
Father Becomes A Slave To Son’s Huge Cock

A father inadvertently catches a glimpse of his son’s surprisingly huge cock, and simply can’t resist.

It was barely past noon, and it was already a miserable hell of a Friday. First, I’d been woken up early. That part, at least, I’d known was going to happen; my wife and our twin girls had set out bright and early for the four-our drive they were making so they’d arrive on time for the spa-day portion of our niece’s (and their favourite cousin’s) bachelorette weekend. Apparently a simple bachelorette ‘party’ is no longer enough, it was going to be an entire three-day weekend! Jana and Julie had been looking forward to it for months, ever since Emma had invited them, especially since she’d intentionally scheduled it for a week after the girls turned old enough to drink. So… I suppose my day could have been worse. I did not envy Sarah the job of trying to keep those two under control this weekend, that was for sure! But even so, my day at work had still sucked. I’d had a full day of cataract surgeries scheduled… and some idiot in the orthodontist’s office downstairs had to go and cause some sort of enormous chemical spill. Details on exactly what it had been had not been forthcoming, but after two hours standing around outside in the blazing summer sun the fire department had eventually informed us that the building would be remaining closed for the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours, while everything was cleaned up and thoroughly aired out. So, no surgeries, no clinic hours, no nothing… except back home to see if I could coax our son away from his video games long enough to even say ‘hello’.

“Jack? You here someplace?” I called, stepping out of my shoes and ridding myself of phone, wallet, and keys before making my way to the kitchen. No response, but I hadn’t really been expecting one. He was a conscientious kid during the school year, but it was summer vacation now. It would have taken an act of God to get him away from his screen for longer than it took to nuke a pizza roll.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I turned to the sound of the patio door, and saw him walking into the house buck-ass naked, tousling his hair with a towel after a swim in our pool, his huge, thick eight-inch flaccid cock swaying proudly before him.

It took me a minute to find my voice. Not to mention to pry my eyes away from that hypnotically swinging dick! “Hey, Jack.” I said. I think I even managed to keep my voice more or less under control. God, what a cock! So, clearly my son took after his mother’s side of the family, in that regard. Her father, specifically. Mine was… okay. That’s about all you could say about it. Five inches, a bit on the skinny side but not unreasonably so. Slightly below average, but then, that’s how ‘averages’ work; somebody has to be below them, and at least mine wasn’t much below. But Jack’s…

As to how I knew it was Sarah’s father that our son took after? Well… that is a story! She and I had met online. In the forum section of a porn story site, believe it or not. She’d commented on a story about a group of couples getting together for a party, the girlfriends convincing the guys to do a cock-measuring contest, with the loser then having to give blowjobs to all the winners while the girls watched and masturbated. Sarah had said it had always been her biggest fantasy to make her boyfriend suck another man’s cock for her, something I’d spent more than the occasional hour thinking about as well. I’d never even touched anyone else’s dick before… for me, at that point in my life, the entire point had been about doing it for the girl, not for any enjoyment I thought I might get out of it myself, so I’d never even been seriously tempted to experiment. But when I saw in her profile that she actually lived in the same city as me, I hadn’t been able to resist sending her a private message and striking up a conversation. I’d been shocked to learn that a girl as hot as she was in her profile pic was actually single at the moment, and it hadn’t taken us long to arrange to make our shared fantasy a reality. It had started out as just a one-time hook-up expressly for that purpose, and it had gone just as we’d planned—her with one hand on the back of my head, forcing me up and down, while she rapidly frigged herself with her other hand down her pants! But when she and I were hanging out in her kitchen afterwards, long after her gay friend she’d invited over had busted his nut in my mouth and left, we realized we had other things in common than just our fantasies. We stayed there for hours, just talking… and when she eventually invited me back to her bedroom with her, it was for the most incredibly mind-blowing sex I’d ever had! It wasn’t until two months afterwards, when we’d decided to attend our first ‘party’ together, that we’d shockingly run into her mom and dad, who I’d not yet met. All three of them looked about ready to die of embarrassment right on the spot… but Mary, Sarah’s mom, eventually found the courage to recover. ‘So are we all just going to keep standing here gawping at each other, then? Or are you going to tell this new boyfriend of yours to get down on his knees and suck your father’s cock for him?’ She had asked. And sure enough, that was what Sarah had hesitatingly told me to do, and that was what I had just as nervously done. Nor was that the only thing I’d done that night. Michael had a beautiful, thick nine-inch prick… and at Mary’s encouragement, after recovering from making me swallow his first load of the evening, he’d used it to pop my anal cherry and give me his second load deep up my ass, mother and daughter both masturbating themselves like crazy, getting off over and over again as they watched! And we’d been making a regular thing of it ever since. It became more difficult, not so much once we had kids, but as they grew older and could no longer simply be sent off to bed early while the grown-ups stayed up to ‘talk’. But we made it work. Sarah still arranged strangers for me occasionally too, when she was in the mood to watch me servicing somebody new. But her father was the only one who’d ever fucked me more than once, and that amazing cock of his was by far my favourite I’d ever had!

“Oh, shit!” Jack exclaimed, drawing me back from my thoughts and my contemplation of his cock as he yanked his towel down from his head to cover himself. “Sorry! Thought I was the only one here! In fact… why are you here? Something happen at work?”

“Don’t get me started!” I sighed, and not only with disappointment that he was now hidden behind that towel. “Some big chemical spill in an office downstairs, mandatory closure for a day or two until it’s cleaned up. Assuming they can actually get it done that quick, and we’re not out part of next week, too.”

“Oh, well…” he smiled shyly. No big deal, right? Guys caught unintentional glimpses of each other in the locker room all the time. I’m sure he was telling himself that just as hard as I was. “There’s no such thing as bad vacation, enforced or otherwise.”

“True enough, I suppose,” I smirked. “And speaking of vacation… do you always swim naked when you’re the only one home?”

“When have I ever been the only one home, before today?” he smirked back and shrugged. “I just thought I’d give it a try. Felt really nice, actually, not needing a suit.”

“Well… feel free, I guess, until your mom and the girls get home,” I said as nonchalantly as I was able. Please, please take me up on that offer! “Just make sure you’re thorough, with the sunscreen.” I gestured casually towards his towel. “The girls at your school would be after me with pitchforks and torches, if they caught wind of me letting you put that thing at risk! Don’t take this wrong, or anything… but I hope you realize just how lucky you are, having a dick like that!”

“Yeah… thanks, for that!” he smirked, understandably assuming it was me he’d inherited it from.

“I wish I could take credit!” I admitted with a chuckle. “I’d kill to have a cock like yours!” (In my mouth… up my ass! I carefully did not say!) “You must be beating the girls off with a stick!”

“Yeah, right!” he sighed. “I need to convince one of them to at least go on a date with me, first! It’s not like I can just walk up to one and say ‘Hi, my name’s Jack, and I have a ten-inch dick. Want to ride it for me?’” he shook his head. “Not gonna happen.”

Ten inches, when he was hard? He was clearly underestimating just how effective that approach was likely to prove if he tried it! But that wasn’t what I said.

“So… you’ve never done anything with a girl?” I asked instead. “Not a blowjob… nothing?”

“Way to make me feel bad about it, Dad!” he rolled his eyes at me, but I knew he wasn’t being serious.

“Sorry, I just meant…” I trailed off, unsure of what I’d been about to say, silently fighting with myself over what I’d really meant. I shouldn’t. I knew I shouldn’t… But it was like I just couldn’t stop myself. I couldn’t get that huge, amazing cock of his out of my mind, hiding so temptingly close behind that simple little towel. I had to try! “I could do it for you, if you want.”

“What?” he gasped, eyes and mouth opening wide.

“I mean… no pressure, or anything, obviously!” I quickly reassured him. “Say no, and I’ll never bring it up again! But, if you want…” I shrugged, swallowing nervously. The die was already cast, and there was nothing left to do but to follow through and see how it landed.

“You… you suck cock?” he gasped, completely flabbergasted. “But… I mean, does mom know?”

“She does,” I nodded shyly. The details could wait; he hadn’t run out of the room screaming yet, so so far, so good! But as he stood there frozen, chewing over the implications of my offer, I knew further words wouldn’t be enough to get him to decide. I stepped over to him slowly, giving him plenty of time to object, or to back away. And when he didn’t, when I was standing right in front of him… I dropped to my knees.

I looked up at him silently, trying not to let my eyes wander to the growing bulge I could see starting to lift his towel. It took a slow, endless moment… then the towel was falling, and there was nothing more to say. I started with my hand, just feeling the weight and heat of him, but not for long; I couldn’t risk giving him the chance to change his mind, not before I’d at least been able to taste him! He gasped loudly as I slid my lips over his crown, his hands flailing clumsily at the sides of my head. I was worried I’d made a mistake, that I shouldn’t have rushed it after all… but as his hands settled I realized; he was just trying to hold me in place, not push me away. I smiled happily around his thick, stiffening shaft, and got to work.

After more than twenty years of regularly sucking my father-in-law’s cock, I’d learned how to give one hell of a blowjob, even if I did say so myself. Jack clearly agreed, if his near-constant moaning and the gentle, instinctive thrusting of his hips were any indication. But he couldn’t possibly have been enjoying himself any more than I was. As he finished getting hard for me, it became clear that not only was he the inch longer than his grandfather that he’d already mentioned, but he was a little bit thicker, too! And hard like only a teenage boy can be! God he had such a nice cock! I was really giving him my all, using all my tricks, wanting to give him the best experience I possibly could. How better to convince him to let me do this again, after all?

Deep-throating was tricky… that touch of extra thickness made a bigger difference than I’d expected, trying to get him past the entrance to my throat. I gagged a few times, trying to get used to it, then pulling off for a moment and just using my hands on him until I’d recovered enough to try again. I got it done eventually though, and the startled and grateful moan from above me as I finally took his entire dick into my mouth was the most gratifying sound I think I’d ever heard. I kept him down as long as I could hold my breath, nose pressed hard into his pubes, tongue swirling back and forth across his base inside my mouth. It was a shame I couldn’t actually get my tongue out to tickle his balls for him… but he and his grandfather were both way too thick for that. I’d have had to dislocate my damned jaw to make enough room to get my tongue out while he was still inside my mouth!

I kept changing it up, not wanting him to ever get too used to any one technique. I made sure to pay some attention to his balls, too, taking turns sucking one then the other into my mouth; they were far too big to even think about trying to get both of them in at once! He really seemed to enjoy it, just like Michael always did. Personally, I didn’t really see the appeal. Sarah occasionally got into the mood for it, and of course I never said ‘no’, but given my choice I’d much rather have my cock in her mouth, instead! Being on the giving end of a good ball-sucking, however… now that was something I could get excited about! Almost as excited as I was about slobbering all over that enormous shaft!

“Oh, God…” he suddenly moaned. I’d been working on just his first couple of inches for a while, that perfect depth where I could bob really quickly up and down while stimulating that sensitive bit under his head with my tongue. “If you don’t slow down you’re going to make me cum!”

I moaned my approval and encouragement, redoubling my efforts as he tightened his grip on my head. He hadn’t lasted as long as I might have wished, but certainly longer than I’d been expecting, it being his first time. I let go of his shaft and grabbed him by his hips, hard; come hell or high water, I was going to keep him in my mouth until he was done! His thighs started to shake, he let out a long, deep groan… and then a sudden gasp, and it was happening! I moaned too, overwhelmed by the pure enjoyment to taking my son’s hot, thick load. And there was a lot of it, too! I swallowed eagerly, and it just kept coming, spurt after glorious spurt! I wondered how long it had been since the last time he’d masturbated. Either it had been quite a while (which I seriously doubted, him being a teenage boy and having had the house to himself all morning) or he produced a phenomenal amount of cum! Michael always made sure to have at least a couple of days’ worth stored up for me when we all got together for one of our play dates, knowing how much I loved taking a nice, big load… but this was something else entirely! I wasn’t really counting, but I’m sure it must have been a good seven or eight full blasts, filling my mouth over and over again as I worked hungrily to get it all down without letting any of it escape, before he finally trickled off into a couple of smaller ones I could hold on my tongue long enough to properly taste and enjoy. He was salty, as all men are, but not so much so that it was unpleasant. Nor did he have that awful, indescribably strong taste some men seemed so unlucky to possess. No, I couldn’t have been happier, and I made sure to let him know that, in no uncertain terms, until his post-orgasm sensitivity finally got too be too much for him and he pulled himself out and away. He was still letting me gently hold him in my hands, though, just enjoying the feel of him, still hard and apparently determined to stay that way with the stubborn resilience of youth.

“Thanks!” I smiled up at him. Michael would always have a special place in my heart… and my ass, him being the first to have taken it! But I think his grandson may have just taken his crown as my new favourite dick. “And just so you know… you taste delicious!”

“You swallowed it?” he asked, mouth agape in shock.

“It was either that or drown!” I laughed at his surprise, reminding myself again that it was still just his first time. “God, that was a lot of cum! How long has it been since the last time you masturbated?” I simply had to know.

“Uhhh… what time is it?” he asked, twisting to look at the clock. “About… three hours, I think? Maybe four? I wasn’t watching the time. Only the once so far today, though. I was about to go to my room to do it again, after my swim… but you kinda interrupted that plan.”

“My bad,” I smirked up at him, trying to hide my astonishment and glee. Only three hours? God! “If you’d have preferred…”

“No!” he exclaimed, then coughed, trying to play it cool. “I mean… that was really good, Dad. So much better than doing it myself! Thank you!”

“My pleasure!” I smiled. “And I hope you know how much I mean that!”

“Starting to, I think, yeah,” he chuckled… then seemed to suddenly pause himself, and sighed. “I suppose I should really go put some clothes on now though, hunh?”

“Not on my account, you don’t need to!” I grinned and shook my head, leaning in for another soft, slow kiss on the tip of his cock, making him moan. “Your mom and sisters won’t be getting back until late Sunday night… you can spend the entire weekend naked, as far as I’m concerned.”

“Ummm…” he said, chewing his lip as he thought it over. Still having my hands gently cradling his cock probably wasn’t helping with the clearest of thinking… but if it helped lead him in the direction I wanted him to go, I wasn’t above a little bit of cheating.

“I will if you will, I guess,” he eventually offered. Ahh, crap. I didn’t really want to do that. Knowing it intellectually is one thing, but having him see just how much bigger than me he really was… But if that was the price he was going to exact for letting me stare at that huge, luscious cock of his all weekend, then I guess ultimately, it was one I was willing to pay. And… there were other considerations, too, I supposed. Things that would definitely involve him getting a look at me anyways, if I could find a way to make them happen. I was getting way ahead of myself… but maybe having to be naked in front of him would be a good first step in that direction.

“I guess I can do that,” I said, hoping I was putting the proper mix of nerves and just a hint of excitement into my voice. “I need to go take a shower anyways, after being stuck out in the sun waiting for the fire department to do their thing…” I stood, paused a moment to make sure I wouldn’t seem overly eager, and started to strip.

“Oh!” Jack exclaimed as I finally pulled my boxers down and stood naked in front of him. “I guess you weren’t kidding, hunh?” he asked. “Damn… Sorry, Dad. That sucks you got shafted in the dick department like that!”

“Or not ‘shafted’ enough!” I smirked and shrugged as I joined in on his unintentional pun, trying not to let it be a big deal. It wasn’t like I wasn’t used to it. One of Sarah’s iron-clad rules for me was that I only ever sucked or got fucked by guys who were at least two inches bigger than me. I may only have had five of my own to work with, but at least I was hard for Jack’s first time seeing me, after getting so worked up while sucking his. The contrast between us would have been even more humiliating, if he’d seen how small I was when soft. We stood there silently for several long moments, both just staring back and forth between ourselves. He was fully twice my length, and about one and a half times my width. I’d have to properly measure us both at peak hardness to know for sure… but looking at us right next to one another like that, I thought my estimates were pretty accurate. “I’ll, uhh… just go hop in that shower now, I guess,” I said lamely. And I did not scurry off like a frightened little girl. I know this for a fact, because I resolutely did not let myself scurry off like a frightened little girl, no matter how much I suddenly wanted to flee from the embarrassment of having such a sad, pathetic little dick compared to my teenage son’s absolute monster of a cock!

I started feeling better the moment I had a nice, solid door between him and me, and immediately started kicking myself. What the hell was wrong with me? But I knew that, of course. I was used to other men, bigger men, pitying my poor little excuse for a dick. Even having some of them openly mock me, humiliating me in front of Sarah as she watched. Going so far as to claim that what I had wasn’t even a dick at all, but just an ugly, overgrown clit, while they mercilessly used my mouth or ass until they’d finished filling me with their cum. But those were all strangers! Even Michael had been a stranger, to me if obviously not to Sarah, that first night he’d fucked me. But Jack was my son! He hadn’t been mean about it, of course, any more than his grandfather had ever been. But that look in his eyes as he saw how small I was had shaken me more than I’d expected it to, and I needed to get a handle on that, emotionally, before I’d be ready to go back out and face him again.

And in the meantime, as I was struggling my way through all of that… I knew what I needed to be doing. It was never particularly pleasant… and I had no idea yet if it would even be needed or not. But better to be properly prepared, just in case; I retrieved the enema kit from its home under the sink in Sarah’s and my bathroom, and started the process of getting myself ready. By the time I’d finished both that and my shower, and then thoroughly lubed myself up (No harm in being hopeful, is there?), I was feeling much better about things. The key, I’d decided, was just to accept it. Lean into it, even. That’s what I did whenever the stranger Sarah had picked for me turned out to be into the whole humiliation side of things. I just let them have their way, agreeing with whatever they said, begging to get my sissy faggot ass fucked by a real man… whatever they needed to hear to get them off, to make them cum in me! It wouldn’t be as easy, doing that with Jack… my key to success had always been knowing that I would never see any of those guys ever again, so it didn’t matter how much I humiliated myself in front of them. But now that I’d had some time to wrap my mind around it, to really picture it and think about how it might play out, I was no longer having that instinctive fear response that had hit me so hard earlier. I doubted Jack would want to degrade me like those guys anyways… but even if he did, now that the idea of it was no longer coming at me cold, I felt I could handle it. Even enjoy it, if I was being honest! There was something that was just so incredibly hot about giving yourself up completely to service someone else’s desires and lust! And the idea of giving myself to my own son like that… was indescribable!

Jack was sitting in the living room when I returned, idly flipping for something to watch. He was still naked, I was relieved to see, his cock limp but still long and thick, laying heavily between his thighs. I’d run over several different scenarios while I’d been in the shower, for how this might work. In the end, I decided that straightforward and simple was the way to go. I said nothing. I just walked over, making as if I was going to sit down beside him, but as I got there I instead dropped to my knees in front of him again, bent down, and immediately resumed sucking his cock.

He gasped in surprise, but it didn’t take him long to get over it, sliding himself forward and leaning back, widening the spread of his knees to give me better access. He grew quickly in my mouth, putting one hand on the back of my head, negligently guiding me up and down his shaft as he continued flipping through the channels with the other. That was surprisingly thrilling, being used almost as an afterthought like that, while he continued uninterrupted about his day… I moaned around his shaft, bobbing faster and deeper.

“You really do like that, don’t you?” he moaned back at me. “You enjoy sucking your teenage son’s big, fat cock!”

“Uh hunh!” I moaned around his shaft, eagerly nodding my agreement. I’d planned to wait a bit longer, first… but he sounded so turned on in that moment, I couldn’t let the opportunity pass me by. I pulled off and looked up at him.

“I love sucking your cock…” I took a deep, preparatory breath. “Almost as much as I’d love having you fuck me with it!”

His eyes went wide. “I don’t know, Dad… I mean… getting a blowjob is one thing…”

“We can put on some porn for you to watch, while you do it,” I continued unabated. “Straight porn. You can just concentrate on the girls, imagine it’s one of them you’re fucking… but I need to feel this cock inside of me! Please, Jack! You’re the biggest I’ve ever seen in real life! You have no idea how much I need to experience it for myself!”

He chewed on his lip for what seemed like half of forever, thinking it over. “I’m really the biggest you’ve seen?” he asked. “You aren’t just saying that?”

“Longest and thickest, both,” I confirmed, still worshipfully stroking him with my hands as I looked up into his eyes. “I just know you’d feel absolutely amazing!

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