
Harry Potter Promise NR.7

Harry Potter Fanfiction. This is the second story in the promise series.

Chapter 11
I know a lot of people have opinions over Umbridge’s detentions, and Harry’s not telling McGonagall. I know the arguments, and while I understand them, what you have to realize is, having guardians who actually give a crap doesn’t change the fact that Harry’s still too stubborn for his own good. He doesn’t think anyone can do anything about it, so he doesn’t see the point in telling anyone. I promise, it will be addressed, and Umbridge will pay. But a year of having guardians who care doesn’t erase all those years of being put down by the Dursleys. Even if he doesn’t show it, Harry’s still struggling to realize that he can go to McGonagall and Sirius, and that they’re there to help him.

Disclaimer: not mine

By the end of the week, Harry’s hand had stopped healing. Ginny kept pestering him to go to McGonagall, but, as upset as she was, she did understand why Harry didn’t want anyone to know. He was too proud for his own good, sometimes. He didn’t want Umbridge to know that she had gotten to him. Hermione, Ron, and Neville had told her exactly what Umbridge had done to get Harry to snap, and she was furious. Harry hadn’t wanted her to know, he didn’t want her to worry, but she immediately put those thoughts to bed, informing him in no uncertain terms that they were a team, now, and they tackled things together.

Still, the detentions were over, and Harry had no intention of letting himself lose control of his emotions again, so he tried to put it behind him. Ginny let it drop, for now, but she still kept a close eye on her boyfriend/husband. She didn’t even know how to think of him now, but she knew that he was her everything, and she hated to see him hurt.

Minerva had a rather heated conversation with Umbridge over her comments, but the foul woman simply told her she had misunderstood, and told her not to believe the lies young children spouted. Minerva went to Dumbledore next, but he informed her that his hands were tied by the Ministry. He couldn’t do anything to reign in Delores, since she was Fudge’s employee. It seemed fishy to Minerva, but then, a lot of things were when it came to the Headmaster. Shouldn’t Dumbledore have some control over the woman, as she was here as a professor? She grit her teeth and informed Sirius and Amelia of the situation. Both filed it away to use when it came time to oust Fudge at the right moment, but knew that that moment would have to be timed perfectly. Act too soon, and they might not get another one.

Harry and his friends all felt their hatred of Umbridge step up a notch after the bitch observed Hagrid’s lesson on Thestrals a few days later. Harry was fuming at the way she pretended that she couldn’t understand him, in order to make him look more incompetent.

Quidditch practice stepped up a level in the week after Harry’s detentions, as Gryffindor would be playing Slytherin in the first match of the season at the end of the week. Angelina was almost as fanatic as Oliver Wood, in her own way. Still, Harry knew where she was coming from. As there had been no Quidditch last year, Gryffindor was still the reigning champion of the Quidditch Cup, and they had a reputation to protect. Not to mention this was Angelina’s last year, and she really wanted to win. They all did, especially against Slytherin.

With all the practices Angelina had scheduled, they were unable to have a DA meeting during the week, though Harry made sure to schedule one for Sunday afternoon.

Angelina made sure that the entire starting and reserve teams were well rested and ready to play on Saturday morning. Slytherin was notorious for fouling their opposing team, and Angelina wanted to have the alternates ready to play, just in case.

It was a good thing, too. Right from the start, the Slytherins seemed to have something to prove, as they immediately went for the Gryffindor chasers. All of the Slytherin team belonged to that faction of the house that remained aligned to Voldemort’s cause. Crabbe and Goyle had replaced the previous beaters, while Warrington, the team captain, the other two chasers, and the keeper were seventh years. It was the older Slytherins that had remained the most resistant to the change Harry and his friends had wrought in Hogwarts over the last year, more set in their ways and unwilling to change.

Katie got taken out fifteen minutes into the game, in which Gryffindor managed to gain a lead of 30-0, by a bludger to the back of the head. Fortunately, Alicia had been right next to her, and was able to lower her friend and fellow chaser to the ground without further injury. After a brief time out, Angelina put Ginny in, in Katie’s place. Their long hours of practice showed, as Ginny meshed immediately with the two other chasers, turning them into a machine that widened the lead to 70-0 in the next twenty minutes. During team practices, Angelina had been relentless in mixing up chaser teams, so that all the reserves were comfortable playing with the starters, for just this very reason.

Malfoy, as usual, chose to remain close to Harry, spouting off insults that Harry ignored, having had a lot of practice before. He kept one eye searching for the snitch while the other remained focused on the game around him. He held his breath every time the Quaffle came near Ron, but his best friend was holding his own. Harry had seen the youngest Weasley male in action multiple times over the last couple of summers, plus at practice this year, and he knew that Ron had potential, his only problem was nerves. If he missed one goal, he would become flustered, and be more likely to miss more. But Ron seemed to be doing all right. Fred and George were doing a good job of breaking up the Slytherin chasers, but Ron had already stopped four goals.

It was as Harry circled the Pitch again roughly forty five minutes into the game that he caught the flash of gold he had been looking for as it streaked over his shoulder in the opposite direction. Executing a hairpin turn, Harry took off after the snitch. Malfoy tried to follow, but his Nimbus 2001 just couldn’t hold up to Harry’s Firebolt.

Harry caught the snitch, pulling out of a twenty-foot dive, holding the struggling gold ball in his hand. A moment later, he winced and grabbed hold of his broom, as a bludger slammed into the small of his back, thankfully managing not to be unseated by the ball.

The rest of the Gryffindor team crowded around him, as they lowered to the ground. Harry brushed off their concerns, telling them that he was fine. Ginny looked particularly upset, if her scowl was anything to go by.

It was Goyle, she told him through their bond. He aimed the bludger at you the moment he saw you had the snitch.

Harry shrugged mentally. Slytherins were sore losers.

A short distance away, Malfoy and the rest of the Slytherin team also dismounted, scowls on their faces, though Goyle was looking incredibly pleased with himself, which was something of a strange look on the troll-like fifth year.

“Glad you could save Weasley’s skin, aren’t you Potter,” Malfoy sneered.

Harry was standing on the edge of the crowd of Gryffindors that had flocked to the Pitch, celebrating. Ron was caught up in the middle of it, being congratulated from all sides for some of his impressive saves.

As it was just Malfoy, Harry ignored him.

The Slytherin prince kept going, his sneer even more pronounced. “Good thing, too, we all know how Gryffindor picks their team.”

“Talent?” Harry asked blandly.

Malfoy reddened slightly, recalling their second year, but he plowed on. “People they feel sorry for. There’s you, who has no parents, Weasel’s got a double dose though. No money and no talent.”

“Really?” Harry asked blandly. “Need I remind you, Malfoy, that you just lost 260-10?”

Malfoy almost growled. “You better watch out, Potter, you’re bound to end up the same as your parents. My father will –”

“What will your father do, Mr. Malfoy?”

Malfoy cut off abruptly, turning around to see Professor McGonagall standing behind him. The Professor’s expression was nothing but bland interest, though Harry could see the fire hidden in her eyes. No matter what, he knew she would never forget that Lucius had threatened Harry at the Quidditch World Cup last summer.

McGonagall raised an eyebrow, and watched as the Malfoy heir skulked away, muttering under his breath.

Once the Slytherin seeker was gone, McGonagall’s expression softened slightly. “Congratulations on the win, Harry, that was a great catch.”

Harry grinned. “Thanks,” he replied, before Fred and George pulled him away for a party in the Common Room.

Minerva turned to the Slytherin team and proceeded to give a now glowering Goyle a detention for his unsportsmanlike behavior.

Apparently, the twins had been certain of their victory, and had snuck out sometime in the last week to get butterbeer and Honeydukes chocolate for the party. The house elves were more than willing to provide other snacks for their enjoyment.

Harry and Ginny spent most of the evening cuddled in one armchair by the fire, while Ron and Hermione occupied another. It was the first time Harry had seen his bookish friend willing to show so much affection in public. Ron also seemed to be surprised, but he wasn’t complaining.


The talk of the school the week after the match was the suspension of Trelawney and Hagrid. Harry was seething over the half-giant’s suspension. He wasn’t too cut up about Trelawney, considering she had predicted his gruesome death every class for a year, but he knew that Umbridge had had no intention of letting Hagrid continue teaching. She was prejudiced towards half bloods, as was incredibly obvious by the way she deliberately acted like she couldn’t understand him, in order to fluster him and make him act less than intelligent. And as for his choice of material… while Thestrals weren’t exactly typical for fifth year material, it could have been much worse. It’s not like they were Skrewts. Harry couldn’t see them, but for some reason, he could almost sense them. Like he knew where they were, even without using his eyes. He thought about it for a while, but the only explanation he could come up with was that maybe it had to do something with the phoenix abilities he may inherit as part of his second animagus form. Phoenixes were known for being able to sense magic, so perhaps that was what he was feeling.

Classes continued, as professors piled on the homework in preparation for the OWL exams. Hermione, Harry, and Susan were showing the strain a little more than Neville and Ron, as they also had Prefect duties. The DA was doing remarkably well, and Harry had discussed with the rest about teaching them the Patronus Charm. It wouldn’t be something they could all achieve, especially the younger years, but given what he had learned from Sirius in a letter a few days earlier, it might be a good idea to teach people how to defend against Dementors. Apparently, in an Order meeting in early November, Dumbledore had voiced the concern that Azkaban’s guards may be considering defecting to Voldemort’s side soon.

Sirius, Remus, and Minvera were doing their best to keep Harry informed, but there really wasn’t much he could do, though he did appreciate their efforts. It was more than Dumbledore had ever done. Harry’s contact with the Headmaster continued to be stilted. Harry believed that Dumbledore was avoiding him now, though he considered it to be a plus for him, as he had enough to deal with, without adding in the Headmaster’s manipulations.

Harry had taught Ginny the basics of the Patronus Charm after their unfortunate encounter with the foul beasts over the summer, and while her mist had yet to take a distinct form, it was quite strong.

Harry called a meeting with the leaders on Saturday afternoon, and they spent the rest of the day practicing the charm. Harry and Cedric were the only two who had already mastered the advanced piece of magic, so they helped the rest. Harry thought that Cedric’s elk was very regal.

By the time they left for dinner, Ginny was the furthest along, finally mastering the charm, while Hermione and Susan came in a close second, and Neville right behind them. Ginny’s phoenix made them all raise their eyebrows, though Harry and Ginny just smiled secretively at each other, and no one asked any questions.

Though Susan and Hermione’s mist wasn’t completely corporal, Harry thought he could see an animal forming in the center.

At the next DA meeting, they introduced the charm to the students. Harry’s friends received a surprise when he demonstrated with his Patronus. Rather than a stag, his animal had changed to a phoenix. All of the leaders looked between Harry and Ginny, but didn’t bring it up in such a public setting.

Harry was also surprised. He wondered if the bond had changed his form, but then, he had cast his Patronus several times since their bond had begun to form, and it had still been a stag.

Ginny moved to stand beside him as the students all begun to practice the charm. This is the first time you’ve cast the charm since we learned our animagus forms, she observed. Maybe that’s why it took this long to realize it had changed.

Harry nodded mentally. That could be, he agreed. I’m not sure we’ll ever actually find out why it’s changed. What should we tell the others?

Ginny looked over at their friends. If they ask, we’ll be honest. We don’t know why your form changed. If they ask why our animals are the same, tell them the truth: it’s because we’re meant to be together. We don’t have to tell them about the bond, but I think we should talk about doing that, at some point. They deserve to know, Harry.

Harry winced at the thought of Ron finding out that he was basically married to his sister, but he knew that Ginny was right. I know, he agreed ruefully. We’ll play it by ear, though. Hopefully, they won’t ask too many questions. With that, they separated and moved around the room, helping out those who needed it.

While the older years definitely took to the charm easier, there was a grim determination in the eyes and voices of the younger students, as they determinedly cast the charm over and over again. The room was filled with silvery mist, as some animals began to form, as the evening wore on.

It was much easier to learn the charm in a warm and pleasant room, Harry thought as he watched several animals romp through the air, than it had been going up against an actual Dementor, even if it was a Boggart.

By the end of the lesson, both Hermione and Susan’s Patroni had solidified into a cat and an eagle, respectively. Harry guessed he shouldn’t be surprised that their forms reflected their inner animals. He knew that Aunt Minerva’s Patronus was a cat, and Sirius’ was a dog, and he felt fairly certain that Neville and Ron’s would also reflect their animagus forms. His and Ginny’s represented their second animal, not that anyone knew that.

Neville was the next to master the charm, right as the meeting came to a close. Harry was happy to see that he was right, when a silvery wolf came bursting out of his friend’s wand.

Fred and George mastered the charm at the same time, and Harry wasn’t surprised to see that they had the same animal, a coyote. Blaise was the next to make any progress, his bobcat joining the mass of silvery animals running around the room. Almost immediately after that, Daphne’s fox joined her friend.

Luna’s falcon soon joined Susan’s eagle in the air, and the two animals flew around together under the girls’ direction.

Ron’s frustration clearly showed by the end of the evening, but he just grit his teeth and kept trying. He had definitely grown up in the last year, and was more willing to work for his successes than he may have been in his third year. He was rewarded as the lesson broke up, by a mist much stronger and condensed than he had been seeing. Though it didn’t yet have a form, Ron thought he could make out ears and a tail in the center of the mist. His grin could have lit the whole room, and it only widened when Hermione grabbed him in a tight hug, kissing him firmly.

When they pulled back, both were blushing at the knowing grins all around them, though both wore strangely satisfied smiles.

When the Gryffindors all got back to the Common Room, Hermione wasted no time in asking about Harry’s changed form. Harry looked at Ginny helplessly, before shrugging. “I’m not really sure why it changed, Hermione,” he told her honestly. “I think the fact that Ginny and I have the same Patronus means that we’re suitably matched for each other,” his voice stumbled over the words in an attempt to sound objective. “That’s not too surprising, though, I already knew that.”

Ginny blushed a little, and Neville and Hermione smiled. Ron looked like he wanted to be upset, but couldn’t quite make it happen. Truthfully, he had warmed to the idea of having Harry as a brother-in-law someday. Actually, he kind of liked the idea.

They all accepted Harry’s explanation, and turned to various evening activities, finishing up homework they needed to get done, before heading up to bed.


As November began to wane, most of the school received yet another crushing blow, as Educational Decree 25 went up on all the notice boards overnight, informing everyone of the formation of the Inquisitorial Squad. Based on what Harry read, this Squad would have as much power as a professor, only without the teaching, and would report directly to the High Inquisitor. They were able to take points from everyone, including Prefects, and assign detentions. They had authority even over the Head Boy and Girl, and could repeal points or detentions if they felt like it. Unsurprisingly, the squad was made up solely of Slytherin upper years. Namely, the Quidditch team, and a few others who held firm to their pureblood beliefs.

Malfoy was strutting like a peacock as Harry and his friends headed down to breakfast. His chest was puffed out to show off his new badge, displayed predominantly opposite his Prefect’s badge. He then proceeded to dock them about fifty points total, for crimes such as ‘being a Mudblood’, ‘having an untied shoelace’, and because he ‘didn’t like them’.

Harry pulled Ron back as the youngest Weasley male made to go for his wand. He knew that wouldn’t be handled with a simple docking of points, and Harry really didn’t want Ron to know just what Umbridge did for her detentions.

Still seething, they all headed into the Great Hall, making for the Gryffindor table. Susan also joined them, as they commiserated on the new Decree.

“What’s wrong?” Fred asked, as he reached over Hermione to grab some more pancakes.

“Malfoy,” Ron growled, glancing over at where the arrogant Malfoy scion was now holding court at the Slytherin table.

Harry was interested to note that, at that particular table, Malfoy’s court really only consisted of the fifteen or so members of the Inquisitorial Squad. There was a considerable amount of space separating them from the rest of the house, who all seemed to be congregating around Blaise and Daphne. A whispered conversation was going on, but Harry didn’t know what it was about.

Ginny elaborated as she poured syrup over her own pancakes. “We ran into him in the Entrance Hall, and he docked us about fifty points.”

George nodded, understanding. “Montague tried to do the same to us,” he informed them.

“Tried?” Harry asked, pulling his attention back to the Gryffindor table and raising an eyebrow at the twins.

Fred nodded, grinning impishly. “He couldn’t quite get all the words out before we stuffed him into the Vanishing Cabinet on the fifth floor. You know the one?”

They all nodded. “What happened?” Hermione asked, torn between horror at what they had done to a fellow student, and amusement.

George shrugged. “Not quite sure,” he admitted.

“Won’t you be in so much trouble when he gets out?” Susan asked, almost succeeding at hiding her grin.

Fred and George shared a look. “He’ll have to turn up, first. We’re not sure where we sent him,” Fred said, smirking.

Harry shook his head, smiling, and they continued their breakfast in a slightly better mood than before.

Over the next few days, the hourglasses showcasing the house points showed quite clearly what the Inquisitorial Squad was doing with the power afforded to them. Only Slytherin appeared to be in the positive digits, as Hogwarts entered into its last three weeks before the Christmas holidays.

Harry was just trying to get through the remaining three weeks without losing his temper again, a feat he really wasn’t quite certain he’d be able to accomplish, with the way Umbridge and Malfoy were acting.

It was as they made their way through the Entrance Hall on their way to dinner that Harry’s patience was sorely tested yet again.

Malfoy and his cronies entered from another staircase, and of course, angled it so that their paths would have to cross.

The look on Malfoy’s face said quite clearly what he was planning on doing, but Harry focused on his bond with Ginny to keep his temper, as Malfoy threw out several insults and docked them another thirty points “for holding hands in front of me.” When Harry still wouldn’t rise to the bait, Malfoy grew impatient and drew his wand, firing off a purple jinx that Harry easily sidestepped.

Unfortunately, Umbridge rounded the corner at that moment, and refused to even question the situation, before docking another twenty points from Gryffindor and assigning Harry another week’s worth of detentions “for instigating a fight in the Entrance Hall.”

Harry’s friends tried to defend him, but Harry shook his head slightly, telling them not to bother. Umbridge smiled sweetly. “I shall see you after dinner this evening, Mr. Potter,” she said before heading into the Great Hall.

Harry grit his teeth, and led his friends to the Gryffindor table. Ron wasted no time in informing his brothers of what had transpired, while Susan, Neville, and Hermione seethed. Even Hermione had openly expressed her disgust for Umbridge. Some people really just deserved to be hexed.

Ginny spent most of dinner trying to plead with Harry to go to McGonagall through their bond. Harry just remained steadfastly against the idea, and bid them all goodbye after he finished his meal.

Ginny watched him leave with tears in her eyes. She hated his nobility and pride almost as much as she loved it, at times.


Ginny turned back around to see her friends watching her with varying degrees of confusion or worry. She looked at Neville, who had voiced her name, seeing her fear. She attempted to smile, but couldn’t quite manage it. “I’m fine, Neville,” she assured him.

Neville nodded slightly, and then tilted his head to the side. “But Harry’s not.” It wasn’t a question. Ginny shrugged with one shoulder.

“Why’re you so worried?” Ron asked, holding a slice of bread in one hand, and a drumstick in the other. “Harry said it was just lines, last time.”

Ginny couldn’t quite contain her flinch, causing Hermione’s gaze to narrow. “What is it, Ginny?” she asked shrewdly, leaning forward. Her expression told the fiery redhead that she expected an answer, now.

Ginny’s gaze fell to her plate. “Umbridge made him use a Blood Quill,” she admitted quietly, her voice so soft that they all had to strain to catch the words.

“What?” Neville growled, his face turning from worry to anger so fast it was like flipping a switch, something Ginny knew about thanks to her father’s obsession, and Harry’s teachings over the summer.

When Ginny looked up, Susan, Fred, George, and Ron all shared Neville’s fury, though Hermione was confused. “What’s a Blood Quill?” she asked hesitantly.

Ron was the one to explain. “It’s a quill that forces the writer to write in his own blood. When you use it, the words appear on the back of your writing hand.”

Hermione’s expression now changed to horror. “That can’t be –”

Neville cut her off. “They’re illegal,” he assured the young witch. “According to the law, each use of the quill against the recipient’s will can earn you between one and five years in prison, depending on the case.”

“Against their will? Why would anyone actually want to use such a horrid object?” Hermione asked for clarification, abandoning her dinner. All of a sudden, she wasn’t so hungry anymore.

Neville also set down his fork. “They do have some uses. The Goblins sometimes require them for the signing of certain contracts. It’s extremely regulated, and they’re labeled as a Class B dark object. Outside of Gringotts, there really isn’t much legal use for them.”

“Maybe we should continue this in private,” Ginny suggested, glancing up at the head table, and, in silent agreement, they all stood up and made their way to the Room of Requirement. It was nice that they didn’t have to collect Susan from the Hufflepuff table, as she had joined them for the meal. She was doing that more and more frequently; it wasn’t that she didn’t get along with her fellow Hufflepuffs, she had just become such good friends with Harry and his fellow Gryffindors, and she wanted to spend time with them. She was happy that she and Neville were still able to be friends. Their relationship was so important to her, and she didn’t want to give it up, just because they had decided they weren’t ready for a romantic relationship yet.

Fred and George joined their siblings and friends as well, as they left the Great Hall.

Once in the Room of Requirement, which had made a passable representation of the Common Room for them, they all settled down onto sofas and armchairs.

Susan took over explanation here, knowing a little bit about it from her Aunt’s profession. “Blood Quills are really serious, Hermione. There are a lot of things that can be done with a person’s blood. Most of it is dark, though I know not all of it is. I think Harry mentioned Blood Wards keeping him safe at his relatives’ house. But blood can also be used to harm, or bind a person to something. And forcing someone to use a Blood Quill is basically forcing them to sign a contract. My Aunt Amelia says it’s no better than the Imperius Curse, though it does carry a lesser sentence.”

Hermione looked like she couldn’t decide which direction to go in first. “Why didn’t Harry say anything?” she asked, turning to Ginny. “And why didn’t he tell all of us?”

Ginny snorted. “You’ve been his friend for four and a half years now, and you still don’t know the answer to that?” she asked rhetorically.

Ron shook his head. “Damn pride,” he muttered under his breath, though they all heard it.

Ginny nodded. “And he doesn’t want to give Umbridge the satisfaction of knowing she won.” Hermione tried to say something, opening her mouth to speak, but Ginny just kept going. “I know that’s not true, but it’s the way Harry sees it. I tried to get him to go to Professor McGonagall, but he refused.”

As much as they hated it, they all could understand where Harry was coming from. Umbridge was foul, but Harry’s pride just couldn’t let her win.

“Ginny, we have to tell someone,” Hermione pleaded. “I know Harry wants to handle it himself, but this is illegal.”

Ron nodded. “This could be what we need to bring Fudge down,” he mused. “Umbridge was sent here on his orders, right?”

They all nodded, and Susan’s eyes lit up with the idea. “You’re right, Ron,” she said, leaning forward. “If Aunt Amelia knew, she could use this to oust Fudge, if played the right way.”

“That’s a great idea,” Neville chimed in, looking at Ron with respect. Sometimes, they all really forgot just how his brain worked, and then they were surprised when he showed it; Ron was a strategist. He tended to think five or six moves ahead, just like in chess.

Ginny bit her lip. “I hope he forgives us,” she said quietly, feeling like she was betraying Harry’s trust, just by telling their friends what was going on, never mind actually going to McGonagall.

Hermione reached over and hugged her younger friend. “He knows you care about him, Ginny, we all do, but we have to do something. This can’t go on.”

Ginny took a deep breath and pulled back. She looked at her friends, all wearing similar expressions of worry, and nodded. “I’ll do it, though,” she said firmly. At the signs of protest, she shook her head. “It should be me. If I’m the one to tell Professor McGonagall, there’s a greater chance he’ll forgive me, than you.”

“She’s right,” Susan commented. When she saw several accusing sets of eyes turn to her, she sighed exasperatedly. “Oh, come on, guys. Harry will be mad no matter what, but he loves Ginny. He’ll forgive her a lot quicker than he’ll forgive us.”

When Ginny saw their anger turn to acquiescence, she stood up. “You should get back to the common room. I’ll find you later.”

One by one, they all filed out. Fred and George gave their sister a hug, uncharacteristically serious. Neither one said anything, but the gesture passed on their support, and Ginny was grateful. She knew what they weren’t putting into words. They were telling her to protect their younger brother. And she would, with all she had.

Ginny waited until she was alone, before she took another deep breath to steady herself, and exited the Room, heading towards McGonagall’s office.

Chapter 12
Disclaimer: not mine

Ginny almost chickened out. She lifted her hand to knock on the door to McGonagall’s office, before lowering it again, hesitating as she wavered in her conviction. This happened two more times, before she berated herself. “Be strong, Weasley,” she whispered to herself. “Harry needs you.”

Without giving herself any more time to second-guess her decision, she knocked on the door quickly, and entered, without waiting for McGonagall to invite her in.

Minerva looked up, startled, from the essays she was grading. “Miss Weasley, what can I help you with?”

Ginny closed the door behind her, looking at her professor with such trepidation that Minerva set down her work and stood up, circling around her desk. “Miss Weasley, is everything all right?”

Ginny felt her eyes burn as she held back the tears. “Professor, I need to talk to you.”

Minerva gestured to one of the seats in front of her desk, as she took the other one. The look on Ginny’s face had her pulling out her wand, casting several privacy wards, before she gestured for the young woman to speak.

Ginny bit her lip, not sure how to start. She knew that she had to tell the professor, but she didn’t know how to start.

Minerva saw her hesitation, and leaned forward slightly. “Ginny, if you want me to help you, I need to know what’s wrong.”

Her voice was so compassionate, that Ginny lost the battle, and the tears started flowing.

Alarmed, Minerva reached over and grasped the girl’s shoulder gently. “Ginny?” she asked quietly, feeling more and more unsettled as the youngest Weasley cried.

Ginny forced herself to get a grip. She choked in a half breath, and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “It’s Harry,” she admitted, looking up at her professor, pleading.

Minerva felt her heart skip a beat. “What’s happened?” she all but demanded.

Ginny sniffed. “His detentions… Umbridge… she…”

“What did she do.”

Ginny reared back slightly, startled by the amount of venom she heard in McGonagall’s voice.

Minerva forced herself to calm down. “Miss Weasley, if that woman has done something, I need to know, so that I can help.”

Ginny nodded shakily. She forced herself to be strong, for Harry. He needed her, even if he didn’t know it yet. “When he had detention last month, he told everyone it was just lines, but Professor… she made him use a Blood Quill.”

Minerva hissed angrily. How dare that woman! She stood up quickly, her mind clouding with fury. She needed to speak with Amelia. And Sirius. And she supposed Dumbledore would need to be informed as well.

Ginny looked up at the furious woman. She knew they had made the right decision in telling her. This was more than a few students could handle on their own. “Professor.” Minerva drew herself out of her murderous thoughts. Ginny looked a little worried. “She gave him another week’s worth of detentions, starting tonight, because Malfoy fired a hex at him in the Entrance Hall before supper.” Minerva’s quirked eyebrow made the redhead elaborate on the situation as it had occurred, and why Umbridge had assigned detention to Harry.

Minerva once more felt the rage boil up at that woman’s immorality, before she forced herself to calm down. “Thank you for telling me, Ginny. I will take care of it. You should go back to the common room.”

Ginny nodded, and left the office, hoping that McGonagall would truly take care of everything. If there was one thing she had learned about her stern professor, it was that when McGonagall promised something, she followed through.


Harry tried to keep the wince from showing on his face, as he wrote the line again. Behind her desk, Umbridge just kept smiling as she watched the student carve words into the back of his hand over and over.

Harry really wished he could lose the feeling in his hand, but unfortunately, his luck just didn’t swing that way.

‘I will respect my betters.’ His hand sliced open again. He waited for the words to fade back into the skin, but they didn’t. The blood ran down his fingers, staining the page with drops, blurring a few previous lines he had written.

“Is something the matter, Mr. Potter?”

Harry looked up to see Umbridge smiling at him sweetly. He realized that he had paused long enough for her to notice, so he shook his head and wrote the next line.

Time passed, much slower than normal, as Harry continued to write lines. He felt like it had to be close to midnight by now, but when he glanced at his watch, it was barely passed dinnertime.

The sound of the door slamming open startled both of the room’s occupants.

Harry looked up, surprised, and wasn’t sure if he was relieved or apprehensive, as the intruders made their way into the classroom.

Minerva went straight to her charge, pulling him out of his seat as she held onto his injured hand gently, examining it with a disapproving look on her face.

Umbridge started stuttering threats and denials, telling them they had no right to intrude and that Harry was using the Quill of his own free will, but Amelia just gestured for her two Aurors, Kingsley and Tonks, to arrest the woman.

“The use of a Blood Quill is highly restricted, Madam Umbridge,” the head of the DMLE stated idly, looking for all the world like she was discussing the weather, but those who knew her well would be able to see her anger and disgust. “I highly doubt you have permission to use such an object on a student. I highly doubt you have permission to own such an object.” She jerked her head at Kingsley, who understood, and with Tonks’ help, dragged the still struggling woman out of the room.

Tonks did not look pleased, and pulled out her wand, silencing the inane shouts as they escorted her out of the castle.

Harry looked at the adults left in the room. Dumbledore was still standing by the door, but he looked furious.

Minerva drew his attention back to her. “Harry, why didn’t you tell me last time?” she asked, trying to understand how he could be so foolish.

Harry shrugged, studying his shoes. “I didn’t want to let her win,” he admitted quietly, ashamed.

Minerva sighed, exasperated, and drew him into a hug. “Harry, how many times have I told you that it’s my job to protect you? How can I do that if you won’t let me?”

Harry didn’t reply, he just burrowed deeper into his guardian’s comforting embrace.

Dumbledore shifted in his spot. “I must contact Cornelius,” he said, before disappearing to do just that.

Amelia watched the headmaster leave, before she turned back to the remaining two people in the room.

Minerva moved slightly so that she was facing the DMLE head. Their eyes met, and an understanding passed between them.

The Transfiguration Professor adjusted her hold on her charge, and led him out of the room, heading straight for the hospital wing.

Amelia followed them, trying to come to terms with her own turbulent emotions. How could anyone actually use a Blood Quill on a student? She also had to figure out what to tell Sirius. By his lack of presence, she guessed that Minerva hadn’t done so yet.

Her thoughts ate up quite a bit of time, as they reached the hospital wing, and Poppy immediately bustled Harry into a bed and took a few photos on Amelia’s request – for judicial purposes – before she started rubbing a salve on his hand.

When Poppy was finished, she wrapped his hand in bandages, and implored him to get some rest. His protests about staying in the hospital wing for the night fell on deaf ears, as Minerva nodded her approval of the plan.

“Poppy, could you give us a moment?” Amelia asked courteously, though she obviously didn’t expect to be denied.

Poppy looked at the two women, and sighed. “Five minutes, and then Mr. Potter needs to get some rest.”

Amelia nodded her understanding, and smiled her thanks, as the mediwitch disappeared into her office.

The smile dropped as she turned back to face Harry, who was sitting on the bed looking like he was about to face the executioner.

“Harry, you’re not in trouble,” Amelia stressed. “I just want to ask you to tell me what happened.”

Harry looked up at his godfather’s girlfriend, and nodded. He took a deep breath to steady himself, before he told them, starting with the events leading up to his first week of detentions, and then the events surrounding the most recent one.

Minerva had to steady herself at hearing about Malfoy’s hex. Something needed to be done about that boy, and unfortunately, she doubted Dumbledore ever would. His patented ‘second chance’ seemed to stretch and cover countless indiscretions and transgressions.

Amelia took notes, and when Harry was finished, she looked back up. “Thank you, Harry. I understand that this must be hard for you.”

Harry bit his lip. “What’s going to happen now?” he asked, looking between Amelia and Minerva.

The two women shared a look.

“Delores will face trial for her crimes,” Amelia stated firmly. “I’m fairly certain I can get her sentenced to Azkaban for the foreseeable future.” She once more looked at Minerva, conveying her thoughts for how to use the situation. “As she was sent here by Cornelius, this may be the very nail in his coffin that we’ve been looking for.”

“Are you certain that’s wise?”

Everyone turned to look at the entrance, where Dumbledore was standing, having just entered.

“What do you mean?” Amelia asked, guarded.

Dumbledore sighed. “With the current climate as it is, and Voldemort’s threat, I’m not sure it would be wise to destabilize the government.”

Amelia almost glowered. “So you want to keep a corrupt Minister in office, in order to deal with a corrupt Ministry?”

Dumbledore folded his hands together in front of him. “We will deal with Cornelius and the Ministry, Amelia. I just don’t believe it is sensible to do so at this time.”

Amelia’s smile was razor sharp. “Well, fortunately for me, I don’t need your permission. If we are to have any chance at containing the threat of Voldemort, we need a strong leadership, and Cornelius won’t give us that. He won’t even admit Voldemort is back.” She turned back to Minerva. “If you’ll excuse me, Minerva, Harry, I must get back to the Ministry. I will be in touch about the trial, so that you can testify. And I trust you will look into Delores’ decisions here at Hogwarts, Albus, should there be anything you need to overturn.”

Her stern gaze found Dumbledore, and there was no doubt to anyone in the room that she had heard all about the Inquisitorial Squad, and Delores’ suspension of both Hagrid and Trelawney.

She left them, heading outside the wards of the school, so that she could apparate back to the Ministry.

Dumbledore sighed again, shaking his head slightly. He knew that Cornelius needed to go, but now was not the best time.

Minerva cleared her throat. “Albus, I trust that you will be able to overturn that woman’s decisions as High Inquisitor?”

Albus looked at his deputy headmistress. He nodded. “I will certainly reinstate Professor’s Hagrid and Trelawney.”

“And the Inquisitorial Squad?” Minerva queried sharply.

Albus nodded again. “Disbanded,” he agreed.

Minerva glared. “Not good enough. Those students abused the power they were given. There were three Prefects who belonged to that squad. I want their badges.”

“Is that really necessary?” Albus asked, eyes twinkling.

Minerva’s glare intensified. “Yes,” she all but growled. “They have clearly shown that they cannot handle the power afforded to them. I want Malfoy’s, Parkinson’s, and Warrington’s badges.”

Dumbledore looked like he was about to protest, but upon seeing the look the professor was giving him, decided it wasn’t worth it. Defeated, he nodded. “I will speak with Severus,” he agreed.

Minerva almost allowed herself to smile. Poppy reappeared at that moment, and left no room for argument, as she ordered the headmaster and deputy headmistress to leave.

Dumbledore left first, and Minerva spent another moment saying good night to Harry.

He was feeling tired now, as he settled back into the bed.

Minerva tucked him in, despite his weak protests. “Get some rest, Harry. We’ll speak tomorrow.”

Harry nodded. “Thanks,” he replied quietly.

Minerva smiled weakly, before she left him alone for the night. It had been a long evening, and she had no doubt tomorrow would be longer still.

When Harry was alone, he settled back, closing his eyes as the exhaustion hit him. His hand was still throbbing, but not nearly as bad as it had been earlier. Ginny?

Across the bond, he felt her snap to attention. He knew she hadn’t been asleep, just like he also knew that she was currently lying in bed with the curtains drawn.


Harry sighed mentally, and felt several emotions wash across the bond. Fear, worry, apprehension, anxiety. He knew that she was afraid of what his response would be to her telling McGonagall, but he could tell that she had no regret. I’m not mad, he assured her.

He felt her relief now.

Back in her dorm room, Ginny bit her lip. I’m sorry, Harry. I went behind your back, but I would do it again if I had to. Umbridge had to be stopped.

Harry nodded slightly. I know, Gin. I should have told Aunt Minerva before. I was just… I don’t know, I guess I’m still struggling to realize that I don’t have to do everything myself anymore.

Ginny felt her eyes tear up. Harry, I know you learned early on to only rely on yourself, but you’re not alone anymore. I understood your reluctance to tell anyone. And I love your nobility and pride, Harry, but there’s a time and a place. What if Umbridge had done this to someone else?

Harry winced guiltily. You’re right, he admitted. It would have been my fault.

Harry, stop, Ginny implored. It didn’t happen, so don’t blame yourself for anything. Besides, she’s gone now, so it’s a moot point. She felt Harry’s nod. So what happened? She asked curiously, wondering how things would change in the morning.

Harry grinned mentally. Amelia arrested her, and Dumbledore is going to repeal every decision she made as High Inquisitor. He might need approval from Amelia for that, come to think of it, since all those Decrees were approved by the Ministry, but considering the arrest of the woman who enforced them, I don’t think it’ll be an issue. Aunt Minerva got Dumbledore to agree to take Malfoy and Pansy’s Prefect badges. I don’t fancy being in the same room as Snape when he finds out.

Ginny chuckled. How’s your hand? She asked, sobering slightly.

Harry sighed. I’m fine, Gin.

Ginny gave a mental growl. Don’t lie to me, Harry. I can feel your pain.

Harry bit his lip. I’ve had worse, Ginny. It’s not that bad.

Ginny didn’t respond, and after a moment, Harry spoke again. It’s late. We should get some rest.

Ginny nodded mentally. I’ll see you in the morning. She paused for a moment. I love you, Harry.

Harry smiled. I love you, too.

He waited until he felt her drift off, before he turned on his side, and tried to relax enough to sleep, himself.


Madam Pomfrey released Harry the next morning, in time for breakfast, but not before re-wrapping his hand, telling him to keep the bandages on for the rest of the day, and to check in with her after supper.

Harry agreed readily, happy to get out of the hospital wing.

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