Family Issues
Family Issues
Sex Story Author: | wrpj7569 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Just barely covered from his hungry eyes by the thin red panties, her ass was absolutely perfect. "Good Lord |
Sex Story Category: | Blackmail |
Sex Story Tags: | Blackmail, Coercion, Fiction, Incest, Non-consensual sex, Reluctance, Teen, Virginity |
Jason really wasn’t sure what to expect when his mother told them that his aunt Rachel would be coming to stay with them for awhile.
The only thing he knew about his Aunt was that she seemed to be the family screw-up, and he only vaguely remembered meeting her once when he was little. She had been seventeen at the time, ten years older than he was, and quite frankly, he thought she was weird.
In his defense, he had only been seven years old, and he hadn’t even known the term “Goth.” All he knew was that she was moody, dressed like she was in mourning or something, and she swore a lot.
Jason was seventeen now, and like most boys his age, he was interested in girls. They just didn’t seem all that interested in him.
To be perfectly blunt, he was something of a nerd. At just over five-feet-nine-inches, he was pale and thin, with greasy black hair, and he had to wear glasses because he was about half-blind without them.He didn’t really have a sense of style, prefering jeans and t-shirts most of the time, and he spent most of his time playing video games.
His single mother had a very good job, and she made up for the fact that she was always working by spoiling him. He had a state of the art gaming system, complete with a gaming chair, internet hook-up, and a fifty-inch flat screen in his bedroom.
He was playing World of Warcraft with his headphones on when his door suddenly opened, spilling light into the room. He turned, expecting to see his mother, but instead it was his aunt, Rachel.
“Your Mom left a key under the matt for me so I just let myself in,” she told him after he pulled his headphones off. “You’re Jason, right? Last time I saw you, you were just a little squirt.”
“I remember,” Jason nodded numbly, not sure what else to say. She was so beautiful, she might as well have clubbed him over the head with a stick.
About five-feet-six-inches tall, she was probably around a hundred-and-twenty-pounds, with a lithe, but curvy figure, accentuated by a pair of incredibly tight leather jeans, and a tank-top that was stretched so tight it barely covered her perfectly rounded breasts. She was a full c-cup, and her breasts looked huge on her small frame. Her mid-drift was left bare, revealing her pierced belly button, and the top of some sort of tribal tattoo peaked out of her waistband, trailing up onto her abdomen.
She seemed to have quite a few tattoos and piercings. Her ears were both pierced several times, there was a stud in her left nostril, and it looked like she even had a stud in her tongue. There was a stylized cross wrapped in barbed wire on her upper right arm, and on her left calf was what appeared to be Harley-Quinn making out with the Joker.
Her eyes were big, dark, and aluring, with thick lashes, and carefully maintained eyebrows. She had a full, senual mouth with deep purple lipstick that framed her lips, and her raven-black hair was shot through with streaks of highlights that were the same color. She projected an aura of raw sexuality, and he didn’t even realize that he was staring until she called him on it.
“The Doc did a nice job didn’t he?” She laughed at him. “Five grand and you’d never guess that I used to be flat chested.”
“W-what?” Jason stammered as he flushed bright red.
“Don’t worry about it,” she offered him a playful smile. “If I didn’t want them to draw attention, I wouldn’t have paid for them.”
Jason couldn’t seem to find any words.
“But what about you?” She turned the spotlight around. “Your mom told me she bought you a car last year, so what the hell are you doing sitting in your room playing video games on a Saturday night? Why aren’t you out chasing girls?”
“They all seem faster than I am,” he couldn’t believe that he actually thought of something clever to say. And then, even better, he managed to get it out without fouling it up.
“Not so good with the ladies?” She asked sympatheticly.
“That’s one way to put it,” he replied glumly.
“I might be able to help you with that, if you’d be willing to help me,” she offered.
“What kind of help?” He asked doubtfully.
“I’m supposed to start a new job tonight,” she told him. “I need a ride until I can make other arrangements. Do that for me, and I’ll help you get laid.”
“Are you serious?” Jason’s mouth fell open in suprise.
“You’re not a bad looking kid,” she shrugged. “It shouldn’t be that hard. I’ve seen some pretty ugly guys score some pretty hot chicks, so believe me, noone is a lost cause.”
“What time do you have to be there?”
It turned out that his aunt had gotten a job at a strip club, and she laughed at his expression when they pulled in. Of course, he immediately offered to pick her up after work, but she told him that a friend that worked here was giving her a lift.
The entire way home, he couldn’t stop thinking about her taking her clothes off for strangers. He felt kind of dirty for imagining it, but he couldn’t help it. He had seen women more beautiful than his aunt, mut he had never met one in person that oozed with such raw sexuality. She was like a wet dream come to life, and his cock really didn’t seem to care that they were related.
He was as hard as a rock the entire way home, and it just wouldn’t go away no matter what he tried thinking about.
Jason’s mother was home from work by the time he made it back, and suddenly he didn’t want to see the resemblance between the two sisters. In truth, his mom looked exactly like her sister, she was just ten years older, and she was the plain housewife version. She didn’t have any tattoos, and she was very nearly flat chested, but she was still a very attractive woman.
Luckily, she was absorbed in her favorite show, and he was able to slip through with just a minimal conversation. She asked him where he’d been and he told her that Rachel had showed up and asked him to drive her to her new job. Of course, he didn’t mention what that job was.
Let Rachel deal with that one on her own. His mother was so straight laced, he could just imagine how she would react.
Once he escaped upstairs, he finally got rid of his errection with a long, cold shower. He felt a little better afterward, but that didn’t last long. The moment he went to bed, he closed his eyes and saw his aunt gyrating her hips and swinging on a stripper pole. He was hard again instantly, and this time the aching throb would not be denied.
He felt like a dirty little deviant, but he jerked himself off, and imagined pumping his load all over his aunt’s gorgeous tits. He knew that it was wrong on so many levels, but they were just thoughts, right? And besides… The only other way he could think of to get her out of his head was bashing his brains out against the wall.
Masturbating was the lesser of two evils, and after he relieved the tension, he was finally able to drift off to sleep. He wasn’t aware of dreaming, and it seemed like just a few minutes later that he woke to the sound of someone snoring. The curtains were just starting to glow around the edges, and with a glance he saw that it was almost six in the morning. His mother would have already left for work by now, and he frowned at the dark lump in bed beside him.
There was only one possibility, and he knew it before he switched the bedside lamp on. It was definately his aunt, and she smelled like she had taken a bath in beer and whisky.
What really got his attention was the fact that all she was wearing was a lacy red bra and panties. She was laying on her side with her back to him, and as his gaze roamed across all that bare flesh, his cock started to swell again.
Just looking at her bare back gave him chills, but her ass was something else.
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