Experiments with JoJo
Experiments with JoJo
Sex Story Author: | Nats99 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | “You want to come out and play, buddy?” she inquired in a friendly tone. JoJo flashed a huge toothy grin |
Sex Story Category: | Bestiality |
Sex Story Tags: | Bestiality, Fiction, Written By Women |
Knocking on the rusted metal door of the run down brick building, the petite blonde coed had an uneasy foreboding that this was a mistake. The numbers on the battered steel awning matched the address she was given, but this didn’t have the look of a university lab building. Glancing nervously at the rough-looking neighborhood, she regretted her choice of clothing. Waffling between a traditional appearance of veterinary scrubs or an alluring short blue skirt displaying plenty of tanned upper thigh, she had settled on the sexy look, desperate to make a good impression on the job interview. This had garnered plenty of lustful stares from some unsavory characters on the bus ride over here, and more lingering glances and suggestive comments as she walked from the bus stop to her destination. Self-consciously she tugged at the short hem of the skirt in a futile effort to gain a little more cover over her shapely rump. With daylight beginning to falter and her anxiety increasing, she was about to turn and leave when the rattling of locks sounded from within. With a protesting creak of neglected hinges the door opened just a crack. Part of a bearded face and a single spectacled eyeball peered out with a suspicious gaze.
“Hi, Professor Woodson? I’m Abigail Lake. Abby. You had a job posting for a veterinary research intern… We talked on the phone about your…”
With another squeal, the portal was wrenched open. “Yes, Yes! Abby! Of course! Excellent, thank you for coming on such short notice!”
Abby smiled politely, suppressing a smirk at the man’s disheveled appearance. He was a short, portly gentleman, probably pushing forty. His rumpled tweed sports coat had seen better days and his graying hair stood at odd angles of neglect. Large round glasses enlarged his pupils to a comical size and he had a habit of wringing his hands as he spoke. The Professor’s eyes narrowed warily as he glanced around her, peering sharply up and down the trash-strewn industrial-district street. “You weren’t followed, were you?”
“What? Followed? By who? I mean…” the girl stammered in confusion.
“Well, certainly you weren’t followed,” he countered with a nervous laugh. “Why would you be? In broad daylight? Preposterous! Forget I mentioned it. Come in, come in!” he exclaimed, grabbing the flustered girl’s arm and yanking her inside. He shot another cautious look down the street, then secured the door with a clang, latching not one but three separate deadbolts.
With Abby in tow, the professor set off down a dimly lit corridor leading to an untidy office. Sweeping dust and assorted papers off a chair, he patted the stained cushion in an invitation to sit. Concealing a grimace of revulsion, Abby brushed a few remaining bits of potato chips off the perch and reluctantly sat down, taking in the details of the strange little room. For a professor’s office, it was oddly devoid of bookshelves or filing cabinets. The desk was cluttered with an array of periodicals covering a hodge-podge of chemistry, biology, and genetics. A car-parts girly calendar — six years obsolete — hung on one wall, the corners of the page featuring a well-endowed but inadequately-clad Miss October curling with age. The office had a decidedly oily smell to it, similar to that of a vehicle repair shop.
The professor flopped down into a dingy office chair, clasping his hands over his rounded belly as his eyes roved up Abby’s shapely legs. She smiled self-consciously, once again tugging the short hem of the skirt lower and regretting her choice of attire. “So!” the professor suddenly exclaimed, breaking the awkward silence as Abby flinched in surprise. “You’re an expert in veterinary science. Excellent. Yes, exactly what I need.”
“Expert?” Abby countered with concern. “Oh, I wouldn’t say that, Professor.” I’m only a first-year grad student, and I haven’t had any other internship experience. I hope you weren’t expecting someone with expertise.”
“Oh Posh!” the professor exclaimed with a dismissive wave of his hand. “You’ll do fine! I expect this will all be pretty basic for you.”
The girl smiled politely, hoping he was right and wondering what she had gotten into. “Your ad didn’t provide a lot of information,” she replied. “I’m not even sure what university department you’re affiliated with…”
The professor busied himself with straightening a disorderly stack of papers, taking a moment to get around to answering the question. “Department?” Ah, yes… I’m, ah, with the… scientific… analysis… group, err, department division. We’re new. You probably haven’t heard of us.
Abby shook her head, indicating she had not. But it was a big university, with lots of departments, so who could keep track of them all? Besides, the offered pay was good, and intern positions were hard to come by, so she decided not to ask too many pointed questions.
“Now, you must realize, this work is all very hush-hush,” Professor Woodson explained with a somber tone, peering over his thick spectacles. Abby nodded, knowing that research grants sometimes required the signing of disclaimer forms and non-compete agreements.
“And you understand your assignment will be the evening shift? The experiment requires around-the-clock monitoring, so you’ll be on your own from ten o’clock until six the next morning?”
Abby was quick to agree. “Yes, that fits my schedule well. And you said over the phone that my shift was only part time, so I figured I could maybe do some homework or catch a quick nap if needed?”
“Yes, certainly,” the professor concurred. “Well, this is just outstanding!” He exclaimed, standing up and rubbing his hands together expectantly. “What say we get right at it then, shall we? No time like the present, and all that. The lab is right this way…”
“Ah, sure,” the pretty student responded, still completely befuddled as she hurried to follow the professor into the hall. Rattling keys, Professor Woodson began the laborious process of unlocking another steel security door, again outfitted with numerous deadbolt locks.
“Ummm… Exactly what sort of work are we doing?” Abby inquired as the professor worked through the levels of security.
“Pheromone research,” her new employer offered. “We’re studying the effects of olfactory stimulus response on sexual urges. Of course, we’re only at the animal testing phase at this point, but I feel that we may be onto something entirely groundbreaking. Several perfume companies have already expressed a keen interest and have offered funding. Your veterinary expertise will be most helpful in monitoring the health of our test subject.”
Most of this fell well outside Abby’s field of learning but she was happy to gain valuable experience working with animals to bolster her professional resume.
The door finally opened, revealing a vast room with a distinct warehouse setting. “Over to the left here you’ll find our supply lockers,” the professor gestured. “There are surgical scrubs you can change into, although what you’re wearing is just fine by me.” Abby cast a backwards glance over her shoulder, catching the professor’s wandering eyes admiring her well-formed rear. She blushed and once more gave a futile downward tug at the elevated hem of her skirt. The professor issued a nervous cough and continued with the tour. They passed a small in-ground pool and what appeared to be a playground area before proceeding around a stack of wooden crates.
Suddenly a loud screech broke the relative quiet of the warehouse. Abby recoiled, her heart pounding in her chest. A large caged enclosure came into view and another excited howl issued from within. “That’s JoJo, our test subject,” the professor explained. A huge chimpanzee leaped from a swinging tire on a chain to the bars of the cage, eagerly extending a grasping hand. Professor Woodson laughed, picking up an orange from a table and offering the treat to the exited primate. The monkey grasped the prize and fled, retreating to the far side of the large cage where he carefully began peeling off the rind. Intelligent eyes flashed a quick look at Abby and the professor, his animal expression breaking into a huge grin before sinking his teeth into the succulent fruit.
“Loves oranges,” the professor needlessly explained.
The chimp was an absolute monster. Abby guessed JoJo would easily weigh in at two hundred pounds of sheer muscle. He appeared to well cared for, with glossy fur and a calm demeanor. Then her eyes travelled further down the primate’s body and she gasped. “Oh my god, he’s huge!” She sputtered, a further flush of embarrassment creeping up her face as she stared in slack-jawed amazement at JoJo’s massive genitals. Even limp, the monkey was endowed with an enormous cock that rivaled every bit of Abby’s forearm for length and girth.
“A side-effect of the sexual stimulants,” Professor Woodson explained off-handedly. “At this point we’re not sure if that’s something we want to cure, or whether we should simply promote it as an added benefit. But that’s something for people with marketing degrees to figure out.”
Abby gulped, casting a lingering look at the impressive chimp before following the professor on with his tour. The final stop was at a series of lab tables. Abby stopped in shock, thinking at first there was another monkey loose in the building. But it quickly proved to be just a stuffed and lifeless form, covered in fur and poised on its hands and knees. “Here’s where you’ll be testing JoJo,” Professor Woodson explained, reaching for an aerosol spray bottle on a shelf. “This is our experimental formula. Just give a couple of mists around this dummy. The pheromones will trigger a reaction in JoJo and he will, ah… mount up, as they say.” The professor demonstrated with the bottle, wafting a drifting cloud of vapor into the air. Abby inhaled but could detect nothing, thinking it simply smelled of water. The professor then pointed out a clipboard on a table with a detailed form attached. “You’ll need to carefully monitor JoJo’s sexual activity. Record the duration of his sexual encounter and just use your judgment on the various topics such as his level of enthusiasm, stamina, and so on.” Abby’s brow crinkled as she picked up the clipboard and skimmed over the lengthy printed sheet.
“Well!” Professor Woodson suddenly announced, glancing at his watch. I’ll leave you to it then. Here’s the key to the front door and another key for JoJo’s enclosure. Feel free to give him the run of the place. He’s very gentle and friendly, and likes to be out of his cage and on the playground. The pool is also one of his favorite spots. I’m sure you’ll have questions, but no better way to learn than by doing, as they say. You have my phone number in case there’s something you can’t handle, but it’s really a very informal environment, so I’m confident I can leave it your capable hands. I’ll see you back here tomorrow evening, and I’m sure you and JoJo will get on just marvelously.”
The professor gathered up a briefcase and then hurried on his way. Abby looked around helplessly, feeling overwhelmed. But a screech from JoJo drew her attention. She approached the cage and the chimpanzee stood at the door, rattling the bars.
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