His women (1)
His women (1)
Sex Story Author: | wirepaladin |
Sex Story Excerpt: | It was only 4 ½ ounces, a squeeze of the plastic bottle and it was over, she pulled the nozzle |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Discipline, Enema, Fiction, Incest, Spanking, Virginity |
“Assholes, fucking assholes,” the rather substantial girl ranted as she stormed into her house. Ursula Cole screamed her passionate hate for men,”Assholes,” she screeched as she dived into her bed, she buried her head under her pillow and sobbed, all 5’8”, 160 pounds of a kinda cute brown haired, brown eyed college sophomore had gone ballistic.
One text, one fucking text and her world fell apart.
“Ron, the big party tonight, when you picking me up?”
Spring Break, gonna have a hellava time tonight, fires on the beach, cook-outs, wine, beer, nothing but a friggin’ ball, Ursula was finally ready, tonight was the night. She was twenty and a virgin, but tonight she was ready, Ron would have her. She had bought the sexiest underwear she could find at Victoria’s Secret, she’d bathed and put on her Mother’s top of the line perfume, a little between her thighs and a touch between her 34 B breasts. Daisy Dukes, top tied around her tanned belly, God, she knew she was hotter than a three dollar pistol; her phone said she had an incoming text.
“Sorry Babe, am taking Karen Baker tonight, talk to you soon. Ron.”
“WTF,” he was dumping her on the biggest night of the year. “No, No, No,” she threw herself on her bed, buried her head in her pillow and sobbed.
The bedrooms were on the second floor, Ursula had slammed her door so when her brother came in he had no idea that his sister was in distress, he made himself a ham and cheese sandwich and popped the top on a Bud, with a few chips he had lunch. He was in civilian clothing, in fact, gym shorts, a tee shirt that advertised nothing at all and white socks with Nike trainers. Ryan was a rather large man, 6’3”, 220 pounds, he served in one of the unnamed branches of the US Military but he was home on 30 day’s leave. After three tours in the Middle East his next assignment was in the local recruiting office, he liked the action the military gave him but a year assigned to his hometown would be nice, he switched on the TV and kicked back in the recliner.
About a quarter of an hour into an episode of “Homicide Hunter” he heard a wail and a crash. What the hell, he thought he was alone in the house, he set his beer aside and cautiously started up the staircase to investigate, as he crept down the hallway he heard whimpering coming from his sister’s bedroom, he lightly knocked, “Sis?” he asked.
“Go away,” she sobbed. He didn’t, his little sister was in distress and Ryan, by nature, was a protector, he eased the door open.
“Ursula, what is it, maybe I can help?” He asked.
“You can’t help, no body can help.”
“Want to talk about it?”
“Talk about what? Men, fucking men, I hate them all, they’re ruining my life.”
Her experience with the opposite sex had, up to this time in her young life, been disappointing to say the very least, probably why she was still a virgin, she’d never been able to get into a relationship deeply enough to give it up. Ron was going to be different, fuck a bunch of Ron and Karen, too, maybe she was destined to be a nun. Now that was a thought, and she wasn’t even Catholic.
“Men,” she screamed, they’re all bastards.
He sat on the bed, “Me, too?” He asked.
“Maybe you’re the exception…the only exception, Ok.” Ursula adored her big brother, he’d always treated her like an equal, not like so many guys did with pesky kid sisters, now he was gently stroking her back.
“Want a sympathetic ear, tell me about it,” he said.
“No,” she pouted then she spilled her guts.
“He is a right son of a bitch, I have to agree,” Ryan said.
“Damned right, see why I’m gonna give up on men.”
“What, you gonna swing left handed?”
“What do you mean, swing left handed?” Ursula asked.
“Girl on girl.”
“No, that won’t work, Carrie kissed me and played with my titties, didn’t do a thing for me, in fact it was a turn off.”
She hadn’t told him everything, now she confessed, “Ryan, I’m still a virgin, Tonight I was going to let Ron…well, you know. I even bought some sexy undies and stuff just for him. I didn’t tell him and I guess that’s why he’s taking Karen, he’ll get some pussy from that bitch.”
“You sure tell it like it is,” he said.
“Well, I’m right and he missed out on a virgin tonight; have you ever been with a virgin?” She knew her big brother wasn’t celibate.
“What was it like, for the girls I mean, did it hurt?”
“Sometimes, always a little I guess, they’re having their hymens torn, I imagine it must hurt.”
“Oh God, I wanted to find out, I really wanted to do it tonight, I’m just so pissed.”
Ryan wasn’t entirely comfortable talking with his baby sister about her cherry, he stopped rubbing her back and said, “Unh, are we getting, you know, off track here?”
For the first time in, what felt like a lifetime Ursula cracked a little smile, she was embarrassing her big brother. “Don’t stop, that feels nice,” she said of the back rub he’d stopped.
When he resumed she gave a contented sigh, then a few moments later she rolled onto her back.
“Rub my tummy Ryan, under my shirt.”
“Sis, that’s a little too intimate, don’t you think?”
She took his hand and guided it to where she wanted it, “Please, and no, I don’t think it’s too intimate, I don’t think it’s intimate enough.”
Her eyes were glassy, she was lightly panting as his hand touched her bare skin, her head fell back and she gasped.
“Oh My God, I just came Ryan, you only touched me and I came.”
He started to pull his hand away, she caught it, held it fast then pulled it up. He could smell her musk as she settled his hand on her breast, she didn’t have a bra and her nipples were swollen and stiff.
He jerked away and tried to stand, she jerked back, he was off balance, he came down on his sister, she hungrily kissed him, he felt her tongue, her breath was sweet and hot.
“I want you Ryan, I want you to be the one, I want you in me,” she whispered.
“Ursula, no, you’re my sister,” he tried to pull away, she was locked on him.
“I want it to be with a man I love and who loves me,” she’d reached one hand down, she was stroking him through his gym shorts.
“You want me, too, I can feel it,” she told him.
Ryan wanted to do what was right but he was no statue, his erection was growing, it was inevitable, his favorite girl in the whole world was under him. Still, he protested, again to no avail.
“Take my top off, look at me,” she breathed.
Her tits were beautiful, perfect cones, symmetrical with mauve nipples now nearly bursting with excitement and desire, she arched offering them to him.
“Unnnnnnnnnh,” she gasped, she’d cum again when his lips had taken the nipple in.
“My shorts, take my shorts off, I want you in me, God I need it,” she demanded.
“Slow down Sis, it’s not a race,” he said as he lowered her shorts.
“The panties, too, the fucking panties, I want you in me.”
Kim had left work early, she’d decided to take her kids out to dinner in celebration of Ryan being home, she went upstairs, she wanted to shower then dress up for the evening out.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Fuck,” she heard her daughter screech.
What the hell, she thought. Ursula’s bedroom door was slightly ajar, she crept to it.
Her immediate inclination was to rush in screaming for them to stop, Ryan’s head was between Ursula’s legs and her daughter was going berserk, she paused.
Kim was in the shadows, not that it mattered, no one was paying attention to her. She never seen or heard anything like it, Ursula’s legs were up in the air, they were trembling, she screamed as each new orgasm thundered through her.
“Oh God, Oh God, fuck, fuck, fuck,” she screamed as she shook even harder.
Kim watched in awe, could it really feel that good? It never had for her, she couldn’t imagine…but she could see. Unconsciously and involuntarily her hand went to her breast, she squeezed, she felt the moisture between her legs, her panties were being soaked. Her knees felt weak when Ursula screamed,
“No more Ryan, no more, it’s driving me crazy, ah fuck, please now.”
There was a jar of Vaseline on the bed, Ursula used it to remove makeup, she’d gotten it for him, he told her it would make it easier for her. He opened the jar, lubed her vagina and his penis then he moved up on her.
“You’re beautiful,” she heard Ryan whisper. Kim agreed, her daughter’s vulva was coral pink, not yet stained a ruddy red that would happen later in life.
Mesmerized she watched her son run the head of his penis along her daughter’s slit. He was big, bigger than any she’d seen before, not that she qualified as an expert, she’d only seen three, but still.
He guided the head into the throat of Ursula’s vagina, she saw his butt muscles tighten as he thrust forward. Her daughter winced and gave a little cry and Ryan was in her.
My God, Kim thought, she’d just watched her daughter lose her virginity to her brother. He stroked her slowly and gently.
“You Ok beautiful,” he asked.
“It wasn’t bad and now it’s good, you can do it harder if you want.”
She watched as they fucked, Ursula was loud in her appreciation of her first sex, she moaned,
“You’re so big, so damned big…I like big. Ah Jesus, I’m gonna cum again,” he felt her trembling.
When her orgasm had passed he pulled out, “Turn over and get on your hands and knees, I wanta see your cute butt.
It was cute, her vulva was redder now, blood engorged, Ryan parted her labia, Kim gasped as she watched his cock slide in.
Her hand went under her skirt, this was how she liked it best, her husband could go deeper this way, then the rhythmic slap of Ryan’s balls against his sister, he was fucking her harder now and she was moaning, he gave her ass a little spank, she howled and quivered as she came again.
“Want to have some fun now?” Ryan asked.
“I already am,” Ursula saucily replied.
He pulled his cock out of her and laid down on his back, “Mount up Cowgirl,” he told her.
She just looked at him, she had no idea what he wanted.
“Squat over me and sit on it,” he said.
Kim watched, Ursula brought the head of his cock to her vagina then slowly eased herself down until all nine inches were in her, she began to post, moving up and down the shaft, picking up speed as she bounced.
Ursula began to giggle, this was fun.
“Thought you’d like this, controlling bitch that you are,” he laughed.
“Damned right,” Ursula shot back.
Kim slunk back down the stairs, she was torn, she went to the bathroom, sat and thought.
They were adults but they were still her children, she knew she should do something but, on the other hand, she’d never been so aroused in her life, her panties were soaked, She’d cum when Ursula was getting pounded from behind, her cunt was still tingling.
She went to the front door, quietly opened it then slammed it, “Ursula, Ryan, I’m home,” she called out.
“Hi Mom,” they chorused, “Be down in a minute.”
Hold it together, she thought, just hold it together.
Ursula glowed, Ryan just smiled, “Hi Mom.”
“How about we go out to dinner tonight, a little celebration for Ryan’s arrival?”
“Sounds great,” Ryan said.
“Ok, let’s get showered and changed, I’ve already made the reservations.”
They headed upstairs.
Kim went to her room and locked the door, she got her toys out of the drawer, she realized they made a poor substitute for what she’d just witnessed, she stripped. Last off were her panties, she dropped them, picked them up and brought them to her face, her smell was strong, her tears added to the moisture.
Kim, like her son and daughter was tall, 5’9”, a slender 130 pounds, she had small breasts, she’d been envious when she’d seen Ursula’s, her complexion was a creamy white, she had dark brown hair cut in a short bob and hazel eyes, eyes that were still teary as she stepped into the shower.
She dressed nicely, a chocolate brown pant suit with a lighter brown blouse, bone pumps, matching handbag, a single pearl on a gold chain with pearl earrings, she was fastidious with her makeup. She took her car keys out of her bag, laid them on her dresser and went down stairs.
Ryan was already waiting, Ursula came down moments later.
“Everybody ready?” Kim asked.
“Let’s go,” she said as she looked for her keys in her purse.
“Darn, must have left them upstairs, be back in a minute,” as she rushed back up.
Quickly she went to Ursula’s room, in her closet she looked in the dirty clothes hamper, today’s panties were under the tee shirt. As she’d feared, the crotch was soaked with her pleasure along with a large quantity of seminal fluid, Ryan had barebacked her.
She got her keys from her room and rushed back down.
Throughout dinner she looked at Ursula, Kim knew that her daughter was sitting on a vagina overflowing with sperm, she didn’t need a pregnant college sophomore, she had to get to a drug store pronto.
On the way home she told the kids she needed to pick up something, she swung into a Walgreen’s. She came out with a small bag.
At home they all dressed for bed, Ursula was already down and sleeping when Kim came out. She took a deep breath, the poor woman was a nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, but, determinedly she walked down the hall.
Kim slept in white cotton panties and a baggy tee shirt, that’s what she was wearing now, she stopped at Ryan’s door, she was afraid her knees were going to give out, still, she had to do it, she wanted to do it even if she’d hate herself for it later, she knocked.
He came to the door, he also was dressed for bed, all he had on was a pair of boxer shorts.
“Ryan, I need to talk to you, please come to my room,” she said. Both padded barefooted back down the hall.
As they entered the room she locked the door, their “conversation” would be private, she sat on the bed.
“Come join me Son,” Kim said to him, her voice was raspy in her ear.
“Sure Mom,” Ryan said as he joined her.
“I’m not going to beat around the bush Ryan, I know what you and Ursula did this afternoon. I’m not going to ask why and I’m not going to be angry with either of you but I wish you’d have used a condom, I don’t think either of us wants Ursula pregnant.”
“I was going to get a Plan B pill for her in the morning.”
“Not necessary Son, that’s what I got when we stopped at Walgreen’s.”
“Thanks Mom,” he said.
“Don’t thank me Ryan, and, please call me Kim. I bought enough for two girls,” she choked out.
She took one of his hands and brought it to her breast, the other caressed his chest.
“You want,” he began.
“I need not want,” her eyes were pleading, it took everything in her to confess her desire, she knew she’d die if he turned her down.
“Mom, I…”
“Kim, please, it makes it easier for me.”
His second hand went around her head, he drew her to him. “It’s been my dream since I was twelve,” as he kissed her.
A hand went up under her tee shirt, he caressed her breasts. Kim broke the kiss to say, “They’re nothing compared to Ursula’s are they. In accordance with her willowy physique, her breasts were a mere A cup.
“Kim, they’re perfect, they fed me and I turned out Ok, didn’t I?”
“Yes, God yes,” as she resumed the kiss.
He worked her tee up over her head, like his sister her nipples were mauve and like hers, Kim’s were swollen and stiff, he took one into his mouth.
She moaned, “Touch me Ryan, please touch me,” as she thrust her pelvis up.
He masturbated her through her panties until she gasped as she climaxed.
“In the nightstand, there’s lubricant, it’s been a long time since I’ve been with a man and, never with one as big as you.”
“Planned this out, didn’t you?” He asked as he got the KY Jelly from the drawer.
“Don’t make fun of me, please, this is hard enough.”
“I’m not and I never will Kim, I only want to make this night memorable for you.”
“It already is, I can assure you I’ll never forget it.”
“No you won’t Kim, no you won’t.”
Although she was forty-seven, Ryan knew her sexual experience was somewhat limited, it wouldn’t be by the time the night was over.
He slid her panties down and off.
She had no tan lines, she had no tan, her color was clotted cream with a wild mink brown muff.
“God you’re beautiful Kim, I hope you like oral ‘cause I’m gonna eat you up,” he licked his lips.
“I’ve heard of it but I thought it was a myth, your father wouldn’t do it, oh, it was fine if I took him in my mouth but he said I was all wet and nasty.”
“Dumb man, beats the shit out of salty fish eggs and Beluga Caviar is pricier than good pot,” as he sunk between her slender thighs. He gave her clitoris a flick with his tongue, he’d work around the shaft not on the jewel but he liked her reaction, it was like a little electrical shock, she jumped.
“Sensitive, aren’t we?”
“Christ Ryan, do what you’re there for.” He did.
Her cunt flowed like the lava from Vesuvius and was nearly as hot. He had to chase her all over the bed as she writhed under his insatiable tongue, her fluid was like the nectar of the Gods, slightly salty and acidic like a perfectly ripe citrus, he feasted on her as she wailed, moaned and cried out in a language not heard since the Tower of Babylon. He did understand her plea of,
“Fuck me Ryan, Oh Christ, fuck me,” of which he had no intention, at least not yet, he picked up the KY and lubricated his two middle fingers.
“Ready for a trip around the world?” He asked.
“I’m ready for your cock,” she shot back.
He hadn’t done this with Ursula, she’d been a virgin, he would, in the future, but now he was with Kim, he slid the two lubricated fingers into her and probed the front wall of her vagina, he was seeking a small patch of rougher tissue, her Gräfenberg Spot. Some said it was mythical, some said it was mystical, from experience Ryan knew it existed, he’d just found his Mother’s.
He hooked his fingers and began rapidly masturbating her, he was applying pressure as he did so, she was well aroused but she’d never had her G Spot stimulated, it might take a little time. That was fine, he enjoyed watching Kim’s ever so expressive face. The best was about ten minutes in, he saw her urgency, he knew what was coming next,
“Stop, I have to pee, I have to pee right now.”
The G Spot was swollen to the size of a walnut, a little fluid had leaked from her urethra, partly urine but with so much more, with his left hand he held her down, she was pleading, “I’m gonna pee on you, please Ry…”
She bucked like the finest rodeo Bronco then exploded as she erupted like Old Faithful, her ejaculate volcanoed at least eighteen inches into the air, then twelve, then ten then her Son’s mouth covered her, he drank and licked up the rest of her ejaculate, she was spent.
He held her, he was gentle with her, he stroked her hair hand combing her short bob, he kissed her cheek, he hugged her like she was his child, she was still catching her breath, it had been an out of body experience, finally she was able to rasp out, “What happened?”
“One of the things your lovely body has been waiting for,” was his enigmatic answer.
He went to the bathroom, got a towel and wiped her down.
“No, really, what happened,” she was still dazed.
“It’s called squirting, did you like it?”
“I, I, I’m not sure, it was unbelievably intense, I completely lost control. Ryan, I didn’t know girls could do that.”
“Kim, a lady’s body is designed for pleasure, maybe Mother Nature’s way of repaying you for the pain of child birth, you think?”
As they talked his fingers sought out the split between her labia, he gently stroked her.
“You’re such a beautiful and desirable woman Kim, I think tonight I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”
It was like she melted as she whispered, “I still want you in me Sweetheart.”
He laid her back and lubricated her vagina with a dab of the KY, he positioned himself between her slim thighs, as he moved up on her she instinctively drew her legs up exposing herself, the head pressed into her then the thrust as he buried himself in her hot, wet folds.
She moaned as he filled her, he was big, huge in comparison with any past lovers, it created an ache, a superb ache as she was stretched, she wrapped her legs around his hips, her arms embraced him, she clung to him like a baby sloth with it’s mother as he fucked her.
He started with slow, deep strokes, probing places that no man had ever explored, she was making little moaning, whimpering sounds, it hurt but it was like she was living for the pain, plus she realized it would soon pass, he was opening her, opening her to the fantastic pleasure she knew was waiting.
She threw her pelvis up meeting his thrust, “Harder,” she moaned.
She screamed as he slammed into her, “Yes, fuck yes, fuck yes,” she climaxed.
Hot and slick, Ryan reveled in his Mother’s orgasmic juices flowing over his balls, he fucked her all the harder and she screamed all the louder, it felt wonderful, her internal organs clenched, her uterus, her anus and, as he could now feel, her vagina, it gripped and pulsed as her cunt convulsed with a series of orgasms, it nearly brought him over the top, he held out, he was far from done. She began to relax.
“Want a ride up top,” he asked.
Oh God, he was gonna give her control, she remembered seeing Ursula, the fun she was having, “Hell yes,” she exalted.
He pulled out of her, his cock was dripping with her juices, he rolled onto his back, his erection towered from his groin. With a smile he said, “Mount up Mommy.”
Damn, he’d called her Mommy, she felt she should be pissed, she wasn’t, not even a little bit. As she slid down his meat pole she took it slow, seated herself against his pubic hairs she smiled, God it felt good, slowly she began to ride him. Her hands went to her breasts, small as they were, she still squeezed, it felt good, her nipples projected between her grasping fingers, Ryan was smiling at her, he obviously liked watching her, she leaned forward and gave him a little kiss.
“You like?” She asked.
“Absolutely, I love it, you’re spectacular, he slid fingers under her and began to masturbate her, her eyes told him, they glassed over as she climaxed once again. She fell forward, sprawled on his chest, he held her and let her regain her breath.
“Liked that, didn’t you,” he finally asked.
“Unhunh,” was all she could reply.
“I think you’ll like this even better,” he told her. “I want you on your hands and knees.”
Oh God, here it comes, all I want and more than I can take, she thought. She got into position, or at least she thought she’d had. He forced her head and chest down to the mattress then lifted her by the hips and pressed a hand into the small of her back, she bowed under the pressure, she realized that everything, all of her female treasures were exposed to and for him, she was frightened, his tongue found her most secret place, he licked her then the tip slipped in her back door, “No, please no,” she pled.
He didn’t stop, her musty, earthy scent drove him on, he kept her pinned down until she gasped, “Oh Christ, please stop, please stop, please,” a gasp and a climax, she trembled under his relentless tongue, He lifted her and slammed her, her vagina, her very core, she wailed, shrieked, three notes higher than the highest soprano, he rode her down as he came in her.
In spite of everything Kim knew Ryan was filling her with his cum, hot and viscous it pooled below her cervix, even at forty-seven she was still fertile, like a bird drinking her cervix was dipping into the pool, sipping and passing the sperm along, it would swim, a race, through her uterus to her Fallopian Tubes, after her egg, at forty-seven, one of her last, she had the pills, the Plan B, the Morning After, she collapsed, he held her. He held her like no man had ever held her, she felt loved, loved like she’d never felt in her life.
“I could get pregnant, you know,” she whispered.
He embraced her, his breath was hot against her neck, “I can only hope,” he whispered to her.
Finally she said, “We have to talk to Ursula, too.”
“Yes, I suppose we do”
“I’ll do it, it’s really a woman thing, then after we can all sit down and discuss it.”
“Thanks Kim,” he said.
“Are we going to continue? Are you and Ursula?”
“I want to, but it’ll really be up to you two, won’t it?”
“Ryan, I can’t go back, if I’d taken the time to think about what I was doing I probably wouldn’t have done it, I mean it’s incest, it’s illegal among other prohibitions. But I didn’t, I’ve never wanted anything more, I watched you and Ursula and I wanted, oh God how I wanted. Now I want it even more.”
“And Ursula?”
“I can’t speak for her, it will be her decision.”
“Will you talk to her about this, too?”
“Of course.”
“Ryan Honey, why don’t you go to bed, get a good night’s rest, we can talk more tomorrow, Ok.”
After he’d left she gave it enough time so he’d be sleeping, she got one of the pills and a glass of water, she walked down the hall.
A night light was burning in Ursula’s bedroom, her daughter was atop the covers, she’d kicked them off. Like Kim Ursula slept in cotton panties and a tee shirt, the tee had ridden up to just below her breasts, the panties caressed her hips, Kim just stared, her beautiful baby girl. She placed the water and pill on the nightstand and sat on the bed.
Ursula’s eyes came open, “Hi Mommy.”
“Hi Sweetie, did I wake you?”
“I wasn’t asleep, I was just thinking.”
“There’s a lot to think about, isn’t there.”
“You know, don’t you Mommy?”
“Yes, I know, I watched through the doorway.”
“You watched? God that’s embarrassing.”
“Ursula, I found it beautiful.”
“You did?”
“Yep, now I have something for you,” she retrieved the pill and water, “Take this, it’s an emergency contraceptive, I’ll make appointments for us with my gynecologist for birth control.”
She took the pill then laid back down, Kim began to stroke her daughter’s tanned tummy.
“Mom, you said, about the doctor, you said appointments for both of us, why?”
“I’ll get to that, but now, how do you feel, some girls find losing their virginity traumatic.”
“I’m a little sore and I ache up inside but I’m Ok.”
“That’s normal, in a few days you’ll heal. Baby, do you want to do it again with Ryan?”
Ursula dropped her head like she was giving confession, “Yes Mommy,” was all she said.
“Good, he’ll be glad to learn that. Now, I guess I have a little confession to make to you. I understand why you ache, he’s so damned big, he gave that same ache to me. We have something in common, both of us have vaginas filled with his sperm.”
“Oh MY God, Mom, he did it with you, too.”
“I pretty much made him, after I watched you with him, I, I, I guess I lost control, it had been so long, I wanted what you were feeling.”
“Jeez Mom, what was it like doing it with your Son?”
“An adventure, a hellava adventure, I learned more about what my body can do with him tonight than I’d ever known.”
“What, what, now you’ve got me interested.”
Kim shared her experiences.
“Mom, no, he didn’t lick your butthole, God that’s nasty, why would he do that?” Ursula exploded.
“I didn’t know it, like I said, I learned a lot tonight. It’s an erogenous zone, he made me cum when he was doing it, it felt wonderful.”
“Weird,” was Ursula’s comment on that.
“I think he wants to do me that way.”
“Do you that way, what do you mean?”
“I think he wants to sodomize me and, honestly, I’m a little scared.”
“What are you going to do if he tries?”
“Let him, of course. His job is to satisfy us, our job is to satisfy him.”
“Mom, you’re scaring me, do you think he’ll do it to me, too?”
“I think that, with your perfect body he’s chomping at the bit.”
The hand that had been stroking Ursula’s tummy rode up, Kim cupped her daughter’s left breast through the cloth of her tee shirt. “How I envy your breasts,” she said rasped.
Their faces were close, Kim was panting lightly, they could smell and feel each other’s breath, Ursula’s nipples stiffened under her Mother’s gentle caress.
As their eyes met Ursula gasped, “Mom, Mom, Mom, oh God.”
The young woman’s legs fell apart, fingers masturbated her through her cotton panties, she moaned,
“I’m gonna cum, Mommy, I’m gonna cum.”
“I know you are Sweetie,” Kim whispered as their lips met.
Ryan was first up, in his Sister’s bedroom he found them both. Tee shirts were up, breasts exposed, panties still on, they laid chest to chest, he smiled then went downstairs and made coffee.
It was about fifteen minutes before the ladies joined him, they were still in their sleepwear, the panties gave Ursula a sexy little camel toe.
“I thought I smelled something good,” Kim said as she inhaled the coffee aroma.
She and Ursula walked to the counter, Kim poured them each a cup.
Ryan admired them, the contrast was amazing, tanned Ursula’s plump bottom filled her panties to the max, startling, though they were mother and daughter, Kim was tall and willowy, her butt was small and tight, they were both utterly desirable. They joined him at the table.
“I think we need to talk,” Kim said. “After last night the matrix in our household has shifted and I want everyone to understand. Ryan, we both want to be your girls so in the bedroom you’re the king. Outside, I’m still the Mom, I know you’re both adults, but we’ll still live by my rules, you both know what they are so I’m not going to draw this out.
Now, Ursula’s going to be sore for a couple of days, heck, I’m gonna be sore but in a very nice way, I think she should abstain for a little while until her broken hymen heals but that’s up to her. I’m going to make doctor’s appointments for both of us, we need contraception, I’m going to have the doctor insert IUD’s in both of us, now, is everyone in agreement?”
“That’s the way is should be Mom,” Ursula said.
“I agree, sure Mom,” Ryan added.
“Good, Ursula, how about starting breakfast while I call the doctor.”
Kim picked up her cell phone and went into the living room.
Ursula whispered to Ryan, “I still want to fuck, I think I love it.” She got eggs from the fridge and said to Ryan, “You make the toast.”
Kim came back, “We’re in luck, we have appointments at ten o’clock this morning, we’ll have to hustle and I need to run to the drug store. Ursula, you probably won’t like some of the things we need to do, she’s insisting that we have complete physicals and that includes a rectal examination. We both need to have enemas before we go, she wants us to have empty bowels and full bladders when we get there.”
“God Mom, I’ve never had an enema and I don’t really want one.”
“I don’t want one either but that doesn’t change the fact that we both have to have one, now serve the eggs.”
After their meal Kim said, “Ryan, how about you clean up here and load the dishwasher, Ursula, you need to shower, no perfume, no deodorant, lay out your clothes, dress light, a button front blouse, panties, a skirt and wear flats, don’t dress until I get back, you’ll still need your enema.” And out the door she went.
She was back in fifteen minutes, in the bag she was carrying was a six pack of Fleet enemas, she went to Ursula’s room, she was sitting at her vanity brushing her hair.
“Get out of your panties Honey, I’ll be right back.”
Kim went to her room, stripped and took two of the enemas and got the KY from her drawer, she jumped onto the bed.
“I’ll give you yours then you can give me mine, come get over my lap.”
“Do we have to?”
“Quit sniveling and get over my lap or we’ll be late.”
“Obediently Ursula climbed across her Mother’s lap.”
“I’m going to put a little lubricant in you then I’ll give you your enema,” she said as she greased her index finger.
She held her daughter’s cheeks apart, her anus was a cute pink flower, she slid the lubed finger into her, pumped it several times, pulled out and inserted the enema nozzle.
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