck draw attention.”
“How would we deal with strike breakers?”
“Maybe it isn’t such a great idea after all, so let’s talk about what will work. Ursula and I have a schedule in place, but, for now, let’s just talk about you Mom, tell me what happened, what did you and he do last night?”
“Well, for a little while I took him in my mouth, I’d always wanted to do that and your father wouldn’t let me. But besides that he made it for me.”
Tina told her they had done.
“It sounds like you’re off to a nice start but there is so much more to come.”
“Kim, he even sucked on my toes, he said he wanted to explore me, my body.”
“Oh he will, it will be a learning experience for you, too. It seems we females are blessed with erogenous zones from out head to our feet, some are obvious, breasts, the organs of the vulva, buttocks and anus, some are not so evident, nape of the neck, ear lobes, thighs, but each can and will heighten our arousal.”
“Yeh, I thought that was weird, he even licked my anus when he was doing oral sex with me.”
“Mom, he’ll spend a lot of time there, it’s a major erogenous area, there is a direct nerve link between your anus and your clitoris, you’ll get some of the most explosive orgasms you can imagine from stimulation there.”
“Isn’t it dirty?”
“I suppose it could be so personal hygiene is paramount, bathe frequently and particularly when you’re anticipating sex. Ursula and I also take an Enema every three days, I’m sure you’ll want to, too.”
“Why, why an enema?”
“Mom, please don’t be naïve, he’s going to lick you and use his fingers there but he’s also going to penetrate you, the enemas are for then.”
“Penetrate me? That’s sodomy, the Sodomites, that can’t be.”
“Mom, please, religion doesn’t rule our bedroom, we only have one rule, If it’s between two consenting adults and it doesn’t hurt anyone, do it.
“Oh Lord, isn’t it messy though?”
“Could be I suppose, again, that’s why we take enemas.”
“And young Ryan is going to do that to me, Kim, you’re scaring me, isn’t it painful?”
“He’ll use lots of lubricant but he’s pretty big, yeh, it’ll hurt especially the first few times, I cried the first time, Ursula didn’t though.”
“I thought you said you didn’t do things that hurt people and why in the world would you want to do it if it hurts?”
“Ok, maybe I should amend what I said, maybe it should be injure rather than hurt, honestly, a lot of things with sex hurt. But why would I do it if it hurts, Mom, we, women often do it to satisfy our men, me personally though, I get unimaginable orgasms from it, mind blowing, earth shattering orgasms.”
“And he’s going to do it to me?”
“Sooner or later, yeh.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
“He won’t force you, but, then he won’t need to, you’ll offer it.”
“Why would I do that?”
“ ‘Cause you’ll want to satisfy him and, besides, you’ll want to know what it’s like.”
“It’s inevitable then?”
“Ready for your enema and bath?”
“Inevitable?” Tina asked once again.
“Yes,” Kim told her as she took her mother’s hand and led her into the bedroom.
Kim tugged the coat tree out of the closet.
“Get undressed while I get your enema ready.”
She added one quart of warm water to the bag and hung it then got the lubricant, she was using the KY Jelly, then put a towel down on the bed.
“Panties, too, Mom.”
“Kim, this is embarrassing.”
“Oh God Mom, I’m your daughter, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. By the way, lose the brassiere…permanently, we don’t wear them here.”
As Tina stood nude Kim admired her, “Mom you look unbelievable for a woman of your age, I only hope age treats me as well, now up on the towel on your hands and knees.”
“You’re kidding?”
“Of course I’m kidding, I really want you standing on your head…not…get up there.”
Once Tina had mounted the bed and assumed the position she quipped, “This doesn’t really show my best side.”
Kim patted her butt, “I think you’re cute.”
“Mom, let me walk you through what I’m doing, first I’m going to put a little lubricant on and in you, it will make it easier to get the nozzle in. Don’t be startled, I’m going to put a finger in you.”
Kim rubbed a small quantity of the KY on her Anal opening then added a dab more and slid a finger into her.
“Relax Mom, I’m not going to hurt you,” she said as Tina clenched on her finger.
“If there’s any discomfort it comes next, I’m using Ursula’s nozzle, we each have our own for hygienic reasons, but they’re not simple tubes, they are shaped like a butt plug, it makes them easier to retain. I’m going to add some additional lubricant to you before I put it in.”
Again Kim lubricated her finger and slid it into her Mother’s butt.
“Here it comes,” she warned as she twisted the nozzle into her.
“Ready to go, I’m using a quart of water, from here on out it’s pretty simple, once I release the water it will flow into you, your rectum is like a holding tank and your sphincters function as out flow valves, once your rectum has filled with feces you have the urge to have a bowel movement, Your sphincters release and your rectum is emptied. We’re going to simulate that, once the water fills your rectum you will have the urge to move your bowels, when you do so your rectum will be purged of fecal materiel and you’ll be prepared for the joys of anal sex.”
“Just get on with it, I hate this position,” Tina grouched.
Kim released the water flow.
“If you feel cramping let me know, I’ll slow the water and help you.”
And, of course Tina did feel cramps. “It hurts Kimmie, do something, please.”
Kim clamped off the flow and said, “Just try to relax Mom, I’m going to massage your tummy, it’ll be Ok.”
Kim put her right hand on the back of Tina’s thigh, with the left she massaged her Mother’s abdomen with a circular motion, she was disbursing the water deeper into Tina. Then she did what Ursula did for her, her right hand moved up.
“Relax Mommy, I’m here for you,” she said as her fingers slid along Tina’s vaginal cleft.
Tina gave a gasp then a sigh, Kim felt her begin to lubricate, she resumed the water flow.
Once the quart bag was empty, Kim took the nozzle out and held a tissue to Tina’s anus to catch any excess, Tina turned her head to look at her, neither woman had said a word about it but her daughter’s fingers had given her a jolt.
“Why don’t you lie down Mom, you need to retain the water for a few minutes then you can go.”
Kim sat beside her and rubbed her back as they waited.
When the urge got pervasive, Tina walked to the bathroom, Kim followed her in. As Tina expelled the water and feces Kim filled the tub. Normally Tina would have been beside herself with embarrassment with her daughter being is the same room with her as she moved her bowels, now it bothered her not a whit.
Kim added bubble bath, she held Tina’s arm as she got into the water then stripped of her tee shirt and panties.
“Slide forward, make room, there’s enough room it this thing for four people.”
“What are you doing,” Tina asked.
“Getting in with you, you need someone to wash your back.”
“Yes, I guess I do,” she slid forward.
“Jeez, this feels good, doesn’t it?” Kim said of the warm water.
“Yes, I like it and the Jacuzzi jets are nice, too.”
“So you’ve already found that out, have you?”
“Stop it, you’re embarrassing me.”Kim laughed, Yeh, Ursula likes it, too.”
Kim hugged her, “I love you Mom.” Her hands were holding Tina’s boobs, she amended, “Well maybe not, your titties are bigger than mine.”
“Yeh, but mine sag, yours don’t.”
“Mom, your boobies are adorable, and, no mine don’t sag, there’s not enough there to sag.”
The got out, dried and went back into the bedroom, Tina picked up her panties, Kim said, “Let’s not get dressed yet, there’s something I want to do, I think you’ll like it and it’s part of your preparation, lie down on your tummy.”
Kim got the lube, “I’m going to give you a massage, it’s a special massage and I don’t want you to fight me.”
She climbed on the bed, lubricated the first two fingers of her right hand, then with her left hand spread Tina’s nether cheeks exposing her anus, Kim rubbed her.
“Kim, what are you doing, stop that.”
“Relax Mom, and that’s a word you’re going to hear a lot, Relax, lay back and enjoy, now be a good girl for me and be quiet, I think you’ll like this, I sure do.”
Kim laid partly on her Mother, her breasts against her shoulder, one arm holding her, the other gently rubbing her anus in a circular motion.
She continued the massage until Tina was cooing, her outer sphincter was totally relaxed. She worked her leg between her Mother’s thighs then brought it up, Tina’s vulva rested on in, she continued the massage.
After Tina had resumed her cooing Kim began to press against her mother’s genitals lightly with her leg.
When Kim realized her Mother’s breathing had changed she said, “Mom, look at me.”
Their eyes met, both glassy with desire, Kim whispered, “Have you ever laid with a woman?”
“Never before,”Tina gasped as she began to grind against her daughter’s thigh.”
“Is this one of my lessons,” Tina asked.
“No Mom, this is just for us.”
Kim’s leg was wet when she rolled onto her back and pulled Tina atop her, she was straddling her hips, as Kim pulled her up her body, the lubrication from Tina’s vagina left a snail trail of her precious fluid along Kim’s belly.
Tina fondled Kim’s tiny breasts, her touch was tentative, exploratory, she’d never touched another woman’s boobies, she watched as the nipples stiffened.
“Turn around Mom, turn around,” Kim said urgently.
Tina pivoted as she asked, “What is it Honey?”
“Lean forward.”
As Tina did so she exposed herself to her daughter, “What’ wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, I want you,” Kim said as her tongue tasted her Mother.
She licked and probed until Tina was pumping against her face, “Oh God, Oh My God, Kim, Kim.”
“That’s right, that’s right Mom, cum for me, can you cum for me, I want to taste you, God I like your pussy, I want to eat your ass.”
“Yes Baby, yes, Oh yes, Oh Sweet Jesus, eat my pussy, lick my ass, Oh it feels so good, so damned good.”
Kim came up for air, she commented, I smell you, you smell a lot like me only stronger, richer.”
“Shut up and keep doing what you were doing.”
“Well, you do.”
“Of course I’m stronger and richer, I’m aged like a vintage wine.”
Kim gave her a pat on the butt, “Be a good girl,” then resumed the cunnilingus.
Kim got a bit of a lesson, when her mother ejaculated, and she did with thumping pounding against her lips and wondrous sounds, the fluid was flowing from her urethra, not as she’d assumed from her vagina. She realized she was tasting pee and a whole bunch more. No matter, her Mother was in second heaven as her daughter sucked and licked her. Tina dismounted her face, turned and embraced her, the older woman was trembling.
“Two days, only two days, My God Kim, am I an addict?”
“No, I think you’re like I was, years and years of pent up frustration, we’re made to enjoy our bodies and we haven’t.”
Kim embraced her Mother, her eyes were leaking, “Mom, I love you and I know this will sound crazy but I want to fuck you.”
A little taken aback by what was, in fact, a crazy thought, Tina answered, “I think we’ll need Ryan’s help for that, don’t you?”
Kim made a silly grin, “Yeh, I guess so.”
They rested together there on the bed for an hour or so then Kim said, “Get dressed Mom, we need to do a little shopping.”
Kim put on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt, Tina, of course put on a dress.
“No bra Mom,” Kim asked.
“I’m giving them up.”
“I thought you were worried about sagging.”
“I’m seventy-one, I’ll sag, I’m allowed.”
“Good for you,” Kim told her.
“Where are we going?”
“I just need to pick up a few things.”
Their first stop was Macy’s, in the lingerie department, Kim was looking over panties.
“I’m going to get you some cute ones.”
“I’m too old for these,” Tina said.
“You’re never too old to look cute, which ones do you want?”
“White, I only want white.”
Kim picked out six pairs, lace around the leg holes, ribbons or bows on the elastic waist, she paid then said, “Let’s get brunch, there’s a little place here in the mall that makes a dynamite lobster salad.
The brunch was delightful, they had split a nice half bottle of a Washington State Chardonnay and were feeling a little mellow, Kim drove into a lesser area of town and parked behind a sleazy building, the sign said Aphrodite’s Attic.
“Kim, you’re not going in there are you?”
“Of course, come on.”
“I am not going into that place.”
“Fine, suit yourself, wait here in the car, I have to get your nozzle.”
When she came back she was carrying a bag that obviously contained more than an enema nozzle, Tina asked what she’d bought.”
“Since you wouldn’t go in with me, I’m not telling,” she told her.
“Be that way, see if I care,” Tina answered.
By the time they got back Ursula was home from school, they started dinner.
A little later Ryan got home, a welcome from everyone but a hag and a kiss for Gram. He whispered, “Got a little time for your boyfriend later this evening?”
She whispered back, “You need to move quickly, my dance card’s filling up.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he said, his hand slid along her body from her shoulders to her buttocks as he gave her a little kiss, she shivered.
Tina still had a lot to learn about herself and her responses, her seventy-one year old body did something that left her dumbfounded, just his touch had elicited a physiological response, she’d be sitting in wet panties through dinner, he smiled, he knew.
Dinner, all of them together at the table, Kim and Ursula in their normal attire, panties and tee shirts, Ryan had changed, he wore gym shorts and a wife beater shirt, Tina was still in the dress she’d worn for their earlier outing. Perhaps it was because of how her body had responded to Ryan’s touch but she became acutely aware, they all shared a sense of arousal, like ozone after a rainstorm it seemed to permeate the room. Kim’s eyes were alight as she looked at her Son, it was her night and she was anxious but Tina knew he’d come for her first.
As he had the previous night, Ryan watched a televised basketball game, Kim and Ursula went upstairs, Tina went to her room, she didn’t have much experience, how does a woman prepare for her man? She paced, she sat then paced again. She decided her nightie would be best, she took off her damp panties and donned a pair of the new, fancy ones.
Tina couldn’t believe how nervous she felt, like a little girl awaiting discipline from her mother she had to pee.
She’s just seated herself when she heard the bedroom open, shut and the click of the lock, he was in the room. Footsteps came toward where she sat. She couldn’t wait, she began to urinate.
He kept coming, he knelt in front of her. Her panties were down around her ankles, it was embarrassing, she flushed red. He stroked her face, “You’re beautiful,” he said then lightly caressed her thighs.
She parted her legs at his touch, her silver pubic hair, a mass of gray curls obscured his view, “Hold your labia apart for me Tina, I want to see you.”
From her pink urethra gushed golden fluid, he watched, fascinated, when she’d finished he made a pad of toilet tissue and patted her dry. He took her panties over her feet, smiled and said, “Cute, they’ll look lovely on you.”
He took her hand and led her out. At the bedside he hugged her from behind, the press of his erection against her bottom, lips on her neck, hands on her breasts.
“No brassiere?”
“You told me not to,” her voice was raspy, she felt a little faint.
Her tummy was swimming, she trembled in his arms, he swept her up and laid her on the bed. Ryan quickly dropped the gym shorts, his knee spread Tina’s legs. She was surprised and more than a little frightened, he’d been so gentle with her yesterday, now he took her hard and fast.
“Unnnnnnnnn,” she moaned as the nine inches of fat cock cleaved and filled her vagina. Once he was in her he stopped for a moment.
“I wanted you so badly,” he said then he began to thrust. Her legs came up around his hips, she clung to him, he was pounding her and it hurt.
Pain, amazing pain, spectacular pain, her mouth at his ear screaming, scream, “Oh Christ fuck me Ryan, fuck me, fuck me.”
He forced her legs up and back, maybe not as far as he would with Kim or Ursula, she was seventy-one and not as flexible, still, he demanded, “Show me that pussy Tina,” as he rammed her even harder.
Her sounds were grunts, groans and little cries interspaced with an occasional shriek, “Am I hurting you Tina, do you want me to stop?” He asked.
“Don’t you dare, don’t you dare, Oh Jesus, don’t you dare,” she managed to get out, he leaned forward, it was a mistake, she was crazed. Her nails clawed his back, he tried to lean away, his shoulder got too close, she bit him in the midst of a screaming orgasm.
Pussy up,” he ordered.
He got her up on hands and knees, he pulled her to the bedside and stood behind her, he took her that way. He gripped her hips and pulled her back as he thrust, she wailed as he bottomed out in her, he pounded her.
She dropped her head and moaned from his assault, his right hand slapped her right cheek, then again and again, the skin reddened, his left hand shot up, he entwined his fingers in her cotton top, he pulled. Her head came up and back, she had a wild look in her eyes. He quit the spanking, he caressed her cheek then gripped it with his thumb over her anus, she was trembling, her voice high and shrill, she was cumming again, he pierced her sphincters, she bucked and he went with it, using her hair he pulled her upright, he fucked her hard through her orgasms until she went limp, with one hand on her abdomen and the other on her breast he lowered her.
She was gasping, unable to catch her breath. He stroked her shoulders, back and flanks as she recovered.
Finally she uttered, “Wow.”
“You Ok Tina?”
“Yes, I just wish I’d been fucked like that fifty years ago, I’d be his slut now if I had.”
“He smiled at her and teased, “So you going to be my slut now?”
“Oh God I already am Ryan, I already am,” as she crawled up onto the bed.
“Why don’t we take it easy for a while, let me do some things for you that will feel good, would you like to be on top?”
“Unhunh, I liked that.”
He crawled up beside her and laid on his back, “Mount up,” he said.
She crawled up and straddled his hips, raised a leg to expose herself then guided his cock into her vagina, she settled on him.
“God this feels good,” she said.
“I think so, too,” he answered.
She began to post on him. She was wet and hot, her lubricant and ejaculate coated his cock with a white frothiness, he lightly held her hips and watched her, the little smile on her face was angelic.
“Ryan, what you did, you were hurting me and I loved it, it nearly drove me crazy, does that make any sense?”
“More than you can imagine Tina, it’s your brain and your body responding and I’m glad they do, I think gals that like it a little rough and more interesting, more responsive and much more willing to explore, you and I are going to have a lot of fun together.”
She had begun to slow in her riding, “What’s the matter beautiful, think your horse is wearing out?”
“No, horse is wonderful, old woman’s thighs are beginning to cramp.”
He pulled her to him, “We can’t have those wonderful thighs give out,” as he rolled her off him. “How about I give you a little massage?”
“She grinned, “Sure,” she said.
He began to massage her inner thighs, he was pleased to see her legs open exposing her sex.
They bantered back and forth, “Oh my poor little cowgirl, can’t ride her big stallion,” he teased.
“Cowgirls don’t have to ride like this old girl did, do they?” She countered.
“My poor baby sore,” he shot back.
“Damned right I’m sore; beast.”
“Ah, you liked it.”
“Not true…I loved it.”
“You have anything else that wants a massage?”
She spread her legs further, the pretty coral pink slit between her labia opened.”
“Would you mind if I used my tongue.”
“Oh no, not the terrible tongue treatment,” she gasped as he tasted her lusciousness.
Tina was orgasmic, her ejaculate was pungent as he cleaned her, she truly did like his tongue, he rolled her onto her side.
He moved onto her, she was on her left side, he raised her right leg, slid into her and slowly fucked her.
“You like?” He asked.
“I love, but Ryan, I’m an old woman, maybe you need to think about younger women, I mean, I might like great grandchildren, do you have a girlfriend?”
“Oh yeh, three, Tina, Kim and Ursula, isn’t that enough?”
“You are a bad boy, a bad, bad boy.”
And you are a phenomenal lover,” he began to fuck a little harder, a little faster, she began to pant.
“You want it, don’t you?” He asked.
“Oh Christ, you know I do,” she groaned.
He fucked her in this position for several minutes before he drug two pillows over, he stacked them at hip level and rolled her on top of them, he spread her legs, her sweet pink pussy gaped but that wasn’t his target, her anus was darker, a tight brown ring, his tongue pierced her, she bucked back against him. He held her down and began to rim her.
Tina still thought this activity was dirty, yes, she’d had an enema, yes, she’d bathed, still…still…it felt so good, his tongue was circling her ring, he licked the clenched muscle, it was warm, it felt nice, she began to relax.
He held her buttocks apart, he could smell her, he could taste her. Her sex was wet with her ejaculate, he cleaned her enjoying the tang, the acidic jolt of urine.
She was kinda purring, like a contented cat, “You like this don’t you Tina?” He asked.
“It’s nice, it relaxes me.”
“I like it, too.”
She hesitated to say what she wanted to know, then it came out in a rush, “Ryan, what’s it like to have sex with me, I’m old, you have Kim and Ursula, what am I to you?”
“You’re one of the three loves of my life Gram and you’re an absolute delight to me.”
She sighed, “Thank you Ryan.”
“No, thank you. I’m going to go in you now, we’ll finish and we can talk then if you like.”
He slid up her back, she felt his weight, she softly moaned as his cock entered her, his thrusts were long but gentle until he felt her tense.
“Harder Ryan, fuck me harder, I want to cum again, I want to cum.”
He wrapped his left arm around her throat and applied a little pressure as he fucked her hard, she grunted from each powerful thrust then wailed, when she climaxed he released, too.
She could feel it in her, his sperm, he held her, they laid quietly, she had her head nestled against his chest.
She said, “Im tired Sweetheart, I’m going to sleep now. Are you going to Kim?”
“Am I going to be part of your rotation?”
“For now I’d like to spend time with you every night.”
“But you won’t always, will you, it wouldn’t be fair.”
“If it’s what you want to do we will.”
“Oh I want, I want.”
After she’d dozed off he climbed the staircase, Ursula was waiting.
As he entered the room she called, “Come here big boy.”
He walked to the bed and stood beside it.
He hadn’t bothered to dress, why, he’d just have to strip again, she took his penis in hand and stroked it, it was sticky, she took him into her mouth.
When she came up she said, “Hum, different flavor tonight, am I tasting Gram?”
“I’m sorry Sis, I should have showered,” he apologized.
“I don’t mind, she’s family; but now it’s my turn.”
She turned displaying her back side to him, she liked it best that way. His fingers probed her, she was lubricating heavily in anticipation, he mounted her and slowly eased into her, God, he thought, she was wet, wild and wonderful.
She spoke, she spoke words that can shrink a hard on quicker than any other, his soft dick fell out, “You what?” He nearly shouted.
“You heard me, I want a baby,” she looked over her shoulder at him, she thought he was going to puke before he erupted, “Are you outta your fucking mind, a BABY?”
“Yeh, a baby.”
“My God Sis, you’re twenty years old, you’ve got two more years of college, what are you thinking?”
He settled down (a little), “Why would you even consider it Sis, you’re education, your future, a baby would be an impediment to so much you have to offer, so much to give.”
“Ryan, I’ve always wanted a baby sister, you’re the greatest big brother that ever was but I want someone I can mentor, too.”
“You just want to play dolls with one that actually cries, Sis, it’s nuts.”
“You’re just an egotistical malecentry prick Ryan, you’ve got what you want, life threatening exploits in God knows where since you can’t even tell us, ass from every continent, well maybe not Antarctica unless you’re big on penguin pussy, and three women here that adore you, but I can’t have a baby, why?”
“Jeez Ursula, I just explained, you’ve got your future in front of you, please be sensible.”
“What future Ryan, what future? I don’t want another man, I’ve got the man I chose, I’ve got you.”
He stalked out of her room, his head was spinning, it couldn’t really be happening, Ursula, his beautiful twenty year old sister with a wonderful future ahead of her, she wanted to get knocked up. Oh yeh, she had an IUD but they were removable, what if she, without the doctor’s assistance, took it out? What if he inseminated her?
He had to talk to Kim…No, he had to talk to Mom, he was capable of a lot of things but this was outside his purview, he scampered down the hall, he needed Mommy.
“Settle down Son, I’ll have a talk with her but I’ll caution you, women don’t think like men, we know our place in the overall hierarchy, we’re here to procreate our species, we don’t foment wars, we don’t rise with knives and guns, we don’t rape and murder, we open our legs and create the next generation, I’ll talk to Ursula, you go t bed.”
“Stupid girl, what are you thinking,” Kim said to her daughter.
“But Mommy, I do, I want a baby and he’s the only way I can get one.”
“What do you really want Ursula, do you want to have a baby or do you want a baby here like a little dolly for you to dress up and play with, ‘cause let me tell you girl, that’s not what a baby is. I’ve had two, you and your brother and they’re barf, poop and pee machines, titty chewers that hurt. Then when they’re twenty you get to sit on their bed and talk them out of doing something that will alter their lives.”
“Do you really think I’m stupid Mom?”
“No, I think you’re a woman, I wish I’d had more, I always wanted a big family, but now isn’t the time for you, consider your future.”
“But Mom, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a little girl around? I want a girl baby.”
“Please listen to me Ursula, you’ve got a lifetime ahead of you, don’t make a mistake.”
“What do you mean, ‘a mistake’ Mom?”
“At least wait until you’ve finished school, please.”
“Good night Mom, I can’t promise but I’ll at least think about what you’ve said.”
Kim went back to her bedroom, she laid down but sleep didn’t come, it wouldn’t do for Ursula to get Pregnant, not yet. Of course she wanted grandchildren but not yet, her daughter had so much to look forward to.
Finally she gave up and got up, she walked downstairs, she wanted to talk to her Mom, she opened the bedroom door, Tina was in bed but she was sleeping, Kim backed out.
She went to the kitchen, opened the cabinet and got the Madeira, she poured a glass and carried it to the living room. Pale moonlight was the only illumination, she sat and sipped lost in her thoughts.
As she finished her wine she considered having another but didn’t, she needed to be in control of her faculties, she returned to her room.
For a few minutes she simply paced then pressure in her bladder steered her to the bathroom, she sat, was she the crazy one? Good question.
Her fingers spread her labia, she stared at herself as her urine streamed, she patted herself dry but didn’t get up, she probed herself, a firm tug, a quick shot of pain, she flushed and rose.
Back in her bedroom she turned on a light, she stood in front of her mirror. First her tee shirt, she inspected her small breasts, her flat tummy, she ran her hands over her body, she was forty-seven but still sleek, she shimmied out of her panties.
Thighs as slender as a teen, her nicely trimmed pubic hair, she ran her hand down over her abdomen, she realized her tummy was roiling, she felt contractions in her womb. She touched herself, wet, she was lubricating, she walked to his room.
Ryan was sleeping, she crawled in beside him and pressed her naked body against him. She took his flaccid penis from his boxers, kissed it and began to stroke.
It wasn’t a dream, as his eyes opened she was there, “I spoke with Ursula, it will be Ok, but now I want you in me.”
Not one to deny a beautiful woman, Ryan slid atop her as she opened her legs, she took him in.
“Fuck me Ryan, fuck me good, I want to feel your sperm in me,” he started slowly.
“No, no, fuck me hard, batter your Mommy’s cunt, I want to be screaming when you cum in me.”
He climbed further up her body and wrapped his arms around her pulling her into a tight little ball she wasn’t going anywhere, with his first violent thrust he hurt her, he continued to pound, “Is this what you want Mommy?” She was already screaming, it was now,
“Yes, yes, yes, Oh God, fuck me, cum in me.”
He was hurting her, he knew it but it was what she wanted, all balled up she wailed at the top of her lungs as he continued. He came with a roar, thrusting harder and harder, it seemed that it was unending, the massive quantity of semen he deposited in her.
As he pulled out she straightened her legs, crying she staggered towards her room, semen ran down her inner thighs, she fell into bed and buried her head in her pillow.
When she awakened Ursula was sitting on her bed. Accusingly she demanded, “I heard you last night, you were with Ryan, weren’t you?”
She couldn’t deny it, anyone with eyes could see that she’d been roughly fucked, she uttered, “Yes.”
Ursula got up, “It was my turn,” she screamed as she stalked out of the room.
Although they were all at the breakfast table it wasn’t as though they were a close family, Ursula didn’t say a word, she ate, rinsed her plate and, with a sniff of disdain, walked out the front door. Ryan was mute, he’d given a Good Morning to his Mother and Grandmother before squaring himself up for another day as a recruiter, even Tina was quieter than usual.
“We’re not going to play today Kim, he was rough with me yesterday, I liked it but I’m paying today, I hope you don’t mind.”
“Mom, last night…
She confessed everything that had happened, Ursula, herself and the agony she’d endured.
“”Why Kim, why let him do those things to you?”
“Mom, you don’t understand, I didn’t let him, I demanded it, I wanted it.”
Tina looked at her like she was demented.
“It’ll make sense when I can tell you everything but I can’t, not now not yet.”
Tina and Kim looked like Mother and daughter, ‘though Tina probably showed her age less than nearly any other seventy-one year olds and there was one distinct difference, Kim was peaches and cream from head to toe, Tina had tanned forearms and lower legs, she was a gardener and it showed.
“We’re going outside today, you’re going to have to go back to work and I need something to occupy me, we’re going to fix your flower beds.”
“Mom, I have a service.”
“Yes, they cut the grass and nothing else, I’m going to turn this place into a prize winner and you’re going to help.”
A trip to Home Depot, mulch, sprays, fertilizers, gloves, knee pads, and a couple of flats of annuals for immediate color.
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