
Getting to Know the Neighbors

Earlier this year my husband came forward and spoke to me about a brief period of time when he was unfaithful to our marriage.

Earlier this year my husband came forward and spoke to me about a brief period of time when he was unfaithful to our marriage. He told me about how there was a young woman working in his office for an extended delegation from another office, and that during her stay, there were several times that they had sex. He told me that he wasn’t in love with this woman, that he only had feelings of lust for her during their brief affair. He went on to explain how horrible he felt about doing it, and that the feelings of guilt drove him to the point of needing to admit his infidelity to me and to tell me the truth.

While he was telling me some more of the details, I started to become more and more distressed about the situation. I think he just assumed that my looks of distress came from the fact that my husband of five years had been unfaithful to me, but something else was really causing me stress.

After telling me the last details of the affair, he stopped and hung his head. Tears came to his eyes as he looked to me for forgiveness. At that moment, however, I started crying as well. Sitting on the couch, I put both of my hands over my face and dropped my head down towards my knees, sobbing uncontrollably. I felt terrible.

I began to compose myself, wiping away the tears from my face, as I started to speak. I’m sure my husband was expecting me to throw a hurricane of emotions at him, and scream nasty words at him. But instead of throwing furious emotions towards him, I began to speak about something else.

At first, the words that came out of my mouth were whispers- barely audible. I was taking panic-sized breaths as I spoke, and was sobbing uncontrollably. My husband told me to calm down and speak slowly, which I soon did.

I told my husband that he was not the only one unfaithful to our marriage, that I too had been unfaithful. I began to tell him vividly the story that had been going on the past several weeks and months between me and several guys in the neighborhood.

“Several guys in the neighborhood?!” My husband asked me, completely taken by the enormity of those words.

While there are no standards for comparing unfaithful behavior, I’m certain that my husband didn’t quite compare the magnitude of his mistakes with mine. I knew it too. However, given the fact that he just admitted his own infidelity to me moments earlier, I’m sure he was reserved with the words that he would use in yelling back at me. Moments earlier he had disclosed his infidelity to me, hoping for forgiveness, and now here I was giving him news that I was hoping for him to forgive.

He sat back and took giant deep breaths, looking out the window. “Who was it?!” He asked.

“I’ll tell you everything.” I replied.

“I want to know every detail, with whom you did it, where you did it… everything!” He demanded.

He was right to want to know the details, he deserved that much.

I explained to my husband how all of this began one day when I went out for a jog through the neighborhood. I’m in good shape, and quite fit. I frequently jog around the Open Space near our home, passing several neighborhood houses on my way. On this one day in particular, I jogged past a home in which one of the neighbors’ kids was packing his Jeep in preparation for heading back to college for the fall semester.

The kid was wearing camouflage pants and no shirt, while lifting heavy bags and boxes into his car. His young, muscular physique really turned me on. I could clearly see his oblique muscles, which drew my eyes down to where his pants met his hips.

He must have seen me staring his way, and sent me a smile. The only thing I could think about for the rest of the jog was the kids’ chiseled physique, hoping he’d still be outside when I jogged back later.

As I jogged back his way, I was disappointed that I couldn’t see him packing the car any longer in the distance. I just figured that he was inside or something. But then as I neared his driveway, he walked out of the garage, nearly out of breath. Apparently he had been doing some weightlifting in the garage. He called out to get my attention and started up a conversation, introducing himself.

“Hi, I’m Kyle. I saw you jog by before.”

“Yeah, I’m Shelly, nice to meet you. Are you packing up for college or something?”

“Oh this, yeah. I’m heading out in a few hours. It’s not a far drive or anything.”

“What were you doing in the garage that you’re out of breath?”

“I have a gym in the garage, and was just doing some back squats.”

“Oh that’s cool.”

“Yeah, you wanna try it out?”

“Yeah sure.” I told Kyle as we made our way into his garage.

Kyle set up the weights on the bar to be quite light, as I’m a bit petite. He showed me how to do a few repetitions, and let me try it on my own. As I was coming up out of the first repetition, I could feel his hands on my hips for support, which I liked. After a few more reps, I could feel his firm hands on me and I started to get excited.

I racked the weight back onto the stand, and as I turned back toward Kyle, I walked directly into his chest, as he placed his hands around my hips. At first I put my arms up to push him away, but then realized that my arms were pinned up against his chiseled body. Kyle leaned in to kiss me, but I initially refused.

“I can’t, Kyle, I’m a married woman.”

“Nobody will know, it’s just a kiss.” Kyle replied, as he went in for another kiss, which this time, I allowed.

“No. No, I can’t. My husband and I have a great relationship. I can’t do this to him.”

“Shelly, you’re not doing anything wrong. You’re a horny woman who is kissing a young attractive man. There’s no harm – it’s just fun.”

Kyle leaned in once more and kissed me, this time holding my body to his quite firmly, which I liked. His arms moved up and down my arms, and then down to my hips. My arms were wrapped around his neck as the two of us made out for a short while.

I was getting pretty excited about the passionate moment that we were having, and I proceeded to run my hands up and down his chest and abs. His body was perfect; strong muscles, with amazing definition. It wasn’t long until my hands had made their way to his belt buckle. I undid the buckle and dropped his pants to the ground, his cock staring me right in the face, as I made my way to my knees.

I wrapped my hands around Kyle’s thick cock, and started to suck on it, drawing his dick into my mouth with a voracious and rapid suck. I was really enjoying going down on Kyle like this, as he was extremely attractive, and I felt an amazing rush by sucking on him like this, so secretly in his garage. HiS cock was really nice too, long and thick, and quite attractive, by penis-standards.

The blowjob continued for several minutes until finally Kyle began moaning loudly as he started to climax. The moans must have been quite loud, because midway through Kyle’s release into my mouth, Kyle’s father, who was investigating the noise, opened the door, walking in on the two of us. He walked in at just the right moment to see my mouth wrapped around Kyle’s dick, bobbing back and forth as I sucked the cum from his cock.

Finally, after a few more slow strides, I noticed Kyle’s father at the door, quickly got up off my knees, and retreated out of the garage in utter embarrassment. I ran home at a blazing speed, hoping that Kyle’s father didn’t recognize me.

Several days went by without hearing from either Kyle or his father, so I had figured that I was in the clear with this embarrassing, and risky, event. I went back to my normal routine and felt comfortable keeping my little escapade a secret from my husband.

My husband was listening intently to the story I was telling him. I couldn’t tell how mad he was from the look on his face, but he made me continue to tell him the parts about having sex with “several guys in the neighborhood”. He wanted to know the details, so I continued.

So, one day after coming back from the grocery store, I pulled into the garage, like normal, and noticed Kyle’s father walking down the street towards my house. When I exited the car, I noticed him standing at the entrance to the garage. He looked like he wanted to speak with me. My heart began to pound.

I got out of the car and introduced myself.

“Hi, I’m Shelly.”

“Hi, I’m Todd, I’m Kyle’s father.”

“Yes, look, about the other day, I’m really sorry about that.” I said in a hushed voice.

“Yeah, it was quite surprising to walk into my garage and see you doing that to my son.”

I was beyond mortified- my face must have been bright red at that moment.

“Look, I’m so sorry. That will NEVER happen again. It was dumb, stupid, and a one-time-thing, I promise.”

Todd started to slow me down.

“Whoa, Shelly, it’s okay. I’m okay with it all. I’m not mad or upset, in fact, it’s perfectly natural for men and women to want to do that with one another. I can understand.”

“Okay good, because that was a mistake on my part. I got caught up in the moment with your son and made a huge mistake. If my husband were ever to find out about that, it would be the end of our marriage.”

“Well, I understand. Your secret is safe with me,” Todd said.

“Well thank you so much. I really appreciate that.”

After taking a deep breath and smiling at Todd, I started to walk inside with a bag of groceries.

“Well hold on a second there, Shelly. I wanted to mention one more thing.”

I paused, my heart starting to beat faster again.

“It’s about your husband. I have no problem keeping what I saw you and Kyle doing a secret, but I’d like to get something in return. I only think that’s fair.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, watching you do that to Kyle- mmm, it looked so good.”

I paused- frozen with fear for where I thought Todd was going with his comment.

“Uh… I don’t know what you mean.” I replied.

“Look, Shelly, I understand that if I speak to your husband about what I saw you and Kyle doing in my garage, it will end your marriage. I certainly don’t want that to happen, but I need something in return. It’s been a long time since Kyle’s mother sucked on my dick like that and I only think it’s fair that I get to experience what I saw you two doing.”

“Fuck you!” I exclaimed to Todd.

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