Experimentation and Exploration the beginning
Experimentation and Exploration the beginning
Sex Story Author: | RobertMcCullum |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I stumble to the living room where a still active TV tells me that the adult entertainment will start at |
Sex Story Category: | First Time |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, First Time, Incest |
It was our step parents anniversary. Two years they had lasted, and they seem happy. Not that Sam and I noticed much. They we’re gone most of the time on their various business ventures. And since we as kids, didn’t get into too trouble much or break down the house when unsupervised, we we’re left alone for most of the time. In the beginning they had the odd family member come round the house when they would leave, but that didn’t last long.
Of course we did find an occasional spot of bother, but we made damn sure it was cleared up before any parental supervision could raise an alarm.
So for this anniversary, a trip to the mountains was planned. A week of fun in the snow. But as expected they didn’t make it the entire week. On the morning of the fifth day my dad announced that there was major trouble at a subsidiary company and his help was needed. At lunch time my step mom followed with similar news.
Sam and I both wanted to stay and enjoy the snow covered mountains. This was no problem and after dinner we’re on our own again.
“They had to find the one ski lodge that’s two miles out of town,” Sam sighs, while looking at the massive downpour of snow outside.
Standing next to her I remark, “at least we’ll have fresh powder tomorrow.”
Shrugging, Sam walks over to the kitchen and asks if I want a beer.
She comes back with the beers and plops down next to me while I start flipping through the 500 channels on TV. Starting at 1 with local nonsense, moving on the sports, sports and more sports. I pause at a baseball game, but a negative grown from Sam makes me flip forward. We get to the Christian channel and a the first thing we hear and see, is a priest on the pulpit exclaiming, ”premarital sex!”
We both find this amusing. While the priest goes on about the dangers of sex, we glance at each other and start giggling. The old man ends with saying that we should save ourselves for marriage. While still in a fit of the giggles, Sam blurts out, “too late, dumbass.”
“Same here, oh well, hell and damnation I guess.”
When the giggles die down I say, “always funny when some 60+ year old virgin hands out sex advice, want another beer?“
I get up and Sam takes over the clicker and moves on from Christ to cooking. While walking to the kitchen I hear something about teriyaki duck sauce. I grab the brews and head back. Closing the fridge door, my ears pick up a noise that has very little to do with food, coming for the TV. When I enter the living room there is something quite different playing. A woman is bent over the table while a man is driving his point home at an impressive pace. When I sit down next to Sam see looks up at me and remarks, “now here are some people who should hand out sex advice.”
“Couldn’t agree more.”
Without taking our eyes of the screen I hand her the beer. At the same time we take a swig, when our eyes fall back on the TV, the couple have changed position. The man is now lying on his back while the woman is enjoying a nice ride.
“That’s it girl, take control,” Sam says, quite enthusiastically.
“So that’s the point you started yelling, that night Tommy stayed over.”
When she looks my way, I’m smirking with one eyebrow raised. She punches me in the arm, “heard that did ya?“
“Hard to miss.”
“Well, it’s not like you always invite the quiet ones to your bedroom, what’s her face, Rachel?”
“I don’t remember Rachel being very loud, it must have been Alexandra, she was a screamer.”
“Yeah well, sometimes a girl needs to do something to get rid of the useless idiot in her bed.”
“That guy could find the clit even if a giant arrow was tattooed on my stomach pointing to my pussy.”
The couple had changed position again. The woman was up against the wall and being skillfully handled from behind.
“You sure Alexandra wasn’t just putting on a show for your unskilled ass?”
Faking a look of shock I slap her lightly on the head and proclaim, ”I never!”
“Maybe that’s the problem!”
So impressed with her own sense of humor, she is laughing it up, rolling back and forth on the couch. Trying my best to ignore her, I look at my beer bottle, “I’m empty, time for something stronger.”
With tears in her eyes, Sam stops the laugh track long enough to say, “me too, make it a double!”
I leave her giggling ass on the couch and open the liquor cabinet. Without caring too much, I grab a bottle and two shot glasses. Drop back onto the couch and fill the glasses to the top. The couple we first saw apparently finished and now there’s a new pair going at it.
After downing our shots, Sam remarks that the guy on TV is kind of doing it for her. Having no opinion about on this matter, my attention goes to the girl. Double D knockers, pumped up lips and enough make-up, to have a drag queen say, “that’s a bit much.”
“The guy might be alright for you, but Barbie is not doing much for me.”
“Would be like having sex with an animatronic sex doll.”
“So what does do it for you?”
A little stumped, the best I can come up with is, “you know…”
“No, I don’t, tell me.”
I remain silent, however before the situation dies down or gets awkward she throws me a bone. “So, you’re not into massive boobs and fake lips, what body type do you like?”
“Athletic I guess,” the liquid courage starts to kick in, “and I’m partial to blonds, but what man isn’t. Breasts, something I can cup in my hands, and a nice smile.”
“Awe how cute, girly-man wants an nice smile.”
Slightly embarrassed I turn my attention back to the TV. The couple are enjoying each other doggy style.
Then out of nowhere, “apart from the smile, you just described me.”
A politeness reaction from me, “you have a nice smile,” and the room goes quite. If it wasn’t for the screaming girl on TV, we would be able to hear the snow fall. “Did I really just describe my step sister,” my mind wonders. Beyond my control I glance over at her, our eyes meet for a second.
“Yep, athletic body, nice handful of breasts and a blonde, I did described her, fuck.”
The silence now deafening, my mind races over the possibilities. “She’ll slap me, go to her room, lock the door, call her mom, tell her everything. The marriage will end, my dad will never talk to me again and I’ll die alone. “ My thoughts go from bad to worst and just as I get to the mental image of an unnamed grave with the words here lies a pervert, Sam says, “fuck it, more alcohol. ”
She pours the glasses. We take hold and without pause, looks or bad thoughts, down them. With a clang, the shot glasses land on the table. With our hands still on them we share a look and in unison, “one more.”
Glasses are filled and the cycle repeats a few times more. The bottle is now two thirds gone, or one thirds still there, depending on your mindset. I fall back into the couch. Sam’s still hunched over the coffee table with her hand on the glass.
“I’ll do another in a minute.”
She looks back and me and slurs, “lightweight.”
I slouched down and that’s when Sam gives in as well, unsure of what her intentions are, she lets herself fall against me. Her head is resting on my shoulder. In an automatic reaction my arm wraps around her. We share a brief look and a slightly drunken smile. A smile that indicates, this is ok. She moves in a little closer and wraps a leg over mine, while ever so slowly moving her hand across my chest.
My heart is beating like a drum, for which I can find no good reason. It’s not like there was an extra blood supply needed in a certain body part. That thing had been at attention ever since the image of the first moaning woman on the screen.
The alcohol is messing with my rationale, however. I close my eyes tight and try to locate my thinking cap. My heart still acting like I’m running a marathon and I still can’t think of a reason for it. In fact, I’m having a hard time thinking at all. And then my brain stops. No more thoughts, no reasoning, all gone. Only a feeling remains. Her hand has moved from my chest to my stomach and it’s found where, the precious blood needed for thinking, has gone.
“Someone’s awake.”
Her hand starts to move from the tip to the base and back again. I open my eyes and find her staring at me. Bedroom eyes is how they describe that look. Our foreheads touch and I feel her breathing on me. We move a little closer and our noses make contact, I feel her exhale on my upper lip. After a slight pause, she raises her chin. Our mouths are inches apart, so close that I can feel the heat. A slight jerk from one of us, not sure which and we meet. With lips slightly parted, I caress her upper and she my lower lip. Our kiss burns through my body, I feel every muscle contract, my erection jumps under her hand and my heart feels like it’s giving up on me. With the hand that’s around her I feel her having a similar reaction. It feels like hours go by. Our lips dancing with each other and a slight spark of additional excitement when our tongues touch. While still dancing our heads move away from one another. When we break there is a goofy look on her face.
“Alright lightweight, next round. Good kiss by the way.”
Blackness, followed by morning light.
I open my eyes a little in find myself in a bed. Raising my head a little, only to be stopped by a sensation of throbbing, and not in the fun part of my body. My head falls back on the pillow again. For some reason a naked ass, flashes through my mind. Nicely rounded, dimples at the base of the back. An ass you could smack and it would wiggle. A dream ass if you will. At what is sure to be a mother of a hangover, waking to one with lovely body parts on the brain, could potentially not be so bad.
Slowly, my senses start to come alive and I start noticing little things. A slight draft, indicating that I might not be dressed, a weight of some sort on my legs and again the nice ass flashes through my mind, but this time not as a distant memory, my brain is starting to register it more like something I’ve seen.
I open my eyes again, squint to block most of the light and look down. What a sight. As suspected, I am naked. My dick lying flaccid to left. Lower I see a pair of legs draped over mine. Lying at a ninety degree angle to me, is a girl. Following the legs upward my eyes come into contact with the ass. More spectacular than in my mind, I check out the rest of the body. A little impressed with myself for pulling such a hottie. Blond hair is covering her face, but if her body is any indication, I got very lucky.
Turning my attention to the rest of the room, I look for clues to find out where I am, cause I do not know. It all seems familiar. Deciding not to care for a while, I close my eyes and dose off.
Pressure wakes me. Enough that I feel like bursting. With ninja like skill, I get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. It doesn’t dawn on me, until I start peeing.
“Holy shit!” blurts out of me while my stream goes a little off target. I focus the beam and my mind starts racing. The blond, did we have guests over last night? I remember a priest, porn and shots, not much more after that. I wash up and rush into the hallway where a naked blond regards me with a dazed look in her eyes. That look disappears quite quickly and turns to slight panic.
“I know!”
“Did we?”
“No clue, did we?”
“Hold on.”
She storms past me into the bathroom and closes the door behind her.
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