
Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires – Chapter Twenty-Nine – Hogsmeade

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires
Chapter Twenty-Nine – Hogsmeade

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author.

Story Codes: Mff, x-mast, hp, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy

It had been a very good week for Harry, Ron, Hermione and even Ginny; they had all had some fun on Monday night and the days that had followed, had been ones of joyous occasion. Hermione and Ginny had been hard at work on Tuesday morning; developing, copying and posting the pictures of Malfoy and his tiny impotent cock all around the school for everyone’s enjoyment. Malfoy was the laughing stock of the school for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, with everyone, including a few of the teachers, making fun of him to his face or behind his back. Either way, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were all smiles until the fateful Friday morning before their trip to Hogsmeade. They had made plans to visit Sirius in Hogsmeade on Saturday, but none of them were prepared for what Friday morning had in store for them. When they walked down to the Great Hall for breakfast, they were shocked to find that everyone was pointing and laughing, not at Malfoy like usual, but at Hermione. Almost everyone in the hall had a newspaper in hand and was looking back and forth between the paper and Hermione.

‘WHORE… SLUT…. SKANK… PROSTITUTE!!!!’ a number of voices shouted at her, as she quickly ran to her seat to see why they were making fun of her. The newspapers had already been delivered and her daily subscription was sitting on the table in front of her. Plastered on the front page were several very lurid pictures of Hermione being fucked in one by Victor Krum, and in another by Ron. The last and largest picture of the three, saw Hermione receiving a load of hot sticky cum all over her pretty little face from Harry. The Daily Prophet was not an adult magazine, so nipples and private parts were blurred, but everyone who saw the pictures, instantly knew what was happening in each of them. Beneath the three moving photographs was a small article:

Hogwarts Slut in Action

The latest drama from the Triwizard Tournament comes from several cleverly disguised cameras placed strategically across the Hogwarts School and grounds. These pictures tell a tale most devious; each and everyone involving Hogwarts mega-slut Hermione Granger, whose sexual deviancy knows no bounds. Not one, not two, but three wizards have been ensnared by her very powerful sexual magic. This reporter has reason to believe that Miss Granger has been using powerful love potions to trick unsuspecting male teenagers into having sex with her. Although there is no conclusive photographic proof, this journalist has also learned of this deviant little teenager’s propensity to use her love potions on Hogwarts professors to raise her already high marks. Not only has she been tricking innocent boys into having relations with her, she has sunk her insatiable teeth into two Triwizard Champions, including an unsuspecting Harry Potter who was swept off his feet by her potent love potions. One Champion was obviously not enough for this sultry minx and instead of letting him down easy, Miss Hermione Granger broke his heart, not once but twice, with both the world-renown Quidditch star Victor Krum and some other unknown other Hogwarts student.

By Rita Skeeter

‘THAT BITCH!’ Ron shouted, as Hermione started to tear up in embarrassment. It was obvious to all three of them that Rita was getting back at Hermione for going off on Rita Skeeter on their last trip to Hogsmeade.

‘I knew you were a whore Granger!’ shouted Pansy Parkinson from across the hall, followed shortly after by a several loud raucous laughs from nearly everyone. The rest of the day was extremely tough on Ron, Harry and especially Hermione. Someone in every class pointed out the article and in Potions, Snape had made it a point to use the article to show his dislike for the Gryffindor trio. He had pinned the front page to front door of his classroom and alluded to the article and pictures whenever he had a chance.

‘Let’s leave for Hogsmeade first thing tomorrow morning… I need to get away from this school!’ Hermione sighed as she walked back up to the Gryffindor common room with Harry and Ron after their last class.

‘No argument here’ responded Ron, embarrassed almost as much by the Skeeter article, even though he wasn’t even named in it. His face had been visible behind Hermione, while he plowed her like an animal, but Rita hadn’t even shown him the respect of naming him as one of Hermione’s lovers. Harry on the other hand had been getting several secret high-fives from a number of his friends. He had gotten jeered by a number of Slytherins, but all and all; the press had been very good for Harry’s reputation as a major player and womanizer.

With their plans set, Hermione ran up to her room to avoid further scrutiny and went to bed early, glad that she’d leave Hogwarts and her ridicule behind while at Hogsmeade. Harry and Ron did the same, turning in early and preparing themselves for a very long and possibly embarrassing trip to Hogsmeade.

Hermione had trouble sleeping that night and decided to pour through her stolen Spellbook of Desires.

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