
Harry Potter and the Sisters Black – The Complete Saga PART TWO


This is my story that I originally posted on *******.net, under the moniker oldwolf. I think it is my best story and so I am posting it on as many sites that I can find. If you like it, please visit my other stories on that site. But first, remember that JK Rowling owns the characters and settings;
I own a computer.


Back in Ancient Runes, Harry’s distracted for several minutes before he can bring his Occulmency training to bear.

Finally, class is dismissed, with almost no homework assigned to anyone. As they walk to lunch, Hermione explains that Marissa rarely assigns homework. At lunch, the six eat at the Gryffindor table and compare notes.

Cho watches Harry, guiltily aware of what she had done with Narcissa.

Finally, it’s time for the groups to split up once more. Amazingly, it would appear that Luna and Ginny share the same schedule.

Hermione leads Harry down the same corridor as the one that Ancient Runes is in. However, they go past that classroom to the next door. Inside there’s only four other students and a blonde lady in her thirties in a tight black leather skirt and a semi-loose top. She says, “Ah… Hermione good to see you back and the infamous Harry Potter. Marissa and I talked over lunch and explained that connection of yours, I look forward to great things from you.”

“Elaine, how good to see you. Did you enjoy your trip to France?”

“Indeed I did. But that’s for another time. For now, we must make like beavers and get to work. Mr. Potter, do you have any practical questions?”

“Perhaps, I’ve always been more prone to application than theory. So my question would be, how is it that some spells can be blocked, shielded, or warded and others can’t?”

Elaine grins, “Right to the heart of the matter, just as I expected from you Mr. Potter. You are a man of action, but you can at least admit to it. Now it all comes down to power. However much we might not like to admit it, whether or not a spell can be defended against is based on power.” She then begins lecturing in earnest.

By the time the class is finished for the day, Harry feels like his head is about to explode from too much information. He and Hermione drop their books off in their rooms, meeting up with the others and the group walks down to dinner.

Bellatrix watches her last class file out with a sigh of relief. Without a backwards glance, she leaves and seals the room before heading to her master’s bedroom.

Narcissa finishes her last walk around the library, looking for stragglers. She can feel a small draw to her master’s rooms. In the bedroom, she finds her sister simply staring out the window. Cissa walks over to the other woman and lays a gentle hand on her shoulder, “What’s wrong sis?”

Bella’s voice is oddly dispassionate, “Nothing Cissy.”

“Don’t feed me that line Trixie, now give,” comes the reply as Cissa steps to the side of her sisters and puts an arm around her shoulder.

The raven haired woman sighs desperately, “I was just thinking about the next public scene.”

“You know if you asked our master, he would exclude you.”

Bella leans her head down and places it on Cissa’s shoulder, “I know, but that wouldn’t be fair to you.”

“Why don’t you spell out the problem for me and make sure we’re on the same page.”

Bella closes her eyes for a moment. “You know I don’t mind the pain, the humiliation, or the degrading when it’s just us and our master. When it’s out in public however, it makes me ill. The same things I enjoy when it is just our master, his mistress, and we thralls disgusts me if there’s anyone else.”

Narcissa nods her head, “And what are you going to do?”

Bella sighs as she straightens up, “I’m going to do what I must. If I bow out that would leave only you to take the humiliation and I won’t turn my back on family. I just hope our master doesn’t develop a taste for this.”

Cissa smiles, “I’ve heard a great deal about our master from my son over the years. I truly doubt that he will develop a taste for these, in fact, I suspect he is even more repulsed than you are.”

Harry’s mind is uneasy as he eats, finally he says, “I’m heading up to our rooms.”

All the teens nod and Hermione says, “You mind if I stick around here for a bit Harry?”

“Not at all, but if you start to get dizzy, grab somebody and head for the room fast.”

Hermione nods her head and resumes her talk with Ginny.

Harry curses his memory as he heads to his room, hoping to find Bella.

Bella meets her master in the common room, “You were looking for me master?”

Harry sits down and Bella kneels at his feet, “Yes I was. I have talked to Neville about you making amends for what you did to his parents.”

Bella swallows, “Master, I don’t mean to sound impudent, but I must ask. Are you going to do this with everyone I injured before I became your property?”

Harry smashes his first, rather violent, reaction and says, “No. I just don’t want there to be any friction between my friends.”

Bella nods before she leans down and gently kisses each of Harry’s feet, “As you will master. How shall I do my penance?”

“That is for them to decide. Ginny and Neville will be deciding your punishment. We will work out the exact details when the first Hogsmead weekend is announced, but this is one little added bit. If they come to you seeking help in ways to punish you, you will aid them in what ever way you can. This includes, but is not limited to, teaching them spells to use, suggesting scenes that they might wish to play out, or producing items for them to use. In short, you are to aid them as you would aid me in planning and eventually executing your punishment. Am I clear?”

With Harry’s last words, Bella knows that she can not refuse or sandbag, “I understand master.”

“Thank you Bella. I know you don’t like it, but I believe it to be for the best.”

Bella nods and stands up as they hear voices enter the room.

The other teens appear and all of them, even Ron, break out their homework and get to work.

Later that night, Mione is sleeping on one of the cots while Bella and Cissa snuggle up with a naked Harry. She looks over to the next bed where Tonks is sleeping peacefully. As she watches the sleeping Auror, Hermione’s mind slips back to the talk they had at #12.


“What’s with the Mistress thing?”

Tonks swallows nervously, knowing she’s stepped in it. “Um, can we talk about this later?”

Hermione scowls at Tonks, “No. Whenever you are this evasive, I know there’s something I need to know.”

Tonks sighs, “You know about the spell Harry used on me right?”

“A bit, though I haven’t gotten around to going over that book with a fine tooth comb yet.”

“Well, one of the side effects is a minor telepathic bond between master and slaves.”

“Hmm… That would help to explain how you managed to know what Harry was thinking that night in the bar. But I’m still missing the relevance.”

“Hermione, what is the female version of ‘master’?”

“I know, it’s ‘mistress’ that’s why I asked in the first place.”

“Hermione, my master has deep feelings about you. I do honestly believe that someday, if you demonstrate a willingness, he will ask you to be his wife. So deep are his feelings for you that anything we do to please you, pleases him.”

Hermione looks at Tonks dumbstruck. “I can’t believe it. Why would he care about me?”

Tonks smiles, “Like you said at your initiation, you have always looked out for him, even if it meant doing something that angered him or breaking rules. He appreciates loyalty like that girl, don’t ever break that.”


Hermione looks over to where Harry’s sleeping and thinks, “I will never break your trust Harry, master.”

Cho is in the library, completely naked, bent over and bound to a table.

Harry is behind her with a long leather belt. He draws back his arm and brings the belt down on her firm arse with a resounding *crack*.

Cho screams in pain as her bum explodes in pain. She tries to move her legs, but finds them bound as Harry delivers another blow. Cho blushes as the liquid from her sopping cunt starts to roll down her thighs.

Harry earns another scream from Cho as the belt makes a third bright mark on her skin.

Cho can feel her approaching orgasm as another scream rips itself from her throat.

Harry seems to sense how close Cho is as he drops the belt and opens his robes, revealing that he’s wearing nothing underneath. He goes behind Cho and grabs her ponytail as he presses his cock between her redden arsecheeks.

Cho screams in pain as Harry pulls back on her hair and forces himself up her bum.

Harry starts to ruthlessly shag the bound girl, earning a scream for every thrust, though after about four thrusts the screams turn into ones of pleasure.

Cho can feel that she just on the precipice. One more good thrust and she should come. That is when she sits up.

Cho looks down and sees that her sheets are soaked in her sweat and juices. She reaches for her pussy, knowing it’s useless. She silently swears to recast the charms on her vibrator in the morning as she rubs the base of her pussyplug which merely results in more frustration. Cho rolls onto her stomach and pulls her knees up under her, getting her bum up in the air, at perfect height of a good shagging, if she had a partner. She pulls her hand away from her crotch and reaches behind her. As her finger pierces her anus, she knows it’s useless. She lies all the way down and tries to sleep until she has to get up for breakfast.

Harry reluctantly drags himself out of bed in the morning. He quickly rushes through his morning preparations, wondering what the day will bring.

At breakfast, the four older teens compare their schedules and to their amazement they find that they all have Potions first.

Luna and Ginny head off to their first class of the day while Ron, Neville, Harry, and Hermione head for the dungeons.

Bella looks up as the last four students she’s expecting walk into the class. She smiles brightly and nods her head, “Since everyone is here let’s begin. Welcome to NEWT Potions. Due to the departure of Professor Snape, some of you may find yourselves in the class with little warning. I can assure you that while a great deal more pleasant than my predecessor, you will find that I am almost as stringent when it comes to results. I can also assure you, no one will get any preferential treatment,” she says looking directly at Draco Malfoy and the two other Slytherin students. “Mr. Longbottom, I’m afraid I do know of your reputation, weather the cause is actual clumsiness or simply an overly intimidating teacher is as yet unknown, so I would prefer you to sit near the front in order to avoid any disasters.”

Neville and the crew sit down in the first row of seats and Bella smiles, thankful that her master is being cooperative.

The rest of the class progresses without much in the way of incidents; even Neville manages to avoid any problems without any assistance from Hermione.

Neville is feeling very sure of himself and the others are congratulating him on his success as they head to Transfiguration.

McGonagall wastes little time in beginning the class. She has the desks gone and there are turtles on the floor. The assignment for today, Transfigure the turtles into carriages.

The class works hard until Harry receives an idea. He pictures the carriage in his mind and sees the turtle physically making the change as he casts the spell. To his amazement, when he opens his eyes, there’s a green carriage in front of him.

McGonagall walks over to Harry, “Excellent work Mr. Potter; might I ask you what you did differently?”

Harry blushes, “Instead of focusing on the spell itself, I pictured what I wanted to happen.”

McGonagall claps her hands and draws everybody’s attention, “Very, very good Mr. Potter. It would seem you accidentally stumbled onto the very secret of highly advanced Transfiguration. The spell is no more really than a way of focusing your magic; you must focus more heavily on the actual effect that you want. Congratulation Mr. Potter, we shall speak after class.”

With the new trick in hand, Neville completes the assignment in under a minute and even adds a bit of flourish to the carriage.

Hermione actually manages to turn her turtle into a traditional carriage.

With only a few minutes left in class, Ron manages to complete the Transfiguration.

McGonagall says, “Excellent, anyone who managed to complete the assignment in class is excused from the homework. Class is dismissed.”

Everyone files out, leaving Harry and McGonagall alone. “Mr. Potter, I always make it a point to reward students who complete assignments first. Normally that reward would be in the form of House points, however, given your circumstances, I must ask you what you would like.”

Harry thinks for a moment, “Let’s just call it an I.O.U. for now.”

McGonagall grins, “Very well. Enjoy the remainder of your day Lord Potter.”

Harry shakes his head as he heads out of the classroom where his friends are waiting for him.

Narcissa looks out the window in the study as her master goes to breakfast. Her mind is cluttered by her conversation with the Chang girl. Finally she sighs exasperatedly and picks up her journal. Cissa starts to record her thoughts on the conversation, knowing full well that she will have no choice but to pass the information along to her master, along with her thoughts on the matter.

Finally, about lunchtime Narcissa lays down her journal and considers her options. She dismisses the idea of going and finding her master immediately knowing that he might well be either highly angered or aroused. She decides to talk to him right after his last class.

Down in the Great Hall, Cho’s bum tingles as she watches Harry. She wonders if he’ll beat her enough to make up for Cedric.

After lunch, the two groups once more go their separate ways.

After the earlier parts of the day, Charms is almost painfully dull. Professor Flitwick goes over his plans for the year and takes several minutes to remind the students to study hard. They spend the entire class going back over some of the charms from the previous year.

Finally class is dismissed and Harry finds Cissa waiting for him outside of the door. “Master we need to speak.”

Harry nods his head as the other students look at him oddly. The group heads directly for their rooms.

Once there, Cissa says, “This should be in private master.”

Hermione nods her head, “Let me know when it’s safe to come in.”

Cissa leads Harry to the study, “You might want to sit down master; some of this will be a bit jarring.”

Harry sits down at the desk and looks at Cissa.

“Master, yesterday I was approached by Cho Chang. She came seeking my aid.”

Harry can feel his anger at the girl for the pain she had put him through bubbling up, but he forces it down. “Your aid in what?”

“She wished to apologize to you for what she did last year and wished to make reparations.”

Harry focuses on his thrall for a moment, “There’s more to this then you’re telling.”

Cissa swallows, knowing she should have known better than to try and hide something from her master. “I did ask a fee of her for brining you this message and I did invader her mind slightly through Legamancy.”

Harry scowls at the blond who falls to one knee. “What did you find out?”

Cissa swallows, hoping her master isn’t merely drawing out her time before her punishment, “I did find the reasons why she made the request.”

Harry leans back and steeples his fingers in front of his face as he crosses his legs, “Very well, let’s hear her reasoning.”

“In the first place master, she does feel guilty about the way she treated you, however that is only a minor concern. Her major reasons are that she feels extremely guilty about the fate of Cedric Diggory. She’s thinking primarily of getting revenge against his murderer no matter what the cost. She knows that she will be sacrificing her future, but she does not honestly care.”

Harry nods his head, truly unsure what to even think.

“Her other reason is even more ignoble,” Cissa swallows, knowing she’s heading into dangerous territory. “It would appear that Mr. Diggory was quite a lover. He and Ms. Chang were very active in their sex life. She feels that you would be able to make up for him given that you have me and my sister as a form of training.” Cissa blushes, but decides to go full disclosure, “It would also appear that she and my sister have some similar traits. They are both rather inclined to Anal proclivities and neither is overly hesitant concerning pain.”

Harry’s mind flashes several images concerning the things that he could do to her before his will reasserts itself. “Is there anything else?”

Cissa hopes that her master doesn’t blow his stack on this one. “There are a few more reasons master. Primarily among them is one of the games she and Mr. Diggory engaged in. Master, I doubt you are overly well versed in marital aids, more commonly referred to as ‘sex toys’ correct?”

Harry nods his head carefully.

“Well master, there is a vaginal complement to the butt-plug I wear, most commonly referred to as a pussy-plug. It serves essentially the same purpose for the vagina as the butt-plug does for the anus. Ms. Chang’s plug has been modified to allow her to expel her body’s wastes but she can do nothing beyond that. However, it also carries the same spell as the plug currently up my own arse.”

Harry looks at the kneeling woman wide eyed.

“That is correct master; it can only be removed by a given individual. However, as my plug is keyed to your command, Ms. Chang has the misfortune of having her plug set to the command of Mr. Diggory. She believes that you will be able to break the spell.”

Harry sits back in his chair dumbstruck.

“Master, there is one more thing.”

Harry almost stops her, not sure his heart can take much more but he nods to her.

“It would appear that Ms. Chang was indeed deeply committed to Mr. Diggory and his Death cut very deep. She is hesitant to get into another relationship lest she be injured again. However, she has heard so much about your adventures and ability to survive she is willing to risk it with you. She has also apparently done sufficient research to guess what spell you used on myself and my sister. She wishes to become one of your thralls in order to help you get revenge against the men that killed her love.”

Harry’s arms fall to his side as he looks straight forward, completely shocked for almost a minute.

Narcissa looks on, afraid she will have to strike her master once more when he comes out of his trance.

“Are you sure about this Narcissa?”

Cissa doesn’t miss the minor slipup and fears for her rump, “Yes master. I was only able to get a quick look, but this information was foremost on her mind.”

“Do I even want to know what you did to her?”

Cissa’ blushes as her other knee comes down, “Probably not master.”

Harry stands up and starts to pace. “First off, you will not mention *ANY* of this to Hermione, am I clear?”

“Yes master.”

“Good. I don’t know what to do.”

“What do your instincts tell you master?”

Harry never stops pacing, “My instincts are split. On one hand the idea of adding another woman to my growing harem appeals to me. However, the thought of enslaving another person is repulsive. I will admit that a part of me wants to take her up on the offer simply to punish her for what she did last year, especially on Valentines Day.”

“Master, I probably should not mention this, but it does concern the day you gave the interview to Ms. Skeeter for The Quibbler.”

Harry continues to pace, “What of it?”

“Master, do you remember how I said that she prefers anal intercourse?”

Harry gives her a distracted nod.

“One of the reasons she was so upset with you master is that she had planned that day to proposition you.”

Harry stops dead and looks and the blonde woman, “Say that again please.”

“She had planned to ask you to sodomize her that day master. She was so quiet because she was trying to work up the courage. She would have tried later in the year except you were always with Ms. Granger and the only time she was able to get you alone, you were in a hurry and still upset with her.”

Harry can feel his heart about ready to give out. “Did you give her a timeframe?”

“No master. I told her I would pass along a message that she wished to speak to you and notify her later.”

Harry sits back down and tries to think, “Ok, I don’t want to rush into this. I’m going to go and talk to Albus; I need to know when the first Hogsmead weekend it anyways. Tomorrow, talk to Cho and tell her I’m willing to listen and you will come to her with instructions after the first Hogsmead weekend is announced. Understood?”

“Yes master.”

“I don’t know what I will do about her request though.”

“Master, may I ask you a rather odd question?”

Harry nods his head.

“Why would you *not* want to do as she has requested?”

Harry looks at her for a moment and runs through the moral arguments mentally, almost all of which sound hollow in his ears. Finally, he thinks back to what he’s wanted to say to Hermione about the house-elves. “They are happy as they are. They like being slaves. If they are happy like that, who are we to take that happiness from them?”

Cissa watches as her master debates internally.

“Narcissa, I need you to be completely honest with me when you answer this question.”

The blond nods her head, hoping that this won’t be too painful.

“If I were to grant Cho’s request, do you believe she would be truly happy?”

Cissa inhales sharply and ponders the question. “I can’t answer that for certain master. I know that I am happy, how much of that is my own free will and how much is the effect of the spell is beyond me. I believe that her desire for revenge mixed with the sexual aspect and the way the spell works makes me inclined to believe that shell will be happy after the spell is cast.”

Harry sits back and nods his head, “I’m still not sure, but I will give it some serious thought.”

Harry stands up and heads to the common room, Cissa right behind him.

The other are discussing their day and helping both of the fifth years with their homework.

“I’m taking a walk folks. I’ll be back in a bit.”

Tonks is on her feet instantly, “I’ll come with you master.”

“That’s already Dora, I’ll be fine.”

Tonks wants to speak up when Cissa says, “Master, please… You’re distracted tonight. Please let someone accompany you, for our peace of mind.”

Harry takes in the looks of concern on the faces of his thralls and his heart melts, “Alright Dora, come on.”

Tonks and Harry head to Dumbledore’s office and give the password.

Albus looks up as the door to his office opens, “Ah Harry. How goes classes?”

“Acceptable Albus, may I sit down?”

“Of course my lad, of course.”

Harry sits down along with Tonks and says, “I hate to ask for inside information, but I’m afraid I need it.”

Albus looks concerned, “What can I help you with?”

“I need to know when the first Hogsmead visit is going to be.”

The old man looks at the raven haired wizard, “Might I ask why?”

“There are some things I need to arrange that would be easier if I knew when the student body would have a great deal of freedom.”

“Hmm… I suspect that this has something to do with Mr. Longbottom and Bellatrix. Is this the case?”

“Yes sir.”

Albus nods, sensing that there’s something that Harry’s not telling him. “Is there any other reason you wish to know?”

“Yes sir there is.”

“Would you mind if I asked that reason?”

“Actually, I would.”

Albus looks at Harry for a moment before he starts to laugh, “I guess I walked into that. I promise not to interfere what whatever you have planned so long as no one will be injured.”

Harry thinks for a moment before he decides to risk it. “Another young lady has asked to join my harem sir. I am still unsure of my feeling on it, but I at least owe it to her to hear what she has to say.”

Albus nods his head. “You wish to make sure that you can give the young lady in question a proper hearing?”

“Yes I do.”

The ancient mage says, “I don’t know for sure, but I feel I must ask this. Is the young lady in question Cho Chang?”

Harry’s arm is in motion before he can even take a moment to think.

Albus just sits very still, “I take it from the wand pointed at my head my guess was correct. Please lower your wand Harry, I did not break any confidence, I just made and educated guess.”

Harry can feel the truth behind the old man’s words so he lowers his wand. “What made you think of Cho sir?”

“I know you fairly well. You would not say you owed somebody you didn’t know a fair hearing whom you did not personally know. From there I considered the women you knew personally. Of them, Ms. Chang is the only one who has lost somebody in the current war. I took that and asked for clarification from you which you provided.”

Harry continues to glare at Albus for another minute, “Do you intend to interfere?”

“No I do not. I know you well enough that you would not use the spell further without the woman’s consent. I am familiar enough with Ms. Chang personally to know she could easily have requested the spell be placed on her and be fully cognizant of the repercussions. Have you made up your mind as yet?”

“No I haven’t. On one hand, I don’t wish to enslave anyone else. However, she will be happy if I use the spell on her.”

Albus smiles, “Welcome to the wonderful world of being a leader Harry. Think of this as your first deliberate command decision. We are both aware of Ms. Granger’s probable response to this piece of news. As such, you must weigh the potential strife caused by her induction against the potential gains, which are?”

“An increase of my own knowledge and power and her happiness.”

“Is that all of the potential gains?”

“I believe so, though I might be missing some.”

“Indeed you are, but you are quite honorable so you can be forgiven. If you officially claim Ms. Chang as one of your thralls, then the next public demonstration could be pushed back by several weeks.”

Harry nods as he feels his choices start to solidify. “I outright refuse to make a decision before I hear what she has to say.”

Dumbledore nods, “A very wise decision. Also, the first Hogsmead weekend is in two weeks time.”

Harry stands up, “Thank you Albus.”

“Harry, one more thing, you might want to discuss this with Ms. Chang before next weekend.”

Harry nods and leaves. He makes back to his new set of rooms without remembering the trip. “Cissa change of plans. I will talk to her Saturday. I have some plans to lay.”

Narcissa waves to the others to stay put and follows her master. She seals the door to the study where Harry is. “Is there a problem master?”

“Not in so many words, but the situation concerning Cho just became markedly more complicated.”

“You are still unsure of her induction?”

“Yes, but I can’t seem to focus.”

Cissa smiles gently, “It is not surprising master. Your body is used to an almost daily orgy and for the past two days all you have had is my niece’s introduction to tit fucking last night. Now you have this mess dumped on you. You need to relax master. How may I serve you?”

Harry collapses into the chair, “Up to you Cissa.”

Cissa goes over and kneels before her master. She reaches up and undoes Harry’s trousers freeing his tool. She takes his dick in hand and starts to gently pump up and down on his staff.

Harry’s more or less out of it as his thrall masturbates him.

Cissa’s worry mounts as she feels Harry’s cock start to swell and he shows no sign of increased awareness. Finally, the cum shoots out of Harry cock and hits her in the face and Harry’s eyes start to focus a bit more.

He looks down and smiles, “Thank you Cissa, I needed that. Can I help you in any way?”

Narcissa stands up and sheds her robe.

Harry actually chuckles, “Still with the maid outfit? Even knowing that I’ll punish you if you are seen in public in that?”

Cissa blushes, “Yes master. We stay with it because you enjoy it. Master, I need to be shagged by you. Do you have a preference of positions?”

“Not at this point Cissa.”

Narcissa nods her head, still extremely concerned. She straddles her masters’ lap and slowly sinks down; enjoying the feel as he parts her peddles.

Harry groans and brings his hands up to gently toy with Cissa’s tits as her hips come to rest against his.

Cissa notices that a bit of color is seeping back into Harry’s face as she starts to rise up, until only the crown is still embedded.

Harry hears the blonde moan softly as she sinks back down.

Narcissa sets a quick pace, not quite teasing her master, but she works very hard to keep the pace from being frantic.

Harry lets go of one of Cissa’s breasts and reaches around behind her to grab her bum as he comes closer to coming.

Cissa can feel the control her master is starting to exert. She leans down and her voice seems to ooze sex as she whispers, “Just let go master.”

Harry hears those words and he stops trying to fight back the on coming tidal wave. He roars loudly as he shoots his seed into Cissa.

Narcissa can feel her masters’ bliss and is carried along with it.

Harry is light headed and dizzy for a moment when he’s finished. He smiles at the blond with disheveled hair, “Thank you Cissa. That helped.”

She stands up and draws her wand, casting several spells, “It was my pleasure master.”

Harry redoes his trousers as he stands up and Cissa dons her robe. “Cissa, speak to Cho tomorrow. I will speak to her Saturday about weather or not she will be allowed to make an audition.”

“What sort of audition master?”

“I don’t know the details yet, but I want something that will dissuade her is she is not completely determined.”

Narcissa thinks a moment, “Perhaps we can use this to help further convince Riddle that you are going Dark.”

Harry nods his head. “We will have to move carefully though. I do not look forward to telling Hermione about this.”

“Why would she be a problem master?”

“Cissa, Hermione almost went ballistic when Tonks asked to join my harem. Hermione generally has an ax to grind with Cho and with her Oath to me the two would have to spend a great deal of time together.”

“Perhaps master, but I think that I should be the one to tell her. Also, given the circumstances, I think I can easily convince her not to take serious offence. If she does have an ax to grind then she might jump at the chance, as she will be in a superior position to her rival.”

Harry looks at her strangely, “Very well Cissa, if you think you can break the news to her without her getting angry, have at it. However, if she does get mad at me, I will punish you.”

Narcissa bows her head, “Very well master, I will speak to both young ladies tomorrow.”

“Good, now let us plan out the test for Ms. Chang.”

Meanwhile, other plans are being laid elsewhere between one young man, a redheaded young lady, and a raven haired woman.

Harry wakes up in the morning to Bella bobbing her head up and down on his stiff cock. All too soon Harry grunts as he spills his seed into her waiting mouth.

Bella greedily swallows her masters’ precious gift. Finally, she pulls back and says, “Master, we have been negligent in our service to you and that is unforgivable. However, we will be much more attentive in the future.”

Harry smiles as he gets out of bed, “You are all forgiven. We have all been entirely too busy. We can discuss this later, we have thing to do regrettably. So let’s be about it.”

The group gets dressed, reluctantly, and walks to the Great Hall.

Meanwhile, in Dumbledore’s office, the headmaster is in a meeting with his deputy and DADA instructor.

“I tell you headmaster,” the greasy haired man says, “that boy is using spells that even Filius has never heard of.”

“What did he say the spell was called?”

“He said it translated to Darwin’s Grab-bag.”

“I don’t believe I have ever heard of it either. I will make it a point to ask about it. I don’t believe it is a Dark spell and I am extremely hesitant to test him again so soon lest we insult him.”

McGonagall speaks up, “I don’t think he would be insulted if you asked him politely and explained your reasons.”

Albus nods his head, “I don’t believe testing him will be necessary.” The old man chuckles, “I’m surprised that he was able to defeat you Severus.”

Snape laughs, “So am I. He may be a little ham-handed right now, but that’s merely due to his inexperience and he’s got enough power he’s yet to develop the need for finesse.”

McGonagall grins, “I hope you don’t continue to underestimate him Severus.”

“Don’t worry Mini, I won’t. Now however, I should be getting to class.”

Both of the other two nod and McGonagall stands up. The two exit the office before going their separate ways.

Harry and the 6th years arrive at DADA to find Snape waiting for them.

He nods to them and they take their seats.

Snape sneers as the class fills up, “Good morning everyone. Today we will be continuing the duels. However, this time you will be selecting your opponent.”

Draco instantly stands up and walks over to Hermione. “It’s you and me today.”

Snape winces internally as Hermione stands up serenely, “As it would appear that you have yet to learn your lesson Mr. Malfoy, I accept.”

Harry and Neville look at each other and shake hands. Harry says, “No holds-barred?”

Neville nods his head as they watch the sheep walk merrily towards the slaughter.

Draco and Hermione face off the same as they did the class before. Snape starts the match and hopes Draco learns his lesson after this.

Hermione instantly sends the same spell towards Draco’s feet that she did last time.

Draco expects the spell however and jumps into the air and straight into the next spell Hermione sends.

Hermione grins as Draco falls into her trap. Her spell suspends him for a moment before her follow-up spells connect and do their word with a bright flash.

Snape almost faints with shock as the rest of the class almost falls out of their chairs laughing so hard.

Draco’s sitting on the ground, his ankles bound together, naked except for a diaper and baby bonnet. He has a pacifier in his mouth that he can’t seem to spit out and his wand has been transfigured into a baby rattle.

Hermione almost falls over laughing as Draco’s entire body flushes with rage. She walks over too him and in a baby voice says, “Oh does baby need a new nappy?”

Snape feels his world start to spin for a moment. “Ms. Granger, you win the match. Now please undo the spells.”

With a wave of her wand, Hermione undoes her spell work, only Draco is still wearing a diaper instead of trousers.

“Ms. Granger please!”

“I tried professor, but the counter spell won’t work.”

Snape shakes his head, “Mr. Malfoy, go get changed please.”

Draco walks out of the room to the snickers of his classmates.

Snape says, “Who wishes to go next?”

Harry and Neville stand up and walk to the appropriate marks. The entire class looks on in trepidation, knowing how close the two are.

Snape starts the match and both the teens send out stunners that the other dodges.

Neville spins out of the way of the opening barrage and sends a mix of Stunners, Disarming charms and Bat Bogey hexes at Harry.

The raven haired wizard rolls out of the way of the incoming spells and launches a potent mix of spells learned from the Black library at his friend.

Neville manages to put up a shield that stops most of the spells and manages to duck under the two that break through. He then responds with a Full Body Bind and Jelly Legs Jinx.

Harry’s shield is barely enough to stop the spells as Harry sends a Confoundus Curse at Nev.

Neville’s lack of conditioning shows through at just the wrong moment and the spell connects with him, making him very dizzy and easy prey for the Disarming Charm that Harry follows up with.

Harry and Neville bow to each other and Harry returns the other boy’s wand as the class looks awestruck at Neville.

Snape clears his throat, remembering every insult he’s ever given to Neville Longbottom. “Very good Mr. Potter, Mr. Longbottom. Who would like to duel next?”

Ron stands up and walks over to Mike Corner, one of his sister’s ex-boyfriends, “Let’s duel.”

Mike shudders in terror at Ron’s grin as he stands up.

Harry and Neville sit down and Hermione leans over and whispers, “Very nice work guys, you were dueling for almost five minutes.”

The young men nod their head as the friend gets ready to dispatch justice.

Ron’s grinning as Mike’s wand hand is shaking. Ron mentally rehearses the spell words in his mind quickly and pictures the results he wants.

Snape starts the match and hope things don’t get out of hand, which they do.

Ron casts the spell without the practiced ease of Harry, but most of the competence.

Mike doesn’t even have a chance to move before it’s all over.

Ron’s grinning madly at his handiwork, glad he studied that spell with Harry.

Mike currently has the torso of a spider, the arm of a crab while the other is from a house cat, one of his legs is that of a mouse while the other comes from an elephant, and his head is that of a donkey.

Snape shakes his head wondering how easy that damn spell is. “Alright Mr. Weasley you win, now please change him back.”

Ron grins as Mike bays indignantly before being changed back.

The red headed boy is smirking as he takes his seat and Corner returns to his.

The remainder of the duels for the day follows much the same pattern as Ron and Hermione’s, students using the opportunity to settle old scores.

The rest of the day passes smoothly, with Harry only having a small migraine at the end of Arithmancy.

Narcissa delivers the message to Cho and hopes her master knows what he’s doing.

After dinner, the teens return to their common room where Ginny gives Ron a crushing hug for what he did to Mike. They are doing their homework and Bella is doing some grading when Cissa grabs Hermione for a private talk. She takes the younger witch into the study and seals the room.

“Mistress, we need to talk.”

“What about?”

“Cho Chang, mistress.”

Hermione’s eyes harden. “What about her?”

“Mistress, she has approached me about becoming a Thrall.”


“Please calm down mistress. You know that no one thinks well when they’re emotions are running rampant.”

Hermione wants to lash out, but brings her will to bear to calm her raging emotions. “I take it you have spoken to Harry already?”

“Correct mistress. He has consented to hear what she has to say.”

“Why would he do that?”

“Because I explained her reasons to him mistress.”

“What are those reasons?”

“In essence mistress, Ms. Chang is looking for someone who can save her from the demons of her past.”

Hermione nods her head and sits down, willing her logical mind to tackle the problem. “Please tell me the rest of the reasons.”

“Yes mistress,” Cissa says, sensing that most of the battle has already been won.

Finally, Cissa fishes explaining the Asian girl’s reasoning.

Hermione thinks about what she’s heard today; the logic works but her instinctive dislike of the girl clouds her judgment.

Narcissa feel the way her mistress’ thoughts are going so she decides to play her trump card. “Mistress, I should point out that if this does happen, you will end up the dominant party.”

“What do you mean Narcissa?”

“My niece has already explained about our masters feelings for you correct?”

“Yes she has.”

“Well, if Cho becomes a Thrall, that will be all that she is; another slave to our master. You however are his mistress. He loves you and in his heart has given you the right to command us. She will be bound to obey you mistress, especially if you have our master cast the other spell on you.”

“What other spell?”

“Oh, I probably should not have said anything, but since I have. There is a spell in the Sex Alicia called the Primeiro Esposa, the First Wife charm. It is a variation on the spell used to bind Thralls. It in essence puts you just below the master. You would be able to draw on the knowledge and power of the Thralls as he would and you would be able to command the Thralls as he does, only his orders would supersede yours.”

Hermione nods her head as she feels her jealousy melt away as she realizes the possibilities. “Thank you Cissa. I’m still unsure of how I feel about this, but at least I’m thinking clearly about it now.”

Narcissa smiles, “It was my pleasure mistress.”

Hermione thinks for a moment before she gathers up her courage and goes looking for Tonks. She finds the Auror looking out the window of the bedroom. Hermione quietly seals the door. “Hiya Tonks.”

“Wotcher Hermione, what’s up?”

“I have an odd request Tonks, so do you mind if I ramble a bit?”

Tonks sits down on the bed, “Take as much time as you need.”

“Thanks. I have a bit of a problem. When I was at #12, Bellatrix disobeyed Harry and he decided to punish her. He gave me the option of leaving or watching, I choose to watch. I saw her get very worked up as he spanked her. This also got me highly aroused. I was curious as to what it would feel like if I were in her place.”

Tonks nods, guessing what Hermione wants.

“So I was wondering if you would give me a spanking please.” Hermione’s face is beet red as she makes her request.

Tonks stands up and hugs Hermione, “Don’t worry girl. It’s a very common kink. I’m guessing you want to try it out with me to see if you like it before you approach Harry.”

Hermione looks down as she nods.

Tonks grins as she pulls the witch towards the bed, “I’ll help you out mistress.”

Hermione looks at Tonks hesitantly.

“The first question is do you want this directly on your bum or through your clothes?”

“I… I don’t know.”

Tonks says, “Take off your dress, but keep your knickers on.”

Hermione’s hands are shaking as she reaches behind her and undoes her dress, letting it drop to the floor.

Tonks nods internally and sits down. “Lay across my lap please.”

Hermione is shaking as the crawls across the other woman’s lap, leaving her bum high in the air.

Tonks shakes her head not sure if she should be happy about being right. She looks at Hermione’s panty covered bum for a moment, rather liking the way the pink material is stretched, before she draws her arm back and delivers the first swat to her mistress’ arse.

Hermione moans at the light smack to her bum, which has a nice glow to it. When Tonks hand descends again, Hermione gaps a bit and can feel her pussy start to moisten.

Tonks can feel the arousal of her mistress as she spanks her a fourth time.

Hermione is light headed from arousal when the fifth blow connects with her bum.

The pink haired Auror can’t believe how wet the bushy haired witch is as her hand descends for the sixth time.

Hermione’s bum has a pleasant glow to it as the seventh swat lands.

Tonks delivers the eighth light swat wondering if her mistress can handle more.

The ninth blow to land on Hermione’s arse is somewhat harder, but she still groans with pleasure.

Tonks places the tenth and final blow in the middle of Hermione’s bum.

Hermione’s head is still spinning as Tonks stands her up.

The Auror says, “How do you feel? Be honest.”

She responds, “I’m so horny I can’t think straight.”

Tonks smiles, “Lie down and I’ll take care of the mistress.”

Hermione sits down on the bed and closes her eyes at the small pain from her arse.

Tonks pulls Hermione’s knickers down and licks her lips at the heady scent. She’s barely run her tongue along her mistress’ slit before the other woman is screaming in orgasm.

When Hermione finally comes down she looks down at Tonks and says, “Thank you.”

Tonks stands up and wipes her face off, “It was my pleasure to serve mistress.”

Hermione stands up and to her surprise; Tonks drops to her knees and kisses Hermione’s feet.

Tonks stands up again and says, “How much homework do you have left?”

“Not a great deal.”

“Good, because we still have to get the DA plans put together.”

Hermione quickly gets dressed and the pair head to the study for a serious skull session.

Harry is sitting in the common room staring at nothing but the others can sense his desire for solitude. His mind is on the scene he played out with Tonks as Petunia. He thinks to himself, “I really do owe her for that. She’s interested in sodomy if that damn tattoo on her back is any indicator. If she is, then I really should see about it soon.”

Narcissa is in the study considering the three books her master’s parents had left him. She can feel that one of the books holds the key to victory for her master, but she isn’t sure which one. When her niece and mistress walk in her focus is broken, “Hello.”

“Wotcher Aunt Cissa, how do?”

“I’m fine, and yourselves?”

Tonks grins, “We’re excellent. We just came in to do some planning on the DA, but we can leave if you like.”

Cissa smiles gently at the pair, “No, I’ll lend a hand if you like.”

Hermione says, “It would be welcomed.”

“Very well then, what lessons would you like to begin with?”

“The Patronus Charm, with the Dementors around that is never a bad spell to have available.”

Both of the women nod and the planning progresses in earnest.

Later on, Neville and Ginny have retired to their own rooms and Luna has dragged Ron, rather willingly, into his, leaving Harry still sitting alone considering many a thing, including how to deal with Dumbledore.

Hermione and the other ladies go to the common room where Harry is getting ready to make a rather hard decision. They great him happily, but he merely nods his head. “Please sit down Dora.”

Tonks sits down opposite her master with no small amount of trepidation. “What’s wrong master?”

“Yesterday, I had a talk with the headmaster and accidentally got a peek into the old bastard’s mind.”

Hermione sits down quickly, terrified at both Harry’s words and the venom in his voice.

“Might I ask what you found master?”

“I found the senile old fucker told you the Prophecy.”

Tonks swallows hard, hoping her master won’t come down too hard on her, “Yes master, he told me the Prophecy about you and Riddle.”

“He told you it Nymphadora knowing full well that you would do exactly as you did.”

“What are you going to do master?”

“I don’t know as yet; however, I do need to exact some form of revenge, if only to dissuade such behaviors in the future.”

“What do you have in mind master?”

“I am not sure yet. I just want something to humble him a bit. Perhaps the twins could be of help. Still, this is a discussion for another day. There is something else I need to discuss with you my little Nymph.”

Tonks blushes and says, “What is that master?”

Harry smiles warmly, “I have a small debt I owe you. I hurt and punished you when I had you take my aunt’s form without a valid reason. As such, I want to make it up to you.”

Hermione feels her heart melt again as the thralls smile warmly at their master.

“Harry, you don’t have to do this you know. It helped to heal a wound in your psyche, which is more than enough compensation for me.”

Harry nods his head, “Perhaps, but I would still feel better if I could do something for you.”

Tonks can sense the sincerity of her master and decides to go for it, “Actually master, there is one thing you could do for me.”


Tonks smile is unsure as she says, “I have wanted to be sodomized, as myself, sense that scene.”

Harry nods his head, “When would you like to do it?”

“Would you object to tonight master?”

Harry stands up, “Not at all.”

Tonks and the others lead the way to Harry’s room.

In under a minute all the people are naked and Cissa is making for her box.

Tonks says, “How shall we do this master?”

“That is up to you Dora. This is your scene, beginning to end.”

Tonks giggle a bit at the double entendre and says, “Please sit down on the bed master.”

Harry sits down as Cissa gets her strap-on out of the box. She then goes over to her mistress, “Would you like to try this out mistress?”

“How does it work?”

“In essence it forms a seal around your vagina and allows you to feel everything as normal.”

“Will this break my hymen?”

“No it will not mistress.”

Hermione hesitantly takes the object and places it against her cunny where the base seems to melt and merge with her skin.

Narcissa says, “What is your will my mistress?”

Tonks meanwhile has her back turned to her master and is getting ready to sit on his lap. She lowers herself until she’s just above her master’s cock. Tonks takes a moment to relax her backdoor before she pushes down and takes the first inch of cock into her arse.

Hermione clamps down on her nerves and says, “Eat me please.”

Narcissa smiles and drops to her knees, “Gladly mistress.” She leans down and takes the entire length into her mouth and down her throat, earning a gasp of surprise, mixed with pleasure, from her mistress.

Bella looks between the two groups before going over to her master. As her niece takes more of their master’s staff up her behind, Bella sucks on his nuts for a moment before she starts to lick Tonks cunt.

Tonks head is spinning as the feeling of being filled pounds through her. When she feels somebody start to lap at her pussy she screams, “OH YES! MORE PLEASE MORE!”

Narcissa reaches behind her mistress and starts to play with the base of the butt-plug as she starts to hum a lively tune in rhythm with the bobbing of her head on her mistress’ staff.

Harry can feel the pleasure from him thralls as he finally bottoms out in Tonks bottom. His mind goes to his Occulmency training to keep his control as he feels Tonks start to spasm.

Tonks feels the tidal wave wash over her as she comes with a scream.

Bella laps up the juices the juices like a woman dying of thirst as her master starts to pick up the pace.

Hermione can’t control herself as she grabs two handfuls of hair and comes violently.

Cissa swallows her mistress’ load eagerly and is pleasantly surprised with the magical penis doesn’t deflate once Hermione is done coming.

Hermione lets go of Cissa’s hair and says, “I am sorry.”

Cissa grins and says, “Don’t be mistress,” before she leans down and kisses Hermione’s feet. “Do you wish for me to pleasure you again?”

The bushy haired witch looks down at her still raging erection, “Yes please.”

“What would you have me do mistress?”

Hermione blushes scarlet, “Turn around please.”

Cissa turns around and brings her hands down to steady herself while she raises her bum up as high as she can.

Hermione lowers her hips so that the fake dick is aligned with the blondes bum. She presses the head against Cissa’s arsehole and slowly presses in.

Tonks head is bouncing around violently as her master drives his staff into her. She hopes that she can walk in the morning as Harry reaches an almost frantic pace.

A small spasm of pleasure shoot through Narcissa’s body as her mistress claims what is hers by right. “Hmm… Yes mistress, more, please.”

Hermione’s limited control is shattered when she hears the quiet plea and she shoves her entire length into the woman, causing her head to spin with pleasure.

Tonks can feel her body closing in on the peak again as Bellatrix clamps her lips down on her clit.

Narcissa can feel her own orgasm approaching from the buggering she’s getting and from the feedback of her master and fellow thralls.

Harry can feel the pressure building up in his cock as he fucks Tonks bum faster and faster.

With a loud roar, an earth shattering orgasm rips through the entire group, even Bella. When it’s done, everyone except Bella has passed out, with Hermione on top of Cissa.

Bella smiles and levitates everyone onto the main bed before she lies down herself and is claimed by sleep.

In Ron’s room, shortly after he and Luna leave Harry, he’s naked from the waist down, sitting on his bed.

Luna is kneeling in front of him, jacking him off. “Thank you for what you did to Corner Ronald. He has been one of the worst of my tormentors since I started Hogwarts.”

“It wasn’t a problem Luna. I did it mostly because he hurt Ginny.”

“I know that Ronald, but still, I want to thank you.” Luna then starts to lower her head towards Ron’s crotch.

“Wait Luna!”

The surprised blonde looks up in confusion, “Is there a problem Ronald?”

“We’ve been over this before Luna. I know you want to go further, but until you turn sixteen, we can’t. We’re already on thin ice concerning statutory rape.”

“I’ve told you before Ronald, my father won’t object at all; even should I show up pregnant and not have a clue as to the father.”

“So you’ve said, however, I am not so sure. He could do something in the heat of the moment that could end up with me going to prison.”

“You are truly adamant about this Ronald?”

“If you’re asking if I’m serious, then the answer is yes. Merlin knows I want you Luna, but there are just too many things that could go wrong.”

Luna looks at Ron with no small amount of admiration, “Ronald, you continue to astound me. Most of your classmates would have accepted what I have repeatedly offered without a moment’s thought or hesitation; yet you continue to refuse because of the possible disasters that await the unwary. If this is your choice, then we can finish as normal.”

Ron nods his head as his girlfriend continues to pump his shaft with her hand.

The next day’s classes go smoothly, though both McGonagall and Flitwick go out of their way to challenge Harry and his retainers.

Finally, Friday arrives and the teens wait in the DADA classroom anxiously.

Once class starts, Snape walks to the front of the room with a top hat in hand. “Good morning. Today we will continue the duels. To make things fairer, the name of every student in this class is in here; I will draw two names out of this hat and the two students will then duel.” Snape reaches into the hat and draws out two slips of paper. “The first student is Draco Malfoy.” He opens the second piece of paper and suddenly wonders if this was such a great idea after all, “The second student is Hermione Granger.”

Draco walks up to the mark smugly as Hermione serenely takes her place. Before Snape can start the match, Draco says, “Ready to be humiliated mudblood?”

Hermione instantly sees red as Snape starts the match. She immediately sends off a Bind spell.

Draco’s so surprised at the intensity of the spell that he can’t even think to dodge, which proves a very painful mistake.

Hermione next spell Vanishes his clothing and finally, she shouts out, “HUN FILIWN BIGIADAU!”

Snape recognizes the hex and tries to shield his student; however Hermione’s rage fueled spell tears through his shied without loosing any energy.

Draco screams out in pain as it feels like over a million hot needles are piercing the skin of his entire body. There’s not a single patch of skin anywhere on Draco’s body over one-quarter of an inch square that hasn’t received several stings.

Severus looks at the enraged witch fearfully, “Ms. Granger, please calm down.”

Hermione forces herself to relax as she feels the temptation to use several of the more permanent curses she’s found as of late.

Snape relaxes as Hermione lowers her wand and walks back to her seat.

Hermione sits down as the class watches in fear.

Snape sends one of the students for Madam Pomfrey and dismisses the class.

All of the students, except for Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville, hasten out of the room as the nurse enters.

She takes one look at Draco and promptly Stuns him before she casts a levitation spell on him and leads him out of the room.

Hermione watches Draco being taken out of the room. As soon as he’s out of sight, she turns to Harry and starts to cry.

Harry wraps his arms around her and holds her while the other two shoo Snape out of the room and guard the door while their friend recovers.

Finally, Hermione pulls away, “Thank you Harry.”

“It’s not a problem Mione.”

The door opens and Ron sticks his head in, “You alright Hermione?”

Hermione wipes the last tear from her eye, “I’m fine Ron.”

“Good, cause the Headmaster wants to talk to the pair of you.”

Albus walks through the door and says, “Mr. Potter, I need to speak with you and Ms. Granger in my office immediately. You both are dismissed from classes for the remainder of the day; however, I would appreciate it if you would instruct your other retainers to resume their normal schedule.”

Harry and Hermione both stand up and walk out of the room.

“Ok guys, do what the headmaster said. However, I have a feeling I’m going to want Narcissa for this meeting.”

Albus smiles, “I anticipated that request. She is awaiting us in my office.”

Harry nods and leads the small party to the gargoyle which jumps out of the way as they approach. The teen sit down across the desk from Albus. “First let me say Ms. Granger that I am slightly disappointed; however, from Professor Snape’s version of events, your lashing out was quite justified. Regrettably, Harry, you of your retainers has broken the rules of this school. I must insist that you punish her in accordance with her offence or else I will be forced to take matters into my own hands, which in accordance with the rules that govern the school will result in Ms. Granger’s expulsion.” His eyes are twinkling, “I need not know the details of this punishment, only your solemn vow that you will punish her.”

Harry looks over to Hermione and nods his head sadly, “Very well sir.”

“Thank you Harry. Now on to the other matter which I needed to discuss with you. Ms. Granger did *technically* violate the law. The use of a Regulated Spell must always be justified before the eyes of the law, much like the use of lethal force in the muggle world. This will only become an issue if Mr. Malfoy chooses to make one of it. However, it will be several weeks before he can make his claim. He is to be transfer to St. Mungo’s within the hour for treatment; your spell was surprisingly powerful Ms. Granger.”

The two nod in understanding.

“Do you have any other questions?”

Harry looks at Hermione who shakes her head slightly, “Not at this point sir.”

“Very good Harry; I would suggest you punish your retainer quickly before word of this incident can reach the wrong ears.”

Harry nods his head confused, but leads the other two ladies to their room.

Once the door is closed Narcissa start to laugh wildly.

The teens look at each other confused and Harry says, “Would you mind explaining what you find so funny Narcissa?”

Between bouts of laughter, Narcissa manages to say, “I’m sorry master, but this is quite perfect. I doubt you realize it, but the headmaster gave your complete freedom in how you deal with Hermione.”

The teens exchange looks, “What do you mean complete freedom?”

Narcissa is down to merely giggling as she says, “You can punish her in any way you please master, from a simple slap on the back of the hand to several hours of torture. All that is required is that you punish her.”

Harry nods his head as he looks at Hermione and says, “You did step over the line Mione, and punishment is certainly in order. However, given your circumstances a high degree of compassion is in order.”

Cissa says, “Master, might I make a suggestion?”

Harry nods his head for her to continue, “Perhaps a spanking master. That does convey a certain degree of Discipline but it is also generally quite merciful, at least when compared to some punishments you have concocted.”

Harry nods again, “Does this sound acceptable Hermione?”

Hermione is blushing beet red and murmurs her consent.

Harry bobs his head a bit as he thinks, “Alright then, I’m going to give you a choice Mione. Your choices are five hard swats, ten medium swats, or twenty light swats on the bum.”

Hermione is studying her feet rather hard as her mind works. Finally, in a voice barely above a murmur, she announces her decision, “Ten swats.”

Harry nods his head and looks expectantly at Narcissa who nods her head in understanding.

The blonde thrall leads her master and mistress to the study, “Please sit down master.”

Harry sits down while Hermione shakily undoes her robe. The layer of cloth falls to the floor revealing a rather nice dress. Hermione moves so she is lying across Harry’s lap.

Narcissa’s grin is a strange mixture of evil anticipation and benign intent as she goes behind her mistress and pulls the young witches dress up exposing her panty covered arse.

Harry feels his body start to react as his thrall grabs Hermione’s waistband and pulls her knickers down around her knees.

Hermione’s face is almost hot enough to boil water as her naked bum is exposed to Harry’s gaze.

Harry shakes his head violently as he draws back his hand and delivers a firm blow to one of Hermione’s arsecheeks.

Hermione stifles a moan at the sting from the first blow, but she can’t completely stop the yelp as the second blow lands on her other cheek.

Harry delivers the third blow which also results in a yelp from his friend while trying to keep the more lurid thoughts from dominating his mind.

Hermione forces her legs and hips to be still as the fourth blow stings her bum. As the sixth blow lands, she starts to wonder if this is a good idea and hopes that there won’t be a wet spot on Harry’s robe.

Harry lands the seventh swat to the bushy haired witch’s bum and is startled that her yelp sounds unpleasantly close to the ones from Bella when he punishes her. The eighth blow confirms Harry’s suspicions; he’s positive that the shout is a mix of both pain and pleasure.

Hermione can feel Harry’s cock twitch under her as he lands the eighth blow on her arse which makes her fairly light headed with arousal. The ninth blow leaves her head spinning and she hopes her humiliation isn’t compounded by coming on Harry’s lap from a spanking.

Harry decides to land the tenth blow across the crack of Hermione’s arse and gets the surprise of a lifetime.

Hermione bites her lips to keep from screaming out as Harry accidentally lands one blow directly on the butt-plug.

The young wizard can’t believe his eyes as he watches his best friend shudder in orgasm from being spanked!

Hermione finally comes down from the earth shattering climax and goes to crawl off Harry’s lap.

As Harry watches the young witch move off of him, he sees her arsecheeks spread just enough and he almost passes out. When Hermione is on her feet, he says, “Her… Her… Hermione, are you wearing a… a… a butt-plug?”

Hermione blushes crimson and replies in a meek voice, “Yes I am.”

The entire situation is too much and Harry’s world spins moments before darkness claims him.

Narcissa manages to catch her master before he can tumble out of the chair. She looks at her mistress in admiration, “I’m surprised you had it in you honey. I suspect that we will need to have a very interesting talk in the near future.”

The two witches manage to get Harry into his bed without waking him.

Narcissa leaves to deliver the message to Cho while Hermione sits next to the bed and wonders how in Merlin’s name she is going to face her best friend when he wakes up.

Her mind is jumbled heap as different thoughts race through her mind. “What’s wrong with me? I’m not a slut. Only a slut would climax from being punished though. Then there’s that butt-plug! Why oh why in Merlin’s name did I every want that damn thing in me!” Hermione’s mind races, trying desperately to appease her self-image with what she’s found out about herself as of late. “Am I really a slut? No, I don’t want to shag everything with a penis, just Harry. But why am I turned on so much by things only a slut would like? But what about Tonks? She’s not a slut, a flirt yes, but not a slut. She seemed to like being sodomized by Harry. Bellatrix is a twisted bitch perhaps, but she’s not a slut either and I know she was turned on when Harry spanked her. Then there’s what Tonks said, is enjoying a spanking really that common? Could it actually be normal for a person to be turned on by chastisement?” Her musings are cut short as she sees Harry start to stir. Hermione eyes the door carefully, considering bolting, but she stays, knowing that this is a conversation that needs to be had.

Harry wakes up from the strangest dream, Hermione had hexed Draco a good one, but then Harry had been forced to spank her, causing her to climax. Then he saw that she was wearing a butt-plug. He slowly sits up and looks around. He sees Hermione and pales. “That wasn’t a dream was it?”

Hermione shakes her head sadly.

“Do you want to talk about it now or wait for later?”

Hermione looks away from Harry. She stands up and walks to the window where she stands and stares for a moment. “I *want* it to wait, but I think we *need* to have it now.”

Harry moves so his feet are hanging off the edge of the bed. “Alright, then where do we start?”

Hermione still has her back to Harry as she says, “Are you disgusted with me?”

Harry gives his girlfriend an odd look, “Why would I be disgusted?”

“Because I’ve been acting like a slut lately.”

Now Harry’s truly confused and his voice reflects that, “You’ve lost me. How have you acted like a slut?”

Hermione turns around ready to rip into Harry for mocking her, but when she sees the honest confusion in his face, her anger suddenly evaporates. “You honestly don’t think that I’m a slut? You watched me climax from being spanked for Merlin’s sake! How can I not be a slut?”

Harry slowly stands up and walks over to Hermione. He wraps his arms around her in a hug, “The more important question is, how could you be?”

Hermione leans her head against Harry’s shoulder and asks in a very quiet voice, “What do you mean?”

“Hermione, we are both teenagers. This is the time when we learn most of the more disturbing things about ourselves. It’s also when our urge to experiment is at its peak. This might just be a phase you’re going through; something you will out grow or it might be part of who you are. A part of yourself might be yearning to let go of control.”

Hermione thinks about Harry’s words, “Could he be right? Could this just be the result of wanting someone else to be in charge?” She looks at him, “When did you get so wise?”

Harry gives her a half-grin. “Beat me; I think I have tapped into Cissa for a moment there.” Both of them laugh quietly as they separate.

Hermione looks at Harry with something very akin to love in her eyes, “Thank you Harry. I think I’m going to be working through this for a time to come, but now I have a counter argument.”

“Talk to Narcissa about doing some research for you. There’s a historical precedent for almost anything.”

Hermione shakes her head knowing that he’s right.

“Well, we’ve got a full day free Hermione. Any thought on how to spend it?”

Hermione smiles, “How about making preparations for the first DA meeting.”

Harry curses himself for an idiot, “I had completely forgotten.”

The witch shakes her head, “I know. Narcissa and I started working on them last night. What we’re lacking right now is a day to start.”

Harry nods his head as he runs possible dates through his mind, “Tomorrow or the day after might be best honestly. Next weekend is the first Hogsmead weekend and I may have some rather pointed plans then.”

“Involving Cho?”

“Probably, if things go as she wants them to during her audience at least.”

Hermione nods still somewhat unsure. “Harry, I have a favor to ask of you.”

“You can ask anything of me Hermione, my lady.”

Hermione blushes at Harry’s high comment, “I need to talk to mum and dad about the way things have been going.”

Harry nods his head, “I’ll speak to Albus immediately. If he’s agreeable, then what would you think of leaving for #12 tomorrow after my talk with Cho and coming back Sunday night?”

Hermione’s smile is almost enough to light up the room on its own. “Thank you Harry. Is there any way I can thank you?”

Harry grabs her in a hug again, “Consider this a part of my payment for all the stuff I’ve put you through over the years.”

Hermione pulls back and glares angrily at Harry, “Harry James Potter repeat after me please.”

Harry recoils a bit and says, “Alright.”

“I am not responsible for the actions of other.”

“Uh, I am not responsible for the actions of others.”

“I will not blame myself for the actions others take.”

“I will not blame myself for the actions others take.”

“I have not forced anyone to act against their will.”

“I have not forced anyone to act against their will.”

“I have not forced my friends to follow me; they have done so out of their own free will.”

“I have not forced my friends to follow me; they have done so out of their own free will.”

“Good, now kiss me.”

“Good, now,” Harry shuts up and grabs Hermione. He gently presses his lips to hers, a silent promise for the future.

When the pair parts, they hear a sniffle by the door. They turn with wands already in hand to find Narcissa wiping tears from her eyes. The teens exchange looks as the blond witch crosses the room and grabs both teens in a bone crushing hug. She kisses each of their foreheads before releasing them. “I’m so pleased that you two are finally coming together.”

Harry gives his thrall a dirty look and quickly dismisses the idea of spanking her for ruining the moment. “I need to talk to Albus immediately Narcissa.”

The witch in question nods her head and the pair quickly leave the suits, where Hermione sits down and plans out what she wants to discuss with her parents.

The pair arrives at Dumbledore’s office and finds the headmaster reading a report as they enter. “Ah Harry, have matters been dealt with?”

Harry sits down uninvited, “If you mean have I punished Hermione, then the answer is yes. However, I need a small favor.”


“I was wondering if it would be possible for Hermione and myself to visit with the Granger’s this weekend.”

Albus nods his head, “When would you like to leave?”

“I have the talk with Cho scheduled for tomorrow, so right after that.”

Dumbledore nods once more, “If you could settle the matter this evening; then you could Floo there immediately.”

Harry nods his head, “Cissa…”

“Meet Ms. Chang immediately after class and bring her to your room, yes master.”

Both Albus and Harry grin, “Thank you Cissa. What would I do without you?”

Narcissa smiles gently, “Let us hope we never need find out.”

Harry nods in agreement, “Albus, would you please contact Remus and see if the Grangers are interested in this arrangement?”

“I’ll notify you if things don’t go as planned.”

“Thank you,” Harry says as he stands up.

Albus nods as he sketches out a quick note and hands it to Fawkes.

Harry and Narcissa return to his suite. Tonks comes in swearing up a storm, threatening to hex the hands off the next male besides Harry who grabs her bum. When Narcissa reaches over and give her arse a quick squeeze Tonks almost hexes her right there. Harry reaches over and gives Tonks bum a quick smack which seems to calm her down.

Near the end of the day, Harry sends Tonks to pick up Bella and Cissa to fetch Cho.

Bella and Tonks return first, though Tonks Disillusions herself and the group waits in the study until Narcissa leads a blindfolded Cho Change into the room.

Cho looks around the room and sees Hermione looking at her thoughtfully; Bellatrix LeStrange giving her a slightly heated look; Narcissa Malfoy looking at her coolly; finally she looks at her hopeful future master, who is glaring at her outright.

Harry’s voice is harsh as he says, “Chang, I agreed to this against my better judgment. You approached my thrall about joining my little group. Your actions last year have biased me against you. However, I will listen to your arguments before I make a final decision.”

The Asian Ravenclaw swallows hard, knowing that this is going to be unpleasant. “Alright, my first argument is that I am a Ravenclaw. My knowledge of spells and other assorted topics is almost unparalleled.”

“I have two Ravenclaw’s already. Hermione and Narcissa, both of whom were offered a shot at that House; I hope you have another argument.”

Cho chooses her next words carefully, “Then perhaps the fact that I’m a powerful witch in my own right. You gain a small amount of power from each thrall you have.”

“I already have powerful thralls. Your addition would not be a great asset.”

Even Hermione cringes at Harry harsh tone and cruel words.

Cho has tears in her eyes, as she says, “DAMN IT ALL! I WANT TO BE YOUR SLAVE, ISN’T THAT ENOUGH?”

Harry’s taken back by Cho’s pleading tone. He looks at his thralls questioningly. Cissa nods her head slightly and Bella follows suit. Harry can feel Tonks agreement. He’s still unsure when Hermione speaks up, “Harry, may I say something?”

Harry nods his head.

“Chang’s addition to your harem would increase your chances of defeating Riddle. It would give you another source of power when fighting; another set of eyes when researching; and an extra wand when defending yourself.”

Both Cho and Harry are shocked by Hermione’s words, “You endorse this Hermione?”

“Yes I do,” the grin Hermione turns on Cho is absolutely feral, “though my reasons are not wholly pure.”

Harry nods his head in understanding, “Very well Cho, I will give you an opportunity to prove your determination. Return to your dormitory tonight. Your test will begin during the first Hogsmead weekend. Do you understand?”

Cho kneels down, “Yes master.”

Harry nods and Cissa approaches the kneeling witch and blindfolds her once more before leading her out of the room.

Tonks appears and says, “You are really going to go through with it.”

“I am. If she can make it through that test then she’s determined enough to become a thrall.”

Each of the ladies nods in understanding.

Cissa returns and says, “What do you wish to do about the others master?”

Harry thinks, “If they have their homework finished and wish to, they may accompany us.”

Narcissa nods and leaves for a moment.

“Bella, please pack sufficient supplies for three days.”

“Yes master.”

Cissa is returning as she sister departs. “Ms. Weasley wishes to join us master, the others will remain here. Though Mr. Weasley and Ms. Lovegood requested the use of my sister’s room.”

“What do you mean Cissa dear?”

Narcissa blushes, having forgotten to show this room to her master. “My apologies master, we were saving that room until one of us angered you. However, Ms. Lovegood deduced its existence and mentioned she might enjoy a little time there with Mr. Weasley.”

Harry stares hard at her. “My friends my visit as they please. However, I wish to see this room myself.”

Cissa’s throat constricts as she lead her master to one of the walls in his bedroom. She touches the wall and a doorknob appears. Narcissa opens the door and allows her master entrance.

Harry gasps as he sees the room. Every wall is cover in chain, whips and other devices of torture. He can easily identify one Rack and several sets of manacles hang from the ceiling. Harry turns around. “If they want to use that room, I’m not going to pass judgment on them.”

Narcissa and Bellatrix both sigh in relief. Narcissa says, “Shall we leave master?”

“Yeah, let’s go get Ginny and then see Albus.”

Bella grabs the bag with the supplies and they grab the youngest Weasley as they go to the headmaster’s office after making sure Luna knows her request has been granted.

Albus wishes the group a happy weekend and hopes Harry’s plans don’t get disrupted.

Harry and company tumble out of the fireplace at #12 to find Remus and the Grangers waiting for them.

Remus helps Harry to his feet. “Hiya pup, now what’s up?”

Harry grabs the werewolf in a hug that winds the man. Finally Harry lets go and turns to see Hermione in a group hug with both of her parents.

Doug says, “So what’s so critical that you setup a special meeting?”

Hermione’s face suddenly goes deathly still, “Something that we need to talk about in private. Harry, would you mind if we occupied the study for a while?”

Harry smiles gently, “Take all the time you need.”

“Thanks,” the bushy haired witch says as she leads her parents up the stairs.

Once they are safely in the study, Hermione quickly erects the needed privacy barriers.

“Mum, dad, this is going to be a very embarrassing conversation.”

The three talk for several hours and Dobby delivers food for them. When they finally emerge, Hermione’s view of her parents will never, ever, be anywhere near the same.

Doug and Emma kiss their daughter on the cheek on their way to their room.

To her dismay, Hermione sees that her dad is stroking her mum’s bum in a way that tells Hermione exactly what they have planned.

Ginny sees Hermione’s parents leave the study so she screws her courage to the sticking place and makes a date with destiny. She walks up to Hermione as nonchalant as possible, “Mione, can we talk?”

“Of course,” Hermione replies and the pair step into the study. “What would you like to talk about?”

Remus can feel his heart racing as he walks towards the library where Harry is reading, alone. He knocks on the door and sticks his head in, “Harry can we talk?”

“Sure Remus, sit down.”

The werewolf hesitantly enters the room, making sure to seal the door behind him and sits down opposite Harry.

“So what did you want to discuss Remus?”

“Your relationship with Harry,” the redhead responds.

“What do you mean my relationship with Hermione,” Harry replies.

The werewolf says, “I know you and she are getting close Harry. You two are living together, literally. That changes your relationship, no matter what your intentions.”

Hermione says, “We’re just friends for now, but we’re exploring if we can be more.”

Ginny responds, “How much of the exploring is your simply being horny and how much of it is you both trying to figure the other out?”

Harry blushes, not sure if he should be insulted or not. “I’m not pressing the matter Remus. While I’ll admit that I have not exactly been dissuading her, I have actively tried not to pressure her in anyway.”

Remus looks at Harry warmly, “I know that pup, but the fact of the matter remains. She is spending most of her time around you and I hate to point this out to you, but you and your thralls, are very sexually active. I know for a fact that you have to be sleeping with at the minimum one of those ladies on average of once a day. That’s a lot for a hormonal teenager to deal with. If she hasn’t already gotten that itch she will soon.”

Hermione blushes, “I’ll admit, we’ve tried a few thing out, but nothing serious yet. I made that request early on and Harry’s been a perfect gentleman and respected that.”

Ginny giver her friend and incredulous look, “What sort of ‘things’?”

Harry blushes as he stands up, “Um, well, she sucked me off once.”

Remus slaps his forehead, “And you don’t consider that serious?”

Hermione looks at her friend with a small amount of heat in her eyes, “That is all the further we have gone and all the further we will go until I’m ready. Harry knows that and will abide by that because he is an honorable wizard. Besides, as much as I might hate to admit it, if Harry does get a particular itch that needs scratching and I don’t feel like doing it, his thralls would be happy to.”

Remus looks at the young wizard in surprise, “Honestly, I had not thought of that. But won’t Hermione take offense?”

“Not from what I can tell. She seems to be rather happy with the situation. This way I can deal with any, shall we say, urges, that might come along with her full knowledge and her overseeing the matter. If there’s anything she truly objects to, we can deal with it as it arises.”

Ginny nods, “Doesn’t that make you feel inferior to them?”

Hermione smiles, “No it doesn’t. Yes, I have to watch my boyfriend shag someone else; but by doing so, I don’t have to until I feel comfortable with it. I know it sounds odd right now, but that’s the way it is.”

Remus nods his head, “Alright Harry. I understand,” he says as he stands up. He sticks out his hand and says, “Don’t hurt her Harry.”

Ginny hugs Hermione and says, “Please don’t break his heart.”

“I won’t.”

Harry and Hermione think long and hard about the events of the day and the discussions.

The next two days pass quietly, though Harry does notice that Emma is standing a great deal more than she normally would.

The group returns to Hogwarts via Floo Sunday evening and they make their way to back to their suite.

Ron and Neville are putting the final touches on their assignments while Luna has her eyes closed as she rubs her back against the hard back of a chair.

Harry calls out a greeting, the boys shout out in greeting while Luna merely gives a nod in their direction.

Deciding he really doesn’t want to know, Harry makes his way to his bedroom where he barely has time to throw on some sleeping clothes before he collapses.

In the morning Harry is roused by Cissa’s talented tongue. After Harry gives her a small breakfast, he gets up and showers.

As the teens walk down to breakfast, Harry notices that Ron has his arm rather possessively around Luna’s waist and the blonde has her hand firmly attached to his bum. At the table Harry says, “What changed with you two? Last I knew Ron was only holding your hand Luna.”

Luna smiles as Ron chuckles, “Mr. Lovegood came by for a little visit at her request. He and I had a little talk, where he assured me that so long as Luna was willing, he would not hold any actions against me. He even brought a paper, which has already been filed with Dumbledore, to that effect.”

Harry looks at Luna who nods in confirmation. “Good then mate. I hope you don’t mess this up.”

Ron looks at Luna with very gentle eyes, “I won’t mate. We have an understanding. I have a lot of growing up to do still, but Luna’s willing to help me.”

Hermione blushes at the unintended rebuke, but says nothing.

The remainder of breakfast passes normally and the teens break up for the day.

Harry and crew enter the DADA classroom to find Snape waiting for them. “Ms. Granger, let me first say that I harbor no malice towards you. You were provoked beyond reason and responded with due force. However, I do have one request?”

“Yes Professor?”

“In the future, please warn me if you are feeling irritable. As previously stated, we will be practicing magical combat primarily and I wish to avoid any future incident such as the one with Mr. Malfoy.”

Hermione is blushing as she says, “Yes sir.”

“Thank you Ms. Granger.”

The teens take their normal seats.

Once class has started, Snape says, “As our last class was ended prematurely, we will be continuing on the same vein.” Snape reaches into the hat and draw out two names, the first reads, “Harry Potter.” Not a single breath is drawn as everyone waits for the second name to be read, “Marietta Edgecombe.”

The witch in question winces as she and her opponent take their marks on the dueling mat.

Snape starts the match fearful of Potter’s revenge.

Marietta sends a weak stunner that Harry doesn’t even bother to dodge. He responds with a curse nobody present had heard before.

Marietta is hit in the chest by her opponent’s spell. Nothing happens for a moment, and then she feels them. Spiders. She looks around and the walls are covered with them! No body else seems to see them though as she cast spell after spell, trying to be rid of the horrifying things. When she feels one wiggle into her knickers, she passes out with terror.

Harry and the rest of the class look on as Marietta casts spells harmlessly against the walls. Finally she collapses with a shriek of pure terror.

Snape looks at the young wizard with the lightning bolt scar with renewed respect, “Dare I ask Mr. Potter?”

He says, “Terror Curse, not regulated, but still, nasty.”

“I would ask that you *not* teach that spell to others.”

“I won’t teach it to the DA if that’s what you mean.”

“I do, thank you. Now, are there any effects that we need worry about?”

Harry shrugs his shoulders, “She might come up hexing; but so long as someone can convince her that whatever she feared is gone there won’t be a problem.”

Harry returns to his seat and Snape reluctantly wakes Marietta up. She walks back to her seat unsteadily and the remaining duels begin in earnest.

The week progresses smoothly, with Narcissa doing a great deal of work to ensure that things run smoothly come Saturday.

At breakfast Saturday, the headmaster announces that the students, third year and above, will be allowed to visit Hogsmead until Sunday evening.

Cho looks over to Harry expectantly, but he seems to ignore her completely. Just as she’s about to give up hope, the morning mail arrives and a small owl drops a letter in front of her. “One hour at the door of the library.”

Cho’s legs are shaking as she stands and makes for her common room. She consults her wardrobe carefully before settling on a pair of jeans and a jumper under her robe. She watches the clock like a hawk, but leaves with fifteen minutes to spare.

Harry and Cissa are waiting for Cho when she appears. He nods at her coldly, “Follow me.”

Harry leads the two to the Three Broomsticks where his other thralls are waiting for him. He leads Cho directly to a back room where Madam Rosemerta is waiting for them.

“Is this the bird Lord Potter?”

“This is her.”

The older woman regard Cho closely, “You are over sixteen right hun?”

Cho’s voice is shaking, “Yes ma’am.”

Rosemerta looks at Harry, “Is she doing this willingly?”

Cho looks at her, “Yes I am.”

The other woman nods her head, “Then you may proceed at your leisure my lord,” she then walks out of the room.

Harry says, “Lose the robe.”

Cho quickly undoes her robe and allows it to fall to the ground.

Harry’s voice is still hard as he says, “Remove the jumper.”

Cho is shaking as she pulls the jumper over her head and drapes it over the back of a chair.

Harry finally says, “Now the bra.”

Cho swallows the instinctive objections, knowing that would destroy her chances. She can barely steady her hands enough to undo her bra, exposing her firm breasts to the cool air, and lays it with her jumper.

When Cho is topless, Harry says, “There are three parts to your test and this is the first. You are to serve drinks as you are until I stand up and return to this room. You will not respond if someone gropes you or makes a pass at you. Understood?”

Cho’s voice is shaking like a leaf, “Yes master.”

“Good,” comes the cold response as he leaves the room.

Cho takes a deep breath to steady her nerves and walk out to the floor.

Harry walks over to a table that had been set up for him. The shadows have been deepened to help conceal the happenings there and the localized Notice Me Not charm helps to guarantee nobody will piece this hiding place.

Cho hesitantly walks to behind the bar and Rosemerta gives her quick instructions.

Cho hesitantly goes over to her first table blushing madly and asks for their drink orders.

Harry watches as the bitch that hurt him so badly the previous year takes her medicine.

Tonks is with Harry in the darkened booth. She leans over and whispers a request to her master.

Harry gives her a surprised look but nods his head.

Tonks slides under the table as Cho returns to the bar for the boys’ drinks after turning down several crude suggestions for what she could drink.

Tonks undoes her master’s trousers and frees his cock. She hungrily takes the entire thing into her mouth in one plunge.

Cho is beginning to wonder if it is possible to die of humiliation as one of the boys slaps her on the bum after she delivers their drinks.

Rosemerta almost steps in, but reminds herself that the witch must have entered into this willingly.

Tonks is bobbing her head on Harry’s staff as her tongue works its magic.

Harry can feel the pressure building up in his dick as he watches Cho walk to the next table. When one of the guys grabs her bum, he looses it and shoots his seed into Tonks mouth.

Cho can’t believe she’s doing this. However, every time the urge to quit pops up, she remembers seeing Cedric’s dead body for the first time.

Tonks swallows her master’s semen with gusto. When she’s done, she climbs back up onto the seat next to him, “Thank you master.”

“It was my pleasure Tonks.”

About an hour later Harry stands up. He watches the hope build up in Cho’s eyes with a sadistic glee as he passes the door and makes for the loo.

Cho had started serving drinks at just after ten and Harry doesn’t return to the back room until the lunch rush has finished.

Rosemerta meets Harry in the back room with Cho only steps behind her, “Lord Potter, you have my thanks. My business more than quadrupled today. However, I must ask that you not make a habit of this.”

Harry laughs, “Don’t worry, I won’t; this was a one time affair unless you ask for a repeat.”

“Thank you Lord Potter, I shall leave you to your business then.”

Rosemerta leaves and Harry’s demeanor goes cold, “You did well Chang. This was to test your obedience and determination. You passed this test.” He points to a white box on the table in the room. “Strip down and put on what you find in there.”

Cho picks up the box and asks, “Where shall I change master?”

Harry response is ice cold, “Right here.”

Cho knows her instinctive fear is unjustified as she slowly removes her shoes and sets them next to the table. Cho can’t believe that she’s still capable of blushing after the last three hours as she removes her trousers.

As she reaches for the box, Harry says, “The socks and knickers too.”

The witch quickly removes her knickers, hoping to get this settled.

Harry can feel his rod stiffen as he sees Cho’s shaven pussy and firm, lush arse.

Cho opens the box and almost passes out from humiliation on the spot.

In the box are three items. She’s familiar with all three items, but never expected to wear two. She withdraws the butt-plug and places one foot on the chair so she can slide it into her own arse. As she reaches for the box again Harry stops her.

He tells her to bend over and he taps the plug with his wand, causing it to start vibrating. He then orders her to continue.

Cho’s mind is barely able to focus as she reaches into the box again and withdraws a dog collar. Her hands are shaking violently, but she manages to get the collar locked around her own throat with some room left to breathe. She turns to Harry for approval he shakes his head in disapproval. Cho’s humiliation is compounded as she reaches up and tightens the collar until she can barely breathe properly; this time Harry nods in approval. When Cho reaches into the box for the final time, she brings out a dog leash. She hooks the leash to her collar and hands the lead to Harry.

“Very good, now on your hands and knees, we’re going for a walk.”

Cho’s heart almost stops at that proclamation. However, before she can object, she forces herself to her knees and once more reminds herself that if she screws up, then all the humiliation so far has been for nothing and she would be unable to help avenge Cedric.

Harry leads the way out the back door and Tonks collects Cho’s things.

Cho’s pussy is absolutely flowing from the vibrating plug in her bum, but she’s also completely terrified at the prospect of being seen.

Harry leads Cho right up the main path to the castle and to her complete amazement and relief they do not encounter anybody as Harry leads her to the castle door.

Cho’s hand and knees are scuffed, but she can sense that asking permission to stand up would destroy her chances, so she continues to crawl as the hard stone attacks her skin. After much too long of a time for Cho, they are outside the doors of the library where Hermione is waiting. Harry pushes the doors open and leads Cho straight to the Restricted Section.

Harry undoes the physical blockade and leads the pair to the back of the area. His voice is hard as he says, “You are doing well. Now stand up and bend over the table.”

Her body is aching as Cho drags herself to her feet and drapes herself over the table.

Harry pulls the butt-plug out and sets it to the side. He lowers his trousers and says, “Now you will receive part of your reward. I’m going to shag this tight bum of yours while you eat Hermione out.”

Hermione undoes her robe to reveal the same dress as when Harry spanked her. She moves a chair to in front of Cho and bunches up her skirt around her waist, showing that she’s not wearing any panties.

Harry frees his cock as Hermione plants an ankle on either side of Cho’s head.

Hermione moans as Cho’s tongue begins its first circuit of her pussy.

Harry aims his rod and shoves all the way in with one powerful stroke.

Cho screams into Hermione’s cunt at the welcomed pain from her arse. She soon sends her tongue back to work however, fearing Harry’s reprisal.

Harry is surprised at just how tight Cho’s bum is. He pulls almost all the way out, until only the tip is still in her, only to slam back in.

Hermione’s head is spinning for the slit licking that Chang is giving her. When the Asian witch sucks on her clit, it’s too much for Hermione who shudders through her climax.

Cho can feel that she’s right on the edge as she licks up Hermione’s juices. When Harry unexpectedly slaps her arse she screams as she comes.

Harry’s glad that Hermione is effectively gagging Cho as she climaxes. The joy he feels from humiliating her helps to carry him over the edge and he shoots his seed into her rear.

When Harry comes down from his high, he straightens up and reinserts Cho’s plug.

Hermione reluctantly stands up and straightens her skirt out before she puts her robe back on.

Harry’s voice is frighteningly calm as he says, “Back on your hands and knees.”

Cho’s head is still spinning from her climax as she climbs off the table.

Harry takes the leash and leads the way out of the library and to the portrait of Rowena Ravenclaw, “Shag Riddle.”

Rowena looks at the crawling girl with interest as she open’s the door.

Cho follows Harry into what appears to be a common room. Ron and Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, both of the Black sisters are there along with the Auror and Loony Lovegood.

Harry says, “You have done surprisingly well so far Chang. This is the final part of the test. You must service every person in this room until they are satisfied. Now we all know how much you love to get a dick in your arse, so before you can take a guy that way you must first eat out his girlfriend at least once.”

The look of terror and degradation that crosses Cho’s face warms Harry’s heart.

Harry goes over to Cissa and kisses her on the cheek. He whispers, “Thanks for keeping people away.”

Narcissa nods quietly to her master as she approaches the kneeling bitch.

Harry sits down; glad he talked things out with his friends before he set this whole thing up. Each of the couples had talked at length before they accepted Harry’s offer.

Cho will have a lot of cock to suck and pussy to lick before this night is out. As well as much cock to take in her bum.

The Asian witch is almost regretting her decision by the time everyone is through; each of the guys, except Harry, had taken her bum several times and all of the ladies had as well, with the aid of someone’s magical strap-on.

Finally, once everybody else is exhausted, Harry stands up and walks over to the well shagged witch.

Cho’s head is on the floor and her cheek is being ground into the bricks as she watches Harry approach.

He smiles at her and says, “Congratulation Cho. You’ve done better than I would ever have expected. Your audition is at its end and you have passed with flying colors.”

Cho tries to raise herself up, but her arms are too weak from supporting her weight during the preceding hours.

“For now though, you are on probation. This will most likely last only two weeks at most. Tomorrow, you will go to Professor Flitwick and request to formally be moved in with my retainers. Do you understand?”

Cho’s so weak she can barely form the words, “Yes master.”

Harry leans down and cups her cheek, “Sleep little one and in the morning you will awake changed.”

Cho doesn’t even fight the darkness anymore as she falls into a deep sleep.

In the morning Cho awakens on a warm bed. As she tries to move, her arse violently reminds her of the events of last night. She looks over and sees Harry sleeping calmly. A part of her wants to hate him for what he did to her, but she reminds herself that she approached him and had the right to stop at any time.

Cho scoots to the side of the bed, trying to keep the semen in her bum from leaking out when she feels something plastic being pressed against her asshole; she looks over her shoulder and Cissa is behind her with a butt-plug. Cho nods her thanks as the plug slides into place.

Narcissa watches as the young witch scurries out of the room. She turns her attention to her master. The changes in him since she became his thrall have been astounding; at the beginning, he would never have even contemplated something like this, now he set it up when the situation presented itself. His basic goodness is still there, but now hardened by the cruel realities of the world. Her mind wanders briefly to what position Cho will be assigned in the harem.

Cho returns from the loo just in time to see Harry shoot off in Auror Tonks mouth.

Tonks swallows her master’s entire gift before she turns to the surprised witch, “In case you haven’t guessed by now, I am another of Harry’s thralls. The reasons for not revealing this should be glaringly obvious.”

Cho’s mind clicks into gear before her mouth can and she runs through the possible scenarios, few of them end well for either Tonks or Harry. “I understand master.”

Harry nods his head, “Good, now you have tasks to complete. Tonks left your clothes in the common room.”

Cho nods and says, “Am I to leave the butt-plug in master?”

Harry smiles at her, rather enjoying the way the word ‘master’ rolls off of her tongue, “I leave it up to you.”

Cho nods her head and head for the common room, rather liking the feeling of being filled both ways. Her mind goes back to the previous night and she goes over the numbers which surprise her greatly. By her reckoning, she must have taken over two dozens loads in her bum. Cho blushes as she approaches the Charms classroom. She finds Professor Flitwick grading papers, “Good morning sir.”

The wizened teacher looks up as one of his favored students walks in, “Good morning Ms. Chang.” He looks around his desk for a moment before he finds what he’s looking for. “I believe this is what you want,” he says with a gentle smile.

He hands her a piece of parchment and she blushes as she reads it.

Before Cho can say anything, Filius says, “I heard about the incident yesterday and had a talk with the Headmaster. Though I am none too thrilled at losing one of the finest pupils in my House, I would never seek to deny you happiness. All I ask is that you always remain true to the Ravenclaw way. Logic can always triumph if given sufficient time.”

Cho looks at the paper, which is the formal request for House transfer, noting that it is completely filled out, before she steps out of line and grabs her ex-head of House in a hug.

Filius returns the hug for a moment before he pulls back, “Now look here missy I don’t want to see you slacking off.”

Cho smiles, “I won’t.”

“Good, then just sign that paper and your belongings will be transferred.”

Cho quickly signs the piece of parchment and hands it to Flitwick.

The Charms instructor takes the form with no small amount of regret.

The now former Ravenclaw leaves the classroom to find Auror Tonks waiting for her, “Yes ma’am?”

“Come with me please.”

Cho nods and follows her back to the painting of Rowena Ravenclaw.

Tonks leads the girl to the study where Harry is waiting for them, “You asked me to bring her to you master.”

“Thank you Dora.”

Tonks nods her head as she leaves the room.

“Chang, you broke on of my only rules today by accident. You were unaware of its existence, as such you will not be punished, however; if you screw up again in the future, I will be markedly harsher. Do you understand?”

“Yes, but what rule did I break?”

“Whenever you leave this suite, you take someone with you, no matter what. I have too many enemies that would like to get the inside story on what happens in here and you have already seen enough to give them entirely too much information.”

Cho’s mind quickly digests that and nods her head, “That makes sense. I really should have thought of that myself. I do deserve to be punished.”

“Probably, but I won’t. If you really wish to be punished, go see Hermione. With the past you two have, she might be willing.”

Cho nods her head, “Will there be anything else master?”

“Not at the moment. However, is your homework finished?”

Cho almost is offended, but says, “It is master.”

“Good, then I’m sure one of the others could find use of your services. Ron is always in need of help figuring out the fine details of the work. I’m sure that the others will benefit as well. Welcome to the service of House Potter Cho Chang.”

Cho recognizes the ancient words, “It is my pleasure to serve Lord Potter.”

Harry nods as Cho leaves the room, shaken that she had just sworn loyalty to such an ancient house.

Harry turns his attention back to the book he was studying and tries to put Chang out of his mind.

Tonks watches as Cho walks out of the study in a daze and into the bedroom, alone. She follows the girl silently and sees her staring out the window with silent tears on her face.

Cho hears the door open behind her and tries to get her tears under control when Auror Tonks appears at her side.

Tonks looks out the window, “It’s not your fault you know.”

Cho looks at the pink haired woman, “What are you talking about?”

“Your lover. You feel guilty for wanting to get on with life when he’s dead.”

Cho blanches and tries to deny it, but in her heart, she can sense the truth in Tonks words.

“I’ve been there myself. I wanted to die when my partner was killed. We were doing a simple raid on a suspected Dark Wizard. According to our information, he was just getting started and hadn’t had time to get any real surprises in place. Our information was wrong. Christopher was killed almost instantly when we managed to breach the defenses and get face to face with that bastard. That was the first time in my life I ever killed a fellow human being. I used a Flame Blade Hex and it was all over before he knew what had happened.”

Cho looks at the other woman with newfound respect.

“After that though, I wanted to die. I had failed my partner by letting him get killed and then I’d failed in my duty as an enforcer of the law in killing the suspect rather than trying to apprehend him. I almost resigned my commission that day. I would have if not for Moody. I had my resignation in hand when he sat me down. He explained to me that Christopher had known the risks going in. He knew that he could be killed at any time and even if he wasn’t, he and those that he loved would be targeted by the Dark wizards and witches he took down. Moody explained that Christopher had known all this and yet he had a girlfriend and had lived his life as fully as he could. Alistair told me that the best tribute I could ever give my dead partner would be to live my life well and fully. I’m doing that with my master now. I made the choice to join his harem knowing what it would cost me. Can you honestly say the same?”

“But, after everything I’ve done, what would Harry think if I backed out now?”

Tonks smiles at the girl, “Harry will do whatever you ask of him. You paid the fee that he asked you and he’s an honorable wizard. If you ask for more time to make up your mind, he’ll grant it willingly. He decided on the probation period primarily to give you time to get used to this entire deal. If you ask, Harry will grant you normal Retainer status; which all of the other students enjoy. However, if once the probation period is up, you still ask for the spell, he will cast it.”

Cho goes back to staring out the window and nods her head.

“My master asked only one thing of me before he cast that spell. He asked that I be completely sure because there is no going back.”

Tonks leaves the Asian witch to her thoughts and goes to see her master.

Harry marks his place as Tonks walks in, “Yes Dora?”

Tonks walks across the room and sits on Harry’s lap before she tries to kiss the life out of him.

When Tonks finally surfaces for air, Harry says, “What’s got you so wound up Nymph?”

Tonks can feel her pussy dripping as she says, “I just came from a heart to heart talk with Cho. I’m trying to make sure that if she does join us, it won’t be a decision that she would regret.”

Harry kisses her on the forehead, “Thanks hun.”

“Master, would you mind a little exercise?”

Tonks wiggles her bum invitingly as she poises the question.

Harry grins as he reaches into as he says, “Sure my little Nymph.”

The woman moans as her master gently cups her breast through the fabric of her shirt.

An hour or so later, Tonks walks out of the study, slightly flushed and her hair just slightly disheveled.

The Black sister smile knowingly at their niece as she sits down to watch Cho about to be decimated in a Chess game against Ron.

As it nears bed time, Cho hesitantly walks into the study where Harry remains, “Excuse me,” she says quietly.”

Harry looks at her without a discernable expression. His voice is deliberately neutral as he says, “Yes?”

“I have a request.”

Harry can feel himself smile reassuringly, “How can I help?”

Cho’s heart skips a beat as she sees Harry’s smile, one so loving, so compassionate, so unlike the bastard who had made her publicly humiliate herself. “I was wondering if you would mind me not sleeping with you tonight.”

Harry chuckles and says, “Tonks talk got through huh?”

Surprisingly, Cho doesn’t take offence at Harry’s laughter nor his question. “To a degree, at the minimum it got me thinking. I need to process this more thoroughly. I suspect I will reach the same conclusions as I now have, but for now, I do need to think on this.”

Harry grins, “Take all the time you need. You have paid in cash for one favor from me and I will grant you almost any request within my power.”

Cho nods her head, “Thank you Harry, but for now I would settle for someplace comfortable to sleep.”

“Well, there’s the couch, you can sleep in one of the ladies room, there are the cots in here or I can have a room set up for you.”

Cho smiles, “I would prefer the fourth option.”

Harry nods, “Dobby.”

The house elf in question appears, “Yes Harry Potter sir?”

“Please set up a room for Ms. Chang. She will be staying here for the foreseeable future.”

Dobby nods enthusiastically, “Yes sir. A room will be ready with her things in five minutes sir.”

“Thank you Dobby. Please return when it is done so you may escort her to her new room.”

Dobby nods enthusiastically and disappears with a crack.

“Will there be anything else?”

Cho swallows and hopes she doesn’t anger Harry, “There might be.”

Harry can sense her uneasiness, “Yes?”

She stands there for a moment before she sighs, “I’m wondering what you had planned for me during the probation period.”

Harry nods, “What I had planned was somewhat unpleasant. Hermione still has a few issues with you that I want to get resolved. I also had planned on allowing Ginny and Luna to have their boyfriends work off some steam with you.”

Cho blushes in comprehension.

“However, as of this moment, the probation is suspended. Narcissa is working on the spell needed to remove the pussyplug safely.”

“Thank you Harry.”

Before Harry can answer, Dobby appears, “Ms. Chang’s room is ready Master Harry Potter.”

Harry nods his head, “We can continue this later Cho.”

Cho nods and follows the energetic house elf from the room.

Harry shakes his head as Narcissa seems to float into the room.

“Master, I have pleasant news.”


“I believe I have found the spell needed to remove Ms. Chang’s plug. However, given the requirements, it might be best to wait for a time.”

Harry nods his head, “Tell me more.”

Narcissa sits down and explains the requirement for the spell to work.

By the time his thrall is finished, Harry is blushing scarlet, “And you’re sure this is the only way?”

“Master, the spell is put in place by masters of the craft. Even if it has been weaken drastically, the bonding spell which would allow for the conditions as stated is both complicated and powerful. This is what it will take master, I’m sorry if this upsets you.”

“Don’t be sorry Cissa, I asked for information and you provided it, that’s all. Cho’s asked that her probation be suspended indefinitely or else I would do the spell immediately.”

The blond nods her head in understanding, “What do you wish to do now?”

“For now, it’s time for bed.”

Narcissa smiles suggestively, “Very well master, would you like something to help you sleep?”

In spite of Tonks workout from earlier, Harry can feel his body start to react. “You are insatiable Cissa.”

“No master, I merely haven’t had my fix today.”

Harry looks at her strangely and she explains, “Master, we thralls must have intercourse with you in some form routinely. I’m hoping for a little bit extra tonight.”

Harry nods, “What did you have in mind?”

“Follow me master.”

Harry follows his thrall to his bedroom where the other ladies are already waiting for them. The wizard can barely believe his eyes, Hermione is leaning back against the wall while Bella is on her knees licking Hermione out and Tonks is shagging her from behind.

Narcissa quickly divests herself of her robe and pulls her skirt up. She drops to her hands and knees and says, “This is my request master. My pussy is hungry and wants some of your food.”

Harry loosens his trousers and drops them and his pants to his ankles. He drops to his knees behind her and carefully aims his cock.

Narcissa shudders in pleasure as her master slowly slides into her. She’s been horny beyond all reason since Tonks had her little fun with their master.

Harry takes his time as he pulls out of Narcissa. He uses slow, short strokes to bring the woman to a rolling boil.

Narcissa’s mind is blinded with lust as her master teases her. She realizes that he is deliberately keeping her right on the edge as he reaches under her.

Hermione is in heaven. Her eyes are closed as Bellatrix licks her cunt. In her mind, it’s Cho pleasing her. Hermione remembers how tight the bitches arse was, even after everyone had shagged her bum repeatedly. Hermione idly wonders who trained her so well.

Bella can barely focus on pleasing her mistress as Tonks shags her cunt from behind.

Tonks control is firmly in place as she puts it to her aunt using their masters’ dimensions. She can not believe that Bellatrix had talked her into doing this. Tonks hopes her master doesn’t take offence at her replicating his body without orders.

Harry can feel how close Narcissa is as he reaches under her. His fingers instinctually find her clit.

Narcissa explodes with a scream as her master finally pushes her over the edge.

Harry’s mind is torn to shreds as he can feel both Bella and Narcissa orgasm and for once, he is the one swept away in the current.

Tonks fights hard as she watches the others in the room climax in synch. She fights desperately to keep from passing out and manages to stay awake while still giving her aunt’s vagina a white painting.

Harry shouts out as he ejaculates into his eager thrall.

Tonks looks around at the lot and shakes her head. She levitates her master and mistress onto the bed while her aunts are once more placed on their cots. She makes a mental note to make a couple of requests of her master in the morning as she climbs onto bed and curls up into a ball at her masters’ feet.

In the morning, Harry rouses himself before any of the others awaken. He manages to get off the bed and to the showers without anyone the wiser.

Harry leaves the shower remarkably refreshed to find Tonks waiting for him, “Good morning.”

“Wotcher master. Enjoy your shower?”

“Yes I did.”

Tonks looks away for a second before she says, “May we talk in private?”

Harry nods his head and the Auror leads him to the study. “What do you need Dora?”

“Master, every since my arrival back, many of the male students have been taking certain… liberties shall we say?”

Harry’s voice is dangerously low, “What kind of liberties?”

Tonks swallows as she looks her master in the eye, “Mostly things such as pinching, grabbing, or slapping my arse master.”

Tonks almost passes out with terror as Harry’s eyes turn blood red for a second before returning to their normal emerald green.

“Master are you alright?”

“No, but I will be. Tom tried to invite himself in for a moment. He got a blast of pure righteous fury which sent him packing before he could get to anything important.”

“Are you sure master?”

“Indeed I am, now that request?”

“I would like permission to retaliate in force against those delinquents.”

“Hmm… I can understand your desire for revenge, but remember that they are complimenting you.”

“How so master?”

“They wouldn’t be so bold with a woman who wasn’t completely gorgeous.”

Tonks blushes and says, “Still master, I would like to be able to curtail it.”

Harry nods, “Come along, let’s go see Albus.”

Tonks follows Harry to the headmasters’ office. The old man is sitting behind his desk reading when the pair walks in. Harry’s eyes are instantly drawn to the crystal on the desk.

“Good morning Harry, Nymph-,” Albus stops dead at the dual glare he receives, “Ms. Tonks, I was hoping you would stop in yesterday or today.”

Harry sits down while Tonks stands to his immediate right, “Headmaster. How can I help?”

“Harry, I know that the primary reason for the staged scenes is to convince Tom that you are being corrupted. However, you continue to surpass our expectations. I would like to request another test. I do not mean to insult you, but there are those, including myself, who are concerned after your incident with Ms. Chang in the Three Broomsticks.”

Harry nods, “I understand sir.” He then reaches over and picks up the crystal which is completely grey to start with. It once more shifts to a dazzling white, almost exactly the same as before. The dark spot is approximately the same size, but seems a little darker than before.

“Thank you Harry. Now, what did you wish to discuss?”

“Some of the students have been extremely bold towards Tonks here. She wants to be able to put them in their place. Before I give her that permission though, I wished to discuss the matter with you.”

Dumbledore nods, “I understand. The incidents she is referring to are not unknown to me. I would merely ask that she exercise restraint. The deduction of House Points is an option as is detention. However, if she wishes to make her displeasure known in a more direct fashion, I merely ask that the spell used be completely legal ones.”

Harry looks over to Tonks, “You heard the man. You can retaliate in any manner you wish so long as you follow those guidelines.”

She nods, “Thank you both gentlemen.”

“Will there be anything else Albus?”

“I do not believe so Harry. Thank you though for not taking offense at the test.”

Harry stands up and gives the old man a feral grin. “I’m focusing on Tom’s reaction to when he hears the news.”

Albus nods as Harry and Tonks leave. As soon as the gargoyle is in place, Tonks grabs Harry and presses her lips to his in a kiss that almost stands his hair on end.

Harry’s ears are ringing as Tonks pulls away, “Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?”

“A thank you of sorts’ master. Now I can finally defend myself.”

Harry looks at her hard for a moment, “Dora, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. If you have any doubt in your mind when it comes to defending yourself, go for it. The worse thing that can happen is I’m forced to acknowledge that you’re mine and have to pay a fine.”

Tonks nods her head and looks around, “Careful master, we’re in the open.”

Harry kicks himself as he nods. The pair returns to their room and the entire group goes down to breakfast and Cho eats with Harry and his friends.

DADA is quite pleasant without Draco as the students start to learn many of the particulars of magical combat, including the laws governing such. Snape also announces that the DA will be beginning Wednesday.

After classes, Bellatrix grabs Cho for a private talk in Harry’s study.

“Yes Mrs. Lestrange?”

“First, it’s Ms. Black and when in private, it’s Bella. Second, I wanted to let you in on the way things work. I know you have yet to decide if you wish to join us, but for now, it might be good practice to behave as though you are one.”

Cho nods her head, “You would like to fill me in on the particulars?”

“I think it might be best. First, always remember that Harry is the master. You do whatever he tells you to. He might listen if you have objections, but in the end, his word is law.”

Cho nods grimly, already well aware of this fact.

“This second part is almost at important. Hermione is our master’s mistress. He loves her, and she loves him. To please her is to please him. If she tells you to do something, you are not required to obey, but it will make her happy which makes Harry happy. Do you understand?”

Cho’s head barely move in acknowledgement. The revelation of the intricacies of the harem suddenly seems more complicated than they first appeared.

“Good, the rest you should be able to figure out on your own.”

Cho smiles, “Thank you. This has been very enlightening.”

Bella smiles, “I believe that you will do what is right in the end.”

Cho is left to her thoughts as she considers what she should do.

The next two days pass without incident and soon the DA is having its first meeting in the DADA classroom.

Harry looks at the sheer number of students packed into the room in surprise. He hesitantly goes up to the stage where the teacher stands. He uses a Sonorous charm on his throat before he begins to speak, “Um… Welcome to the first meeting of the Defense Association. I’m pleased at how many of you are willing to learn how to defend yourself properly. Let’s start things out by separating by year.” Things flow much more smoothly as the students adapt. Harry’s inordinately grateful that all of his retainers along with the students from last year lend a hand.

Once more on the stage, Harry says, “Alright. Tonight’s meeting is primarily for information. One of my assistants will be coming around with a paper for you to sign. It’s an agreement not to use what you learn in here against another student except in self-defense. Also, do to the sheer volume of people we will be meeting different days of the week. On the bottom, please list the date that would work best for you to meet on, fifth and seventh year students will want to be especially conscious of this.”

The students nod as the assistants move through the room. Finally all of the paperwork is collected.

Harry says, “Thank you all for coming. You will be notified of what day you have been assigned. If you have a problem with the day, please let myself or my assistants know. The schedule will be revised when Quidditch starts.”

There’s a general hubbub as the students file out of the room.

Harry cancels the charm and goes down to where Narcissa is going over the papers. “How does it look Cissa?”

“Honestly master that depends on your point of view. I’m not sure, but I believe that almost every student in the school has signed up. I think that there will need to be meetings every day, maybe even multiple meetings.”

Harry suppresses a groan. “I want them sorted primarily by year and then by expertise in dueling.”

Narcissa nods her head and hope that her master can blow off some steam soon.

Harry’s mind is a jumble for the next several days. “Am I really going Dark? A drive for revenge is one of the main indicators and I certainly enjoyed humiliating Cho.” Harry finally writes a letter to Remus asking him to stop by the castle come the weekend.

Friday night, Cho is standing in the study gazing out the window, trying to organize her own thoughts. “What am I going to do? I want to help avenge Cedric’s death, but do I need to be one of Harry’s Thralls to do so? Harry would allow me to simply remain one of his Retainers if I so asked. It’s been so long since somebody held me tight. I’ve seen him hold Hermione just to cuddle, watched as he comforted Bella after a bad nightmare, and looked on as he gently coached first years in the DA. However, I have also seen him humiliate me publicly, deliberately degrade me, and use me like a common whore. Which is the real Harry or is it possible that both are a natural part of him? He cares for his friends and goes to lengths to aid them; the deal between Bella and Neville Longbottom proves that. This entire mess is too damned strange for words and I’m hip deep in it, by my own choosing.” Cho sighs mentally, “When I first started this it was so cut and dried, I should have known it wouldn’t last. I want the sex desperately, but do I honestly want to have my will and my future bound to Harry’s? He’s a surprising lover, no one has made me climax since Cedric died. Tonks is right though, I need to think with my head, not my arse. According to all of his ladies, including Hermione, Harry is almost always completely gentle. Why then was he so rough with me? Did he somehow know that I preferred it that way or did he have other reasons? I can’t exactly ask him outright or he might just decide to come down on me again. I’m his retainer and he’s certainly earned the right, especially with the way I treated him last year. Mom and dad would be less than useless, ‘Go with your feelings honey’, yeah right. My only real feeling right now is horniness. I need to find some relief soon or I’m going to get really unpleasant, which could prove even less pleasant for my bum. I always have my vibrator but with this damn plug in, I’d have to settle for the less satisfying alternative. Whatever choice I make, I need to make it soon.”

In the morning, Harry is pacing in front of Dumbledore’s fireplace waiting for Remus.

Finally, the fireplace belches green flames and the werewolf tumbles out. The two men hug quickly before Harry leads Remus to his apartment.

Harry seals the study and Remus says, “So what’s up pup? You don’t normally need to talk to me two times in as many weeks.”

Harry starts pacing which leave Remus worried. In that exact moment in time, Remus is taken back almost twenty years to a time when James Potter was concerned about his future, his wife, and his soon to be born son.

Harry sees the gentle smile on Remus’ face and guesses what is on the werewolf’s mind. Finally, the older man’s eyes focus on the young man in front of him.

Harry continues to pace as he says, “I’m afraid Remus. I’ve done three of those public scenes now. This last one I truly enjoyed. I deliberately humiliated Cho. I liked the sense of power it gave me and I also liked watching her pay for the pain she caused me. I used that damn crystal of Albus’ but that proves nothing really.”

Remus looks at Harry and smiles, “Harry James Potter, I think for once in his life, Vernon Dursley was correct about you. You are an unnatural creature. You have the weight of the world on your shoulders and yet you still worry about going Dark. Most people would simply do whatever it took to destroy Voldemort and deal with the consequences later. I don’t really believe that you would go Dark. Hells bells Harry, I’ll be completely honest with you, I do not believe that you are capable of going truly Dark. Descending into the Grey realm where Severus resides, perhaps; but you have too much intrinsic goodness about you. Let me ask you a question. During the incident with Cho, did you set it up so she enjoyed herself?”

Harry blushes, “Sort of.”

Remus gives Harry a knowing grin, “You are entirely too much like both of your parents. Now, I am going to behave with you like James did with Sirius.”

Harry stops for a moment and looks at the werewolf, “You have my attention.”

Remus’ grin turns outright lecherous, “Give me some details here pup.”

“What kind of details?”

“What did you do? Where did you do it? That sort of thing.”

Harry blushes as he resumes pacing, “Well, it was in the library.”

Remus nods, “That’s a good start.”

“I had her bend over a table in the Restricted Section.”

The werewolf looks at Harry with new respect, “Very interesting, keep going.”

“Well, she was licking Hermione’s, err, um, her pussy,” Harry’s face is bright red as he looks at Remus who appears completely stunned.

“So you shagged her while she was eating your girlfriend out.”

“Kinda, you see, she’s got this pussyplug in that can’t be removed yet.”

The old man looks like he’s about to have a heart attack. “You mean to say you didn’t shag her twat?”

“No, you see I kinda buggered her.”

Remus looks at Harry for a full minute before he breaks up laughing. He soon has tears in his eyes from laughter.

Harry stops for a second to look at the werewolf, wondering if he’s slipped his last cog, before he resumes his pacing.

“I am sorry Harry, but it just seems so strange. I met Ms. Chang in her fourth year and I just can’t seem to wrap my mind around the prim and proper young witch with aspirations of Head Girl with that of a tramp who enjoys taking it in the arse.”

Harry glares at Remus which brings him up short, “Please don’t say things like that Remus. Just because a person enjoys a certain act, like sodomy, that does not automatically make them a tramp.”

Remus looks at Harry, “I’m sorry if I offended you. I take it you’ve dealt with this once already?”

“I have, but that’s a different story.”

Remus nods, “I’d like to hear more of these if you feel like telling them.”

“Maybe someday Remus, maybe someday. Mostly I needed to get this out of my hair. Remus, I watched as Cho was publicly degraded, on my orders, and I loved the rush it gave me.”

The werewolf looks at Harry, “Pup, I haven’t been given the details of what happened, only that it did. Would you mind filling in the details?”

Harry shakes his head, “The short version is that I made Cho serve drinks in the Three Broomsticks topless for a couple of hours, I then took her into the back room, where she finished stripping, I put a collar on her, and used that to lead her to the castle.”

“Which in turn lead to the scene you described earlier, correct?”

Harry nods his head.

Remus thinks for a moment, “Do you intend to subject her to such a scene again?”

“No, she wanted to join my Thralls and I wanted to make sure she was certain. I figured if she could endure that, she must be completely sure.”

Remus nods, “I have one more question for you Harry. Speaking hypothetically, if you could have subjected her to that sort of thing without repercussions or any other outside force, would you?”

Harry looks at Remus in disgust, “Of course not. No matter how much pain she caused me, she doesn’t deserve that sort of treatment unless she is getting something out of it.”

Remus says, “There’s your answer Harry. Someone who was truly in danger of going dark would have to think about that for a moment, you responded instantly.”

Before Harry can respond, there’s a knock on the door. He unseals the door and calls for the person to enter.

Narcissa sticks her head in the door, “Please forgive the interruption master, but I have a request.”


“Draco will be allowed to receive visitors today master and I would like to go see him.”

Harry smiles gently, “Of course. Take Bella and Cho with you as protection though.”

“Cho master?”

“She is a Ravenclaw and besides, I want to see how well she can follow instructions.”

“As you will master.”

Narcissa closes the door and Harry reseals it.

Remus says, “Are you sure it was wise sending a student with them?”

“Remus, Cho is in her final year here, if she doesn’t know how to defend herself by now, it’s already too late. As such, there’s honestly little chance of an attack, so it gives Cho some experience in following orders without a major risk.”

“Now I understand your concerns about going Dark Harry. If I didn’t know you, and what sort of stuff you have endured, I might be worried. As is, I simply realize that you are thinking as you must, as a leader.”

Harry nods his head, “It’s a manner I don’t really enjoy.”

Remus smiles, “I know pup, most of the greatest hero’s of the light side have said the same words.”

Cissa gathers up Cho, somewhat reluctantly on both parts, and her sister before the lot of them go to St. Mungo’s.

The receptionist almost has her wand leveled against Bellatrix before she stops herself.

Unbeknownst to the group, a man is in the lobby with less than honorable intents. He stands up and exist the building before he Disapparates to fetch his brother so they can reclaim his property.

Narcissa and company are directed to Draco’s room and they arrive without a problem. Bella and Cho remain in the hall to allow mother and son to speak in private.

Draco watches as the door to his private room opens and his mother walks in. “Mum? What are you doing here?”

Narcissa Summons a chair to beside Draco’s bed and sits down. “I came to speak with you Draco.”

“What about?”

“Primarily your future my son.”

Draco sits up, “What are you talking about mum?”

“My son, there is much I need to tell you and a few things about which I must warn you. I know you are considering pressing charges against Ms. Granger for what she did to you. Please, I implore you as a mother, do not do so.”

“Why shouldn’t I?”

“Because she is a noble Retainer and you issued a deadly insult. Whatever you may think of him, Harry is of noble birth. As a Duke, he is allowed to keep personal retainers.”

Draco’s normally pale skin goes almost transparent.

“I see you understand son. If you pursue the matter, he has the right, as I will inform him of, to challenge you to one on one combat. Draco, please listen to this part. If he challenges you, he will destroy you. In a legitimate duel, you would stand no chance against him.”

Draco says, “I understand mother. I’m not sure I share your opinion of Potter, but I will remember what you have said.”

Cissa says, “That is all I can ask for. There is one more thing I think you should know.”


“Have you been reading the Prophet lately?”

“Sometimes, why?”

“Did you read my interview with Rita Skeeter?”

“That I did. I still don’t understand how Potter managed the power needed for such a high end spell. A mere half-blood should never have been able to do something that spectacular.”

Narcissa has to physically stop herself from slapping Draco stupid. “Listen very carefully Draco, it would behoove you not to insult my master again.”

Draco can hear the raw menace in his mothers’ voice and for the first time has a measure of both fear and respect for a mere woman.

“Very good, now, there’s something you should know about Tom Marvolo Riddle, better known as Lord Voldemort. When Harry used the spell on me and Bellatrix, he got the spell from Peter Pettigrew. However, Pettigrew was merely acting as a messenger for Riddle. He intended to sacrifice me in an effort to corrupt Harry. Your father was also sacrificed. He was incarcerated and the effort needed to have the charges dropped was greater than the possible returns and your father was one of his loyalist followers. Draco, your future is your own, but your father gave his life to ensure that the Malfoy Estates were safe for you, never forget that. Also remember the creed of the Malfoy Family ‘Nous s’agenouiller pr?demment pas de une,’ ‘We kneel before no one.”

Draco nods in understanding. “I can’t make any promises mother, but I will think on your words.”

Narcissa stands up and places a hand on his shoulder, “Please do Draco. My first loyalty will always be to my master, but I still care for you.”

Draco takes his mother’s hand and kisses the back of it. “I look forward to seeing you again soon.”

Down in the lobby, two men in cloak Apparate in and head directly to the staircase; they appear to know exactly where they are going so the receptionist barely acknowledges their presence, a terrible mistake.

Bella notices as two strange men in cloaks approach. As the door to Draco’s room opens, the men draw their wands.

Bella shoot off a quick stunner while the other two are still drawing their wands.

One man goes down while the other erects a quick shield and tries to revive the other.

Bellatrix recognizes the man’s face as he stands up. She shouts, “Ligo viscus!”

The spell connects and Rodolphus Lestrange falls to the ground clenching his stomach.

The other man looks at her in surprise as Cho and Cissa both hit him with a stunner.

There’s pounding on the stairs as uniformed Security Wizards appear. Bella and the others hesitantly surrender their wands and the healers are summoned.

The other man is uncloaked and revealed to be Rastaban Lestrange whose wand is confiscated and is bound while the Aurors are summoned. A message is also sent to Harry.

The healers work desperately on Rodolphus, not even really knowing how cruel they’re being.

Harry is telling Remus of the day he first bound Bella and Cissa to him when someone starts to pound on the door. He stands up, curious as to the cause of a spike of hatred that shot through him a few minutes prior.

Tonks is at the door, “Master, come quickly.”

Harry’s wand is in his hand as he says, “What’s going on?”

Tonks is sprinting down the hall as she says, “Bella and Cissa were attacked.”

The pair arrives at the headmasters’ office without another word being said.

“Ah Harry, your Thralls were involved in an incident at St. Mungo’s. They are waiting for you.”

Harry steps to the fireplace and moments later he arrives in the lobby.

One of the Auror’s there recognizes him as Tonks and Albus come through the fireplace. “Sir, I am glad to see you. The Healers are working on Mr. Lestrange, but they don’t appear hopeful.”

Harry nods his head, “Where are my thralls?”

“They’re in one of the private rooms Mr. Potter. One of them used a spell we’ve never came across on Mr. Lestrange.”

“Thank you, if you would please direct me to the room my ladies are in, I would appreciate it.”

The man gives them directions and Albus stays behind while the other two go looking for the truth.

Harry finds Cho looking heavily shaken as he enters the room. Narcissa is trying valiantly to comfort the girl while Bella is sitting with her arms crossed, almost daring someone to question her.

Tonks seals the room and sweeps it for magical listening devices while Harry goes over and lays a hand on Cho’s shoulder, “It’ll be alright.”

Tonks finishes her sweep, “It’s clear master.”

“Thank you Dora. Now what happened?”

Cho can’t even respond so Cissa says, “We arrived as planned and I spoke to Draco. As I was leaving, two men in cloaks approached and attacked. Bella Stunned one and the other erected a shield. When the stunned one was revived she used another hex on him.”

“What hex?”

Bella speaks up, “I used the Tied Intestines curse on the bastard.”

Everyone except Cho winces.

The Ravenclaw says, “What does it do?”

“It ties your intestines into several knots. *If* you survive, you will wish you hadn’t.”

Tonks looks at Bella, “You are aware of the fact that that particular curse is on the Regulated List correct?”

Bella’s entire demeanor is defiant, “I am indeed.”

“Very well, I just had to remind you.”

Harry speaks up, “Bella cooperate with the Aurors. If I have to pay any fines for this, I’d rather not have them compounded for perjury.”

Bella says, “As you will master.”

Before Harry can respond, the door is thrown open and a tall Auror in brown robes enters the room. The man has blond hair and stalks over to Bellatrix. “We’ve got you this time you stupid bitch. You’ll get the Kiss for this!” The man goes to grab Bella’s arm but freezes when he feels the tip of a wand press against the base of his skull.

Harry’s voice is dangerously low, “You had better not have been intent on accosting my lady.”

“Put that away kid or I’ll have you up on charges of threatening an Auror.”

Tonks says, “Won’t fly, Mike. He’s in the right on this.”

The man looks at Tonks out of the corner of his eye, “Auror Tonks, you are suspended for this incident.”


All eyes except for Harry’s turn towards the door as Madam Bones walks into the room and the aging woman is fit to be tied.

Bones says, “Please lower your wand Harry, the situation is in hand.”

Harry replies, “Tonks?”

“You can trust her Harry.”

Harry slowly backs away from the shocked man and lowers his wand, keeping it in hand.

Mike turns towards his overall boss, “But Mrs. Bones…”

“I heard what you said to the lady in question, Auror Loger. You broke just about every protocol in existence. We will discuss this matter on the morrow; however, you are suspended until otherwise notified.”

The man glares at Harry as he leaves the room.

Bones says, “I can’t say that I appreciate your threatening one of my men, but you were legally in the right. Auror Tonks, I’ll have the paperwork started for a promotion for you.”

“If you don’t mind ma’am, I’m happy in my current assignment.”

Bones smiles, “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dream of separating you two. Now if you ladies would mind filling me in on what happened, we can get around to getting all of you out of here.”

First Bella, then Cissa, and finally Cho, with a great deal of prompting, tell the story of the day’s events.

Bones nods her head, “I’ve heard of the curse you used, I’m not sure if I would feel worse if we’d managed to save his life or not.”

Harry says, “So he’s dead?”

“Yes, he died moments before we came to see you.”

Harry looks at Bella, “How do you feel?”

Bellatrix smiles, “As though a weight has been lifted from my shoulders master.”

Harry nods, “Continue please madam.”

“There should not be any fines; though I will have the money transferred to your accounts immediately.”

“What money?”

“There was a rather large reward for the capture of either of those men Harry. As it was your thralls who were principally responsible for their capture, the reward goes to you.”

Harry nods his head as his brow furrows in concentration. Silence reins for a minute while the young man thinks. “Cho, do you want the reward money?”

“Not really Harry.”

“Very well, then Madam Bones, please have the money transferred to St. Mungo’s vault instead.”

Bones nods, “If that is how you wish the funds to be distributed Lord Potter I will comply.”

“It is, and I thank you for your cooperation.”

The head of Magical Law Enforcement marvels at how quickly the young man before her has adapted to the role of noble, “It was my pleasure my lord.”

Harry nods, “Is there anything else Madam Bones?”

“Not that I am aware of; if anything arises, I know where to locate you.”

“Very good, then if you don’t object, I was in a meeting when I was summoned here.”

Harry and his retinue Floo back to Hogwarts where Remus is waiting in the Headmasters’ office. “What happened pup?”

“Bella and the others were attacked. No one on our side was hurt, but one Lestrange brother is dead and the other in custody.”

“She killed him?”

“Yes she did.”

Remus stalks over to Bellatrix and sticks out his hand, “Congratulations on finally being rid of that worthless bastard, Sirius would have been pleased that he is no longer a factor.”

Bella tentatively shakes the werewolf’s hand, “I’m very sure he would.”

“I hate to leave pup, but Alastor will be wondering where I am soon.”

“Thank you for coming to see me Remus, our talk helped.”

Remus smiles as he disappears in a flash of green.

Harry says, “I’m heading back to our quarters, I need to relax a bit.”

The group goes back to the suite and Harry immediately retreats to the study.

Bella looks at the others and nods her head before following her master.

Harry looks up as Bella seals the door, “Yes?”

“Master, I have a request for you.”

“What do you want?”

Bella winces internally at the pain in her master’s voice, “I would like to help you to relax master. Despite how it may seem some days, you must never forget that we are here to help you.”

Harry bites back a sharp comment, “Is there something I can do for you Bella?”

The woman swallows, “I would like you to beat me master.”

Harry’s world spins, “SAY WHAT!”

“I would like a beating master.”

“Why in Merlin’s name?”

“Because it would do you good to let some of that anger out master.” Bella blushes, “Also master, I rather enjoy it. I like the gentleness master, but every now and then, I yearn for the feel of leather striking my flesh.”

Harry can feel her sincerity, “You’re not simply saying this are you?”

“No master. I enjoyed it even during my school days and found a master even then to keep me in line.”

“Dare I ask who?”

Bella blushes, “You might prefer not to know master.”

“Bellatrix, you know perfectly well that I don’t want to harm you.”

“Master, I know that you do not wish to fall to the darkness and you see actions such as this the short route there. However, I must ask you a question. Did you consider Sirius dark?”

“Sirius, what does he have to do with this?”

“Please master, I will explain everything, but answer the question first.”

“Alright, but I want a full explanation afterwards.”

“Naturally master.”

“Very well; no I didn’t consider Sirius dark at all why?”

“Because master, remember how I mentioned having a master in school?”

“Yes I do.”

“Well, your godfather, Sirius was my original Master.”

Harry’s head swims once more and he bellows, “CISSA!”

Moments later, the spell work protecting the door comes down and the blond rushes through the opening, wand in hand. “What is it master?”

Harry waves his hand and the door slams shut and the two women can feel the magic sealing the door. “Did you know about this?”

Cissa says, “Know about what master?”

Bella speaks up, “I just informed our current master of the identity of my original master.”

Narcissa cringes, “Yes master. I knew that Sirius was my sister’s master.”

Harry begins pacing and Bellatrix hits her hands and knees. Narcissa watches her master walking the room like a caged lion; a part of her fears much for her sister’s skin for revealing this information but another part knows that she brought any reprisal down upon herself.

Harry finally looks at his kneeling thrall, “Cissa, your sister wants a beating but I am not up to it tonight. If I go into that, I might go overboard. Would you please administer it for me?”

Bella looks crestfallen as she retakes her feet, “But master…”

Harry suddenly thunders, “SILENCE!”

Both of the women are instantly on their knees with their foreheads pressed against the floor.

“Bellatrix, you have asked for a beating and I have arranged one, be grateful that I don’t punish you even more thoroughly.”

Bella looks up, “How so master?”

“Bellatrix, I, as your master, forbid you orgasm until further notice. Narcissa, as your master, I charge you with a duty.”

“What is that duty master?”

“You are to take you sister to the room that she prepared and then you are to beat her. It is my wish that the beating be Extreme enough that she not be able to sit comfortably for a week.”

“I understand master.” Narcissa stands up, “Come Bella.”

Bella stands up with a shocked look on her face. She should have known better than to bait her master. His wording when delivering the punishment invoked the magic of that binds her to him. Her body will not allow itself release until he rescinds his order.

Harry watches the pair leave and he shakes his head, a part of him wants to follow them and beat Bella to within an inch of her life.

“Those two certainly have a gift for upsetting the balances in my life.” Harry once more resumes pacing, “How is it possible?

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