Helpfull Neighbour
Helpfull Neighbour
Sex Story Author: | Mikro |
Sex Story Excerpt: | He put his tool box down and picked up a sheer very short nightdress. “You will have to model this |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Authoritarian, Blowjob, Coercion, Consensual Sex, Cuckold, Cum Swallowing, Domination/submission, Exhibitionism, Female exhibitionist, Fiction, Humiliation, Male/Female, Masturbation, Mature, Older Male / Female, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Wife |
This is a very long story with a long lead in. Hopefully the wait will be worth it.
Helpful Neighbour.
My names is Jerry and I am 27. My wife is Mona and she is 25. We have been friends since we were in nappies. Through her teen years she went a bit wild and got a bit of a reputation. Especially with regard to her clothing or in some stories lack of clothing. But then she suddenly seemed to become happy being with me. I considered myself to be very very lucky to have such a gorgeous woman and soon asked her to be my wife. Mona was truly stunning. 5’4” tall with a face that just radiated beauty. With a slim waste and shapely legs. Natural strawberry blonde hair, and her crowning glory. Her fabulous 36DD bust that looked like it had just been glued to her chest. It looked way out of proportion to the rest of her body. She knew what she had and dressed to show as much as possible to perfection without looking slutty. Me? Well I am just a normal guy really. Not particularly good looking but not bad either. And I think secretly, deep down, the way she showed off her body excited me. We have had a varied sex life trying to keep it exciting and different.
After several years of saving and with help from our parents we had finally managed to put a deposit down on a nice detached house in a really nice cul-de-sac. The moment we moved in there was a knock on the door. I opened it to have a hand thrust into mine.
“Hi!” the man said, “I am Arthur your next door neighbour and I welcome you to our lovely neighbourhood.”
“Oh hi. I am Jerry and this is Mona my wife.”
Arthur released my hand and pushing past me took Mona’s hand shaking it vigorously. In fact he was shaking it so vigorously that her tits were moving all over the place and were clearly visible above her low cut t shirt. His eyes were glued to them.
“Hello” Mona said trying to extricate her hand. “Nice to meet you.” She finally managed to get her hand free and took a pace back.
“Well it’s nice to meet you Arthur.” I said, “But we have a lot of unpacking to do. Maybe we can have a coffee over the weekend and you can tell us all about our other neighbours.”
“Yes yes of course.” He said and without taking his eyes off Mona he stepped backwards out of the house.
“Oh god what a creepy man.” Mona said shaking her shoulders in disgust.
I knew what she meant. Arthur was about 60 and looked like he hadn’t washed for a week. He reeked of tobacco and drool dripped from the corner of his mouth. He wasn’t exactly looking at Mona, it was more like leering at her and not even trying to hide it.
“Well he seems ok.” I said, “Maybe he is just happy to have some new neighbours.”
“Happy is one way to put it.” Mona said as she continued unpacking.
The house had a full width single story extension in the back and the whole wall was glass with sliding doors which led out onto a paved patio. I loved having my breakfast on the patio as it was quiet and completely secluded. The patio led to a thirty meter garden. The day after we moved in I was sitting on the patio having a cup of coffee when Arthur appeared through a gate in the hedge that separated our houses. I was sure he wore the same dirty clothes he had on the day before.
“Morning Jerry.” He said, “Where is that lovely wife of yours?”
“Oh she is still unpacking.” I said, “would you like a cup of coffee?”
“Yes please that would be nice.”
“Mona, Arthur is here can you make him a coffee.” I shouted.
Mona appeared at the door. She was wearing shorts and a t shirt and although the shorts were tight, neither showed much flesh. Arthur’s gaze however was glued to her and I am sure I saw a twitch in his crotch as he sat down.
“Milk and sugar Arthur?” She asked. Glaring at me.
“Yes two sugars please sweety.” He replied with a drooling grin on his face. “Very nice arse.” He added as she walked away.
I smiled to myself. He wasn’t the first man who had leered over Mona and would not be the last. I just ignored it. I was proud of my wife and men looking at her just made me even prouder. Like she was a work of art and it was all mine.
“It’s nice to see a young couple in this place.” Arthur continued,” The Edisons lived here for forty years and apart from the extension, never done much to the place. Must be a lot of work to do.”
“Yes. We had the whole place painted before we moved in but the kitchen is an absolute mess and needs a complete refit.” I said, “We have a flat pack one arriving next week.”
“Oh do you like that sort of thing then?” He asked.
“Flat pack is probably my worst nightmare.” I laughed, “But Mona liked the kitchen and it only came flat. So what Mona wants Mona gets.”
“Yes I bet she does.” He said. It sounded sort of crude but I just passed it off as Mona walked out with a tray.
It never seemed to matter what Mona wore her breasts always stood out. As she bent slightly to lay the tray on the table they moved forward and rippled across her t shirt announcing themselves to anyone who was looking. And Arthur was certainly looking.
She picked up a mug and handed it to Arthur. He reached out but made sure that Mona had to move forward even more to put the mug in his hand. Her breasts rippled even more and as she stood up they flooded upright with her. Arthur let out a slight moan. “Thank you sweety. Very kind of you. Your looking very nice today.”
“Thank you Arthur.” She said, not looking at him.
“I was just telling Arthur about your new kitchen.”
“Hmmm.” Mona said sipping at her coffee.
“So are you good on flat back then sweety?” Arthur asked.
Mona choked slightly. “Sorry.” She said, “Flat back?”
“No. Flat pack.” Arthur corrected, “As in flat pack furniture.”
“Oh sorry.” She smiled, “No not me. But I am sure Jerry will manage.”
“Well I’m not so sure about plumbing and electrics but I should be able to do the units ok. I hope.” I said.
“Well I used to have my own building business so if I can be of any help just shout.” Arthur said. His eyes were still totally focused on Mona.
“Thanks for that Arthur.” I said, “I may just need to shout. We have a whole load of work to do in the garden as well. Some brick walls and a shed to build. As well as the kitchen.”
“Well I need to get the rest of this stuff unpacked.” Mona said. As she stood up Arthur gasped at the sudden movement of those awesome tits.
“Yes me to.” I said. “Hope you understand Arthur but duty and the wife calls.” I said rising.
“Yes yes of course.” he said, “And I hope you are doing your duty for your lovely wife.”
“I do my best.” I said. Not really catching the leer in his voice.
“He really gives me the creeps.” Mona said after Arthur had gone.
“Well I give you he may be a bit strange.” I said, “And certainly not the cleanest of people. He had the same dirty joggers and shirt on as yesterday.”
“Strange!” Mona gasped, “Jerry didn’t you see what he was doing?”
“No. Why? What was he doing?”
“He was playing with himself.” She gasped, “His, thing. His crotch for gods sake.”
“Well no, I didn’t see that.” I said, “Are you sure?”
“I am pretty sure yes. But it’s not just that.” She said, “He just leers at me all the time and he stinks. With that drooling mouth he just makes me shiver.”
“Well he isn’t the first man to leer at you is he? And apart from that he seems harmless enough.”
“Well he just makes me feel uncomfortable.”
The following Wednesday I took a day off for the kitchen delivery and spent Thursday and Friday evening after work ripping out the old one. Saturday morning I took the old one to the skip and set about figuring out how to fit the new one.
By Sunday afternoon I had put the base units together and they fit really nicely. Except we had two problems. Water and electric. The water inlet and waste were slightly out of line. Two electrical sockets needed to be moved and the double oven and hob needed connecting. I think I am going to need some help.
“No.” Mona gasped, “You can’t be serious.”
“Well it’s Sunday afternoon.” I said, “Nobody is going to come out today and we need the cooker working at least.”
“But, but. Jerry he disgusts me.”
“So what alternative do we have. If we get someone in it will probably cost a fortune. And right now we don’t have the money.” I said, “And all he wants to do is look at you. The same as every other man we have ever met. If he tries anything untoward then we will have to rethink. And if he helps with the kitchen without any problems then who knows? Maybe we will have some free labour for everything else we want to do.”
“Alright.” Mona said after a moments thought, “But if he lays a finger on me then he is out. I don’t care how much it costs to get someone else in.”
“That’s my girl. I will clean myself up while you go and ask him for help.”
“Oh you really are pushing it aren’t you.” She said, storming out the front door.
Mona regretted storming out like that as soon as she realised it was raining. It was only light rain but it was enough to dampen her t shirt and make it stick to her skin.
“Well fuck you Jerry.” She said to herself, “If your not bothered about him leering at me then why should I hide anything.”
Arthur opened the door and his gaze was instantly fixed to her now obvious cleavage. “Good afternoon sweety.” He said, drooling. “what can I do for you?”
“Jerry is fitting the kitchen but he has no idea how to wire the cooker and we haven’t hardly eaten for two days and can you help.” She gushed out, “Please.”
“Of course my dear.” He said, stepping aside, “Come in while I get my tool box.”
Mona stepped in and was quite surprised to see that his house was actually quite tidy. She had pictured him being one of those hoarder people and the house being full of filth. But in fact it was uncluttered and tidy, though it was obvious it needed a woman’s touch as there was dust everywhere.
He disappeared into the back and appeared a moment later with a tool box in his hand. “Shall we go the back way as it’s quicker.” He said.
“Yes ok” Mona said. and followed him out the back door and through the garden gate.
As he entered the kitchen he said, “I do like your choice my dear.”
“Thank you Arthur.” Mona replied warily. Pulling the wet shirt from her skin.
Jerry walked into the kitchen and explained to Arthur the problems he was having and his lack of knowledge about such things.
“Well I can fix your cooker now. No problem.” Arthur said, “But the sink will need some fittings and with the sockets I will need to go under the floorboards upstairs to re-route the wires, and then gouge a slot out of the wall to hide the cable. But not today as I need to find my cutter.”
“Well that sounds fine.” Jerry said. “Not being rude but how much would that cost?”
“Oh no I wouldn’t think of it.” Arthur said, “I have nothing better to do and I am sure Mona can keep me interested, with coffee and such can’t you sweety.”
Arthur actually looked and sounded sincere not leering but smiling, so Mona didn’t hesitate, “Oh yes as much as you want. It’s so good of you.”
Jerry looked at Mona a little surprised. She obviously didn’t get the hint of something more than coffee. But he just brushed it off as her being somewhat naïve.
Arthur did a temporary fix with the cooker and then went home. Mona brought me a cup of coffee and sat next to me. “Maybe it wont be so bad after all. Arthur was a perfect gentleman” Mona said.
“Well he was still looking but not as bad as usual. He will come back in the morning and continue so lets see how it goes. Just be your usual sexy self.” Jerry said.
“I was going to wear Jeans and jumper.” Mona said.
“Don’t you think that may look a bit like you don’t trust him.”
“I don’t.” Mona said.
“Well we don’t want him to feel insulted. After all he is doing us a really big favour. And probably just for the pleasure of looking at you.”
“So what should I wear then. Low top, short skirt no underwear.” Mona said getting angry.
“Well” Jerry said with a smile.
“Oh you really would wouldn’t you Jerry?” Mona said storming into the lounge.
“No of course I wouldn’t.” Jerry said, “I was joking. Just wear what you would normally wear that’s all I am saying. We don‘t want to upset him.”
Mona took a deep breath. “Ok Jerry, I won’t fucking upset him. God forbid we should upset poor lecherous Arthur.”
The rest of the night was spent in sullen silence. In the morning Mona dressed in tight shorts and a loose fitting low cut cropped t shirt, and of course, underwear.
Jerry left for work at 8.30 and five minutes later Arthur was knocking at the patio doors. With a big smile she opened the sliding door. “Morning Arthur. Nice to see you.” To herself she said, “Fuck you Jerry.”
“Morning sweety.” He said, instantly looking her up and down with that leering look. He was dressed in a boiler suit. One of those that unbuttoned all the way down to the crotch. And all the buttons were undone except two which just about covered his genitals. Mona pretended not to see and strolled into the kitchen. “I bet that’s a wonderful site with high heels,” He added.
She just turned her head and smiled. “So, can I help in anyway.?” She asked.
“Oh yes sweety. You can handle my tools.” He smiled. “We do the water first then the electrics. I have been to the plumbers and got what I need.”
“Oh that’s kind of you. Do I owe you anything.?”
“Oh don’t worry about that.” He smiled, or was it leered, “we will sort it out later.”
Arthur went into the kitchen and took some pipes from his bag and lay on the floor with his head inside the cupboard. “Straddle me.” He said.
“I beg your pardon?” Mona asked, fully aware of what he said.
“I need you to push the unit back to the wall to make sure the pipes are lined up before I fix the unit to the wall. So straddle me and push it back.” He said. He was having fun with this young naïve girl.
“Oh.! Ok.” She said, and did as he asked. She knew he was looking at her crotch but it was covered so she just flushed and gazed out of the kitchen window. “Is that ok?” She asked. What she didn’t realise was her loose top had drifted forward and he had a clear view of the underside of her tits. Her bra was so full it overflowed slightly to give him a view of warm flesh.
“Yes that’s perfect.” He replied. He fiddled around under there for a while and then said. “Right stay there. Whatever you do, do not let go of that unit till I have fixed it to the wall.”
”Ok.” She said. Then she felt him moving forward between her legs. Where she had straddled his legs her legs were not spread that wide but as he edged himself forward and his body got wider so did her legs. She felt herself getting embarrassed. His hands were on the tops of her legs, using them for leverage. Then, with her legs almost completely spread open he twisted sideways and lifted his head up straight into her crotch. She could feel his foul breath on her naked legs.
“Keep that unit in place or the pipes will shift.” He said into her pussy.
“Yes ok but can you please hurry and move your head.” She knew that he was smelling her sex. It had been a long time since Jerry had buried his face in her pussy and whether she wanted to or not she was reacting and was afraid her scent would become obvious.
His face brushed hard against her pussy as he completed his way between her legs. He stood up and from behind he took her hands and pushed them forward. She could feel his erection on her buttocks and wanted to be sick. “Just like that sweety. That’s perfect.” He murmured into her ear. Then he stepped back and as he passed to her side his hand ran freely over her pert little bum. Lingering for just a moment.
He drilled a hole in the wall and fixed the unit on one side then, sliding his hand again across her buttocks moved to the other side and fixed that to the wall. Then he moved behind her and placed a hand on each of buttocks and said, “If you would like to move over I will connect the pipes. As he said it he gently pushed her aside gripping a little tighter on her bum cheeks.
Her face was bright red and she fought to contain her anger as she stepped aside. Arthur dropped to his knees and fiddled underneath the unit for a few minutes then stood back up. He turned the mains water back on. “Ok I am going to turn the taps on if you can keep a close eye on the taps and let me know if you see any water escaping.”
He watched as she went to her knees. She looked back up at him as he leered down at her. She was pretty sure of the picture he was creating and knew that he had a clear view down her top at her heaving breasts, but she was angry now and angry made her stubborn. She smiled up at him before gazing into the cupboard.
He turned the water on and she let it run for a moment. “No leaks that I can see.” she said.
“Ok you can get up now then. “ He said leaving the taps running on full power.
Then as she stood up a strong jet of water hit her full in the chest and splashed all over Mona making her top cling to her skin.
“Oh I am sorry sweety.” He said, washing his hands, “I always seem to be making you wet don’t I?”
She wasn’t that naïve and knew exactly what he meant but ignored it. “Don’t worry I will change it.”
“Well that’s ok as we are going up to the bedroom now.” He was leering at her chest which through the soaking wet top was on full display.
“Or as it’s warm I can just let it dry on me.” She said hastily, “Bedrooms this way.”
She led him up to what was obviously the main bedroom.
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