Fucking Teagan – Part 4
Fucking Teagan – Part 4
Sex Story Author: | Unknown user |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Linh got a good jump off first and slid into second just as the ball was retrieved by the short |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Authoritarian, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Fiction, First Time, Male / Female Teens, Oral Sex, Romance, Teen, Threesome, Young |
“Daaaaammmmnnn!” Sundee reacted to the deep wet kiss that Teagan and Courtney were sharing. Actually, it was not just an epically hot girl on girl kiss; it was the answer to a question.
“Have you ever kissed a girl?” Skye had asked Courtney. All it took was a quick glance at Teagan and the two latched on to each other like long lost lovers. Not just any quick, smack on the lips would do for these two. No. Their shared kiss was the deep, open mouthed, passionate, kind of kiss. The kind of kiss that leaves both participants and observers breathless.
“Ok, Ok that’s just not fair.” Skye whined dejectedly. “I’ve barely even kissed a guy, and you two are like, professional lezzies or something.”
Courtney was laughing too hard to respond. “Not lezzies; bi’s. Courtney and I are both bi-sexual. Frankly I’d rather be with a guy and kiss a guy. But, girls can kiss and…do other things stunningly well too.” Teagan said with a sexy playfulness in her voice. “And since there are no guys in the room…..Wanna try it?”
“Umm…I don’t, I mean…” Skye barely had time to respond before Teagan leaned over and placed a soft, lingering, closed mouth kiss on her lips. Skye didn’t really kiss back, but she didn’t pull away either.
“There. That wasn’t so bad now was it?” Teagan asked rhetorically. “You’re still here; no lightning bolts struck, and just because you might kind of liked it, doesn’t mean you can’t still love kissing guys. God knows I do!”
Skye licked her lips and smiled. “Yeah, that was…nice.”
“OK.” Ally said changing the subject. “When and how did you lose your virginity? I’ll go first.” The girls progressed around the room expounding on the details of the moment they became a woman. Ally gave it up the day after her sixteenth birthday, in her bedroom, with her boyfriend Tanner. They had been together for almost a year and she was sure they were in love. Ally’s parents had gone out with friends for the night and Aimee was at the movies. Everything was perfect as Ally and Tanner made love for the first time. They spent a great deal of time kissing and caressing each other, taking their time, and savoring each other and the moment. There was little pain or blood as Tanner slid his cock into Ally. She gasped softly as he stretched her for the first time. She loved the feeling of fullness his cock gave her. Her first real orgasm was soft, and washed over her like a warm breeze. Tanner broke up with Ally only a little over a week later.
Sundee lost hers outdoors one warm night, the summer before she turned sixteen. Her boyfriend lived across the road from a country club. They walked along the dimly lit cart path to the remote 13th green; lay down on the cool, short grass and began to make out. It wasn’t long before Sundee and Javier were doing each other 69. Sundee was giving her boyfriend a slow, erotic blowjob, and Javier was kissing, licking and sucking Sundee’s succulent pussy gently. But, instead of sucking him until he came like she usually did, this time she sat up, turned around, took hold of Javier’s dick and guided him up inside her wet, shaved pussy. Sundee gasped in pain and surprise as she slid down on his cock. He hurt like hell inside her, but somehow, in spite of the pain, everything seemed right. Sundee didn’t cum that first time, but Javier did. She loved the feeling of Javier’s thick, sticky cum between her legs. She still hangs out with him sometimes.
Courtney shredded hers one Saturday morning in the shower when she was twelve. Courtney had discovered internet porn and had already taught herself to masturbate. Today, she decided she needed something more. Something that resembled a cock. Her hairbrush handle was just about right she thought, besides it was all she had. Courtney said that it hurt like a son of a bitch for a second or two, as she buried the thick, soapy brush handle in her strawberry, peach fuzz covered pussy. She held it still for a few moments, letting the searing pain subside, and then began to gently fuck herself with the brush; it still burned some. A sensation she had not expected. She came hard as she rubbed her clit while pumping the brush deep into her pussy. Courtney also mentioned that she thought she was going to bleed to death, and had to clean the shower before she could come out of the bathroom.
Teagan offered hers up the summer she turned fourteen. It was on the beach near her home, one evening, with Evan, the horny older brother of her best friend Leigh. Teagan had given Evan a blow job earlier in the day. That was the price of the “cab fare and tickets” for herself and three of her friends. Anytime she and her homies wanted to see a movie, go to the mall etc., all it took was a blow job, and Evan would chauffer the girls and pay for the tickets. It was an arrangement of convenience; and it had worked for almost two years. Teagan lived a little farther up the beach road than Evan and Leigh, and she was usually the last one to be dropped off. But tonight, Evan wanted to know if Teagan wanted to go sit on the beach. Evan was the local surfing god and had recently turned 19. Teagan was secretly, madly in love with Evan. He was the hottest guy she knew; but she was also smart enough to know all he wanted from her was as much sex as she would give him. It only took a short while before they were both mostly naked, making out, in the sand behind some large rocks. Evan was tall and strong and had a thick, hard cock. Teagan began sucking Evan’s cock again; taking the foreskin and sliding it down exposing the large deep red head. Evan moaned as the tip disappeared into Teagan’s willing mouth. She loved giving Evan a blowjob as much as he loved getting one. In reality, it was the power she had over Evan that she really loved. One blowjob and she could get him to do almost anything. Teagan decided her time had come. She had been swallowing Evan’s cum for most of two years. It was time to move to the next level. Without asking Evan, and without thinking about it a second time, Teagan paused, stood up, spread her legs and bent over one of the rocks, offering her pussy to Evan. She gasped and cried out as he plunged his cock deep into her sopping wet virginity. Instantly she was overwhelmed by how good he felt inside her, in spite of the sharp pain. Evan paused briefly to let the pain subside and allow Teagan to adjust to the feeling of his cock deep inside her. They made love on the beach for what seemed like hours. Each of them cumming repeatedly as they fucked each other to exhaustion. They kissed each other goodnight with a passion that was unlike anything either had experienced before. Teagan and her mom moved to the US shortly after that night; she has not spoken to Evan since.
“Oh my god! Ally said breathlessly. I need a cigarette, and I don’t even smoke!”
“Damn Teagan,” Sundee chimed in, “You got me all wet, either that or I just peed myself! Fuck me; that really happened? And I thought I’d try anything…”
Everyone laughed and looked at Skye; it was her turn to confess. She sighed deeply and said. “This is so not cool. I’m sixteen and a half and I’m still a virgin, and I probably will be at least until I go to college. The guys at my school are all either douche bags, nerds or don’t like girls, and I don’t like any of them. I hate this. I hate my freaking life.”
“You can borrow one of my dildos if you want too. They wash.” Courtney chirped. Everyone laughed except Skye.
“No offense Courtney, but that is so gross.” Skye truly sounded disgusted by the offer. “Y’all don’t understand. I want a real guy, not a boy who only thinks he knows what he’s doing. I don’t want to be a virgin anymore, I want a man! I want him to take me, screw me deep, and make me remember him forever, even if I don’t even know his name.”
“You could be summer lovers with KT’s brother Robbie. He’s what, seventeen or eighteen?” Ally was trying to help.
“Oh my god!” Skye exclaimed. “I tried last night, in the hot tub. I tried to talk to him and be as sexy as I could. He kept looking at my boobs, and then he said he had to go, got out and went inside. He just left me sitting there alone and frustrated. I thought I could at least get a kiss or something…I don’t get it, what am I doing wrong?”
“Sounds like Robbie was scared of you…or got a hard on and was afraid you’d find out about it.” Courtney offered up a lesson. “If it had been me, I would have waded over to him, taken his iphone 4 and thrown it in the potted plants, reached down, grabbed his cock and said; Robbie, I’m Skye, I think you’re hot. Ya wanna go somewhere and fuck, or is right here OK for your first blow job from your new girlfriend? I promise Skye, once you have hold of a guys cock, you have his undivided attention. He might still try to get up and run for his life, but at least he will know who you are and what you’re into. Seriously, once you have his cock in your hand, your chances of getting laid increase big time.”
“Courtney, I don’t think I could do that, I’m just not like that. Besides I wouldn’t know what to do with a guy’s penis anyway.” Skye said with a dejected tone in her voice.
“Dear God!” Sundee was suddenly overly dramatic. “We’re not in freakin’ biology class; it’s called a cock! Guys have cocks. Girls have pussys and tits. Guys don’t think about how hot your mammary glands and labia are. They think about sucking your tits and sticking their cock in your pussy! Girl, you are gonna have to loosen up. And by the way, you ARE like that. Deep down inside you, there’s a Courtney dying to get out. She may be buried under all that Catholic proper you hide behind, but she’s there. She’s deep inside all of us to some extent or another.”
“Sundee, be nice!” Teagan snipped, smacking Sundee playfully on the back of her head. Sundee retaliated with a quick firm right jab to Teagan’s rib cage. Teagan fell over on the bed in mock pain.
“Trust me Skye,” Ally said. “You’ll figure out what to do really quickly. You don’t need lessons, but any porn site can give you some ideas.”
Teagan, can we talk?” Skye had an unexpected, purposeful tone in her voice. Teagan and Skye were in the kitchen preparing to get breakfast before the morning workout.
“Sure Skye. What’s up?” Teagan replied curiously.
“Not here. Let’s go for a walk”.
The girls headed outside and down the long drive for some privacy.
Skye began. “Teagan, I know you are going to be mad, but I know you and Coach Mike are seeing each other.”
Teagan swallowed hard, trying to control the rising panic and said, “Skye, I don’t know what you’re talking about. There’s nothing more between Mike and me than between him and any other girl on this team….”
“Riiiiight.” Skye said, rolling her eyes. “Then how come you seem to be the only one coming out of his room early every morning. You’ve done it four of the last six mornings. I know you two aren’t working on infield strategy…” Teagan didn’t immediately respond. “Look, it’s OK, I mean, I’m Ok with it. He’s really sweet and he’s very cool, and I can see how you could fall for him. Like, I mean, he’s a guy, what guy wouldn’t want to be with someone hot like you or….” Teagan interrupted Skye. The irritation in her voice was obvious.
“Yeah, OK, I’m fucking our coach. You caught us. So what? Why are you telling me this? What do you want from me?”
“Actually, Skye said softly, I don’t want anything from you. Well, maybe just your permission.”
“My permission…for what? Come on Skye just say it for God’s sake, and stop playing fucking games.”
Skye paused…”I want Coach Mike to have sex with me. I want him to pop my cherry.” Skye cringed slightly, fully expecting a verbal beat down from Teagan.
“You’re kidding?” Teagan was trying to keep from laughing out loud. “No…you’re actually serious; why Mike…what’s wrong with KT’s brother? Go ask Robbie. I bet twenty dollars he’d screw you.”
“No Teagan; I thought about it and I want Mike to do it. I hardly even know Robbie. Look, you trust Coach Mike enough to have some sort of sugar baby thing going on with him. If you can trust him that much, so can I.”
“Our relationship is NOT a sugar baby thing.” Teagan hissed defensively. “He does NOT pay me to sleep with him. I sleep with him because I love him, and I enjoy being with him regardless of what we’re doing. I’m his girlfriend and lover Skye, NOT his sugar baby.”
“OK, OK sorry, bad choice of words.” Skye was trying to smooth over the miss speak. “So…I guess since y’all are a couple, having him sleep with me is not going to happen…”
Teagan thought for a moment. “Not necessarily. But if he agrees to fuck you, I’m going to be there too.”
“Well…if you think you have to…” Skye reluctantly agreed to Teagan’s demand to make it a semi-three way.
“Skye, there is no way I’m letting my boyfriend and lover, screw someone as cute as you, with tits as big as yours, and not be there to keep an eye on you two. Not happening.” Teagan smiled. It was not hard for her to want to help Skye. “And Skye,” Teagan added with a deadly serious tone in her voice. “If you breathe one word of this conversation to anyone…I swear to god…your death will look accidental, because I’ll personally kill you dead. DO NOT screw this up for me and Mike.”
“I won’t. I promise.” Skye and Teagan hugged and headed back up to the house.
Teagan had let me sleep. She didn’t sneak up to my room overnight as she had, most of the other nights, since we all arrived at the compound in the mountains above Idaho Springs. That was a good thing actually, as we had a 6:00am workout and our seventh and last pool game at 11:30. Mornings came way too early up here.
I shaved, brushed my teeth and went downstairs. Courtney was sitting at the kitchen counter, working her way through a huge bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal, and Ally was eating yoghurt and fresh fruit. Both girls were drinking orange juice. Ally out of a large glass; Courtney straight out of the carton. The contrast between the girls made me chuckle. “Where is everybody else?” I asked curiously.
Before Ally could answer, Teagan and Skye came in from outside. “Well there those two are; I guess Sundee is still asleep or in the shower.” Ally remarked rather disinterestedly.
Teagan walked up to me and gave me a hug. I returned the affections and said, “Morning kiwi.” Teagan just purred softly, looked up at me and smiled. As she let me go, she quickly grabbed my ass as her hand dropped from around my waist. She walked slowly over to the counter, picked up a banana out of the fruit bowl and proceeded to peel and eat it in the most sexy, erotic way she could.
“Daaamn.” Sundee suddenly appeared around the corner of the kitchen. “Bitch, you gonna eat that thing or give it a blow job?” Teagan looked over at Sundee, the banana still between her lips, and flipped Sundee the bird. Sundee rolled her eyes and flipped Teagan the bird back. They were good friends, but they sure had a strange way of showing it. Mitch came in the front door right behind Ally’s mom Margaret.
“Ladies, out front in 20, don’t be late!” Mitch said, staring directly at Sundee. Sundee looked back at him and shrugged. She was the only one still wearing what she slept in.
Time was getting short. In tournament play, the ball game is limited to 90 minutes, and finish the inning. There were only about 6 minutes left in regulation and we had not yet batted in the bottom of this, the 5th, inning. We were playing Arizona Rapid Fire. There were two outs, a runner on second and third. We desperately needed an out as the Fire was up on us by a 3 to 2 score. Skye had been reasonably effective as a two inning reliever for Hunter. However, she stood to take the loss if we didn’t get this rally shut down right now; and score some runs in our half of the inning. Courtney called a drop curve to the girl at the plate. Skye whipped a beauty, breaking down and away from the right handed batter.
“Ball one.” The home plate umpire said mater of factly.
“TIME PLEASE BLUE?” Courtney shouted, pulling off her mask and dropping it in the dirt at the umpire’s feet.
“TIME!” The umpire signaled. Courtney pointed into the dugout at Mitch as she trotted out to circle to talk to Skye. Mitch joined the girls a couple of steps behind Courtney. Mitch and Courtney could have worked for a crisis suicide center. Softball pitchers by nature are hormonal, emotional, train wrecks. They crave center stage, but let one thing go wrong, and it is like lighting the fuse on a bomb. Every team needed a Mitch and Courtney tag team. I simply didn’t have the insight or patience to do what those two could do for a nervous pitcher. The Ump was becoming impatient with the party in the circle, and started out to break it up.
Courtney spun around and said “WE’RE DONE BLUE, THANK YOU!” Mitch jogged back to the dugout, and I thought it was odd that Skye didn’t re enter the circle and toe the rubber. She just stood in front of the circle and began having some sort of conversation with Ally about the loose dirt piled up around first base. Courtney trotted back toward home plate watching Ally doing dirt work, fixing whatever it was Skye seemed all upset about. My blood ran cold as I realized what was wrong with this little scene, just as the runner on third broke for home. Time was over, the pitcher was not in the circle…the ball was live; and neither my catcher nor my pitcher was paying any attention to the runner. Or so I thought…
“RUNNER!!” Mallori and Kylie screamed in unison. Courtney was about five feet in front of home plate and about two feet inside the third base line. She wheeled around and leapt at the runner, tagging her hard in the side with her glove. The runner stomped on home plate as their dugout and crowd went nuts in celebration of what they thought was another run
“CATCHER, WHERE IS THE BALL? SHOW ME THE BALL!” The home plate umpire demanded. Courtney stuck her arm out toward the ump and opened her glove. Sitting in her glove was the ball. Everyone who had watched the last several minutes thought Skye had the ball in her glove. I was positive I had watched Courtney drop the ball back in Skye’s glove when they met at the circle. It turns out that is exactly what they wanted everyone to think. The whole scenario had been planned and practiced. If the runner took the bait, she never had a chance.
“THE BASE RUNNER IS OUT!” Thundered the umpire. All hell broke loose. Their crowd was yelling. Ours was cheering. Their base runners were still standing on the diamond as their coaches argued the finer points of softball rules with the entire three man umpire crew. Courtney stood her ground in the middle of it with a huge self satisfied grin on her face and the ball still in her glove. It took several minutes to calm the melee and get everything sorted out. Regulation time expired as they did so. In reality, the most important thing that came from the play wasn’t the third out; it was the change in momentum.
I quickly made some offensive changes knowing that this was it; there would be no need for another defensive stand today. I loaded the 9 thru 5 batting order positions with my fastest and most consistent hitters. We only needed two runs for the win.
The first up was my backup outfielder Linh. She was a tall, scrawny fifteen yr old of Vietnamese descent. Linh was not ready to be a starter, but she could lay down a bunt nearly as effectively as Courtney. She never got the chance. The second pitch hit her in the ass. One on, nobody out. The winning run was coming to the plate in the petite body of Courtney. Rapid Fire was ready for her as the infield pulled in to a bunt prevent defense. They left a big hole behind the pitcher as the center fielder hung back and did not come in as far as she should have. Courtney noticed the mistake and slapped the low fastball past the pitcher and into the vacant space out toward second base.
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