
Here comes the Summer

Here Comes the Summer

I’m now a 57 year old grey-haired, happily married Grandmother and well respected office manager in a large law firm.
But I have a secret. It’s a big secret that hardly anyone knows about. I have urges that I have to give in to at least once a year. It was easier to indulge in when I was a young woman but in the last few years it has cost me a lot of money. But every penny has been well spent.

It all started in the summer of 1964 when I was sent to stay with my Grandmother when my Mum took ill.

Gran met me off the train in Newcastle and we took a further three buses to reach the family home in rural Northumberland. I’d only been here once before when I was about 8, but never on my own.

When I visit now the village is absolutely beautiful; but when I was a 14 year old girl who lived in an industrial city it appeared desolate.

The first few days were a nightmare. It rained and I could hardly understand a word Gran and Grandad said because of their strange accent.

On the Friday I was walking back to the cottage with the evening newspaper when a large framed girl with bright red tousle hair; walking a chocolate Labrador stopped me in my tracks.

“What cheor pet? Eshe asked me with a big smile on her face as the dog jumped up and began licking my face.

I recognised the expression but didn’t know what it meant and must have looked petrified as she tugged the dog away and slapped its head.

She grinned and held her hand out.

“H-E-L-L-O! EShe slowly enunciated.

“Oh. Hello. EI replied and politely shook her hand. Her grip was like a vice.

“I’m Betty. You must be Kathleen? EThe girl introduced herself as she continued shaking my hand and struggling to control the dog.

“Yes I am. EI answered unaware that anyone would know who I was.

“I live in the house up there. EBetty told me as she released her grip and pointed to a large mansion on the hill.

As we walked back to my Grandparents cottage Betty told me about herself; she was 15 and lived with her parents and her elder brother. Her father was the local Solicitor and Justice of the Peace and her mother was the Headmistress of the local Senior School.
As I entered Granddads Ehouse she asked if I wanted to join her the following day for a walk in the hills with the dog. I quickly agreed, as there was nothing else to do.

When I woke I saw that it was a gorgeous sunny morning as soon as I looked out of the curtains.

Gran had already packed me some sandwiches, fruit and a bottle of homemade lemonade when Betty knocked on the door.

As soon as I opened the door the dog jumped up and nearly knocked me over again.

“Get down Mister! Down! EShe called out as she tugged the door away.

“I’m sorry pet Ehe’s just very frisky EI can’t do anything with him! EBetty laughed as she nearly strangled the dog.

We walked away from the village and soon began climbing a large hill behind the village. By today’s standards we weren’t dressed correctly for walking in the hills as I was wearing a yellow gingham dress and a pair of crepe sandals. Betty was wearing a wool skirt and a white blouse and had on a sturdy pair of brogues.

I struggled to understand some of the things Betty said because she had the same accent as my grandparents. Plus I very quickly realised that Betty wasn’t the sharpest knife in the box but she was good company and I felt that she would easily become a good friend.

We had walked for nearly an hour when we stopped for a drink of lemonade. As I sat on the grass and opened my satchel Mister the dog bounded towards me again; knocking me onto my back. I landed flat and my dress flew up exposing my white cotton knickers. Mister immediately pressed his cold wet nose between my legs.

“Aaaaaggghhh! EI screamed, “Get him off! E

“He’s a horny bugger like that! EBetty laughed as she pulled him away from me; “he’s like that with me and my mam all the bloody time. E

“It’s okay. EI lied as I straightened my dress.

As we sat chatting and admiring the scenery Mister kept straining at his leash trying to get nearer me.

We soon started our walk again and eventually passed a field with three horses in.

“Ha ha ha! EBetty laughed as she pointed towards a large black horse, “Have you seen the cock on him? E

“What did you say? EI wasn’t sure what she’d said because of her accent.

“Have you seen the size of the bloody cock on that horse? EShe replied slowly.

“The size of his Ewhat? EI asked again.

“His cock. EShe said incredulously, “his cock. Haven’t you seen a cock before? E

I shook my head, unsure what I was supposed to be looking at.

“Bloody hell, you must have led a sheltered life! EBetty grinned as she tied Mister to a tree and began climbing over the fence. “Come on; I’ll show you. EWith that she was off at a gallop across the field to where the horses were grazing.

I quickly followed. When I finally caught up she was stroking the black horse’s head and mane.

“There. EBetty pointed between its legs, “that’s his Ecock. And it’s a bloody big one! E

I finally saw what the fuss was about. A long dark brown ‘sausage Ethat was longer and thicker than my arm was dangling between the horses hind legs.

“Oh. EI gulped, “that? E

“Haven’t you seen a cock before? EBetty asked; taking great pleasure in using ‘that Eword.

I was now on my knees staring at this thing of wonderment.
“No. EI answered.

I told her that I was an only child and went to an all girls Eschool and had next to no contact with boys and daddy travelled to Europe every second week with his job with the shipyards.

“Do you want to touch it? EBetty giggled.
“Can I? E

“Be gentle and I’ll keep him calm. E

I held my tiny hand out and tenderly ran my fingers along the middle bit. It was hot and sticky and had a most interesting sweet smell. The horse didn’t move but the ‘cock Esoon began to twitch. I kept stroking it for a couple of minutes until the ‘cock Ebegan to stretch even longer and thicker. My eyes were nearly out on stalks now.

“Put your hand around it and rub it faster. EBetty panted.
I did as I was told but couldn’t get my whole hand around the shaft. As I rubbed nearer the end a thick roll of flesh pulled back exposing a hard brown ball. I was fascinated and ran my thumb across it. As I touched a little hole in the ball the horse began to move and knocked me over. As I fell the ‘sausage Ehit me in the face.

Betty let go of the horse to help me to my feet and the horse just wandered away Eits cock swaying merrily between its legs.

“You dirty cow! EBetty laughed as she brushed the grass off the back of my dress.

“What do you mean? EI asked indignantly.

“You’ve just wanked a horse’s cock! EShe was in fits of laughter now.

I didn’t know what she was talking about and became a little tearful.

“Don’t cry pet; I’m only kidding. EShe soothed me as she pulled me close until my face was pressed between her big soft breasts.

When we got back to Mister he was yelping and jumped up at me pushing his nose up my dress again as I climbed over the fence.

“Look! EBetty pointed to her dog as she pulled it away from me, “he’s got a hard-on too! I think he can smell you! E

I looked at Mister and sure enough his long pink cock was sticking out from a hairy pouch as he tried in vain to get his head up my dress.

“Why’s he doing that? EI asked innocently.

“That’s what dogs and horses do when they want to fuck you. EBetty explained as if everyone in the world should know. “Boys are the same. EShe smiled, “but not as big. E

“Do you want to touch Misters Ecock as well? EBetty grinned.

Fascinated I nodded.

“Lie down! EBetty snapped and rolled the dog onto its back.

“Go on, I’ll hold him for you. EMy new best friend giggled.

The dog wriggled but Betty had him held fast as I ran my fingers along his wet pink cock. It felt softer and wetter than the horse’s cock but I could get my hand all of the way round this one. My heart was pounding as I stroked his lovely pink thing.

“Grip it tighter. EMy friend whispered, “Wank it faster E.then you’ll see what happens! E

I felt like I was hypnotised as I rubbed it faster and faster until Mister began to really wriggle and Ea jet of silvery grey liquid shot out of the tip.

Shocked I immediately stopped, presuming I’d hurt him.

“Don’t bloody stop! EBetty shouted. “Don’t leave him half done Ekeep rubbing! E

I did as I was told and gripped his stiff pink shaft and continued squeezing and rubbing. More liquid shot out then a long dribble which covered my hand.

Betty giggled as she let the dog loose.

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