Eve in the men’s toilet – Part 2
I wrote this continuation of Part 1, quite a while ago. I was so embarrassed about it that I’ve only sent it privately to a few appreciative readers. I’ve now decided however, that writing stories is pointless unless they are to be read, so I take a deep breath and send this off for publication with the following warnings:
DO NOT READ THIS STORY unless you are going to be turned on by the most foul, vile, disgustingly crude and filthy treatment of a female. YOU ARE WARNED that this story is so twisted, and repulsively filthy, that it could well make you be sick. I WARN YOU AGAIN that this sort of thing is to the taste of a very few only.
DO NOT READ THIS STORY and give it a negative vote because you are so disgusted and sickened by it, you were warned not to continue.
I must tell you, in defence of myself for coming up with a tale so awful, that I write for men, rather than along the lines of my own preferences. Writing this was something of a challenge, and, given just two brief criteria by the couple of men who urged me on, I hope that I have done justice to the story.
On arriving home after her first visit to the men’s toilet, Eve had spent over an hour under the shower, washing every inch of her body over and over again. She lathered and washed her hair several times and performed every necessary action to make sure that she was cleaned up. She douched herself several times and rinsed her mouth, and gargled with an antiseptic solution.
Even with all of Eve’s scrupulous cleansing, Rob still had reservations fucking her after what she’d been through. Instead, he made her kneel before him, and, taking her head firmly in his hands, he fucked her face vigorously, making her gag and choke and retch as his cock rapidly pummelled her mouth and plunged right back to her epiglottis and even an inch or two down her throat when he got the angle right.
Eve made the most fantastic animal like gurgling and choking sounds, and, being unable to swallow due her husband’s cock lustfully pumping her mouth, her saliva dribbled from the corners of her mouth and ran down over her chin and dripped onto her lurching breasts.
Soon Rob felt the wonderful feeling of his cum being about to discharge from his rampant cock. Showing no concern whatsoever for his wife, he gripped her head firmer and shoved hard until his balls hung over Eve’s chin, his pubic hair pressed over her upper lip and nose, and his cock penetrated some three inches right down her throat so that the bulge of it could be clearly seen in his wife’s neck.
Eve thrashed about with her arms as she choked and suffocated, the tears pouring from her eyes and strange, muffled sounds emanated from somewhere in her jammed full mouth.
Rob shoved harder forward with his cock, although being fully in, he only succeeded in bruising Eve’s lips. “Arrrrrrrhhhh,” he groaned in sheer bliss as his sperm pumped from his cock directly down his wife’s throat.
The wonderful, lustful sensations slowly subsided and it was only then that Rob considered letting his wife breathe. He slowly, unhurriedly, eased his hard, swollen cock from his wife’s mouth. Eve gave a huge gasp as the air filled her lungs. She fell to the floor on all fours, panting and gasping with her head hanging down. Once her violent gasping had brought back some normality to her breathing, Eve slumped fully to the floor and lay there totally exhausted by the experience.
Later, as the happily married couple lay in bed, they discussed everything that had happened at the toilets. They talked of the putrid condition of the toilet, with the urinal full of the stale, stinking piss that had accumulated over the course of the day. They spoke of how Eve had been forced to swallow a mouthful of the vile, rancid liquid and how she’d had her head flushed in the toilet bowl.
They both agreed that it had been incredibly degrading and humiliating for Eve, and yet it was obvious from the way that they spoke, that they had both been so sexually excited by the events of the evening.
Eve had, way back when she’d first searched the internet, been appalled at the cruel and disgusting things that some men like to do to women. It had been odd though, and had certainly made her wonder about herself, when she found that the idea of being treated in that way had excited her and aroused her lust.
Her private thoughts had gradually taken her along that path of exciting fantasies of being abused and degraded, so that when it became apparent that her husband was indeed one of those men who had those same perverted ideas of showing his love in such bizarre ways, well …….. they were both thrilled to find that their ideas matched perfectly.
It must be admitted that Eve certainly had never visualised anything quite so disgusting as the way she’d been treated in the men’s public toilet: she’d genuinely been shocked and a little horrified when she’d first been plunged into all of that filthy, stagnant urine, but as the evening had unfolded, she’d become more and more a willing participant.
The next day, Rob logged onto the sex site on the internet, eager to see if his two friends had left messages concerning what they had done to Eve the night before. He wasn’t disappointed, both men had left long messages marvelling on the disgusting filth that they’d been able to force Eve into.
Both of the men had been impressed by Eve’s submissiveness and willingness to be used by them. One now suggested, “sometimes in these places you can find toilets clogged up with shit and then just left to accumulate filth.” While the second man was even more explicit and suggested that, “we could have had her head pushed down into a toilet bowl full of stale, putrid shit. Then scoop a cup of it out and force her to drink it, with more of it poured over her head. Some old, stale turds shoved into her pussy would help as well.”
(Yvonne’s note: You’ll recognise the the above comments from those left by readers at the first part of this story.)
Rob felt his lust stirring as he read these filthy suggestions.
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