Going Nova ch. 10: Hazel Goes Nova
Going Nova ch. 10: Hazel Goes Nova
Sex Story Author: | sodapopsweet |
Sex Story Excerpt: | He probably would have watched us if he hadn’t gotten spooked by walking in on us. He just turned around |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Cum Swallowing, Erotica, Exhibitionism, Female exhibitionist, Fiction, Incest, Male Male/Teen Female, Male/Teen Female, Older Male / Female, Romance, School, Teen, Threesome, Young |
Hazel checked the time on her phone and noticed that she and Warrick were a couple hours into the afternoon birthday party they had been invited to. The party was hosted by Warrick’s friend Tyler, and the two had known each other since shortly after Brie was born. They had met on a new-fathers community forum online. When they’d realized that they lived in the same city, Warrick set up regular play dates with Tyler, his wife Lindsay, and their son Dominic. As the two kids grew up, they’d naturally drifted apart, forming their own relationships with friends who lived closer by—Brie had little interest in being carted twenty minutes across town on a regular basis, just to play with kids, when she could instead wander down a few blocks to Elsie’s by herself—but the two fathers maintained their friendship nevertheless.
Hazel enjoyed the company of Tyler, but did not hold as strong a relationship with him as her husband did, nor with Tyler’s wife. At one point early on, Warrick took the risk of inviting him into a threesome or foursome between the two couples, but Lindsay was not amused. Ever since then, even though Warrick and Tyler continued to carry on like normal, Hazel felt like she was something of an outsider.
“How’s Dominic been doing?” Warrick asked.
“Eh, you can see for yourself. Dominic!” Tyler called into the house. “Come say hi to Uncle Warrick and Aunt Hazel.”
A gloomy boy with a slim, ropey build appeared in the window in a black band tee with the sleeves cut off. He waved in acknowledgement, but didn’t go outside.
Tyler turned back to Warrick and shrugged. “I guess he’s getting to be that age where we’re not cool enough anymore, huh?” He punched Warrick on the shoulder.
“Not cool anymore?” Warrick asked, shooting a worried glance at his wife.
Hazel snorted and sipped her beer, but said nothing.
Tyler redirected the subject. “Brie’s starting to grow up, too. I’ve seen the pictures on Facebook. She’s getting tall.” He leaned in to Warrick. “I hate to tell you, man, but she’s got more of her mother in her than you.”
“She lucked out,” Hazel interjected wryly.
“I have to say, I agree.” Warrick said proudly, and wrapped an arm around his wife to pull her close.
Tyler cast his eyes downward. “I was hoping she’d come along. I thought maybe she and Dom would play together, like old times. Where did you say she was this afternoon?”
“She’s at a fashion show with her friend,” Hazel replied and added, “and a lot has changed as she has grown. I don’t think those ‘old times’ are coming back.”
“True. You know,” said Tyler wistfully, “I always regret that the kids didn’t get along better than they did. It would’ve been nice to see them blossom together.”
Warrick nodded, “I know, but you know kids. They can’t see beyond their own neighborhood. They’ve got it easy, really. They want their entire social circle within reach. If it’s not directly in front of them, they won’t even give it a chance. I got Brie a new bike, and she won’t even ride it. She’s already asking me for a car and she hasn’t even gotten her permit yet. Meanwhile, there’s a whole world out there for her to explore.”
The screen door swung open and Lindsay came out with presents and, balanced on top of the stack, a cheese tray.
“Speaking of changes,” Tyler said, plucking up a cube of cheddar as his wife passed, “We’re starting to talk with Dom about sex.”
“Lovely party conversation,” Lindsay mocked.
A self-conscious chortle escaped Tyler. “Anyway, we’re hoping we’re not too late.”
“Too late for what?” asked Warrick.
“You know, kids these days get their sex education off the internet, if you know what I mean. And I’m not talking about SkillShare.”
“Wouldn’t that be something?” Lindsay asked bemusedly. The foursome burst into laughter at the thought of an online video class that taught sex education through live demonstration, but it died out into fidgety reflection on the topic.
Tyler spoke up to end the awkward silence, “Anyway, I know Dom’s almost a little too old to have not yet had The Talk,” he paused to emphasize the euphemism, “but I was curious how you went about it.”
“Well…” Hazel fumbled for the words, “we’ve found ourselves in the same situation as you. We’ve noticed that Brie is becoming more sexually active. We’ve caught her…” Hazel then paused, looking to Warrick for the right thing to say, “exposing herself to new perspectives recently.”
Warrick felt a lump in his throat, unsure how much his wife was going to say.
“You caught her?” asked Tyler with surprise. He looked to Warrick, who grimaced and nodded. “With a boy?”
Warrick interjected, “Not with a boy, no. Not yet.”
Tyler chucked, “See? That’s what I mean. We have to get to them before the rest of the world does.” He turned to his wife, “Linds, have you ever caught Dom?”
“Caught him? No, but I’ve seen evidence that his tool is in working order,” she joked. She then rolled her eyes and bemoaned, “Copious amounts of evidence. In socks, underwear, towels. Boys!” she harrumphed. She finished with a wink at Hazel and the two women laughed knowingly while the two men shifted bashfully. Lindsay then continued, “We’ve been trying to strategize what to do next, but we can’t seem to agree on an appropriate approach for Dom. What are you two planning for your daughter?”
“We’re starting to get something together, but we still need more collaboration around it,” Hazel remarked. Lindsay nodded in agreement. “I just know that when I was a young girl,” Hazel continued quietly, “my dad, at first, took a very hands-off approach to my sex education. He wasn’t very comfortable talking about sex, at least not with me. But I found that the school curriculum was—shall I say—inadequate.It left me with a lot of questions that couldn’t be answered in a public institution.”
Lindsay tisked, “And with education funding only going down these days, I’m sure the problem hasn’t gotten any better.”
“I begged my dad for guidance,” Hazel continued, “but he resisted, always saying that it wasn’t proper conversation for a father to have with his daughter. And my mom was never around.” She glanced over at her husband, whose attention was rapt. “I was just a young girl who needed help, and my dad was too embarrassed or unsure to give me what I truly needed.”
Warrick swallowed, and said soberly, “I had no idea.” The others remained quiet.
Hazel continued. “My exploration became a… problem, in some ways, and my dad eventually intervened. It was pretty embarrassing for me at the time, but really I was so grateful for him, too. I see a lot of me in Brie today, and I want her to live the best life she can. I want her to feel rewarded in the end, like I’ve been rewarded with Warrick and Brie, and I think she’ll get there with a more hands-on sex education.”
“Like a SkillShare?” Tyler butted in, attempting to elevate the mood.
“Maybe!” Hazel exclaimed, eliciting laughter, though only Hazel truly knew how honest she was being.
“You know,” Lindsay piped up, “I feel like this conversation has brought us together closer than the last ten years of our friendship have.” Hazel smiled at her warmly. Lindsay continued, “Thank you for being brave enough to share your story.” Lindsay spread her arms and the two women embraced. Tyler smirked at Warrick and they clinked their beer bottles together.
Lindsay turned to her husband and the two of them changed the subject, talking amongst themselves about the pile of presents she had brought out. As they absorbed themselves in their own world, Warrick pulled Hazel aside. “How come I didn’t know anything about that?”
“I don’t know,” Hazel deflected. “It was when I was very young, before I was truly sexually active. I didn’t think—”
Just then her pocket buzzed. Checking the caller ID, she said, “Oh, it’s Ivy. The fashion show must be over. I wonder if she found the kids.” She answered the phone.
Warrick wandered over to Tyler and Lindsay, who were talking in hushed tones. They clammed up when they saw him approach.
“I think it’s time for presents,” Lindsay said, blushing.
“Sounds good to me,” Tyler sounded off with a broad smile.
Hazel re-entered the conversation and said plaintively to her husband, “Unfortunately, honey, we’re needed back home.”
Warrick arced an eyebrow up.
“Can’t stay for just one present?” Lindsay appealed.
“I’m so sorry Lindsay, we promised the babysitter two hours, and we’re already late. We were just having so much fun, we lost track of the time.”
Warrick could tell something was up, because he knew there was no babysitter, so he played along, nodding.
“Aw, bummer,” Tyler said. “I had a feeling we’d all get to enjoy at least one of these gifts. But thank you so much for coming.” They gathered round and exchanged hugs. Tyler shook Warrick’s hand and, with the beer bottle in his other hand, pointed and winked, saying “If I get anything good, I’ll text you.”
“I wanna be the first to know,” Warrick chuckled.
The Novas retreated to the car and Hazel started it up.
Warrick gazed at her from the passenger seat. “We didn’t get a babysitter. What did Ivy say?”
“She said that Brie has gotten herself into some trouble.”
Warrick’s heart dropped. Something told him, this time it was a doozy. “Trouble? What kind of trouble.”
“I’m sure you’ll already have some idea,” Hazel said pointedly.
“At the mall?”
“That’s where Ivy said she’d be. She must have run into the girls there. She told me that she brought the two of them home.”
“I wonder what happened,” Warrick mused. He contemplated what kind of predicament his daughter had again gotten herself into as they drove off. After her stint at the pool, he knew that she was not above gratifying herself in public places. Perhaps security had caught her in the bathroom, or maybe a cashier heard her in a dressing cubicle. He wondered about Elsie’s role as well, and he began to daydream about his tryst with her the previous night.
On the phone, Ivy had given Hazel an overview of what had gone down on the fashion runway, but Hazel decided to keep that knowledge to herself for the moment. She wanted to talk to Warrick about something else first. “I know we’ve been talking a lot about this lately, but I just want to circle back around to our conversation about helping our daughter through these troubles that she’s getting into.”
“Her sex education,” Warrick intimated.
Hazel gave a curt nod. “Indeed.”
Warrick’s phone buzzed about an incoming text and he pulled it out to see if there was any more information coming from Ivy. Instead it was from Tyler. It said, “!!! Happy birthday to me. Lindsay was very taken in by Hazel’s story, so she gifted us a swap! You still down?”
“Holy shit,” Warrick blurted out.
“What is it?” Hazel asked urgently.
“Tyler and Lindsay want to do a swap. I can’t believe it.” Hazel groaned in frustration and Warrick balked, “Oh, you’re not interested anymore?”
“No, it’s not that,“ she bemoaned. “You’re always getting distracted from your responsibilities by every fresh, new pussy that waves in front of you.”
“What are you talking about?”
Hazel frowned. “I was thinking you’d have taken matters with Brie into your own hands by now, but you’ve been distracted by another young girl the entire weekend,” she alluded.
Warrick sputtered. “What? I haven’t been—”
“Oh please, Warrick, I found her clothing crumpled on the floor in the living room this morning. You saw me in her teeshirt, for christ sake, and you’re trying to pull off this lie?”
Warrick’s cheeks burned.
“And while you were taking care of Elsie last night, I was the one taking care of our daughter.”
Warrick sat in silence, knowing that his cheating was now out in the open, but Hazel’s choice of words—“taking care of”—prodded at his subconscious until they formulated into a thought. “Wait a minute, what do you mean ‘taking care’?”
“I mean taking care!” Hazel threw her hands up. “Taking whatever care I have to in order to make sure Brie gets through this okay. And,” she looked to her husband, “I need you to step up and do the same.”
“How much care is there to take?” Warrick retorted argumentatively. “As far as I know, Brie only needs to take her medicine and have a little fun time flicking the bean once in a while. I thought you had taken her upstairs to get her medicine last night.” Warrick paused and noted Hazel avoiding his eyes. “Is there something I don’t know?”
“Yes, I helped her get her medicine,” Hazel replied, audibly frustrated, “but that’s only one part of it. She needed more from me.”
Warrick was still unsatisfied with her explanation, and he could feel her dodging his line of questioning. They were open enough with their parenting that it was rare for Hazel to be so evasive. Yet he couldn’t think of a way to ask her more directly if her care was more hands-on in nature without confirming his perverse suspicion that his wife had groped their daughter, like she had done in the car at the beginning of the weekend.
“I was— I…” For a rare moment in her life, Hazel was unusually hesitant in fessing up to a sexual encounter to her husband; she couldn’t bring herself to admit to molesting their child. Yet she knew that he now suspected something untoward had happened between herself and their daughter. There was no way out of the conversation without executing a lie of epic proportions, and Hazel found she could not be so dishonest with her partner. Besides that, she knew deep down that keeping this from her husband was wrong for another reason. “I…” She took a deep breath and committed to telling the truth. “I showed her the ways of being a woman. I made love to our little girl last night,” she admitted, choosing words that painted her actions in a positive light.
Warrick’s heart thudded in his chest, and his mouth went dry. “You what?” he choked out.
She turned and looked him in the eye and said as flatly as she could muster. “I ate her cunny.”
Warrick was astonished. “You… you did what?”
“I didn’t want her to feel ashamed after she… ate my cum, too.”
“You ate each other out?” Warrick raised his voice. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Well, not at the same time!” Hazel corrected.
“Does that make a difference?” Warrick puzzled.
“Well, no. I’m sorry. I’m just trying to find something to say. I’m a little nervous right now. I don’t want you to be mad. I thought it would help her!”
This made Warrick all the more confused. “Help our daughter? By having sex with her?” Warrick rubbed his eyes. “I’m sorry, you’re going to have to fill me in here.”
Hazel took a deep breath. “During the movie, we went upstairs to get Brie some medicine, and I accidentally spilled the bottle. There wasn’t enough to last until the doctor’s office opened on Monday. I thought that, since she ran out, she might be able to eat my cum, and that might satisfy her.”
Warrick roared. “And why on earth did you think that your cunt was a substitute for Brie’s medicine?”
“Because!” Hazel paused. She sat silently for a long time, unable to make eye contact.
“Because…?” Warrick said, drawing out the word, filling the thickening silence.
“I’m just going to say it, okay?” Hazel shouted at the windshield. Warrick waited for her. “Because my dad cured me of this same illness!”
The admission hit Warrick like a ton of brick and he sat in stunned silence, staring at his wife, barely able to comprehend the truth of her words. She refused to make eye contact. A tear rolled down her reddened cheek.
After a time, Warrick broke the silence with startling calm, “Hazel, I’m getting tired of the interrogator act. You have to come clean with me. Just tell me the whole story.”
Hazel pulled the car over to the side of the road, put it in park, and broke down. For a minute, she sat hunched in the driver’s seat and sobbed. Despite her guilty admission, Warrick couldn’t bear to have her crying, and he reached over to rub her back gently until she had regained her composure.
During the next minute, Hazel learned to breathe again, wiped her eyes, and blew her running nose. After another big sigh, the woman said quietly, “Okay, I’m going to tell you everything I know.”
“Okay,” Warrick said tightly.
Suddenly Hazel snapped her eyes up to meet his. “But you can’t get mad at me anymore. What I’ve done with Brie is no worse than what you’ve done with Elsie.”
Warrick meant to fight back, but his wife’s bleary eyes begged him to back off. He blushed and nodded.
“Okay, this will all make sense soon. You’ll probably have a lot of questions along the way, but just bear with me, and I think you’ll understand.
“You’ve already heard a little bit about where this started. Back at the party, when I talked about how I had to beg my dad to give me sex education. This was when I was around Brie’s age. Perhaps a year older. One day in late summer, I had an awakening of my own.”
“An awakening,” Warrick repeated.
Hazel nodded. “The same kind of awakening that happened to Brie in her class, only school hadn’t yet started for me that year. Understand?”
“So you’ve been through this yourself,” Warrick followed along. “You’re… super-orgasmic?”
“I was for a little while, yes. Now, let me tell my story.”
“The first time it happened, I was at a friend’s house. His name was Greg. And his parents had gotten him a trampoline that year for his birthday. One of those big ones that people put in their back yards. We were jumping up and down on it, and I was really feeling the vibrations with each bounce.
“All day that day, it just felt like I was living in this day-glo dream world. All of my senses seemed to have been heightened. Like my spider-sense was tingling and it wouldn’t quit. Colors were brighter, and smells were stronger. It was like my brain was on the fritz. Especially touch. All of my clothing felt like it was triggering my nerve endings every time it rustled across my skin.
“So, I was jumping on this trampoline, and with every bounce, I felt more and more like my insides were welling up. Like somehow deep within me, I was filling up with a warm, gooey liquid. At first, I thought I had to go to the bathroom, but it felt pleasant, not urgent, like when you have to pee. I thought it was what trampolines did. I figured Greg was feeling a similar kind of euphoria.
“The pleasure started to build and build, and it got to be pretty distracting. But at my age, I had never felt anything so good in my life, so I didn’t really have a worry about it. I just jumped with Greg and enjoyed myself.
“Finally, though, it built to a point where suddenly I didn’t dare move. I could tell my body was at a tipping point and I honest to god thought I really was going to wet myself just then. I crashed onto the trampoline with a sigh and laid there flat on my back, just breathing, squeezing my legs together, and concentrating on holding my pussy at bay.
“Greg, though, had no idea what was going on with my insides, so he kept laughing and jumping on the trampoline while I was still laying there on the rubber mesh. His bouncing threw me into the air, and two bounces later, suddenly I was having my first super-orgasm.”
“Jesus,” Warrick said in disbelief. “What was it like?”
“It was truly blissful,” Hazel reminisced, “But scary at the same time. I was overcome. The whole world sort of rushed away and I felt like I was laying in a bed of electrically charged wool. It freaked Greg out, too. He thought he might have accidentally hurt me somehow, I was wailing and writhing so much. Little did he know he had caused me great pleasure, not pain.
“I remember feeling hot and sweaty and I ripped my shirt up my body in order to cool off, but I couldn’t help but fondle my small breasts once the breezy air streamed across my nipples. I almost did the same with my pants, too. I went nova. My clit felt like it was doubling in size, and I unloaded a stream of cum into my pants, though I didn’t realize what it was at the time. But I pretty quickly knew, even then, that it wasn’t pee; I just didn’t know what it was, exactly.”
As Hazel finished her story, she looked down at her knees and spoke quietly. “Anyway, that’s how it all started.”
Warrick swallowed the giant lump in his throat that had formed as he listened to his wife talk about her formative sexual awakening. It was eye-opening to learn about the parallel between his wife and his daughter, but she hadn’t yet addressed all his questions. “How long did this last?”
“Months. Three months, I think.”
Warrick flinched. He could barely handle three days of Brie’s out-of-control lustiness, much less three months of it. “So how did—”
Hazel interrupted. “There’s more to my story. Let me finish.”
Warrick nodded.
“Once Greg understood that I was okay, he got really interested in me and in what had happened. I did too, for that matter. He wanted to know everything about it, but I honestly didn’t know what was going on with my body. Over the days that followed, he was almost always nearby, waiting to see if I would cum again. And, of course, just like Brie, I did.”
Warrick was enthralled with hearing his wife’s story, but with her mention of their daughter, he continued making connections between his wife’s experience and Brie’s. Both had been thrust without warning into a mature state of sexual being. Both had developed the same sensitive nerve endings and the same squirting behavior. Both had to figure out how fend for themselves in a confusing new world. He started paying attention to what Hazel’s experience could mean for Brie. Is she already experimenting with a boy? he wondered. His mind wandered briefly to Elsie in that moment, but Hazel continued.
“At first, I kept it hidden from my dad. It happened a couple more times over the next few days. Usually at Greg’s and then again under the cover of darkness in my room. I had to hide all the towels I was using to catch the spray of cum I had.
“Eventually, Greg and I started experimenting, seeing what would make it happen in the first place, or even how we could make it better. I wasn’t all that embarrassed about it because early on, I only ever got aroused in private or when I was with him. It was the end of summer, so school hadn’t started, my dad was at work and of course my mom wasn’t there, so I had a lot of time to myself.
“Greg was a bag of hormones, and because I was so sexually open, he also started wanting to try new things. My own hormones made me very interested in his suggestions.”
“Meaning?” Warrick interrupted.
“Meaning, we started to masturbate together. Or he would fingerbang me. Or other things like that. We were young and didn’t really know what we were doing, and our bodies were in control, so we just tried a bunch of stuff. This is around when I started asking my dad about sex, because I wanted to know more.”
“And you said he didn’t like that.”
“No, he always said I was too young, or it was improper conversation between a father and his daughter. I think he was just really embarrassed about talking about sex. Don’t get me wrong, I love him, but he was one of those dads who just hoped the school would do the heavy lifting so he wouldn’t have to.”
Warrick prodded for some kind of coherent answer. “You said your dad cured you, though.”
“He did, but that was much later. Can I finish my story?”
“Sorry, go ahead.”
“Even without any guidance, Greg and I continued to experiment and about the time when school started, we had sex for real, and I felt like my mind had opened up. For a long time after that, that was all I could think about. Feeling him sliding in and out of me—” Hazel clammed up briefly, aware that she was reminiscing in front of her husband. She smiled at him, blushed hard, and continued, “Well, it’s nothing like I get these days, but it was pretty good at the time.
“Anyway, like I said, sex was all I could think about then. And we had a lot of it. Even after school started, we would sneak away and find an abandoned bathroom or classroom. I was always so loud, I’m sure some other students heard us. I know one of the teachers caught us once. We were lucky we didn’t get suspended or counseling.”
“The teacher really didn’t do anything?” Warrick asked, surprised.
“Well, it was a male teacher, Mr. Grainger,” Hazel chuckled. “We were young students.
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