
Headaches and remedies – or how I nailed my sister_(1)

as a horny teen male I’ve wanted to fuck my foxy sister for a while. I finally find a way to do it.

In the late seventies my mom and dad split. My dad had found himself a young woman and ran off with her, leaving me, my mom and my sister to fend for ourselves. It took Mom 6 months to find him and another six months to get a divorce. My dad was a CEO of an international company so with the divorce settlement and child support we had enough money to live comfortably.

Mom had started suffering migraine headaches during the divorce process. The doctors told her it was psychosomatic but it didn’t help moms headaches. Sometimes she would be awake all night with a headache. The doctors finally prescribed a sedative that was guaranteed to let her get some rest.

The first time mom took a pill for one of her headaches she sleep the entire night. She woke the next morning rested with no memory of suffering from a headache. From then on when she felt a headache coming on she would take a pill and wake the next morning rested.

I didn’t realize the total effect of the pills until one evening when my aunt called. Mom had taken a pill and gone to bed an hour and a half earlier. Aunt Carol called and wanted to talk to mom. I told her mom had already gone to bed but Carol insisted I wake mom so she could talk to her. I told my aunt I’d wake mom and have her call Carol back.

I went up to moms room and knocked. When there was no answer I opened the door and found mom sound asleep. Normally I wouldn’t have bothered her, but Carol had been insistent. I walked over and gently shook moms shoulder calling her name. She didn’t respond. I shook her harder. She still didn’t respond. I shook her even harder and was almost yelling her name.

Finally moms eyes fluttered open and she said,”Wha….what?”

“Carol wants to talk to you.” I told mom.

I picked up the bedside phone and said to Carol,”Here’s mom.” and handed it to mom. She fumbled with the receiver and I had to help her get it to her ear.

I could hear Carols voice as she spoke to mom. Mom was responding with,”Uh, hu. Yea. Uh, uh. Ok.”

Finally after a few minutes mom mumbled,”Goodbye,” dropped the phone in the cradle and flopped back on the bed.

I pulled the blankets over her and left.

The next morning as we were eating breakfast I asked Mom,”What did aunt Carol want last night?”

“Aunt Carol? I don’t know. I haven’t spoke to her for a week.”

“Mom you talked to her last night, don’t you remember? I woke you to talk to her on the phone.”


“No I don’t remember. I took one of those pills. I must have been out of it.” She replied.

I started to wonder about her actions while under the influence of the pill. Before I left for school I copied the name of moms sedative so I could look it up later. That afternoon on my way home I swung by the library. I knew they had a copy of the Pharmacists Drug handbook. I found the book and after a bit of browsing found the page with the drug I was looking for:

The side effects of Rohypnol

“The effects of Rohypnol use may be felt within 15 to 20 minutes of administration and may last for over 12 hours. Symptoms associated with use of Rohypnol include drowsiness, lowered blood pressure, muscle relaxation, dizziness, slurred speech, poor reaction time, confusion and memory impairment. One side effect associated with Rohypnol use is retroactive amnesia, where the person who takes the drug can’t remember events that occurred while under the influence of the drug. Although Rohypnol is a depressant, it may produce excitability, talkativeness, or hyper sexual behavior.”

The term “retroactive amnesia” hit me and I reread that passage. That sounded exactly like what had happened with my mom. I put the book away and walked home thinking about the implications. The term “hyper sexual behavior” kept buzzing in my head.

Mom didn’t use another pill for close to a week, but Tuesday the next week she had another headache. She took a pill at 7:00 and went to bed. My sister Jean was off with her boyfriend and I knew she wouldn’t be home until at least midnight. I waited until 9:00 then figured I would try an experiment with mom.

I went up to her room and walked in. My throat was dry and my hands were shaking. Mom was sleeping on her back. I pulled the covers back and shook her to wake her.

It took a long time before she mumbled,”Wha…what’s going on?”

I took a deep breath. I knew if this backfired, if mom remembered any of it I was going to be in deep trouble. But I also knew this was the only way I was going to find out whether she had the side effects of the pill.

“Mom,” I said putting my hand on her knee,”How do you feel?”

“I feel fine.” She said in a slurred voice, her eyes still closed.

“You….aw..don’t feel horny?” I asked and held my breath.

She was silent for a few moments then said in that slurred voice,”Yes….I am.”

I had to make certain she was out of it and that she wouldn’t remember anything of what


I took a breath and said,”Mom, do you want to fuck?”

She was silent for several seconds and just hen I thought I was going to be toast she said,”Yes. I want to….yes.”

I didn’t really want to fuck her, I just wanted to know if she would and it sounded like she was all ready to do it. I got up and left with the thought that the next morning would be the real test.

The next morning I was very nervous. I had no idea whether mom would remember anything about the evening before. When she finally got out of bed I sat waiting for the ax to fall. But all she said was “good morning” as she walked to the coffee pot and got a cup of coffee. As the minutes passed I began to understand I was safe. But also the possibilities began to run though my head. I thought if when mom takes a pill she doesn’t remember anything, what if I give Jean one? Could I fuck her?

Like I said my little sister was a fox and I knew if I could get her to take one of the pills I’d fuck her until I couldn’t get it up again. My sister was a year younger then me and really hot. She was short, 5′ tall and weighed about 85 lbs. She had red hair, and a set of nice B cup tits. She was part of the gymnastics team so she had a very well toned body with a pair of killer legs.

I knew my sister was on the pill. I had snuck into her room a few months before intent on

checking out what kind of underwear she had (and maybe use one to jack off with) and found her diary buried under her panties.

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