
Favorite Aunt – Ch. 9

Chapter 9
There be Forest Nymph’s here!

The shower tub just fit the two of them as they washed each other. The lukewarm water refreshed their skin and state of mind. The day outside was in the nineties already and the humidity was over eighty percent. The cottage didn’t have central air conditioning but each room had a window unit in it and a wall unit in the living room similar to the ones found in hotels. Once the cottage was closed up, the A/C units did their job pretty good. The bathroom didn’t have one but the overhead vent was powerful and drew the moisture out and the cooler air from the rest of the house in.

As each washed the other, they enjoyed the caressing and touching but didn’t want to go any further. Both were tired and just wanted to enjoy the loving caresses of the other. Exiting the tub-shower, they dried the other off with gentle pats and allowed the moisture to just evaporate. The cooling effect was nice as Jean still looked a bit flushed from the experience while Ben sat on the toilet seat lid. Jean sat in his lap to dry her legs and feet then turned and gave him a warm slow loving kiss of immense affection. The gesture wasn’t lost on him. He enjoyed these kisses tremendously and thought they were his favorite kind.

After the kiss of kisses, Jean stood and hung her towel on the rod on the back of the door. Then she left the bathroom to him and went into the bedroom to put on a cover-up before heading to the kitchen to fix drinks. Ben finished drying his legs and feet but didn’t feel the energy to stand again. A couple of minutes later he decided he’d better or she’d come in thinking something was wrong. He did stand up but not without his right knee popping and exploding in a brief but intense pain. The pain shocked him awake fully and he realized his old injured “trick” knee was aggravated by kneeling on the hard floor in front of the couch. He tried to relax it and gently straightened it out to stretch the tightness in the muscles. Putting some weight on it, he tested it for stability then flexed it again. Satisfied it wouldn’t buckle, he put his weight on it. He turned slowly and hung his towel over the shower curtain rod to dry and headed to the kitchen.

After changing into his gym shorts, he went into the kitchen and noticed Jean wearing a blue Japanese floral silk kimono that reached only to mid-thigh. Coverings like this on her started his imagination engine again as the view was all too enticing. She moved about with fluid motion and grace. She was so comfortable around him it pleased him she didn’t show any reservations at all with him, even when not making love.

He sat down at the kitchen table and watched her move about. Her body was lithe, supple, soft and moved with a grace and elegance that only a sensuous woman could. She stopped before him to hand him his drink before he noticed she was standing in front of him. He realized he was staring at her legs. He openly took her visage in as he looked up to find her with a grin on her face.

“Like what you see?” she asked as he took the glass from her, their fingers touching briefly.

“I see what I like.” He replied. She giggled and sat down in the chair across from his. He frowned but thought the view was better since her kimono was now mostly open exposing her cleavage and much curvature. The frown disappeared as quick as it came. He watched her sip her tea as she looked at him over the rim of her cup. He took a drink of whatever was in his glass and looked at her doing the same.

“I can’t get enough of you mister.” She said dreamily. “I don’t think I will ever get enough. But I can’t help but think about how long this will last.” Her expression turning a bit sad.

“What do you mean?” Ben asked.

“I mean I can give you what you need Ben. I just can’t give you what you want.” She said staring into her teacup. He gave her a puzzled look. “Does that scare you any? I mean, does it put you off that I want you so much and can’t give you the kind of life you really want?” She sighed and looked off into space as she took another sip of her tea.

“I think what you’re saying is that I’m unable to get what I want out of our relationship? I don’t figure. What could I want more than you?” He said frowning.

“I’ll not look like this forever Ben. One day you’ll wake up and realize you’ve been screwing an old bag of door knobs. I’ll be an old woman all used up. I know you really want someone you can share the rest of your life with. To build a family and grow old together with. When I lose my vitality and looks, will you really be happy for the rest of your life?”

“Don’t try to scare me away lover. You’ll not be rid of me that easily.” He said. She looked at him with marked concentration and narrowed her eyes. She pursed her lips and set the tea cup down.

“Oh!” she said in mock concern in an imitation of Scarlet O’Hara. “Whatever do you mean sir? Will I be the fair maiden of your dreams or the harlot of your fantasies?” The effect was convincing with her natural southern accented speech. He responded in character.

“Nothing to worry about my dear. Not that long ago we loved a fierce love. A passionate love. But, a horrible demon of ill repute has returned to force his weakness upon me dear lady.” Ben said in his best imitation of a Southern Gentleman.

“Oh my! What can you do to banish this demon?!”

““Fear my love. I shall simply think of your love, your honor, and your body.” He said with a leering gaze and a wink. “With those weapons of mass erection I will have the strength to persevere and see the evil force stricken! I shall rise again!” Ben said pounding the table with his fist making his point more potent. The look on his face was completely serious as he glared into her eyes. Her eyes grew wider by the moment as he spoke. Then suddenly she realized what he’d meant and broke into a gale of laughter. He winked at her again and took another swallow of his iced tea.

There wasn’t much to be done but pick up the clothes in the living room and turn the A/C units on low for the night. They sat on the couch with his laptop and watched a romantic comedy before heading to bed. After climbing into bed they kissed each other goodnight. He spooned her with an arm over her as they fell asleep.
Morning dawned and Ben was the first to rise. A full bladder and a raging morning-glory had his shorts tented to its limit. Moving about would chafe it so he removed the shorts to keep that from happening. It was difficult to aim for the bowl with a stiffy and let flow but its energy began to deplete and became more managable after that. After taking care of business and did his morning ritual of brushing and shaving, he went to the kitchen and started breakfast.
A little while later, Jean came into the kitchen after her morning ritual wearing her kimono again. He noticed her moving a tad less fluidly than last night as she sat down at the table. He pouring coffee and took her the first cup right away. Then he retrieved a small glass of orange juice on the counter and set it in front of her. She thanked him but hadn’t looked up to see him yet while she sipped at her juice.

Ben scrambled some eggs and fried some sausage links while waiting for the toaster to finish with a bagel. When he turned from the stove to serve the eggs and sausage to her, he saw she was staring at his cock.

“Watched water never boils.” He said. She blinked and looked up.

“Huh?” was all she managed.

“Don’t worry. The subject will come up later.” He said.

Jean blushed hard and giggled. He couldn’t believe he’d gotten to her with all her prancing around like she had.

“Jeez! Is it hot in here?!” she exclaimed.

“Yes and you are.” Ben said. She smiled warmly and eyed the skillet.

“Well if I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re a man in love fixing breakfast and all for his woman.” She purred. He turned to scrape his portion of eggs and sausage onto his plate after serving her and smiled but said nothing. He knew he was in love with her. So was she with him. He put the skillet back on the stove top on a cold eye and shut off the gas then took the bagel from the toaster and put it on a small plate. He retrieved the cream cheese and a small bowl of strawberries from the refrigerator then retrieved a knife from the silverware drawer before returning to the table. Her lips formed into a ‘O’ as she clasped her fingers together in anticipation of the treat.

“I think I’ll keep you around.” She said, her eyes lighting up with delight as she spied the strawberries. She loved bagels and strawberries with cream cheese. “Strawberries, cream cheese and a bagel. Mmmmm. My favorite breakfast.” She said reaching for the knife. Ben just smiled and watched her enthusiasm as she attacked the slice of bagel slathering a good amount of cream cheese on it. She sliced a strawberry into thin discs and placed them around the bagel on top of the cream cheese. He watched as she licked her lips just before they parted to allow them to close around the thick bread slice. To him, her lips wrapped around the bagel in a sensuous embrace that seemed to melt the morsel at their touch. As she bit through the heavy bread, her upper lip was coated with the cream cheese stained with strawberry juice. Her lips closed and worked together as she chewed while her eyes closed savoring the treat like it was ambrosia. While he watched, the cream cheese spread across her lips. His mouth watered and he licked his. She eyed him and saw his reaction. She swallowed the morsel and her tongue snaked out to lick her lips clean of the creamy remnants. She picked a strawberry from the bowl and swirled it through the cream cheese scooping a large blob of it on the end. She gazed at him as she brought it to her mouth. Her lips again formed an ‘O’ and she pressed the sweet strawberry between her generous red moist lips with her fingertip. His mouth slackened and his lips parted at this most sensual act.

She closed her eyes and tilted her head back slightly as she bit down on the strawberry, the cream cheese spreading over her lips thickly. As she chewed, her eyes remained closed adding to the sensual almost sexual experience she looked to be having. His shaft began to stiffen at this most erotic scene. Her eyes opened and had a dreamy sexy expression in them as they gazed at him. She dropped her head and looked up from beneath her lashes in an unmistakable expression of lust as she stood and moved over to him without breaking her gaze from his. She knelt in front of him and reached to pull his shorts off. Ben lifted up as she slid them from his hips and down his legs. Kneeling forward, she took his cock in her mouth and stroked its length for several minutes. He watched as the cream cheese from her lips spread along his shaft then began to disappear into a cloudy mess she licked off. Her head bobbing up and down sent sensations up and down his body. When she was done, she stood and swung a leg over his lap then steadied herself. He kissed her belly and cleavage while straddling his lap before lowering herself slowly.

Jean reached back and took the bagel in hand for another bite. Satisfied, she put it down then lowered herself onto his lap. She pressed her clit against his cock and began a slow rocking of her pelvis to stroke it while reaching up to gently cradle his head with her hands. She pressed her lips to his and the mix of cream cheese and saliva spread to his lips in a wet kiss. Her tongue darted into his mouth and danced with his for a moment. The cream cheese pressed between their lips added to the eroticism of the moment. She held his bottom lip between her teeth then sucked it in past hers and let go. He returned the act of affectionate hunger in kind and used the opportunity to lick her bottom lip before sucking it in between his to get all the cream cheese off. She moaned as he made several strokes of his tongue over her lip to swipe away the creamy delight. Her lip was a bit fuller from the attention and brighter in color now. He pressed forward again, attaching her mouth to his and ran his tongue across hers. Catching her upper lip between his, Ben repeated the act and Alexandra moaned her pleasure. When he let her go, both her lips were puffy and red from the attention. She licked her lips slowly as she tilted her head back, closed her eyes and rubbed her clit against his hard cock again. As she leaned away from him arching her back, he leaned in and kissed her neck and throat moving downward. He reached and opened her kimono and saw her nipples were fully erect and hard as diamonds. The turgid peaks were thrust toward him demanding they be given attention. He was glad to oblige, eventually.

He kissed his way down her chest between her breasts as she moaned. Drawing his tongue lightly across the flesh of her breasts caused her to moan again. She felt as if his tongue was like fire on her flesh moving about, raising the heat in her core. He made circles around her areolas careful not to touch those beautiful nipples. She squirmed then groaned and finally whimpered as she tried to move her dime-size nipples into his mouth that ached to be touched. They were so distended Ben was tempted to measure how tall they stood out from her breasts. She shivered as he drew his tongue over the top of her left breast then down her cleavage and around the underside returning to the top. He continued the motion around her right breast and repeated this several times. She interlaced her fingers behind his neck and leaned back further pushing her breasts out for his attentions before letting her head fall back. Her open mouth issued forth moans, ‘ohs’ and ‘ahs’ and ‘mmmmmm’. The sounds of delight and pleasure and whimpers as she shivered when he came near a nipple increased in volume. She continued to rock her pelvis back and forth pressing her clit firmly against his cock. Soon she was moving faster as her need rose.

Ben brought his hands up and gently kneaded her breasts being careful not to touch her swollen sensitive nipples. She squirmed and whimpered to tell him of her frustration. He knew she was in dire need of the required attention. The ache had to have been too much. She rose up higher as she attempted to get her breasts in position for his mouth but came down instead on his cock which slipped inside without any warning or resistance. Her eyes shot open and she gasped as it penetrated deep on the first stroke. At that same moment, Ben pinched and held her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. She screamed out and shuddered, dropping the rest of the way down on his cock causing her to have a little orgasm. As she shuddered, her nipples were trapped between his fingers were being tugged and pulled on by her own motions creating an almost perpetual-like sustaining of her pleasure. She tried to pull away which caused them to be pulled and extended even more as he held his arms rigid, not giving. She gasped in another breath and held it as her orgasm built up to a greater release. She looked down to see him holding her nipples firmly and felt a rush of arousal at how far they were being pulled. She shook her head which shook her breasts but Ben had a firm hold on her nipples. The sensations that shot through her were electrifying as each tug and pull seemed to focus energy toward her core and fog her brain. Ben flexed his cock inside her and her breath came out in a rush. He scooted toward the edge of the chair causing her to moan as his cock moved inside her. Her pelvis began circular motions to increase the stimulation there.

Ben released her left nipple and she gasped as the blood rushed back into it giving her a throbbing pain/pleasure high before he wrapped his lips around the reddening nub. Sucking it into his mouth and taking as much of her breast with it felt delectable to her senses as her pelvis continued to rotate in small circles. He performed the same act with her right nipple and mouthed her breast as much as possible. He could feel a coolness at his crotch when she rose as the moisture of her pussy running freely with her juices over his balls was evaporating. At the same time the intense heat of her pussy radiated into his cock like an iron in the Blacksmith’s forge. The thought of a puddle forming on the floor beneath them titillated him as did the thought of her cleaning it up along with his balls. His cock seemed to jump at those thoughts and she responded with little jerky movements, moans and gasps.

Jean was in heaven. Her pussy was full, her breasts were sensitive with arousal and her man was giving her what she desired. This was the best morning sex she could remember ever having. She lifted her head forward and through sleepy eyes, gazed at Ben. She felt so complete in his presence and satiated with his touch. She rotated her pelvis and ground down on him harder. Her clit pressed harder against his pubic bone and drove his delicious cock deeper. She could feel it pressing firmly against her cervix now. She ground harder putting all her weight on him to get him deeper. ‘Just a little deeper.’ She thought as she raised her feet to her toes lifting her legs a bit more allowing her to sink onto him just a fraction more. The effort was rewarded with a settling down as his cock pressed into the snug opening and stretched her vaginal canal while her cervix trapped the head of his cock in its grip. She felt his cock press slowly into it as it wrapped around the head and felt as if her very being was penetrated. She felt a joy of accomplishment and the elation of conquering such a feat with him. She sat there and focused on the feeling inside her now and felt his cock flex inside. She closed her eyes again and envisioned how his cock looked trapped by her, inside her, by her choice. She clenched and the feeling of fullness was complete as she began very short movements rotating her pelvis while raising up and lowering herself on him.

She had penetrated her cervix herself with a long dildo on occasion when she realized it didn’t hurt hardly after her menopause. She liked the full feeling it gave and the sensations it offered now. True, her ex-husband would forcibly penetrate it at times causing her excruciating pain for several days afterwards and wondered if there was scar tissue there causing it to have been desensitized now. If he did it just prior to her period, she was incapacitated without a strong pain reliever. Being built small outside as well as inside gave her ex that much more power over her unwillingly. Now, she could choose to enjoy the fullness this deep penetration offered her. Ben wasn’t average in her mind considering her small frame. He was just right and large enough to penetrate her in this way and she loved the way he made love to her. He respected her body, even revered it if not cherished and worshipped it. She felt safe and comfortable with him and gave herself to him by her choice that her ex took from her. She would willingly give her body to him if he wanted it and she wanted him to take her anally. She smiled then opened her eyes again and looked into his.

“Like that lover?” she asked in a sultry tone. She smiled a sleepy seductive smile, lips parted.

Ben had been moaning with a pleasure he’d not experienced before. This slow type of deep lovemaking seemed to draw from every sense and nerve ending from his toes to his scalp.

“Where did you learn to do this?” he said, a little breathless. She clenched again and watched as his eyes close in an expression of pure sexual delight. He let his breath go and gulped in another breath. She was in control because she wanted to be. He enjoyed that she took the reins now and then and let her pleasure herself with him on her terms. Submitting to her this way felt incredible.

“My secret dear lover.” She whispered and moved forward to kiss him. Doing this caused her cervix to pull on his cock and she clenched again. His breath shuddered into her mouth as their lips met. When she pulled away, she let her lips linger just above his. “I want you to cum lover. Fill me with your love.” She whispered and began rotating her pelvis again while clenching. Ben struggled to keep control.

“Ungh.” Emanated from his lips. His head fell back, lips parted and his moans of pleasure spurred her to stronger, more urgent motions. His moans were sounding strained as he came closer to losing himself in her. She clenched and lifted as if his cock was in a vice and getting stretched. She saw his body tensing up. His neck muscles look strained as did his shoulders, arms, chest and stomach. The definitions of his muscles were very pronounced belying his capable strength if wanted to use it against her. She liked him after a workout looking ripped. Now she could make him strain to keep control of his male urges to prevent cumming. She worked harder to make him release. Her own tension was building rapidly as she caught up to him. She reached around behind her and felt his sopping wet balls and played with them. Then she dragged her middle finger over her anus back and forth. She massaged it in little circles before inserting it to the first finger joint. Her mouth opened and she let out a moan of pleasure as she pressed and retracted her finger. She pressed it in deeper and could feel his cock through the membrane as it penetrated her pussy. She began to rise up and down with more urgency while still keeping his cock trapped. She knew if she rose too far it would come free and end the special intimacy between them she offered him.

She withdrew her finger and ran her hand over his wet balls again then worked two fingers into her ass. She pumped them in and out as best she could reaching around behind her. Ever since that first night in the shower, she’d wanted more of this kind of stimulation. She couldn’t figure why Ben hadn’t done it since but had pleasured herself quite often there. Her orgasms were more intense when she masturbated while fingering her ass and right now she was coming up to the ledge fast. She felt Ben beginning to shake under the strain of trying to keep from cumming. She felt honor in that he always wanted her to enjoy her pleasure first.

“Cum for me lover. I want your hot love deep inside me. You can’t resist any longer my love. Cum for me.” She said softly, her own voice straining with an impending climax of her own. At those words, Ben jerked and convulsed, bouncing her up and pulling free from her cervix. Through gritted teeth he grunted and groaned as his iron grip on her hips held her back down in place. She felt his hot seed flow deep into her with surprising force. The heat from his love felt like a stoked furnace burning inside her. Between his shuddering movements and the hot love he pumped into her, it was too much. She screamed out her orgasm as her legs shuddered and feet lifted from the floor forcing her down on his cock further again. She clenched down in contractions around his shaft deep inside and around her fingers in her ass. She shuddered hard and began to fall back when she felt his hands catch her and hold her at that angle. The glimpses she had as her head rocked forward and back while her eyes opened and closed was erotic in the extreme. She saw snapshots of his strained facial expressions as he came. Then she saw her legs raised up and her feet dangling just about to his shoulders. Next she saw her feet shaking and jerking as she shuddered in her own orgasm. The images continued to prolong her climaxing as she once again focused on his cock flexing inside her as he pumped his love deep.

After a few moments, she came down from the high. Her legs aching from the strain began a slow descent until her feet touched the floor. She felt him still inside but not as deep now. They both were breathing heavily as she clung to him. She felt him nibble on her nipples which now felt like they were on fire. She jerked at the sensation but didn’t have the strength to push him away. He did it again to her other nipple before sucking hard on it. She gave little gasps as her own convulsions diminished.

Ben felt her relax but held her firmly on his lap keeping his cock inside her for as long as she wanted. She jerked when he flicked her nipples with his tongue before sucking hard on them. When he was done, she seemed to pass out. Holding her to him, he held her limp body against his in an affectionate embrace until she came to.

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