Hiking for Love
Chapter 1
I’m Mark. 39 years old, single, a computer geek who is lucky enough that I can work from home, and make my own hours. I wasn’t always like this. When I was 18, I had a choice, jail or join the service. I just made some bad decisions back then, doing drugs and getting in fights. So I opted for the Marines. I spent 15 years with them, and advanced to Master Sergeant, which is the forth highest position an NCO can go. Served 3 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, which are true shit holes. Great thing about the service, besides 3 square meals a day and a place to sleep, you can be taught almost any useful job in the world, which is where I learned computer programing.
Now I pretty much free lance my abilities out and make a good wage. Most times I have jobs to do, but sometimes I don’t and have lots of free time. If I do have jobs, I can make my own hours.
I don’t have a steady woman at this time, and I am ok with that. Being deployed all the time, whether it was in the Middle East, or on some ship with a bunch of Squids, I really had no time for a relationship.
I had been out almost a year this past August, when I decided I needed some down time. I decided I was going to the Adirondacks and do some hiking. I grew up outside of Syracuse Ny., and have always wanted to go there. My one uncle owns a cabin up there and offered it to me when he heard I wanted to go hiking up there. He told me it had one bedroom, a bathroom, kitchen, and a living room with fireplace. It had running water and electricity. He warned me that I would need to turn on the hot water tank, since they shut it down last fall, after they used it last.
I had decided that I would take two weeks to explore all the different mountain ranges this area had, finishing up at Mt. Marcy, the highest of them all. Since it was just after Labor Day, tourism should be at a low, with vacationers and school kids back into their routines. My plan was to hike daily, a different range, and if need be, camp out at night. Being a Marine, we are taught all types of survival skills, so this would be no problem for me. One thing my uncle did ask me to do, is stop at the Ranger station and let them know I would be occupying the cabin for a length of time. People sometimes like to use squatter rights and just use cabins, regardless if they are allowed, or not.
I also like that the temperature doesn’t get to warm up there either. I prefer cool nights and just warm days. Maybe it’s because of my time in that hell hole of the middle east. My trip took almost 4 hours to get to where I wanted to go.
Chapter 2
The skis were quite cloudy when I pulled into the Ranger Station. I got out of my truck and headed to the stations door, and when I opened it, a woman was coming out at the same time and we bumped into each other. We both apologized, then laughed, and then she continued on to her vehicle.
After letting a ranger know where I was going and for how long, I exited the station and headed back to my truck. That’s when I noticed her again. She was 5 ‘7, maybe 130 lbs., caramel colored skin, shoulder length hair. From the side, she did not look like she had any boobs, and if so, they were small, just the way I actually like them. She was wearing camo style shorts, and a tan polo shirt. Boy, she had nice legs, long and muscular, very toned. If I had to guess her age, early 30’s. Whoever was getting lucky with that, was one lucky son of a bitch. One thing I did notice, she was wearing white running shoes, and not hiking boots. Judging from the backpack she was attempting to put on, she was going hiking and camping out. Running shoes are not the smartest thing to wear hiking. No ankle support what so ever.
As I drove off, I stole another look at her, as I drove by. Great looking ass. Bigger than a model would have, but smaller than many of the women I have seen in my lifetime. I exited the parking lot and started heading up Whiteface Mountain. My uncle’s cabin is up about 4 miles from this point, on a long and windy road. If I had to guess, it would be about a third of the way up the mountain, and only because of the road, which I believed was cut out by a snake.
Once I arrived, I unloaded everything into the cabin. Found the circuit breaker and turned them on, especially the hot water tank. Too many cold showers in my life, so no need to suffer this time now. One thing I did notice too, the temp was cooler up this high. It was around 70 down by the station, but I bet it dropped a good 10 degrees.
Next, I unload my coolers, which had meats and eggs, butter, and all of the necessities needed to eat well. I had enough for 2 weeks, if not more. Also brought along 2 12 packs of beer as well, and water. Man I love roughing it.
After stowing away my gear and food, I checked the place out. Nice queen size bed, in the bedroom. They even had TV, which I could care less about. May to use for the weather is all I can see a use for it. I’m not one to sit and watch TV much, except for football and maybe playoff baseball.
I then went and checked the area out. The back porch had a gas grill on it, plus what looked like a cord of wood. I figured if I used any, I could go into town and buy some to replenish, unless Unc had a chain saw, then I would do my own. I then went for a small hike just around the area.
I did not want to venture to far today. It was already after 4pm, and the skies were really getting dark, so some rain, if not storms, were moving in soon. About a 1/4 mile into the woods, was a hiking trail, well used too. I wondered if that lady was on this trail, if she even made up this far yet. If she did, she better start preparing her campsite for the weather that was due in soon. I kept hiking for another 30 minutes before heading back to the cabin. I figured a good early start in the morning, may get me to the top by the afternoon, early evening.
Chapter 3
I was now back from my little hike and relaxing, but also getting hungry. I settled on frying up some home fries and grill up some polish kielbasa. I cooked up the potatoes first, and then set the pan in the oven and set it to warm. Then took the meat out to the porch and fired up the grill.
It was a little after 6 now and the wind had really picked up and the skies hung low, full of rain that to start shortly. As I waited for the grill to heat up some, I thought I heard someone cry out. At first I thought it could be just the wind, but then I heard it again.
I stepped off the porch and headed towards the trail, behind the cabin. As I got on the trail, I heard the cry again, but this time could make out the word Help. I yelled out for the person to keep yelling, so I could judge where it was actually coming from.
Whoever it was, must have heard me because the Helps were coming more quickly. I was at least a good half mile now from the cabin when I came upon a woman, lying on the ground, holding her foot. It was the lady I saw down by the ranger station when I first arrived.
When she saw me coming she said, “Oh Thank God. I wasn’t sure anyone could hear me.”
“What happened?” I asked. “Oh stupid me wasn’t watching where I stepped and then all of a sudden, I’m on the ground from twisting my ankle.” she explained, then went on,
“I tried walking on it, but damn, it hurts. I don’t think it is broken.” I kneeled in front of her and took off her shoe, then her wool sock, and could see the ankle was swollen and just starting to turn a little purplish. I’m no doctor, nor was I corpsman in the service, but I have had my share, and have seen many a sprained ankle, and this sure did look like one.
After looking at it, I looked up at her face and could see the pain written all over her gorgeous face. I then gently removed her backpack, which had to weigh a good 25 to 30 pounds. “Christ, what the hell is she carrying in this.”, I thought. Then I put the backpack on over my shoulders. Just then, the rain started. “Great, just what I needed”, I thought.
“Oh damn. This isn’t good. What are we going to do now?” she asked.
“First off, grab my arm and let’s get you up, then we’ll hike back down to my cabin, which I think is about a 1/2 mile from here.” I said. “By the way, my name is Mark” She retorted back to me “Carolyn, or Carrie to my friends, which you are fast becoming.”
With my help, she stood up, using her good leg. Now I am not a tall man, 5′ 10 175 lbs, and still in great shape, since I workout 4 times a week. I then asked her to put her right arm around my neck and I would hold her waist, and we would try and keep all the weight off of the foot.
We did quite well actually, and she didn’t complain one time. Only twice did we have to stop and rest a minute. That didn’t matter, we were both soaked to our skin by now, and it was quite chilly out. What should have taken maybe 5 minutes to walk, turned into almost 25 minutes, by the time we got back to the porch of the cabin. At one point, I felt I should have just carried her fireman’s style, just to speed this up.
We then entered the cabin. Luckily it was still pretty warm in there, but I knew that wouldn’t last long. I guided her over to a leather chair and had her sit. Then went and got some towels to at least dry off some of the rain.
I then went into the bathroom and saw that my uncle had 2 inch wide medical tape and some gauze. I went into my pack and pulled out some aleve. I came back out, got some water and then handed her the medicine. Then I knelt down and removed her shoe again, sans the sock, since we didn’t put that back on. I carefully dried her foot and ankle, and then wrapped gauze around it, then taped it up.
After I finished, I could see she was shaking from being cold now. Both of us were soaked to the skin. I went into my uncles dresser and looked around. My aunt had a set sweats in there. I hope they fit her. My aunt is only 5’4, but is big chested, so the top should be fine. I also pulled out some socks for her as well. I then looked in the closet, and in the back, found a pair of crutches. Unc’s family comes up here a lot to ski, so crutches would be a wise investment, especially for my one cousin carol, she is a klutz.
I came back into the living room and looked down at her. ” How does that feel now Carrie”
“Still hurts, but not like it was, and thank you.” she said. I extended a hand to her and told her to grab it, then pulled her up. “I got you some clothes to change into, and these crutches. The shower is down the hall. A good hot shower should help you warm up a bit . Also, take this baggie and wrap it around your foot and ankle and tape off the top, to keep it dry.”
“Oh My God, you are so nice. I am so sorry for being a pain in your ass, but thank you so much.”
She trudged down the hall to the bath. I couldn’t help but look at her great legs and chubby butt as she went. I did notice she wore no wedding, or engagement ring, so that was a good thing. Just before she opened the bathroom door, I told her I was going to finish making dinner. She just grinned, but said nothing. Before I did that though, I pulled out some sweats. Both the top and the bottoms had the Marine logo on it. Those sweats last forever.
I had to reheat the fried potatoes and then went and relit the grill. The kielbasa was done in about 10 minutes. So when I came back in, she was still not out of the shower. “Women”, I thought. They take so fricken long to get clean. Although I did have some thoughts about how she looked in the shower.
I had just finished setting the table, when she arrived back out in the living room. The sweat top was definitely tp big for her, yet looked cute. The sweat pants were a little snug and stopped short about two inches from the top of her feet. She was like staring at me, but didn’t speak.
“Is something wrong?” I asked. “No, not a thing, except for those Jarhead sweats you have on.”
“What? You don’t like Marines?” She laughed and said, “They are ok, but to a Navy gal, they don’t get my motor running”
“Oh shit. I helped a god damn Squid? Christ sakes”, then laughed, and so did she. “Come on, let’s eat”
I asked her what she would like to drink, which was limited to beer or water. She chose a water, as I did too, and sat down to our little feast.
Chapter 4
She was quiet at first, so I broke the silence and asked her “So Miss Carrie, and I presume Miss, what has you up here by yourself?”
She chuckled then spoke ” I love hiking and always wanted to come explore these mountains. And Yes, I am a miss. Divorced actually, 5 years now. I have a 20 year daughter too, who attends Syracuse University. I spent 14 years in the Navy. I was also a Navy brat too. My dad and mom live in Pensacola, after he retired from the Navy as a Master Chief. I left the Navy 7 years ago, but that’s another story.”
She took a drink of water, then continued. ” I live right outside of Syracuse now, mostly to be close to my daughter. She was adopted when she was 3 years old. I couldn’t have kids, and she was orphaned when her parents were killed in an auto accident in Norfolk. What about you Mr. Mark?”
I smiled at her and looked her right in the eye, which were hazel in color. “Let’s see, I spent 20 good years in, and then retired from it. I did pick up a good vocation, programming computers, so that’s what I do now. Mostly free lance myself out. I make a good wage doing it. My uncle owns this cabin and I needed a vacation, so I too, wanted to explore here. I took the next two weeks off and hope to finish up on Mt. Marcy. I grew up just east of Syracuse and moved back there. Both of my parents are deceased now, and I have one sister, who is two years older than me”
She then asked, “What did you end up at?” “An E8, Mater Sergeant, and you?” She chuckled and said, “E8 as well, Senior Chief. How many deployments?”
” 3 tours in the sandpit, then countless boat rides. Served on the GW (washington) and the Lincoln, and ended my career at Quantico.”
“OH shit. My dad served on the Lincoln too, John Reynolds. Master Chief of the Boat.”
I laughed and said, “I know your old man. I served with him on the Lincoln for 6 months. At the time I was a E6 (Staff Sergeant), but I got to know him well. I even got to meet your mom too, when we got done at Norfolk. Beautiful lady and not being forward, I can see where you get your looks. Your old man had a way with the crew. They all respected him and did anything he told them to do. I can still remember his one saying, “Son. Don’t fail me, or I will open a can of whoop ass on you”. Usually scared the shit out of some teenage kid”
She laughed and said, “Yeah, he did have their respect, but at home he was a teddy bear, at least to me and mom. I remember in high school, any boy I would date, he would just stare at them, which usually scared the shit out of them”
We laughed and told stories about our time in the service. Then I did the dishes up while I had her go relax on the couch. When I finished, I asked if she would like a beer now, which she gladly accepted. Before I came out with the beers, I wrote down my name, address and phone number, and handed it to her.
“What’s this for?” I told her, “Look. You were injured and I would like you to call your family and tell them and that you will be staying here tonight. Plus give you peace of mind that you are not bunking with some crazy guy in the woods. So let them know that info, and all should be good.”
She chuckled then said, “Well, for one. all of you jarheads are crazy, so I am not to sure how safe I am with you, but so far, you haven’t shown any craziness. But I will call my daughter and let her know.”
She then called her daughter and explained the situation to her. They chatted for about 10 minutes or so. Her daughter must have asked her if I was cute, because she softly spoke, “yeah. pretty cute” After that she hung up her phone and sat back on the couch.
“I want to thank you again for saving me from a very bad situation. I know I have to be a pain in the ass to you, and you weren’t planning on someone screwing up your vacation like this.” Carrie said.
“Number one, you are not a pain in the ass at all, and two, you haven’t screwed anything up. I rather enjoy your company, if I am being honest here. Granted, I came up here alone, but now I have made a friend, or at least, an acquaintance, and if I may add a very beautiful one at that..
Carrie blushed, “Thank you. I mean for a Gyrene, you are pretty nice, and a bonus, you can cook too. How come some pretty woman hasn’t snatched you up?”
I just chuckled at that, “Well, you know how it is in the service. Always deployed to some ungodly place, or never being able to put roots down in one place. That’s not fair to anyone. Plus, there has been no one who really rocked my world. The closest I came was living with this one girl for like 6 months, but she opted out after seeing me off to Iraq, and just couldn’t handle the unknown. When I got back 8 months later, she was long gone. Never heard a word from her either, except for the letter she left behind. So from that point on, I just dated here and there, nothing steady. And now, I haven’t really looked. You say you are divorced, what happened there, if you don’t mind telling.”
She smiled, and when she did, her whole face smiled. Her almond shaped eyes were to die for. A man could get lost in those eyes. I know I was. I also wondered if she had a special man in her life. If so, he was a complete idiot for letting her go on this by herself. Not to keep her safe, or anything like that, but just to be with her.
“We met at Pensacola when I was just 2 years into my first term. He was a Seal. So of course he hung the moon and stars. But growing up Navy, I knew what this entailed. We had a great marriage, at least I thought we did. Only when he got deployed, did I get scared. You know how it is with them, they are not going to some amusement park. When he got transferred to a base, I got one too, since I worked in procurement and distribution, it was no big deal.”
She took a swig of her beer and breathed out, then continued. “We tried having kids, but I came to find out that my tubes were closed and I couldn’t have any. So we started looking at adoption and then about a year later we were informed about Jenny. Her parents killed in an auto accident and she had no living relatives. We took her in as a foster child and then about a year after, we adopted her. Things were going good for us. We both got transferred to Norfolk, and luckily, Dad was stationed there too, but as usual, out on a boat. Then Jack started to change. He became withdrawn and started drinking more.”
I put my hand on her shoulder and told her she didn’t have to continue. I knew this story well, which was one of the reasons I never settled down. Seen to many start drinking, and relived the action in their heads, and shut out their loved ones.
“No. I’m good. Any ways, about 9 years ago, he went on deployment and was gone a month. Who knows where, but called the night before and said he’d be home around 1700 hours. I was excited, yet nervous too. So, and I can’t believe I am telling you this, (chuckled), but I left work early that next day. I wanted to make it special for him. Jenny was going to stay with my mom. So I left around 2 and went home. When I got there, his car was already in the drive. We lived off base then. So I rushed from the car and went inside. I didn’t see or hear him, so I thought he was upstairs. Oh God… (chuckling again), I stripped down and figured I would surprise him being nude. I walked silently up the stairs and saw the bedroom door closed. Then I heard muffled sounds, so I opened the door, and there he was, on the bed. But he wasn’t alone. Our neighbor Joann, who lives two doors down, was there too. She was on top of him fucking him.”
“Oh shit Carrie, I am so sorry” This must have been bad for her, because tears were streaming down her face now. I didn’t know what to do actually. I am not good with women crying, and since I hardly knew her, I knew not to reach out and try and hold her.
She fought through it and smiled a little, “It’s ok, it really is. Joann was a divorcee and always flirted with the husbands around her. Lord knows how many time she and Jack fucked before I caught them. I shouted at them, which startled them both and I told her to get her skanky ass out of my bed. Then I told Jack to pack his things and get out. He did too, never saying a word to me as he did. About a month later, he was transferred to San Diego. I know in my heart, my dad had something to do with that. He had many big wig contacts. It took 2 years for the divorce to be finalized because he was never in the area. I had just ended my time in the service and wanted to get away from there. Dad and mom had already moved down to Florida, so I had really no one, so why stay. The next 5 years, I lived down near my parents, so I could give Jenny a new start, like me.
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