
Freddy in the Bathroom: My Wife’s Confession

This story is all about the unexpected confession that my Wife, Bea (not her real name), made to me one afternoon, when she described for me in detail how she had lost her virginity to an older teenage boy who had forced his intentions on her, back when she was a young lady.

Freddy in the Bathroom: My Wife’s Confession

by rat_race

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“How would you feel if you found out that I really wasn’t a virgin when I met you?”

My wife, who was my live-in girlfriend at the time, was naked in bed with me one afternoon, when she asked me that question. I didn’t realize it at that point, but it was a question that would end up permanently changing our relationship.

About Bea

I met my wife, Bea, during my first year of college in the fall of 1972, and I immediately fell in love with her. Bea came across as being very intelligent and genuinely kind, but also naive and innocent, at the same time. And those qualities only served to make her even more desirable–especially considering the fact that she was already a college sophomore, and she was two years older than me. The ironic thing about this is that, even though we both have always looked much younger than our chronological ages, Bea has always looked like she is younger than I am.

My wife is the most wonderfully-unique person that I know. Age-wise, she’s in her late 60’s now, but she still looks like she’s in her early 50’s. Not only that, but she has never had to wear facial make-up in order to look attractive. Nor has she ever had to resort to having plastic surgery of any kind.

Bea was born in the early 1950’s into a lower middle class Hispanic family of Mexican origin, but she doesn’t look or sound Hispanic at all. In fact, she doesn’t even speak Spanish, although she almost always understands what other people are saying to her in Spanish. But Bea naturally speaks with a mid-western accent, similar to the type of accent that most female television news reporters strive for.

And Bea’s looks perfectly compliment her voice. Thanks to her God-given brunette hair, her large hazel “bedroom eyes,” her European-style “ski jump nose” and her light olive-toned skin, Bea looks 100% Anglo.

Bea told me that, once she had reached puberty, it seemed to her that her crotch became hairy almost overnight.

However, Bea also went on to tell me that, above the waist, she was definitely a late bloomer, and that all the way up through her first few years of high school, her breasts were really nothing more than a pair of super-enlarged, puffed-out, nipples. But then later, sometime during her junior year of high school, Bea’s little boobies had begun growing rapidly. And by the time that I finally met Bea, at the beginning of her sophomore year of college, her C-cup size breasts would only be considered small when compared to the truly enormous breasts that her two sisters and her mother all have.

Let’s put it this way. If Bea were wearing a low-cut style blouse, I’m absolutely positive that the sight of her ample, bare cleavage would be a real turn-on for most men in America.

However, I am not “most men.” I just happen to come from the “more than a mouthful is wasted” school of female breast-appreciation. In other words, whenever I’m surfing porn online, it’s always the small-breasted women that end up turning me on. I can’t help it. It’s just the way that I’m “sexually-wired.” And so, as far as I’m concerned, Bea’s breasts are way too big for my liking, and they just don’t do anything for me in a sexual way. They never have, and they never will.

However, in spite of the way that I have always felt about Bea’s breasts, from the time that Bea and I first started making out during our dates together, all the way up until a few months after we had first started having sexual intercourse together, I used to go ahead and feel out Bea’s big boobs and suck on her large tan-colored nipples anyway, as part of our foreplay–while I was assuming all along that that was what Bea was wanting me to do.

I eventually discovered (through Bea’s own “sexual coaching”) that nothing could have been further from the truth.

In an ironic twist of fate, it turned out that Bea never has viewed the stimulation her breasts as being necessary during sex. In fact, this may sound strange to you, but unlike most women out there, Bea rarely touches her own boobs when she’s having sex with me (or even when she’s masturbating by herself, for that matter). Instead, she prefers to bypass all that breast self-stimulation stuff and go straight for the pussy.

And so the only reason why Bea was gladly letting me feel out and suck on her breasts all those times during our lovemaking, was because she had mistakenly assumed that that was what I was wanting to do. And that’s exactly what she told me, right to my face. Needless to say, I was totally shocked–and, at the same time, very relieved–when Bea finally admitted all this to me.

Bea’s crotch is definitely hairy, but not to the point of looking freakish. Although Bea keeps her armpits and her legs clean-shaven, she prefers to leave her dark-brown pubic hair “au naturel.” And that’s fine with me, because hidden just below Bea’s thick pubic hair triangle is her awesome-looking pussy.

I have to admit that I have been totally infatuated with Bea’s wonderful, exotic-looking pussy, ever since she first spread her legs apart and let me look at it. And that’s because Bea’s pussy is one of the sexiest, nastiest-looking pussies that I have ever laid my eyes on! And that’s saying a lot, because just like lots of you guys out there, I’ve seen literally thousands of different women’s bare pussies posted at various Internet porn sites.

Bea stands about 5’ 2” tall. But she just happens to have an hourglass figure. So she has large hips (a large pelvis) for a woman of her petite body size. This is something that I never gave much thought to–that is, until the First Time that I ever stuck my hand up under Bea’s dress and felt out her pantyhose-covered pussy. I was shocked to discover just how large her pussy was.

All I can say is that Bea’s wide, fleshy pussy mound is so large that it looks like it should belong between the legs of a much bigger, taller woman. And Bea’s vagina is also wider, and much longer, than one would expect to find on a woman of her small stature.

And that’s not just my opinion, either. Every one of Bea’s gynecologists over the course of many years have all ended up making comments to Bea about the unusually-deep position of her cervix, in relation to her vaginal entrance. Basically, the top part of Bea’s uterus is tilted so far forward that, even with my six-and-a-half-inch-long, erect penis buried deep inside her vagina (when we’re in a face-to-face intercourse position), I can barely reach her cervix with the tip of my dick.

Early on in our relationship I discovered that I could diddle away at the head of Bea’s clitoris, and although it would eventually become erect, my efforts would never make her orgasm strongly. She could only experience mild orgasms through direct clitoral stimulation. And it wasn’t anything that I was doing “wrong” either, because Bea herself admitted to me that she can’t make herself “cum good” by just rubbing and massaging away at the head of her own clit during masturbation, like most other women do.

Instead, Bea’s sexuality is–and has always been–focused on her vagina. And consequently, whenever she masturbates, Bea has to stimulate her own vagina in order to make herself orgasm strongly. And she told to me that she has been sticking her fingers up inside of her own vagina for as far back as she can remember. So it makes perfect sense that Bea absolutely loves the act of sexual intercourse.

However, there is one sex act that Bea seems to love even more than “fucking,” and that’s getting her pussy energetically finger-fucked. In fact, that’s the only way I have ever found that I can consistently make Bea orgasm her ass off.

By the way, Bea’s pussy gets incredibly wet whenever she’s experiencing a strong orgasm. Typically, Bea squirts at first, letting out numerous small spurts of clear watery cum-fluid, that looks just like urine, but without the yellowish tinge to it that urine tends to have. And then she starts gushing, as she literally “ejaculates” a series of thick, gooey, semi-transparent globs of cum-juice from her orgasmically-pulsating pussy.

And as Bea continues to experience one strong orgasm after another, her ejaculated cum-juice can change from its normally semi-transparent, oily-looking state; as it drastically thickens up, and takes on a whitish tint that makes it look much more like sperm than pussy cum-juice.

The first time that I ever witnessed this, I was very surprised, because it looked just like Bea was using her vaginal muscles to squeeze my freshly-ejaculated sperm out of her creampied pussy. But this “unexpected event” took place during our foreplay (my dick had not come into contact with Bea’s pussy yet). And so that sperm-looking stuff was all hers, and not mine. Up until that point in time, I had no idea that a woman could actually do that.

Okay, okay. I’m through talking about my wife’s pussy for now. I promise. In fact, I’m through talking about any of her other physical attributes, as well. And that’s because Bea’s physical attributes are not the only things that make my wife unique.

Bea’s inner sexuality (her sexual likes and dislikes) and her sexual behaviors are what truly set her apart, making her incredibly different from most other women. In other words, Bea doesn’t enjoy most of the things that an average woman would tend to enjoy during sex. Yet she enjoys many other sexual things in ways that an average woman probably would not. There are so many unusual aspects to Bea’s unique sexuality and behaviors that I simply don’t have the space here to discuss them without bogging down this entire story even more than I already have.

Early on in our relationship, Bea’s unique sexuality really baffled me. Then one day, Bea made a confession to me about something that had happened to her, back when she was much younger. Something that she had kept secret for many years. Her confession helped to give me a much better understanding of her unique sexuality. Bea’s long-kept “dirty little secret” is what this story is really about.

By the way, Bea was on The Pill at the time that she made her confession to me.

Back in those days, the birth control pill was by far the most effective, least intrusive and most natural form of non-permanent birth control that was available to us. It gave us the ability to fuck whenever we wanted to, without any preplanning involved, and with a very low risk of Bea getting pregnant.

But what we both loved the most about The Pill was that, during our lovemaking, it allowed us to act as if we weren’t using any form of birth control at all. And as you can well imagine, that “pretending” only served to make the sex even that much more exciting for both of us.

And now that I have provided you with some necessary background information about my extraordinary wife, I can only hope that you will find the rest of this story as erotic and fascinating as I do. I have tried by best to accurately recreate the conversation and accompanying events that took place, while Bea was making her confession to me.

Bea’s Confession

Many months after we had begun living together (while we were both still in college), Bea and I were in bed naked, playfully fondling each other’s genitals and talking, as we were getting in the mood for some lovemaking. I remember that I was lying on my back, and Bea was down on her knees between my spread-apart legs, facing me. She was fondling my balls, while I was playfully running my fingers up and down her closed-up pussy crack.

That’s when Bea asked me how I would feel if I found out that she wasn’t a virgin, when we first met (which is what she had always led me to believe).

After thinking it over for a moment, I told her that it probably wouldn’t make that much of a difference to me.

Bea hesitated for a little while, obviously deep in thought, and then very rapidly blurted out, “That’s good. Because back when I was much younger, I let an older boy play with my pussy. And I played with his dick too. There! Now you know!” Then Bea simply continued fondling my balls, acting as if what she had just told me was “no big deal.”

For a moment I was floored, and my fingers automatically came to a dead stand-still inside her closed-up slit. I couldn’t believe the words I had just heard spewing out of my sweet Bea’s mouth.

I had thought that her bringing up the subject about her not being a virgin when we first met, was merely a hypothetical situation, and that Bea was bringing that subject up just to toy with me mentally, and get my reaction. But once I realized that Bea wasn’t being hypothetical at all, I really didn’t know how to respond. And so I verbalized the very next thought that came to my mind.

“You just told me that you and this older boy played with each other’s genitals. How on earth did that make you a non-virgin?” I asked.

Bea removed her hands from my balls, slowly lowered her eyes, and then quietly admitted to me, “I also let Freddy rub his dick against my pussy.”

Then, after a long moment of letting everything sink in, I pulled my fingers out of Bea’s pussy crack, and I sat back up on the bed, so that we were now both sitting face-to-face in the middle of the small twin-size bed. And that’s when our serious discussion began.

Here’s the essence of the conversation that took place between us, and ended up changing our relationship forever:

“The head of his dick?” I asked, still not quite believing what Bea was telling me.

“Yes,” she softly replied, with her eyes still lowered.

“Against the crack of your pussy?”


“Did he have a hard-on, while he was doing that?” I asked, not realizing just how stupid that question was, until it had already left my mouth.

“Oh…yeah,” she answered very emphatically, slowly nodding her head with her eyes closed.

“Did he cum in your pussy?”

She didn’t answer me. Instead, she just nodded her head a little faster, and I could tell that she was on the verge of crying.

“Then what you’re really telling me is that this Freddy-guy fucked you?” I demanded.

“Yes, I guess that’s what I’m telling you,” Bea finally admitted, obviously trying to hold back her tears. Then she opened her watery eyes to look straight at me, before adding, “But back then, I was so naive that I thought Freddy was just rubbing his dick against my pussy, and that’s all.

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