Gift Unwrapping
Gift Unwrapping
Sex Story Author: | Shiine-chan |
Sex Story Excerpt: | That desire never bubbled up to her conscious thought, but made her hold possessively to Erik’s hand. Erik also |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, First Time, Oral Sex, School, Teen Male/Teen Female |
Erik was an unremarkable student. While being basically in shape, he would never be taken as an athlete. He was too bookish to fit in with the cool crowd, but not nerdy enough to be accepted as a nerd. On the whole, he went mostly unnoticed as he went through his classes. Zoe was also an unremarkable student. Although not unattractive, she eschewed long hair, makeup and skinny jeans in favor of more convenient choices. She didn’t try to fit into any of the cliques, but neither was she ostracized by high school society either. On the whole, she went mostly unnoticed as she went through her classes. They would probably never have known each other if the teacher of the history class they shared hadn’t decided to assign partners in the group project randomly. Everyone’s name went into a hat and pairs were drawn out. Erik and Zoe were paired up. The two knew of each other, in that way that you sort of know who is in your class, but had never really talked before getting together after class in the library to start work on their project. They both found each other quite easy to get along with. Erik liked the fact that Zoe was uncomplicated and straightforward. Zoe liked that Erik actually seemed to listen to her and cared about her input. Both of them liked that they actually cared about this assignment and were both relatively good students. The two worked quite late into the afternoon. Erik noticed first, “It’s getting a bit late. I hope you didn’t miss your ride.” “I live nearby,” Zoe replied. “I was just going to walk home.” “Me too. I think football practice is getting out soon. Why don’t we ask my brother for a ride?” Erik suggested. Only seniors are allowed to have cars at school. “That’d be nice,” Zoe replied as they packed up their stuff. When they got to the parking lot, several members of the football team were already there. “Hey, Ken,” Erik called out to his brother. “Can we get a ride?” “Buzz off, twerp,” was Ken’s reply when he saw Erik. Erik stood stunned. While his brother was never the model of politeness, he’d never gotten this reaction from him before. He saw the cheerleader Ken was helping into his car ask something and heard Ken reply, “Oh, nobody important.” Erik took another step towards the car when a 300 pound lineman blocked their path. “When the boss tells you to leave, you leave,” he thundered, standing between them and his brother’s car. His stance was clear that he was ready to pound Erik into the ground to enforce his edict. And equally likely that he wouldn’t have any idea how to spell edict, if he even knew what it meant. “OK, OK…” Erik said as they backed away. He turned to Zoe, “I’m sorry. Maybe I can walk you home instead.” “Sure,” Zoe said quietly. “I’m sorry about my brother,” Erik explained as they walked down the sidewalk. “He’s never done that to me before. I know he’s a dumb jock, but he’s usually not that rude. I guess he just wants to look cool for the dumb blonde he picked up.” “You don’t know the half of it,” Zoe said, with a bit of fire in her voice. “That dumb blond is my sister Sophie.” “You’re sister?” Erik said. “Um… sorry.” “Don’t be,” Zoe said. “She is just as dumb and self-centered as she looks. She could have said something when she saw me, but didn’t.” “Figures,” Erik said. “Sorry if this come out the wrong way, but she didn’t really look much like you.” “That’s because she’s fake,” Zoe said proudly. “Her hair is the same light brown as mine, but she dyes it blonde. I suspect that she pads her bra a bit too.” “That’s silly,” Erik said. “Whomever she makes out with is going to uncover that deception pretty quick.” “Well, it hasn’t stopped her in the past,” Zoe quipped back. “This is my house right here.” “Just a few blocks from my place,” Erik said. “Since we’re going to be spending all of this time together working, why not spend some of it having fun instead. Do you want to catch a movie this weekend?” “Sounds great. Saturday?” “Saturday it is.” ____________________________________________________________ Saturday arrived. Erik and Zoe were sitting in the back seat of Ken’s car with Sophie in the front passenger seat. Erik and Zoe sat with quiet amusement while Ken and Sophie were quietly irritated in the front. Erik had asked his dad if he could drop Erik and Zoe off at the movies, since the state doesn’t allow kids to drive after dark until they are 21. Dad was too busy though and, despite his protests, he told Ken to take him. “It’ll be like a double date,” Dad said. Ken didn’t want to have anything to do with a double-date. But like it or not, here he was chauffeuring the little siblings around. Ken pulled up to the curb at the movies. “Here you go,” he said. “I thought you two were going to see a movie too,” Erik replied. That’s certainly what Ken told his parents. “No. We’ve got more exciting plans. We’ll be back to pick you up at 10:30. Now get out.” Alone on the curb the two of them finally felt free to chat to each other. “I can’t believe your brother is just ditching us.” “Believe me; he didn’t want to have anything to do with us. What was with Sophie though?” When the girls were picked up, Zoe was dressed casually in a sleeveless blouse and jeans, fitting in with what Ken and Erik were wearing. Sophie was wearing a relatively fancy dress, heels, jewelry, and lots of makeup. “She’s being silly,” Zoe said. “She absolutely had to make sure that she looked better than I did when we got picked up.” “But she looks ridiculous! Clearly Ken didn’t expect her to be dressed like that. It makes her stand out – and not in a good way.” “Thinking things through has never been one of Sophie’s strong points.” Looking up at the movie board Erik asked, “Which one do you want to see?” “How about that one?” Zoe suggested, pointing at the recent sci-fi release. “Really?” Erik asked in surprise. “I thought for sure I’d have to sit through that chic-flic over there.” “Those movies are always too cliché and predictable,” Zoe explained. “Or they’re too raunchy and predictable.” “And sci-fi movies aren’t?” “They’re corny and predictable,” declared Zoe, “but at least the effects are fun to watch.” “Let’s go then!” he said. They bought tickets and settled in near the back of the theater. Since neither had seen this movie, and both were interested in it, they kept their comments to a minimum. Zoe was the first to realize that the armrests lifted up. She did so and snuggled close to Erik. He responded by putting his arm around her shoulder as they sat close, whispering comments to each other. “Why are women in the future always so scantily clad?” Zoe asked halfway through the movie as the villain, inevitably female and inevitably clad in clothing that is neither practical nor protective, made her appearance. “It’s the rage of the future,” Erik joked. “In ten years, even you’ll be dressing like that.” “Eep,” Zoe squeaked. “I could never wear that – at least not where anyone could see me.” Later, during one of the contrived love scenes involving the hero and a random alien, Zoe commented, “What is it with aliens anyway?” “Who knows? Maybe because it’s different.” “Different is the word. But would you like to kiss someone with green skin?” “Nope, I’ll stick with ordinary colors like you,” Erik said and gave Zoe a quick peck on her cheek. Zoe was surprised by the sudden kiss, but she liked it. She turned her head invitingly towards Erik and he responded with another kiss on her lips. It wasn’t long, but it felt sweet. She smiled as she snuggled closer. When the credits started rolling, both of them turned towards the other and shared another kiss. This one was longer, with Erik’s tongue gently sliding between Zoe’s lips. His hand stroked her upper arm. Even though the pleasure of the kiss, Zoe was on guard to ward off any unwanted advances of Erik’s hand. When they didn’t happen, Zoe was able to relax and enjoy the feelings. Zoe jumped back when the lights came up. “We’d better get going,” she said with a smile. They walked hand-in-hand back to the curb. Ken’s car pulled up right on time. As they got in, Erik noticed that Sophie’s hair and makeup job were coming a little unglued and the result made her look worse than if she hadn’t had anything done. They also found Sophie’s heels tossed in the backseat. Erik motioned towards them and Zoe mouthed ‘silly’ while gesturing towards the front. Both of them chuckled quietly. “Have fun?” Erik asked Ken as they drove back to drop off the girls. “None of your business,” he replied gruffly. “And don’t even think of saying anything. For all you know, we just went to a different movie.” Erik turned towards Zoe and made a condescending gesture towards his brother. Again, the pair giggled. They soon arrived at Zoe’s house. Ken and Sophie made a big deal about kissing each other goodbye. Zoe wasn’t about to do that with others watching. She rolled her eyes at their over-acted display and that elicited another giggle from Erik. “Back to the project on Monday?” Erik said to Zoe. “Unfortunately. See you at school.” ____________________________________________________________ “Ready to do a dry run?” Zoe asked Erik next Thursday when they met after class. “As ready as we’ll ever be,” Erik replied. “The library won’t work though.” “Let’s go to my house,” Zoe offered. “There’s plenty of space in the living room.” “Sure.” The two were still going over the outline of their presentation when they arrived at Zoe’s house twenty minutes later. Zoe unlocked the front door and the two stepped into the entry way. The front door opened to steps that led up to the living room. Zoe could see through the railing, her head level with the living room floor and her voice cut off mid-sentence with what she could see. On the floor of the living room, they saw Sophie naked, lying flat on the floor. Leaning over her was Ken, equally naked and sliding his cock in and out of Sophie’s pussy. Zoe’s hand clenched Erik’s tighter as she took in the carnal scene in front of her. She could hear the sounds of moisture as Ken’s cock moved in Sophie’s pussy, the slapping sound of his balls against her ass, the gasps of breath Ken made with each stroke and the soft moans from Sophie as she received it. Zoe’s mind froze in overload as the sights and sounds filled her senses. Although shocked at one level, a primal instinct in her wished that she was in Sophie’s position right now.
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