
Family Raiders

Family Raiders

THE HUNT: The vehicle they had just stolen fit perfectly into the suburb neighborhood of Carsonville, A old nonde*********** gray four -door Ford which matched dozens of others in this middle income community. Don’t need to stand out now thought Cutter as he drove slowly down one road after another looking carefully at each well kept home they passed. Not sure what he was looking for but knowing that his safety and that of the three men with him depended on finding a place to hide and finding it soon. It had only been six hours since he and the others had broken out of the jail wing of the hospital. The radio was full of police bulletins warning citizens to be on the watch for the four escaped convicts

Watching just as carefully from the front passenger’s seat was Mike Washington, a convicted rapist serving a life sentence for his third conviction. In the back seat sat Willie Watson, a homosexual drug dealer serving ten years to life and “Crazy Carl” a demented child molester. Each had changed into civilian clothes stolen from the doctor’s locker room during the escape. The car was found in the parking lot covered with dust indicating it had not been moved for a few days. It was easily hot wired and started.

Cutter, real name Don Martin, was the leader of the group who had wrangled their way to the emergency room of the hospital by faking food poisoning. He himself was serving a life term for the murders of two teenagers who had the unfortunate luck to be parked, making love, on a back road when Cutter drove by. His nickname came from his specialized talent of using sharp knives and razors on his victims. “Guns are for the jerks,” he always said, “it takes an expert to slowly dispatch a victim and enjoy each second.”

THE ESCAPE: Cutter smiled when he thought of the ease with which they had gotten away. After arriving at the hospital under guard by two prison officers, the four men had been given exams by the head nurse. She was a tall slim red head with large tits; straining at her uniform. Her partner was an older gray headed lady who tried to smile and be friendly even though she was obviously nervous with four prisoners in her care. The redhead, who made no effort to be friendly, also had a very foul mouth and treated them like scum. Cutter made a mental note to take her down, a long way down, before they left.

All four were given hospital gowns to put on and told to get into bed. The emergency room had five beds separated only by sheets that could be drawn around each bed. Mike Washington had purposely put the gown on backwards with the opening in the front. The nurse glared at him and told him to put it on correctly as she saw his huge cock hanging in the open. Cutter quickly realized that actions such as this could jeopardize the escape plan and told Mike to knock it off.

The assigned doctor had not arrived from his home yet and the two prison officers said at the doorway with shotguns in hand looking very bored. The redheaded nurse snapped at Cutter telling him to come over to the desk. Cutter got up and holding the rear opening of his gown closed walked over to the desk smiling all the way. “What’s you name beautiful?”, he asked as he stood in front of her.

“None of your damn business,” she spat out, “let me ask the questions and you just answer.” “What is your prisoners number?, she asked, putting great emphasis on the word prisoner.

Cutter continued to smile while his mind was working on how he will bring this bitch down, down below his own level even.. “I have trouble remembering it honey,” Cutter drawled, “but I think it starts with sixty-nine.”

The nurse frowned and turned toward the officers at the door and said, “I’ve got another asshole here, can you straighten him out?”

Both of the prison officers stood up and walked over to either side of Cutter. Dave, the larger of the two, puts the barrel of his shotgun against Cutter’s groin and pushed in hard. Cutter bent double with the pain. “Don’t give the nurse any trouble Cutter.” She’s a friend.

Cutter felt this was the time to act. He moaned while doubled over and holding his hands together near his waist he then formed two karate fists. With the speed of a snake he lashed out right and left from his bent position striking both officers in their testicles. Both dropped the shotguns and tried to let out a scream but couldn’t. Each quickly received another chop to their “Adam’s apple” that finished them off as they fell to the floor. The redhead stood up and ran to the emergency button on the wall screaming for help. The other three men quickly got out of bed. Mike tackled the redhead and Willie grabbed the older nurse.

Carl went to the door and closed it sealing off the room from the hallway. Cutter checked the officers and found both out cold. He went over to the equipment cabinet and almost had an organism when he saw all the various ultra sharp scalpels lying on a shelf. Picking up one with a two inch blade he walked over to where the redhead was struggling with Mike. She quickly froze when Cutter held the blade an inch from her left eye and stood there saying nothing. Moving the blade slowly back and forth between her green eyes, he watched her eyes follow the blade without blinking, her body frozen against Mike’s.

“Well, well my pretty miss.”, Cutter softly said as he continued to move the blade between her eyes, “Do you think we might have a change of attitude here.” She managed a slight node of her head but no sound came forth. “Good girl, I hope you do mean that.” “I’ve looked forward to getting very close to you.”

Just then Willie, holding the older nurse easily in his grasp, asked, “What about this one?”

Cutter shook his head and said, “Don’t hurt her she was nice to us.” Walking over to the two officers, who still had not moved, he took out a pair of handcuffs and tossed them to Willie. “Just hook her up to that pole over there. You’ll not give us any trouble will you?” The older nurse shook her head and was handcuffed to the pole by Willie.

Cutter returned to the redhead nurse and asked, “Where is the doctors locker room?” She mumbled something about a couple of doors down the hall. Cutter told Carl to go down carefully and see if he could find some clothes. Turning to the nurse he again put the scalpel in front of her face and said, “Now lets get better acquainted. Willie is going to release you and you will not move one muscle. If you do I’ll cut your throat. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?” The nurse stiffened and nodded her head yes.

“OK Willie, let her go.” Willie released the tight grip he had on the older nurse and stepped back. The nurse didn’t move a muscle. “Name?”, asked Cutter, “I need a name to get close.”

“My name is Windy.”, she whispered still standing stiff as a board and watching the blade so close to her face.

“Windy, nice name Windy.” Do you mind if I get to know you, all of you?”

“No, I don’t mind.”

“Good, you really don’t have another choice in the matter and remember what I said about moving, I’ll cut your throat in an instant.” Windy closed her eyes and her body shook as she nodded acceptance.

Cutter then lowered the blade and one by one started to remove the buttons on her nurses uniform shirt. Windy’s eyes snapped open but she didn’t make a sound or move. Stepping behind her he grasped the collar of the shirt and cut down with the blade to the waist line. Reaching up to the two halves of the collar he pulled them down and over her shoulders and off her arms revealing a lacy white bra supporting her ample breasts.

“Nice, very nice but let’s get closer even still. Is that OK with you Windy?” She closed her eyes and again nodded her head. Cutter reached out and grabbed her hair and said, “I want to hear you Windy, say it.”

“Yes , yes. I do want you to get closer.”, Windy choked out.

Cutter then grabbed the waistband of the uniform skirt and with one slash cut down and let the garment drop. Windy now stood in her bra and panty hose that covered what appeared to be dark blue bikini panties. Cutter quickly cut the hose off and reached up and carefully cut one of the bra shoulder straps then the other. Placing the blade between her breasts he quickly pulled forward cutting the bra in half. As if fell to the floor, Windy shuddered as her massive breasts were reviled to all.

“Pretty, you should go topless at all times Windy, now for the final curtain.” Cutter carefully cut both sides of the blue panties from waist to thigh and watched as they slowly floated to the floor. Windy was a true redhead. “Having fun Windy? Answer me!.”

“Yes I am, please don’t hurt me.”, she cried as she stood fully exposed to all.

Cutter smiled and dropped his hospital gown reviling a massive hard-on pointing stiffly up into the air. “I will hurt you if you don’t get down on your knees and give me the best blow job of your life.”

“NO I can’t, I’ve never done that to a man.” Windy sobbed out.

“One last chance bitch, do it or you’re going to be sorry.” Cutter snapped as he placed his hands on her shoulders and tried to force her to her knees.

“NO, NO I can’t”, Windy cried as she tried to pull away.

Cutter reached down and grabbed Windy’s right nipple and pulled heavily on it stretching it out. With a quick motion the scalpel in his right hand came down and instantly severed the rose colored flesh held in his hand. For a second Windy made no sound but looked to see Cutter holding what once was the nipple of her right breast. Blood began to run from the wound and she began to scream. Willie grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth with his hand cutting off her scream. Cutter slowly walked over to the reception desk and tossed the severed nipple on it. “I guess you should have the doctor sew that back on, shouldn’t you?”

He opened up the supply cabinet and took out a large square bandage. Tearing it open he approached Windy and taking her bloody breast in his hand he pressed the bandage over the wound. “That will have to do for now my dear, we don’t have time to wait around. Now will you get on your knees and do as you were told?” Willie released Windy and she slowly sank to her knees in front of Cutter. Leaning her head back she opened her mouth wide and closed her eyes. Cutter smiled as he reached behind him and took a ball point pin off the desk and quickly placed it crosswise at the back of Windy’s teeth preventing her from closing her mouth.

“Sorry honey I don’t think you deserve my sperm. You’re a bitch and what bitches need bitches get.” With that statement he grabbed the back of her head and aimed his cock directly at her mouth and a heavy stream of urine exploded from its slit. Windy’s mouth quickly filled with the foamy liquid and she tried to close her mouth. Holding her head steady Cutter reached over and squeezed her nose closed. Windy couldn’t breathe without swallowing all the piss in her mouth. She gagged but got it all down. Cutter then filled her mouth again. Again she swallowed. Four more mouthfuls were filled and swallowed. Cutter released her hair and removed the pen from her teeth. “Maybe next time you’ll treat all people the same, with courtesy, correct.” Holding the bloody bandage tightly against her bleeding breast, Windy sank to the floor and slowly shook her head that she understood.

Just then Carl entered the room with clothes piled up on his arms. “I got them, let’s get the hell out of here.

The four men quickly dressed in the stolen clothes. Cutter went over to the older nurse and opened one handcuff and led her over to where Windy was still lying. He hooked them together through a table where they could move but not reach the phone. “You take care of the bitch old woman. They might be able to put her back together.” With that they left and stole the car out of the parking lot.

THE HIDING PLACE: Cutter suddenly remembered he was driving and supposed to be looking for a hiding place. All the homes look the same. Only the lawns and choice of paint colors made them different. Mike and Carl were both grumbling about getting caught if we couldn’t find a hiding place soon. Suddenly Carl thought about the car they were in. It was left for days perhaps the owner was away with an empty house nearby.

“Open up the glove compartment and look for the registration papers Mike.” , he yelled. Mike fumbled through papers and other things and came up with a California registration certificate. “Read it.” , commanded Cutter.

“It says this car belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott at 12312 West Apple Lane in Carsonville. Hey, that’s this town and I remember passing Apple Lane a while back in the hilly area!” Cutter immediately turned around and began to retrace their path.

After ten minutes they say a sign post that said Apple Lane. Driving slowly they watched each house as the addresses grew in larger in number until they came to an area where the homes were set way back from the road and obviously were very expensive. Cutter slowed down and noticed each gated driveway had numbers attached nearby. Mike suddenly exclaimed, “There it is, 12312 The Scott’s. It looks locked, how do we get in?” Cutter thought a minute and then said, “Look for an opener of some kind.” Mike quickly found a remote transmitter in the glove box and pressed the button. The metal gate slowly began to open.

Cutter looked carefully at the winding driveway that led up to a large home located behind trees. He pulled the car to the side of the road and stopped. “Let’s walk up first then bring the car. Might be family living there.” The four men got out the car and carefully moved up the driveway. At the top of the drive they came upon a large two-story modern home with many lights on and music coming from a window upstairs. Cutter had Willie and Carl go around to the left and he and Mike went around to the left. In the rear was a large swimming pool with a bubbling spa on one end. No one was in either but the door to the house was open. Willie and Carl met them and the four sat down to decide their actions. Cutter suggested a wait to find out how many were in the home and who they were. All agreed. Mike was sent down the drive to bring up the car without lights and close the gate. Cutter and Willie crawled up to the lighted window while Carl watched their backs.

By carefully looking into the window they could see a dinner table set up and a beautiful lady about forty-five years old speaking with what must be her two teen. They could see a boy and a girl. They were laughing as they ate and seemed to be having a wonderful time. Cutter noticed that there were only three place settings. Must mean that they were not expecting anyone else. He whispered to Willie that they should wait until they are sure no one else is around before moving in. Willie agreed just as Mike reappeared. Cutter called over to Carl and the four decided that an hour should be enough to determine if anyone else is inside.

The hour passed slowly as the four men watched the family finish their dinner and split up. The girl went upstairs and the boy went into a TV room. They watched as the mother put away the dishes and straightened up the kitchen. After a while the teenage girl returned downstairs in a tube top and shorts. All of the men took a deep breath when they saw how she filled out the top and the curve of her ass in the shorts. A real duplicate of her mother. She and her bother began watching TV and were soon joined by their mother. Cutter decided this was the time to move in.

He had Mike go to the front to prevent any escape in that direction. Carl watched the side door and he and Willie slowly entered the open door by the pool. They came into the TV room behind the family who were all sitting on the couch. Cutter took out one of the many scalpels he had taken from the hospital and motioned for Willie to stand behind the couch. Walking around in front, Cutter heard the family gasp in unison as he appeared between them and the TV

“Good evening, please don’t scream or do anything stupid. There are men behind you and outside who are very desperate. Just sit where you are and take deep breaths.” Cutter’s commands seemed to sink in as all three of the terrified people on the couch froze in place. “Sorry to intrude but we need some place to rest for awhile and your home has been picked.” “Carl, Mike come in now.”

When all four men were in side and in sight of the family the mother turned to Cutter and said, “Take anything you want but don’t hurt us. There is money in the study and jewelry in the upstairs bedroom. We won’t call the police until you’re safely away.” Cutter walked over in front of the woman leaned down and smiled while saying, “You don’t understand madam, we need a place to stay for a while. It seems we have too many people wanting to talk to us. Crazy Carl laughed his weird chuckle which seemed to bring chills to the three on the couch.

“Now let’s get something straight, I want to know who you are and who is missing from this lovely home.?” The woman replied, “Only my husband Tom, no one else lives here.” :”Where is old Tom?” “He flew to Oakland for a medical conference. He’ll be back tomorrow.” “Does he drive a gray four door Ford?” “Yes, how did you know?” “We’re driving it lady.” “Well seems we should introduce ourselves to be neighborly, I’m Cutter this is Mike, Willie and Carl”.

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