
Harry Potter Promise NR.13

Harry Potter Fanfiction. This is the fourth story in the promise series.

Chapter 8
Disclaimer: don’t own Harry Potter.

Breakfast was a somewhat quiet affair the next morning; everyone was tired, having to get used to waking up early after several months of freedom.

Minerva handed out schedules as usual, passing Harry his with a small smile, before moving on down the table.

Harry looked over his schedule, making a note of what books he would need for the day.

Schedule for Harry James Potter


Potions: 0900-1050

Defense Against the Dark Arts: 1300-1450


Ancient Runes: 0900-1050

Charms: 1300-1450


Arithmancy: 1000-1150

Transfiguration: 1300-1450

Potions: 1500-1650


Ancient Runes: 0900-1050

Defense Against the Dark Arts: 1300-1450

Charms: 1500-1650


Transfiguration: 1000-1150

Arithmancy: 1300-1450

“I’ve just realized something,” Ron said suddenly as he looked up from studying his schedule.

“What’s that?” Neville asked, looking at the redhead.

Ron glanced up at the head table. “There’s no new professor this year. Dumbledore didn’t make any announcements, and I don’t see anyone new. Do you know what this means?”

Harry looked up at the head table as well, surprised. “Wow,” he commented, slightly impressed. “The same teacher for more than a year. Maybe the curse is broken.”

“Or maybe there was no curse at all, but it just got a bad reputation after having so many professors leave after just a year,” Hermione retorted. “There’s no proof of any curse on the position.”

Harry shrugged, and turned back to his meal. It was nice that they wouldn’t have to adjust to yet another Defense professor. Snape had done a good job last year, and he was glad that the snarky man would continue in that role.

After everyone had finished eating, they all hurried back up to Gryffindor Tower to grab their books for the day, before making their way to the potions classroom.

As Harry went through the first week, he was reminded greatly of the beginning of his fifth year; every professor started their class by talking about the NEWTs at the end of the year. They stressed the importance of studying, and using their last year to decide what they wanted to do once they graduated. By the end of the week, Harry knew without a doubt how important it was to do well on those tests, not that he had questioned that fact before.

Harry had been impressed with Ginny’s restraint; she waited until the second night back before she decided to spend the night in Harry’s room.

Fortunately Harry had been prepared, and had cast silencing spells to ensure no one interrupted or overheard.

From then on, Ginny spent most nights with Harry, after making only a short appearance in her dorm room to be sure her dorm mates didn’t start talking. They wouldn’t comment on her not being in the room in the mornings, because she had been waking up early to exercise every morning for the last few years. She knew they were risking it, but now that they had completed the bond, she wanted to spend as much time with Harry as possible. Plus, the sex was amazing.

Ginny blushed as she thought that last thought, and Hermione, who had glanced up briefly, taking a short break from the Charms essay she had been writing, frowned.

“Is everything all right, Ginny?” she asked, concerned.

Ginny started, and immediately nodded, trying not to blush any further. “Fine, Hermione.”

Hermione’s frown deepened slightly, but she turned back to her essay, and Harry, sitting next to Ginny, glanced over and winked, amused. She gave him a mental growl, and shoved him lightly.

Ron groaned as he tossed his quill down. “Only one week in, and I already can’t wait until the holiday,” he grumbled. “My wrist hurts.”

Harry made a sympathetic sound, while Neville nodded in agreement.

Hermione rolled her eyes, but set her quill down as well. “Perhaps a break is in order,” she admitted.

Ron’s eyes lit up, and he immediately grabbed Hermione and practically pulled her out of the common room. If Harry had to hazard a guess, the two were headed to find a nearby broom cupboard.

Neville shrugged and packed his things away. “I could use some fresh air,” he said. “You guys interested?”

Harry glanced at Ginny, and then shook his head. “Another time, Nev. I think we’re going to go for a walk.”

Neville nodded. “Have fun. I’ll see you at dinner.”

Harry and Ginny smiled, and then headed out of the common room, hands entwined. They had no real destination in mind, but were content to just wander, talking through their bond. Ever since they had completed it, their feelings just seemed to have gotten that much deeper. Both had noticed an increase in power, and Harry, who had always been somewhat sensitive to magical energies, could almost feel the power around him; it resonated in his very bones. It had taken some time to get used to it, and after a while, the constant hum was comforting.

Ginny was amazed at the magical power all around her, that she had never really noticed before. She knew most of it she was sensing through Harry, but she could feel it all the same.

It was as they were walking back to the common room that it happened.

On the seventh floor, they were passing the blank stretch of wall that hid the Room of Requirement, when all of a sudden, a door materialized.

Harry and Ginny stopped, staring at the door, confused.

Harry frowned. That’s the Room of Requirement, but you need to walk by three times for the door to appear.

Ginny furrowed her brow. Do you think we should check it out?

Harry was about to reply, when the background hum he could constantly feel increased slightly, before going back down. He looked at Ginny. I think Hogwarts wants us to go in.

Ginny nodded and pushed open the door.

Inside, they were a little underwhelmed to find nothing more than a bare stone room, with what looked to be a basin in the center.

They walked forward cautiously, and peered into the basin.

Now Harry was even more confused. Why did Hogwarts want them to find this room, when the only thing in it was a basin filled with glowing coals?

What – ? Ginny asked, but was unable to complete her thought, as she felt an answer come to her. Suddenly, she knew what Harry meant when he said that the castle was speaking to him.

Welcome, children, to the life, the soul, the Heart.

Harry glanced around the room. What do you mean? he asked cautiously, unsure if it would work. It was the first time he had really tried to hold an actual conversation with the castle.

He felt a sort of mental smile in response, similar to the expressions he and Ginny sent to each other, except this didn’t come from Ginny.

All the magic around you, ties back here. Only those who are worthy can find this room. Being an heir isn’t enough, child. You must have a pure mind and a pure heart.

Harry nodded slowly, and Ginny frowned slightly. Why can I hear this? she asked curiously. I’m not an heir.

Hogwarts’ mental voice was amused now. But you are one soul. Your bond is complete, and you are no longer two separate entities. You are one, children, forever and all eternity.

Though Harry knew that Ginny was it for him, it was still rather shocking to hear it put in those words. They left the room soon after, still thinking about what they had learned.

You can probably communicate with Hogwarts now, because we completed the bond, Harry said as they entered the common room.

Ginny nodded. It makes sense. I still can’t believe there’s a room here that’s the Heart of the castle.

Harry definitely shared in her amazement, but they left off the conversation as their friends met them at that moment, and they headed down to get some dinner.


The next week passed quietly, with the most excitement being Quidditch tryouts, which would be held by all four Houses over the next two weekends.

Harry and his friends met the next weekend, to talk more about their horcrux search, though they still didn’t have many more ideas than they had over the summer.

Harry felt like they were stalled until they could find the Gaunt Shack. He knew there was a chance that they were doing all this searching for nothing, but some instinct in his gut told him that there was something to the idea, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to let it go until they found the shack and searched it.

Neville brought forth a few ideas, but it would be a while before they could actually test them out.

The next weekend saw more than half of Gryffindor out on the Quidditch Pitch shortly after breakfast. Even though they only had one free spot on the starting team, Ron had decided to follow Harry’s lead, and hold full tryouts, to ensure that they truly had the best team on the field.

The lanky redhead was nervous as he stood in front of the group of students, but swallowed hard, and started the tryouts, separating everyone by position, and sending the chasers up into the air.


When the tryouts were finished, Ron motioned for Harry to stay back, as the rest headed inside for lunch.

“What did you think?” he asked once they were alone.

Harry shrugged slightly. “You’re the Captain, Ron. It’s up to you.”

Ron glared at him, but there was no real heat to it. “This is new to me, Harry. I’m asking your opinion.”

Harry bit his lip and considered as they headed back up to the castle. “I think our starters and reserves from last year were pretty solid,” he replied. “As far as a third chaser goes…” He paused and thought back through the morning. “I think Sheila showed the most promise. She’s small and speedy, and she’s got a wicked arm.”

Ron nodded in agreement. “That’s what I was thinking. What did you think about that third year, Euan? He was pretty good on a broom.”

Harry nodded thoughtfully. “He showed some talent. Not as good as Ginny, of course.”

Ron snorted. “I don’t think anyone here is,” he replied. “Especially not when she’s on a Firebolt.”

Harry smiled. “She is pretty awesome.”

Ron rolled his eyes as they passed through the large doors into the Entrance Hall and headed for the Great Hall. “Please don’t go all lovey dovey, Harry. That’s my sister.”

Harry glanced at him sidelong. “Yeah, but you’re my best mate. If I can’t talk about my girlfriend with you, who can I talk about her with?”

“Neville,” Ron deadpanned. “I really don’t want to hear about you and my sister, no matter how happy I am that you two are together.”

Harry shrugged, but didn’t reply as they sat down and pulled platters of sandwiches closer.


Ron put up the team roster that night, so that people would know the results before they went to sleep.

They all thought it was a pretty good team, and were excited for the season to start.


Chaser: Ginny Weasley

Chaser: Demelza Robbins

Chaser: Sheila Walters

Beater: Dean Thomas

Beater: Colin Creevey

Seeker: Harry Potter

Keeper: Ron Weasley (C)


Chaser: Vicky Frobisher

Chaser: Natalie McDonald

Chaser: Euan Abercrombie

Beater: Seamus Finnegan

Beater: Geoffrey Hooper

Seeker: Dennis Creevey

Keeper: Evan Harrison

Sheila was ecstatic to make the starting team for the year, and couldn’t stop bouncing around, beaming from ear to ear. Her friend Evan just rolled his eyes, amused, until Ron told him he would work with him throughout the year to make sure he could take over the starting position after Ron left. At that point, Evan was nearly as hyper as Sheila.

Ron let the team celebrate for a few more minutes before he stood up. “Oi!” Everyone turned to look at him. “Congratulations everyone who made the team. Practice starts tomorrow afternoon, don’t be late!”

Harry rolled his eyes slightly, but knew that Ron was serious about his position. He was a bit Quidditch obsessed at times, but he was also a good player and a great strategist. Harry firmly believed Ron would make an excellent Captain.


The term picked up quickly, with professors piling on the homework for the seventh years, while Ginny and Luna were nearly as swamped with their classes as well. Both had decided to stick with Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, while dropping History of Magic and Astronomy. Luna was also taking Care of Magical Creatures.

They were so busy that they hadn’t managed to do much research on the horcruxes in a while, much less meet to discuss any findings.

Harry and Ginny did manage to find some time to visit the room they had decided to just call the Heart, which they discovered was the only place where they could actually communicate with the castle in the physical sense. Harry had been able to pose questions and get answers before, but he had never actually heard words, other than in that room. Outside of the Heart, any responses were more feelings he received that led to certain answers.

With all the work, classes, Prefect and Head Boy/Girl duties, and Quidditch, Halloween was upon them before they realized it.

As had become tradition for them, Harry and Ginny skipped the feast in the Great Hall, and had a private date in the Room of Requirement.

They celebrated their anniversary this year over a dinner of roasted lamb, mashed potatoes, and roasted vegetables, with chocolate cake for dessert. Even though technically, their anniversary was November First, they figured it was easy to celebrate it on Halloween, since they only really got together just a few hours into November.

Ginny gasped as she opened the velvet box Harry gave her. Inside was a gorgeous sapphire and diamond necklace. “Oh Harry, this is beautiful.”

Harry smiled and helped her put it on. “It’s a family heirloom,” he explained. “According to the card in the case in my vault, it was a wedding gift from my two times great grandfather, to his new wife.”

Ginny nodded, fingering the necklace as she admired the way the light bounced off the diamond. It was amazing to her; just a few years earlier, she never would have considered herself able to afford a diamond anything. And now she had a jewelry box filled with more galleons than she had ever owned.

Harry pulled out a second box. “This is something I should have given you a long time ago, but I figured it’s time you have it.”

He opened the box, and Ginny smiled at seeing the wedding band that completed her set. It was a rose gold band, encrusted with diamonds all the way around, in an infinity style ring.

Harry took her hand in his, and put the ring on, sliding it up her finger.

Ginny pulled her hand back and admired the look, until Harry distracted her once more; when she looked up, he was taking a second ring out. He glanced at her and smiled. “If I give you yours, it only makes sense to have mine as well.”

Ginny took the ring from him, not even giving him a chance to put it on. After admiring it for a moment – it was rose and white gold, a solid band in two colors that crossed at the top – before she took his hand and slid the ring on.

They stayed where they were for a moment longer, holding hands and just enjoying the moment.

After a few minutes, Ginny smiled seductively. “I got you a present as well, but you’ll need to unwrap it.”

Harry grinned, understanding what she was saying. “I would love to,” he replied.

Ginny nodded, and pulled one shoulder of her dress down, showing the lacy strap to her new lingerie set that she had purchased in anticipation of this night.

Harry’s grin widened. He concentrated for a moment, and the Room changed around them, getting rid of the table and turning into a large bedroom, with a king sized bed in the middle, and a fireplace against one wall. He kissed her swiftly, and pushed her backwards, walking quickly until they were against the bed.

Ginny pushed him back, and sent him a smoldering look, dropping the other sleeve, and letting the dress fall to the ground.

Harry gaped for a moment, admiring the view, before he was kissing her again. In a tangled heap of limbs, the two fell backwards onto the bed.


When Harry woke up the next morning, he had only a brief moment of confusion, before remembering that they had fallen asleep in the Room of Requirement the night before.

He turned to the side, and smiled at the sight of Ginny lying there. Once more, he wondered how he had gotten so lucky as to have a woman like her interested in him.

Ginny groaned as wakefulness filtered through her sleep-muddled brain. Some day, you’re going to stop selling yourself short, Harry. She opened her eyes and looked at him. You’re an amazing guy; smart, kind, thoughtful, gorgeous, and that’s not even getting into how amazing you are in bed. Harry blushed, but smiled all the same. I know the Dursleys did a horribly good job at convincing you that you were worthless, but you’re not, Harry. You’re worth so much more than you give yourself credit for.

She leaned forward and kissed him. Besides, you aren’t the one who got lucky. I am. Harry raised an eyebrow as she pulled away, and Ginny glanced down and elaborated. I never considered myself beautiful, or popular. I was always more of a tomboy. But then you come along: Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, who could have his pick of any girl he wanted. And you chose me.

Harry grasped her hand tightly. I’ll always choose you, Gin. You are the most beautiful woman in the world, to me. I never cared about popularity, or fame. What I care about is you. You’re perfect.

Ginny smiled, and gave him another kiss.

After a few more moments of bliss, she pulled away and sighed. “It’s probably time for breakfast. If we’re not there, people are going to ask why.”

Harry nodded regretfully, and got up, Ginny following his lead. They were surprised to see a change of clothes for each of them waiting neatly folded next to the fireplace, before Harry shrugged and figured the house elves had seen to it, knowing that they would need clean uniforms.

Both made sure to remove their wedding rings – and in Ginny’s case, her engagement ring as well – before they left the room and headed towards the Great Hall.

They received a several looks from their friends when they joined the Gryffindors for breakfast.

Hermione, somewhat predictably, was the first one to speak. “Where were you two last night? I checked with your dorm mates Ginny, and they said you didn’t return to your room.”

Harry and Ginny knew it was futile to try and hide it, after they glanced at each other just once; their blushes said it all.

Ron frowned, trying hard not to fly off the handle. He knew that Harry and Ginny were soul bonded, and technically married. He knew that they would be together until the end. But it was still his little sister and his best mate. He didn’t want to think about their sex life. It was a startling insight, to realize that his little sister was doing… that.

Hermione also looked less than pleased, but it was more because she didn’t appreciate them staying out all night, or engaging in those activities while still in school and while Ginny was underage. Perhaps it was also because they… no, she stopped herself suddenly in the middle of that thought. They were married. They weren’t doing anything wrong – other than maybe staying out all night – because Ginny was emancipated, due to their soul bond.

Harry and Ginny were relieved when no one commented. Neville had no negative thoughts, knowing that they would be responsible, and it was their life and their relationship.

So rather than an inquisition, as the couple had been expecting, the talk turned to the first Hogsmeade trip of the term, a couple weeks away. They were all excited, and Hermione was thankful, as she needed some more parchment, while Neville could stand to update a few of his quills.

Soon enough, they left the table and returned to the common room to grab their schoolwork, before heading to the Room of Requirement to meet the rest of their friends and spend the day doing homework.


Ron had an unhealthy green tinge to his face, the Saturday following Halloween. It was the first Quidditch match of the year, Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw. Harry tried to get him to relax, but knew that only a win would convince Ron that he had earned his position as Captain.

Gryffindor dominated, of course. With Harry and Ginny both on Firebolts, no other team really stood a chance. They destroyed Ravenclaw, with a final score of 320-60. Ginny had been responsible for half of their goals, something she proudly lorded over everyone at the party that followed, though everyone knew that she was just having fun and joking with them.

Ron was bright red as he was greeted as a hero at the party, with people congratulating him and praising him. He had always considered himself known to everyone as ‘Harry Potter’s best friend’. He had never really thought of himself as popular in his own right, more popular by association. But here he was, Quidditch Captain, at least partly responsible for the complete landslide win they had just delivered. He wasn’t just a sidekick! He had a grin a mile wide throughout the entire evening, and felt that if needed, he could provide a Patronus to drive away all the former Dementors of Azkaban.


The group split up early on, the morning of the Hogsmeade trip; each couple wandered off to spend some time alone, before they agreed to meet up for lunch at the Three Broomsticks. Neville and Susan went off to meet Neville’s parents, who had come to the village to see their son. They had to report for duty in the afternoon, but they would have the morning free.

Harry and Ginny spent the morning wandering through the shops, before they made their way to the pub just before noon.

A series of loud cracks interrupted them just before Harry opened the door, and acting on instinct, he immediately dove to one side, knocking Ginny down.

A jet of green sailed over his head, missing him by inches. If he hadn’t moved when he had, he would have been hit square in the chest.

Harry and Ginny were immediately up and firing, turning to face the mass of figures robed in black with white masks.

Death Eaters, Ginny said grimly.

Harry nodded, noting in the back of his mind the way students and townspeople were scrambling to defend themselves, not expecting the attack.

Damn it, we’re going to need help, Harry replied, observing the roughly thirty Death Eaters firing on the crowd.

Most of the DA was in the village, and he could see several students providing opposition. Hannah and Terry were shooting off spells from their spot in the doorway of Zonkos; Colin and Dennis were watching each other’s backs from their position in an alley between Scrivenshaft’s and the post office.

He was about to start worrying on where his closest friends were, when the door opened behind them, and Hermione and Ron came out, wands blazing.

The foursome separated, Hermione and Ron to one side of the building, and Harry and Ginny to the other, each taking cover in the alleys, while still giving the Death Eaters a hard time.

“Where are the others?” Harry called out, hoping that they were all right.

Hermione didn’t even spare a glance as she replied, “We were the first ones there. Neville said that he and Susan would be spending the morning with his parents away from the crowds, but Frank and Alice have most likely already left for the Ministry by now.”

Harry nodded grimly, and turned his attention to the fight.

This group of Death Eaters were deadly talented, but they hadn’t seemed to count on so much opposition. The DA had trained well, and used their skills to keep the Death Eaters at bay.

Harry lost track of time as he ducked and dodged. He was unable to keep his position by the Three Broomsticks for long, and got pushed down the street as he defended himself and the younger students who were trying to find cover in the battle.

Harry tried to direct any younger students to the nearest safe cover, to get them out of the line of fire, but everywhere he looked, spells were flying. His heart leapt into his throat when he saw a small body lying across one doorway, and several more bodies of varying ages in the streets.

Harry was getting tired, but he knew he had to keep going. He ducked a purple spell, and then dodged a sickly yellow one. At one point, it was Ron standing on his left, firing at a Death Eater who had been attempting to bring Zonkos down on Hannah and Terry, and then he moved, and it was Hermione standing there, shielding him while he took out two Death Eaters firing spells at a group of third years attempting to take cover in an alley next to Gladrags.

Throughout it all, though, Ginny was a steady presence at his back, protecting him, and he, her.

“Where the hell is help?” Harry growled, firing a blasting hex at the wall behind two Death Eaters. He felt satisfaction in seeing the wall crumble and fall on top of Voldemort’s supporters.

Ginny shrugged, not pausing in her own casting. “Out to lunch?” she suggested.

Harry rolled his eyes and concentrated on the fight.

It felt like hours before they heard the crack that signified apparation. Harry was prepared to defend against the new threat, but relaxed slightly when he recognized several members of Dumbledore’s Order, as well as a few Aurors – including Tonks, Frank, and Alice – and returned to the problem at hand.

A short time later, the Death Eaters had all portkeyed away. It appeared that they had linked portkeys, because the ones who were unconscious disappeared as well.

Harry lowered his wand slightly, but didn’t completely let down his guard, just in case. He was pleased to see the rest of the students behaving similarly.

Moody was at the front of the crowd, and nodded approvingly at the caution the students were displaying. “Good, Potter. Never let down your guard.”

Harry tightened his grip on his wand. “What was the first spell Moody taught my class in our fourth year?”

Moody snorted. “Wouldn’t know, would I? I was trapped in a trunk.”

Harry nodded and relaxed a little more. Moody turned and started barking orders to the rest of the new arrivals, while Harry took stock of the students.

“Blaise, Daphne,” he called out, relieved that the two were all right. “Get the injured organized.” He turned back to Moody. “I assume Dumbledore will be sending medical assistance? I have a feeling we’re going to need it.”

Moody pursed his lips and nodded once. “I’ll see where we stand on that,” he replied, turning away once more.

The attitude the former Auror displayed clearly told Harry that the headmaster had not thought that far.

Blaise, Daphne, and Luna started triaging the injured, getting those who were less hurt in a group, and organizing other students to help stabilize those who were more seriously wounded.

Harry looked around at the destruction of the village, now that there was nothing pressing that needed to be seen to.

Buildings destroyed. Blood in the streets. It was madness. It was horrible. The students who weren’t injured were calling out for friends or siblings, or helping see to the wounded. Townspeople who had joined in the fight were doing much the same.

Harry could see at least five bodies not moving at all, and his stomach lurched painfully as he noted that two of them had to be school aged or younger.

Ginny put her hand in his, and Harry looked down into her compassionate gaze. “Come on,” she said softly. “There’s still work to be done.”

Harry nodded mutely, and followed her into the fray.

Chapter 9
Disclaimer: don’t own

Harry was exhausted.

It had been a long afternoon at Hogsmeade, getting all the injured seen to, and organizing people to get them back to the Infirmary at Hogwarts.

The Order had tried to take charge, but found themselves relegated to the background, as the students were more willing to listen to Harry and his friends than a group of strangers.

Sirius, Remus, and Kingsley all appeared shortly after the Order, with more Aurors, but the fighting was over.

Sirius was very happy that Harry and Susan were all right, and apologized for not arriving sooner. As he explained, Dumbledore had called an Order meeting that morning; they had all been at Grimmauld Place when Snape had stumbled into the room informing them of the attack. Voldemort had decided to only inform those who would be involved, so as not to let it get out beforehand. He was growing steadily more suspicious, after the listening devices had warned them of more attacks on wizards and muggles, so Snape felt he needed to tread carefully. But even he wouldn’t have been able to do anything to stop this one. He hadn’t even known about it until Madam Rosmerta had sent a Patronus to Filius, who was in charge of the castle while Dumbledore and Minerva were at the Order meeting, informing them. Snape would have been there as well, but he had had several potions that needed to be completed, and couldn’t leave them unattended. Sirius informed Harry that Minerva had gone directly to the castle with Dumbledore, to get an update on the injured students who were already being seen to by Madam Pomfrey.

It was early evening before Sirius told Harry to get the remaining students up to the castle. There was nothing more to do in the village, and the students who were still in the village should head back to the school before it got much darker.

Harry nodded, and rounded up the dozen or so students who had stayed to help clean up, giving Sirius and Remus one last farewell, before they headed back.


Harry pulled out his DA coin as they walked, and called for a meeting for that evening. When they entered the castle, they headed straight up to the lounge, and waited for everyone else to arrive. First and second years who hadn’t been at Hogwarts two years earlier, when they had needed to employ the coins, could be informed of the impromptu meeting by their elder Housemates.

It took fifteen minutes for the entire group to assemble, and when they did, they were completely silent. It was unnerving for Harry to see all of his classmates so somber.

He took a deep breath, squeezed Ginny’s hand, and then stood up. He walked to the front of the room, where they had a board filled with photos that they had taken over the years since the creation of the club. It was mostly Colin’s doing, but they had decided to take a wall and fill it with pictures of all of them: practicing, studying, anything really. They wanted to document the club, and the inter-House friendships that they had formed, for everyone, now and in the future, to see. The idea was that each year, more photos would be added, and new students would get to learn about former members.

Harry searched for a few minutes, and pulled away three specific photos. He turned back to the crowd, seeing all their eyes on him. He held the first photo up. “Adrian Whitlock, fourth year Slytherin.” He turned to the second photo. “Eliza Melner, third year Hufflepuff.” He held up the last photo. “Mark Belmont, fourth year Gryffindor.” He put the photos on the nearest table. “Three students. Seven townspeople. Eight major injuries, twenty nine minor to moderate.” His green eyes were blazing as he looked at each and every student in the room. The first and second years, especially, were shell-shocked. They hadn’t been in the village, and had only heard about it as the injured were being brought back to the castle.

Harry sighed. “I know the war hit us hard today. I know how difficult it is to continue to stand up when it feels like the world is driving you down. Some people, they get pushed down so much, they simply can’t stand back up again. But the trick is to use your feelings – your pain, your anger, your fear – and let it spur you forward. Trust in yourselves, and in each other. Don’t lose yourself in the grief, and never forget what we’ve lost.”

Harry bit his lip, and looked to his friends, who were all watching him with steely looks, full agreement of his words clear on their faces.

“Why should we fight a hopeless battle?” a second year Slytherin asked, his young voice carrying clearly in the silence that had followed Harry’s words. “Why should we stick our neck out for someone else?”

Harry looked at the young boy, his gaze compassionate and understanding, though his words were strong and threaded with steel. “Voldemort doesn’t care what House you’re in. He doesn’t care how many OWLs or NEWTs you received, or what rank in your class you are. All he wants is total domination, and if he thinks you’re in his way, he will remove the problem. We have to protect each other. No one man is a mountain. We need each other.”

Susan stepped forward, breaking from the group as she moved to stand next to Harry. Her eyes were just as determined, her stance just as firm, as she looked out over the crowd. “Harry’s right. We live or die by our friends, our family. We protect each other, and we trust in each other.” Her gaze narrowed slightly. “Either we stand together, or we fall together.”

Silence greeted her claim, as the weight of her words settled over the students. Many of them looked scared, some hesitant, and a few, determined.

It happened slowly; first, it was Harry’s friends who stood up, showing their support. Then it was some of the older students – Terry, Ernie, Hannah, and most of the other seventh years who were at the meeting and not in the Hospital Wing.

Then other students began to stand. Younger years who had a light in their eyes that told Harry they trusted their leaders to see them through this; third and fourth years who had been touched by war much earlier than was healthy. Fifth and sixth years who were determined to fight for their future.

Soon enough, the entire group was on their feet, showing their resolve. Harry was overwhelmed by it, and smiled tightly, trying to show his appreciation. “Thank you.” His voice broke slightly, and Ginny quickly stepped forward to grasp his hand, lending his support. On the other side, Susan also took his hand, and after giving a look of gratitude to both girls, Harry continued. “Together, we’ll end this. We will persevere. We will endure.” He nodded decisively. “We all have to make the choice between what is right and what is easy. No one can make that decision for you. But if we stand together, we can win this.”

Susan sighed. “It’s getting late, so we should all get some rest. Don’t withdraw. If you need to talk, your Prefects are here. Harry and I are here. If you want to talk to a professor, they will undoubtedly all be willing to listen. Don’t turn away help out of pride or fear. You won’t be cast aside.”

Harry nodded in agreement. “Susan’s right. Let your friends help you. Let us all help each other. Good night, everyone.”

There were good nights all around, and slowly, the large group left the lounge, headed to their respective common rooms. It had been a long day, and they doubted things would get much easier from here on out.


Dumbledore chose to speak with the student body the next evening, to insure that everyone was present. Most of the injured students had been released from the Hospital Wing by that point, with only a few of the more seriously injured remaining under the mediwitch’s ministrations.

Dumbledore stood up once people seemed to be finished eating. His eyes were grave as he looked out over the students, thinking of the three children who would never sit in this hall again. He cast his gaze momentarily to the black banners that hung from the rafters, before he spoke.

“I am certain by this point, that all of you know the full extent of the situation with the battle in Hogsmeade yesterday. Let Messrs. Whitlock and Belmont, and Miss Melner’s memories live on in each of us. Mourn their passing, and remember the cause they gave their lives to defend.”

Harry had to grit his teeth at that. Adrian, Eliza, and Mark were too young. They shouldn’t have had to give their lives for anything. Why had it taken so long for Dumbledore’s Order to show up?

The headmaster was still speaking. “I know that all of you are in shock. Though there have been many battles in this war, it has only just been brought so close to home.”

Here, Harry had to stifle a snort. Next to him, Ginny was nearly grinding her teeth. Only just brought close to home? How many of these students had been affected already? The Patil twins had lost relatives, Daphne and Astoria had lost their mother. So many others had had loved ones fall at the hands of the Dark Lord or his followers.

What is Dumbledore playing at? Ginny scowled mentally.

Harry rolled his eyes. He’s Dumbledore, he’s always playing at something.

Ginny nodded slightly. How many people in this room have been affected by Voldemort? she asked rhetorically. In this war or the last one? Your parents, Susan’s parents, my mum’s brothers, Regulus, Sirius’ incarceration, McGonagall’s family… everyone at least knows someone who has been touched by this war.

Harry sighed softly. They call this the second war, but it’s not. The war never ended, even with Voldemort’s disappearance. We’re fighting the same battles, against the same Death Eaters. Only it’s worse, because there’s more of them now, with all the recruiting that got done in those years of ‘peace’.

There was a cry of outrage that interrupted their conversation, and Harry and Ginny snapped back to the world around them in confusion. What had they missed?

Playing back the words the headmaster had spoken while they had been talking, Harry realized that the old man had just canceled Hogsmeade trips until further notice, due to safety concerns. He shook his head, disappointed. While he could understand why Dumbledore felt the need to carry out such an action, he didn’t think the headmaster had really thought about the consequences. Besides being a nice place to carry out some shopping and stock up on needed supplies like quills and parchment, those trips gave the students a chance to get out of the castle, to breathe and stretch their legs. He didn’t think it was the best idea to confine several hundred students to the castle for the foreseeable future. He would place money on mayhem and chaos levels going up in the remaining weeks until the Christmas holidays.

Glancing at him sidelong, Ginny agreed wholeheartedly. You know this means that your job as Head Boy just got a lot harder, she commented.

Harry looked at her and groaned audibly, causing the rest of their friends to turn to them, confused. “Don’t ask,” he said, seeing their inquisitive looks.


School continued after the attack, with students and professors trying to return to some semblance of normalcy. Harry knew the third and fourth years were taking it the hardest, having lost several of their classmates. Seeing the way they struggled to return to their studies, he got together with Susan and the seventh year Prefects, and decided to call a meeting for all third and fourth years the Wednesday after the attack.

The group of students gathered in the DA lounge, and once they were all present, Harry warded the room to insure they weren’t interrupted.

They had moved things around in the room, and rather than having tables set up, there was now a large, clear space on the floor, with pillows and blankets set up for comfort.

Harry smiled as they all took a seat. “I called you all here because we’ve seen how hard you’re struggling to get back into the swing of classes. I can imagine how scary it must be to lose a classmate, a friend, even if I’ve never actually been in that position myself. I’ve come close enough that I hope I can comprehend some of what you must be feeling. We wanted to give you a chance to talk, to maybe share some stories. Everyone is so eager to put the attack behind them and return to their normal routine, but I don’t think that’s the best course of action. I don’t want to forget Adrian, Mark, or Eliza. I don’t think you do either.”

With some prompting at first, the students opened up and began sharing stories of their fallen classmates. Evan told them about how he and his roommate had come in late to their first Transfiguration class, and McGonagall had threatened to transfigure one of them into a pocket watch.

Harry chuckled at the story. “She threatened the same thing to me and Ron,” he grinned. “Don’t worry, she wouldn’t have carried through with it.”

The evening wore on, and more stories were shared. Stories about how Eliza was always willing to help anyone who needed it, and how Adrian had stood up for several first year Gryffindors who were being teased by some older Slytherins just a few weeks ago – Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle, Harry knew. They were the only real contenders. It boiled his blood that those three were still here, but unfortunately, they had yet to be caught actually doing anything, though Harry was positive that they had been involved in the Death Eater infiltration last June.

“You want to know what one of my favorite memories is?” he asked, to general consent. He smiled. “My fourth year, just a few months after the DA started. You fourth years were just first years then, remember?” They nodded. “That Christmas, we had a huge snowball fight, with everyone involved. It was the first time I really saw all the Houses mixing together. Everyone was calling out for friends to join them, and no one cared about what colors were on your ties. There was one moment, where you, Evan, called out for Adrian to help you take down a couple of Hufflepuffs. At that moment, I realized that what we were trying to do was actually working. That’s the moment I saw that everyone was capable of looking beyond Houses, if given the opportunity. You were all able to get past the history, and the preconceived notions, and see each other as friends, people with common interests and common goals.”

Evan sniffed. “I didn’t really think about that,” he admitted. “Adrian was a nice guy, and he liked Quidditch. He was my friend.”

“Exactly,” Harry smiled. “You didn’t care what House he was in. You saw him as a person, and he saw you. That’s what the DA is all about. That’s why we formed this club. To look beyond colors and House stigmas, and see that we’re all people. No one is inherently good or evil, we all have that choice. Everything you do is a choice. Your paths are you own, and you have the opportunity to affect the outcome. We may have picked the harder path by not giving in to Voldemort, but I think that our journey will be all the more rewarding because of it.”

Hermione shifted in her seat. “There’s a famous poet named Robert Frost, have any of you heard of him?” Several heads nodded, most likely muggleborns or half bloods. “He wrote this poem called ‘The Road Not Taken’. It has this one line, ‘two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference’.” She glanced at Harry. “I think that quote applies here. Like Harry said, we all have to make that choice at some point. We may have picked the harder path, I believe, but it was the right one. We chose friendship, and life, and love, and happiness. We chose not to bow down to a man who wants us to call him ‘master’. That was our choice.”

Sheila furrowed her brow. “But why would I choose otherwise?” she asked, scrunching her nose in disgust. “Why would I want to call someone ‘master’?”

Harry snorted. “You’d be surprised at how many chose otherwise. Voldemort’s Death Eaters made the opposite decision as you. They chose to give their life and freewill to the cause of a megalomaniac. They chose to enjoy the pain and fear of others. You might think it’s a no brainer, but some people don’t see it that way. That’s what sets you apart from them. You still have that ability to choose. You are not obligated to jump when Volddemort says so.” He glanced at Hermione and smiled. “As long as we’re bringing quotes into this, there’s one by Robert Henlein, a muggle author, that I rather like: ‘You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don’t ever count on having both at once’.”

Everyone seemed to consider his words carefully, and Susan shook her head slightly. “It is a good quote, though I would rather have both. But I will fight for my freedom every time. I won’t let a bastard like Voldemort take it from me.”

They all nodded determinedly, and spent another minute in silence before they headed back to their dorms, thanking Harry, Susan, and the Prefects for doing this for them.

When the third and fourth years were gone, Susan turned to Harry. “It was a good idea to do this,” she said. “You were right, as always.”

Harry shrugged. “They just lost three of their classmates. I know that people want to get back to normal as quickly as possible, but how can they do that when they’re going to class every day and seeing the empty seat where Mark, Adrian, and Eliza used to sit? It’s just not possible for them. They will get better, but it’s going to take time.”

Daphne nodded, her expression somber at the memory of the students who were absent from the gathering that evening. “You’re right. I get why everyone is moving on the way they are, but their classmates need that time.”

Everyone else gave their approval at the meeting, thinking it had gone very well, and had accomplished what they had set out to do.


Harry found that he was really looking forward to the Christmas holidays, as the next couple of weeks passed. You couldn’t see the war in the stone hallways of the school, but you could see it in the eyes of the students, in the tight smiles of the professors. He needed a break from the oppressive atmosphere, and the crowds of students who rushed from class to class, their eyes wide with either fear or sadness.

He knew his friends felt the same way, and more than once, they all had to retreat to the Room of Requirement to let off some steam against the practice dummies the Room provided.

At the beginning of December, Harry received a letter from Sharptooth telling him that the forged Sword of Gryffindor was ready for him to pick up, and he replied that he would do so over the holidays.

They were happy that something was going right. With the real Sword, they could continue horcrux hunt. They could destroy the two they had in their possession, and when they found the others, they could destroy those immediately.

It gave them a sense of purpose, and it made them feel like they were moving forward. Even if it was just a letter, they felt like it was progress.


Sirius knocked briefly before he entered the pristine potions lab. Narcissa looked up and nodded a greeting before returning to the potion in front of her.

Sirius was content to wait until she finished, knowing how volatile potions could be. He took the time to observe his cousin in silence.

Narcissa looked well. Instead of the posh and elegant robes she had worn as the Lady Malfoy, she was wearing a simple blouse and skirt. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail, and she looked younger by far than she had before the dissolving of her marriage. She looked… happy. She wasn’t greeting her husband’s sleazy friends or pretending to support Lucius’ goals and ideals. She wasn’t acting the part of a Lady. All she had to do here was follow the steps and brew the potion.

She had always liked potions, Sirius remembered. And she had always been rather good at them. She could have gotten a Potions Mastery, had she not married Lucius and given up those dreams.

Narcissa added the last ingredient, stirred three times clockwise, and then stepped away. “Good afternoon, Sirius. This is a surprise.”

Her tone was courteous with just a hint of worry at the unplanned visit. Sirius smiled and kissed her cheek in greeting. “Narcissa. Are you able to step away? I don’t wish to take you away from your potion.”

Narcissa shook her head. “It needs to stew for twelve hours, so I am free for now. Shall we head up to the kitchen? I can fix some tea and sandwiches.”

Sirius nodded his consent, and the two headed upstairs. Narcissa puttered around the kitchen for a few minutes, putting water on the stove and taking ingredients out of the cold box for an afternoon snack. She was so grateful for Sirius’ help; she knew she would not have made it very far if she had had to do this alone. But Sirius had given her everything she needed.

After their conversation that summer, she had waited nearly ten days before the opportunity had presented itself. Taking the bag she had packed and hidden – Narcissa was talented with wards as well, and had made certain no one, not even the house elves, would find it – she had left, never looking back.

Once at the Leaky Cauldron, she had been surprised to find that Sirius had thought of everything. Tom the barman had given her a key with a wink, telling her that a private room had been set up and paid for, for the next two days. She had stayed there, afraid to leave her room, afraid that her husband’s lackeys would find her. Meals had been delivered to her room three times a day, and she had had little to do but worry, until two days after she had made her escape.

On the third day, a note had been delivered with her morning meal. It had a simple message: ‘collect your things and hold on’. She had been confused, but had collected her still packed bag, and clutched the note tightly. A few moments later, she had disappeared from the room at the back of the Leaky Cauldron, and appeared in the living room of a cozy house on a quiet stretch of land.

Sirius had been waiting for her, and had shown her around her new home, a safe house Sirius had had the goblins purchase on his behalf through a muggle realtor. By using muggle means and an alias, he doubted anyone would find it. Once the home was in his possession, he had converted it into a wizard’s home, adding a potions lab in the basement and switching all the muggle appliances to wizarding ones, before he called the goblins to ward it. He had stocked the bedroom closet with clothing for his cousin, and made sure that the kitchen was filled with food. He told her that he had assigned one of the Black house elves to her new home, to help with the cleaning and ensure that she would have enough food and other necessities.

Narcissa placed a cup of tea in front of her cousin, drawing him out of his thoughts. She sat down herself, putting her own cup on the table and the plate of sandwiches between them. She had a perfect view out of the large window behind Sirius, and took a moment to admire the scenery. Her new home was located in the country, a short distance from Devon, but you could never tell, just looking out the window. There wasn’t a building in sight. She was grateful that Sirius had had the goblins include a yard in the wards, so that she had a place to go outside if she wanted. She didn’t want to be confined to the house.

Sirius took a sip of his tea and set the cup back down. “How are you doing, Narcissa?” he asked curiously.

Narcissa smiled softly. “I’m well, Sirius, thank you. I could never have escaped that life without you. Severus has been by often, helping me with potions and providing an ear if I wish to talk to someone.” She bit her lip. “I’m worried about him.”

Sirius frowned. “How so?”

Narcissa sighed. “He has told me that the Dark Lord has become more suspicious. That he worries his position as a spy may become compromised.”

Sirius bit his lip. “We have the same worries,” he admitted. “I have told Severus to use caution. We want to stop as many attacks as we can, but we cannot ask him to give his life for that goal. I won’t ask him to do that.”

Narcissa nodded. “I understand. And I told him to be careful as well. He truly does have a difficult role in this war, doesn’t he.”

Sirius lifted one shoulder up and then dropped it. “I’ll never admit it to his face, but I admire him.” Narcissa smiled slightly, and Sirius shook his head. “It takes a lot of guts to follow orders day in and day out in the hopes that one day, you’ll be able to tell your master what you think of him.”

Narcissa nodded slowly. “I understand. I’m not sure I would be able to do what he does.”

Sirius sighed. “I may not see him as a friend, but he does have a difficult task, and I can acknowledge that I didn’t exactly handle things well when we were in school. I could have been better.”

Narcissa shrugged. “From what I remember, he could have as well. Hogwarts wasn’t like it is now. We lived and breathed House rivalries. Gryffindor and Slytherin were complete opposites, and it was ingrained into our minds to hate those of the opposite House.”

Sirius agreed, and then shifted in his seat. “I just wanted to stop by to see how you’re doing, Narcissa. I know it has been difficult, living alone, spending most of your time with no one to talk to.”

Narcissa sobered at the reminder of the long days and lonely nights. “I’m fine, Sirius. This is better than any alternative.”

Sirius nodded, smiling as he reached out and covered his cousin’s hand with one of his own. “It’s good that you can focus on the positives. You’ve taken this all very well.”

Narcissa didn’t say anything for a few minutes, considering both herself and her cousin, and how they had changed from when they were younger. “You’re very different, you know that?” she asked suddenly, looking at Sirius.

Sirius furrowed his brow. “How so?”

Narcissa sighed. “You’re more… world-weary. More mature. Harder. You’ve grown up quite a bit since we were children, and I agree with many of the changes you’ve brought to the wizarding world, through the Wizengamot.”

Sirius smiled slightly. He had been fighting an uphill battle in that arena, attempting to take on many problems, such as the disparity between purebloods and muggleborns, werewolf rights, and the like. There were so many issues with their world, and he intended to fix as many as he could. “Thank you,” he said, before moving to stand up. “I should get home, or Amelia will worry.”

Narcissa nodded and stood as well. “Thank you for stopping by, Sirius.” She left him in the front room, the only room that anyone could apparate or disapparate from, and only if they were on the master list, which traced magical signatures. At this point, Narcissa, Sirius, Snape, and Minerva were the only ones on that list.

Sirius gave Narcissa one last farewell, and disapparated.

Narcissa stayed in the room for a moment longer, still thinking about the huge change in her life. She had loved being Narcissa Malfoy, but living here, being by herself and reinventing her life… it was different, but she thought she liked being Narcissa Black even more.

Chapter 10
Disclaimer: not mine

More Death Eater attacks rounded out the last couple of weeks of term. More injuries, more deaths, and Harry hated the fact that he wasn’t out there doing more.

That thought only lasted until Ginny got a hold of him and dragged him into his private bedroom with barely a glance at their confused friends in the common room.

Harry James Potter you stop that line of thought this instant or so help me, you’ll be sleeping alone for a month.

Harry almost chuckled, but managed to contain himself. I’m sorry, Gin. I just feel like I should be fighting.

We are fighting, Ginny reminded him. Find the horcruxes, destroy them, and then destroy Voldemort. We’re doing all we can.

Harry sighed, but knew that Ginny was right.

Damn straight, Potter, Ginny retorted, a smirk on her face.

Harry smiled. You’re always right, Potter, he replied.

Ginny felt a shiver run down her spine. Ginny Potter, she mused, throwing her arms around his neck. I could get used to that.

I sincerely hope so, Harry said, leaning down to kiss her.


With just a week left until the Christmas holidays, Harry and the other seventh years were counting the days.

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