Filmed with Dogs
Filmed with Dogs
Sex Story Author: | alcaira |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Her sour stomach was tight and tumbled in somersaults. Her mind was trying to comprehend all that was happening to |
Sex Story Category: | Bestiality |
Sex Story Tags: | Bestiality, Fiction |
This story is fiction, and should be treated as such.
The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY,
and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an
adult, or reading sex stories upset you, do not read any further.
I am not the author. I don’t have the talent.
I can only be … “TheEditor”.
Filmed With Dogs
Chapter 1
Charlotte Dayton’s beautifully sculptured face turned into a
scowl as her car coughed again, sputtered, and died.
“Damn it!” She looked at the gas gauge for the tenth time.
It registered the same three quarters of a tank. She pumped the
pedal and turned the key in the ignition. The motor whined and
refused to start.
“Balls,” Charlotte muttered, giving up. She opened the door
and climbed out of the car, glancing around. “Damn, why did I
listen to George? Taking this stupid shortcut!” She talked to
the wind as it tousled her thick red- hair.
Reaching inside the car for the latch, she unlocked the hood.
She hauled the hood up with a grunt and peered inside.
She shook her head and straightened up. As she stood with
hands on her hips, her eyes scanning the deserted area, she
spotted a large house about a quarter of a mile down the road.
“Shit! It’s the last time I listen to you, George,” she
said, annoyed, as if he were there. Her face grim with
determination, she trudged down the road to the lone house. After
a phone call, she would be on her way … again In no time.
She stumbled up the path to the house, her high heels
catching in the pebbles. She groaned, walking uneasily up the
narrow path, her well-rounded ass swinging in the tight- fitting
designer jeans. She reached the crest of the path, her soft tits
rising and falling underneath her sweater as she caught her
Knocking on the large old fashioned door, she relaxed.
Things could be worse, it could be night, and this God-forsaken
house could have been ten miles down the road. The door creaked
“Yes?” A tall statuesque blonde appeared, her voice deep and
sultry. Her wide blue eyes quickly took inventory of Charlotte’s
lush petite figure.
Charlotte caught the glancing appraisal and immediately
sensed the erotic aura that surrounded the tall beautiful blonde.
“My car broke down,” Charlotte began. “Could I use your phone to
call a gas station?”
The blonde’s exquisite features broke into a smile, a
sizzling smile that reeked of sex. “Come on in. The phone’s over
there on the table.”
The tall blonde stood aside, allowing Charlotte to enter.
She feasted her eyes on Charlotte’s delicious swinging ass encased
in the skintight jeans. Her tongue slid across her full lips, her
body tensed like a large cat ready to pounce on an unsuspecting
Charlotte felt the woman’s eyes on her. For some reason it
made her shudder as she picked up the phone and dialed
information. She held the phone to her ear, a quizzical
expression on her pretty face.
Charlotte’s green eyes swept over the luscious blonde as she
tapped the button. “Your phone’s dead,” she told her, swearing to
herself that it wasn’t her day.
“Really?” The blonde’s eyebrows arched, her long graceful
legs bringing her to the phone. She listened intently, tapped the
button a few time, and shrugged. “You’re right.” She tapped the
button a few more times, still listening as she held the phone to
her ear.
Charlotte was a full head shorter than the blonde woman. Her
sparkling emerald eyes followed the curve of the elegant blonde’s
neck, down over her huge melon tits to her slim waist, and
stopping as the waist flared out into full, voluptuous hips. The
woman’s sexual aura was overpowering and Charlotte stepped back,
quieting the tremor in her stomach.
The blonde turned slightly. “I’m awfully sorry. I don’t
know what to suggest.” Her exquisitely toned voice, everything
about her, suggested only one thing: sex–pure animal sex. It was
written in her deep-blue eyes, across her full red mouth, and
exuded from every pore of her perfectly proportioned body.
Charlotte was aware of the blonde’s obvious leer. She felt
as if she were being stripped of her clothing. It was a powerful
sensation. “If you could drive me into town … I know it’s an
imposition but I’d be willing to pay you.”
The blonde laid her hand on Charlotte’s slender arm. The
contact was charged with electricity. “My brother is away for a
while,” the statuesque woman explained. “I’m sure when he returns
he’ll be glad to take you into town.” Her face glowed with animal
magnetism, her strong features radiant. “Maybe he can look at the
car himself.”
“I couldn’t–” Charlotte refused, then thought better of it.
Her face brightened. “It would be wonderful.”
“Good,” the blonde said. “We can have a drink and get
acquainted while we wait.” She turned and her clinging silk dress
licked her knees as she strode elegantly into the living room.
Her well-proportioned body turned to Charlotte. “I have just the
thing to take the chill out of you.” Her blonde fluffy hair was
like spun gold caressing her face.
Mesmerized, Charlotte followed. She was glad George wasn’t
here, he would be drooling. This intoxicating woman appeared to
be exactly what George liked. She was certainly the sexiest
female she had ever met–not just sexy but blatantly sexy without
trying, with a touch of danger thrown in to make the juices flow.
Charlotte bit her lip, forcing back the thoughts from her mind.
She blushed, her cheeks burning as the blonde turned, catching
Charlotte’s gaze.
The same sultry smile came to the blonde’s lips, revealing a
hint of pearl-white teeth. “Since we’ll be together, I think it
would be nice if we knew each other’s name.” Her sensual body
floated as she went behind the bar, her long, graceful fingers
bringing out two tall glasses. She moved with total ease. “I’m
Felicia.” She dropped ice cubes into the glasses and her eyebrows
raised expectantly.
“I’m Charlotte. My friends call me Lotty.” Charlotte
surprisingly felt her breath shorten and her heart skipping.
Felicia splashed scotch over the ice in liberal amounts,
carried the drinks over to the coffee table and handed one to
Charlotte. “This’ll warm you up.”
“Yes, it is a bit chilly out,” Charlotte said, then sipped
the potent drink slowly. “Mmmmm. This is a coincidence. My
favorite scotch served the way I like it, over the rocks. “
Felicia was seated on the large comfortable velvet chair and
motioned Charlotte to the couch opposite her. “Sit down …
relax.” Felicia crossed her long sensuous legs, the silk dress
gliding effortlessly up her thigh. “Craig, my brother, will be a
The husky note in her voice was heavy. Her long fingers, the
nails dabbed in a brilliant red, curled around her glass of
scotch. Her other hand toyed with one of the buttons of her
Charlotte settled into the soft luxurious comforts of the
couch, draining the savory scotch almost to the end before
realizing she had done it. “God, I needed that.”
Charlotte’s gaze reverted to the button of Felicia’s dress
for the third time, watching the long painted fingers playing with
it. Charlotte thought again of George and was again glad he
wasn’t here. This woman was dynamite!
“You’re very beautiful,” Felicia said abruptly, her voice
heavy, laced with sex. “Craig will be very happy to help you.”
Charlotte felt a twinge of discomfort. She forced a smile
anyway, suspicious about what she might have to do for the help.
“I’m married,” she told the blonde woman plainly, setting her
empty glass down on the table in front of her. “George, that’s my
husband, will be very grateful for all the help you’re giving me.”
She kept her warm smile on her face. “You married?”
“Not yet.” The button finally came open. “Maybe someday
I’ll meet someone who can make me happy.”
Charlotte leaned back comfortably into the soft cushions of
the couch and relaxed. She hadn’t felt this good in years. She
sighed aloud and then was startled that she had. She began
giggling, surprised at herself for acting so silly.
“I’ll bet it’ll take more than one man to make you happy.”
Charlotte’s hand instantly flew to her open mouth, her eyes
widening in shock. She swallowed uneasily, trying to comprehend
her actions. Her thoughts being blurted out like that, without a
moment’s hesitation, she thought it absurd. She began giggling
again. The sound of her own voice was strange, eerie.
Felicia laughed with her, a sizzling throaty laugh that oozed
of lust. “Maybe a couple of women, too.”
Charlotte’s head was whirling. “I … I … didn’t–Women?
You like women … sexually?” She gulped harder, a tremor
sweeping through her groin. She felt funny, fuzzy around the
edges and all warm and gooey inside.
“I like anything that will give me pleasure,” Felicia purred,
“whether it’s a man, a woman …” She paused, looking Charlotte
right in the eye. “… or animals.”
“Animals?” Charlotte gasped incredulously, the room whirling
even faster, her body tingling from her head to her toes. She
tried getting up, but couldn’t co-ordinate her muscles properly.
Her limbs didn’t seem to respond to her wishes.
“Ohhh, yesss,” Felicia hissed in her catlike tone, her eyes
glittering dangerously. “Animals and women can be very exciting.”
She stepped closer to Charlotte. “Have you ever made love to a
woman–or a dog?”
“No.” Charlotte’s answer came out of her mouth like a
whisper, her voice raspy, her throat dry, parched. “It’s so …”
Her sentence hung lifeless in the air as her mouth dropped
suddenly. Felicia was stripping off her dress.
“I see you’re shocked,” Felicia purred, an expression of
delight and excitement in her eyes. She eased the dress off her
shoulders. It whispered to the floor, a puddle at her feet.
“Wouldn’t you like to kiss me, touch me, feel my body, my tits, my
Charlotte’s eyes shone like glass with the effects of the
strong drink. In Charlotte’s mind, she wanted to leave, but
another part of her seemed drawn to this beautiful creature.
Charlotte shook her head, ineffectually clearing it of the buzz
that was careening around in her brain.
“I can tell you want me,” Felicia said, her soothing tone
hypnotic and soft. “We can enjoy ourselves together until my
brother returns.”
“Nnnooo,” Charlotte mouthed half-heartedly, finding the very
thing Felicia suggested revolting and yet desirable at this
moment. She had to get out of here! She attempted to stand up,
but her limpid body fell back to the couch, her head reeling, all
of her senses heightened.
Charlotte couldn’t help but notice the intoxicating perfume
that this golden goddess wore. It seemed stronger now. Her
stomach was fraught with butterflies and she knew her panties were
soaked. She couldn’t comprehend this. Never, never in her life
had she felt this way. Fragmented thoughts plagued her dizzy
mind. A woman, the mention of animals … Those repulsive,
sickening thoughts whirled through her head like a storm. Yet she
desired what the woman suggested.
She couldn’t understand the dramatic change in herself. All
of a sudden, it hit her like a bolt of lightning. The drink! Her
eyes widened with the realization. She had been drugged!
Felicia saw it on her face. “Yes, my gorgeous little pet. I
put something in your drink. Nothing dangerous. It is truly a
wonder drug. Wipes away all will, leaves a person highly
susceptible, clears away all inhibitions.” She winked. “You’re
already thinking about how nice it would be to touch and kiss me,”
Felicia said knowingly.
Charlotte found herself nodding in agreement, unable to stop
herself. She anticipated the taste of the luscious woman’s red
glistening mouth. A hungry expression flooded Charlotte’s face as
she stared hotly at the tall, beautiful blonde.
Chartotte’s eyes wandered to the goddess’s tits–large,
melon-shaped, encased in black lace, an ample amount spilling out.
Charlotte’s dreamy-eyed gaze swept down her golden body to the
wispy band of lace that hugged Felicia’s hips and concealed the
delights of her pussy. Charlotte’s eyes continued down Felicia’s
long never-ending legs, stopping at the smooth curve of her
calves. She kept her eyes there, fighting the perverted urges
that were growing inside her.
“Look at me, Lotty,” Felicia mewed, her voice dripping with
desire. “Look at me and want, want what I have to offer.”
Charlotte lifted her eyes slowly, drooling as she stared
wide-eyed at Felicia’s cunt wrapped in a package of black lace.
She wanted Felicia’s pussy, wanted it so badly she could actually
smell the aromatic scent exuding from between Felicia’s sensuously
long legs.
Felicia stepped closer. She was within Charlotte’s reach.
Her perfume and body musk attacked Charlotte’s senses and added to
the power of the drug. “Take off my panties, Lotty. Look at my
Charlotte obeyed willingly. At this moment, the most
important thing in her life was to feast her gaze on Felicia’s
blonde-haired pussy. Charlotte’s hands touched the exotic woman’s
hips, static electricity seeming to sizzle from the tips of her
fingers. Latching onto the elastic of Felicia’s panties, she
slipped the black lace down, baring her full hips and then a
neatly trimmed triangle of silky blonde pussy hair. She
swallowed, her head in the clouds as she let Felicia’s panties
drop to the floor. Felicia stepped back and out of her panties.
“Your pussy is beautiful,” Charlotte admitted openly. She
couldn’t believe herself blurting out things she never would have
even thought about in the past. “It makes my mouth water. I’m so
Charlotte gave up fighting her urges. Whether they were born
of her own self, or induced by the drug, it didn’t matter. They
were there and she craved to satisfy them. Charlotte looked up at
Felicia. “I’m hot.”
“Then do something about it,” Felicia said. “For now, I
belong to you.” Her flashing eyes said exactly the opposite.
Charlotte staggered to her feet. Her legs wobbled for a
second and she moved unsteadily, but it passed. Her green eyes
burned into the twin mounds of golden tittie flesh trapped in
Felicia’s bra. She had to free them. Satisfying her impulse, her
hands went to the goddess’s shoulders, slipping the straps off.
Trembling on her feet, Charlotte spotted the hook in the front and
snapped it open. She heaved a sigh of relief. She was gorgeous!
“Ummmm,” Felicia moaned, reveling in her freed tits. She was
always hot, always turned on. She caressed Charlotte’s flushed
face that was almost level with her tits. “You’re such a
beautiful doll, so delicate, so fragile.”
Felicia’s deep sultry voice caromed in Charlotte’s brain as
her hands spanned the golden tits, her fingers sinking into the
bloated softness. Charlotte was captivated by her creamy golden
“Mmmmmm, your tits are so big, so beautiful.” Charlotte
squeezed the tits and heard whimpering sighs of pleasure escaping
Felicia’s lips. It was music to Charlotte’s ears.
Felicia took her hands off Charlotte’s petite body, the bra
floating to the floor. She stepped out of Charlotte’s grasp.
“It’s not fair for only one of us to be naked.”
Charlotte quickly and clumsily pulled her sweater off,
tugging it over her head and tossing it carelessly to the floor.
Her breathing was shallow, rapid, noisy. Her hands peeled the
tight jeans off her slim hips and down her slender legs. She
exhibited herself before the elegant blonde, modeling unashamedly,
treating Felicia to a luscious look at her own small compact body-
-a smaller version of Felicia’s perfection.
Charlotte’s lush curves, sweeping hips, jutting tits were
sweet and innocent, with a sexual subtlety. Felicia’s strong
physical beauty was blatantly sexual, an advertisement for lust.
Eager to be naked, Charlotte snapped off her bra and kicked
off her panties. Charlotte gasped, as naked as the tall jewel who
waited patiently for her.
“You’re even more beautiful naked,” Felicia purred. “Kiss
me.” Her arms opened for the petite woman, her tits billowing as
she breathed, her swollen nipples pointing.
Charlotte went into Felicia’s waiting arms, melting against
the larger woman, her head tilted back, her mouth open and anxious
for the fiery red lips to kiss her.
Felicia encompassed the smaller woman with her embrace and
plunged her tongue into Charlotte’s waiting mouth. Felicia’s
hands pawed hungrily, kneading, exploring the smaller woman’s
flesh, feeding on the softness, the newness of another female.
Her legs slipped easily between Charlotte’s thighs, feeling the
heat of her red-haired cunt mound. Felicia’s thigh grazed the
juicy pussy and was immediately drenched with cunt-cream.
Charlotte’s dainty frame turned into a blazing fire of lust.
She fused her body into Felicia’s sucking her tongue-meat,
scraping her cunt against Felicia’s smooth thigh, and rubbing her
tits urgently into Felicia’s sizzling hot flesh.
Slowly, they both sank to the floor, their fiery bodies
burning up on the inside, their passion fire melting them on the
deep-piled carpet. Their passion-filled moans floated through the
room as their hands and legs became entwined. Their mouths
pressed urgently together, their lips working feverishly. Their
bodies twisted on the soft carpet, wriggling in spasms, hands and
fingers delving–one with the exuberance and curiosity of
inexperience, the other with the deftness of an expert.
Charlotte gasped when her mouth came away from Felicia’s
hungry lips. “Oh, my God,” Charlotte moaned, “I’ve, I’ve never
… ooooohh. I’m so hot!” She pawed Felicia’s golden body,
delighting in her catlike murmuring purrs. “I want you so much,
sooo muchhhhh …” Charlotte lost herself in the larger woman’s
bloated tits.
Charlotte slipped her body free of Felicia’s embrace,
kissing, licking and tasting the succulent flesh of the golden
goddess for the first time. She was delicious! She worked her
mouth down Felicia’s swanlike neck, over her graceful shoulders to
the firm and pulpy meat of her tits. Charlotte hummed, her hot
busy mouth fervently sucking the silky-smooth flesh of one of the
goddess’s tits, her hand massaging and gently squeezing the other.
Felicia hissed like a snake, content to let the inexperienced
Charlotte indulge in the sheer pleasure of making it with another
woman. “Your mouth is so hot,” Felicia told her, squirming on the
rug. “You’re making me all juicy between my legs. ” Her long
fingers weaved through Charlotte’s red hair and pressed her head
down firmly. “Bite! Bite!”
The small and delicate Charlotte nipped the massive tits,
sinking her sharp teeth into the bullet-like tips. Charlotte
sucked a swollen nipple with ferocity, grinding her mouth and
teeth into it. Charlotte was purring deep in her throat, gurgling
on her own saliva as she washed Felicia’s tits in her drool.
With her slender hands, Felicia pushed the delicate creature
down gently, urging the hot sexy Charlotte to explore her entire
body. “My pussy, Lotty. Lick my pussy.”
She spread her long legs and, while Charlotte feasted eagerly
on her massive tit, Felicia stroked her own finger through her
blonde pussy, coating it with warm cunt- cream. She brought it to
Charlotte’s lips. Her juice-coated finger went into Charlotte’s
The pungent flavor inflamed Charlotte’s mind and she
delighted in the special taste of Felicia’s cunt. Sucking the
juice-laden fingers made Charlotte forget the soft tittie flesh
and she gobbled the fingers into her mouth, sucking them clean.
“Delicious,” she rasped.
“There’s plenty more where that came from,” Felicia moaned
heatedly. “I have an unlimited supply right between my legs. Go
down there and see for yourself.” She pushed Charlotte down with
more determination this time.
Charlotte was still dazed and wavered in the strange
sensations of her drugged stupor. She allowed Felicia to guide
her down to the delights of her cunt mound as she licked a fiery
path over her belly, sloshing warm spit into her bellybutton. The
musky scent grew stronger as she slowly descended to the object of
her desire–the goddess’s pussy.
“Eat me,” Felicia moaned between jagged breaths. Her ass
humped, tempting Charlotte. “Eat me!”
Charlotte busily slobbered over Felicia’s thighs, en route to
her sensitive pussy. Charlotte stopped, her mind swirling in a
vat of bubbling passion. Her eyes became fixed on the reddened
cunt and the white cream oozing from deep within Felicia’s body.
She licked her lips in readiness for the tender delicacy of
Felicia’s choice pussy-meat.
“Don’t torment me,” Felicia whimpered excitedly. “Do it! Do
it quick before I lose my mind.” This was no longer a game. Her
lust had encompassed her in its web. She was trapped, unable to
be freed until she was satisfied. “Lick it. Tongue my
pussssyyy!” She opened her red swollen pussy tips for Charlotte.
“EAT!” It was a hoarse gurgling demand. “EAT!”
Charlotte raised her head from between Felicia’s long, sexy
legs. Charlotte hissed, seeing the animal lust on the goddess’s
face. A sly grin spread across Charlotte’s mouth as she spoke.
“When I’m ready.”
“Ewwwwwwwww, you little bitch,” Felicia crooned, liking
Charlotte’s response. The tiny creature was a natural! Felicia
tingled with the fantastic joy of knowing she would have her for
an entire week. “Eat me!” One blissful week!
Charlotte, her inhibitions gone and her passion in control,
jabbed a finger into the hot gulping pussy and gouged into the
spongy wet walls. “You like that?” Charlotte rasped.
“Yesss,” Felicia answered, her high-shrilled voice breaking.
She rode Charlotte’s finger in her cunt, her cunt muscles
squeezing as much pleasure from it as she could. “Now your
tongue. Use your tongue!”
Charlotte pulled her finger out from Felicia’s pussy and
wiped it clean with her tongue. With her head whirling round and
round, she swooped down to the blonde woman’s cunt, ready to feast
on the velvety lips and oozing slit of Felicia’s pussy. She
clamped her mouth tight against the hot cunt, holding steadfast as
Felicia contorted with wild spasms.
“Ahhhh, Lotty! Suck! Suck!” Felicia went berserk on
Charlotte’s clamped mouth, grinding and twisting in frantic
gyrations, her huge tits jerking with her erotic contortions. Her
hands sought out her own flesh and began clawing. “Tongue me!”
Charlotte was overwhelmed. Her small hands grasped Felicia’s
hips for a moment, then slid under her humping ass, her mouth
still clamped onto Felicia’s delicious pussy. She dug her fingers
into the woman’s ass cheeks and plunged her tongue deep into her
Felicia cried out in bliss. “Ohhh, YESSS!” She went crazy,
thrashing on the floor, her mouth open, moaning incoherently, her
fists pounding the carpet.
Charlotte sucked with a vengeance, lashing her tongue across
Felicia’s oozing pussy and tasting the buttery sauce. She lapped
up the flavorful pussy ooze, the seeping cream adhering to her
face and mouth. Charlotte knew what to do. She sucked the
swollen lips of Felicia’s delicious cunt into her mouth, reveling
in the scrumptious meal. She sucked on the woman’s cunt the way
she liked George to do it to her. Her mouth released Felicia’s
pussy lips and drew in the hard, bloated clit. Charlotte was at
once rewarded with a piercing howl that made her shiver.
Felicia went into a violent rage. “Ohhh, Lotty! Bite my
ditty! Chew it! Hurt meeee!”
Charlotte obliged with overwhelming fervor. She chewed on
the frantic woman’s clit as if she were chewing a piece of tough
rubbery meat. She nipped it with gusto, turning her captor into a
mass of whimpering squirming flesh.
“Lotty! Lotty! I’m sooo, sooo close!” Her hips hammered
the carpeted floor, her pussy continually creaming, her tits
bouncing, her arms and fists pounding the rug. “Ohhhh, I’m I’m
… ooooh!”
Charlotte reveled in getting another woman off with her
mouth. It spurred her on. She sucked and chewed on the tender
meat of succulent pussy with renewed vigor, plunging her tongue
deep inside the pulsing cunt, then slashing it across the hard
button clit again for the final assault.
“I’m cummmmminggggg!” Felicia moaned, her siren wail piercing
Charlotte’s ears. An explosion rumbling deep inside her pussy
spread like wildfire to encompass the rest of her twisting body.
Felicia soared. A tidal wave of orgasms swept through her lush
body like giant waves curling and gaining momentum to slash their
fierce power against the shore.
Charlotte needed no announcement of Felicia’s climax. The
gyrating, jerking body of the larger woman and the river of hot
cunt- cream told her before the shrill cry. Charlotte rode the
fury of Felicia’s orgasm, her teeth clamped tight to the throbbing
blood-gorged clit, where all the pleasure originated. Once
Felicia’s clit was tightly trapped in Charlotte’s teeth, she used
her tongue and beat it back and forth, until Felicia went mad.
Felicia, trapped in the pangs of orgasm, ground her pussy
into Charlotte’s mouth and mashed her clit between the eager
novice’s teeth. Felicia’s head snapped from one side to the
other, her face a burnt-red, her blue crystal eyes dilated,
focusing on the spinning ceiling.
“I’m creammmmminggggg!” Felicia clawed the rug with her
talon-like nails, her legs flailing, her heels thudding into the
Scalding white cum gushed from Felicia’s oozing pussy,
drowning Charlotte in a pool of it. Charlotte drank it and found
it to be the most delicious juice she had ever tasted, a sumptuous
feast. She renewed her attack by gnashing her teeth into the
woman’s clit, hurling Felicia once again to the summit for another
wild ride into ecstasy.
Felicia’s back arched, her head thrown back, blonde strands
of hair fanned out across the carpet. A violent orgasm wreaked
its destruction on her jangled nervous system. She screamed
hoarsely and tremulously, hot shivery spasms racking her body,
tearing through her cunt and stomach.
The last wave of her orgasm washed over her and she collapsed
back on the carpet, squirming and twisting from its aftermath.
She tumbled with the crashing waves, lightheaded and swirling in
the white water until her orgasm left her beached on the shore.
Her magnificent body quivered silently, then she sighed, a soft
Charlotte came up from between the woman’s sticky thighs, her
face drenched with the filmy cum-cream. “I loved it,” Charlotte
moaned, still not believing it. “I really loved it.”
Felicia rolled away. “You’re going to love this even more.”
Felicia scrambled down to the petite woman and licked her face and
chin clean of her own cum juice.
The blonde goddess reciprocated, turning Charlotte into a
bundle of bubbling energy. She sucked Charlotte until she
When Charlotte came back to reality, she clutched Felicia’s
body. “I don’t believe the things I’m doing,” Charlotte confessed
dreamily. “Is it the drug?”
“Partially,” Felicia’s husky voice purred.
“I hope it lasts forever,” Charlotte said, floating in a
state of euphoria and liking the freedom of having no regrets, no
“Soon you won’t need the drug. You’ll be like you should be-
-open with no repressive thoughts about sex, especially with
“George wants me to make it with a dog,” Charlotte giggled
while she held Felicia, luxuriating in her softness. “Maybe you
should give my husband some of this stuff you gave me. He’d be
able to give me the drug and he’d have his wish.” She giggled
again as she thought about it.
“Maybe you won’t need it,” Felicia said, crawling out of
Charlotte’s arms. “When you leave here, you might have a whole
new perspective about sex.” Felicia reached into a drawer under
the coffee table. “Look at these.” She handed the naked
Charlotte a packet of photos.
Charlotte’s eyes bugged out at the sight of the pictures.
They were of Felicia and a giant Doberman pinscher. The close-up
shots of the dog’s giant cock looked menacing, disgusting, yet
Charlotte’s mouth dried up, then watered in speculation.
“He’s my pet. His name is Khan,” Felicia explained in her
husky tone. “My brother gave him to me a few years ago. His
cock, as you can see, is abnormally large.”
Still under the spell of the drug, yet slowly coming out of
it, Charlotte leered at the pictures. She was fraught with mixed
emotions. Disgust and desire struggled inside her.
“God, I’d like to have him fuck me.” Charlotte tried gulping
back the vile words, but her thought had already been spoken.
“You’ll have plenty of time to enjoy Khan,” Felicia promised.
She stroked Charlotte’s soft silky thigh flesh. “You’ll learn to
enjoy all the excitement of a dog, his long tongue, his long cock;
everything. You’ll fuck him, suck him and he’ll lick your cunt.”
Her intoxicating voice was soft, having that same melodious
quality that had been present earlier.
“I can’t wait,” Charlotte said slowly, suddenly feeling
sleepy. “I … I …” She was drifting. She looked to Felicia
for help. The beautiful image of the goddess turned fuzzy. Her
head spun. The room spun. She didn’t know what to do.
Felicia cradled her, bringing her tightly into her arms. She
felt Charlotte shudder, then drop into a light sleep. She eased
the dead weight out of her arms and gazed with hunger one last
time at the petite morsel of delight sleeping soundly on the
floor. After a few moments, Craig came into the room.
“Take her up to her room, Craig.” She stood up, stretching
her long catlike body. Every muscle, every inch of her glowing
flesh was alive.
Craig smiled. “I got it all on film.” His long body leaned
over as he scooped up the sleeping Charlotte into his powerful
“We’re going to have a ball with our guest before she goes.
A real ball.” Felicia still had her eye on Charlotte.
Craig laughed. “My cock is aching already.” His one hand
was strategically placed under Charlotte’s ass, a finger in the
wet oozing gash of her dripping pussy. “I can’t wait.” He turned
and carried her away.
Felicia plopped back down in a chair and heaved a sigh, her
hand going to her pussy. She settled back, her eyes closing. The
hot torrid session with Charlotte had worn her out.
Chapter 2
Charlotte opened her eyes. She felt numb, fuzzy, still
filled with the cobwebs of sleep. Drugs! She bolted up in bed.
The sudden jerk practically sent her brain spinning. She moaned,
She sat on the edge of the bed holding her head. An image of
what she had done flashed vividly before her eyes like a silent
motion picture.
“Oh, my God!” she said to herself.
Warily, she glanced around. She was in a beautiful room.
She stood, then realized for the first time that she was naked. A
whimpering gasp escaped her mouth. Her eyes darted around the
room for her clothes. Panic gripped her–she didn’t see them!
She ran to the closet, threw it open. Empty. The drawers to the
dresser–the same. Empty. She went to the door and tried the
knob. It didn’t turn. Fear twisted its grip on her heart. Her
throat tightened, it was impossible to swallow. She was a
“Jesus … ooooh … GOD!” She shook, every nerve in her
body caught up in her fear.
She spun on her bare feet, seeing another door. Relief swept
over her, and she dashed over to it. Halfway there, she was
stopped short by a clicking noise. She froze, her feet cemented
to the floor.
“I see you’re awake,” Felicia’s sultry voice floated out of
nowhere. “I hope you don’t have too bad of a hangover.”
Charlotte swiveled, looking around, searching for where the
voice was coming from. “Where, where are you?”
“In another room,” Felicia purred. “Do you remember this
afternoon? How delicious our first meeting was.
Charlotte gasped, the awful memory of what they had done
flashed through her mind. Each detail of their encounter was
crisp and clear and revolting. The hot torrid voice spoke to her
through the loudspeakers with a jarring recount of her perverted
“It wasn’t me,” Charlotte screamed to the walls. “It wasn’t
me! I was drugged, drugged! I couldn’t help myself!” She began
to cry, sinking to the bed. She sobbed into her hands.
“The drug only allows you to be yourself,” Felicia told her
through the speakers. “You were absolutely delicious, too. I
hope you’re ready to explore some other facets of your sexual
She was appalled. Fear flooded Charlotte’s face. “What,
what do you mean?” She was trembling, frightened out of her
“You remember,” Felicia taunted. “Your interest in dogs and
how exciting it would be to make love to one.”
A wailing sob racked Charlotte’s lung. Desperation made her
run to the other door, her small firm tits quivering as she
frantically yanked on the knob. The door was locked, just like
the first one. She rushed to the other door and tried it again.
“Let me get out of here! Let me go!”
“There’s so much left for you to enjoy,” Felicia continued.
‘You’re my guest and it’s my duty to see that you’re made happy.”
“My husband, my husband will miss me … the police … if I
don’t show up at my sisters you’ll go to jail–” She was ranting,
looking for the one thing to say that would force them to let her
go. “I’ll never say a word if you let me leave now.”
The laugh was genuine, with a hint of the macabre laced
through it. “Everything’s been taken care of,” Felicia said.
“Don’t fret. Enjoy your new home for a while and the pleasures
I’ll introduce to you.”
Charlotte’s fists drummed on the door. She was screaming and
“You’ll tire yourself out,” Felicia said soothingly. “I
would think you would want to save your strength for Khan.”
Charlotte stopped her pounding. Sniffing back her sobs, a
new fear surged inside her. “Khan? I, don’t–” The name was
vaguely familiar.
“You remember, Lotty. Khan is my special dog that my brother
gave me a few years ago. I mentioned him to you.”
“I, don’t know about any dog,” Charlotte spat, hoping it were
“You seemed so interested in making love to him, too.”
Felicia made clicking sounds of disapproval with her tongue.
“It’s a good thing Khan isn’t listening,” Felicia laughed. “His
feelings might get hurt.”
“Ohhh, God,” Charlotte moaned. “Dogs.” She leaned against
the door, lightheaded, woozy. “I won’t do it with dogs! It’s–“
“Wonderful,” Felicia broke in. “Dogs are wonderful lovers
and can be such good company when you’re alone. You told me
yourself your husband would like you to try it.”
“No!” Charlotte wailed, remembering that conversation only
too clearly now. “Pleeeease let me go!”
Suddenly, there was another clicking sound. Her eyes darted
to the door across the room.
“Yes,” Felicia said, “I promised you a treat and here he is.”
As she spoke a square flap in the door opened and a large
black head peeked in. Khan pointed his muzzle, sniffing the new
Charlotte let out a scream as the giant black Doberman
pinscher came into the room, the flap in the door dropping back
into position with another click. The white shiny fangs glistened
perilously as the dog growled. His coal-black eyes burned into
Charlotte’s shrinking body. She cowered, trying to blend in with
the woodwork.
“Take him away! Take him away!” Charlotte cried
Her eyes filled with overwhelming fear and she gulped, frozen
to the spot where she sat. She swallowed her voice as the dog
took a step toward her. Whimpering sighs of helplessness emanated
from her quivering mouth as her body trembled uncontrollably. Her
heart beat in her throat, the thumping sound echoing in her ears.
She shut her eyes, expecting to wake up from this horrible
dream, only to be disappointed when she reopened her eyes. The
monstrous dog was still there, only closer.
Charlotte’s eyes flitted about desperately, seeking safety.
There was none, not even a window to leap through. Her face
brightened, noticing the flap in the door where the dog had come
through. Holding her breath, she inched around the room, closer
and closer to the door. She gasped. Freedom was only inches away
and the dog was only watching, not attacking.
She slithered down, her fingers crawling along the wall to
touch the metal flap. She pushed. It didn’t budge. She pushed
again, becoming frantic.
“Sorry,” Felicia’s hot, sexy voice purred. “It locks
automatically. It looks as if you’ll just have to let Khan
entertain you for a while.” A deep throaty laugh followed. Then
a snapping noise reverberated in the room. It was a signal to
The Doberman growled, his lips drawing back, showing his full
set of sharp, dangerous teeth, the sparkling white fangs dripping
saliva. When he saw Charlotte freeze, he came toward her, his
paws padding silently on the thick carpet.
“Noooooooo, noooo, noooo!” Charlotte whimpered like a lost
child, sinking to the floor, her legs unable to function
correctly. “Noooooo!”
She curled up into a ball, sobbing into her hands, her eyes
closed, every nerve in her body twitching as she waiting to be
ripped apart by the demonic-looking beast.
Khan sniffed her thighs, his cold nose brushing lightly
against the trembling skin.
“Aaaayiieeee!” Charlotte squealed, going into hysterics. Her
body cringed more tightly into a ball. “Don’t bite me. Don’t
bite me.”
The dog, used to the screams of frightened women, never
flinched. He continued to sniff out the new smell of the small-
framed woman. The terror exuding from Charlotte’s pores was
almost as stimulating as the heavy musky scent of dried pussy
juice. His cold, wet nose flared and his tongue swiped over
Charlotte’s thigh flesh. He lathered her curled-up legs with his
warm doggie drool.
Once he was satisfied with the shuddering woman’s thighs and
calves, the huge black beast began licking her arms as she held
them pinned to her chest. His tongue slapped out across her
hands, glued to her frightened face. He growled, a low unearthly
sound that brought hard sobs from the cringing Charlotte.
“Take him away … ooooohhhhhhhh … pleeeeease!” She was
scared senseless, afraid to look up, afraid that at any second the
dog would bite a chunk out of her. “Go away! Goooo …
“You shouldn’t be so snobbish,” Felicia’s familiar voice
floated out through the loudspeaker system. “Khan only wants to
be your friend. He loves women, especially pretty women like you,
with nice soft silky bodies.”
Felicia was watching the closed-circuit television, her pussy
soaked with her seething cunt-cream. She leered at Charlotte’s
naked body shivering on the floor and rubbed her own juice-laden
pussy, moaning to herself as her swirling fingers caressed her
blonde cunt mound. She was always ready, ready for either man,
woman, or beast. Her boiling juices flowed over her active
fingers, her blazing stare fixed on the television. Her sultry
voice flowed through the room that held Charlotte prisoner as she
spoke into the microphone.
Charlotte wanted to lash out at the soft perverted voice that
was filling her head with loathsome thoughts. The dog was licking
her hands and face and becoming increasingly active with his
lapping tongue. She blamed it on the seductive voice, associating
the two.
The dog whimpered, his bluish-red tongue going into
Charlotte’s ear. His tongue was long and wet, with warm spit
dribbling from around the edges. Khan nibbled on her tiny
earlobe, then slashed his whip-like tongue across her neck, and
nuzzled his pointed snout between her bent elbows. He sought the
tender flesh of this new woman’s tits, the flesh he had grown to
like on Felicia, his mistress.
“Allow him to lick your tits,” Felicia moaned to Charlotte,
her voice tight and heavy with passion. “You’ll love it. He’s so
All the hideous memories of what she had done with Felicia
bombarded Charlotte’s mind. Khan persisted in his quest to get at
her tits and it made her sick. This seemed like a dream–a
nightmare–a hazy nightmarish dream of terror.
Khan growled, his stubby tail wagging furiously. He barked
and shook his long head, his cold nose snuggling between
Charlotte’s forearms and finally touching the flesh of her bare
tits. He continued, barking and nuzzling. His strength forced
her arms apart for a moment or two before he pulled back and
barked his disapproval.
“You better give him his way,” Felicia warned. “Khan gets
very angry when he’s deprived of what he wants.” She paused, her
own fingers imbedded inside her pussy making her quiver. “He’ll
bite you, bite your arm if you don’t give him your tits.”
It was a threat Charlotte believed and her throat
constricted. Her choices were limited– refuse the beast the
flesh of her tits and be bitten, or give into him and suffer the
depraved act of having a dog lick her.
Slowly, fearfully, she lowered her arms. At least she
wouldn’t be maimed, at least she hoped not. Her eyes shifted to
the camera peering down at her, hating the thought of giving the
bitch pleasure–pleasure she knew Felicia was having by treating
her in this inhumane manner. She felt sick just thinking about
the things they had done together. How she had enjoyed the
perverted things she had done to the blonde. Now it sickened her.
“Aaieee!” Charlotte whimpered as the dog’s hard tongue
slapping violently on her tits brought her quickly back to the
present. What was happening now was worse, even more sickening!
Her eyes widened. She stared at the black, hairy dog
intently licking the flesh of her soft tits. Her eyes followed
his tongue as it whipped across her tittie mounds. Each contact
of his wet tongue brought a shuddering groan from Charlotte’s
throat and a churning of her stomach. Her hand went to her mouth,
and she was afraid she was going to be sick.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Felicia’s voice tormented. “It
makes me jealous to see you enjoy all of Khan’s favor.”
Charlotte looked up at the camera. She was ready to kill the
woman whose voice was tormenting her, whose drug had turned her
into a vile animal like the blonde bitch.
Her hands clenched into fists. She moved towards the camera
and its impersonal eye focused on her naked body.
When she moved, Khan growled, nipping her arm.
Charlotte froze. Being licked was better than being chewed
The ferocious-looking dog was happy again as he slobbered his
spit between Charlotte’s two tittie mounds. They were smaller
than his mistress’s and he enjoyed the difference. His nostrils
reveled in the aroma of a new pussy as he licked the naked woman’s
tits, his tongue whipping over both fleshy mounds and across her
nipples. They were pointed and rigid with fright. He whined,
growling low, nuzzling his pointed snout in between her firm tits
and tasting the succulent meat.
Charlotte was slumped against the wall in shock, her eyes
seeing but not believing what was happening to her. Her heart was
trying to leap to her throat.
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