
Going Nova ch. 13: Sick Day

All participants in this story are no younger than 18 years of age.

Warrick was at work and bored out of his mind. After the excitement he had over the weekend, he wished he would have just taken a sick day and had some time to himself to process all the events he had heard about, seen, and done.

Midway through an 11 am meeting, his phone buzzed in his pocked. He pulled it out and saw a text from Hazel. Along with it was an attachment. The text said, “For your eyes only. Sound up! ;-)” The thumbnail was too small to discern, but Warrick concluded that his wife had sent him something racy.

After that, he couldn’t pay attention for the rest of the meeting, so he was thankful that it ended early and with no additional work required from him, either. He dismissed himself and went to his office and closed the door, then pulled up the message. The attachment was a video.

When he hit play, he was greeted with a grainy, low-light, VHS rip of an older man and a young girl. The man fidgeted with the camera for a moment and finally positioned it so that it was pointed at the girl.

Warrick’s eyes slowly widened as the man began to deliberately strip his young partner of her clothing. What is this, amateur porn? he wondered. Where did Hazel get this? After he removed each bit of clothing, the man would kiss her. Something about it began to feel vaguely familiar, as if he had seen this video before. Even so, the slow strip-tease of the cute, young girl had him fascinated. While she stood there, the man in the video slowly kissed his way up her skinny, milky thighs to a pair of shorties she had been wearing underneath her skirt.

Warrick thought the man was far too old to be with such a young girl—she looked to be about Brie’s age—but when he fished his large cock out of his pants, she seemed incredibly eager to start fellating him. Instead, however, he pushed her away and grabbed the camera off the tripod, bringing it closer to her, and pulling her more into focus. Warrick squinted. Why does she look so familiar?

After a beat, the man spoke, “What’s your name?”

“Hazel Williams, Mr. Avery.”

Warrick balked. His breath caught in his throat. It was his wife on camera, albeit much younger than the woman he married!

“And how do you know me?”

“You’re my teacher, Mr. Avery.”

“This is the tape!” Warrick said aloud to himself. His mind reeled. Hazel had kept her school bribery tape all those years and managed to digitize it along the way. He watched, dumbfounded, as she answered Mr. Avery’s questions and mugged lusty faces into the camera.

Seeing a school-aged version of his wife naked and tarted up for her teacher filled him with confusion and dread, but it also mixed with fascination and attraction. He wanted to stop watching but found himself unable to look away. When, at last, the older man stuffed his cock into his future wife’s mouth, Warrick gasped and paused the video. It was too much for him to handle.

He tossed the phone to his desk and attempted to do some work. Nothing, however, could distract him for very long from his newfound treasure. He picked it up again and watched a little bit more, then, kowtowing to the understanding that watching pornography at work was unprofessional, put it back down. Then he would pick it back up and watch some more. When the video ended with the disgraced student leaning in to turn off the camera, he started it back up from the beginning again.

He wondered why his wife had sent him the video. He wondered why she had kept it all this time. He wondered if he should delete it immediately, but clearly, he figured, she wanted to share it with him. He glanced out his office to make sure nobody was watching, and rubbed himself through his pants. He gawked at his phone, watching young Hazel’s skinny legs flailing under her teacher’s thrusts, listening to her tiny grunts, and her platitudes for “Daddy”.

His phone buzzed suddenly in his hand. He was so spooked, he nearly dropped it. It was a message from his wife. It said, “What do you think?”

He didn’t know how to respond. He switched to his messages and just stared at her question, trying to come up with a reply.

Then it buzzed again, this time the long vibration signaling a phone call. It was from his daughter. He answered it immediately. Clearing his throat, he rasped a hello.

“Daddy?” came a timid voice on the other end.

“Yes honey?”

He heard a sniffle. “Can you come get me? It’s lunch time, and I’m ready to go home.”

Warrick’s heart went out to his daughter when he heard her voice cracking. Clearly she was miserable at school. He assumed the other kids hadn’t let her hear the end of it. “Yes, honey, I’ll be right there.”

Brie’s sobering phone call had calmed Warrick’s erection. He pocketed his phone and said goodbye to his co-workers. “I’ll be back after lunch,” he promised. “Gotta go pick up the kid.”

Brie was waiting for him outside. She looked sullen, but seemed like she was over her tears. “C’mon, kiddo, hop in.”

For once, she wasn’t annoyed that he had called her that. She was just glad he had come at all. She appreciated that he had givin her an option to cut out of school. She climbed into the car, quietly.

“How did it go today?” Warrick asked.

“Not good,” Brie moped.

“No?” Warrick wondered if the cure had failed. “Did it happen again?”

“No. Nothing happened like that, but the other kids kept making fun of me.”

Warrick sighed, “I guess I’m not surprised. They can be so cruel at your age. But you know what?”

“What?” Brie looked up at her father.

“I’m really proud of you for trying.” Warrick reached over and mussed his little girl’s hair.

Brie felt loved at her father’s touch and sighed. She finally felt some peace after a long, tense morning. She relaxed noticeably.

“So, how are you feeling? Do you need cummies today?”

Brie shrugged, “I don’t know. I don’t think so. I feel different now.”

Warrick was both glad and disappointed. He hoped his daughter could resume a normal life once again, but he already cherished the memory he had made with her the previous night when he had taken her virginity and was hoping for more. Hazel had told him about her experience with her own father, and he was impressed that they had maintained their sexual relationship for so long. He had some hope that Brie might be equally interested in doing the same, but Hazel had made it clear that it was to be left up to their daughter.

“Did you at least get to see your friends?”

“Yeah, I saw Mia, and Elsie and I had lunch. She beat up a girl that said she hoped I would get raped.”

“That’s a horrible thing to say!”

“That’s why Elsie beat her up!”

“You know your friends love you, Brie.”


“You know who else loves you?”


“Your mom and I.”

“Da-aad,” Brie blushed.

The two sat in silence as the car made its way down the road. Brie pushed the button to lower the passenger side window, and leaned her head on the door, with her hair fluttering wildly in the wind. It dawned on her that in previous days, her nerves would have driven her mad. Now, she was once again just a normal girl, like the rest of her friends and classmates.

She thought about all she had been through. The torment her body had given her. The embarrassment she felt in front of her friends and humiliation she endured in front of the public. But she also thought about the pleasure. Before the weekend had begun, she was inexperienced and innocent. And now she was a new girl, awakened, erotic, and hungry for more.

She squirmed in her seat as her memories of her night with her father crept into her brain and mixed with the lurid details of Elsie’s story with her sister. Her heart thudded in her chest and she understood that she was now a sexual being capable of desire, and, as evidenced by her teacher’s moves on her, of being desired.

A tightness grew in her chest, and a wetness formed between her legs, but it was different now. It was under control. Her control.

She looked to her dad. He concentrated on the road. He had cured her. His cum had cured her. She was free of her super-orgasmic disorder because of him. She was glad for it, but as she gazed at him, she felt a sense of loss. She had only just come to experience his wild and passionate lovemaking and now it felt like it was all over. She wanted more. The logical side of her brain told her over and over that it was wrong, but she wanted it still. She wanted her daddy. She wanted his cock. She wanted his cum again.

She swallowed the lump in her throat.


Warrick turned and saw his daughter gazing at him, a look of concern of her face.

“What is it, honey? What’s wrong?”

Brie paused a moment and then took a breath. “Can we have sex again?”

Warrick’s cock instantly twitched in his pants. He was hoping she would ask. Hazel had assured him it would be okay, as long as she asked. “Is it your condition, honey?”

Brie shivered with nerves. “No,” she croaked out, “I just want to.”

Warrick’s heart pounded. It was what he wanted. Still, he could barely form the answer, simple as it was. A single word. Finally, he pushed it out. “Yes. Yes, we can have sex.”

Brie grinned broadly, and happily kicked her feet against the seat.

Warrick chuckled, and tousled her hair. His cock immediately started to grow.

The rest of the trip home felt like it took ages. Both Warrick and Brie sat quietly fidgeting the whole time. The elder Nova had to adjust himself a couple times and his cock was already so hot that rubbing up against the fabric of his underwear nearly set him off cumming. At last they pulled into the driveway. Brie jumped out and skipped merrily to the door. Warrick watched her juvenile bouncing and beamed at her cuteness and innocence.

He approached her as she wiggled about, waiting for him to unlock the front door, and then with a laugh, he lightly swept his daughter into his arms and up over his shoulder.

Brie squeaked and giggled, hammering her tiny fists on his back. “Put me down!” she cried.

“Who’s beating on me?” Warrick bellowed.

“It’s me! It’s me! Put me down!” she wailed energetically.

“I’ll show you,” Warrick said, and then flipped his little girl’s dress over her bottom and gave it a light smack.

Brie shrieked at the feel of his hand against her bare ass. She felt exposed and nervous that the neighbors might see her. She wondered if they would notice she wasn’t wearing panties. She wondered if they would see her father’s flirtation for what it really was. “Daddy, take me inside,” she whined.

Warrick chuckled and said, “Okay.” With her still over his shoulder, he reached down and inserted the key into the door while Brie struggled to right her wayward dress without losing her balance and falling to the ground.

At last Warrick carried her into the house, swatting her round butt one more time, enjoying the sound of another squeak and a moan of embarrassment.

When they got inside, he finally rolled her off his shoulder and held her in his arms. Brie frowned, red-faced at him. “Daddy, you’re naughty. What if someone saw?”

“You’re right. I couldn’t help myself. I’m sorry.” Warrick hugged his daughter against him and that seemed to make things right for her. “Where do you want to do it? Your bed again? Mommy and Daddy’s bed? In the shower?”

Brie didn’t know how to answer. She was inexperienced and her mind swam with options. “You choose, Daddy.”

Then Warrick had an idea. He carried Brie into the living room, and then tossed her down on the couch. Then he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Let’s watch a movie while we do this. Does that sound good?”

Brie shrugged, “Okay, Daddy.”

Warrick handed his daughter the phone and showed her a blurry video thumbnail, “You get this streaming on the TV, and I’ll get undressed.”

While Warrick began to tear his clothing off, Brie opened up a connection between his phone and the TV. She only paused for a glance at her father when his large erection swung into her peripheral vision. But she was distracted only momentarily, for the contents of her mom’s homemade pornography began to stream on the TV.

Warrick, naked, stood and watched his daughter process what was on the screen.

She was confused about the grainy, old-fashioned film that played before her, but suddenly became aware that the old man in the video was slowly stripping the young girl he was with. She was shocked at the age gap between the two. The man could have been the girl’s father, or even older.

The girl in the video gasped as he pulled off her tank top and kissed her small breasts and nipples.

“No,” protested Brie, “she’s too young.”

“She’s the same age as you,” Warrick said softly, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek. He sat down on the couch and pulled his daughter between his legs.

They both faced the TV and Brie was completely fascinated by the porn her father was showing her. She barely noticed as he, too, began to skin Brie of her clothing. Since she only wore a dress that day, after it was over her head, she was completely naked, all in one go.

Warrick lifted his daughter up under her arms and pressed his knees between her skinny legs, splaying them out across his lap, then sat her down in front of his cock. He reached around his daughter’s lithe body and caressed her small, barely there breasts, spending time on her little nipples, before dipping one of his large hands low to the top of her slit. His fingertips wandered up and down her puffy labia, which caused Brie to squirm her bottom up against his shaft.

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