Harry’s Ladies
Harry’s Ladies
Sex Story Author: | tripleaaa |
Sex Story Excerpt: | You have been in the trance for a hour Harry what did you see Harr said Lion, Basilisk, Some sort |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Fan fiction, Fantasy, Teen Male/Teen Females, Threesome |
part 1
Disclaimer: J.K.Rowling owns,not making money off this
Ginny Weasley walked away from the room of requirment in near tears she knew that Harry would at least kiss Cho tonight and then start dating her. Poor ginny did not know how wrong she was.
Back int the RoR
Harry and Cho just pulled out of there lip lock and Cho could feel Harry erection through his jeans, “Oh did i cause this Harry?” Cho asked. Well yea Harry responded red faced. Dont be embaresed Harry, it’s only natural” then she leaned in to kiss him agin. cho sat in harry’s lap and ground her pubic mound into his groin and moaned. Harry could not belive that he was making out with cho chand the girl he dreamed about for two years and he also could not believe she was sitting in his lap. He could fill the heat radeating from her sex and he just let nature take over. Harry pulled her closer and thrust his groin into her making her gasp excitedly and then he cuped her breat and tweeked her nipel through her shirt and bra. by that time cho had already taken harrys shirt offand started kissing her was down his neck kissing,sucking and niping as she went then all of a sudden she felt Harry had slid up her skirt and grab her bum Cho mound and sucked harder at his neck and then pused Harry to the ground and wispered “you are going to enjoy this” kissed down his chest and abdomen, past his navel and to the edge of his trousers. Cho then unbuttoned and slid them off she gasped at his 7 inches and then started licking the head. Harry moaned when Cho started bobing her head up and down taking more and more of his leangh into her warm gullet Harry started to feel his cumriseing after a minute and started thinking about potion ingredents, qudituch rules even his uncle’s lectures to stop himself from cumming too quickley but even that only helped for two more minutes.” CHO I AM CUUMMMMMMMMMMIIIING. Cho just kept bobing her head and drunk his semen as it came when he was done Cho lifted her head and and said “how did you like that?” To answer Harry filped chorover and quickly disrobed her when he got to her tits he sucked one into his mouth and started gently pinching the other one.
Cho was sighing encoregments and instruction to Harry who followed them then Harry got bored he started kissing fouther down until he got to her skirt he ducked underneath it and pulled off her panties and her baled ,wet slit was displayed in all its glory Harry dove into it licking kissing and sucking on the pussy while cho thrust her pelvis harder into his face and wraped her leg around his head Harry cought on fast to what stimulated her more and had cho riding out a orgasem after orgasem. Harry was sudenly turned over with cho giding his manhood into her dripping snach when the head enterd her she gasped and then dropprd hilt deep onto it Harry not expecting the great filling itwould give him gorund and started to thrust his hips into Cho, after about five minutes of love making Harry yells out “OH MERLIN CHO I AM CUMMING AGIN “
ME TOO HARRY” CHO SCREAMS Harrys semen fills chos unprotected womb and neather care or think that Harry might get her pregnat. after excourting cho back to the ravenclaw commen room under his invisability clock Harry walks back to Gryffindor tower and sees Draco entering a unused classroom. thinking that this alittle odd Harry rushes in to see Daphne Greengrass knelling infront of Draco her eyes glased over clearly under the effects of the imperious. “Take out my dick and suck it like a good little dog” Harry quickly pulls out his wand and yells out “STUPEFY” Draco falls to the ground and daphne’s eyes clear up and then she sees draco on the ground stind and harry standing over him she jumps up and starts kicking Draco in the crotch several times with high heels on she turns to Harry and says i cant believe i am saying this Potter but thanks.
After walking Daphne to the Slytherin commen room Harry now exousted says the pasword the the fat lady who scoulds harry for bring out past midnight
walks into the room only to get tackled by Hermione asking were he had been Harry says tomarrow and walks up the stairs to the boys dormitory and falls asleep befor his head hits the pillow
the events of order of the phoenix happen
“Harry mate, we are going to see dad at St. Mungos. Do you want to come?” “No sorry mate i got some more homework to finish.” Harry replied. When Ginny heard that Harry was not coming she asked “Mum can i stay here? I want to have a lie in. “Of course Ginny dear, your father wont mind. Ginny smiled and said “thanks mum ” then she walked upstairs to her room and closed her door. About three minutes later Ginny walks in. “What are you doing here? iI thought you all left to see your dad.” ” I have come to talk to you. I know why you have been avoding us.” Well i you had Voldemort possing you would you go near your friends?” “Well no but are you missing time?” “what do you mean” “have you found yourself anywere you dont remember how you got there? “no” was Harrys curt reply “Then you know who has not been possing you, trust me i know. Harry then remembers the CoS incedent in his second year “sorry Ginny i forgot.” Luck for you.”then the next thing Harry knows Ginny is cring on his sholder” I still have nightmares about it she sobbs Harry driven by intuition wraped his arms around her and held her while she cried. “Its over Ginny its over, Riddle cant hurt you any more” Harry says. After her cring subsides she pulls back and he sees the tears coming out of her eyes Harry whipes them away then slowly leans in and kisses her Ginny gaspes and opens her mouth to except his tounge Harry tries to stop but some unknown force drives him on to complet what he started. “What about Michel” Harry askes between kisses. Michel can go bugger himself for all i care, he is a arse anyway” Ginny retorts now shut up and snog me. Harrys had finaly end up on her bum and then Ginnny suddenly jumps up moves over to the bed and takes her shirt off. Harry wasting no time gets up and takes off all his clothes. Ginny lookes him up and down then Harry walks up to her and starts snoging her relentlesly while taking her trousers off when ginny is finaly naked Harry starts to eat her pussy this couses GInny to go wild bucking her hips into his face gasping and groning. After about a minute Ginny screames HHHAAAARRRRRRYYYY I AM CUMMING. Harry recives several squrits of liquid in his face. Harry looks up at Ginny, Her face wild with lust pounces on poor harry and drives his dick into her leaking womanhood ripping her hymen, Ginny bites Harry’s sholder too keep from screaming outloud all the while she never breaks pace with the thrusting having mutipule orgasems. After about two minutes Harry takes Ginny off places her in the dogie style he rememberd seeing on one of Dudleys films and thrust his penis back into Ginny who sereached and thrust back Harry reaches around and starts rubbing her clit pushing Ginny over the edge again, Harry felt her musles tighten up whitch coused him to yell out I AM CUMING TO GINNYYYY!!!!!!!! Harry’ s semen shot deep into her womb Ginny thanking her mother for giving her contraptive potions every month. Harry came to his sences and wisperd oh no oh no no no NO. Shocked Ginny lookes at Harry and asked what? Just then Sirius and Remus walk in, Whats been going on up here? We thought we heard som…. Oh they both looked at each other then at Harry and Ginny who were still both very naked. Harry then grabed the covers nd threw them over Ginny to cover her up.
What do you thank you are doing… What if Molly had found you. I would hate to thank of the shouting we would have to endure from this if she finds out. Harry then found his voice we never ment to go this far its just after we started snoging we could not stop, it was like somthing was compelling us to continue it did not let up until after the deed was done. Sirus got an odd look on his face and ran off down stairs. He came back a few minutes later with a book in his hands, I know whats happening to you. Its an clause of magic that pertains only to the Longbottem and Potter familys if there is only one male left his magic will seek out the best compatible females with him to mate with and produce a heir. No contraptive charms or potions work, when ever intercores occers the female will get pregnant regardless if she can or cant concieve. Harry stared at Ginny in shock and Ginny at him. Harry is there anyone else you had sex with… Harry did not want to answer but bravely said Cho Chang the night that we got here. Ginny started cring slient tears, But i did not feel the same pull as i did with Ginny does that count for somthing? Yes it dose Harry, acouding to the book the person your magic first forces you to have sex with is your soul mate. So that means that you and Harry are legaly married now. OH DEAR LORD MOLLY IS GOING TO BE REVOLTING.About five minutes later a offical ministery owl flew through the window and Landed in frount of Harry. He quickly grabed the letter and broke the seal
Dear Mister Potter
Congradutations on your marrage to one Ginivera Weasley Your Marrage lisenes in enclosed and there will be no annoucnment in the Prophet due to the nature of the cricumstances have a wonderful day
Sencerly Grisilda Marchbanks, and Amila Bones
Another owl flew through the window and landed in frount of Harry
Dear Mister Potter
Congradulations agin Mister Potter on your marrige to Miss Weasley i would like to talk to you in my office tomarrow if you can make it. This matter is of great importance , please send a letter back via this ow thank you
Madam Bones
rry got out parchment and worte that he would be there tomarrow around 12 o’clock. About an hour latter Molly, Ron, Fred and George came in the door Sirius called for Molly to come in the kitchen alone. When she got there she saw Hary and Ginny sitting side by side looking at some pappers Remus was looking through books. She sat down and asked “what are Harry and Ginny doing here”.Sirius asked “did you ever here of the end of the line clause for the Longbottem and Potter famileys Molly?” “No Sirius what dose it do with Ginny?” Sirius grabed the book and filped to the pages the subject pertaind to then gave it to Molly read it she read through the book and asked again “what dose this this have to do with Ginn……. YOU TWO ARE TOO YOUNG TO BE DOING ANY OF THAT NONSENCE, I ABSOLUTELY FORBID IT” Ms.Weasles screamed at the top of her lungs when she relized just what Ginny had to do with this Silenco Remus pointed his wand at Ginny’s mum. Ms. Weasley was still ranting,Molly Sirius yelled sit down and we are going to discusses this like civilized people. Now Molly Harry and Ginny could not help it magic forced them to make love as soon as they shared their first kiss just be greatful that it was not in the middle of the great hall or Diagon Alley. Remus removed the silencing charm the Molly said i would have stoped them if i had to.” “Molly even Remus and I could not penatrate the shiled that protected them i dout even Albus could have done it, now Harry and Ginny are legaly married now and thers nothig we can do about it and sence they both are married they are also emancipated that means Harry has access to his familey valt and the valts he is heir to. Harry you need to go to Gringotts to take the inheratance test we still need several ingredents form the apothrocry they are bloomgslag skin, aracomantula eyes, unicorn tail hair,and dragons blood. Harry and Ginny left the kitchen and went up to Rons and his room, Ron Fred and George were inside and George was demonstraiting a new WWW product they see Harry and Ginny and start asking questions “why was mum yelling” “what was mum yelling about” “why are you and Ginny holding hands”? Harry throwes the book to George and says “turn to page 334 and read up on uncommon end of the line clauses.” George read with Fred reading over his shoulder when they finished their eyes were wide and mouths hanging open “you and gin” George said “Married” finished Fred. Ron just looked dumfounded Gred and Forge jumped up and shouted welcome to the family and huged him. Ron said well at least it is Harry not Michel Cornner Harry went over to his trunk and go tout his money bag the grabed Ginnys hand and walked back downstairs.
Snape tells Harry about Occlumency lessons
After Snape left Tonks and Emmiline and Madeye said they would take Harry to Gringotts. Harry and Ginny got under the invisibility cloak Tonks hailed the Knight bus and paid for all five to get to the Leaky Caluderon. three minutes they were walking into the dingy pub and out the back the group made its way to the giant white building. when they entered the bank was nearly deserted Harr ytook off the cloak and walked up to the Goblin at the teller who seemed fermilar to Harry. Hello Griphook nice to see you agin, the goblin looked astounded. Nice to see you agin Mr. Potter i am suprised you reconized me it has been after all four years after you frist seen me. Well I am herefor a inherantace test. Ok follow me.Harry walked with Griphook down a hall and into a door, Griphook knocked and then entard inside was a very old goblin the name plate said Reaver Mr. Potter is hear for a inharentance test. Reaver got out a bowl and dagger Harry took the dagger when it was offard he cut his hand and let blood drip into the bowl the blood started swerling and writing appered on a sheet and the goblin handed it to Harry.
Head of house Potter 2
Head of house Crouch 1
Head of house Straight 1
Head of house Ravenclaw 2
Head of house Hufflepuff 2
Head of house Slytherin 2
Head of house Gryffindor 2
Head of house Ames 3
Heir apperent of house Black 2
Heir apperent of house White 2
Heir apperent of house Logan 1
Heir apperent of house Corbin 2
Heir apperent of house Peverell 3
Heir apperent of house Wallice 2
Metamorphmagus (blocked)
Gendermagus (blocked)
BeastTounge (blocked)
Areomouth (blocked)
Magical sight (blocked)
Natural at defence and attacking spells
Naturaly retains all information (blocked)
Natural linguest (blocked)
Natural Occlumens (blocked)
50% power blocked
Harry finished reading and asked “why is it allways me? And how are all my powers blocked? Well the morphing gifts and powers were blocked by one Albus Dumbledore the rest were blocked by somthing else, we can unblock them for you for a fee of one milloin galleons which is barley a dent into the Crouch vault and it had the lowest amount of money. Ok do it please. the ritual was preformed and Harry was standing inthe middle of a circle seven goblins stood around him and chanted a strange language Harry felt smothing snap and a serge of pain then he blacked out.
Harry woke up a 30 minutes later with Ginny looking down on him smiling Harry felt better than ever he got up and kissed Ginny for a minute then said lets go get some Gold love they walked out of the infermary to the banks main hall and up to Griphook. Harry asked can i go see my family vault please? Yes Lord Potter you can, i will take you myself he walked to the cart and snaped his fingers a cart with plush cutions appered and one wild cart ride later they were in front of valt #7 a Griffin was standing in front of it pacing back and forth Harry said to move in areomouth the Gryffin steped asside Harry put his hand on the door and felt a presance in his mind the he threw a shild up to protect it the he felt a knocking on the shiled Harry let it down and the voice said ” Sorry about this but I need to verafy that you are a Potter real quick”, the voice watched his first memories then backed out the vault door oppend. Harry enterd the vault and found it was almost the size of the great hall at Hogwarts inside Harry found two trunks with the names James and Lily on them Harry took out his wand and shrunk them and put them in his pocket he then wonderd through th epiles of gold silver and bronze Harry found a desk with a Pensieve on it he took his dads trunk unshrunk it opend it up and out the Pensieve inside. When Harry reached the back wall and found the most valuable treasure in the valt a picture of his mom and dad Lily and James were smiling radently at him his mother had tears in her, eyes his dad held her hand Harry touched the canvas hopeing to fall in to the painting. His Mother then spoke “Harry my how you’ve grown you look just like James did at fifteen”. His dad asked “How is Padfoot doing? Is he still sweet on the Abbot girl? Harry could not speek. Just then he felt a hand on his back he turnd to see Ginny behind him His mother said “Is that a Weasley? She was a Weasley mum but now she is my wife Ginny Potter, James got a devious smile “just like me at your age arent you? is Mother looked shocked the smiled welcome to the family Ginny but why did you get married so young? I think dad can answer that somthing about the end of the line clause with our family and the Longbottems. James and Lily got a odd Look on there faces then James started Laughing. When he stoped Harry said well we have ingredants to buy and its after six Molly will be worried we need to leave but i am going to shrink you and put you in a trunk so you can talk to Sirius and Remus agin. Harry did as he said the turnd to leave . Harry then spotted a libary he pulled out his wand and said “Accio books on Occlumency several books new and old flew at him “Accio books on DADA,Accio books on light magic about thirty books flew at him Harry then directed them into the trunk
As the group was leaving they were stoped by Griphook agin he handed Harry a box and said that your signet rings are in there Harry opend them and saw several rings in it he put on the Potter on , then the Crouch ,Stright,Ravenclaw,Hufflepuff,Slytherin,Gryffindor,and then the Ames rings they Glowed then combined on one finger showing the Potter familey crest. Then Griphook gave him a bottemles money bag and a muggle credit card that tied to his valts. Griphook then stated You need to set a date for your parents will reading, now that your emancapated you can have it read and also you have fourteen seats in the Wizengamont and can revote any bill you want to change thats has been passed while your proxy stoud in for you. Thanks Griphook we will have the will read two days after Christmas. Also i want a thousand galleons put into a vault for each Hermione Granger,Fred and George Weasley,and Ron Weasley and Two hundred thousand galleons to Auther and Molly Weasley of the bribe price. Ginny gasped at the amount “Harry thats too much they will never except it” “well i dont care they will take it if they dont i will send three hundred thousand next time, you already mean more to me than all the money in the vaults. When their party got back to Grimmauld Placeit was past seven Molly was pacing in the kitichen Sirius was siting at the table eating Harry smilled then pulled the ingredents to the potion out and gave them to him.
Sirius smilled and said ” I see you got your Potter family rings what other rings did you get?” Harry listed off all the names except for Ames. Phew the Potters were almost as well off as my family but with all those you could buy the Malfoys with out a problem, Just then Tonks triped over the umbrella stand which caused the portrate of Mrs. Black to start shreaking Sirius shot out of his set to close the curtians. Harry went in behind him pointed his wand at the painting and muttared a spell witch caused the painting to fly off the wall leaving a gaping hole in it. Sirius looked dumnfounded and the other looked on in shock. Tonks sputtard “we have been tring to get that portrait down for months and you do it in a second how?” i just removed the plaster thats what she was stuck to. What do you want done with her? Put her in the fire place. Sirius poored a bottle of Odgens finest on the canvas dissregarding his mothers shreeks and protests lit it with a nonverbal spell from his wand, after a few seconds the sceraching stoped. Harry watched as Sirius patched the hole with a spell from his wand. Harry pulled out his fathers trunk and and and unshrunk it,
“I have got the perfect set of pictures to replace hers with” “what do you mean Harry” the Harry pulled out his father and mothers Paintings then unshrunk them Sirius stoud in shock at seeing the friends agin “what’s wrong Sirius cat got your tounge and why do you look so gaunt for?” asked James. James, Lily you dont know how good it is to here your voice, but i have failed you i did not raise Harry like you asked the night you died i went after Peter insted of taking Harry. I caught up with him the next day he blew up the street around us and cut off his finger the curse killed thirteen muggles I was blaimed for it and Barty Crouch sent me to Azkaban without a trial Harry was given to your sister, Lily by Dumbledore”.
We said specificly in our will that he was not to go to the Dursleys why was it not followed? Mum the will was not read the Wizengamount froze it you can ask Dumbledore at the next order meeting. Is the war still going on? there was a thriteen year lul in the fighting becaus of your sacifice Voldemort’s killing curse rebound but he did not die he was less than a gost for years but last year he returned to his boby. Bone of the father, fleash of the servant, and blood of your enemy was the ritual used to return himself to his body. Lily looked horrified she wisperd to James who looked equally horrified Harry take our trunks upstairs to your room Harry ran up to the stair and pulled out a extendable ear Fred gave him and put it behind Srius no wonder he did not die he made a Horcrux knowing him more well thats just great hes virtually indestructable untill they are destroied if we off him he will be able to just regain his body agin. well the only way to destory one is feindfrye and Basilisk venom. Harry opended his Mothers trunk and found her wand sitting on top of journals and a box he opend the box and found a weading ring he took it and put it back in the box he also found two blank frames one in gold with James Potter writen on the metal on top his dad apperd in the portrate and asked did you use the clock to find out what we were talking about? No dad I used a extendable ear and Harry pulled it out of his pocket i also have the Marauder’s map. James smiled you nick it from Filch? No Fred and George did they gave it to me two years ago they did not need it anymore, they had it memorized. Lilly appered inthe silver frame.” Harry I want you to give Ginny my weading ring it belongs in the Potter family” ” Like I could give it to anyone else mum”. Well Harry in the wizerding world you are required to marry for every Head of Houseship you have so you have to marry seven more times and if anything happend to the Head of the other houses you are heir to then it would be thirteen times Harry. Why is it always me?harry asked noone we dont know why fate decided to make you its bitch but Harry you need to be strong.
Ginny walked into the room ron and Harry shared to see him sitting on the bed reading out of on of his mums journals he put his book down the patted the bed beside him Ginny sat down then Harry pulled her into a chaste kiss when they broke appart Harry pulled out the ring box the said “Ginny this ring was my mothers i want you to were it as a show of my love for you he opend the box and slid it on her finger the ring glowed the resized itself Ginny looked at it the tears filled her eyes she leand into Harry and captured his lips the kiss then esclated into a snog then Ginny was sitting on Harrys lap grounding her crotch into his pelvis Harry pointed his wand at the door which locked the glowed Harry slid down his slacks and underware looked up to see Ginny slide her knickers off leaving her skirt on Harry grew stiffer at the sight she spreed her legs. Harry wasted no time sheathing his sword Ginny squilled bucked then slamed her pussy back down onto Harry’s manhood Harry picked her up and slamed her aginst the wall and started thrusting Ginny was already close to a orgasem but Harry taking charge pushed her over the edge she bit Harrys chest to keep somewhat quite while her pussy gushed Harry then pushed her to the bed were he hicked a leg on to his shoulder then concentrated on leanthing his member and was suprised when it grew another inch and a half Harry quickly shoved it back into Ginny who moaned at the new felling Harry started thrusting in and out going faster and faster Ginny mussles griped him as she orgasemed again and again Harry the bottemed out gushing a load of his cum into Ginny they both breathed in deep. a few minutes later they were in the kitchen enjoying some of Mrs. Weasleys cooking. Tonks could you help me lear to shift my body? Tonks looked up and said “sure Harrry but not today maybe tomarrow after your meating.”
Harry went to his room laid down on his bed a few minutes later Ron draged himself inside and floped himself on the bed across from Harry and fell asleep instantly. When she heard the snores pf her brother Ginny enterd and then pulld back the covers got in bed with Harry and sunggled up to Harry who wraped his arms aroud her they both fell into their dreams together. Harry woke up first and felt for his glasses he found them and sliped them on Ginny was still pressed aginst him Harry leand in and kissed her awake after their snoging session Ginny got up and went down to her room to get dressed Harry got some clothes andwent to the loo to shower Tonks was just emerging looking warnout she said hey and truged down to Ginnys room to use a bed Harry went into the bathroom and into the shower a minute after he got in the bathrom door opend and someone came in the curtain opeaned and Ginny stood their naked she steped in Harry grabed the saop and started with her back wand worked his way down to her bum which he grabed Harry then menuvered his dick to were her pussy was and entard her from behind she gasped and braced herself on the wall in frount of her Harry keep thrusting in faster and faster he reached around Ginny and started rubing her clit she screeched the starded gushing HHHAAARYY I AMMM CUMINGGGGG!!!!!! ME TOO GINNNNNNNNNYYY, Harry yells. Harry emptyed his balls into her she fell aginst the shower wall. They finished showering and exited th loo to see Ron standing there waiting to get in he passed and says dont forget the silencing charms next time. The duo the decinded the stairs hand in hand. they entard the kitchen to find Mrs. Weasley talking with Emmeline Vance. Harry and Ginny ate while Mrs. Weasley woke the rest of the household up. Tonks came down the stairs at 11:40, wotcher Harry are you ready to see Madam Bones? yes Tonks lets just grab Ginny and go? On the way back down Harry an Ginny bumped into Sirius Is that what you are wearing to the meating? “Yes replied Harry” Sirius pulled out his wand and started muttering spells all of a sudden Harry was wearing a fromal suit with the Potter familey crest, then he pointed his wand at Ginny was now wearing a sun dress with lilys on it. Thay said their thanks then went into the kitchen.
When the tiro flooed into the aterm Harry imeadetly noticed the reporters hassling a group that stood around the foutian of magilcal brethren Harry and Ginny walked up to the security gard and presented his wand the gard droped cit onto the instrement then pulled out a slip od paperand thrust it on the spike like they other security wizard did when Mr. Weasley escorted Harry to the hearing. Next up was Ginny he repeated the same process with Ginny. Then Tonks lead them to the lifts the group enterd a deserted lift Tonks jabed her wand on a spot on the lift then the lift decended rappidly to level two Tonks looked at him and smiled express spell only Aurors know it. Harry felt a slight pull at Tonks oh bugger Harry thought. The group exited the lift and walked down a corridor then through a set of dubble doors inside was the office that Harry and Mr. Weasley went into to see Kingsley Tonks lead them to a door in the back then opend it for them. Inside was a waiting room with plush chairs behind a desk sat a Darkhaired young women wearing a lowcut blouse that showed off the ample cleavege. Harry went up to the desk and said ” Harry Potter to see Madam Bones. The girl jerked up to look at harrys scar then said one moment i will notify her. A minute later she came out and said Ms. Bones will see you now. Harry and Ginny enterd with Tonks behind them then pointed her wand at the Derictor what was the order you gave me on my first mission? Stay alive. Tonks lowered her wand then smiled ok you two i will be waiting outside. Ms.Bones walked up two the pair and said nice to meat you on more fitting enviroment, “yes mam it is. How is Susan doing? She is fine for now but as you should know by now your magic had been looking for mates for you well Susan just happends to be one of them. She is fine now but if you two dont well you know she will end up with a bed next to Fank and Alice Longbottem, I dont want her have have a child this young but the pro’s of her doing this out way the cons. I would like her to marry the man that gets her pregnat but as you are already married, then Ginny enterupted well Harry has to get married several times the is the head of Crouch and Stright houses but he might have a better one in mind for Sue thats if he wants to marry her but if i remember the first child will be Potter regardless. Mam lets talk to Sue and see what she says, Amelia noded the head yes and went outside told her assistant that she would be heading out to lunch and her guests and Auror Tonks would join her.
The Bones manor was a lovley place and hand a beautiful garden than you could see but Harry was looking at the girl in frount of him Sue was pailer than normal and she looked tired Amelia and Tonks left them alone to talk Sue looked at Ginny and said congradulations are in order i thank but what happens to me now? Sue Ginny nelt next to her Harry will do what he has to…. I would not try to stop him if he can save someone he will do it I will watch and might even join you two. Susan looked shocked then smiled come help me to my room. Harry open the first door on the right the room inside was decorated in Hufflepuff colors and had a poster of the wierd sisters on the wall Harry and Ginny laid Susan down on the bed Harry sat next to her rubing her arms she smiled up at him Harry then keand in and kissed her. Susan moaned at the fealling and some of her streangh returnd to her Harry ran his hands up and down her back into her hair she sat up and started pulling off his shirt. Ginny sat back and watched as Harry prepard to make love to another women, her pussy started getting wet she cressed it through her dress. Sue, having the time of her life
pulled off Harry’s shirt she then started kissing down his chest. Sue herd a moan and looked behind her and saw Ginny rubbing her crotch Sue motioned for her to join them. While Sue was doing this Harry was unbuttoning her shirt Harry then unclasped her bra to reville her size c tits he gently took one in his mouth ans sucked on it Susan thrust he chest at Harry hoping to get him to takemor into his mouth then she felt another mouth start sucking on her left breast she moaned and looed down to see ginny sucking on it. Harry then unbuttond her slacks and shid them down her legs, Sue then lifted Ginny’s dress off and cuped hers maller breast and tweeked its nippel causing Ginny to shreek. Harrry pulled Sues painties off and immediatelynoticed that she was shaved almost bare ther was a little patch of hair just above her clit Harry rubed a finger up and down her slit which caused Susan to shiver Harry then driven by magic put his penis at the entrence of her vagina and thrust in breaking her hymen Sue shreeked in pain but it only lasted a few seconds then she started thrusting back at this time Ginny was just watching Harry then she reached out and started rubing sue’s clit in rappid session causing the redhead to shreek in pleasure Harry felt the tail tail sings that sue was about to cum Harry speed up his thrust to try to come with her Susan yellad out I AM CCCUUUUUMMMMMMMMMINGGG!!! Harry just roared, thrust deep as he could go and spilt his seed they lay their panting then Harry leaned in and kissed her.
Ginny looked on with lust in thr eyes and as soon as Harry pulled out she dove in and started eating out Susan at first sue felf shocked that another female was doing this then it started felling good and the taboo about it made it fell even better sue then decided to return the faver and started eating out Ginny. Harry went around behind Ginny and started licking her rosebud Ginny groand into sue. Harry gently pushed his finger into ginny’s rectum and felt ginny push back Harry then added another finger when he could have three fingers he pulled them out and then concentrated on lenthing is penis and making it thiner when it was about ten inches long and a inch wide he pushed it in her pussy stroked a few times to lub it up the pulled out and gently pushed aginst Ginny’s splincher after applying more pressure it finaly gave way, Ginny shreeked in pain when it enterd her but she did not pull away the pain faded and gave way to extraordainy pleasure she pushed back tring to ram more of Harry’s cock into her. Harry could not believe the way Ginny’s bum felt all the mussles contracting drew him to the edge fast then the pleasure Ginny was recieving became too much and she had the bigest orgasem of her short life. Susan was suprised when a gush of girl cum filled her mouth did not compair when the second or third hit her but she drank all she could get. the Tiro laid in bed cuddling befor getting dressed.
The group arrived in the kitchen to see Amelia and Tonks talking over a cupa tea Sue went and huged her aunt and said thank you for helping me her aunt just smiled and said theres nothing i would not do for you. Harry turnd to Amelia and asked how would i go about claiming my house seats? Well during the next session just be there and claim them simple as that. Harry and Amelia talked alittle more of politics then Susan asked Harry can i come and spind the night with you? Harry looked at Tonks then answered ” well i would say yes but we are not staying at my place and its also protected under the fedailus charm and i am not secret keeper but i could ask if you loan me the floo. Amelia nodded her consent. Harry took a pinch of power in the fireplace and said Hogwarts headmaster office and dissapperd When he arrived Dumbledore was talking to Porfesser Sprout, he turnd to Harry and said Harry to what do i owe this plasure? well sir i am sure that you know by know my situation. Well it turns out that Susan Bones was also affected well we did what we had to and now she wants to stay the night with me but as you know i cant tell her were i live. “but Harry do you thank it wise to let her see Sirius her aunt is the director of thr DMLE. Well considering that is is the mother of one of mt childern i think she will at least listen to me and i intend to show Madam Bones the memory of peter. Dumbledore sighed the wrote on a pice of paper then gave it to Harry. Harry flooed back to Bones Manor and asked Madam Bones do you have a Pensieve? Of course why? well i have a memory our three to show you Harry pulled out the Marauder’s map and said i somenly swear that i am up to no good and showed it to Amelia who stared at the map in shock this map shows where anyone is at anytime anywere that is on Hogwarts grounds a few weeks after i found out that peter pettegrew was dead i seen him on the map but this memory is of the night i first met Sirius Black Harry put his wand up to his temple and drew out a copy of his memory and threw it into the Pensieve Suasn just brought in Sue Amelia and Tonks entard the memory tewnty minutes later they exited white faced Harry then put the wand up to his head agin and drew out the memory of the gravyard and put it into too Amelia they all enterd then watched how Voldemort was reborn the death eaters arrival and how he and tom dueled and cedric asking him to take his body back. Sue was sobbing by this time Amelia Horrified. Harry did you ever run into any objects that who know who came out of? Harry just drew out the memory of the fight with the Basilisk. Amelia came out whitefaced and shaking she went over to the fireplace threw in a pinch of poweder and said “Connie get Rufas and Alge Croker hear now”. Kids and auror tonks go now to your safehouse and be careful, i would tell you what i know but none of you know Occlumency and without it your minds an open book.
The kids and Tonks Flooed to the Leakey Caluderon. Then Connie arrived with Rufas and Alge in tow.” What is this about Amelia?” I need you to watch some memories that i just reviewed and tell me what you think. the three of them started with the basilisk fight then moved onto the night peter was discoverd and then finaly watched the rebirth of Voldemort when the trio came out they were white faced and Rufas mouth was agape “the boy was telling the truth and Fudge had the evidence that he had returned and he did nothing… I wonder how many were made we need to talk to Albus about this he should have some theorys about what objects he used and how many he made. Alge just stared we need to take the boy into the hall of propheys there is one their with his and the Dark Lords name on it the old unspeakable voiced he could be after the Porphecy and thats why he has not tipped his hand yet. we need to find away to lift the Auror freeze Connie said. Well i believe Potter can help us there the is the head of Potter, Crouch, and Stright and possibaly more he did not say it but his wife Ginny sugested that if Harry married Sue that she would have a better name than eather of those. Send Potter a letter and we will need to set up a time and date to take him the the HoP to destroy the record. We also need to talk to albus about the Horcrux i know their are more of them i just hope he has a inkling to how many there are would help and if he knows what objects the foul man used. We could give Potter a hit wizard badge so he could use leathel force and he could legaly own a second wand to counter the Priori Incantatem effect.
When Harry arrived in the Leaky Caluderon he decided to go shoping the group went to Madam Malkins robe shop inside Harry got fitted for Formal Dressrobes a set of Wizengamot robes causal robes all made in aracmantula silk with resizing charms the total was 400 galleons Harry paid her then turned to the lovely ladies accomping him do you want anything? he asked them they smiled wicked smiles causing Harry to gulp an hour later Harry was carring several bags of shrunken clothes the the group passed a Jewlery shop Harry and the group enterd and looked around behind the counter a man greated the group. Hello is there anything i can help you with today? Harry was brousing the wrist watches and spied a nice gold watch he asked could i see that watch pulled the watch out and let Harry hold it is it water proof sir the last i had was damaged, there is a charm for it but it would cost extra ok i will take it. i also need 14 titainum male rings with a ruby set into then and 12 female rings the same way and i want the lettars D.A. engraved into the stone. Harry then walked up to Ginny see anything you like love? Ginny pointed to a golden necklace with a ruby set into it Harry motioned to the man add this to my order with a pair of matching earrings then Man nodded then took it Susan was looking at a silver braclet and matching earrings necklace.Do you want that? sue nodded and the man took it out to. Tonks was checking out a choker with a black diamond set into it Harry motioned to it also he man was just about skipping thinking about the bounes he was gitting this month Harry then aske laddies do you mind steeping outside for a while when the door closed Harry turned i also need a engagement ring prefabley white gold the man pulled out a row af rings to show him Harry selected one of the rings that he felt a pull to and gave it to the man. I also need resizing charms on all please the man nodded. talleyed up the total the added tax and said your total comes to 98,000 galleons .Harry sighed pulled out a bank draft filled out the amount and handed it to the man. My names Dan Singer thanks for your custem Mr… oh my names Harry Potter dan well have a good day and send those ring to me when they are finished please. and i will be back for more when i find out a few things Harry then left a shocked man standing behind the counter then walked out found this laddies lounging on a bench a few feet away Harry walked up to them and put his arms around Ginny and gave her a kiss then turnd to sue and gave her the same treatment, lets finish christmas shopping the group then went to quality quidditch supplies and picked up Ron new keeper armor and a nimbus 2005. then they went to the trunk shop and bought a seven compartment trunk that has its oun appartment, library,and dueling/workout room. Then the group went to Florish and Blotts to pick up a few books for Hermione, Harry then picked up more books on DADA, death eater tatics of the 70’s and a book on spell chaining. Harry looked at the watch he just bought and decided to leave.
One wild trip on the Knight bus ater the group was standing outside of Grimmauld Place Harry hadded th paper to sue then set it on fire after she read it. the group then enterd the house only to be tackled to the floor by someone with bushy brown hair Harry you were gone for so long we were starting to get worried and what is Susan doing here Hermione asked. Well Hermione we went shopping after our meating and Susan is here well because she was affected by my faimleys end of the line clause and we had to have sex or she would eather go insane or die. Do you know who else is affected? no but Sirius should be finished with the potion tonight. Harry lookd at Tonks and said i am ready for my training. Tonks led him to his bedroom and cast a locking charm.Tonks said strip, Harry looked dumfounded at her she laughed Harry trust me please i went throught this alone but you have my knowlege to help you. Harry did as she asked, Tonks then striped herself she pulled out a bottle of oil and put some on Harrry’s back and rubed it in then started taking you have to know how your muscles work and how they coonect you can only incress or decress your hieght by a foot either way changing hair and eye color is the easy ones her hands then reached his bum she started squezing and gently pushing on it by this time Harry was already hard enough to hunt with is manhood the tonks finished with his legs Harry then felt a strong pull towrd Tonks he tried to control it but he fliped over and grabed her face and gently kissed her. Suprised at Harry kissing her she gave in not caring about the laws just about the young man under her.
Harry lined his manhood up with her sex and thrust in and going hilt deep in one thrust Tonks went wild bucking and slaming down tring to get more of Harry in her Harry pictured his penis getting larger and wider he felt it do so but so did Tonks he moaned and continued bouncing on Harry tring hard to reach her orgasem. Harry reached around and started pocking at her rosebud this was to much for her she Came squelling nothing harry could understand but her mucles contracting also pushed him over the edge. After lieing their panting for a moment Harry turned to her. Tonks could i see your base form please? Tonks shocked that someone asked finally let her hair get longer and darker her breasts grew larger her eyes matched Sirius’s and she grew a little shorter Harry fell in love instantly. he lended in and kissed her neck and grabed her now larger breast and tweeked its nipple Tonks moaned at the feeling Harry then took the other into his mouth and gently sucked on it Tonks was gettin randy again at this point sterted rubbing her hands up and down his back Harry let her tit fall out of his mouth the kissed her lips then wisperd i hope you enjoy this my little Nymp. Tonks shiverd at her new nickname but was not botherd by it he then started kissing down her stomac to her sex Harry then started licking her libra up and down slowley causing Tonks to grunt in frustraition then Harry flicked his tounge aginst her clit causing Tonks to wrap her legs around his head and trap him their but Harry did not care he was to busy sucking licking and drinking her jucies to care Harry pushed in two fingers in her vigina and then concentrated on macking them longer and rounder, then Harry stoped all of a sudden and then thrust his penis slowley into her Tonks thrust back wanting more of him inside her Harry the decided to abulige her thrusting himself in to the hilt and passing her curvix tonks Shreeked in pain but kept grinding herself into Harry after a few minutes of this Harry yells Nymp i am cuming, Harry in a last ditch effort to have her orgasem with him thrust a finger past her splincher into her retum this caused Tonks to shreek out in bliss Harry and Tonks layed their for a few resting.
When the duo got dressed Harry looked at Tonks and morphed his hair longer and added a shade of red into it i am getting the hang oh it then they decinded the stairs and into the kitchen Susan was sitting their talking to Remus well Christmas is in two days are you going to stay here or are you going to open presants here then at your aunts or what Harry heard Remus ask well i am going to do just that but i hape that Harry comes with me. at that time Harry spoke up you darn right i will Sue Susan then looked at him and smiled Remus sniffed the air then got a look of shock on his face then busted out laughing i see Nymphadora was affected to eh Harry OI DONT CALL ME NYMPHADORA tonks yelled hair turning red Sirius then appered yes she was their are several more people affected to and hear are their names Harry grabed the paper and read.
Ginny Weasley….x…m
Susan Bones…….x
Daphne Greengrass….
Nymphadora Tonks….x
Hermione Granger……
Luna Lovegood…….
Padma Patail…….
Gabrielle Delacour…
Katie Bell…………
Hestia Jones….
Alexia Smith…..
Tracy Davis……
Alicia Spinet…..
Kimberly Anderson
Shelly Sinstria
When Harry finished the list he was shocked how could he sleep with that many wemen and have that many kids for that matter. And he was sure that Hermonie and Ron would get together. This is going to cause some problems Harry voiced. I’ll say Susan said as she read the paper over and who is Kimberly Anderson, she is a muggle from my old school said Harry. Whats all the noise about Hermione asked coming downstairs Harrys go the results of all the wemon that are affected by the end of the line clause all of them but one are familiar and Harry handed her the list she read through her eyes got wide for a second they she smiled and said ” i expected this Harry and I cant think of anyone better I could be with”. Ron entered and asked is that the paper he snached it from Hermionie and read through his face pailed then he said Damn it mate why Hermionie? you knew i liked her. Well Ron its not somthing Harry could control and at one time i might have liked you but Ron we bicker way to much and you think you should not have to do your work, its not healthy and I see the way you treat people from other houses you can be as bist as Molfoy at times and just dont wait for the girls to come to you pluck up the courage and aske them dont just sit around and play chess our talk about qudditch. At that Hermione stormed off. Well that was intresting Sirius said do they argue often? Oh about every other day two or three times Harry said as Ron marched off to the room Sirius had prepared for him. Oh Susan this is my Godfather Sirius Black Sirius this is Susan Bones Sirius gave a bow and said charmed…and mutterd what is it with Potters and red heads. Susan blushed, Harry asked could i get a different room mabey bigger Sirius said “sure pup Dobby the house elf appered could you clean the master room on the fourth floor and make the bed bigger the elf nodded right away Mr. Black and move all of Harrys stuff in there to the elf dissaperated Harry i have also been working on the potion tp revel your animaugs form I brewed enough for six or seven people Harry got an excited look when can we take it? Right now if you want. Harry egearly said yes he turnd to the others how about you all he asked Ginny, Hermione and Sue all jumped up to fallowed.
Down in the basement Sirius divided the potion into four different cups Harry clenked glasses with his laddies and said “bottems up” and downed it the potion was vile but it had nothing on polyjuce his vision clouded the he found himself in a open filed a snake slitherd up to him Harry noticed it was a basilisk and shut his eyes the the snake spoke yyouu fiiinally foundd yourrr formm.. Harry opend his eyes and the snake was gone Harry then saw what looked like a bird flying at him then he noticed it was not a bird but a Pheonix Harry was shocked that he could have such a powerful form, the pheonix faded and a lion came running out of the trees and stood with him thin it too faded the he was somthing he never wanted to see again a dragon flew out of the sky and landed next to him it resimbled a horntail but the color was blue it breathed on him then flew off his vision clouded again then he was sitting in a basement everyone stairing.
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