
Hell House

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Hell House

By Randy MacAnus

As I sat checking my monitor wall, I said to myself, “It’s good to be rich.” You can afford the most delightful hobbies!

I have lots of hobbies, but my favorite is breaking straight college boys and turning them into whores for men. There are easy “thug” ways to do that, of course. But I like being creative and elegant in my perversions.

Now mind you, there are a lot of really good and decent young men out there, that don’t deserve to be fucked over like that. I leave those guys alone. But you would be amazed at the number of misogynistic young butt-holes out there. The date rapers, the girlfriend beaters, the gay bashers, and on and on.

So how do I get them, at literally no risk to myself? I’ve built off-campus housing in the home town of a large university. During construction, every apartment was equipped with spy cameras and microphones. Top quality stuff. The cameras are automated. They will follow movement, and turn on when there is noise in the room. I can rotate and zoom the cameras from anywhere in the world manually, if I wish. Normally, mike levels are automatically set. I rarely need to change them. In addition, each apartment has its own built-in network router.

It has NSA level spy hardware built-in, so I can tap into every boy’s computer, see what sites they go to, read their email, and any file on their computer.

And the apartment includes a desktop computer for each student. Most importantly, the set up includes a camera I control. You would be amazed how many college boys get naked and jack off in front of their computer, as they watch internet porn.

In addition to the obvious blackmail potential, this lets me see their bodies in detail, and their dicks when they are hard. Always good to be able to assess the potential of your merchandise.

I have no trouble getting renters. The building is new, the boys have separate private sleeping and homework rooms, with a common room in between. Two boys to an apartment.

We have a free campus shuttle that runs whenever there are classes, and free underground parking for those who can afford a car. Needless to say, I have the cars bugged.

Our application process is extensive. Due to my wealth, I can even find out if a boy was a juvenile offender. Don’t ask me how. If I told you, I’d have to sell you overseas. We accept all races and orientations, but I only make use of straight white guys. People of color suffer enough abuse, without having to deal with me.

However, I have found that the gay boys, and those of color can be useful in breaking and training my bitches. So everyone serves a purpose. And everyone (who isn’t one of my targets) enjoys living in my building.

I usually focus on young guys who have lived a life of privilege. Not necessarily super rich, but well-off financially. They may maintain a hard gym body, but inside they are soft. They have never had to struggle, or even work for what they have. It’s amazing how easy most of them are to break.

Take James, for example. 18. A brand new freshman. Shaggy blonde hair, blue eyes, smooth chest. Has only just started to shave. 5 inch dick, when hard. Nice definition, but no bulk. 5 feet 9 inches tall, and 145 pounds.

Went to several prep schools. Got kicked out of all but the last one. Couldn’t get into an Ivy league school, because his grades sucked, and his daddy, while rich, isn’t THAT rich!

He has a half dozen juvenile arrests, but no convictions. Daddy is rich enough to see to THAT. Four of his arrests were for violence against women, two for violence against gays. A bully and therefore, a coward. This one was going to be fun!

I don’t make direct contact with any of my bitches, until they are completely under my control. No one knows I own the building. I have a building manager, who is in on the scheme, but he has never met me. We communicate by encrypted email. He gives applicants the tour, etc.

James’s first comment to him, when walking through our lobby was, “You’ve got niggers and faggots living here.”

The manager replied, “Yes, of course. The University won’t certify a building for housing that discriminates by anything but gender. This is the Bible Belt. They don’t want co-ed housing. If you have a problem with that, this is probably the wrong school, and definitely the wrong apartment building.”

Said James, “I didn’t get into any other schools. I don’t really want to go to college anyway, but my father will cut me off, if I don’t get a degree. He’s really harsh. Well, I guess, as long as I don’t have to room with one.”

The manager looked at him for a moment. The boy couldn’t maintain eye contact. So the manager decided now was a good time to begin putting this bastard in his place.

“You clearly won’t fit in here. Stay in the dorms on campus.”

“NO! Have you seen those dumps?! There’s no privacy at all. And the Freshman dorms are like, 50 years old, and the bathrooms are down the hall. I do NOT roll that way! I could slip you a couple of hundred to let me in.”

“I don’t need your money. I would need you to get along. And that starts with NOT using words like Nigger and Faggot. You’d wind up in the hospital, and that would make us look bad to the school. I tell you what. I’m going to give you a choice. You can have a Black roommate, a Gay roommate, or one who’s both. Your choice. You will either get along, or get out.”

James swallowed hard. His blues eyes went wide with fear. Clearly, the boy would never make it without Daddy’s money and influence.

I was watching through one of the lobby cameras, and made a bet with myself. He had beat up a couple of gay guys, but never a black guy. He figured gays couldn’t or wouldn’t fight back. He had a lot to learn! He would choose a gay guy. And I knew he’d get the totally dominant muscle stud of my choice. The manager did his job well.

“A gay guy, then,” said James, nervously.

“Fine. You can move in. But if you cause any trouble, it’s straight to the dorms. And I will see to it they give you a big, Black, Gay linebacker type as a roommate.”

I laughed my ass off, as I watched pretty boy’s eyes widen with panic! Being an asshole was going to cost him big time! School started in two weeks. He would move in then.

When James arrived two weeks later, Mark was already moved in, but wasn’t in the apartment. James would have gone into his room and checked out his stuff, but each room required a key card to enter, just as the apartment did. A student’s card opened the apartment door, giving access to the common room and used a custom code to open his own room door.

His computer and desk were in his private room. This gave him the needed privacy to get naked in his room and yank his crank to the internet porn he immediately called up on the desktop’s 32 inch monitor.

He was clearly very satisfied with the arrangement. Not as satisfied as I was, of course. The kid was being recorded from six different cameras in his room, but the one that counted was the computer camera, which focused directly on the naked youth sitting in a high-backed reclining desk chair, stroking his slightly below normal (for a white guy) 5 inch pecker.

I didn’t watch him live. I’m a busy man. I checked him out that evening. His definition was even better than had been reported. Slender waist, hard flat stomach.

He had hairy legs and a light dusting of hair on his arms. Other than that, and the usual pubes and pit hair, his body was completely smooth. Not as smooth as it was going to be, of course. As part of his humiliation, and to make him more rent-able to dirty old men, I always had his type remove all body hair.

I found his choice of porn kind of predictable, given his history of violence against women. He was watching Russian rape porn. Men violating women, of course. He shot his load all over his chest. Twice.

Then he took a shower. There are cameras in there too, of course. Watching him soap himself up then jack himself off for a third time was delightful. That video alone, would be very popular, if I decided to post it online.

I decided to let him interact with Mark before dropping the hammer. Mark was a 19 year old Junior, 6 feet 4 inches and 210 pounds of solid muscle. Not quite up to linebacker standards, but more than enough to intimidate his straight twink roommate.

Mark was a BDSM total top. And he was in on the plan. James was just his type, too. I sent him a text, letting him know he could return to the room any time he wanted.

James took a nap, sprawled naked, on his bed, his hot bubble butt a joy to behold. He just lay across the bed. He didn’t even bother to get under the covers. I used the overhead camera to get some nice still photos. The best part was that, when he rolled over, his pretty face and semi-hard dick could be clearly seen. No one would believe these weren’t posed photos.

When he woke up, James put on a pair of sweat pants and a tee shirt, and went out into the common room. Mark was sitting on the sofa, reading when he came out. He was wearing tight fitting cargo shorts and a muscle shirt.

I had the camera in the overhead light fixture focused on my victim’s door, as he entered. The look on his face, when he saw the massive gay muscle stud he would be living with, was priceless!

Mark looked up, and slowly and obviously, checked him out before saying, “I take it you’re James.”

The pretty teen was now thoroughly confused and more than a little scared. The combination of Mark’s massive physique, and deep bass baritone voice caught him completely off guard. His pecker had been semi-erect, and showing against the fabric of his sweats, until Mark spoke. It now disappeared completely from view.

“You’re Mark?!” the slender teen squeaked out. His face turned bright crimson in humiliation at the sound his voice had made. Mark grinned, and went back to his reading.

James couldn’t stop staring. The idea that a homo could look and sound like this had never occurred to him.

Mark’s legs were spread enough for James to see the outline of his huge cock through his cargo shorts. Mark was 6 inches soft. The thought of that beast being hard and inside him, scared the crap out of James.

After about a minute, Mark looked up again, right into the boy’s eyes and smirked, as he said, “Like what you see?”

“NO!!” James, practically screamed.

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