Goblin’s Rise Ch1
Goblin’s Rise Ch1
Sex Story Author: | Satinslip |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Misoko taking pains to cover our trail. Late in the morning Kara finally lets the exhausted group rest. |
Sex Story Category: | BDSM |
Sex Story Tags: | BDSM, Fantasy, Female/Female, Male / Females, Non-consensual sex, Virginity |
So, for me it wasn’t a wardrobe. It was literally walking through the door into my office. One moment I’m in a drab building with grey walls. The next I’m standing on grass next to a babbling brook.
I have never been prone to blackouts, and anyway the time on my phone was what I would have expected. I wasn’t getting any signal though. Not even GPS. All there was, was the chirping of birds and the buzzing of insects.
I started walking. I’ve read enough fantasy novels to know when I have been pulled into an alternate world. I’m probably the chosen one or some tripe. I’m likely to run across a wizened old man any moment.
Either way I will die out in the wilderness. I have no survival skills. Hell I’ve only been camping a couple times in my whole life.
I walk for hours. Skirting a large woods, and getting hungrier as the day wears on. It is definitely some beautiful country. I just didn’t belong in it.
I notice a trail about the same time three rough customers notice me. Not men, their skin is a dark green, and helmets sit atop their misshapen heads. Dressed in worn leathers and bits of armor. They each carry a bloody weapon.
Orcs I would guess. They look like they have had a bad day. Bruised and bleeding the trio advance on me.
“It looks like we found a human.” Says one.
“Looks like we found lunch.” Says another.
Figuring I was about to die, I find myself taking off my belt. As the orcs get close I lash out with the buckle. Snapping it at one of the bandits’ eyes, causing him to stumble back. Then wrapping it around the wrist of another. Yanking his arm in close.
I grapple with his hand holding his sword. Letting go of the belt, my other hand draws one of the daggers he has strapped to his chest. Before he even realizes it I have run the small blade under his chin, into his skull. He slumps to the ground with a gurgle as I pull away his sword.
Just in time to parry a blow from the third orc. Pushing forward I let go of the dagger. It was stuck anyway. A few quick slashes has the monster retreating.
I duck aside as the orc behind me thrusts, bumping and forcing him to run his friend through with his sword. Then with a chop I nearly sever his arm.
As he screams in pain I slice his neck open. Turning, I stomp the orc with a sword in his chest. Just to be sure.
Panting I look around in surprise.
Maybe I am the chosen one. I’ve never so much as taken a martial arts class in my life.
I search the dead orcs and take anything that looks useful. Greedily chugging down most of a waterskin. The brackish water is warm, but welcome.
Then I head off down the road.
Really more like a path. I doubt a cart or carriage could pass down it. No doubt that’s the height of transportation in this world.
Perhaps an hour down the trail I see grey smoke over the trees. But as I get closer I begin to hear screams. A lot like the sounds the orcs made when I fought them.
Peaking through some bushes I see what must have been a pitched battle, but now was an impromptu camp. A couple big tents and half a dozen giant… I guess ogres. Ugly with caricature features for faces. They were eight or nine feet tall.
This must have been where the orcs had come from. There was a small stack of orc bodies. It looked like the ogres were cooking them up. Including those left alive. Which weren’t many. One poor soul was still trying to scream, though the flames had seared his lungs.
There is also an orc tied to a sapling. Not far from where I stand.
This one is different though. A female. Naked. She is curvy in all the right places. A nice round ass, and big breasts. I’d guess E-cups. Her face is attractive for an orc. Not misshapen like the males. Almost human, but with little budding tusks sticking out from her bottom jaw. Her skin is a light green and she has long silver hair in a thick braid to the small of her back.
A soft tuft of silver pubic hair definitely does things for me in the trouser area.
I sneak through the trees and come up behind her. Pretty sure I can’t be seen from there.
“Psst. If I cut you down can you help me get to somewhere safe?” I whisper.
Whether she is surprised to hear a friendly voice or not she does nothing to give away that I’m there.
“Yes, but you must do it soon. Else I go in the fire.” Her voice is gruff. Even as a whisper, but not unpleasant. Husky, with a growl to it. A bedroom voice.
Quickly and quietly I slice through the rope binding her.
“I will not leave without my axe.” She tells me.
“Are you kidding?”
“No.” She motions over near one of the tents. It looks like a pile of gear had been haphazardly dropped. Possibly we could sneak over without detection.
We nearly do too. Unfortunately one of the ogres chose that moment to exit the tent.
With a ‘RRAGH!’ he swings his club at me. Mashing the ground as I roll away. We trade swings for a moment. I get in a couple good cuts, but he barely seems to notice.
Then his arm carrying the club flies off in a spray of blood.
The orc girl had recovered her axe. A big nasty looking weapon. She wields it two handed.
“Lets go.” She tells me, already running for the woods.
I follow. Already I can hear bellows of rage as the ogres realize they have lost one of their prisoners.
We are pursued into the woods, but we are faster. Plus we can easily get through spots that the big fat ogres can’t. Soon we leave the monsters behind.
Slowing down the nude orc says, “We must keep moving. If they decide to follow they could catch up surprisingly quick.” I just nod, a little out of breath.
“My name is Karagoth of the Broken Wing clan. We are followers of the old ways, and I am in your debt.” She says, setting a brisk walk.
“I’m Nicholas, but you can call me Nick.” I tell her.
“And you can call me Kara.” She says.
We don’t talk much the rest of the day. She leads us through the woods and I huff along behind her. Spending my time staring at her sweet green ass. Just before dusk she stops and looks around. “We will make camp here.” She tells me. When I look at her kind of blankly she asks, “Do you not know how to set up a camp?”
“Uh, not really. This gear isn’t mine. It’s sort of stolen.” I admit. So I tell her about the orcs who jumped me.
“I thought your sword looked familiar. Those were some of our hunting band. Cowards who fled when things turned against us.” She spits on the ground in disgust. “Very well I will teach you what to do.”
So she starts to show me how to properly set up a camp. “How is it that you fight so well, but have no survival skills?” So I tell her the story of how I came to her world.
“Sounds like sorcery. Mages are not to be trusted.” She tells me.
As we sit and eat a rodent she had caught, Kara looks at me intently. “You do understand that I am your Daruun.”
“My…wilderness…guide?” I ask confused.
“It means debt slave. I owe you my life. You saved me and my family axe at great peril to you.”
“Well, um, my people don’t believe in slavery.” I tell her.
“That is of no matter. It sounds like we are far from your people.” She says matter of factly.
“Well, I guess you’re right. So what does a Daruun do?” I ask.
“Whatever her master wishes. I will serve you as your bodyguard and companion for five years. Then my debt will have been paid.” She explains.
“Ah, ok. Well I’m sure I can use the help. I don’t know anything about your world. Like do you normally wear clothes?” Not quite sure how to broach that subject. “Am I expected to provide for you, because I basically have nothing.”
“Of course I normally wear clothes. But we didn’t have time to get the rest of my gear, and you seemed to enjoy staring at my body.” I blush at the totally true accusation. “It is good. I am glad my body pleases you. It is my duty to make you happy.” She walks over to me and sits on my lap, straddling my legs. Her big tits practically in my face as she continues, “I was not schooled in the ways of sexual pleasure, but I am not inexperienced. Though I have never mated with a human before.”
My cock is throbbing as it gets harder. She licks the side of my face. I reach around, grabbing her ass to steady her. Her green skin feels like soft supple leather. Tough but yielding. It’s nice.
Am I really going to do this? Cheat on my wife so soon? Actually the thought of my wife makes me more horny. She is a freak in the bed, and would regret that she wasn’t here to play with the orc maiden as well.
Kara reaches into my pants. Her orc fingers wrapping around my dick and lightly tugging. I moan as she nibbles my neck. Her small tusks scraping my skin.
Then she gets up. Moving over to the bedroll she lies on her back and motions me over with a naughty grin. “C’mon human. Lets see what you got.”
So I frantically disrobe and lie down on top of her. We both moan as I slowly enter her. Then picking up the pace I squeeze and suck her big breasts.
As we fuck I find that she isn’t really into kissing, but she sure likes to lick.
I flip her over and lift her hips. Ass in the air, I plunge into Kara from behind. She lets out a low growl of pleasure. I slap her ass a few times. And her body shudders to climax as I pull her long white hair.
“Ooh! Yes! Yes, human!” She shouts as she cums.
I can feel my own orgasm building. Soon I fill her with my jizz, the two of us collapsing together on the blanket.
Basking in the after glowing our sex, she says, “Mmm, not bad human.”
“Not bad yourself, orc.” I return with a smile.
In the morning Kara asks permission to put on clothing.
“Well, I…of course.” I tell her.
So she takes the sacks I had stolen, and dumps their contents into the backpack. Then cutting them up she fashions a simple bra and a loincloth.
“How do I look?” She asks when finished.
“You look hot.” I tell her.
She gives me a puzzled look. “No, I assure you this is quite cool.”
“No, um. Hot means sexy, attractive. You look good.” She smiles at the compliment. “This should keep my tits from flying all about if I must fight.” She adjusts her straps, giving her tits a nice jiggle.
“Do you want me to take care of that for you?” She asks, nodding at my obvious hard-on.
“Um…yes?” I say. Still not comfortable with the thought that she is my slave.
Kara kneels in front of me. She is fascinated by my zipper for a moment after I show her how it works. Pulling it up and down. Then she pulls my dick out. Licking and then sucking on it. I don’t last long as she sucks me off.
“I’m, oh! I’m going to cum.” She squeezes my ass as she sucks. With no choice I blow my load in her mouth. She greedily swallows, and sucks me dry.
Then standing up she says, “That should hold you until later.”
Kara looks at me thoughtfully. “We are far from human lands.” She tells me. “I will take you wherever you want to go, but I suggest we head to Port Runwine. It’s a free city, and we could book passage to anywhere from there.”
“Lead on.” I tell her. Following close behind. Enjoying the view of her ass. The loincloth only covers half of her cute derrière. Very nice. I love nude women, but have always found women in clothes even more erotic.
We travel through wilderness for a few days. Fucking at night, and usually in the morning. Sometimes even when we break during the day.
She sets a quick pace for our travels, but I seem to have more stamina here.
A week after I first met her, Kara is crouched atop a ridge line looking down at a small river.
On the shore were two boats. Loaded with crates and barrels. Near the boats half a dozen bearded men fought for their lives against a group of orcs.
“The orcs will win.” Kara says matter of factly. “The Dwarves are decent fighters, but the orcs were born to it.”
“What if we helped?”
“They don’t need our help. I told you they are going to win.” She looks at me like I’m an idiot. A look that I get two or three times a day when I show just how little I know about roughing it.
“No. The Dwarves. What if we help the Dwarves?”
“Ah. Possibly we could turn the tide.” She says thoughtfully.
“Would they reward us? You said we would need to make som golds before reaching the port.” I ask.
She nods, and without another work heads down to slay some of her kinsmen.
I scramble quickly after. The orcs don’t know what hit them. I am surprised at how good I am with the sword, But Kara is every bit my equal. Better probably. She is a whirlwind of nearly naked death. Where her axe swings an orc falls.
Soon the few left alive flee. Leaving us with the Dwarves.
The bearded men peer at us warily. Especially Kara who stands calmly waiting. One steps forward.
“Ay, your help came at an auspicious time. My name is Drogan. These are my lads.”
“Pleased to meet you. I’m Nicholas, and this is Karagoth. We were happy to help.” I say.
“Ay, well. Don’t often see a human traveling with an orc lass.” He says.
“Oh, she’s my…uh, Daruun. It’s like a slave.” I finish to their blank looks.
“And we don’t often work for free.” Kara interrupts.
“Ah, of course. Of course. We’d not skimp on the value of our lives.” Drogan says.
Kara and the dwarf negotiate a fair fee. Then she loots the bodies while the Dwarves finish packing up.
She finds some armor for her shins and forearms, but nothing else worth wearing. She hands me a couple daggers and takes a backpack and supplies for herself.
The Dwarves bid us farewell as they push off in their boats. “Was that a good trade?” I ask my beautiful companion.
“Not bad for one pitched battle.” She answers.
A couple days later we are sitting after a nice dinner of rabbit. Kara is a good cook. Trail food anyway.
“You are my slave.” I announce.
“Yes?” She says, a little wary.
“Does that mean you have to do anything I say? What if I ordered you to walk into the fire?”
“Within reason.” She answers. “It is a debt of honor I owe you. Not my life, but my service.”
“What…what about sexually?” I ask, embarrassed.
“I already rut with you. Often more than once a day.” She says confused.
“Yes. But, what if I had ordered you to lie down and spread your legs for those Dwarves the other day?” I ask.
“Then I would have known what it was to be fucked by Dwarves.” She answers looking at me intently. “That would have pleased you. Wouldn’t it?” She grins at me as she walks over. Kneeling before me. “Fucked by my ancestral enemy? Made to whore my self out to those dirty Dwarves?” She has pulled out my hardening dick. Lightly caressing it with her green fingertips.
“I, um. Yeah, yeah I would. On my world I have sexual tastes that would make me a deviant.” I nervously admit.
“Oh?” She says. “And what things are considered deviant where you come from?”
“My wife and I would often invite other women into our bed. Occasionally I would let other men fuck her.” In truth she didn’t care much for men, but she knew it turned me on to see her treated like a whore.
“Also, I like dominating and punishing women. For instance, I’d love to slap your tits around. Maybe spank your ass more often.” I tell her. My body tingling as she strokes my cock.
“You are more than welcome to punish me master. Though I doubt you could really cause me any pain. Orcs are tougher than humans.” She tickles the tip of my cock with her tongue.
“Uh, yes. Honestly I’m not that interested in causing actual pain. The illusion would be fine. Do you think you could do that?”
“I am no bard, but I can try.” She answers.
So Kara lets me tie her to a tree, nude. Much like when we first met. I slap her tits back and forth enjoying the way they bounce and jiggle. For her part Kara begs me to stop and makes some obviously fake cries of pain. Still it is enough. I grab her legs with my need and lift them up, pressing my fuck rod against her cunt. She wraps her legs around me as I enter her.
I don’t last long.
Soon we are snuggling on our blankets.
“Orcs don’t snuggle. This is a difference I like.” She says.
“I haven’t even asked you what you like in sex.” I tell her.
“I am your slave. My needs don’t matter.” She says with a smile.
“Still. Most days I think of us as partners. I want you to be satisfied. What can I do to help with that?” I ask.
While she ponders she caresses my chest with her green fingers. Slowly moving them further, and further down my body.
Kara smiles at me slyly. Her fingers now brushing my pubic hair. “We had some elvish prisoners once. One of them was a young man.” Her fingers lightly brush my limp cock, before caressing my balls. “He would use his tongue on me. On my snatch. Something an orc man would never do.”
I raise my eyebrows at her. “What about with women?”
“I have never been with one. But I really enjoyed his attention. It was a shame when we sold him.”
“I can do that. I did it for my wife all the time. It’s called cunnilingus.” I tell her.
She tries the word out a few times as I gently push her onto her back. She seems to enjoy the foreignness if it on her tongue.
I kiss her taught stomach as I move down her body. Stopping to explore her tuft of pubic hair. It’s thick and soft. Shaped into a small triangle just above and pointing to her sweet pussy.
I had asked her, turns out she plucked it to keep it trim.
The orc girl gasps as I kiss just above her clit. With a long lick I can taste both our juices. I don’t care to taste myself, but I’m not squeamish. My wife loved when I went down on her after sex. She always found it so naughty.
I feel her fingers in my hair as I push my tongue deep inside her. Pulling out to flick her clit, then delving back in.
It isn’t long before her hips are bucking, and Kara is growling in ecstasy.
I lay back down and she snuggles to me with a contented sigh. “That was wonderful.”
We rest in our afterglow for a bit. Then she speaks sleepily.
“If I can help you become a war chief before my debt is up it would bring great honor to me. A warlord with many beautiful slaves and profitable lands.” She yawns, her eyes already closed. “Karagoth, the Warchief’s Champion.” She mumbles.
As the orc maid snored softly I pondered the last thing she had said. This was a different world than mine. It mostly seemed that strength made the rules. I didn’t have to be the good guy anymore.
It was something I would ponder. There was definitely a dark part of my soul that wanted to be bad.
But not simply evil. I would need a code. I would need to have some honor. Perhaps I could become the powerful Warchief Kara desired.
She looked like a big white bunny. No, that’s not right. Like a bunny person. A furry, but not someone in a big sexless suit. One of those sexy anthropomorphic drawings of a sexy bunny woman. White skin, with a mane of pale lavender hair falling just past her shoulders. Two big bunny ears poking out the top.
She was fighting some lizard men, and losing.
We jog over and engage the monsters. My skill not having disappeared as mysteriously as it came. I dispatch one before he has a chance to even swing back.
Kara makes quick work of a second. Now we were matched in numbers. If you included the bunny girl. Who took the opportunity to kick the next lizard facing me in the back. I could hear things snap inside him. I finished him off before moving to engage one of the two who were circling the orc.
Outnumbered now they were quickly dispatched.
“Thank you.” The bunny girl says. Looking around and pulling off the remains of ropes that had been tied around her wrists. “My name is Misoko. These monsters ambushed us and kidnapped our group.”
“I am Nicholas and this is Karagoth. We are glad we could help.” I tell her as she scavenged some weapons from her attackers.
“If we hurry we can catch up with their band.” She assures us.
“I’m glad we could help you. But there’s only three of us. I don’t think we are taking on anything referred to as a ‘band’.” I say.
“Not without promise of a reward.” Kara informs her.
“Ah. Mercenaries. I see.” The bunny girl says. Obviously annoyed. Her face wrinkles in a cute way. “My brother is next in line to be Yon-Azil of our family. I’m sure we would pay you handsomely for his return.”
“He is important? Of greater value than you?” The orc asks.
“Yes. I am merely a daughter. Of little worth except to marry. Or bare sons.” She doesn’t seem pleased to admit that to us.
“Then we will aid you if you agree to Daruun.” Kara tells the girl. Explaining what she meant.
“So I would be your slave?” Misoko asks.
“His slave, yes. If your brother is that important it should be an easy choice.” The orc says.
“Very well. I agree.”
With that we take off at a slow jog. We had a lot of ground to make up.
“Daruun?” I ask Kara quietly.
“Being human I figured you would enjoy something soft and gentle,” she answers.
“You’re soft and gentle.” I answer back.
“No. No I am not.” She says. Obviously not getting my sense of humor.
We didn’t catch them the first day. Sleeping without a fire in a copes of trees.
Thankfully though Misoko was a good tracker. The next afternoon we were spying on them as they rested.
“I count fifteen, and four prisoners.” I whisper from where I crouch in some bushes.
“We wait for dark.” Kara says. “We will need to free the others if we stand a chance.” The bunny girl nods.
In the dark we slink into the camp. We even get to the prisoners before the alarm is raised.
Suddenly there are lizard men everywhere. At first the night is on our side as they try to figure out what the trouble is.
Kara and I strike down three before we have any trouble.
“Better hurry.” I call back to Misoko. The bunny girl frantically cutting at the prisoners bindings.
Kara just grunts as she trips one opponent, then cleaves her axe into a second.
Suddenly there are bunny people at our sides. Picking up fallen weapons and helping fight.
“Ok! We’re good!” Misoko from behind us. As we retreat I grab a fallen torch and toss it onto one of the tents.
Quickly we disappear back into the darkness.
We march all night in silence.
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