Girls Who Wear Glasses_(0)
This is a story of fiction, the author makes no recommendations and does not condone, or condemn, any actions taken by the characters in this story. The characters are completely fictional and any similarities to any person or persons, living or dead, real or fictional, are completely coincidental. The Author takes no responsibility for any actions or inactions taken by any person or persons who read this fictional portrayal – so read at your own risk! This is an original piece of fiction written by the author who goes by the pen name Magusfang, any other person who wishes to post this story, or download it, may do so as long as they retain this paragraph.
Girls Who Wear Glasses
Gayle adjusted her spectacles, the heavy thick lenses conspiring with gravity to constantly slide them to the tip of her small button nose as she sat glumly at her desk, invisible as usual. She really didn’t understand why the men around here looked right through her; she didn’t think she was that bad looking. Ok, she was a little nerdy and didn’t have the huge boobs that blonde bimbo Candy, the office manager, had; but she thought she was cute, maybe not beautiful, but cute for sure. Besides, she thought men liked petite asian women, even the mousey looking ones, considering all the asian porn the men here downloaded; but evidently her office was the exception to the rule.
Gayle was thin and athletic but she never really bothered much with her appearance, favoring comfort and practicality over glamour; it was a lesson her mother had hammered into her on a daily basis, telling her constantly that any man worth having would appreciate her sensibility. Even so, as pretty as she was and as much as her mother assured her there was someone searching for her even now, the men around this office, around her neighborhood, and seemingly populating the small city she lived in seemed to prefer the shiny over the practical; Gayle guessed the old adage was true, men just didn’t make passes at girls who wore glasses!
Gayle sighed as she saw David from Human Resources approaching with Mike from Sales and Tony from Public Relations; she had always thought David was kind of cute, in a dorky I look like a giraffe sort of way, but the tall grey-haired man obviously was like every other man she met. She could see him giving the blonde office manager a hungry look as the top heavy slut bent over to pick up a pen she had conveniently dropped when she saw the small group of men approach, giving them a good look at her legs and pulling her snug skirt tightly over her large bubble butt; however if Gayle was buck naked and on fire she doubted they would notice.
Gayle wondered why Candy even bothered, she knew for a fact that the blonde had no interest in these men; she had her eyes set higher up the food chain, squarely on the broad shoulders of the salt and pepper haired CEO of this small company, and who could blame her; if the man wasn’t light years out of her league she would have taken a shot at him. Gayle was pretty sure that Candy was going to use her rather ample body to sleep her way to the top, she had done a pretty good job already actually; only twenty-eight and already the VP of Accounting – and the office manager! Technically Candy was Gayle’s boss, but since Gayle’s designs and inventions drove this company the giggly blonde left the mousy brunette alone; Gayle was not only the VP in charge of research and development, she was research and development – she was in charge of a department of one!
David sat on her desk, not as a friendly prelude to conversation, but so he could hide the erection that Candy’s polyester wrapped ass was giving him as he spoke to the blonde woman, “So Candy, you have a date to the party tonight?”
Gayle watched as the large breasted woman straightened back up and smiled her trademark thousand watt smile, a flashing sign that all but said insert penis here, “Nah, I thought I’d just go stag…who knows, maybe we can dance some.”
Gayle sighed as she translated the conversation in her head, pushing her wayward glasses back up her nose, ‘No date, gonna try and try and get into Mr. Anderson’s pants. But if that doesn’t work out maybe I’ll let you defile me instead!’ She watched as David smiled widely, nearly drooling on himself in anticipation of going where damn near every man had gone before! David stood, now seemingly showing off the tent in his pants and Gayle couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she stood up, her own narrow hips and tiny bottom evidently of no interest to the gathered men as they continued to eye Candy like the piece of meat she obviously enjoyed being; were all men so blind and stupid? It was painfully obvious to Gayle that if a man had nothing but an erection to offer Candy, then she had no interest; David wouldn’t be defiling anything but his right hand if he decided to continue sniffing around the buxom blonde.
Gayle sighed, walking around her desk and past the nauseating scene playing out in front of her rarely used cubical, absentmindedly pushing her glasses up yet again and heading towards the conference room without so much as a backward glance, “Come on guys, meeting in five and you know how Anderson hates starting late.” Gayle tried to put a shimmy in her step and wondered if anyone’s eyes were on her wool-clad fanny, but doubted they even noticed she had walked by. Her suspicions were confirmed when she heard Candy giggle playfully; Gayle ignored it, knowing she didn’t even rate being the butt, so to speak, of a joke, so it had to be Candy still flirting as she led the men working here around by the nose.
“Well, would you handsome men escort me to the meeting?” Candy cooed, “A girl can’t be too careful you know, and what woman wouldn’t feel safe with three big strong men protecting her virtue?”
Gayle dropped her head as she literally bit her tongue to keep from blurting out a snide comment, something about a ship having sailed long ago; best not to annoy the insipid woman anymore than necessary, she really didn’t need another lecture on trying to be more pleasant. Gayle hated the weekly staff meeting, being forced from the relative sanctuary of her lab, which encompassed the entire floor below this one, and forced to interact with the people who she didn’t truly understands and was never really comfortable around, people who didn’t understand her and were just as uncomfortable with her presence as she was with theirs. But most of all she hated staring at her Boss, the most beautiful man she had ever seen, handsome just didn’t seem good enough a word, and trying to hide what his smiles did to her.
She walked into the large wood paneled conference room, quite an abrupt transition from the glass and steel décor of the rest of the office; but the CEO was a bit of a throw back, preferring the warm organic feel of dark polished woods that were more in fashion a hundred years ago than in this age of computers and mass production. Oh he wasn’t a Luddite or anything, he understood that as technology raced forward, he and his company had to keep pace or die; but he decided there was no reason the company couldn’t employ the most modern conveniences with style. In fact his office and, the attached conference room she now stood in, were designed and built by Gayle; this was what she did, taking the old, the classic styles and incorporating modern technology discreetly.
Gayle watched as Candy stood by her chair, hiking her ridiculously tight skirt up slightly, seemingly in preparation to sit but more likely just to show off her shapely legs; Gayle watched, nearly blurting out another snide comment, as the men jockeyed to see who would pull out her chair for her. The small mousy woman shook her head and sat, there wouldn’t be any men pushing through the crowd to hold her chair after all.
Gayle turned when the babbling chatter of the monkey’s she worked with faded and silence descended on the room; she had a doctorate from MIT and another from Polytech, sometimes she felt like Jane Goodall watching the monkeys fornicate in the copy room. But her boss was another story all together she thought as she watched the tall sharp dressed man walk into the room with all the regal bearing of a king addressing his court. Gayle was in awe of the tall man who always seemed to have a kind word for her, always seemed to know what to do or say when she was stuck or upset; he was everything a woman could want in a man and Gayle knew when she saw something way out of her league so she kept her feelings, her desires, bottled deep inside, hidden even from herself.
Gayle sighed, a warm flush that she hoped didn’t show on her face filled her chest just at the sight of this gorgeous man, and that was the only one of the embarrassing effects he had on her as the tall blue-eyed god smiled down at his seated employees a moment before taking his seat and laying a thin manila envelope on the dark polished wood of the huge mahogany table. She knew there was probably just a raw data printout inside; at her urging they had done away with almost all paperwork, everything being handled on a secure network – it was a change that had saved the small company nearly a million dollars last year and brought her her boss’s attention. But she knew one of the man’s idiosyncrasies was he still felt more comfortable reading from a piece of paper than from a screen, but to his credit he didn’t require anyone hold his hand and create detailed reports for him, he simply printed out the raw data and compiled it himself; gorgeous and brilliant, sometimes life just wasn’t fair.
“Afternoon ladies and gentlemen…” Anderson broke the silence, his easy smile still adorning his flawless face, “I must say that this quarter’s financial report is attention getting…”
“Sir?” Mike asked with confusion, he had thought last quarter had been unusually lucrative; he turned to David but the man who ran accounting and knew what their boss meant just kept staring at Candy.
“Relax Mike, it’s a good thing.” Anderson laughed and Gayle sighed inwardly; even his laugh was sexy! “According to this report…” Anderson continued, then paused as he lay a well manicured hand softly on the manila envelope, “…according to this report, Furniture Solutions Inc. cleared nearly half a billion dollars last quarter.” There was a quiet murmur of happy people as they all tried to figure what their bonuses would be. “Ok…ok, we can all congratulate ourselves later.” Anderson interjected quickly, showing an almost uncanny ability to read his employees’ minds, “But before we continue, I would like to lay the credit with whom it is due…Gayle Winters, I am serious when I say we couldn’t have done this without you…thank you young lady, know that your hard word is noticed and appreciated.”
“Um…ahhh…tha…thank you sir…” Gayle stammered shyly as she blushed under his smiling gaze, her body threatening to undo her mind as strange sensations coursed through her.
“Just the recognition you deserve.” Anderson replied with a voice that hinted something more, or was it just wishful thinking on her part.
The meeting went on, the usual boring reports on the usual subjects that most ignored as they pretended to watch the data streaming across the holographic displays that appeared in front of each of them; each place at the table had a fully functional workstation that, unlike the ones at everyone’s office desk, was all holographic and completely imbedded in the tables surface. It was innovations like this that drove this company to ever-higher profits, innovations that came from one place – the brilliant mind of one Gayle Winters! She knew she was the only reason this company was successful; a monkey could sell her designs and in fact Mike in his team simply fielded calls for purchase request, they actually didn’t sell anything because the furniture Gayle designed sold itself and everyone knew it, even if no one ever mentioned it.
Finally the meeting came to an end and she wondered, as she did every week, why she had to be here; her reports were sent daily to Mr. Anderson so she never had a presentation, and she couldn’t care less about sales or accounting or that Irma, the lady who cleaned the bathrooms, took a sick day last week. Gayle dropped her head when she heard Candy’s high, and extremely annoying, voice right behind her, “Remember everyone, Halloween party tonight.” She chirped like an excited magpie, “There will be clients, suppliers, stockholders, and even potential customers in attendance so everyone is required to be there in costume…oh and feel free to bring a date if you wish!”
Gayle fought to control her temper, knowing the blonde bitch’s last comment was a quip directed straight at her; she had never brought a date to any company function, not in the eight years she had worked here – in fact she hadn’t actually had a date since college!
Gayle sighed as she struggled to gather the strength to get through another office party; she was sure she would someday lose it and come as a psycho gunman and end the annoyances in her life with the blast of a twelve gauge. Gayle jerked slightly as a strong, but gentle, hand rested on her small shoulder and pulled her from her homicidal musings, “Penny for your thoughts.”
“Ohhhh no…” Gayle laughed nervously as she turned to watch Anderson sit in the plush chair next to hers, the chair recently occupied by David; but any attraction she had for the shaggy-haired accountant was forgotten as she looked into her bosses pale blue, almost grey, eyes, “I…ahhhh…I really don’t think that would be a good idea.”
“Mmmm, that bad huh?” He asked with obvious concern etched across his perfect face; his dark hair had a smattering of grey but she couldn’t help but wonder, as she stared at his boyishly young looking face, just how old this captivating man was. When she didn’t answer him he sighed and softly lay his large strong hand on her small, almost childlike, forearm, “Look, I know your coworkers can be annoying at times but shooting them is not the answer…”
“How the hell…?” Gayle exclaimed, suddenly slamming her mouth shut and cutting off her words as she stared wide-eyed at the obviously amused man.
“You’re easier to read than you might think.” Anderson laughed, then leaned in, whispering conspiratorially, “Besides, I have to admit the thought has crossed my mind as well…from time to time.”
Gayle stared a moment, not sure if he was teasing her or not, “Um…ahhhh…Mr. Anderson I…ahhhh….what I mean to say is….well um…”
He smiled and chuckled softly, the hand on her arm giving her a little squeeze, “First call me Victor and second relax Gayle, I’m not going you bite you or anything!”
Gayle couldn’t help but smile as she blushed, she wasn’t used to holding a man’s attention, and definitely not a man like Victor Anderson! “Sorry Mr…ah…sorry Victor…I’m, well I’m not very good in social situations and I utterly suck at small talk.”
Victor smiled, patting her arm softly as he stood, “I think you’re utterly charming.”
Gayle slowly stood and watched nervously as his cold steel blue eyes gave her an appraising glance, blushing as she realized she welcomed his eyes on her body and wondering if he was flirting with her or just trying to be friendly, “I…tha…thank you Victor, I think you’re quite charming yourself.”
He laughed, an unselfconscious sound of amusement that brought a bright smile to her face, “You are a wonder Gayle.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek softly, a true sin in the day of sexual harassment lawsuits but he was pretty sure he was in no danger from one Gayle Winters, especially when he felt her tremble under his touch. “Come on, go home change into your cute teddy bear costume and we’ll see you at The Regency at eight…and relax ok? It’s a party, cut loose and have some fun for a change.” Victor paused and leaned in with a wink, “Tell you a secret, having a good time won’t kill you!”
“Yes sir.” Gayle replied reflexively, laughing softly when she saw his playful scowl, “Sorry…yes Victor.”
“Better, now go!” He laughed before turning and retreating to his office. Gayle sighed with a small smile still lingering on her pretty red lips; she wasn’t sure what had just happened or what she was feeling but she was sure of one thing – she liked it! But unfortunately for her, their little exchange had not gone unnoticed; a green set of eyes narrowed as Candy watched Gayle start for the door, quickly starting after her, ignoring the questioning voices of the men she had been flirting with all afternoon. David was an amusing distraction for the buxom blonde but she had her sights set higher and she’d be damned if she let that mousey little twat get in her way!
Candy caught up to Gayle at the elevators and stepped inside, giving her much smaller coworker a friendly smile as the doors closed, it was a small building and the blonde was sure she could have her little chat without being disturbed if she was quick about it so she reached over and punched the emergency stop button before turning to look Gayle in the eye, “Look bitch, he’s mine so back off or you’ll be sorry!”
“Whoa…what?” Gayle stammered as she took a small step back in the confined space; Candy’s suddenly hostile attitude taking her completely by surprise.
“You heard me you little bitch, Victor is mine so back the fuck off!”
“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Gayle stammered, not sure how to respond but the woman was a giant compared to her and Gayle felt real fear trapped in the small elevator with Candy.
The big blonde turned and pressed to button for the next floor before disengaging the emergency stop, “Just don’t say I didn’t warn you; I’ve worked too hard to get him interested and I’ll be damned if you swoop in and shake your skinny ass at him…just back off and everything will be fine!” Before Gayle could respond, the elevator dinged and the door opened, Candy quickly stepping out and walking away, her trademark smile back in place as she greeted the few people still wandering the halls.
“Wow…” Gayle whispered, garnering a few strange looks from the people who joined her in the small metal box; she quickly recovered and gave everyone her best smile to try and cover her nervousness, but it looked more like a grimace. Gayle couldn’t get out of the building fast enough and nearly bolted the second the elevator doors opened; but she managed to control herself, skulking through the lobby with her head down and her arms protectively wrapped around her own body.
She made her way to the bus stop and stood apart from the others who were waiting for the mass transit vehicles to show up, the buses rarely followed the schedule so it was mainly just a waiting game and today she wasn’t really in the mood to stand there and have people stare at her like she was some science experiment gone awry. Gayle took a deep breath and started walking, she only lived about a mile away, it was a nice sunny, if cold, afternoon and she had time; maybe the long walk would calm her some, she was still a little shook by Candy’s threats.
Gayle soon calmed into a relaxed cadence as she walked down the nearly deserted sidewalk; she wasn’t worried even though the sun was threatening to go down before she got home, it was a safe town and a good neighborhood. Gayle started window shopping as she walked, marveling at all the neat little shops that were on her street; she never really paid attention on her bus rides home, she was usually lost in her own head thinking about some problem she had to solve at work.
Gayle looked through the window and stopped short, there was the most risqué sexy kitty costume she had ever seen – she had washcloths that had more material! It was basically a latex V that would barely cover her girl parts and it had no back at all, just an insanely high cut bikini with a small tail attached to the back of it. She slowly walked to the large window and stared at the nearly naked mannequin, could she possibly dare? Well Victor did say cut loose, and showing up in this thing would definitely constitute cutting loose, besides wearing this would so annoy that fat-titted milk cow Cindy, she’d choke on her cud for sure. “God, I can’t believe I’m doing this…” Gayle laughed as she shook her head and walked into the costume store; it was as if something was drawing her inside, as if something other than her was in control of her legs as she slowly, but steadily, walked up to the counter and cleared her throat to get the sales woman’s attention, “Hi…um, I’d like to see the kitty costume in the window, the black one?”
“Oh that will look so sexy on you, if you don’t mind my saying, you have the perfect body for that.” The sales clerk replied cheerfully as she gave Gayle’s body a once over with a professional eye, “A zero?”
“Yes Ma’am.” Gayle replied shyly, almost feeling like she was standing naked in front of the older woman.
“You’re so lucky, men like small women…especially of Asian descent, if you don’t mind my saying…you all look like beautiful little dolls!” The woman replied, cheerfully pattering on as she started digging through a cupboard, “I know, I was thin once upon a time, but two kids took care of that!” Gayle barely registered the woman’s words as she turned and held out a small box, “Um…if you’re wearing panties and a bra I can let you try it on but once you buy it I can’t take it back…health rules and all…sorry.”
“I…I’m sure it will be fine.” Gayle muttered as she dropped her head and dug through her oversized purse, searching for her wallet, “How much?”
“Ah twenty-nine, ninety-nine…don’t know why they just don’t make it thirty bucks, like a penny is gonna make a difference…ok with tax that’ll be thirty-two oh nine…let’s just make it thirty-two even huh?”
“Ok…cash ok or would you prefer a card?” Gayle asked quietly; she rarely shopped in stores, buying most everything she needed online because she wasn’t good with people and crowds made her nervous.
“Oh sugar, cash is always king!” The woman replied with a sweet smile that told Gayle that if she paid cash it was doubtful this particular sale would ever be reported; but what did she care, if this nice woman could make a few extra bucks then more power to her. Gayle handed over the cash and started to turn when the woman cleared her throat and stopped the small brunette, “I’m not trying to be nosy or anything but I was just wondering if you own a g-string?”
“A g-string?”
“Sweetie, have you ever worn anything like this before?” The older woman asked in a motherly voice as she gently rubbed Gayle’s upper arm through her thick parka.
Gayle sighed and slumped her shoulders as she slowly shook her head, “No Ma’am.”
“Mmmm hmmmm, I thought not.” The sales clerk replied, “So I’m assuming by those painfully practical shoes you’re wearing, and the horribly sensible skirt and blouse…well…white cotton panties?” Gayle was so embarrassed couldn’t even speak so she just nodded slowly as she blushed wildly, “Mmmm, and that’s all you own….well that will never do.”
“It won’t?” Gayle blinked, suddenly realizing she had no idea what was required to be sexy, evidently it was much more complicated then just a skimpy costume.
“Well seeing white panties hanging out would kind of defeat the reason for wearing a skimpy costume.” The woman laughed, “Men want to see your pretty bum and not your granny panties…now about shoes…”
An hour later Gayle stood on the sidewalk waiting for a cab, her thick parka the only thing protecting her nearly naked body from the cold fall wind as it blew the dead leaves, from the trees that dotted the nearly deserted streets, across the city’s concrete covered landscape with a mournful whispering hiss that seemed to try and tell her something she couldn’t quite discern, in a language she couldn’t quite understand. Gayle shivered slightly as she felt something dark and menacing slide soundlessly by, unseen but not quite unnoticed, in the dark blustery night; was it that which the hissing, rattling leaves were trying to warn her of some dark unseen presence, or was it a warning of something malevolent yet to come?
Gayle shrugged as she saw the headlights approaching her, hoping it was the cab the nice woman had called her before closing up shop; the night was cold and even though her parka was top of the line, it still allowed the chill air inside to tickle her delicate, and mostly bare, skin with its icy kisses as she stood there holding her oversized purse that contained the clothing she had donned that morning, all the clothing she had donned that morning!
The nice sales clerk had instantly discerned that Gayle had never before purchased, let alone worn, anything quite like the skimpy kitty costume; she had stayed late and helped Gayle complete the look with a black wig of long silky hair and bangs shorn straight across just above her large dark eyes, long black lace gloves that ended just below her small elbows, and black patent leather boots that covered the lower part of her black fishnet clad legs.
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