
Going Nova ch. 11: All of Brie

All participants in this story are no younger than 18 years of age.

Ivy met the Novas in the foyer of their home. She spoke quietly.

“Elsie’s on my phone on the couch. Brie’s asleep in her bed. She passed out on stage.”

“Passed out?” Warrick asked, concerned.

“She’s okay.” Ivy reassured him. “She didn’t have a big fall, but she had a, well… a dramatic experience, you could say.” Ivy turned to Hazel, “Did you tell him what I told you?”

Hazel shook her head, “Not fully, but I’ve prepared him.”

“Damn, you’re gonna make me say it again?”

“I thought it would be best that it not come from me second-hand. You were the one who was there.” Hazel urged.

Ivy took a deep breath and turned to Warrick. “I went to the mall to go to the fashion show, and discovered that Brie and Elsie were modeling in the show.”

“Modeling?” Warrick asked, surprised. He looked to his wife to see what she knew about it.

Hazel shrugged, “It’s news to me, too.” She turned to Ivy. “Does Elsie have any answers?”

“She said they worked out a deal for free makeup and clothing from Libertine and Scarlet if they volunteered.”

“Sneaky kids,” Warrick admitted. “Brie’s always trying to get me to go into Scarlet with her so that I’ll buy overpriced leggings or whatever.”

“Anyway, the point is, Brie had three walks up on stage and she looked like she was in worse and worse shape each time she came out on stage. The last time, she was completely strung out. I’m concerned that she was maybe drugged. She ended up—” Ivy swallowed the lump in her throat, searching for the right word, “—gratifying herself on stage. Twice.”

Even though Ivy was concerned for the young girl, as she relived the scene in her mind, she felt her nether region get notably moist. She didn’t want to feel it, not if Brie was in trouble, but yet she couldn’t help but admit that somehow the scene, in hindsight, was imbued with a strange kind of eroticism.

Hazel furrowed her brow in concern. Despite her sureness that Brie shared her same super-orgasmic affliction, as a mother, she couldn’t put off the fact that her daughter might have been taken advantage of while she was vulnerable. “We’ll have to investigate and make sure nothing happened to her.”

“To be fair,” said Ivy, “Elsie did say that they were well taken care of back stage. And Elsie herself seems fine.”

“That is somewhat assuring,” Hazel admitted.

“Good,” said Warrick.

“Maybe the nerves of being on stage got to her,” Ivy offered, “but I still don’t know what was going through her mind when she stripped off her skimpy bathing suit in front of the crowd and… brought herself to climax.”

“Let’s not fall all over ourselves getting too clinical,” Hazel tutted, “We’re all adults here, and I think we all understand what happened. You can say masturbate or cum or jilled off or whatever.” She looked around at the other two, who both nodded, though they blushed. “Well now, shall we have a chat with Elsie?”

They filed into the living room where Elsie was watching a phone video of a kid opening birthday toys on her YouTube channel. She was still in the bikini she wore during her final trip down the runway. She had dropped off her shoes on the floor and was kicking her bare feet against the couch as she absent-mindedly watched the video.

“Elsie, time to give the phone back to Ivy,” Hazel instructed.

“Okay,” she said half-heartedly, but obeyed without any objection. The adults all sat around her, focused. Elsie shrank in her seat. “Am I in trouble?” she asked.

The room gave out a snicker and attempted to relax. “No, kiddo, you’re not in trouble,” said Hazel. “We just want to know a little bit more about what happened this afternoon.”

“You mean on stage?” Elsie clarified.

“Yes,” Hazel nodded.

“Um, I dunno,” the girl replied, matter-of-factly.

“You didn’t see what happened with Brie?”

Ivy interrupted, “She might not have, she was back stage when it happened.”

“I didn’t see,” Elsie confirmed. “After I left the stage, there was a guy there that wanted me to model his company’s clothes for his website. He said he was with Momo! It’s gonna be so awesome,” she said, excitedly dropping the name of the brand, which was hot at her school.

“That’s nice,” Hazel chuckled disinterestedly and followed up with her line of questioning. “Did anything happen to you or Brie back stage before that?”

Elsie thought back to what did happen. They had snuck two older boys backstage with them. Elsie had fucked the older of the two and Brie had given a blowie to the younger one. Then Brie gave her oral, guzzling the cum from inside Elsie’s pussy. The two of them had, in fact, been through a lot that day. However, she wasn’t about to divulge those details with Brie’s parents. “No. We just waited in the waiting room they gave us,” the girl delivered flatly.

“None of the stagehands tried to touch you?” Warrick prodded further.

“Just when they were putting our makeup on,” Elsie said, this time truthfully.

“I mean in your private area.”

Elsie scrunched up her face at the question.

“On your pussy, or tits?” Hazel clarified, looking at Warrick. He grimaced and shrugged.

“No. We got dressed ourselves.”

Ivy chimed in. “Did they give you any drugs?”

Elsie giggled at the thought and rolled her eyes. “No!”

“Then why was Brie looking so strung out on stage?” Ivy asked, getting visibly frustrated.

By now, the two parents had a good idea just what the answer was—it seemed Brie was not drugged, nor molested, and had only succumbed to another public-facing super-orgasm. Hazel cut off Ivy’s interrogation. “Let’s not upset the poor girl. We can assume she’s told us all she saw. Ivy, I think we can take it from here.”

“Fine,” Ivy resigned herself. “I’m gonna go see if I can salvage my date. I owe him one. He distracted security while I had to drag Brie down off the catwalk and sneak the little minx out of the mall half-naked.”

“You didn’t get her dressed?” Warrick asked.

“I didn’t have time to grab her clothes from back stage! The mall cops were after us and they didn’t seem to pleased with the whole incident, so we were in a hurry. But Elsie made sure we got everything.”

Elsie looked proud of herself. “I even got all the new things they promised us,” she said with an impish grin, “like my new bikini.”

“Get your shoes on,” Hazel said, all business, “You’re going home, too.” Elsie frowned, but slid off the couch.

As the neighbor girl got to tying her laces, Ivy said her goodbyes. Relieved of her guardianship, her attitude softened. “Guess I’ll see you on Thursday, Warrick?” she flirted.

Warrick barely caught the hint, “Huh? Oh, yeah. For sure.”

“And I’ll see you tomorrow at work,” Hazel winked. It was a wink that was intended only for Ivy, but Elsie saw it, as well. She watched as the two women embraced lightly and kissed each other on the cheek. A hint of surprise registered on her face when she witnessed them then kiss briefly on the lips, but after the weekend, it hardly shocked her at all. Then Ivy departed.

Hazel turned to her husband and said, “I think I’ll take this one home.”

Elsie piped up. “It’s okay, I can walk home.”

“No Elsie, it’s fine. Besides, Warrick can take care of our daughter while we’re out.”

“Okay,” Warrick said a little dumbly, “What should I do?”

“Take care of her.” Hazel repeated.

“Take care… take care?” Warrick asked, picking up on her euphemism. “Now?”

Hazel nodded, “Like a good, caring father.”

“Okay, um,” Warrick fumbled for words, “did you want to… be there, too?”

“This is your moment, honey. Besides, I need to talk to Elsie in private.”

Warrick cleared his throat. His heartbeat suddenly pounded in his head and if the conversation had gone on any longer, he wouldn’t have been able to listen. A big moment was coming. His moment. He was going to fuck his daughter. He was going to cure her of her embarrassing affliction.

Or was he? He still wasn’t sure this was right, or that any of Hazel’s story wasn’t just a half-cooked justification for her own history of sordid behavior with their child. “Okay, honey. I— I guess I’ll see you in a little while.”

Elsie stopped tugging at her laces, and remained still, trying to puzzle through what the Novas were talking about. She sensed a subtext to their conversation, but couldn’t discern what they were alluding to. It seemed sexual in nature, though, and after Brie admitted to providing both of her parents with oral sex, Elsie’s mind wandered in that direction. Still, she wasn’t sure. Adults often talked over her head.

Suddenly Hazel turned to the girl. “Got your shoes tied?”

“Yes,” Elsie swallowed, quickly finishing the final knot.

“Alright, let’s go.”

In the car, the ride was quiet, and Elsie began to get nervous. Hazel had said that she wanted to talk to her, but now that they were both there, no talking was happening at all. The young girl began to fidget and her hands trembled slightly. Soon they were at her home. The car came to a stop and she reached for the door handle. “Thanks for the ride.”

Before she could get out of the car, Hazel turned to her and grabbed her thigh firmly, holding her there. The young girl immediately sensed that she was in trouble. She turned to the elder Nova with concerned, puppy dog eyes.

“Elsie,” Hazel said in a soft tone, “I know that you had sex with my husband last night.”

Elsie’s heart thudded in her chest. She knew it must have been her night-shirt that had given it away. Warrick had discarded it once he had stripped her of it that steamy evening. After the two of them had climaxed, both her mind and body were exhausted and she lost track of the shirt until she spied Hazel sporting it—along with Brie’s panties—the next morning as she rode her husband. Elsie was completely devoid of excuses and couldn’t say anything. Tears welled on her eyelids.

“Elsie, you’re Brie’s friend…” Then Hazel added, “and I’d like to think you’re my friend, too, but Warrick is my husband. You cheated with him when you fucked him.”

Elsie winced at the f-word. It seemed so much harsher to her ears when she was in trouble. Hazel continued. “Most women wouldn’t take kindly to that. I know you’re very young, and you have a lot to learn about life and how your body exists in it. If you want to run around like a nymphomaniac, that’s fine. That’s your choice. I’m not going to judge you for that.”

Elsie hung her head in shame. She didn’t like being called out as some kind of pervert. A tear streaked down her burning cheek.

Hazel continued her admonishment, “But you can’t cheat. You have to get permission from everybody involved before you make a move like that. You don’t have the experience to understand how you hurt people when you cheat.”

Elsie sniffled, and her voice quavered. “Okay,” she said sadly.

“Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Elsie sniffled again and nodded.

“What am I saying?” Hazel challenged.

The girl stared at the hand on her thigh. It was smooth and warm, yet she felt pinned by Hazel all the same. She was trapped. “I shouldn’t have had sex with Warrick. I’m really sorry, though. It won’t happen again!”

“No, Elsie, that’s not what I said.” Hazel brushed her thumb over the girl’s thigh affectionately. “You can have sex with him, but you should have talked with me about it first.”

Elsie suddenly looked up at Hazel. “I can—?” She stopped short.

Hazel nodded. Elsie wiped her eyes and blushed, fidgeting in her seat. She didn’t want to say anything for fear of the woman reversing her decision. She still didn’t believe it was true.

“Truce?” Hazel asked.

“O—okay,” Elsie could only reply. A relieved smirk cracked on her face.

“Good,” Hazel smiled. “Now, what do you think about having another sleepover next weekend?”

Elsie looked into Hazel’s eyes with restrained enthusiasm. “Really?”

Hazel nodded.

The little girl’s mind flooded with all of the new possibilities that had opened up for her over the past weekend and fantasized about what that might mean for her next weekend. Still, she chose to play it simple. “I can’t wait! We’re going to have so much fun! We can go to the park, and to Trampoline World, and maybe get some more clothes at the mall, and—”

Hazel chuckled. “Okay, okay, don’t make too many plans. Leave some room for surprises. Now, go on and get out of here.”

Elsie reached for the door handle, but once again she felt an arresting squeeze on her thigh.

“One more thing, baby.” Hazel leaned across to the passenger seat and brought her face in close to Elsie’s. She brought her lips in and tenderly kissed the girl on the forehead. Elsie’s heart leapt at the warm softness of the older woman’s lips, and she froze in place. Hazel pulled back slightly but nodded in again, touching the girl with her nose, dragging it down to her face. It tickled Elsie, and she turned to let Hazel kiss her again on the cheek. Hazel could smell the salty tear streaks.

The young girl’s breath trembled and again, Hazel went in for a kiss, diving in to give a nibble on the side of her neck. Elsie took in a sharp breath. Goosebumps formed on her neck and shoulders, and she felt her tiny nipples harden beneath her bikini top. Then she turned and leaned in for a kiss all her own, right on Hazel’s lips, just as she had seen Ivy do. Her best friend’s mother gave a tiny moan. The moment didn’t last long, but it sealed their truce.

Hazel broke away, her face hot and blushing. She eked out a quavering breath and released her grip on the girl’s leg. “Okay, now you can go.”

Elsie sighed, smiling, her own face reddening, and opened the door. “Hazel, you’re so cool,” she said, waving and skipping up the walkway to her house.

Hazel waved in return, smiling to herself, then put the car in gear and drove away.

Elsie reached her front door, dreaming of the week to come. Just when she was about to turn the handle, it swung open before her and she nearly stumbled into her older sister, Mallory, who spoke sternly: “What in the heck?!” Elsie stared at her sister like a deer in headlights. “Charlotte told me Brie was jacking off in public again today.”

“I dunno,” Elsie dodged, “I didn’t see it.”

“You were there, right?” It was more of a statement than a question. Mallory knew that the two best friends were inseparable on the weekends.

Elsie shrugged.

“You were there. Charlotte said that you were.”

“So?” Elsie retorted.

“So, you didn’t see? I wanna know what happened! How did you get that job, anyway? Charlotte said you were good. Is that why you’re wearing a bathing suit? Is that why it’s new? Did you buy it? Did they let you keep it?” Mallory barraged her younger sister with questions faster than the poor girl could keep up with answers.

Elsie just nodded, a sly grin on her face. “I got another gig coming up, too.”

“But, how?” Mallory demanded loudly.

“Chill out, Mal,” Elsie hushed. “I don’t want mom and dad to find out. They’ll flip.”

“Loud Little Elsinora Brannigan is telling someone else to be quiet?” Mallory teased. “Fine, come inside and tell me everything.”

“I will. Just keep quiet. If you can manage that, Brie even showed me a few new tricks I learned that we can, um, try out tonight.” Elsie’s eyes flitted side-to-side, and then she added, “Together.”

Mallory’s eyes widened and her cheeks blushed at their tradition of masturbating together, sister and sister. She wondered what new thing Elsie had in store for her.


Warrick shut the door behind his wife as she herded Elsie to the car. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat, and he was sweating nervously. Hazel told him to “take care” of their daughter, and he well knew what she was implying.

He was to have sex with her and open her girlish world to a new, erotic landscape. Furthermore, he was to cum inside his own child’s pussy, as a last ditch effort to “reset” her deviant, uninhibited, cum-crazed sexuality, to a hopefully more traditional and stable Brie, with a newly awoken, yet restrained, sexual mindset.

Instinctively, he peered up the stairs, toward her bedroom, picturing her small form napping in her single bed. He then set about drawing the blinds on the first level of the house, darkening it considerably. He knew he would not be down stairs while he executed his wife’s taboo request, but it made him feel a little bit safer from the prying eyes of neighbors and passers by.

He sat for a short while in the kitchen contemplating the act he was about to commit, and then decided to try one last hail-Mary that would turn him from the immoral path his wife had set him upon. He pulled out his phone and dialed the pediatrician’s office. It was a Sunday, so he knew it would be closed, but he wanted to exhaust every possibility he could to prove he had done due diligence.

Surprisingly, Dr. Taylor answered the line.


Warrick cleared his throat. “Oh, hello Dr. Taylor. I didn’t expect to get you this late on a Sunday.”

“Oh, yeah, had to run to the office and take care of some X-rays and just got sucked into the work,” he chuckled. “What’s going on? Running in to any problems with Brie?”

“No, no,” Warrick lied, “Everything’s been going great. But, well, Brie is out of medicine and I wanted to see if I could use something else instead.”

“Out of medicine already?” Dr. Taylor asked.

“Yes, she spilled it last night.” Warrick nervously cleared his throat again. “Can I ask, what’s the generic version? Maybe I could pick some up at the drug store.”

There was a long silence, and finally Dr. Taylor responded. “No. No, I’m afraid it’s a prescription formula only. You won’t be able to buy this over the counter.”

Warrick silently cursed himself, unsure what to say next. Finally he blurted out. “Well, at least tell me the active ingredient. As her father, I have a right to know what she’s putting into her body.”

Again a long silence, followed by a long “Umm.”


Warrick heard an audible sigh over the line. “Warrick, I’m a doctor, and I believe it’s my duty not to mince words with my patients and their guardians. So, I’m going to give this to you straight.”

Warrick’s heart beat in his chest. In that moment, he knew his last ditch effort had failed.

“I’m going to tell you what you need to know, but I am not making a recommendation—or judgement—on what you do with this information. The active ingredient in your daughter’s medicine is spermatozoa. It’s human sperm.” The doctor paused to wait for a reaction, but it never came. “The formula we gave you was a mix of various sperm collected from various banks.

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