
Farmboy (1-7)

A roadside rescue leads to more than just smoking hot sex.

This is my third story that i’ve posted so far. It is one of my favorites. If it seems a little hokey in the beginning…read through and I promise you’ll enjoy it. This is a work in progress. Can you guess what will happen next?


The bucking sensation from underneath me could only mean one thing… car trouble. My luck had finally run out on this old piece of shit I have been driving for a year longer than I could have expected. It would be my luck to have it die in the middle of this country road. Taking the scenic route made more sense an hour ago as I slipped off the interstate for a change of pace. I’m not sure if I would be better off on the highway or on this rolling countryside. Only time will tell.

Pulling off onto the grassy shoulder, I’m wishing I had paid more attention to my dad’s tinkering with his old Chevy when I was growing up. My knowledge of mechanical things was is limited to a user’s perspective. What I know about engines can be put into half a thimble. I shut off the engine and roll down the windows. The breeze is cool on this warm sunny day. I close my eyes for a minute and enjoy the soft sounds of the farm country I didn’t bargain for. But it’s nice… and I doze off.

“Hey mister. You dead?” What???, I say. “I guess you ain’t dead if you ‘kin tawk.”, he said in a monotone voice. As I come out of my temporary coma, I open my eyes and see a figure standing at my window. It takes me a second to get my focus but I start to realize that this young farm boy is wondering why I’m off on the side of the road sleeping. “Don’t you have a bed to sleep on?”, he asks in that same kind of monotone voice. Yeah, I say, my car broke down and I guess I dozed off. Where am I? “Plethry… yur in Plethry. Must be yur first time.” It is, reply. “So what’s wrong with yur car?”, he asks. I don’t know, my friend. I don’t know the first thing about cars. I think it just died. I think I need a tow truck. Do you have a phone I could use? “Yep… got one back at the house. Lemme take a look-see first…if ya wunt.” Sure… go ahead. I would appreciate that, I say with a smile. He smiles back. “My names Buck. Wutts urs?” My name is Bryce. It’s nice to meet you Buck. “Is Bryce a girls name? You aint’ a gurl.” I laugh and say, no… it’s a guys name. But I guess you’ve never heard that name before. “OK, my new friend Bryce. I will check things out for you.”

As he moves around to the front of the car I get a better picture of my country friend. I’m guessing he’s in his early to mid twenties, six-foot tall and beefy. I can’t help to notice his muscular arms that are well tanned from the sun. Those aren’t Bowflex muscles… those are a hard working man’s muscles. I hadn’t noticed before, but he’s wearing blue overalls with no shirt on. I can see a bead of sweat in the center of his chest slowly trickle down his well defined chest. I get a twinge in my shorts as I quickly fantasize about running my hands over his hard shoulders and chest. I guess I would describe him as broad and beefy. I focus in on his light brown hair with a thin coat of sun-bleached body hair that looks so sexy against his tanned skin. I wonder if years of exposure will eventually turn that smooth tender skin into leather in the years to come. I hope not… he’s stunning to look at.

I get out to see if I can help but I’m certain I will be of no use. Perhaps the chub in my pants is urging me to get out there and get a better look at this potential hottie. I get to the front fender and rest my hands on the car. I ask if he sees anything. He says, “Yep… an engine.” He lets out a childish giggle that catches me off guard and I finally get the joke. You’re a smart guy, I quip. “Naw, I ain’t smart…. just funny.” I couldn’t help but to chuckle and agree. My sarcasm and his simple humor have just bonded. As he bends over the front of the car, I watch his muscular torso move inside his loosely fitting overalls. I can’t see an ounce of fat on this boy and I’m wishing I could see more flesh. Almost as if he could hear my thoughts, he unsnaps his overalls, pulls down the front, and ties the straps loosely in front of him. “Need more room to move”, he assures me with a smile. I can’t help but to stare at his tight form as he fumbles with wires and belts. There is a natural channel that runs down the center of his back that is accented by the lateral muscles. I’m kinda dazed as my mind wanders and I’m embarrassed when I think he catches me staring. He smirks a little and turns back to his work without a word. “Give her a try.” he directs and I snap out of my daze. Oh, yeah… slipping behind the wheel. I turn the key and crank it. It cranks feebly and it’s clear after a few tries that it’s not going to start.

Thanks for trying, I say to him sweetly. “Dang, it’s really dead; better call a tow truck. C’mon with me and I’ll ride you up to the house.” For the first time, I notice that he has an usual mode of transportation… a tractor. It’s parked behind my car and I can’t believe that I didn’t see it until now. But in fairness to myself, I was distracted by this handsome adonis. “Yur gonna have to stand on the side, if ye don’t mind.” Not at all, I say. Buck hikes himself up into the seat and looks down at me. I’m not sure where he wants me to stand because there’s no seat. “Ye gotta stand on the step.”, he points and then extends his hand to me. I grab onto his hand and I feel like a child being gripped by an adult’s hand. His hand is huge and powerful. I can feel the callouses on my baby smooth hands. We couldn’t be any more different physically and perhaps mentally. He gives me a tug and without any effort, I’m up on the step. On the way up I have the opportunity to admire his body from his powerful shoulders to his six-pack. I find that I have no other option for staying on board except for holding on to his arm or shoulder. Sensing my dilemma, he takes my hand and pulls until my arm is around his neck. At first I’m uncomfortable, but I quickly warm up to the idea. I can smell the sweat on him; a little musky. It’s sexy in an animal sort of way. Without realizing it, I lean into him. He responds by putting his arm around my waist and says, “don’t worry…I won’t let you fall.” I wonder if he can tell that I have a hard on in my pants that is pointed right at his face. At some level, I hope that he does.

After several minutes of our safe and sexy embrace, we reach the house. I missed the whole trip while studying every feature of his face, from the tight and tan smooth skin to the strong jaw and broad nose. His eyes are a steely grey-blue color that seem extra bright in the sun. How had I missed those beautiful eyes until now? Eyes are usually the first thing I notice on a hot guy. I’m a little frustrated that the baggy overalls keep me from getting any sort of glimpse of his lower half. I’m a pig at heart and I’m dying to see what is concealed beneath the denim. We stop abruptly and I almost lose my balance. I tighten my grip around his neck and instantly he pulls me close. If he didn’t notice the hard on before, he should be fully aware now. Buck shuts off the engine and I wait for instructions. “Yur gonna hav te jump down”, he says to me with a smile. I look down and quickly calculate my chances of twisting my ankle. I’m very safe… always. I’m out of my element and it’s not comfortable at all. I’m reluctant to let go out of fear, but staying much longer might give him the wrong impression. I chuckle to myself thinking about what the wrong impression really is. I decide to take a bombs-a-way approach and just jump.

The farmhouse seems like it’s out of another century. It’s a little run down and the yard is just slightly over grown. There’s a covered porch that runs the length of the house; complete with rocking chairs and a swing. Buck drops out of the sky and lands next to me and urges me up the stairs and opens the door for me to enter. The inside has a 40s decor but everything is neat and organized. We enter a galley style kitchen and Buck points to the table for me to sit at while he gets us a cold drink. “Everyone is out.” he announces as if I had asked out loud. I comment on the excellence of the lemonade that I am drinking and my host proudly states that it’s freshly made. I stammer a little looking to make some small talk, when Buck suddenly interrupts and says, “I think yur han’sum”. Thanks, Buck, I reply with a nervous smile. I think you’re a very handsome guy, too. “Ye really think so?” he said excitedly. Yes, absolutely. I tell him that he is good looking from head to toe. He smiles with an adolescent grin and looks down at his glass. I’m a little nervous, too and I’m not sure what to say or do. So I take another sip of lemonade.

“Kin I kiss you?”, he blurts out and then looks down at his glass. Ummmm…. well… uhhh… sure, I guess that would be okay. I’m shocked by his boyish boldness but I assure you that I am very pleased to get his request. Buck stands up quickly and comes over to me. Not knowing what exactly to do, I stand up and wait for him. He leans over and gives me a quick peck on the lips and stands straight up. He seems to be looking for approval. Not bad, I say… wanna try again? “Uh huh… I do” and he comes back in for another peck. This time I put my arm behind him and hold him to my lips. He almost tries to pull away but lingers a little longer. This time I kiss him and rub my lips against his. He seems to get comfortable with that and returned the kiss. After a few seconds I open my mouth a little. I’m willing to be patient with someone who is inexperienced. With that, Buck wraps arms around me like a blanket, cocks his head slightly, and pries my lips apart with his tongue. His tongue is cool from the lemonade; it’s big and fills my entire mouth. I struggle to accommodate his probing tongue and I swear I’ve never had anyone’s tongue so deep in my mouth before. He is gentle and passionate and it doesn’t take long to realize that this isn’t his first time. Our gentle and passionate kissing heats up and I can’t seem to get enough of him. I find myself making mmmmm sounds while we kiss and I start to suck on his tongue like a cock. It doesn’t take but a second for my farmboy to get into the rhythm and he pushes his tongue out to get it sucked properly. He seems to like it and that’s all the encouragement I need to keep at it. Soon he gets so into it that he’s ramming his tongue in and out of my mouth.

My cock is throbbing in my pants as I rub my hands all over his shoulders and back. Getting a little adventurous, I slide my right hand down the back of his overalls and grab at his ass. It’s solid but meaty and I’m distracted from my tongue-fucking trying to get a good feel. I feel Buck’s arms come around me and he pulls me close to his body; giving me no choice but to grope both ass checks. I feel his muscular ass through a soft cottony fabric as I grope frantically. What I want more than anything is to get down to bare skin but I don’t want to seem so whore-ish. Buck pulls out of our tongue-fuck and makes his way down the side of my neck, kissing and sucking my skin like he’s tasting me. His mouth covers a huge part of my neck and I’m enjoying the sensation. He nibbles at my neck with his lip-covered teeth. At this moment, I wouldn’t mind if he bit and sucked me until it left a mark…but how would I explain that? I’m lost in the intenseness of this embrace and I finally make my move up and over the waistband of his underwear. Oh, fuck! His skin feels as smooth and tight on his ass as it looks on his chest. I bury my face into his chest and breathe in his scent. I have never smelled anything quite like him before and I want more. I inhale deeply and his aroma fills my nose so much that I can taste it in my throat. Buck continues to kiss my face, head and ears while I make my way down his chest with my lips. His chest hair feels like silk across my lips and I suck it lightly into my mouth as I kiss and suck his skin gently.

I slip my hand down the crack of his well defined ass and zero in on his hole with my middle finger. Buck moves slightly and it seems that he wants me to have full access to his opening. Rubbing in a circular motion, he easily takes the tip of my middle finger into him. He moans lightly and it gives me the clue what he might like. Moving a little farther south, I rub the back of his sack. I find a pleasant surprise when I feel the root of his cock buried under his balls. It’s hard and thick and I can’t help myself by stroking it with a finger on each side. Unfortunately, I can’t get to his balls so I retreat back to his button.

I feel a bump on my lips while kissing his chest and instinctively push my tongue against it. His nipple is hard and so full that I can’t resist encircling it with my tongue. I stimulate the areola and Buck reacts by shivering a little bit and drawing in two short breathes through his teeth. I’m pleased with myself because it gets me hard knowing he is enjoying it. Opening my mouth wide, I suck and slurp at his breast until my saliva drips down his stomach. I playfully flick the nipple with the tip of my tongue and Buck grabs my head and holds it in place. I continue to flick while he runs his fingers through my hair with both hands. Looking up, I see his eyes closed and his head back. Damn I’m good.

I decide to get things moving again and kiss my way down his stomach. I’m a little frustrated that I can’t seem to get even a little skin to suck because his stomach is so tight. I quickly form a Plan B and decide to lick those rock hard abs. His skin is salty from sweat and I find myself lapping in an upward motion. Soon I get to the area I’ve been waiting for… the navel. I have a strange attraction for navels that really turns me on. Buck’s navel is perfectly round with a little knob inside. I kiss all around his navel and feel like I’m devouring him as I put my mouth over it. I probe with my tongue and find the little knob with the tip of my tongue. Flicking my tongue against it I feel a wave of horniness from my stomach up to my chest. My own nipples are now rock hard.

My hands are well anchored on his hips. I have always said that hips are the sexiest part of a man. Yet even now I suspect that there are many other sexy parts on this hot stud. Sliding my hands up and down his sides, I caress him gently. I’ve reached the point where I’d like to see more of his manly form. I unsnap his overall buttons at the waist in unison and they drop instantly. What I see catches me a little off guard and I grin undetected. My farm boy is wearing tighty-whities! I haven’t seen TWs in years. But OMG, he really fills them out! I kiss and nibble around the waistband (a favorite thing of mine to do) and then make my way down to the prominent bulge he has waiting for me. Kneeling before him, I place my lips on the hardness through his briefs and nibble up and down the shaft. Buck’s cock jumps and strains against the fabric. I pull at the waistband and allow just the head to be exposed. I’m always a little nervous about handling an uncut cock properly. Some guys need to go slow at first before you can really go down on it. His foreskin is already back so I kiss the head and suck it into my mouth before making any attempt to slide down the TWs. There’s a good amount of precum at the head and I milk it until I get the salty treat I want so badly. Buck moans a little as I lick the ridge of its head, circling around it, kissing it, and sticking my tongue tip into the hole.

Caressing him gently, I slide both my hands into the top of his briefs and slide them down his hips and thighs slowly. As more of his erection is revealed, I take it into my mouth slowly. His meat is hot in my mouth and I take about half of it before I feel it poking the back of my throat. Slowly, up and down, I suck him and each time I try to open my throat and get more of him into me. But it’s no use… he’s too big and I’m not that talented. As Buck steps out of his briefs I feel him tug at my shirt at the shoulders. I lift my arms long enough to get them through and he pulls out long enough to get the shirt over my head. I grab his cock firmly and jam it into my mouth. I look at the fullness of his cock for a second and devour it; slathering it with spit. My head bobs up and down on it for a minute until I take both of his hands from his sides and place them on my head. He knows what I want instantly and begins to thrust in and out of my mouth while holding my head in place. My jaws are aching but I’m really enjoying the control he has over me. Holding his waist with both hands, I have a little control over how deep he plunges and it keeps me from gagging. Buck’s breathing increases and he becomes more verbal. Starting quietly at first, I hear him say, “oh yeah. Fuck yeah!” over and over again. His pace quickens and then he slows down. With the quicker pace, he gets louder, and with the slower pace, he gets quieter. A few times he pulls out completely and looks down at me. He seems to be in almost a trance with his eyes half closed. Then he uses one hand to tap the head of his cock against my lips like he’s feeding it to me, and with the other hand he holds my head in place. I am more than happy to let him take his time and enjoy himself because I am enjoying every second of him.

Buck pulls me up off the floor like a rag doll and jams his tongue into my mouth. We kiss passionately while his bone pokes me in the stomach a few times. I whisper to him that I really want him to cum. He seems reluctant, but seems to agree when he pushes me back down on to my knees. He feeds me his cock just like before and starts a slow rhythm. I feel his ass cheeks tighten and flex. My hands are wandering all over his stomach, sides and ass when my finger makes its way to his hole. Circling lightly with my finger, he pushes back onto it. I oblige by guiding it in as fast as he’ll take it. I can hear in his breathing that it feels good as he thrusts his hips toward my face and back onto my finger. I jam it deep into him and his pace quickens. Buck starts his oh-yeah-fuck-yeah chant until he’s into a rhythm. Faster and faster, louder and louder until he pulls out of my mouth and grabs his dick. Still flexing his ass checks I can feel him clamping down on my finger. Buck strokes himself while holding my head in place. Just when I feel like he’ll break my finger off, he points his cock at my face and blasts cum onto me. Grunting loudly he pumps six rounds of ejaculate onto my face, neck and chest. Panting heavily, he holds his cock head against my cheek and rubs it around in a circle. I open my mouth and take the head in. It’s still full but very sensitive. Buck doesn’t say a word but continues to pant with his eyes closed. Slowly I dislodge my finger and guide him back to the chair to sit. As he sits, he pulls me down to him and I sit on his lap. He kisses me deeply with no regard to the cum all over my face. He opens his eyes and says in a dreamy tone, “ready fer yur turn?”

Part 2
Fuck, dude! How long have you been saving that load? It was huge, I say, as I wipe his cum off my face and rub in onto my chest. “Aww that ain’t nuthin’. I yanked off this mornin'”. I can’t believe how thick and creamy it is; and so much of it. Buck reaches out and grabs my stiff cock and pulls me closer to him. I end up standing between his casually spread legs. Even soft, his cock is incredible to look at; a perfect set of golf ball size nuts supporting his thick penis. I reach down and playfully fondle his balls and his cock jumps to attention. I see it thicken and I can’t resist getting him hard again. I rub my hand across his hard stomach. His golden tone blends nicely into a lighter shade below the beltline. Where’s your tan line?, I ask. “I sometimes work naked so I git a tan all over.” I chuckle and smile at him. He nervously smiles back.

Buck slides down in front of me and guides my hips toward his face. My cock stiffens as I think about this hunk taking my cock into his mouth. He kisses the tip gently; three or four times, before he pushes me into his wet mouth. It feels warm, wet and silky smooth as he swallows my entire length in a slow and deliberate motion. Just when I feel like I’m totally in, Buck turns his head to the side and opens his mouth further. His lips seem to engulf my entire package and it feels like my balls are being consumed, too. He reaches around and under my ass and pushes me deeper. I look down in amazement as he seems to have no gag reflex. The sensation of the warmth around my manhood is comforting. I run my hands through my new lover’s hair; it’s silky and smooth… just like the rest of him. Buck urges me to turn a little and soon I’m sitting on his big hands. He keeps a tight grip on my cock as he pulls more blood to the head of my cock in an upward motion. He is gentle but firm as he works my cock. I want to explode in his mouth and I start to rub my hands all over my chest. I’m loving the sensation of his touch while I stimulate my upper body. I reach down and hold his head in both hands and push my cock deep into his mouth. Just as I think I’m to shoot my load, Buck pulls off. Dude… I almost came!

“I know… but I want you to wait.” With that, Buck takes a handful of spit in his hand and it disappears behind him. In seconds he’s lubed and straddling me. He lines up my cock beneath him and sits on it. I sink into him in one quick move. He yells out in pain, but it’s he who is in control. He begins to moan and ride me slowly. He places his hands on my shoulders and all I can see is his chest and stomach flexing and moving. Buck has a tight grip on my shoulders and it feels like he’s digging into my flesh like an eagle’s talons. I have the most incredible view of his hard body with his semi-erect package covering the view of our intercourse. I don’t ever think I’ve had a man ride me with such passion; his muscles flexing as his hips rotate. My cock is getting quite the workout. I am in heaven as I lean back and enjoy the way he works my cock. I place my hands on his firm sides and stroke him with a firm grip. Buck edges up a little and puts his feet on each side of my hips. As he squats, he rides my cock deeper. This new position seems to tighten his anal grip on me. Someone slap me… I am being fucked by a master! Buck looks into my eyes and I glance down at our union. He scoops up his package and holds it out of the way. We both look down as my cock appears and disappears deep into him in a rhythmic motion.

After a few minutes of riding, Buck dismounts. I look at him with disbelief. I was hoping to cum this way. My disappointment is brief as he turns and straddles me backwards. I reach down and line up my cock to his tight hole. He sits slowly, teasing me. “Fuck me” he whispers. “Fuck me hard, Bryce.” I watch my cock sink slowly into him and I have to hold back from blowing my wad. I love watching my manhood disappear into his tight ass. I am mesmerized by his muscular ass cheeks hardening before my eyes. I wonder if there’s any part of this guy that isn’t hard and muscular. Buck grips my knees as he gets into a rhythm of bouncing up and down on my cock. My eyes soak up his masculine beauty as I burn this image into my memory forever. I love hearing Buck’s sex talk while he fucks my dick.

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