
Family Affairs (Aunt Christina Pt. I) (Ch.3)

I want to thank everyone for the tremendous feedback. I’m so glad that you’re enjoying this story. With that said, here is part III, Again, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it! 1/8/2013.

This is a work of total fiction. The story and any characters within it belong to Vyper269. If you like it let me know and I’ll write more. If you don’t, I don’t really care. If you want to read, share, and comment on it, Cool! But it is mine. If you want to do anything with the characters, please write me with your ideas and ask, the worst that happens is I say no.

Family Affairs (Aunt Christina Pt. I)

To give them credit, while they did make out, neck and grope one another in the back of the car, they both kept their clothes on and their hands off me so I could drive safely. Although that was sometimes difficult to do that watching them feel each other up in the rear view mirror.

“You two better make sure it’s out of your systems for a while, one of you should probably sit up here with me on the way home.”

“Shotgun!” This came from my Rachel.


“Sorry Aunt Sarah, she called it.”

“I know, just: Shit!”

“I love you too, Aunt Sarah.”

We parked and went into the airport. Aunt Christina’s flight was about 30 minutes late, so we were actually there in plenty of time.

As we watched the passengers debark the plane, Crissy came into sight, 5’7”, shoulder length red hair, and big tits, gorgeous, just like her two sisters. Jesus how did I manage to fall into this, and why did it take me so long to realize that if it weren’t for the few years between each of them, they well could have been triplets. I wish I could’ve seen their mother but granddad got drunk and beat her to death one afternoon while the girls were at school. Thank whatever Gods there are that the neighbors heard the commotion and called the cops, by the time they got there though, he was dead too. Apparently Molly Kirkpatrick had finally had enough of the beatings. Still swollen and sore from the last beating and a miscarriage, Molly dumped a box of rat poison in the chili she’d made for Thomas’ lunch. Investigators called it a double murder; Thomas beat Molly to death with his bare hands and as a final act of defiance, she sent him to hell puking and coughing blood, but with only a fraction of the pain he’d managed to inflict on her over the years. At least the girls didn’t have the horror of seeing their parents lying in huge pools of their own blood on the living room floor when they got home from school.

Rachel finished raising Sarah and Christina while living with their maternal grandmother. The old woman wasn’t really equipped to raise the girls, but she did give them a house to live in and kept them well fed and cared for. But that’s how Rachel got to raise 2 young girls and take care of an elderly grandparent while finishing school, her own childhood pretty much taken from her early and locked up tight in the responsibilities of two younger sisters. It was a wonder that she was able to go to college. She had earned a scholarship, a full ride, but she came close to not going because of her responsibilities to the girls, but Crissy and Sarah both vowed to finish school and help with their grandmother in order to let her go to college. They did well, even Crissy.

Christina came closer and greeted us all with hugs and kisses. It was then that I noticed the young drop dead gorgeous Indian woman behind her.

“Sorry guys, this is my business partner, Niki.” Crissy drew Niki forward and into a hug as she slid in next to Rachel.

“It’s so nice to meet all of you.” She said. She had a smooth, sexy British accent. Her voice sounded like velvet. She was the same height as Crissy, 34C breasts, straight, shiny black hair, huge brown eyes, flawless skin and a dazzling smile. She was truly mesmerizing.

“Don’t stare Davey.” Aunt Sarah whispered in my ear, “And close your mouth, it isn’t polite.” She seemed amused at my discomfort, having been caught in the stare. I clamped my mouth shut, hoping that no one else had seen my mouth-breather impression. It’s not really my best one.

“My apologies to you all for dropping in with Crissy like this.” Niki said. “But our flights were running in the same direction so we thought we’d fly part-way together. I hope it’s not a bother.”

“There’s plenty of room at the house, right Rachel?” Crissy offered. Really, you rude bitch? You’re offering our house to guests without asking first? Niki staying with us wasn’t a problem, it just would have been nice to be asked first.

“It really isn’t a problem, Niki. You’re certainly welcome, and despite her being uncouth, Aunt Christina’s right, there is plenty of room.” I tried but after the DVDs this morning, I was still pretty pissed at Christina. She looked at me like I’d slapped her. Hunh…she actually looked like I might have hurt her feelings. Good! Bitch!

“Thank you David,” she smiled with what looked like a little mischief in her eyes. This could be a dangerous evening.

“David, I’m sorry to do this to you, but may I impose on you one more time?”

“What’d you need Niki?”

“My flight to London is a red-eye tonight at 1:00 am. Would you be able to get me a car from your house back here?”

“I’m sorry Niki, we don’t have cabs here.” Rachel teased, “You’re going to have to put up with David as your driver.”

“Once again, standing right here, you guys.”

“No really, I just need a cab…”

“Seriously Niki, it’s not a problem. I’d be happy to bring you back tonight.” I said.

“Thank you.” She practically beamed at me. “ That would be wonderful.” Such a great smile.

“We should get your bags and head home.” Mom said, seemingly amused by the whole exchange.

We got their luggage from baggage claim and headed for the car. Once loaded up and heading home, Rachel leaned over to me smiling and said, “You know Sarah was just gigging you a little don’t you?”

I looked in the rearview mirror to Sarah sitting in the middle seat, our eyes met and she smiled at me; a true and genuine smile with her eyes lit up and shining.

I looked at Rachel and smiled broadly. “I’ve lived in this family a long time, I can take it.” I said quietly.

As we headed out of the airport, my phone started ringing. “Rachel, would you mind answering that?”


I could only hear her side of the conversation.

“Hello, David’s phone.”


“Oh hello, Jason.”


“I’m doing much better, thank you. Yes, he is a great support.” She looked at me sidelong and sexy.


“We’re on the way home from picking up my sister at the airport, let me check.”

She pressed the mute button on the screen.

“It’s Mr. Abernathy, he wants to know if you can come into the office this afternoon? He says it shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours.”

“Yeah, I can do that.”

She got back on the line with the lawyer, “Is there a specific time, or just anytime he gets there?”

“Very good, he’ll be there. Goodbye Jason.”

She ended the call and put the phone back on the center console.

“He said the sooner the better if you can be in by 1 or 1:30, he can get you in, otherwise it’s going to be a month from now because he’s going on vacation.”

“Cool. Should we swing through someplace and grab lunch on the way home then?”

“Good idea.” She turned to the back seat, “How about Thai food for lunch?”

Everybody agreed, so Rachel grabbed her phone and called in the order. A quick stop at the restaurant and we were on our way again.

“Thank you, David. That’s very kind of you.” Niki said as I climbed back into the car. I could hear Christina snort in the back with more than a little derision in her tone.

“You’re very welcome.”

We rode the rest of the way home with just simple chit-chat and small talk. Of course, Crissy dominated the conversation, but the rest of us all got fairly comfortable and easy with one another, talking and laughing and just enjoying each other’s company, mostly.

I pulled the vehicle up to the house under the carport and let everybody out. I pulled the baggage out and let everyone go inside.

“Just leave it out, we may go shopping this afternoon,” said Rachel.

“Great idea. You should take Niki and Crissy too if they’re not too tired. She’s a bitch, but she is your sister.”

I climbed into my ’65 and headed for the attorney’s office. Lunch would have to wait.

I got to the downtown office at about 1 pm, and headed to the elevator. I was waiting for the elevator car when a couple stepped up behind me to get on the elevator. When I got in and turned around I could see her better, I realized that I knew her. She was Jason Abernathy’s daughter Deirdre. She was a beautiful brunette, well muscled, tight ass with her hair pulled back in a single braid that stopped in the middle of her back. Her hair must go all the way to her ass when not knotted up. She was beautiful enough that many people probably didn’t take her seriously as a lawyer. Bad move.

As kids, she was a holy terror on all the boys she knew, and by 10 she already knew she wanted to follow in daddy’s footsteps. She carried herself with a definitive air of confidence.

She probably had a total of zero respect from the guy next to her. He was a well built and attractive man, I suppose, but he had the air of a snake oil salesman.

He turned around and registered my basic existence, but dismissed me out of hand as one of the lesser masses, someone that surely didn’t warrant his attentions. It’s really interesting, how a lot of people, not all, who spend their days dressed in suits tend to ignore people dressed in jeans and an un-tucked shirt. So, since I was a non-entity anyway, I just stood at the back of the car and pretended to not listen to their conversation.

“I’m telling you DD, Abernathy’s giving me one of the wealthiest clients we have. The guy inherited a butt-load of money from his dad and he needs a new attorney.” He said as we all got on the elevator.

I pulled my phone out and started the voice recording app, and just leaned against the back wall of the elevator car. Knowledge is power.

“So, you’ve got a new assignment. He’s the firm’s client, not yours. And for Christ’s sake, stop calling me ‘DD’.”

“But if I’m in charge of his accounts and legal matters, I have access to all of his assets. Apparently there’s so much money, he’s isn’t even sure of the total amount.”

“Oh you are not telling me what I think you’re telling me.” She reached up and pushed the button for the next floor.

“What are you doing? This isn’t our floor.”

The doors opened and she started to get off the elevator, and he followed. As soon as he cleared the doors, she stepped back and pushed the door shut button.

“To even joke about something like that is unethical and despicable. You can walk the rest of the way back.”
The doors closed and she turned to me and said, “Sorry about the delay, I hate lawyers that promote the stereotype.”

“Not a problem.” I stopped the recording and put away my phone. She looked back at me a second time, but didn’t seem to register yet who I was.

We rode the rest of the way up to Abernathy’s office in silence. When we got off the elevator, we both headed toward Mr. Abernathy’s office. Her step was focused and determined as she breezed past Abernathy’s secretary and into his office. I stopped at the desk.

“Good afternoon, David McLaren to see Jason Abernathy, he’s expecting me.”

“Yes Mr.

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