His Hardware….Her Software 2
His Hardware….Her Software 2
Sex Story Author: | T. Foxal |
Sex Story Excerpt: | He said he is seeing damn near every night now. Max just chuckled to himself, but knew he made the |
Sex Story Category: | Bi-sexual |
Sex Story Tags: | Bi-sexual, Consensual Sex, Fiction, Males / Female, Males / Females |
It is better to read the first part of this series.
As always, all comments are welcome.
Over the course of several months, Gwen and Max grew closer and closer. The first four weeks, after the Florida conference, Max would be at his Ohio home, during the week, working away at getting the system ready for not only Gwen’s company, but the one in Texas, that Jim would be heading up. Then on Friday, Max would go to Gwen’s and spend the weekend, or Gwen would come to his place and stay. She loved his house and how it sat right on the water’s edge. It even had a private beach, something Gwen told Max that she would like to make love there, when it was warmer, of course.
When they were apart, there was nightly phone conversations, which even included phone sex. That was new to both of them, but both enjoyed it. Yet neither said those magic words yet, but both still felt it in their hearts. When they did have their weekends, they spent many an hour in bed, making love, then also going out to dinner, or movies, or just sightseeing.
Two weeks before Thanksgiving, the project began, with the main company sending up three individuals to start the implementation process. This is the hard part, where their software, Max’s software and hardware, would need to be integrated into Gwen’s existing system. Gwen had her own crack team in the IT department, which helped a lot.
That Friday, before the project start, Max packed weeks worth of clothes and anything else he would need, including all files for not only this job, but the Texas job, and existing companies he has already worked on, since there is times they still need assistance.
Gwen had already cleared out space in one closet of her master suite, and gave him the other sink and cabinet, in her master bath. Gwen had also told her daughter, Hanna, about Max, and that he would be staying with her, and hopefully, it would be for good, she thought, but did not tell Hanna that part. Hanna was very happy for her mom that she finally found someone.
Hanna, who is 20, was a junior at MIT. She had graduated high school a year early and is super smart, and is majoring in computer science. Gwen was a junior at Michigan, when she got pregnant with Hanna. Ronnie and Gwen dated almost two years before that accident happened. He had graduated the past May and now was working for a stock broker. Gwen got to finish her junior year before Hanna was born. They soon married before Hanna was born. Of course her parents, who live in England, were not happy about this, but came to accept it. They weren’t to thrilled that Gwen wanted to come to the states for her college education, but were happy that she received a full scholarship. Gwen though, did not finish up her degree until ten years later.
After dinner that first night, Gwen did have exciting news, at least it was for her. She and her soon to be ex, came to an agreement to end the marriage. She would get to keep the house, which they bought some 15 years ago. It was a 3500 square foot Victorian style home, with a huge kitchen and open concept to the family room and dining room, First floor master suite, and 3 spacious bedrooms upstairs. The house was really bigger than the three of them ever needed, but Ron was into material possessions. He would also have to pay her 4 years of alimony, or, until she married again. She also would get one third of his 401K plan, from the amount he had in there, when they first split, plus a cash settlement of $250 grand. It was a far cry from what she initially wanted, which was half of everything he had. She knew he was making over 7 figures a year now, but, she really wanted this to end.
Max was extremely happy for her too. He also knew this opened a door for them, that had been closed before. But he did caution her, “Sweetheart. I am happy for you and will support you through it all, but make sure you are doing this for you. Not for me, or us, but for you alone.”
She assured him that it was for her, and Hanna too. Her soon to be ex had not seen or spoken to Hanna since her graduation day. Of course, there was no love lost between the two as it was. To Ron, Hanna was a nuisance and he never really wanted kids. But he gave in to pressure from his parents to marry Gwen, but Gwen never knew that until many years later.
Max’s only concern was how Hanna would view this, with him living there with her mom, and let’s not forget, sharing a bed. Speaking of the bed, Max had wondered if this was the same bed that Gwen has had since her marriage. It was a beautiful 4 poster, king size bed, and very comfortable.
As they got ready for bed, and crawled in, Gwen asked, “ You know you’ve stayed here a couple of times now, so is this bed to your liking? I got it about 8 months ago. I needed to purge my past, so getting rid of the old and get new was a way for me to start. You are the only man to have laid here.” She told him as she moved her naked body on top of his, and guided his hard member inside the loving embrace of her vagina, where they made slow, passionate love until sleep over took them.
Over the next couple of weeks, they worked long hours together. They found they worked well together. If there was a problem, they worked through it to find answers. That couldn’t be said about one of Florida people, who did not do much but bitch. He was young and thought this would be a party and not the work it was becoming. Max had to take him aside and tell him to respect the team and pull his weight, or he’d have him replaced.
One night, it was after 7 and Max and Gwen were alone in her office. They couldn’t figure out a problem. Max suggested they stop for the night, which Gwen agreed to. She said she needed the use the restroom and left, after kissing him on the lips. During their work time, they showed very little PDA. A caress here or a stolen kiss there, but that was it.
When Gwen reentered the office, she locked the door. She had a gleam in her eye as she walked over to Max and stood in front of him, then dropped to her knees and started unbuckling his belt, then the clasp on his pants.
Max was surprised, yet enjoying this. “ Babe. What are you doing. People could be still here.”
“ No one is around now. The whole place is empty and this has been something I have wanted to do for a long time. So relax, let me get you hard, and then I want you to take me on my desk and fuck me silly.” she said, then pulled his cock out.
She only sucked him long enough to get him super hard. She stood up and grabbed his hand and pulled him up. Max kicked his shoes off, then his pants and boxers. He pulled Gwen in for a hot kiss then walked them towards her desk. Once there, he pulled the hem of her skirt up and saw she wore no panties. She sat on the edge of the desk, then scooted back just enough to feel solid on it. As she did this, Max raised her skirt more, so it was not in the way. Her pussy was on the edge now, and her feet came up and rested on the desk as well, giving him full access to her dripping sex. Max’s dick acted as a divining rod, seeking out water, as it easily found its way inside her juicy hole.
“Oh Fuck Baby. You are so wet tonight.” he said
“Oh God Honey. I have wanted this all day. We haven’t done anything in 3 nights now and I am super horny… No more talk.. Just fuck and cum.” she cooed
Both of them were consumed by lust at this point. They fucked hard for almost ten minutes. There was no talking, just moaning and grunting, and groaning from both of them until Gwen yelled out she was cumming. Once Max heard that, he released his seed deep inside her quaking pussy. After resting a few minutes, they disentangled from one another, and Max got dressed. Gwen reached in her purse and removed her panties and put them back on.
“Babe. Let’s just stop at some fast food place and get drive through stuff, then go home and quickly eat, and resume what we were just doing. I am so horny now and want you so bad.” she said.
“ I love a woman with a plan.” he said as they chuckled and left.
Later, at home, after another round of hot, lustful sex, they lay in each others arms. Max informed her about a phone conversation he had earlier with Jim, his associate. They were having some problems with the install and wanted insight, if Max could provide any. Max told him to try this one way and if that didn’t work, he’d fly down and help him out.
Max went on to tell Gwen how Jim and Sophie have been almost inseparable after leaving work. She comes to his hotel on many a night, and on the weekends, he stays with her. As Jim put it, “She is crazy about sex.”
“Well. I am glad she found someone to take care of her. Any regrets it is not you, Stud?” she asked.
“Heavens No. Plus, I believe the woman I am with is just as crazy for it, if not more, and I don’t need to find it anywhere else.” he said and smiled
“Good answer. And Yes. I am crazy about sex, with you and you alone. But if you have to go down there, you stay the hell away from her.” she said, but did laugh, not wanting Max to think she is jealous.
“You know Honey. Hanna comes home in a little more than a week for Thanksgiving. Then goes back for just a week of finals, and then back here for a month, for Winter Break.” she told him.
“Yeah. I just hope she is good with this. I mean she hasn’t had to put up with a man in her house in a long time.” Max said.
“It will be fine. Trust me. She is going to love you Honey, I promise. But you are right, she isn’t used to a man around here, so don’t freak if you see her running around in panties and a bra, or just a towel around her. We used to be kind of free when it came to dress around here.”
“Good to know. I don’t think you would appreciate me walking around in boxers or even naked then.” he said with a laugh.
“I like when you walk around in boxers. Not sure how Hanna would look upon it. I like it even better when we go naked.” she explained with a smirk on her face.
“ I’m sure Hanna has seen a man naked in her life by now. Surely, by 20, she has experienced sex.” he said.
“Yes. Well, she has one time. He was a boy in her senior class and it did not go well. Like boys that age, they have no clue what they are doing and only concern themselves with their own lustful needs. She was devastated by the experience. Since that time, she has not been on a date, at least with a male. I won’t lie to you Max, she and her roommate are quite close, especially sexually.”
“Hey. As long as she is happy, it doesn’t really matter. You know me, I don’t judge. Who knows, she may meet a guy who would make sure her needs are well taken care of.” he said.
“True. But there are not many out there like you Sweetie. My needs are well taken care of by you. Nobody has ever made love to me like you do. I mean, when we do make love, it feels like you and I are one whole person, we are so in sync. Then, when we have our lustful adventures, my God, you have no idea how turned on I am by you. There so many ways I want to try now. I lived in a shell far too long, and judging by how you respond to that side of me, I’d say we are such a great match.” Gwen said.
“ I think we are more than a great match Babe. And I think you know me by now, that I am up for anything you want to try. I am pretty much open to just about anything, except pain and potty stuff, otherwise, I think I am pretty open, especially if it brings you pleasure.” he told her.
“MMMMMMMMMM and I love how you pleasure me. We’ll definitely have to try again at the office. I came in the bathroom just thinking about it. But you wait and see, Hanna will absolutely adore you. I know my girl very well. Her taste and my taste are very similar.” she said, then curled close to him for the night.
The Tuesday before Thanksgiving, Max and Gwen got home close to 8pm. Hanna was due in the next day, and they wanted to take it off, so they’d be there when she arrived. So they worked later and got done with what they needed to do. They had stopped too, and had dinner on the way home. After arriving home, they went upstairs, and as was custom for Max, he went into the bathroom and shaved. He preferred shaving the night before, then shower in the morning. After doffing his clothes, he started to shave. He even did a quick shave of his pelvic area, just in case Gwen was in the mood tonight, since they hadn’t made love since Saturday. Although they both could have sex nightly, they decided a while back, it makes it so much better when they space days in between. Like they appreciated it more. He never wanted to take her, or that gift she gave him, for granted.
Gwen had just put on her PJ bottoms and was reaching for her top, when the bedroom door opened and Hanna walked in. A huge smile came across Gwen’s face, since this was the first time she had seen her since the summer, when she came home for a week. Hanna took classes during the summer too, so she could graduate next December. When her next semester started up in January, she’d be considered a senior. Hanna and Gwen then hugged tightly and kissed.
“Hanna. I thought you were coming in tomorrow?” Gwen asked
“I got done with my class and got lucky and got a flight out tonight. I rented a car, instead of calling you to surprise you.” Hanna said
“Oh Mum, it has been so long since I have seen you. I have really missed you.” Hanna said
“Oh My God Honey. I’ve missed you too. Let me get my top on.” Gwen said.
“Oh hell Mum. Not on my account. It’s not like I haven’t seen, or even caressed those before.” Hanna said, with a giggle, then reached out and lightly pinched both nipples.
“Stop that. Max doesn’t know about that, yet.” Gwen said.
“So you plan on telling him?” Hanna asked.
“Yes Sweetie. I do.. I want no secrets between us. He’s the one Honey. I love that man and want to spend my life with him. I pray you like him too” Gwen said and smiled at her daughter.
“From everything you have told me, I am sure I will like him. So quit worrying so much.” Hanna said, and as she finished speaking the bathroom door opened up, and Max started walking out, naked.
Max was starting to ask Gwen a question and stopped dead in his tracks. As soon as he saw Hanna, his hands went to cover his nakedness up, but, it was too late. Hanna already got an eyeful of him. “Oh Shit.. Sorry.” he said, as he backed into the bathroom and shut the door. The girls laughed at his predicament.
“Oh my God Mum, I can see why you are so happy anymore. He is so hot and I may say, very well hung. Does he have a son who looks just like him? I’d go straight if he did.” she said with a giggle.
“Stop that” Gwen said and giggled too, as she reached into a drawer and pulled out a pair PJ bottom for him to wear, and a t-shirt. She then went into the bathroom and gave him the clothes, as she did, she could see the embarrassment on his face.
“Well. That could have gone better. I’m sure I made a wonderful first impression with her.” Max stated.
“Relax Honey. Everything is fine. Remember, nudity is no big deal to us. And, you did make a good impression with her.” she said and giggled and left the room.
Later, in Gwen’s family room, the three sat around and talked. Before that, while Hanna put her things away in her bedroom, Gwen made her a quick bite to eat. For Hanna, this felt so different, with Max around. So far he seemed really nice, and “Oh God” she thought, and sexy as hell and what a cock. She smiled when she thought about him standing there naked. She also wondered how this would affect her and her mother’s special time together.
When Max saw her come out of her bedroom, she was wearing a burgundy nightshirt, that was high cut on both side, and looked to be either silk or satin. Hanna was about an inch shorter than her mother, and probably weighed a good 140 lbs, and from the looks of things, had the same size C cup breasts her mom has. The big difference between them was she was chunky, with a bigger butt than Gwen, and had shoulder length red hair. Where Gwen had a flatter tummy, Hanna had a slight bulge there.
The rest of the evening, the three conversed about many things, especially the project, which Hanna was super interested in. Max was interested in her schooling and paid close attention to what she was telling him.
For Gwen, the evening was going great. She was glad that Max and Hanna could talk and get along, and Hanna did not seem to be put off by him or show any jealousy, which did worry Gwen. Towards the end of the evening, with both women consuming a couple glasses of wine, they decided to hit the hay for the night.
While Max checked to make sure the house was locked up, the girls took their glasses to the kitchen and stowed the open bottle of wine. Hanna hugged her mom and softly said, “Mum. He’s a keeper. I really like him and he made me feel quite at ease.” Hanna told her.
“That’s good Honey. I plan on keeping him. At least I have that plan, and I believe he is on the same page too. Only time will tell.” Gwen said.
The next day, the three of them went shopping, then decided on some cheesy movie to go see. Max didn’t care, as long as Gwen, and now Hanna, were happy and having fun. They had plans on making a turkey for the holiday, but Max called this one restaurant and got reservations instead of cooking at home. The girls were all for that.
The holiday was just a relaxing time for them. Max told them how it was when he was growing up and how his mom always hosted the day and had many relatives over. Since Gwen was English, this was not a holiday for them, but they did celebrate it when Hanna was a kid and Ronnie was still in the picture. That Friday, Black Friday, the girls did go out shopping and were gone for hours. Max busied himself with a few work problems, but nothing major. He even got an update from Jim, on how that project was going.
JIm filled him in and told him about his ongoing affair with Sophie, who as Jim put it, is one insatiable woman.
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