Harry Potter Promise NR.5
Harry Potter Promise NR.5
Sex Story Author: | zimbi |
Sex Story Excerpt: | He was almost blushing as he thanked her. They continued to open presents for a while longer. Hermione received |
Sex Story Category: | Fan fiction |
Sex Story Tags: | Fan fiction, Fiction |
Chapter 21
Over 400 reviews! You guys are awesome!
Disclaimer: not mine
The next week, McGonagall made a rather interesting announcement at the end of class. “Part of the tradition of Triwizard Tournament is to have a Yule ball on Christmas day. It is open to all students fourth year and above, though a younger year may attend, if he or she is escorted by an older student. Mr. Potter, please stay behind.”
Harry set his book bag down and waited until the classroom had emptied, before he made his way up to the professor’s desk. Minerva looked at him and smiled, her stern teacher façade giving way to the caring guardian he had gotten to know quite well over the summer.
“Harry, as a champion, you will need to make certain you have a partner, though I don’t think that will be an issue, will it?”
Harry blushed, but smiled. “Why is it necessary?” he asked.
“It is tradition for the champions to open the ball with the first dance,” Minerva replied, observing him carefully, noting the sudden paleness of his face.
Harry bit his lip, managing to stammer out, “D-d-dance?”
Minerva nodded, and then frowned. “Harry, do you know how to dance?”
Harry shook his head, embarrassed. “No one ever taught me,” he admitted, ashamed.
Minerva stepped forward, using one hand to force his chin upwards so that he was looking at her. “We can easily remedy that,” she assured him. “Come and see me after breakfast on Saturday. Perhaps Miss Weasley would like to attend as well.”
Harry nodded, feeling better. He muttered out a thank you, before he went to catch up with his friends. Minerva watched him leave, the smile still gracing her stern features.
When Harry caught up to his friends in the Great Hall, he was somewhat confused to find a number of people watching him – mostly girls. They all seemed to be eyeing him in a way that made him a little uncomfortable. As he sat down, Harry explained what McGonagall had told him, including the dancing lessons, which he admitted to with a definite blush.
Thanks to a well-placed elbow in his side, courtesy of Hermione, Ron didn’t say anything around the mouthful of food – not that he really could have, there was a lot packed in there.
Hermione just smiled and commented on how it would be very beneficial.
Neville looked nervous, as he pushed the food around on his plate. “Do you think Professor McGonagall would mind if I came as well?” he asked quietly.
Harry studied his friend for a moment, before smiling. “You planning on asking someone specific, Nev?”
Neville blushed, but nodded, glancing over at the Hufflepuff table.
Harry’s smile widened. “I think that’d be fine,” he affirmed, before tucking into his own lunch as Ginny entered the hall, separated from the rest of the third years, and joined them.
She gave Harry a sidelong look as she spooned potatoes onto her plate. “Did you guys hear about the ball?”
They all nodded, looking at Harry as well, but the Boy Who Lived just kept eating, hiding his smile. He knew whom he was going to ask, but he wanted to make it special. He would need to send Hedwig off with a letter as soon as he finished lunch.
When Harry didn’t speak, everyone turned back to their own meals, Ginny with a little bit less enthusiasm than the others. It wasn’t like she thought he would take someone else, but she did think he would at least ask her.
Harry excused himself when his plate was empty, and told them he’d see them in History of Magic, giving Ginny a quick kiss before leaving the table.
Hermione waited until he was gone, before turning to her younger friend. She saw the disappointment. “What’s wrong, Ginny?” she asked sympathetically.
Ginny frowned. “I know we’re going to go together, but just because we’re dating doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to be asked to the ball.”
Hermione smiled understandingly, while Neville leaned forward, being careful to avoid the spray from Ron’s ingestion of his meal. “I’m sure he’s going to,” he reassured the younger girl. “You know Harry. He probably just wants to make it special.”
Hermione nodded, though she couldn’t say anything as Ron decided to add his two knuts. Unfortunately, it wasn’t exactly audible, due to the entire steak he had stuffed into his mouth.
Hermione sniffed. “Pleasant,” she commented, before turning to Ginny. “Neville’s right, Ginny,” she smiled. “Harry really cares about you. He’ll probably ask you in some elaborate gesture. Too bad some others may not have that same initiative.” Her gaze shifted over to Ron, who didn’t seem to be aware of anything that wasn’t capable of being speared on the end of his fork.
Neville chuckled, nodding in understanding, while Ginny just looked faintly sick at her brother’s eating habits.
Ron looked up, seeing their eyes focused on him. “Huh?” he asked, a bit of potato dropping back onto his plate.
Hermione rolled her eyes, setting down her napkin and picking up her book bag. “I’ll see you guys in History. Don’t worry Ginny, I’m sure it will happen.”
Ginny nodded, as Neville stood up. “Hold on, Hermione, I’ll walk with you.”
The two fourth years left, and Ginny turned back to her brother. “Honestly, Ron. Why we put up with you is beyond me.”
Ron looked slightly affronted, but also very confused. “What do you mean?”
Ginny sighed. “You could start by learning some table manners,” she suggested. “Or you could try listening when your friends talk.”
Ron cocked his head to the side, his expression not clearing at all.
Ginny sighed, shaking her head. “I can’t do your thinking for you, Ronald. But you should consider whom you’re going to take to the ball. You might want to think about it quickly, before your chosen date gets asked by someone else.”
With that, Ginny also left, and Ron was alone, even more confused than he had been before.
History and Defense Against the Dark Arts passed both too slowly and too quickly for Harry, and he and his friends had a free period before dinner, so they all decided to go to the library – well, Ron wasn’t exactly thrilled, but he tagged along rather than be left alone. They found a secluded table in the back, and Harry decided it would be a good time to talk about their Occlumency training.
Everything he had read about the subject just made it seem all the more attractive a defense to learn. The idea that someone could just rifle through his private thoughts with him none the wiser was not a pleasant thought. Hermione had been horrified to learn that people would actually do such a thing, especially after learning that the headmaster had tried it on Harry. It was quite a feat of magic that he had been able to enchant an object to protect himself from Legilimancy attacks. She had asked about the spellwork involved, but Harry had just blushed and told her that Sirius had done most of it, but she hadn’t seemed to believe him.
Harry hadn’t told Minerva about his suspicions on Dumbledore’s use of Legilimancy yet. He wasn’t sure what she could do, and he didn’t want to worry her.
They tried to keep their voices quiet, as none of them fancied Madam Pince throwing them out, and Harry asked them about their progress.
Ginny, who had joined them as they made their way down, since she had the same free period, was the first to speak. “I think I’m almost there. I’ve been working on organizing my memories like the book said, but I can’t really tell if my shields are powerful enough to stand up to an attack.”
Harry nodded. He had had the same issue. Until he actually went up against a Legilimens, he wouldn’t know if they were any good. “I think the only thing we can do right now is to keep working at it. Make the shields as strong as you can, and Aunt Minerva said she’d try and find someone to test us, but it might have to wait until next summer.” He smiled. “She told me she learned Occlumency, but never Legilimancy, otherwise she’d just test us herself.”
Hermione went next, and informed them that her progress was much the same as Ginny’s, not that Harry expected anything less. Neville had made slightly less progress, and Ron didn’t feel any significant change. Harry just told them to keep working at it. “I think we’d do better if there was someone to test us, so that we could know what an intrusion feels like, but I don’t much fancy asking Dumbledore or Snape for help, not that they would. Aunt Minerva says they’re the only ones at Hogwarts with the ability.”
“Makes you wonder…” Ron trailed off, thinking, before he continued a few moments later, “Snape always seems to know what’s going on, or what questions to ask. What if he does it to students?”
Hermione gasped. “He wouldn’t, would he? Unauthorized use of Legilimancy is illegal. I can’t believe –”
“I don’t think he cares,” Harry cut in patiently. “Or did you forget that Dumbledore tried it with me? If Snape does it on students, chances are Dumbledore knows and approves.”
That was a crushing blow to all of them. The idea of someone they trusted sanctioning such an invasion of privacy was not pleasant. It definitely made Ron vow to work even harder at Occlumency; he didn’t want that greasy git to be able to see anything in his mind.
Susan joined them a few minutes later, as her last class of the day ended. She thought her progress was the same as Neville’s, but she also had a few more insights. “I could ask my Aunt Amelia about it,” she suggested. “She should know if a professor is possibly using Legilimancy on students, and she probably knows someone who could help us get better. I’m fairly certain she’s trained in Occlumency herself.”
Harry nodded. “I don’t think you should put it in a letter though. Maybe she’ll be able to come visit next Hogsmeade weekend?”
Susan nodded thoughtfully, and said she’d ask.
The group spent the remaining time before dinner studying, though Harry seemed to spend just as much time watching Ginny as reading his textbook.
Ginny caught his eye a time or two, but he just smiled and turned his head back to his book.
Dinner started as it normally did; however, most of the hall’s attention was soon attracted to a lone owl that came in shortly after the desserts appeared.
Ginny, her attention drawn as well, noted with surprise that the owl in question was Hedwig. What was more interesting to her was that the snowy white bird was carrying a bouquet of roses. She gasped in pleasure as the owl came to a rest in front of her. Hands shaking, she removed the bouquet of red and white roses, her cheeks glowing. Attached to the bouquet was a long velvet box. She looked up at Harry questioningly, but he just shook his head. “Open it,” he smiled.
Ginny did so, and gasped again as she saw the silver bracelet inside. The band was simple, but the charm took her breath away. It was a doe, so artistically created that she could almost believe it was alive. For eyes, it had two tiny emeralds embedded into the silver. She looked up, tears in her eyes. “Harry,” she whispered.
Harry took the bracelet from her trembling hands, and gently took her arm to attach the jewelry. “It was my mum’s,” he explained quietly. “I owled Sirius this afternoon. It was something I saw when I looked at my family vault this summer, and I asked him to retrieve it for me. According to him, my mum was an animagus as well; her form was a doe. My dad gave this bracelet to her when she completed the transformation right before her nineteenth birthday.”
Ginny admired the bracelet; it was gorgeous, but even more precious because of the history behind it. This had belonged to Harry’s mum.
Harry wasn’t finished. “Ginevra Molly Weasley, would you do me the extraordinary honor of being my date to the Yule ball?”
Ginny grinned and nodded. “I’d love to, Harry,” she replied, leaning forward to kiss him happily. They could both feel the contentment and ecstasy coming from the other.
The two broke apart a moment later, suddenly remembering where they were. Most of the hall had gone back to their own meals, but their friends were still watching them with varying degrees of delight. Well, Ron was the only one who looked less than happy, but Harry thought that might be more for seeing them kiss in front of him than anything else.
They accepted congratulations with humility, and Ginny showed Hermione her new bracelet.
The rest of the week passed in a flurry of guys trying to ask the girl they wanted to the ball, acceptances, and rejections. The most surprising came from Hermione. She had joined Harry and Ginny in the common room one night, as the two were the last of their friends still up. She looked somewhat nervous, as she asked Harry for a moment.
“What’s up, Hermione?” Harry asked, setting his textbook aside.
Hermione bit her lip. “I’ve just come from the library,” she began. “I, well, I have a date for the ball.”
Ginny looked up, surprised. “I thought…”
Hermione’s eyes flashed. “Yes, I had hoped, but until he actually wakes up and realizes I’m a girl, there’s not much I can do. Someone else has already realized that, so I said yes.”
“Who is it?” Harry asked.
Hermione flinched. “Viktor Krum,” she admitted quietly.
“What?” Ginny’s voice was much louder than intended, but fortunately there were very few people left in the common room.
Hermione looked up, eyes pleading. “This won’t be a problem, will it? I know he’s your competition, Harry, but isn’t the whole point of this tournament about fostering international relationships?”
Harry smiled. “I don’t mind,” he assured his friend. “Viktor’s a nice guy. I’ll just have to make sure he knows that if he hurts you, he’s dead.”
Hermione looked scandalized, but Ginny just laughed. Harry shrugged. “I’m just borrowing the same threat Fred and George used on me.”
Ginny stopped laughing, and looked like she didn’t know whether to kiss Harry, or go find her brothers and hex them to oblivion. Harry settled that decision by leaning forward and capturing her lips with his, wrapping one arm around her shoulders.
Hermione smiled and left them to it.
The next weekend found Harry and Ginny camping out in the library. Only part of their studies were school related, however. Both students were mostly caught up in their classes, so they had dedicated this weekend to two separate but equally important studies. In beginning to prepare for the second task, Harry had discovered that his egg made a rather horrendous screeching sound when opened. He and Ginny had listened, discussed, listened, and discussed, and come to the conclusion that it might sound different under different circumstances, so they were researching possible ideas.
It was Ginny who found their first real possibility. “Harry, listen to this,” she said, holding up the copy of Unmasking the Wilds: Magical Creatures of Every Habitat and reading a specific paragraph. “Some of the most mysterious of magical creatures are the merpeople. Colonies exist all over the world, but few have ever been able to observe them in their natural habitat; they have their own villages and customs, and their own language. They can breathe both in water and air, for limited amounts of time, but since their language can only be heard properly in water, on land it sounds much like a high screeching.” She looked up, eyes eager. “What if the screaming from the egg is mermish?”
Harry nodded slowly, leaning forward. “So then it’s possible that if we held the egg underwater…”
“It would give us the clue!” Ginny finished excitedly.
Harry smiled. “We’ll do that next weekend then,” he decided. “Now, let’s see if we can find anything in these other books.”
He set down his studies for the tournament, and turned to their second project. Ever since realizing that they could feel each other’s emotions, they had been meaning to research just why that may be. This was the first opportunity they had had to do so without their friends present. Neville had worked up his courage to ask Susan to the ball, finally, and the two were spending the day together. Ron had had a bit of a falling out with Hermione over her refusal to tell him who was taking her to the ball, and his refusal to believe that she actually had a date. And Hermione was furious with Ron, and had taken to the DA study. Their last meeting had worked on accuracy of spellwork, and McGonagall had done a fine job of animating a few practice dummies, which Hermione was no doubt destroying at this very moment.
Ginny picked up a rather worn copy of The Bonds of Time, and began reading the section on soul bonds. There wasn’t much, and much of what was written was speculated, but she persevered, hoping for some more information.
Harry chose a very slim volume simply titled Soul Bonds. It was no more than fifty pages in length, but it spoke exclusively on the topic they were most interested in.
They passed the remaining hours of the day reading and comparing notes, before joining their friends for supper.
They hadn’t learned much, but Harry had found some useful information in his book. There were many different types of soul bonds, and they could be formed for any number of reasons. Those formed due to life debts were very specific, but more common than fated bonds. He wondered if his actions in the Chamber of Secrets had had something to do with this. Apparently, if their bond was due to a life debt, they would become attached to each other, not necessarily soul mates, but they would always be in the other’s life. They could feel emotions, but not much more.
A fated soul bond would have been created the moment Ginny had been born. Such a connection would strengthen over time, but would need some sort of physical or emotional attraction between them before it would begin to manifest. Simply put, it would mean that they had always been destined for each other, but they needed to realize that before it would happen. From what Harry had read, it would start with the sharing of emotions, and then move on to constant awareness of where the other was, what they were doing – sometimes that included seeing through the other’s eyes. Depending on the strength of the bond, some couples had noted that they could communicate by thought, or share power to create stronger spells.
Of course, none of this really told them what was going on with them, so the only thing Harry could come up with was to wait and see if any other skills developed. “I don’t think we should tell anyone, for now,” he suggested carefully as they packed up their books to place back on the shelves. “We still don’t know what’s going on, and until we do, there’s not much point in telling anyone. Right?”
Ginny nodded her agreement. “We’ll keep researching. It would be easier if the information was more readily available, but we’ll make due. Maybe next summer, if we need to, we can consider telling someone. I’m not sure how my mum will react. She’ll probably lock me in my room until I graduate.”
“But how would you graduate if you couldn’t leave your room?”
Ginny looked at Harry for a moment, before they both burst out laughing, earning them a hard glare from Madam Pince as they left.
Both felt like they had had a rather productive day, all things considered.
Chapter 22
Disclaimer: not mine
The next weekend held another Hogsmeade trip, which was a good thing, all things considered. Many girls wanted to make sure they were all prepared for the ball.
They had been told to bring dress robes, but of course, Ginny, as a third year, hadn’t done so. She didn’t want to write home to her mother and ask for some. For one thing, she didn’t want to put that strain on her parents – not to mention that she had seen the robes Ron had, and she didn’t want to have to deal with the humiliation of wearing something like that – and she also didn’t want to tell her mother she had a date.
She wasn’t ashamed, but she was afraid that her mum would think she was too young. Harry also wanted to tell her parents in person. He was sweet like that.
Saturday morning dawned bright and clear, and surprisingly warm for December. Harry and his friends met up for breakfast, with Susan joining them at the Gryffindor table. She drew some looks, but since there was no rule that prohibited her from sitting at other tables, no one said anything.
They decided to spend the morning together, before Ginny and Harry, and Neville and Susan split off to spend the rest of the day on their own. Ron and Hermione looked somewhat less than pleased, mostly because that would mean that they would have to spend time together; Ron still hadn’t apologized, and Hermione was trying to speak to him as little as possible.
As Harry had brought several of his formal robes from his and Aunt Minerva’s shopping trip that summer, he didn’t need to get anything; Neville and Ron were also all set, though Ron was definitely not looking forward to people seeing his moldy brown, one hundred years too old robes.
The girls, however, were very excited to go to Gladrags. Ginny had confided in the other two that she didn’t have a lot of money, so she was hoping to find something on sale that would work. Susan and Hermione had been very supportive, and told her that they would help.
The inside of the clothing store wasn’t too crowded yet, since they had left early, and the boys watched, bemused, as the girls immediately disappeared between the racks. Neville and Ron simply waited by the door, but Harry followed at a slower pace. He perused the racks of dresses, and was about to join the girls at the dressing rooms, when something jumped out at him. He pulled out the dress and studied it. It was a medium dark green in color, with golden highlights, across the top and bottom, and as a sash around the waist. It had spaghetti strap sleeves, and the cut was modest enough to consider Ginny’s age. And it would complement his own dark green robes. He smiled, and brought it with him to the back of the store.
Hermione looked over the dress with a critical eye, and nodded, smiling. Harry just grinned, and went back to the other boys as Hermione handed the dress over to Ginny to try on. Susan joined them again as Ginny stepped out wearing the dress.
It was perfect. Ginny could see it in Hermione’s and Susan’s eyes. And moreover, she felt beautiful in it.
Hermione was simply gushing. “Oh, Ginny, it’s beautiful. You look amazing!”
Susan wasn’t far behind. “You should definitely get that one,” she agreed. “Harry won’t know what hit him.”
Ginny blushed, but nodded, before she went to change back into her regular clothes.
Hermione took that moment to fill Susan in. “Harry actually picked that one out,” she informed her friend. “And I don’t think he really considered Ginny’s budget.”
Susan adopted the same worried look, but Ginny returned at that moment, and they headed to the front counter to pay for the dress. Harry met them there, smiling. The clerk immediately wrapped up the dress, but shook her head as Ginny reached for her moneybag. “Oh, don’t worry dear, it’s all taken care of.”
Ginny frowned, confused, before she turned to Harry. “You shouldn’t have,” she started, but Harry cut her off.
“I wanted to, Gin.” He held up a hand to stave of any more of her protests. “You’re my girlfriend, Ginny. If I can’t waste money on you, who can I waste it on? It’s not like I don’t have enough.”
Ron was close enough by that point to hear what his friend had done. His face turned red, and he started to splutter out objections, but Harry just spoke over him.
“Ron, I’ve never had someone to spend money on, or really even money to spend. It makes me happy to see Ginny happy.” He looked down. “I finally understand why Aunt Minerva and Sirius keep wanting to buy me things.”
Ron shut up with that, and Ginny just gave him a huge hug and a kiss, thanking him profusely.
Hermione and Susan just looked on, smiling, and Neville wisely chose that moment to drag Ron out of the store before he said something else to make a fool out of himself.
The group moved on from Gladrags, appeasing Ron by going to Honeydukes next, and then making their way towards the Three Broomsticks for lunch.
After lunch, they split up, with Neville and Susan disappearing into the village, where they would meet Amelia at some point so that Susan could tell her aunt their worries about Snape and Dumbledore’s use of Legilimancy on students, and Harry and Ginny heading away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd with a final wave goodbye to Ron and Hermione.
Harry led Ginny up to the Shrieking Shack, ignoring her questions with a secretive smile.
Ginny gasped in pleasure as Harry stopped and stepped aside. There was a blanket set out, with a picnic basket and a vase containing a single red rose.
“Harry…” she trailed off.
The boy wizard just led her to the blanket, sitting them both down and opening the basket. “I know we just ate, but I thought we could have some dessert,” he said, pulling out a rather impressive looking cake. He looked a little embarrassed. “I asked Dobby for help; since he’s working at Hogwarts now, I thought he might be willing. I think he got a little overenthusiastic.”
Ginny smiled, swiping at the chocolate frosting with one finger. “Mmm,” she sighed contentedly. “I don’t think I mind his over enthusiasm, if this is the result.”
Harry chuckled and pulled out two plates, a knife, two forks, and a bottle of milk with two cups. Ginny was startled to realize that the area where their little picnic was taking place was actually much warmer than the December day would suggest. Harry just smiled and said, “Dobby,” like it explained everything. Ginny had to admit, it probably did. House Elf magic would be more than capable of swathing the small area in warming charms.
The pair spent the next hour eating as much of the cake as they could, and talking. It was moments like these that Harry truly cherished; this was how he really got to know Ginny. They could feel each other’s emotions, but that didn’t necessarily mean the understood each other. These stolen moments in time, where he learned about her hopes and dreams, when she told him about how she wanted to play Quidditch, or how she always felt separated from the rest of her family, that was what he prized.
When the sun started to go down, Harry got up with a sigh, stretching before he held out a hand for Ginny. They looked at the basket and blanket, but Harry shook his head. “Dobby said he’d clean up,” he told her, so the only thing they left with was the rose, which Ginny tucked behind her ear after Harry cleared it of thorns and shortened the stem.
They made a slow, leisurely pace back to the castle, and barely arrived back at the gates before they were closed. Minerva looked at them with a fond smile, shaking her head. “Get inside you two,” she said, looking down the lane for any more late stragglers.
Harry grinned, nodding as he led his girlfriend inside for dinner.
Over dinner, Susan told Harry and the others about her conversation with her aunt, speaking in a low voice to keep other people from hearing. “Auntie said to keep practicing Occlumency, and she’ll try and find a teacher for us over the summer. She can’t do anything without concrete proof, considering Dumbledore’s the most influential wizard in Britain, but she said if we feel anything like a pressure in our minds in their presence, to break eye contact immediately.”
They all nodded their agreement, and Harry tried to think back to the last few months of Potions lessons, trying to remember if he had felt anything like that. He could visualize several headaches early on in the term, and from the last few years, and wondered if that may have been Snape trying to access his memories.
Hearing Amelia’s thoughts seemed to spur them all – even Ron – into putting more effort into their self-study.
Late that night, Harry met Ginny in the common room. The fire was almost out, casting an unearthly glow on the room. Ginny met him with a kiss, as he slipped his invisibility cloak over them and led her out the portrait hole.
A quick conversation with Cedric a few days ago had given him the password to the Prefect’s bathroom. Cedric had wanted to tell Harry what the task was, to thank him for giving him the information on the dragons, but Harry had shook his head, telling the older boy that he had an idea of how to solve it, and asked if there was anywhere warmer than the black lake to submerge his egg. Cedric had grinned, and given him the password.
The halls were eerie in the light of the full moon, and Harry spared a thought for Remus, wondering if he and Sirius were playing on the grounds of McGonagall Castle at that moment. Even though Sirius had been freed, he still hadn’t moved from Minerva’s ancestral home; he claimed it was because Black Manor wasn’t ready for habitation, but Harry thought he just wanted to have access to a Quidditch pitch. Harry figured the next move he would make would be to the Bones Estate, and it wouldn’t come until he had put a ring on Amelia’s finger.
“Pine fresh,” Harry whispered, and watched as the door opened to reveal an almost swimming pool sized tub.
The pair removed the cloak, setting it aside and moving over to the tub. Ginny began filling it with water, and when it was full, the two of them removed their bathrobes, revealing their swimming costumes underneath.
Harry blushed when he saw the look Ginny was giving him. He didn’t think he was anything special to look at, but Ginny apparently disagreed.
Indeed, the thirteen-year-old was hard-pressed to stop staring. Harry didn’t have well defined muscles, but they were definitely there. With the nutrient potions Madam Pomfrey had given him, he had grown into the young man he should have been. Without his glasses, she could see his sparkling green eyes clearly, a feature she absolutely loved. A subtle six-pack was beginning to make itself known, and Ginny raised an eyebrow. “You’ve been exercising,” she accused, a slight smile on her lips.
Harry shrugged. “Sirius said it was a good idea, and I really have noticed a difference.”
Ginny nodded, tearing her gaze away as she shut off the water. “Maybe I should join you,” she suggested.
Harry smiled in reply. “I’d like that,” he replied, as he grabbed the egg and made his way into the tub.
Ginny followed, and once they were both submerged, Harry placed the egg under the water. “Here goes nothing.”
And then he opened it. A small bubble of air escaped, and Harry and Ginny ducked under the surface, to hear the clue.
Come seek us where our voices sound
We cannot sing above the ground
And while you’re searching ponder this
We’ve taken what you’ll sorely miss
An hour long you’ll have to look
And recover what we took
But past an hour – the prospect’s black
Too late, it’s gone, it won’t come back
Harry and Ginny resurfaced, gasping.
When they got their breath back, they began to work out the clue. “Come seek us where our voices sound. Well, we already figured merpeople might have something to do with it. It must be the Black Lake,” Harry reasoned.
Ginny nodded. “We’ve taken what you’ll sorely miss. They’re going to take something and hide it in the lake, probably.”
Harry agreed. “So I’ll have an hour to find it. But what would they take? The only thing I really can’t replace is my invisibility cloak, and I don’t think they’d use that.”
Ginny bit her lip, frowning. “What if it’s not a thing?” she asked hesitantly.
Harry looked confused for only a moment, before he scowled. “No. They wouldn’t be that stupid, would they? To kidnap four students and stash them in the lake in February? Not even Dumbledore could be that thick.”
Ginny stood up, exiting the tub and drying herself off before she put her robe back on. “Harry, this tournament’s not supposed to be safe. I think they would. It makes for better entertainment value, after all.”
Not even Ron would have missed the sarcasm in her voice as Harry also left the tub. “I won’t let it happen, Gin,” he promised.
Ginny just shook her head. “I’ll be fine, Harry. I don’t think even Dumbledore would let something happen to those the champions will ‘sorely miss’.”
Harry sighed, frustrated as he tied his robe. “I understand the champions being in danger. They signed up for this – well, most of them. But you, and whoever will get chosen for the others, you’re just innocent bystanders. I can’t believe your parents would be all right with this.”
“Harry Potter, you will not tell my mother,” Ginny growled. “She doesn’t need to worry. Besides, you’re going to rescue me. Right?”
Harry leaned down and kissed her, not at all chastely. “Always,” he whispered lovingly.
All the fight went out of Ginny there, and she allowed herself to be wrapped in the invisibility cloak once more, as the two made their way back up to the tower.
Ever since Hermione had told him about Viktor asking her to the ball, Harry had wanted to have a conversation with the Quidditch star. Fortunately, the opportunity to do just that came about the next morning. Harry and Ginny – who was looking rather tired – made their way outside for a morning run. Harry had explained the necessity of stretching properly, and not trying to do too much too fast.
Harry set an easy pace around the Quidditch pitch, thinking to himself that it was getting too cold to do this outside, and trying to come up with a place he could exercise inside. Even though he was going much more slowly than normal, Ginny was still panting by the time they made it halfway around the pitch.
She was red-faced and completely out of breath by the time they finished one lap, so Harry stopped and led her through some basic warm-down exercises.
When she had gotten some of her breath back, Ginny looked up. “How many laps do you do every day?” she asked, still panting.
Harry shrugged, stretching his arms behind his back before moving on to his hamstrings. “Usually four. I’m almost up to five now.”
Ginny stared, unable to comprehend how he could do so much without collapsing. Harry shrugged. “It really helps with spell casting. And if you get into a fight, you’ll be able to hold your own, or maybe even win. Something I’ve realized is that the wizarding world doesn’t really have a lot of physical exercise. Other than Quidditch, there’s no real sport.” He started leading her back towards the castle, still explaining. “Something Sirius, Remus, and I talked about over the summer was what had happened to me over the last few years. We all agreed that Voldemort will come back, and if this tournament is any indication, it will probably happen sooner rather than later. Sirius and Remus want me to be prepared for that eventuality, which is why all the training.” He smiled. “Sirius said you were doing quite well this summer, but if you want to join me for more, I think I’d like that. As my girlfriend, you’ll probably be in even more danger.”
Harry looked guilty at that, and Ginny half expected him to spout some self-sacrificing crap about breaking up with her, for her own good.
She shook her head. “Harry, the Weasleys have always stood against evil. I’m in as much danger from that as I am from you. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
Harry smiled, selfishly happy that she wasn’t afraid to be in danger, even if the noble part of him wanted her to walk away.
He spotted Viktor across the lawn at that moment, and nudged Ginny to head in that direction. When she looked at him, confused, Harry just winked.
“Viktor!” The Quidditch star looked up, startled, and a little confused, but he waited for the two Hogwarts students to catch up to him.
Harry waited until he came to a stop, nodding thankfully. “I just wanted to talk to you for a minute, if you have it,” he said. Viktor just nodded, so Harry smiled and continued. “I understand you asked my friend Hermione to the ball.”
Viktor looked a little more uncomfortable, but he nodded again. “Hermy-ninny is very nice. She does not fawn like other girls. She is smart, and beautiful.”
Harry’s smile widened. “I just wanted to let you know that she is one of my best friends, so if you hurt her, I hurt you. Understood?”
Viktor looked startled, Ginny tried to hold in a snort.
Harry cleared his throat. “Just so we’re clear.”
He started to turn away, but Viktor spoke again. “Wait.” Harry turned back. “Your other friend. The redhead. He likes Hermy-ninny, doesn’t he?”
Harry looked a little surprised that Viktor had seen that, but then, he figured it was probably obvious to everyone except Hermione and Ron.
“We talked a bit about him, last weekend. Hermy-ninny wanted to go with him, but knew he wouldn’t ask. I thought we could, maybe, make him jealous.”
Harry blinked, and then smiled broadly. “That just might work,” he said, chuckling. He held out a hand, which Viktor took, his own smile breaking through. “I think we just might get along, Viktor. And if you manage to get those two together, all the better. I’m getting tired of all the fighting.”
Viktor laughed. “I think I would like to be friends with you, Harry Potter. Your flying in the first task was very impressive. I would very much like to fly against you sometime.”
Harry nodded. “Maybe next weekend we can work something out.”
Both seekers looked interested in that prospect, and as they walked into the castle together, they made plans to have a seeker-off after breakfast next Saturday. Ginny chimed in with her two knuts from time to time, as they set up the rules.
As they reached the entrance doors, Viktor stopped and looked at the pair next to him. “How long have you two been together?”
Harry and Ginny looked at each other. “A little over a month,” Harry replied, turning back to the Bulgarian.
Viktor blinked, surprised. “You seem very close,” he observed. “I think you will be together for a long time.”
The Hogwarts students looked a little embarrassed, but Harry nodded his agreement, once more turning back to his girlfriend. “I think we will, as well.”
Ginny blushed, but stood on her toes to give him a chaste peck on the lips, her eyes promising of more to come later.
Viktor smiled at the sight. They had the same look as his parents, a couple who had been together for over forty years now. He expected that Harry Potter and this Ginny Weasley would be the same.
The Gryffindors said goodbye to Viktor as they headed up to the tower to shower and change, as the Durmstrang student went in for breakfast.
Chapter 23
Extra, extra long chapter for you all! Hope that makes up for posting so late in the day!
Disclaimer: don’t own
The seeker-off garnered a lot of attention over the course of the next week. Fred and George had a betting pool going, and at least half the school was planning on attending.
Viktor received many strange looks as he chose to eat lunch and sometimes supper at the Gryffindor table several times during the week. He and Harry spent a good deal of time talking about Quidditch, with Ginny chiming in. Viktor was interested to hear that she was a chaser, and asked if she played on the school team. Her reply of hoping to take a spot in a couple of years when the current starters graduated gave way to a whole conversation on the bonuses of having a reserve team. Harry made a mental note to bring up that idea with whoever became Quidditch Captain next year.
Ron tried to get into the discussions, but he wasn’t quite able to hold a conversation with his hero. Viktor even tried to get him to open up, once Harry mentioned that he was a fair keeper, but Ron just blushed and mumbled something unintelligible.
Sitting with the Gryffindors also gave Viktor a chance to see up close and personal just how Hermione and Ron interacted. He knew he was taking the fourth year girl as a friend, and she hadn’t wanted anyone to know until the night of the ball. The two Gryffindors in question were not speaking much to each other, and he had to wonder if they were in the middle of one of their infamous arguments. Hermione would glance at the redhead every so often, clearly not enjoying his eating habits, but there was a hint of something more in her gaze.
Saturday morning was slightly overcast, but as Harry and Ginny went out for their by now customary morning run, Harry noted that there was very little chance of rain hitting any time before late afternoon. Viktor had started joining them in the mornings, and was obligingly keeping it slower for Ginny, as she wasn’t accustomed to a heavy pace just yet, though she was getting closer to three laps around the pitch by now.
They kept their workout light, so that the two seekers wouldn’t be too tired out, and after breakfast, he and Viktor headed back out to the pitch.
Most of the school congregated in the stands as Viktor and Harry stood facing each other on the pitch. As both had Firebolts, neither one had a distinct advantage over the other. “So, the rules we set. Give the snitch thirty seconds before we take off, first one to catch it wins. Nothing life threatening,” Harry recited. Viktor nodded, and they both turned to Ginny, who had offered to release the tiny golden ball for them.
Ginny gave them a quick smile, before asking, “Ready?” Both nodded, and the redhead opened the case for the snitch to fly out.
It hovered for about five seconds, before vanishing into the air. Harry and Viktor, as agreed, held each other’s gazes for twenty-five more seconds – as Ginny timed – and on her “now!” both mounted their brooms and shot off into the sky.
Each seeker had his own method of searching. Viktor’s was more methodical; he seemed to search the pitch in a grid pattern, while Harry just wove back and forth, diving in short bursts before leveling out and rising back to his former height.
A shout drew Harry’s gaze to his opponent, who had gone into a steep dive. A quick scan at the air below Viktor told Harry that it was a fake, so he didn’t follow. Viktor, realizing the younger boy hadn’t bought the ploy, leveled out and continued searching.
A few minutes later, Harry tried a fake out of his own. He had been practicing the Wronski Feint over the summer – whenever Minerva hadn’t been around to yell at him for risking his life – and as he dove, he was oblivious to the screams and gasps of the crowd. He heard nothing except for the whistling of the wind in his ears. Barely six inches above the grass, he leveled out, feeling the blades caress his feet.
Behind him, Viktor also managed to straighten out in time, though not without a Bulgarian curse. As they both rose back to playing height, Viktor nodded. “Nice dive,” he called out.
Harry smiled his thanks, before they returned to searching.
It took another twenty minutes for the snitch to show itself. Both Harry and Viktor spotted it at the same time, hovering around the far side of the pitch, by the rings. They took off, the chase surging through their veins. The thrill of the hunt sung in the adrenaline coursing through their bodies. This was why both of them were seekers.
The ball gave up a good fight, dropping down to barely four inches off the ground, which both players were able to follow, before it rose up again in a steady climb. In the end, Harry managed to squeeze out a victory, his hand closing over the struggling gold ball barely half a second before Viktor, the older boy’s hand swiping at the back of his.
They pulled up, Harry holding up the ball for the crowds to see. The stands erupted with cheers as the Hogwarts students realized that Harry had beaten out the best seeker in the league. The Gryffindors were particularly happy.
As Harry landed, he was met first by his girlfriend, who gave him a congratulatory kiss, and then by his team, who all gave him hugs. Fred and George seemed very happy, and Harry figured they had probably made a lot of money on his win. They had been rather blue after being swindled out of their winnings at the Quidditch World Cup – Ludo Bagman had made a very commendable effort to ignore the redhead twins in the castle, not wanting to have to face the two he had tried to fool with Leprechaun gold.
Ron and Hermione were next, followed by Neville and Susan; Hermione and Susan hugged him as well, and Ron and Neville pounded him on the back.
They all headed inside, and Viktor joined them for lunch, talking about the highlights of their match. Viktor was very impressed, and he said so. “That was amazing, Harry. Where did you learn to fly like that?”
Harry blushed and looked down. “I didn’t really have anyone to teach me,” he admitted. “It just happens. I don’t really think about it.”
Hermione leaned forward, smiling at her secret date. “He’s being modest. Our first flying lesson he shot up like he was born to fly. Gave us all a right scare.”
“Hermione’s right,” Ron added, finally able to speak in full sentences to the Quidditch star. “He pulled off a perfect fifty-foot dive without a scratch, his first time on a broom.”
One of the twins felt the need to chime in now. “Our previous captain once told him to get the snitch or die trying. Little Harry just took it to heart,” Fred – or George said.
Harry shook his head, mumbling something about making Ginny an only child – not seeming to care that her already graduated brothers had nothing to do with this incident – as his face turned red.
Viktor seemed shocked that someone could be so good without trying, but he just sighed. “Well, I hope we can have a rematch sometime. My teammates will never let me live down the fact that I was beaten by a fourteen year old.”
Most of the table laughed, and they all turned to their meals.
The last few weeks of term passed quickly, and before he knew it, Harry was waking up on Christmas morning, thankfully before Ron found it necessary to dump water on him or something.
Neville was watching their friend act like a five year old, and just gave Harry a smile as the black haired teen stood up to use the loo.
When he returned, Harry gathered up his presents and gestured to Neville and Ron. “Come on,” he said. “If I know the girls, they’re probably waiting downstairs for us.”
Ron looked slightly guilty that he hadn’t thought about that, while Neville just nodded, gathering up his own pile and following his friend down to the common room, Ron bringing up the rear.
As Harry had said, Hermione and Ginny were sitting on the sofas by the fire, waiting with their presents by their feet.
Neville and Ron both mumbled their ‘Happy Christmases’, while Harry went in for a holiday kiss from his girlfriend. He could feel her happiness through their bond, and he sent back his own feelings of contentment. While they hadn’t noticed any change over the last few weeks, if anything, their ability to feel the other had gotten stronger. It was starting to interfere, when he was in Ancient Runes and he felt her thrill at a practical Defense lesson, or when she was angry with Snape in Potions, and he had to try and pay attention to Professor Sprout in Herbology. They were getting better at tuning it out, but it would never fully disappear, not that they wanted it to.
Hermione clapped as they all sat down. “I’m so glad you all came down, I was wondering if we should go up and fetch you.” Ron looked alarmed that she would go to their dormitory, but Hermione just continued, “Should we all open our presents at once, or go in turns?”
“I think we should go in turns,” Neville spoke before the rest of them. He blushed at their attention. “I always like watching what other people get.”
Harry nodded. “I agree. Who should start?”
They looked at each other for a moment, before Hermione sighed. “I’ll go first, and then we can just go in a circle.”
She picked up her first present, which turned out to be from her parents. “Why don’t we just open the presents we got each other together, and the rest on our own?” Everyone nodded, so Hermione set the package aside, and searched through her pile for a tag from one of her friends. The first one she found was from Neville, and contained a book on magical creatures and their rights. Hermione had put up a big fuss upon hearing of the way house elves were treated after learning about Dobby, and when she had discovered that Hogwarts employed the creatures, she had been all for trying to free the entire species. Only some fast talk from Neville and Harry had calmed her down. Once they had explained that house elves needed to be bonded to a family to survive, she had lost some enthusiasm. She still didn’t like the way so many were abused, but she was more understanding of why they needed to serve wizarding families and households, and started focusing her efforts more on dealing with the way some families used physical punishments on their elves.
Ginny went next, and opened a box of chocolate frogs from Ron. She smiled her thanks, before they turned to Harry, as he opened his present from Ginny. She had given him a stag-shaped pendant with tiny green eyes. She was very nervous as he looked at her. “It can be added to the bracelet I got you for your birthday. The green isn’t emerald, unfortunately, but I thought we could match. I had to make a special request for the shopkeeper to get the eyes right, but – “
She was cut off as Harry’s mouth crashed on hers, kissing her passionately. Ron gave a weak protest, but Hermione’s elbow shut him up.
Neville’s turn was next; his gift from Hermione was a book on Herbology that he had been wanting to read.
Ron’s first present was a book on chess from Hermione.
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