Fucking Teagan Part 2 “Who says three is a crowd?
Fucking Teagan Part 2 “Who says three is a crowd?
Sex Story Author: | Unknown user |
Sex Story Excerpt: | “Just before she left, Courtney kissed me.” “Kind of on the cheek and the lips at the same time.” “She |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Bi-sexual, Consensual Sex, Fiction, Male/Teen Female, Oral Sex, Teen Female/Teen Female, Threesome |
Fucking Teagan -Part 2 Who says three is a crowd?
I’d been replacing the hot tub filter and plumbing with a newer model and I was covered with dirt, plastic bits, and filter sand. I decided to go to the cabana and shower there, rather than drag all of the mess through the house. I had just lathered up my hair when I heard, “Need some help washing your back sailor?” I spun around and looked in the direction of the voice. Teagan was standing in the shower entrance unhooking her bra, having already stripped off her shirt and kicked off her tennis shoes.
“Damn Kiwi, you startled me. Aren’t you out of class a little early?”
“Yeah,” she said. “Mrs. Williams went home sick after lunch so they just let us go home early.” Teagan unsnapped her jeans and slid them and her thong off in one motion.
“Where’s Courtney?” I asked, knowing that where Teagan was, Courtney was usually not far away.
Teagan strolled into the shower and disinterestedly said, “I don’t know, she had to go meet with someone about one of her classes after school.” Teagan ducked under the twin rainfall shower heads.
“Mmmmmm that warm water feels soooo good.” She reached up wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a soft kiss. Her wet body felt sensational. “I need to spend some time relaxing with my guy, after the sucky day I had.” She picked up the bottle of body wash and squirted a big splooch in her hand. Teagan worked the blob into a thick lather and said “turn around babe.”
Teagan was by all measure a petite woman, but she was surprisingly strong for her size and had wicked grip strength from years of gymnastics bar work. I relaxed and leaned against the shower wall as she went to work on my back and shoulder muscles. It didn’t take her long to transition from a hand massage to a full body massage, working her perky boobs across the small of my back and my ass, while working the kinks out of my shoulders and neck. Without warning she reached around and grabbed my cock and began to give me a slow soapy hand job; all the while massaging my lower back with her firm tits.
“Baby, that’s incredible, I don’t know if I can stand that long.” Teagan giggled as she continued to slowly but forcefully stroke me. I was getting hornier by the second. I took some of the lather in my hand and reached behind me, catching Teagan between her legs. She squealed in happy surprise and then moaned through clenched teeth as the initial wave of pleasure washed over her. Teagan let go of my cock, wrapped one arm around my waist and braced herself with the other against the wall of the shower. She stretched up on her tip toes and tensed her ass and legs, trying to help force an orgasm. The feel of my hand on her baby soft pussy changed, as her natural juices mixed with the soap creating a silky, slick lubricant. I continued to work on her, sliding my middle finger into and out of her while working her clit with the heel of my hand. It was actually easier said than done. I was rock hard by now. Watching a girl get off, any girl actually, is a huge turn on for me. I turned around and let go of Teagan’s pussy. She looked shocked for a second; as if she actually thought I was not going to help her cum.
I bent down to her, moved some wet hair out of her eyes and said, “Hold tight around my neck.” Teagan did as instructed and held on as I reached down under her legs, lifted her up and pinned her hard against the shower wall. I had her legs spread wide and the bend of her knees hooked over the bend of my elbows. I had a petite ass cheek in each hand. We paused for a moment, kissing passionately, just to make sure we both had a hold of the other securely. “You good?” I asked. “Oh hell yeah!” she said while slowly, sexily licking her lips. “Come on Mikey, fuck me!” I moved her out away from me just enough so she could guide me in. In one quick motion, I buried my cock, balls deep into her slick, wet pussy. Teagan gasped as her clit slammed into my pubic bone. There was nothing careful about it. We were two lovers locked in primal fucking. I was slamming into her as deep as I could with each stroke. She had her face buried in my neck and was sucking on my neck and kissing me intensely as our passions rose.
After several minutes Teagan slowly straitened up and began to lean back. “NNNGH, NNNGH, NNNGH was all the noise she was making with each thrust into her. She became more frantic as I continued to pump her. “Babe, yes” “Yes, baby yes” “Ohmygodyes! She pleaded. It was getting harder to hold her, as her squirming increased as she neared orgasm. I could feel her pussy beginning to tighten around my cock as she leaned back further. All at once she closed her eyes and opened her mouth in a silent scream. I took that as a sign to plunge my middle finger deep into her ass hole. Her reaction was instant and intense. Teagan came with every muscle in her body. There were simultaneous crushing sensations around my cock and finger. Teagan involuntarily slammed her body against mine, locking her legs around my waist and let out with a scream of mixed pain and pleasure, stifling it by biting my shoulder hard. I came inside her after only a couple of more thrusts.
Teagan was trembling and whimpering. She let out a sharp cry as I slipped my finger out of her ass. She opened her eyes and looked at me. For a second I thought she was mad, until the huge grin spread across her face. “Oh my god babe!” “Oh…My…GOD!” She was laughing and trying to talk at the same time. “I have never….felt anything like that, that good, not even fucking close!” She leaned in and gave me a long hard kiss, biting my lip and trying to find my tonsils with her tongue.
The adrenaline was leaving me and I began to realize that I had been holding her for more than ten minutes. Part of the trembling was from my own arm muscles. “Sweetheart, I’ve got to set you down before I drop you.” I mustered as much strength as I had left and lifted her off my still mostly hard cock. She loosened her grip around my neck and hopped down. Teagan dropped to her knees and took hold of my cock. She gently licked the last drops of cum and sucked her juices off me, looking up at me with lust filled eyes, as she did so. I was completely spent, yet my desire for more passion with this angel was haunting me.
Teagan stood up, wrapped her arms around me and held me next to her for several minutes, the warm water soothing away any remaining tension.
“Teagan, I’m sorry!” Courtney was doing her best to apologize and explain. “I just couldn’t look away; you guys were SO fucking HOT!” “When I saw Mike standing there with you wrapped around his hips and him pumping the shit out of your pussy, it was hotter than anything I have ever seen.” “I mean, it was like I needed to be in the shower with you, but I couldn’t move, all I could do was watch.” “I’m sorry! I had to tell you. I thought you deserved to know.”
“That STILL does not make it OK!” Teagan hissed. “Do you KNOW how much trouble Mike will be in if ANYBODY finds out what we are doing?” “He will go to prison Courtney, for YEARS.” “I am NOT going to let that happen!…wait, WHAT?” “What do you mean you needed to be in the shower with us?” Teagan’s mood instantly changed from seriously pissed, to seriously confused.
“I don’t know exactly what I mean, Teagan.” “When I was standing there watching Mike and you having sex, I had this overwhelming desire, I wanted to be in there with you guys and join you.” “I mean…..shit…I….” Courtney paused awkwardly. “Teagan you’re as beautiful and super sexy as any girl I have ever known, and Mike is just a stud beast.” When I saw y’all, something happened inside me. I wanted to, no, no… I needed to be with both of you right then. I wanted to kiss both of you. I wanted to eat your pussy and make you cum. I wanted Mike to cum in me. “I wanted to fuck both of you and have the three of us collapse into a wet, exhausted pile of body parts right there on the floor of the shower. There, I said it, now what? ”
Teagan was at a temporary loss for words, but was still hopping mad inside. “Both of us?!” “Oh my GOD Courtney!” “That is too weird for words.”
“IS IT?” Courtney snapped back. “Have you ever been with a girl Teagan, or are you just going to go through life scared?” “You’re willing to fuck a guy more than twice your age, but the thought of being with another girl is weird?
“Hey, guys are great. There is nothing like being fucked deep by a hot guy. But girls are good too. Girls kiss differently than guys. Girls eat pussy differently than guys. And girls know what girls like. As far as I’m concerned a hole is a hole. I really don’t care who is doing what as long as I am having a good time and I get off.” “Friends with benefits are wonderful things, Teagan.” “Maybe you ought to try one on for size sometime.”
Teagan was searching for something to say to her friend. “Ok, I guess I was not ready for all this. I am sorry I yelled at you, but I have to protect Mike. Please, Courtney, please, you can’t tell a soul what you know. He and I will be in so much deep shit if ANYONE finds out I’m fucking our coach.”
“Teagan, I’m not going to say anything. I want to fuck Mike too, remember?” “Y’alls secret is safe with me.” “Look, I gotta go, my mom will be out front any minute.” Courtney and Teagan stared awkwardly at each other for a second or two. Then almost as an act of desperation to help drive home her point, Courtney leaned forward and kissed Teagan softly on the cheek, catching the corner of her mouth as she did so.
Teagan didn’t react to the kiss from Courtney and stood silently as her friend turned and walked out the cabana door. This was not good. Teagan was frustrated, hurt and angry at the invasion of her and Mike’s privacy. Not to mention the potential risk to both of us now that our secret was out. Teagan walked over to the bar, sat down on one of the stools, put her head down on the counter and began to cry softly.
I was working at my desk when I noticed the time. “Wow. Teagan should have been here by now.” I thought to myself. I signed off the laptop and walked out of my office toward the living room. It was obvious that I was the only one in the house. I headed out to the cabana thinking the girls might be there. Teagan was sitting at the bar and looked up as I walked in. It was obvious she had been crying. Her eyes were bloodshot and her makeup was smeared. She got down off the stool and walked over to me, fighting a losing battle against another flood of tears.
“Teagan, baby, what’s wrong?” Something was up. Teagan was an emotional ice princess and was not a crier. In fact, in the year that I had known her, I had seen her cry only a couple of times before. I pulled her close to me as she continued to sob. “Kiwi, baby, please tell me what’s wrong.” “Come on, it’ll be OK.” I took her face in my hands and looked at her. I wiped away a tear with my thumb. Teagan took a deep breath and said,
“She…she knows.” (sniff) “She knows Mike.”
“Baby, who?” “Who knows what?”
“She knows about us!” “Courtney knows we are fucking each other!” The revelation hit me in the stomach like a UFC fighter and simultaneously seemed to suck all the air out of the room. Denial was my first response.
“No, No way” “She might suspect something, but there is no way….”
“NO!!” “Listen to me!” Teagan demanded. “She KNOWS!”
“Baby, I didn’t tell her and you didn’t tell her so exactly how did she find out, and what does she know?” Down inside I was hoping this was all a misunderstanding.
“Last week, when I came home early and you were in the shower.” “Remember?” I shook my head in agreement.
“Well we had an audience Mike.” “Courtney.” “She watched the whole god damn thing.” “Everything from when you picked me up, to when I cleaned you up after we were through.” “Courtney knows everything!” “And it is all my fault because I did not lock the door when I came in!” “She must have been only a few minutes behind me, not still at school like we thought!” Teagan said, once again fighting back tears. The fact was we had both screwed up. I had become too comfortable with Teagan to give anybody else a second thought. Any of the girls could have walked in on us, and that fact never crossed my mind. So this is what Mitch meant about thinking with the big head…
“Baby, it’s not your fault. I should have stopped you and moved our little party to the bedroom. It just never occurred to me that someone might see us.” “Holy shit, lemme think for a minute.” I said as I sat down on one of the futons. Teagan came over and curled up next to me, resting her head in my lap.
“OK.” My mind was reeling trying to piece together what to do next. “Courtney has known about this for almost a week.” “That was last Thursday and today is Wednesday.” “She obviously hasn’t told anyone else, other than you, that she knows.”
“How do you know that?” Teagan asked suspiciously.
“Because I’m not in jail on statutory rape charges, and you’re not on the first jet back to New Zealand with deportation papers in your hand and a one way ticket paid for by the US tax payers.”
“More good news; it’s Courtney that caught us.” “Can you just imagine how the shit would have already hit the fan if it had been Kylie?” Teagan just shook her head.
“You hungry yet?” I asked her.
“Yeah kinda, sorta” Teagan replied, sitting up.
“OK, let’s go fix dinner and work this out.” “Text Courtney and tell her you’re not mad, just a little confused, you want to still be BFF or whatever girlie thing it is y’all text to each other.”
“But I am pissed off at the sneaky little bitch!” Teagan sneered.
“Yeah, baby I know you are, so am I, a little.” “But Courtney can’t know that.” “We have to keep her on our side in this.” “The way I see it, she sat on this for almost a week because she didn’t know what to do.” “Courtney isn’t stupid; she knows that there will be hell to pay if this gets out, so she told you, because her conscience was making her tell someone.” “She needs to think you’re OK with that.” “I also need to know everything you two said to each other when she told you.” “I’m guessing that was not a pleasant chit chat.”
“Not really.” Teagan said. “I called her a sneaky fucking bitch, and it went downhill from there.”
“Ok, well, what’s done is done.” “That makes the kiss and makeup text all the more important.” I mused, hoping that once again Teagan’s acidic brand of smartass could be smoothed over.
“Funny you should mention kiss and make up.” She said as she pulled out her cell phone and began the text to Courtney.
Teagan: Hey C Just wanted to say Im sorry for yelling at u this afternoon. I way over acted and Im sorry. Pls forgive.
Courtney: its ok I would have been mad 2 I knew u would b pissed. Couldn’t keep it 2 myself any more
Teagan: almost relieved u know hard 2 keep a secret like that. Im sorry I called u a sneaky bitch that was not nice
Courtney: no worries I kind of deserved it I should have told u sooner not nice to spy on friens
Teagan: I still love u C see u in the am
Courtney: love u2 teag see u at 1st period
“OK” Teagan said, “I think Courtney and I are cool.” She handed me her phone and I scanned the text thread.
“Yeah, she doesn’t sound mad, just a bit embarrassed.” “By the way, what did you mean when you said “funny, you should mention kiss?”
“Well,” Teagan paused and blushed a bit.
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