
Family Affairs (Aunt Sarah) (Ch. 2)

This is a work of total fiction. The story and any characters within it belong to Vyper269. If you like it let me know and I’ll write more. If you don’t, I don’t really care. If you want to read, share, and comment on it, Cool! But it is mine. If you want to do anything with the characters, please write me with your ideas and ask, the worst that happens is I say no. This is part II, for good or ill. Again, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it! 1/3/2013.

This is a work of total fiction. The story and any characters within it belong to Vyper269. If you like it let me know and I’ll write more. If you don’t, I don’t really care. If you want to read, share, and comment on it, Cool! But it is mine. If you want to do anything with the characters, please write me with your ideas and ask, the worst that happens is I say no. This is part II, for good or ill. Again, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it! 1/3/2013.

Family Affairs (Aunt Sarah)

I woke up to the beeping from the security panel by the bedroom door. Rachel was still asleep, so I slid out of the bed and went to the panel. I couldn’t think who the hell would be coming to the house at 5:30 in the morning, so I backed the recording up enough to see the car coming in through the front gate. I didn’t recognize the car, and I was about to go wake Rachel when I heard her say, “Oh, that’s your aunt Sarah! I gave her my access code to get in if we weren’t here.” She had gotten out of bed and quietly padded up behind me wearing only my sleep shirt. I pulled her in front of me and wrapped my arms around her, she was seriously sexy.

“She’s early.” I looked at the time on the display. “Shit Rachel, she had to leave home at 2:30 this morning.”

“Yeah, she’s really been looking forward to being here. You know that home isn’t that much of a refuge for her, right?”

“I know. Uncle Paul really should be dragged behind a slow boat to China.”

Rachel laughed a little, “Well put. He’s too much like our dad. Too eager to reach out and smack her when a simple word will do. He’s such an asshole!”

“She hasn’t knocked on the door yet, where do you think she went?”

“She’s probably sleeping on the pool deck, most likely on one of the big lounge chairs.”

“Should we go get her?”

“Let’s start breakfast first, let her get a little rest after her drive.”

We both got our night clothes back on, and headed down stairs, we moved to the back patio doors just as motion sensor lights shut off. We moved into the kitchen and Rachel got out a skillet to start a Spanish omelet. We talked about Aunt Sarah while we prepped breakfast.

Rachel put her knife down and said, “I don’t want to freak you out anymore than last night already has, but you do know that your Aunt Sarah is in love with you, right?”

“Of course she loves me, she’s my aunt.”

“No silly boy, she’s in love with you. About the time you graduated, she came to me really upset and wanted to talk, so we did. I was a little creeped out at the time, but once I looked closely, I could see what she meant. Besides, I knew that she would never act on it, partly because you were still very young, and partly because she’s your Aunt Sarah, she’s never been one to act on her desires. The only reason she married your Uncle Douche-bag is to get out of our grandmother’s house once and for all.”

“Wow, I never knew that.”

“Of course you didn’t. There was no way I was going to drop that in your lap as a teenager.”

“So now that I do know, what should we do about Aunt Sarah’s desires? I mean if she won’t act on them, should we sort of nudge her in that direction?”

Rachel turned to me, I thought she was going to be pissed at my question, but she reached up and took my face in her hands and kissed me long and deep. She pulled away from me and looked into my eyes.

“That’s why I love you. Your empathy and loyalty toward the people you love.”

“You love me? Really love me the way Sarah does?”

“Of course I do. Why else do you think I’d risk the all of the legal and emotional backlash that could come from last night?”

“Good point. I’ve loved you too, you know, ever since the first time I saw you. I didn’t know what it was then, I was obviously too young, but ever since you came to live here I’ve tried to look at you, be near you, and be around you. Now that I know what these feelings are, I’ve tried to suppress them, but now they’re out and I’m fucking ecstatic that you feel the same way.”

“Then I think we should ‘invite’ your Aunt Sarah to be a permanent part of our little family, don’t you?”

“Great, but…, do you think she’ll accept such an invitation, and second, would she even consider staying? I mean I don’t want her going back to the douche-bag, it’s not healthy.”

“I don’t know if she’ll stay or not, but we won’t know if we don’t ask her, will we. She’ll have to decide for herself what she wants to do, I mean we can offer but we can’t force her to do what we think is right for her can we?”

“No, you’re right. You got the rest of this?” I asked pointing to breakfast.

“Yep, eggs are all that’s left, so you should go wake her and bring her in. Be gentle, she scares easily.”

“I know, I’ll do my damnedest.”

I went to the back patio, and turned the motion sensor to the lights off and opened the sliders as quietly as I could. I walked out to the pool, and sure enough, Rachel was right, there was Sarah on one of the two person lounge chairs curled in the fetal position to fend off the cool night air, sound asleep. I went over to the lounge and looked down at her, she was just as pretty as Rachel, the only significant differences in their appearance, was that Aunt Sarah had glasses (slightly near-sighted), and she had slightly smaller tits, a healthy “D” cup, but definitely a little smaller than Mom’s.

I moved around and climbed onto the lounge chair behind Sarah and as gently as I could, spooned up behind her. She stirred and rolled over to face me and I put one arm under her as she did. Somewhere through her sleep, her mind registered what was going on, and she woke up and pulled back a little to see who was holding her. When her eyes focused, and recognized me, she relaxed and snuggled in to put her head on my chest.

“Davey, you’re nice and warm.” She said sleepily.

“That’s because I’ve been indoors all night. It’s kind of cold out here this morning, why didn’t you just knock on the door?”

“I didn’t want to wake anybody.”

“Well Rachel and I sort of pulled an all nighter, dealing with a bunch of old crap and some new baggage that dad put into play, so we were up pretty late.”

I looked down at her and thought I could see a new bruise on the side of her face. I reached down and touched it as gently as I could, and she looked up at me.

“Sarah, I’m so sorry.” Then I kissed her forehead and let her snuggle back down.

“Davey, why can’t I ever meet a guy like you?”

“You have met a guy like me, Aunt Sarah.” She either let that go, or missed it altogether, I doubt she missed it.

“Yeah, but not one that notices me.”

“You’d be surprised at who notices you, Aunt Sarah.” I kissed the top of her head.

She turned her face up to look at me, “Davey, I…”

I took that opportunity to kiss her full on the lips, long and deep. To my surprise, she melted into my kiss and parted her lips just enough to let her tongue slip out and slide gently into my mouth. As the kiss went on, her tongue grew more daring and adventurous without too much more encouragement. God she tasted good. She moved up and adjusted herself so she was sitting on my lap, and letting a lot of passion out through this one kiss. I let my hands roam all over her body as she moaned into my mouth and laced her fingers in and out of my hair and all over my head and face. I let my own hands roam all over her body until they landed on her breasts. That did it!

“Davey oh my God!…I’m so sorry, she pulled away with a terrified look on her face. “I shouldn’t have done that! I don’t know what I was thinking!”

I wrapped both arms around her waist and kept her from pulling away from me and bolting.

“Well I hope you were thinking it felt good. I know that’s pretty much all that was going through my mind.”

“You don’t understand…”

“Oh I understand better than you think I do.”


“You’re what, in love with me?”

She looked down like a child that’s be chastised by her parents. “Yes,” she whispered. Then all the pieces clicked together in her mind, “Your mom told you didn’t she?”

“Yeah she did, but only because she’s been worried about you. She thought if you didn’t have to keep worrying about this, you could actually relax and really enjoy your stay here.”

“Exactly!” I hadn’t heard Rachel come up beside us.

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