Good Neighbours Ch. 2
Good Neighbours Ch. 2
Sex Story Author: | MightyOak |
Sex Story Excerpt: | My heart was pounding like crazy. Here I was, completely nude, my cock as hard as a rock, and the |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Bondage and restriction, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Exhibitionism, Female solo, Fiction, Males / Female, Masturbation, Teen Female Solo, Voyeurism, Young |
Chapter 2
It was pretty late the next morning when I woke up, images from the day before still fresh in my mind. I rolled over and looked at the clock. 11:13. Well, that’s to be expected when you stay up ‘til the wee hours of the morning, watching the video you made while spying on your neighbours’ kid. Ah, little Jaime Taylor, the 13-year old girl next door. I had stayed up until about 4:30, watching and re-watching the video I had made of her the night before, dressed scantily in her bra and panties, then topless and masturbating on her bed! I couldn’t get enough of the sight of her young, nubile body, her perky little breasts with their large, erect nipples. Jesus, here I was, only awake for about 2 minutes, and already my cock was at attention, just waiting for another touch of her little body.
I got myself out of bed and pulled some boxers on, then headed over to my office, the room with the window overlooking Jaime’s bedroom. I went to the window, peeking between the blinds, hoping to catch even just a glimpse of her, but of course the room was empty. She was probably out at the mall or something with her friends.
Feeling more than a little disappointed, I headed downstairs and started to make some coffee. As I scooped the coffee into the filter, I went over what happened yesterday, glancing at the kitchen table where less than 24 hours ago, I had been balls deep inside Jaime’s mother, Laurie, a woman who made it clear what she wanted, and then took it. I finished with the filter, then poured in the water, closing the lid and turning the maker on. Thinking about Laurie got quite a reaction out of my lower body, my cock throbbing with the memory of her surprisingly tight pussy.
I made myself some toast, and grabbed an orange, sitting at the table in the exact spot I had filled Laurie with semen. Breathing in deeply, I thought I could still detect a hint of her scent in the air, the musky, intoxicating smell of a slightly older woman’s sex juices. I finished my toast and looked at the orange, not feeling very hungry. Not for food anyway. I had never felt so bewitched by a woman before, much less two! Well, I guess you would say one woman, and one child. I was still battling with feelings of shame over Jaime, knowing she was barely out of the dolls and tea party stage of her life, innocent to the sexual interactions between men and women. Or was she?
She seemed to have a pretty good idea the other night what she was doing, her hand down her panties and caressing herself to orgasm. But I guess getting yourself off, and actually experiencing anything sexual with another person are two very different things. I doubted if she had ever seen a real life, erect penis before, much less touched one. I was surprised with the feeling of intense jealousy this thought created, as if she was already mine to claim, when she had no idea how I felt about her, how crazy her little girl’s body was driving me.
I got up and set the orange back in the fruit basket, grabbing my coffee mug and pouring myself a nice, hot cupful. I added some cream and sugar, stirred it up, then headed outside onto the patio. I sat down in one of the chairs, putting my still-too-hot coffee on the table beside me. I grabbed the remote off the table and turned the stereo on, streaming music from my computer inside. I sipped my coffee, enjoying the sounds of AC/DC pumping out of the speakers, and noticed that the breeze blowing through my yard was quite a bit cooler than it felt yesterday. I looked at the sky to the west, and frowned when I saw how dark and ominous looking it was. No half-naked little girl in my pool today, I thought to myself. I could hear thunder rolling in the distance, but still far enough not to be a problem yet.
I decided to clean up a bit, getting up and moving the mower I had left on the lawn yesterday. Thankfully it hadn’t rained last night, so nothing had gotten soaked or blown around. I parked the mower in the shed and shut the door, then gathered up the glasses and tray from the other day and took them inside, dumping them into the sink. I headed back outside to sit and drink my coffee, but a crack of thunder that sounded much closer made me change my mind. Storm must be moving damn fast, I figured, but at least the rain will be good for all my damn grass.
I took my coffee and headed inside, transferring the music to my inside speakers, set up in the front room. I curled up on the loveseat, watching the darkening sky through the bay window. I noticed most of my neighbours across the street were away at work, probably most of them on my side of the road as well, and thought about how nice it was to finally be able to take some time off work, to relax for some of those hot summer days, instead of breaking my back working.
I walked to the window and craned my head to see down the road towards the Taylor’s, looking for Laurie’s Mercedes but not seeing it. Must have gone shopping, I thought. Another bit of thunder rolled through the sky, sounding right overhead now, as the first little droplets of rain started to drip against the window. I picked up the phone, thinking I should give Melissa a call, should probably have called her yesterday. But that might not have been such a good idea with all that happened!
I dialled her number and listened to it ring, thinking I was going to get her voicemail. But just before the voicemail kicked in, she picked up, giving me an excited, “Hi babe! God, I was wondering when you were gonna’ call me!”
“Hey sweetie,” I replied into the handset, surprisingly happy to hear her voice, “Sorry I didn’t talk to you last night, got busy doing some paperwork. You know how busy summer is for us.”
“Yeah, I know, you’ve got to keep things running smoothly for those morons,” she said jokingly, “But it’s okay, I know you were thinking of me. Maybe having a second look at that video I left you, huh?”
I had totally forgot about that. I was so wrapped up in the video I had made of Jaime the other night, I completely forgot about the sexy video that Melissa had recorded for me while I was at work on the last day she was here. But I wasn’t about to tell her that. Uh, sorry hun, I was busy jerking my cock to that little girl next door. You know, the one that barely has tits and I’m pretty sure is bald as can be between her thighs? Yeah, I don’t think that would have gone over too well.
“You know it babe,” I lied, feeling very ashamed with myself, “God I can’t get enough of your smokin’ hot body, I watched it over and over. I can’t wait to be inside you again.” This elicited a giggle from her, and then a sad sounding sigh. “I feel so bad that we aren’t together too often.” She said, “I know how neglected you must feel, and I can’t wait to feel your body against mine again, baby.” I knew my cock hadn’t been neglected lately, Laurie had seen to that, but I was missing Melissa quite a lot.
“When are you coming back?” I asked, hoping to feel her warm body against mine soon.
“Well I’d come back now but I’ve got a class on Friday, so there’s really no point in me leaving just yet,” she replied. “But I’ll definitely be home all weekend. And I’ll be sure to make it up to you.” My horny brain thought of all kinds of hidden meanings in that sentence. “But, for now I’ve got to go, I have to meet some people to study.”
“Yeah okay, I understand babe,” I sighed, “No point in going to school if you’re not going to try your hardest. Make sure you call me later, okay?” She blew me a kiss through the phone and replied, “Definitely. And maybe we can make a nice video together, that I can watch when I’m all alone.” I heard the naughty tone in her voice and smiled, blowing her back a kiss. “Love ya babe, talk to you soon.”
We each hung up our phones and I stood at the window, sighing and looking out the window as the rain really started to come down. I was all mixed up emotionally, so excited for my next chance at having Laurie, or watching Jaime pleasure herself, but so ashamed at what I was doing to my relationship with Melissa. I really did love her, I just couldn’t control the animal urges those two gorgeous females next door brought out in me. With a sigh, I put the phone back in the cradle and headed upstairs to get dressed. I threw on a pair of jeans and a white tee, wondering what I should do with my day, when I noticed out the window that Laurie’s car was just pulling into their driveway. The rain was really coming down hard now, and I figured even though she only had a few dozen feet to walk to the front door, she was probably going to get soaked.
As both doors opened, I noticed she wasn’t alone, and looking closer saw that it was Jaime, the little one who was causing all the throbbing in my shorts. They only had one umbrella, and Laurie handed it to Jaime, then they both ran to the back of the car, popping the trunk. I watched as they struggled to lift out a heavy box, Jaime trying to lift and hold the umbrella at the same time. A thought flashed into my head, and I figured this was a good chance to get close to her. All thoughts of infidelity flying right out of my mind, I ran downstairs and slipped my shoes on, opening the door and running across the lawn.
I thought the rain was coming down hard before, but it seemed like the instant I opened the door, someone turned the taps on full. I ran over to Laurie, the rain pounding off the car and driveway.
“You need a hand there, ma’am?” I yelled, so she could hear me. She turned to see who it was, then gave me a huge smile when she noticed it was me. “We’ve got this big, heavy box,” she yelled back at me, “The guy at the store put it in the trunk, but it’s too heavy for us to lift!” I gently pushed her aside, guiding her under the huge umbrella Jaime was holding, where she would stay relatively dry. With the rain just pouring over me, I grabbed the box, which I now noticed contained a game table of some kind, and hefted it up on one arm. Damn thing sure was heavy.
Laurie slammed the trunk shut and the two girls ran to the front door. I ran right behind them, not because I was worried about being soaked (that ship had already sailed), but I didn’t want the box to get too wet, and rip open outside on the walkway. Laurie unlocked the door and opened it, ushering Jaime inside and holding it open wide so I could fit in with the box. Stepping into the foyer, dripping water everywhere, I set the box down on the mat in front of the door, as Laurie closed the door against the relentless rain and howling wind.
“Wow!” she cried, “Where the hell did that come from?” Even though both females were quite wet, despite the efforts of the umbrella, they both looked hot as hell and very desirable. Laurie’s long tanned legs looking great in a very tight pair of shorts, her shirt a little damp and clinging to her more than ample chest. Jaime looked even better, her legs exposed underneath a short, pink skirt, and her small budding breasts sitting high and perky in a white tee. My heart was racing just standing so near to them.
“I thought that storm was far away, but it sure moved up quick,” I told them, dripping all over their floor. “Well, I guess I’ll put this wherever you want it, then I’ll be heading back home.” Laurie took my hand and pulled it away from the box, letting it lean against the wall.
“You’ll do no such thing!” she cried, “It’s blowing like a hurricane out there! You might get hit with something just crossing the yard! You’ll stay here until the storm is over, won’t you David?” She gave me a smile and a wink, promising good things if I stayed, and I didn’t want to let her down. “Well, I guess I could stay until the storm lets up a bit,” I agreed, gesturing to my soaked and dripping clothes, “But I’ll end up flooding the room anywhere I go.”
That’s when Jaime piped up, “Oh, we could put his clothes in the dryer, couldn’t we mom? Couldn’t he wear something of daddy’s until they’re dry?” I’m not sure if it was just the way she said daddy, or the thought of stripping down so close to her, but my heart pumped about a gallon of blood between my legs just then, my cock jutting up like flagpole.
“Well, that’s a good idea baby-girl,” Laurie answered, “But daddy isn’t anywhere near as big as David, I don’t think his clothes would fit.” She gave me a wicked smile as she said it, memories of being inside her flashing through my head. “But, I’m sure daddy’s robe, the big red one, would be big enough. At least until his clothes are dry.”
“Oh I don’t want to be a bother,” I protested. “I can just wait here.” Laurie shook her head, pushing me towards the stairs, forcing me up them. “Don’t even suggest it,” she warned, walking me up to the landing. We headed down the hall to the double doors leading into their master bedroom, and she pushed me inside. “You get those wet clothes off,” she ordered, looking me up and down, “And I’ll throw them in the dryer.” She shut the door to let me change, though I’m sure if Jaime wasn’t standing right behind her, she would have ripped them off of me herself. I pulled the tee off over my head, then undid my soaked jeans, and peeled them off my legs, my boxers coming next, and rolled them all into a big ball. I stood there nude, my erect penis throbbing like crazy. I opened the door just a crack, and threw the ball of clothes onto the floor, then shut the door.
“Good, I’m going to take these downstairs and get them dried,” Laurie’s voice came through the door, “Mark’s robe should be in the bathroom.” I turned to the bathroom, then felt how wet I still was and called out to Laurie, “Are there any towels Laurie? I should probably dry off a little better before I put the robe on.”
“Oh no, I’m doing laundry today and we don’t have any clean ones in there,” she answered, her voice fading as she headed down the stairs, “Jaime is going to get you one from her bathroom.” I heard the stairs creaking faintly as she took my clothes down to the basement.
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