
Going Nova ch. 12: Back to School

All participants in this story are no younger than 18 years of age.

The next day, Brie awoke. She groaned to herself, realizing that it was Monday; a new week, and a new day of classes. She tossed around in bed as she attempted to sleep through multiple hits of the snooze button. There under her blanket, the miserable girl resigned to block out the world for as long as she could.

Suddenly the overhead light flicked on. Her dad was at it again. “Time to get up, kiddo,” he said with his usual morning cheeriness.

Brie moaned and ducked her head under the cover to escape the cruel glare of the overhead light. As she breathed in, she was hit with the smell of sex permeating her sheets, and her night came flooding back to her.

Had it really happened? she wondered. Did I really have sex with my dad last night?

Her unclean bed answered her unequivocally.

Slowly it came back to her. All of the things she had done the previous day: with her father, with Elsie, in public on the catwalk, and in the green room with two boys she had just met. She was mortified. She didn’t know what had come over her. She could never justify it to anybody if she tried, yet it had happened all the same.

She didn’t have long to ruminate, however, as she felt her covers being tugged off of her.

“Da-aad,” Brie whined, quickly grabbing a fist-full of sheet in defense. “I literally want to die!”

“What’s wrong, sweetie?” Warrick asked warmly.

“I can’t go to School today,” she croaked out. “I can never, ever go back to school.”

Warrick dropped his end of their tug-of-war. Brie pulled her side of the sheet back, heaping it over her head. He came over to her and sat on the edge of the bed. His mind flashed back to what had happened the last time he was sat there, but he quickly put it out of his thoughts. He rubbed his daughter’s back through her sheet. She kicked and moaned, though this time it was in frustration, not pleasure. “I know you’re embarrassed after what happened on Friday, but you can’t not go to school.”

“Why not?” Brie pleaded.

“Well, for one thing, it’s actually against the law,” Warrick said, “and—”

Brie just harrumphed and turned away from him. She knew nothing she said would convince him he was wrong. His stubbornness about practical things like school always won him the battle over her emotional outbursts. “You always think you’re right, just because you’re my dad.”

“I know it’s going to be hard, baby girl,” Warrick said sympathetically, “but tell you what: go to school and at least try. Just try it and see how it goes. Maybe nobody will say anything. If you decide you can’t make it through, call me at lunch and you can come home. I’ll come pick you up.”

Brie sighed. “Fine.” She was still dreading the thought of showing her face in Mr. Ivarson’s class again, but she was surprised she even got that much leeway from her dad.

“So,” Warrick probed, “how are you feeling today?”

Brie scowled. “Bad.”

“I gathered that much, but what about the cum—” Warrick stopped short, suddenly feeling awkward using that word with his daughter again. “Well, the medicine, I mean. Do you need any more?”

Under the covers, Brie blushed. It was actually the First Time her required regimen had crossed her mind that morning. After spending all of Sunday obsessing about masturbation, cum, and sex, she had been briefly free of worrying about it at all.

“Well?” Warrick prodded.

“Daddy, leave me alone!” Brie snapped.

Warrick put his hands up. “Sorry, sweetheart, I just wanted to check up on you.” Warrick got off the bed and headed for the door. He had hoped that having sex with her the night before would have cured her, but he began to worry that he had hurt his daughter instead. He worried that his wife’s advice, based on her own anecdotal experience, was not well-informed. He cleared his throat and attempted to resume command of the situation. “Honey, get up and get ready for school, now.”

Brie sat up and gave her dad a bershon death glare that only a daughter can give to her father.

But it caused Warrick to break out into a smirk. Atop her head, Brie’s mane was an absolute mess, frizzy, tangled, and twisted into dreads. Her comical appearance undermined the daggers her eyes were throwing his way.

“What’s so funny?!” the bedraggled girl hollered.

“And wash your hair,” Warrick chuckled.

Brie flung her pillow at him as hard as she could and dove back under the covers. She knew she had to get up sooner or later. If nothing else, she couldn’t stand the stale smell of her bedsheets for much longer, but she waited until she knew her dad was gone before she dared give him the gratification of doing as he commanded.

Soon, Warrick did leave, and Brie got up and wandered to her mirror. Her dad was right about her hair. She wondered if she could ever recover from her bedhead nightmare.

“I kind of look like Mia,” she said, managing the slightest of chuckles to herself. She thought of the wild, kinky mop that burst from her new upperclassman friend’s head. She hoped that she would be able to find her at school sometime during the day. Their burgeoning friendship was one of the few bright points she looking forward to that day.

Downstairs, Hazel heard the shower start as she prepped breakfast in the kitchen. Warrick wandered in and she asked cheerily, “How’s she doing this morning?”

“Hard to say. She still hates mornings.” Warrick paused, “And maybe me, too.”

Hazel tisked and went over to him, “I’m sure that’s not true. She loves you very much. I saw just how much last night.” She kissed her husband on the cheek.

Warrick shied away. “Speaking of… How much did you see, exactly?”

“I can have one or two secrets.” Hazel turned away from him coyly before turning back and saying, “But the part that I saw made for a good show.”

The part of Warrick that wasn’t worried about his daughter’s mental health swelled with pride. His pants, too, swelled a bit, thinking back on what he got to do, and the extent to which he got to do it. He still could barely believe that he got to fuck his own daughter, push her mouth and her pussy to her limits, and, on top of all that, even cum inside of her.

He walked up to his wife and slipped his hands around her waist, kissing her on the neck, and pressing his hardness into her ass. “Thank you for being my wife,” he said quietly, “and for being a great mom.”

Hazel turned into him. “I take it that means you had fun last night.” Warrick just chuckled and kissed his way down her neck toward her chest. Hazel took in a sharp breath, but then pushed him away with a giggle. “Okay, John Phillips, I’ve still got breakfast to make.”

Warrick sat down at the table and looked at his phone while he waited for his wife and daughter to join him. Before long, the shower turned off and Brie trundled down the stairs. She wore a long, pink and orange-banded summer dress and some flat sandals. Somehow she had managed to tame her chaotic explosion of hair in the bathroom.

“Morning, sweetie,” Hazel chirped.

Warrick looked up from his phone. “Glad you could join us,” he repeated, as he always did. “How was your shower?”

Brie plopped herself down at the table. “We need more hot water.”

“Back to our normal chipper self, eh?” Warrick quipped wryly.

“Speaking of which,” Hazel chimed in, “How are you feeling today?”

“Fine,” Brie said, tiredly chewing on bacon.

“Good. Did you have your cummies this morning?” Hazel prodded.

Brie twisted her face, not in the mood to think about cum and sex things just then, “Mom, I’m trying to eat breakfast.”

“I know, honey, but we need to know so that we can help you get better.”

“I just forgot,” Brie grumbled, then added, “But I don’t really feel like it right now.”

Hazel’s eyes flicked to Warrick, who breathed a quiet sigh of relief. “It’s okay, Brie, you only need to do it when you feel like it, okay, honey?”

Brie glanced at her mom, surprised that she was free of her morning obligation. Hazel smiled warmly and nodded at her. “Okay,” the Young girl answered with trepidation.

“But,” Warrick chimed in, “you’re still not allowed to wear panties.”

Brie rolled her eyes, uncomfortable with him talking about her underwear. “I know, Dad.”

Warrick was surprised at how disappointed he was that his little girl had resumed calling him “Dad”, instead of the “daddies” she was crying out in the night.

“Let’s see, baby,” Hazel insisted.

Brie stared at her mother, wondering if she was serious, then huffed and stood up. She hiked her summer dress up, revealing more and more of her scrawny, coltish legs, until her little bottom and pussy were exposed. Warrick held his breath, wondering if he’d ever get tired of the sight of her puffy labia.

“See?” she grumbled, and then dropped the hem again. She still felt wrong revealing her privates to her parents—she knew that other girls in her class didn’t do that kind of thing—but she admitted to herself that, after her crazy weekend, it wasn’t really a big deal for her anymore.

She finished her breakfast and then Warrick drove her to school. In practice, it was just like any other school day, but he could sense his daughter’s sullen attitude. He reached over and gave her knee a squeeze. “Buck up, baby girl, nobody’s even going to remember what happened.”

“Yes they will,” Brie moped. “It only happened on Friday.”

“Jesus,” Warrick said quietly to himself as he realized that everything that had happened had only occurred within the previous three days.

“And what if someone from school saw me at the fashion show yesterday?” Her voice cracked, small. “Everybody was there.”

Her dad searched for something positive to say. “Well, Elsie will be there waiting for you. She’ll always be your friend and never leave your side.”

“Daddy, I’m never going to live this down!” Tears streamed down the girl’s cheeks.

“Okay, okay, honey. Be strong. Remember, like we talked about, if you really can’t make it through the day, give me a call at lunch time and I’ll come pick you up. We’ll say that you’re sick. But give it an honest try, okay?”

Brie sobbed a bit more. Sick was right. She had sex with her father. And her mother before that. It wasn’t normal. The one saving grace, she figured, was that there was no way anybody saw those particular acts. Finally sniffled and cleared her throat. “Okay, Daddy, I’ll try.”

Warrick tousled his daughter’s hair, gently massaging her head, which did cause her to relax a bit. He was mixed with emotion. He was happy that his daughter appeared to be cured of her nymphomania. He was also distraught that she was in for a tough day at school, and there wasn’t anything he could do to protect her from it. And, he begrudgingly admitted to himself, he was a little bit disappointed that his daughter wasn’t trying to take her clothes off in the car again.

It was becoming clear that his “medicine” had indeed worked. She hadn’t masturbated at all that morning, and signs were showing that she was back in a normal mindset for a girl her age; she was more concerned with her reputation among her fellow co-eds than with finding the source of her next orgasm.

They arrived at Brie’s school and Warrick dropped his daughter off. Before she left the car, Warrick asked, “Got a kiss for your dad?”

“Da-aad,” Brie complained, blushing.

“Okay, okay,” her father conceded, “I guess you’re not my little girl anymore.”

She rolled her eyes, feeling a little bit guilty, so she said, “It’s okay, Daddy, I’m still your little girl. Just don’t say it so loud when I’m at school.” She leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

“It’s a deal,” Warrick agreed, but then added, “as long as you tell your friends that I’m cool.”

“I will,” Brie giggled with one final sniffle, “but they’ll never buy it.”

Warrick was relieved to see her brighten up. “Well, a guy can try.”

At that, she closed the car door and Warrick drove off, leaving her to take on the day on her own. As she approached the school, she passed several of her acquaintances. One-by-one, they all turned their heads to follow her path. Most of them avoided direct eye contact, but a couple of them couldn’t help but stare in wonderment.

Brie felt like she was the unwilling star of a hidden camera TV show. She heard one of them whisper, “I saw her at the pool on Saturday.” She couldn’t hear the response, but she could make out the words “fashion show,” “naked,” and “slutty”, and then giggling.

The poor girl blushed deeply. Coming into the day, she knew she would have to deal with the fallout from her classroom jill-off session, but she hadn’t fully considered how her weekend exhibitionism around their small town would also make its way back to school.

Brie quickly walked to her first period science class with Mr. Ivarson. Before she made it through the door, she was beet red. She could only faintly remember what had happened at the end of the previous week, but she knew that she had kissed her teacher and masturbated in class until she blacked out.

As she entered the room, every head snapped to her, including Mr. Ivarson. Tittering started immediately and, as swiftly as possible, Brie made her way to a back corner of the room with her head down.

Mr. Ivarson attempted to get his classroom back under his control as more students continued to file into the room behind her. “Now class, I know not everybody’s here yet, but let’s take a look at the outline of what we’re going to cover today,” he said, attempting to distract them all.

The other kids in the class mostly avoided sitting in the seat next to Brie, but eventually a boy named Edward got up and switched his seat. Brie had always disliked him because he often acted up in class and annoyed the teachers, and he talked about vulgar things in the halls.

Soon everyone was accounted for and class began, but Brie couldn’t pay attention. She just sat, stewing in her shame, counting the minutes until the period was over. How am I even going to make it to noon? she wondered.

Edward couldn’t pay attention either. His gaze was fixed upon Brie. “Hey,” he whispered to her.

Brie ignored him.

“Hey!” he rasped louder.

Brie snapped her head to him and glared.

He grinned slyly and quietly mouthed, “Let me see your pussy.”

Brie snapped her head back to her desk and fumed. Edward chuckled quietly to himself.

After a minute she heard again, more insistently, “Let me see your pussy.” Brie tried to ignore it, but her burning cheeks gave her away.

Then, louder, “Lift up your dress. Let’s see your goodies.” This time, the boy in front of Edward heard and snorted out a chuckle, throwing a quick glance at Brie, then backwards to Edward. Edward clucked out a louder laugh.

Mr. Ivarson, too, noticed something going on and called on the boy. “Edward, is there something you have a question about?”

“Uh, no, sir,” he replied.

Mr. Ivarson peered over his glasses at him for a moment, before returning to his lecture.

Edward sank back into his seat and quieted down, but Brie could still see him out of the corner of her eye. She tried not to pay him any attention as he ever-so-slowly turned his body toward hers and then spread his legs. She could feel him staring at her as he did so. Then she saw him begin to flick his hand back and forth over the crotch of his jeans in contrived female masturbation. He quietly began to gasp mockingly, his breath crescendoing such that the girl in front of Brie turned to notice him. She stifled a shocked guffaw at his actions, and at Brie’s expense.

The poor girl could take it no longer. “Stop it, you bully!” she croaked. The whole class immediately turned to look at the scene.

Mr. Ivarson frowned and barked, “Edward!”

The boy suddenly gripped his desk and rumbled it against the floor. He cried out with a sneer, “I’m sorry sir, it’s— it’s coming from my pussyyyy!”

The classroom erupted in a roar of laughter at his callback to Brie’s Friday incident. Brie was crimson with humiliation.

Mr. Ivarson flew into a rage, shouting above the commotion. “That’s it! I warned you all not to make a big deal about this last week. Detention for you, Edward. Go to the principal’s office now.”

“Whatever, man,” beamed Edward as he grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. “Less time for me to be in this shitty class.” The students broke into another bout of laughter. “Peace out!”

“That’s two detentions, Edward!” Mr. Ivarson called after him. After the boy had made his exit, the teacher turned his attention to Brie. “You, too, are excused, young lady. Please go to one of the study rooms and wait for me there after class.” He held out a hall pass that he had apparently prepared ahead of class time.

Brie couldn’t leave the room fast enough. She dashed down the hall toward the row of sound-proof cubicles the school had installed to let students get homework done with fewer distractions. As she rounded a corner, she nearly ran into Mia.

“Whoa!” Mia shouted, “Oh hey, Brie! Jesus, you nearly creamed me.”

“Mia! What are you doing here?” Brie sniffled and quickly wiped tears from her eyes.

“Gotta take a leak.” Mia flashed her bathroom pass. “What are you doing?”

“I got in trouble and I have to go to one of the study rooms.”

“Ah, man, what did you do?”

“Nothing!” Brie lamented. “It wasn’t my fault.”

“Ugh, that’s the worst,” Mia consoled. “Hey, what if you just bailed?”

“What, like leave school?”

“Yeah,” Mia grinned, “Wanna skip out? I do it sometimes when I’ve had enough of this shit.”

Brie stared into Mia’s lively eyes and considered it. She would love to spend the day anywhere but here, and especially in the company of her newfound friend. But she replied, “I— I better not. I promised Daddy—er, my father—that I’d at least try to get through half the day.”

Mia smiled and mussed the girl’s hair, “Probably better that way. I always end up getting in more trouble in the end, anyway. How are you doing, by the way?”

“Bad. Everybody knows what I did on Friday, and now rumors are flying about Saturday and Sunday, too, like from when we went to the pool.”

“Oh,” nodded Mia knowingly. “Well, if it helps, those rumors aren’t from me. I’ve only told my friends that you’re cool.”

Brie’s eyes widened, “Really?”

“Yeah, real cool,” the upperclassman smiled. “They wanna hang out sometime.”

Brie’s insides warmed at the revelation. She suddenly felt the urge to hug Mia, and she dove in. “Oh Mia, I’m so glad I met you. Thanks for being my friend.”

“Yeah, kid.” She squeezed Brie in return. “Let’s get together soon. And bring your girlfriend Elsie along.

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