
Gold Digger Rescue

Working on a sequel, depending on the feedback I get from this first chapter.

Gold Digger Rescue Chapter one – Rescue

We didn’t have a lot of luck on our shark fishing trip, but we did have some luck in other areas, if you know what I mean, nudge nudge wink wink! Sean, Freddy, and I were heading back home in Freddy’s SeaRay Sundancer after about 10 hours of no sharks on a sunny Sunday afternoon in May.

We were coming back into Indian Rocks Beach when we caught sight of a good sized single sail yacht that was evidently in trouble. A short, stocky, balding guy was waving at us, so we pulled closer.

“Everything ok?” Sean yelled at the guy when we were close enough to be heard.

“My electric’s out! Can you call a tow boat for me?” the little guy yelled back.

“We can give you a tow!” Sean replied. We didn’t mind helping the guy. Those frigging tow boats charged an arm and a leg. They’d charge the guy a cool grand for towing a fifty-foot boat. We pulled alongside and saw that his boat’s name was “Crime Doesn’t Pay.”

The little guy invited us on board, so we tied up to him and clambered over the rail. “Chris Matthews,” I introduced myself, shaking the stocky little dude’s hand.

“Barney Shalowitz.” he answered. (I swear, he was a dead ringer for George on the Seinfeld TV show!) “We were trolling out and all of a sudden, nothing! No lights, no engine, no fridge, nada. We’ve been anchored here about three hours now.”

“What a beautiful boat!” I complimented, looking around at the beautiful teak decking and wheel. The antique brass portholes and railings gleamed, and everything looked ship-shape and Bristol fashion. “Have you had her a long time?”

“I actually bought her at a police auction about two weeks ago.” Barney replied. “She’s a former drug runner. I’ve been sailing smaller craft since I was a kid, but I know dick-all about engines. I’d sail her back, but the wind’s veered and we’re on a lee shore. I’ve never sailed a boat this large, and I’m afraid I’ll run her aground if I try to tack out to sea.”

“That was a good call, Barney” I told him. “You’d need a lot of sea room to keep this beauty off the beach.” The little guy looked pleased to have his judgment validated. “I’m a fair hand with a wrench. Mind if I take a look below?” I asked. “Sean and Freddy here will hook you up and we can tow you back. Those towboats are just legal ripoff operations, and we all hate to see anybody stuck out here. Believe me, we’ve all been in the same circumstance.”

“Go ahead.” Barney said. “My wife and daughter are down there, so let me make sure they’re decent, first.” He opened the hatch to the cabin and shouted, “Sandra! Bekah! Some guys are here to help us out! Can you come up on deck, please?”

An exquisite blue-eyed blonde in a black string bikini came up from below deck, followed by a cute teenage girl in a green one. I was startled, because I knew the blonde. Her name was Sandy Andrews when I had known her before, but I guessed it was Sandy Shalowitz now. Sandy was thirty-two, same age as me, but Barney had to be fifty. I wasn’t really surprised that Sandy was so much younger than her husband, she was a gold digger when I had known her ten years previously. I never got in her pants because I didn’t have any money at the time, but she had always been friendly enough.

I had been working in Panama City Beach as a lifeguard back then, and Sandy was a stripper at a club called Big Daddy’s. My roommate, Curtis, was dating Sandy’s roommate, Evie, who was a waitress at the same club. Curt and I used to get amused watching Sandy when the four of us would go out clubbing, as she would always try to find a doctor or a lawyer to hook up with. Somebody always lied to her to get in her pants, but when she found out they were broke, she’d be on the prowl again. Sandy had a baby daughter, and back then she was looking to use her fabulous body and face to land herself and her baby a lifetime of security. It looked like she had succeeded.

Sandy looked startled to see me, but hid it well. She said a warm, “Hello, Chris! Still in the rescue business, I see!” and gave me a hug. She explained to Barney that we’d known each other in school and that we had been lifeguards on the same beach once or twice. I didn’t know what game she was playing, but for the sake of our old friendship I went along with her story. “Have you seen Evie at all?” I asked her. She told Barney that Evie was her roomie that had once had a torrid romance with me.

Her explanation put Barney at ease. Another girl in my past laid to rest any suspicions that Sandy and I had ever been involved. I understood why she told him that, but was curious as to the reason for her lie. I guessed that she was trying to hide her past as a stripper, and that was okay by me. I had no axes to grind with her.

Sandy introduced the pretty brunette teenager that had followed her on deck as Rebekah. Rebekah had fair skin and freckles to go with her light brown hair, and was struggling with acne. She was wearing a lime green bikini that was quite fetching on her long, lanky frame. I estimated her age at fifteen or sixteen. She gave me a brief, nervous smile. “Rebekah or Becky, which do you like better?” I asked.

“Bekah.” she replied, looking at the deck shyly.

“Well, Bekah, if you’ll take the wheel to keep the rudder straight, your dad can ride up in Freddy’s boat and show us where to go, and Sandy can show me the engine compartment. Sound good?” I asked generally. Everyone was agreeable, so I followed Sandy below deck while her husband clambered over to the Sea Ray.

When we reached the engine compartment, Sandy put her hand on my arm. “Thanks for backing up my story to Barney, Chris. He doesn’t know about my past, and if he ever finds out he’ll divorce me at once. He’s a New York lawyer, and an Orthodox Jew to boot. We got married six months ago.” She looked at the deck. “He doesn’t know about Cheyenne, either, so please don’t say anything.” (Cheyenne was her daughter’s name.) “The only way his family would accept our marriage was to convince them I was still a virgin.”

“You got married six months ago and his family thought you were still a virgin?” I asked. “What are they blind or something? How could a woman as spectacular as you still be a virgin?” Sandy smiled at the compliment and kissed me on the cheek!

“His mother wants a grandson so badly it pretty much makes her blind to anything else.” the blonde bombshell replied. “Barney told her I was a virgin and was willing to convert to Judaism, so she accepted the match. The old bitch hates my guts, but if I give her a male grandchild, she’ll accept anything, including me.”

“Where’s Cheyenne?” I asked gently, not knowing where this was going.

“Cheyenne’s in a foster home.” she replied, her liquid blue eyes filling with tears. “After I moved to Clearwater a few years ago, I got involved with an asshole that claimed he owned a trucking company. The only thing he was trucking was cocaine, from Miami to Atlanta. I got busted in the car with him with a kilo of coke. Since it was my first offense, and I didn’t have any coke in my blood sample, the State had to let me walk, but Human Services took Cheyenne from me. That was a year ago. I had just started waiting tables at an oyster bar in Clearwater when I met Barney.”

“Oh, Sandy,” I responded sympathetically, taking her in my arms to let her cry a little. I really felt bad for her. Sure, she was a gold digging tramp, but she had a good heart. She was dumb, though, and still hadn’t figured out that one way or another, we all have to pay for what we get. Like the song says, every form of refuge has its price.

“How old is Cheyenne now?” I asked, very conscious of how warm her body was as she leaned into me, and how very few clothes we were wearing. Sandy smiled gratefully up at me, blinking back tears, and nestling a little closer. “Can you get her back?”

“She’s thirteen. The lawyer says there’s a chance, but I have to figure out a way to tell Barney about her. It’s all such a mess!” she sobbed, burying her face against my chest. I let her cry herself out, feeling sympathetic, but enjoying the shit out of having her so close to me. My cock was fully erect, making a tent in my shorts. I couldn’t control myself, Sandy was just so fucking hot!

I gave a start when the beautiful ex-stripper reached down to grab my dick and begin slowly jacking it through my shorts! “Mmmmm,” she hummed, “You’re a big one, aren’t you baby? Evie said you had a big dick! I should have been riding you when we were in P.C.” (I had fucked Evie a few times when Curtis was passed out drunk.)

Sandy squatted down and pulled my shorts off, making a pleased little exclamation when my boner popped free and slapped her nose! “What a beautiful cock!” she breathed. “And so hard! Barney has trouble getting it up. He’s got a lot of hangups.”

The gorgeous blonde ex-stripper expertly swirled her hot tongue around the velvety knob of my cock, jacking the steely shaft with one hand and caressing my ass with the other!

“Oh, damn, baby that’s hot!” I told her. She smiled naughtily at me, thrust her finger up my ass and started sucking my dick like a goddam vacuum cleaner! I nearly shouted, it was so fucking good!

It had been a couple of weeks since I had fucked anybody, so it didn’t take long for this blonde goddess to get me off! My engorged fuck tool exploded into her hungrily sucking mouth, spewing a big wad of steaming spunk for her to eagerly swallow! She licked and sucked my balls after I finished, thoroughly cleaning my spent prick with her tongue, milking out the last drop of sticky jizz!

“That was delicious, Chrissy,” she said seductively, pressing her lips to mine for a lustful kiss, moaning as our tongues dueled with each other, my hands busy kneading her shapely ass!

She pushed away from me. “We need to figure out a way to get together, Chris, I want that dick!” She turned and went back up the companionway, me watching her magnificent ass as she went! Man, did I intend to fuck the shit out of that married slut just as soon as I could get her alone!

I turned around and unfastened the cowling from the engine compartment to see what was up. Whoever had used the boat for smuggling had adapted and reinforced the hull for two big in-line six diesel motors. The dual props would no doubt make this innocent-looking sailboat fly across the water like a scalded cat! As I had figured, there was a bare spot on a battery cable that had shorted against a strut. Five minutes and some electrical tape would have made a quick repair, but I needed an excuse to get together with Sandy! I removed the starter solenoid and put everything back into place.

When I went back up on deck, I discovered that the guys had slowed enough to let the yacht catch up to the Sea Ray, allowing Sandy to climb over. I couldn’t blame them, she was a fine looking piece of ass!

That left me alone on the yacht with Rebekah, whom I noticed was glaring at her parents with something akin to hatred. I sat down next to the startled teen, and said, “Y’know, if looks could maim, your folks would probably have to be carried off that boat in a basket.”

The pretty little brunette giggled. “I just can’t stand them, either one of them. Look at Sandy, over there shaking her ass for those guys, and my dad just standing there, watching her do it. Useless prick.” She was mad again.

“Maybe that’s how they get off.” I said. The teenager looked at me, startled. She wasn’t used to an adult speaking to her as another adult. “Maybe it’s their little game. Your dad might like watching other men react to Sandy shaking her ass.”

“Ewwww!” she exclaimed, looking horrified, but excited at the same time! She wasn’t used to being spoken to frankly about sex, especially by a grown man. “That’s weird! You really think so?”

“Maybe, I dunno.” I replied. “People are weird in general. Who am I to judge? It’s hard to think of our parents as men and women, just human beings that are as horny and sick and perverted as the rest of the world. Want a beer?”

“Sure!” she blurted, and I had only thought she looked startled before! She was definitely not used to being treated as an adult! I hollered over to Sean and he tossed me back a couple of cold ones. I caught one in each hand, which also impressed Bekah. She accepted her beer, interest growing in her eyes.

I caught her gaze, and she quickly looked at the deck, embarrassed. “Smile!” I told her. “It’s a beautiful day, and being pissed off keeps you from joining the party! Don’t waste your time hating and being mad. It puts people off, and someone as beautiful as you should be smiling, not frowning.”

Bekah colored up like a sunset, but her smile was as bright as the dawn! She looked at me shyly, and asked, “Do you really think I’m beautiful?” She was beautiful indeed, and very, very young and vulnerable. She had a little acne, but she would soon be over that. Otherwise, she was a bit lanky, but in a couple of years she would be a tall and strikingly beautiful.

“You’re going to be a supermodel.” I told her, and her grin grew even bigger. The look she was giving me now was adoring, and I realized I had made a conquest. Bekah was ready to do whatever I wanted, and I started having erotic fantasies about a hot three-way with her and Sandy. This was turning into a very successful fishing trip, sharks or no sharks!

“I’m not gonna be a model with this pizza face!” the hot little girl said, gesturing at her zits. She was fishing, too, for another compliment! I decided to play along. I wanted her cherry!

“What, your acne?” I asked Bekah, pretending I hadn’t even noticed it. “Aww, it’s not that bad! But you can clear it up in no time if you start taking birth control. Google it!” I said, responding to her incredulous look. “That’s what all the models in the teen fashion mags use! Clears it right up. And a girl that looks like you do could swap places with any of them!” She beamed happily.

It took us about another hour and a half to reach Barney’s place. It was in Pass-a-Grille, an exclusive little community built on the strip of land between the inland waterway and the Gulf of Mexico, just south of St. Pete Beach.

The house was very nice indeed, a two-story Spanish-style villa with a big lawn, a dock and a boathouse. Barney must have been fucking loaded! The place must have set him back four or five million, waterfront property in St. Pete Beach wasn’t cheap, especially in Pass-a-Grille! I felt bad again for Sandy. This was what she thought she’d always wanted, a rich husband and a mansion. Now that she finally had them, though, she was finding out that wealth and property aren’t everything.

We manuvered the sailboat into the big boathouse and tied it off. Barney offered us money, but Freddy waved him off again, telling him,” Glad to help. I’ve been in the same spot a dozen times.”

Sean added, “Just do the same thing for somebody else, if you can. We all need each other at sea. Those towboat companies are vultures.”

Barney was impressed by our generosity. I went over to show him the perfectly good solenoid I’d taken off his boat’s engines. “This is your problem. This solenoid was shorting against the engine block.”

“If you say so,” he said, inspecting the part with a blank expression on his face.

I said, “It’s Sunday, and the parts store closed early. I’m starting a seawall project in St. Pete Beach in the morning, so if you’d like, I can get the part and come by and install it on my way to work. It won’t take me twenty minutes.”

“That would be awesome!” Barney agreed enthusiastically, thinking he would save a mechanic’s fee as well as the tow. “I’ll have to be in the office at nine, but Sandy and Rebekah will be here. I’ll leave some cash to reimburse you.”

That was fine by me, I didn’t want his money. I wanted to fuck his wife and his daughter, if I got the chance! “Should be about thirty bucks or so. See ya then!” I climbed back into the SeaRay and waved at the girls as we sped away.

* * *

The next morning, I went by the parts place and got another solenoid and a battery cable. I live on a houseboat docked at Mermaid Marina in Indian Rocks Beach, in between St. Pete Beach and Clearwater Beach. They give me the berth for free in exchange for keeping the docks and seawall in shape. I’ve always worked on the waterfront or on the sea. It’s a great place to live, to stay in shape, and to meet scores of hot women! I get more ass than a toilet seat!

I called Barney at his office to let him know it would take about an hour or so before I got to his place. He said he would call and let the girls know I was coming. Perfect. I was going to be coming, all right! I licked my chops in anticipation of Sandy’s steamy cunt, and hoped I’d get to pop the cherry of that hot little teenager as well! I jumped onto my SeaDoo and headed down the Waterway to Pass-a-Grille.

When I arrived at their dock, I scoped out the security camera above the boathouse door. I immediately went into the boathouse, jumped into their boat and repaired it. That took all of seven minutes, and when I was done, I exited the boathouse the way I had entered it and jumped back onto the SeaDoo.

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