
Help! – The full story.

Welcome to my story. You may have noticed that i have previously posted small segments of this story before. Due to some of the feedback from those parts I have decided that it’s probably better to post the whole story at once and let you read it as you wish. I hope you enjoy it. 🙂


WARNING: This story contains content of a homosexual nature. If you dislike this or are under 18 years of age, please do not read any further.


Boom! The horrifying and unmistakeable sound of the wooden door being ripped violently from its hinges. Daniel pulled his knees in as close to his chest as he could and huddled himself tightly into a compact corner of his room. He braced himself for what he knew was about to happen to him.

…Stillness in time…


Morning. Daniel woke up suddenly to the sound of shouting downstairs. His eyes shot open like a greyhound out of the start gate at the beginning of an intense race. He found himself on the floor of his room. His back was against the hard, cold wall and his legs were folded around the 90 degree angle of the corner of the room. His right arm ached where he had been led on it. He tried to move his numb, tingling right arm out from underneath his stomach but it wouldn’t move. No matter how hard he struggled to pull his arm out from underneath him, it wouldn’t budge. Slowly the numbness started to die and it was replaced with unbearable and intense pain. That’s when Daniel realised, he was lying in a shallow pool of his own blood, and his heart started racing as he realised all of a sudden, the indescribable agony he was in. He remembered what had happened the night before.


Daniel was stood casually at the bar with his very best friend in the world Jake. Jake was tall, dark haired and very good-looking with his well toned muscular body, glowing white teeth, clean-shaven face and perfectly formed rounded ass. Not to mention the massive bulge in his trousers. He was always a hit with the ladies wherever he went. Daniel was at least as much a hit with the ladies, if not more so than Jake. Daniel was a little bit shorter than Jake, his body was not toned as much as Jakes but was still gorgeous. He also had stunning white teeth the same as his friend. Daniel had a short, stubbly beard which highlighted his facial features and an ass which was to die for. The problem was, where Jake relished in the limelight which he received from girls, Daniel was completely uninterested. Daniel was gay.

Daniel had known that he was gay for a while now and he had finally admitted to himself that he liked guys rather than girls. He had denied it for years but eventually came to find that it was eating him up inside, and that he could no longer deny it to himself. He was used to the thought by now anyway and was beginning to become more comfortable with his sexuality. Being gay was no longer a big deal for Daniel but he still had one big problem. Nobody else knew about it, not even his closest friends and family. He wanted to tell people but every time he got close to telling someone, he chickened out at the last moment and had to come up with some ridiculous way of finishing his sentence. The pressure was slowly killing him and he was beginning to feel like if he didn’t tell someone soon, he would explode!

Sat at the bar, Daniel was deep in thought. So many thoughts were whirling around in his brain uncontrollably. “I CAN’T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!” he screamed as he flew out of the club with tears gushing down his face. Jake looked around in shock as he wondered what all the commotion was about.

“Sorry Stacey” Jake exclaimed to the random girl he was chatting up at the bar, “I’m gonna have to go and see what’s up with my friend, I’ll call you”!

Jake downed his beer and sprinted out of the club as fast as he could after his best friend. When he got outside he quickly glanced around to see if he could see where Daniel had gone but he couldn’t see him. He was worried and a little confused about the situation he had suddenly found himself in.

“Danny!” he yelled as he frantically searched the busy street, “Where are you buddy”?

Various people stared at him as they wondered what was going on but Jake was too busy to notice them as he continued to look around, waiting for a response. There was none. He had to think hard but the alcohol was making it difficult for him to think.

“Now think” he thought to himself “if I know Danny, I should know where he would run to”.

Then it struck him!

“The old wishing well!” he remembered as he thought about the last time Daniel had ran off in a panic.

He started charging his way through the crowded street outside the club in the direction of the well. He ran as fast as his feet would carry him so that he would stand the best possible chance of finding his best friend and doing whatever he could to help him out. They had always been close and had come through a lot of shit together so Jake was sure that whatever the problem was, he could help him find a way through it.

He reached the well. It was dark, quiet and very eerie. He stopped running and tried to catch his breath for a few seconds.

“Danny, are you there mate?” he panted as he searched the area.

There was no response and Jake started to think that maybe he wasn’t there at all, but then he heard the sound of sniffling and sobbing and he knew instantly that it was Daniel. He followed the sound and found him sulking with his head in his hands in an alleyway near the wishing well.

“Danny…” he said softly and caringly, “…what’s going on”?

“Just leave me alone!” Daniel snapped as Jake placed his hand on his friends shoulder.

He pulled away and turned his back on Jake. Jake felt hurt by this and knew that whatever the problem was, it must be really bad.

“Come on don’t be like that with me, I just want to help. You know you can talk to me, I’m your best friend!” Jake explained.

“You wouldn’t understand so just leave it ok!” Daniel wept in response.

“No I won’t leave it!” Jake responded firmly, “you’re my best friend and i care about you”.

“Huh, yeah alright then Jake, why don’t you tell someone who gives a shit”?

“Hey, don’t be like that with me Daniel!” Jake roared, “I just ran all the way here after you! You should fuckin’ give a shit!”

“Yeah well if you really cared about me that much then you would have fucking realised by now that I…I…” Daniel stumbled.

“You what Danny, come on you can tell me”



Jake was shocked. His eyes flickered between the eyes of the man in front of him. Tears were streaming down Danny’s face as he shivered in the cold night breeze, staring back at Jake. Jake felt the tears starting to well up in his own eyes as his mind strained and struggled to process the information which it had just received. He looked down at the floor in confusion. The atmosphere was electric, it could have been cut with a knife. He simply didn’t know how to react.

Jake’s big blue eyes were glued to the floor. His heart raced like a steam train pounding out of a dark tunnel at full speed. His emotions were all over the place. He tried to look up at Daniel who was still stood in front of him in silence. Jake wondered what he was thinking as he tried desperately to make sense of the situation. The truth was Daniel was stunned at his own words. He had been trying to say that very sentence of months but he never could. He felt like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He’d said it. Finally, Jake knew how he felt. Then his thoughts came crashing back down to earth as he realised the reality of the scenario. Daniel looked down at his best friend. Jake was now crouched down on the cold, wet dirty floor of the alley with his head in his hands. He was clearly confused and upset and it was all Daniel’s fault.

“I’m sorry” Daniel said in a gentle tone. He didn’t know what else to say.

Jake removed his head from his hands and glanced up at Daniel. “You’re sorry … you’re sorry are you Danny” he replied, anger now filling his eyes as he began to stand upright.

“I’m sorry” Daniel murmured again quietly has he once again started to cry.

“YES I KNOW YOU TOLD ME!” Jake snarled as he grabbed Daniel by the arms, “YOU’RE SORRY AND THAT’S SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT ALRIGHT IS IT?” he questioned.

There was no reply as Daniel struggled to release himself from Jake’s tight grip.

“Answer me” Jake demanded. Still no reply. “ANSWER ME DAMN YOU” he yelled as he began to shake Daniel back and forth.

“I’m sorry” Daniel whimpered as the tears drifted swiftly down his soaked face. “I’m sorry”

Jake glared into his best friends big brown eyes. They were red and obviously sore where he had cried so much. Fear encompassed his pupils as he stared back into Jakes angry blue eyes.

“I’m sorry” Daniel repeated once again as he continued to stare back.

Jake realised what he was doing and Daniel saw the raw anger begin to drain from his friends now increasingly calm blue eyes. Jake stopped shaking Daniel and slowly removed his hands from the other mans arms. His eyes drifted once again to the floor as he began to feel physically sick at the thought of what he had just done to his best friend. The anger which he had felt take over his body drained away and was replaced with an overwhelming sense of sadness and guilt. He knew then that something had changed inside of him and that things would never be the same again between him and Daniel.

“Forgive me” he pleaded as he glanced back up.

… nothing…

Daniel stood perfectly still. His eyes were closed. His lips were trembling, but made no sound. At that moment Jake broke down. He couldn’t bear to see his best friend suffering like this knowing that it was down to him and that he was powerless to do anything about it. He burst into tears, turned and ran as fast as he could. He had to get out of there. He reached the wishing well where he and Daniel and enjoyed so many happy moments together as kids. He stopped and looked back at the alley. Danny was still stood there motionless. Jake considered going back but acknowledged that there was no point. He had done enough damage for one night so he continued to run.

Daniel stood alone in the alley way. His head was empty. “What now” he thought to himself. “Is that it? … After all we’ve been through is that it? … He’s just going to leave me here on my own after all that just happened? … Well if he thinks I’m gonna come crawling back then he’s wrong. … That’s it, it’s his turn to be sorry!”

With that he turned and walked slowly back home. He got back and sat down on his bed. He was exhausted and badly needed to sleep so he removed his clothes and climbed into his soft warm bed. He was so tired that he didn’t even bother to brush his teeth. He just clambered into bed, pulled the sheets over himself and slept, instantly. He went out like a light.


The next morning Daniel awoke at 11.30am. That was late for him, he was a morning person who was usually up and ready by 9am at the latest. His head was thumping from the night before. He didn’t remember at first as he rolled over to look at his clock. His eyes darted open as he saw the time. He jumped out of bed and headed for the shower. As the hot, cleansing, relaxing water trickled down his skin he began to feel much better. His eyes widened gradually as he started to feel more awake.

…he remembered…

…all of a sudden the whole experience came back to the front of his mind.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHH” He screamed as he realised what he had done. “Oh my god, what have I done, it wasn’t meant to be like that. How could I be so stupid to let him find out in that way?” he questioned in his head.

Bang bang bang… the bathroom door knocked. Daniel almost jumped out of his skin in surprise.

“Daniel what’s the matter hunny I heard you scream, is everything ok?”. It was his mother. She was clearly concerned. Jake had forgotten that his parents were back that day.

“Oh, sorry, yeah everything’s fine” he replied as he tried to regain his composure.

Even with the distraction, Daniel still could not take his mind off of what he had done. He was beating himself up inside and he badly wanted to speak with Jake. He finished getting ready as quickly as he could and then ran downstairs and straight out of the front door without even saying hello to his parents whom he had not seen in 2 weeks. He sprinted as fast as his feet would carry him to Jakes house. He reached the opening to the street where Jake lived and he turned onto it. He was in for a big shock!

He stopped suddenly as he noticed it. It was outside Jake’s house and his parents were stood out in the front garden. They were upset. It was a police car. Daniel walked cautiously over to where Jake’s parents were stood. He knew Jakes parents well as he had spent a great deal of time around them as a kid when he used to visit the house. He had never seen them like this though. He reached them.

“What’s going on?” he asked curiously and worried.

Jake’s father reached out and placed his hand gently on Daniel’s left shoulder.

“Danny, I don’t quite know how to tell you this but … Jake is missing”.


Everything went quiet. Daniel had completely frozen. His eyes were open and he was looking around. He could see Jake’s parents looking at him worryingly. Their mouths were moving and yet Daniel heard no sound. The picture started to drain away as if the entire world was dissolving in front of him into a dull, gloomy, empty darkness. Jakes parents could only watch as their son’s best friend seemed to drift away into another realm…



“Danny wake up”

Daniels eyes crept slowly open. The world was a blur, as if the scenery was spinning around him.

“Wha-wha-what’s happening?” Daniel murmured.

“Danny, just stay calm ok, your alright but we need to get you up off of the ground” said Jake’s mum.

Daniel was confused; there was just too much going on in his mind. He was dizzy and everything seemed distant and strange. Eventually he came to his senses and was able to sit up. He felt ok now, not perfect but ok, however, his head was still pounding and he needed to be on his own so that he could try and make some sense of the events which were occurring.

“I need to think” he said to Jake’s parents who were now on their knees, leaning around him. With that he stood up and walked calmly and collectively away from Jake’s house.

He walked to wherever his feet would take him, all the while running over recent experiences in his head. Over and over again the memories rolled around and around whirling repetitively around his head. He remembered details which he had forgotten and tried his very best to piece everything together in the right order to develop his understanding of his life and the lives of those around him. There were so many thoughts, feelings, emotions and questions flying through his brain. “Why is this happening to me?”, “What have I done to deserve this?”, “Why has Jake ran off?”, “Where is Jake?”, “Is he ok?”, “God i hope he’s ok”, “I don’t know what I’d do without him”. The thoughts were endless. He was so deep in his own thoughts that he was completely unable to concentrate on where he was going or what he was doing. People stared quizzically at him as he charged blindly past them on the street but he didn’t notice, it was all happening so fast. He stopped. Suddenly and randomly out of nowhere a thought occurred to him.

“The abandoned farm, I bet he’s gone to the abandoned farm”.

Just outside of the town where Daniel and Jake lived, there was an old abandoned farm. The two boys used to sneak away sometimes after school or in the summer holidays to the farm and mess around like kids do. They had shared many great times there through childhood and through their early teenage years whether it be playing gun fights or chasing each other around, or as they got older just going and chatting about things. It was always looked upon by both of them as a place where they could escape to, where they could get away from the madness and the rush of the town. It was quiet, peaceful and tranquil. Every time either of them felt like they needed some time alone, or they wanted to spend time with each other, they would always got to this secret, hidden, out of the way place which seemed to hold some kind of mystical heeling power for them.

With that thought, Daniel spun instantly on his left foot to face the opposite direction. He couldn’t be sure that Jake would be there but it was his best bet, so he began to jog gently in the direction of the farm. He jogged back down the same street, retracing his footsteps. He was determined now that he had to find his best friend, had to know that he was safe and that no harm had come to him. The very thought of anything happening to Jake made his skin crawl. His jog turned into a slow run and the pace kept increasing as he got closer to the junction leading to the main exit road of town. He could see the road now; it wasn’t far to the edge of town. He reached the junction and ran straight around the corner onto the main road out of town. The farm was not far from where he was now and he could almost hear Jakes voice calling to him as he got ever nearer to his destination. He continued to sprint, he was tired and out of breath but he couldn’t stop now, he was nearly there. A familiar sight appeared around the long bend in the road. He saw the barn where he had spent so many hours of his short life. He was almost there now and so started to slow down a little to try and catch his breath a little. He reached the barn and collapsed against a wall. Slowly his breath came back and he could breath again. As soon as he could, he moved on in his quest without hesitation.

“Jake!” he yelled out at the top of his voice. “Jake buddy are you here?”

There was no reply. Daniel walked slowly towards the enormous, heavy, brown, wooden barn door and began to push it open. The door opened with a deafening squeak. Daniel entered the barn and the heavy door forced itself shut behind him. It was gloomy and musky in the big, empty, old abandoned barn. Daniel glanced around searching for any sign of life. There was none. The barn was definitely empty. He turned around to leave the barn and look elsewhere. He searched the door with his hands. To his horror, there was no handle of any kind on the inside of the heavy barn door. His heart began to race as he tried desperately to find a way of getting out. He pushed against the door with all his might but it wouldn’t budge. He was trapped.

“Help!” he cried out.

There was no response.

“Help, please I’m trapped in the barn! … Is there anybody there?”.


There was nothing he could do. He was stuck. He figured he would just have to wait and pray that somebody would come looking for him. The problem was, he was on an abandoned farm in the middle of nowhere. As far as Daniel knew, there was only one person other than himself who knew that the place existed. Jake. Daniels chances of escaping depended solely upon the very person who was the reason for Daniel being in the situation in the first place. It looked bleak.

The light started to fade as night fell over the abandoned farm. It was quiet and peaceful, and usually Daniel would have relished the peace. This time though, peace was the last thing he wanted. He was scared, he was cold and he was alone. He longed for someone to find him, someone to be with him, to hold him and to comfort him. He longed for Jake. He began to shake uncontrollably as the temperature dropped. He decided that he should get up and search the big empty barn for some way of keeping warm. He slowly struggled to his feet and began to glance around. The barn was empty apart from an old rusty tractor in the far left hand corner and some bales of straw behind it. He knew the straw would be itchy and uncomfortable but he didn’t care, he had to find some way of keeping warm. He walked over to the bales and began ripping them apart. He led down on top of one of the bales and grabbed hand full after hand full of the straw and pulled it over himself. After about 10 minutes of doing this, he was feeling much warmer due to the exercise and was sure that the straw would keep him warm enough to survive the night. All that was left to do for Daniel now was wait.



Daniel woke up with sunlight pouring through the many cracks in the walls of the old run down barn, onto his cold, numb face. He was itchy all over from the straw and in places, his body bled from where particularly sharp, hard pieces of straw had been digging into his delicate white skin. His body ached all over and he was in pain. He struggled to his feet making bits of straw fly everywhere, tumbling like a waterfall off of his fragile body. He stumbled carelessly back across to the big wooden doors, hoping and praying that in the daylight, he would be able to find some way of escaping his prison. There was no handle on the huge wooden door, and no way of getting out. He tried everything he could, he pushed, pulled, rammed, tugged and battered but it was no good. He was definitely trapped. He felt completely hopeless. “Oh why do these things always happen to me” he thought as he fell to the floor and began to cry into his hands.


Meanwhile back at Jake’s house, Jake’s parents were worried sick. Jake was still missing and they hadn’t seen their son now for nearly two days. Not only that but they had just received the news that Daniel was missing now as well. They felt awful! They didn’t have a clue where they’re son or Daniel was and they knew that there was nothing they could do to help. They could only wait. They had no idea about the situation Daniel had gotten himself into and it was still a total mystery where Jake was.

In fact, Jake was staying at a just friend’s house just around the corner from his house. He just needed to get away from things for a while, he was confused and needed to think. He was feeling much better now and was thinking much more clearly. He had thought about nothing and no one other than Daniel for the past 2 nights and had calmed down by now. He had realised that he didn’t care that Daniel was gay, he was his best friend and he would stand by him and do everything he could to help him get through the torture which he knew that Daniel must be going through in his head. He was just shocked at first that was all and he was a little angry that Daniel, being his best friend, hadn’t told him sooner. On the other hand, there was also the fact that Daniel was “in love” with Jake, and it was that which he was still unsure about. He didn’t know what he was going to do, say, or how things were going to change between them in the future.

“Hey bro thanks for letting me stay over” Jake said appreciatively to his and Daniels friend Darren, who’s house he had stayed at, “It’s been a really big help to me and I’ll never forget it”.

“No problem mate, anytime” Darren replied, “You know I’d do anything for you, you’re a good friend”.

“Alright mate, I should probably get back home, who knows what my parents are thinking?” Jake explained looking back at Darren who was stood outside his front door.

“Yeah, I bet they’re worried out of their minds!” replied Darren thoughtfully.

They said goodbye and Jake began to make his way home. He started to run as he longed to speak to his parents and let them know he was ok, but more importantly, he longed more than anything else to talk to his best friend who he hadn’t seen since that night in the alley. He had to let Daniel know that he was still his friend, and that he was there for him and always would be.

He reached his house and slowly, carefully opened the door, not knowing what to expect. His parents leapt for the door as they heard it close and to their relief, there stood their son, safe and unharmed.

“Oh Jake hunny your ok!” his mother cried out with relief as she grabbed her precious son tightly and squeezed him into a loving hug.

“Where have you been Jake? Your mother and I have been worried out of our minds!” his dad exclaimed, placing his hand on Jake’s shoulder.

“I’m ok” Jake said, “I just needed to think that’s all. I was staying at Darren’s house”.

“Well we’re just relieved that your alright” his mother said as she released him from her hugging grip.

“Yeah, I’m sorry guys I should have told you where I was” Jake claimed with a contemplative face. “I’m gonna take a shower and then I need to go and talk to Danny”.

There was an awkward silence which filled the room as the atmosphere changed.

“What?” Jake questioned as his face dropped.

“You may want to sit down son” his dad said in a serious tone.

“Oh god, it’s Danny isn’t it” Jake asked panicking “what’s he done?”

“Well, to be honest, we… we don’t know. The truth is, well… nobody knows. He’s just disappeared.” Jakes dad answered sympathetically.

Without hesitation, Jake grabbed his coat and ran out of the door. He ran to Daniels house to see if maybe he was back and that maybe he just hadn’t told anyone yet. No luck! He sprinted around the town checking every place he could think of. He tried the park, the wishing well, the club, everywhere. He was exhausted by now and was trembling and worrying like mad. Daniel was nowhere to be seen! He stopped and sat on a bench near the library. He needed to catch his breath and it gave the young man an opportunity to think. Jake ran through a list of all the places he had checked. “That’s it, that’s just about everywhere in town” he thought helplessly to himself. Then it sunk in. There was one last place, one last place which wasn’t in town, one last place which gave him hope, this wasn’t over yet!


Daniel had now been stuck in the horrible, old, smelly barn for what seemed to him like an absolute age! He was tired, he was hungry and felt like the whole world was against him, but above all he was lonely. The memories of the past week were all Daniel could think about as he sat alone in the middle of his vast, empty prison, thinking, thinking, thinking. Wondering if he was ever going to make it out!

“You what Danny, come on you can tell me”.


Those two ominous sentences kept repeating themselves over and over in his mind. He felt like he was going crazy!

“Danny, I don’t quite know how to tell you this but … Jake is missing”.

The memory of Jake’s dad informing him of his best friend’s disappearance, all because of something he had done. Daniel quivered as he acknowledged the scale of the mess he was in. He worried about Jake, he prayed that he was alright. Whatever happened to himself, he just wanted Jake to be safe. His heart bled as he began to sob uncontrollably into his hands as he curled himself up into a ball on the cold, hard floor of the barn.

Then, out of nowhere, footsteps! Footsteps which grabbed Daniels attention like gunfire in a crowded place! This was his chance, possibly his only chance for help! He cried out;

“Help!” as he struggled to raise his voice to its highest volume!

“Help I’m trapped in here!” He screamed desperately as the footsteps got closer!

“Danny”! he heard call back to him, “Danny can you hear me buddy, are you there?”.

Daniel’s breath picked up and his heart raced as he immediately identified the panicked voice of the man he was in love with!

“Jake!” he yelled, “Jake I’m in here, please help me!” he burst into tears.

“Danny I hear you, I’m coming!” Jake replied emotionally as he listened to the panicked, upset words blaring from the barn.

“Ja-a-a-ake!!” he sobbed as the tears streamed down his scratched face from is swollen, tired eyes.

Jake ran up to the barn as fast as he could and grabbed the mighty wooden door. He pulled with all his strength and to the relief of the two worn down boys, the enormous, heavy wooden door swung open releasing Daniel from his prison!

Danny ran into the brilliant sunlight, relieved! He was free! More importantly, Jake was safe. He latched onto his best friend and Jake hugged him back with a tight grip as they both cried into the others shoulder.

“I’m so glad you’re ok” Jake wept as he tried to calm his very emotional friend!

“Oh Jake” Daniel cried “I thought I was a goner”!

“Well it’s alright now buddy, your safe, I’m here” Jake replied in a soft, calming tone.

Danny said nothing. He just clutched Jake tightly with his arms as the sun beat down upon them. Jake hugged back and began to run Daniel’s back to comfort him. Daniel’s heart beat slowed as he melted into the embrace and he began to relax. He felt safe in Jake’s arms and didn’t want the moment to ever end. Jake sensed the panic drain from the other boys body as silence fell over them.

“Ok, buddy are you alright now, my arms are getting numb” Jake asked sensitively.

“Yeah, I’m sorry” Daniel answered with a hint of laughter in his voice, ”I’m just so happy to see you that’s all”.

“Yeah I know mate, let’s go sit down”.


They broke the hug and walked slowly around to the field at the back of the barn where they usually sat and talked when they came to the abandoned farm together. They sat down, exhausted on the soft grass. Jake pretty much collapsed on the floor after running all around the village looking for Danny, then running all the way to the farm as quickly as he could. He was shattered! Jake led on his back with his arms by his sides and shut his eyes to give them a break. Daniel sat next to him contemplating what he had put this guy though recently. He looked at Jake’s exhausted face which was red and sweaty. Even though he was clearly not at his best, to Daniel, he still looked gorgeous! His soft smooth skin glistened with the sweat in the sunlight. His bright red lips standing out from the pinky/white skin. “So cute” Daniel thought to himself secretly as his eyes drifted down to his best friend’s chest and torso. He wanted so badly to reach out and touch the firm muscles on Jake’s chest but he couldn’t. Daniel’s brown eyes looked back to Jake’s face to make sure his eyes were still closed. They were. He looked back down to Jake’s chest muscles which he could see pulsating through his sweaty white t-shirt. Down his eyes continued to drift to his slender stomach which again, he yearned to touch. He couldn’t resist it, he had to look down that little bit further to his crotch. He looked. “Wow” he thought as he stared at the bulge! “What would it be like to have that in my mouth?” he wondered, oblivious to the fact that Jakes eyes were suddenly fixed on his own!

“Danny…” Jake exclaimed quizzically.

“What?” Daniel replied startled.

“I know you’re in love with me, and I know your gay, and I’m ok with that buddy, your my friend and I will stand by you no matter what,” Jake said “but I am a little uncomfortable with you staring at my cock like that”.

Daniel paused for a second as he realised he had been caught.

“I’m sorry,” he said regret in his voice “I can’t help it though.

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