
European Nightmare Part III

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is entirely coincidental. Contains adult themes. The author does not condone any of the actions depicted in this work. The actions depicted here are to be read only by those who recognise the moral and legal implications of these actions, and understand that this tale is purely fantasy. Please do not read if you are easily offended, or find it difficult to distinguish between fantasy and reality.

Author’s Note: I would like to ask for any feedback whatsoever, it would be much appreciated. Whatever it is, be it criticisms, praises, suggestions for the characters or plot, queries or requests I would be delighted to hear them. Enjoy.

Greta’s shoes echoed on the stone floor as she walked slowly and purposefully down the stairs. She had showered, eaten and rested, and now was ready to continue. It had been only a couple of hours since she had been down in the basement, but she was already itching to get back and play with her new toys. And this time, she was going to have some fun. She liked to show as little emotion as possible at the beginning, but now she was going to enjoy herself. Not that she hadn’t enjoyed herself before, whipping those giant tits had given her so much pleasure. Watching Mehmet and Hasan brutally fuck the three girls had been equally satisfying. But things were about to be stepped up a notch. She had incredible discipline, and had managed to resist the urge to cum throughout the previous session, but it was finally time for her relief. She continued down the stairs, already knowing exactly what she was going to do.

Olivia perked up as soon as she heard the rap of the heels on the floor, knowing exactly who was coming back. The poor girl could still scarcely believe what had happened to her and her friends in a space of just a few hours. However, despite having only been in the basement for a handful of hours, to Olivia it felt like years. She had been raped herself and had watched her friends raped and beaten, and for an innocent girl like her it had been a terrible time, and there was absolutely no sign of it stopping any time soon. Since Greta had left their ordeal had not ended. Hasan and Mehmet had wasted little time in carrying out Greta’s instructions. One at a time they had roughly taken the girl’s out to a room adjacent to the basement, starting with Holly. Mehmet quickly unhooked her arms and with one arm under her massive tits he carried her off. Ten minutes later the men returned with Holly, and hooked her back into the same position, before doing exactly the same with Lucy. Finally it was Olivia’s turn. Hasan and Mehmet brought her down to the floor, before undoing her complicated bondage, leaving just her wrists tied behind her back, and between them carrying her weak body off. Once inside, Olivia was greeted by a very bright light, which lit up a brilliant white room. On one side stood a steel lavatory, there was a hose coiled on one wall, and two bowls in one side of the room, one filled with water the other with a thick brown stew like dish, which looked suspiciously like dog food. Olivia already knew what she would have to do, but still waited to be prompted.

“Hurry,” Hasan snapped, and gave the girl a small shove in the back.

Olivia staggered over to the steel toilet, and after staring at it for a moment, sat down. The metal was freezing on her bare skin, as she tried to do her business with the two men towering over her. Once she had finished, Hasan lifted her off the seat from under her arms and lifted her into the air, tying her wrists to a hook she hadn’t noticed hanging from the ceiling. Meanwhile, Mehmet had uncoiled the hose and held it out pointed at Olivia. The jet of water was powerful and freezing as it slammed into her chest, and Olivia tried to shriek through her gag. As Mehmet moved the stream of water up and down her hanging body, Hasan, carefully avoiding the jet of water, moved over her body with soap, spending particular time massaging her now wet tits with the soap. He moved his hand down and worked it into her pussy, washing away the physical evidence of her rape. Mehmet moved in and directed the jet of water at her genitals, cleaning both her pussy and her arsehole. Moving round he made sure to wash every inch of her body, so that she was ready for the next session. Having finished washing her he turned off the hose, the two men took the dripping girl down from the ceiling, and undid her gag. It was the first time Olivia had been free to talk in her entire time, but she knew there was no point.


Olivia had not realised how hungry she was, and so immediately after being told, she did just that. Getting down onto her knees, and moved her face over the bowl of slop, and then went straight down and began to eat. It was yet another degrading experience, one of many in these few hours, and with many more to come. She was bent over eating like a dog in front of these men, with her arsehole on display as they stood behind her. It didn’t take her long to finish her meal, and once she’d drunk the water, and no sooner had she finished, then the two men had picked her up and carried her back into the room. Once again with frightening speed, the two men tied Olivia back into her hogtie, and quick as a flash, all three girls were washed and relieved, and tied back in place. Mehmet and Hasan then left, knowing they couldn’t do anything else to the girls until Greta got back, and turned out the light.

It was like this, plunged into darkness and silence, that the girls were until Greta came down the stairs. Just as in the first time they had awoken in the basement, the girls could hear only the slowly encroaching sound of Greta’s heels on the stone floor, and they shuddered in anticipation at the horrors that awaited them. They could hear now that Greta had come up beside them, and a moment later the lights came up. Once again Greta stood, with Mehmet and Hasan just behind her, directly in front of Holly, with the other two to either side. Greta waited a moment, relishing the fear she could sense emanating from the girls, and then she spoke.

“Hello again whores,” again with the same monotonous and terrifying voice, “I hope Mehmet and Hasan cleaned you up nicely. I enjoyed watching them fuck you girls earlier, but now I will have some fun. You will make me cum, and I will torture you. You will, English sluts, provide all three of us with much pleasure. So let’s begin. First, some fun with these.”

Greta reached out and grabbed each of Holly’s nipples with her fingers. The swollen nubs had not recovered from the brutal assault earlier, and Holly winced in pain as Greta roughly twisted them once again. Holly wriggled once again as Greta’s long fingers once again squeezed and twisted Holly’s areolas, exciting her nipples until they were slightly erect. She turned round, and Hasan handed her a couple of small devices. Greta brought them up to Holly’s big round eyes so her captive could see what was about to happen to her. What Greta held were nipple clamps. The jaws were held centimetres from Holly’s face, so she could see the sharp, brutal looking teeth that were about to sink into her flesh. At the end of the clamp was a ring, and so these small devices looked menacing to the poor girl. Greta kept one clamp close to her face, whilst with the other hand she continued to massage her nipple to erection. When it was sufficiently hard, Greta brought the jaws down over the sensitive nub, and after teasing her for a moment, then allowed the teeth to bite into Holly’s tit.

Holly tried to squeal through her gag as the metal teeth of the clamp bit hard into her sensitive nipple. The jaws clamped onto her nub with ferocious force, the tips of each tooth imbedding itself in her flesh, though not breaking through her skin. Tears welled from her big doe eyes as she tried to deal with the intense pain that coursed through her from her nipple. Greta didn’t give her an opportunity to get used to it, taking her other nipple and clamping down the jaws of the clamp on the sensitive flesh. Once again Holly tried to squeal, as now both her tits screamed with the pain of the teeth. Greta took each clamp in her fingers and pulled down on them, relishing the whimpers her victim emitted. She tugged the clamps this way and that, pulling Holly’s huge tits around just by the nipples, and causing even more pain for the poor girl, and looking her in the eyes the whole time. Once again she turned around and collected something from Hasan, and turned back to her toy. Giving her right nipple a tug, Greta took the weights that had just been handed to her and clipped them onto the clamps, before letting the tit fall. Holly once again squealed as her boob visibly lengthened as the weights pulled down on the nipple. Greta quickly did the same with the other nipple, until both of those luscious breasts had heavy weights hanging from them. To compound Holly’s pain, Greta gave her a quick push, so she swung slightly, and the weights on her breasts pulled down, making the girl’s pain worse and worse. Greta played with her tits for a few moments, yanking down on her nipples, knocking the melons from side to side and generally enjoying her pain.

“There you go, slut” Greta said to Holly, “those udders look much better now. I’ll be back to play with you later.”

Greta now turned around and gestured to Mehmet who quickly set to work, whilst Greta took up a position further away. Mehmet moved over toward Olivia and unhooked her from the ceiling, easily carrying her womanly body to the floor, undoing her hogtie, leaving her wrists and ankles tied. He reached round to undo her ball gag, taking it out of her mouth, before dragging her, by her hair, toward Greta, kneeling her in front of her. Hasan emerged from the back of the room with a chair, and a strange stick device, which he handed to Greta. She sat down on the chair, and pushed her crotch so her cunt was about eye level with Olivia, who was currently staring at the floor. Greta waited a moment, then took the stick, pressed the end of it against the girl’s cute little nipple, and turned it on.

The shock from the cattle prod coursed immediately through Olivia, throwing her back onto the floor. The contact was only for a split second but the explosion of pain continued, pulsing out from her nipple. Olivia’s body went through a quick spasm on the floor, drool running from her mouth as Mehmet bent down to right her, and supporting her whilst she regained the use of her legs. Olivia’s eyes stared straight at the prod, then moved over to her torturer.

“Do as you’re told,” Greta snapped, “or you’ll get an even worse shock. Now beg to lick my cunt.”

Olivia was still trying to recover from the shock, when she was hit by this. The pain from the prod had torn through her instantly, a pain worse than she had ever experienced. And now, whilst still trying to recover from the violent shock, and whilst her nipple still throbbed where the contact had been made, she had a job to do. Said so flatly and without emotion, it took a split second for Olivia to register what was being asked of her. The sheer vulgarity of the language used by Greta threw the young girl, as much as the act she was being asked to preform shock her. It was not something she had ever considered doing previously, but everything under these circumstances was different. She already knew she had no choice, that she would have to comply, but upon seeing Greta raise the prod again she didn’t hesitate.

“Please,” Olivia began, pausing for a moment while she tried to come to terms with what she was about to say.

“Go on.”

“Please let me…..l-l-l…l-l.”

“Spit it out bitch.”

“P-p-please let me l-l-lick your c-c-cu-unt…”

As Olivia trailed off, thinking she had done what was asked of her, Greta moved quickly to raise the cattle prod to the girl’s other nipple and once again released a powerful electric shock. Once again Olivia was thrown to the floor, but this time Hasan gave her no chance to writhe on the floor and picked her still jerking body up immediately.

“Address me appropriately, cunt.”

Olivia didn’t think she could take another shock, and so didn’t hesitate for a moment.

“Please let me lick your cunt, mistress.”

“You have my permission.”

Desperate to avoid further punishment, Olivia wasted little in time in attempting to appease her tormentor. Shuffling forward on her knees, she positioned her innocent face just centimetres from the woman’s crotch. Tentatively, Olivia pushed her tongue out of her mouth until the tip just rested on Greta’s lips. Slowly, Olivia moved it up and down, gradually allowing more and more of her tongue to touch the woman’s pussy. Greta lay back, savouring the sensation of the hot tongue on her cunt, but also to allow the girl to pleasure her all by herself. Olivia worked slowly, still trying to get used to what she was being forced to do. Although she had never done it before she was almost pleasantly surprised, for given Greta’s personality her sex was very clean, and so as the girl moved her tongue up and down faster and faster, it was not the horrendous experience she had initially envisaged.

Greta, however, was becoming bored. The girl’s tentative forays onto her lips were dull and only mildly arousing, the girl’s nerves and inexperience manifesting as a lacklustre effort to stimulate her. More than that, she wanted this to be a bad experience for the girl, for her to suffer during it, and she was quite sure that wasn’t the case now. She signalled to Mehmet, who quickly disappeared into the back of the room. Then she pulled Olivia’s head up from her crotch.

“Your attempts to please your mistress are insulting,” Greta snapped, anger seemingly present in her voice, “and so you must be punished. What Mehmet has here is an extremely hot chilli sauce. That may not sound very scary to you, but it is far too hot to be eaten safely, especially by you weak English girls. And this isn’t going in your mouth. Mehmet will shove a great big handful right up your cunt. It will burn. It will burn so much you will want to scream in pain. But you won’t. Instead you will lick me. You will make me cum. The quicker you do that, the quicker the pain in your pussy will be relieved. Do you understand?”

Olivia nodded, tears streaming down her face.

“Answer properly.”

“Yes mistress…,” she sobbed.

“Now ask Mehmet nicely.”

Olivia could scarcely believe she had to beg to be tortured, but she knew that from what she had seen already that this was no joke. Looking over toward Mehmet, she could see him smearing a handful of the red mixture onto one gloved hand, and smiling as he did it. Swallowing yet more of her pride, Olivia accepted the inevitable.

“Please, master,” Olivia whispered, not quite sure what words to say next, “put the chilli on my vagina.”

“No, no, on your cunt.”

“P-p-please, master, put the chilli on my c-c-cunt.”

Mehmet obliged instantly, bending down with his gloved hand and quickly smearing the paste onto the girl’s sensitive lips. He worked his hand around, making sure to cover her entire pussy, working his hand up so he got as deep into her pussy as possible. Already Olivia could feel a tingling feeling over her pussy lips and with each passing second the sensation grew stronger and stronger. By the time Mehmet had finished working in the paste, the tingle had turned to a steady pain, and within a few more seconds it felt like her pussy was on fire. As the paste around her clit and inside her cunt began to take effect, and the burning sensation took on a new level of intensity, Olivia screamed in pain. Almost instantly Greta thrust her face deep into her cunt.

Olivia was still trying to scream as she was thrust forward at Greta’s crotch. The pain in her own pussy was unbelievable; it felt quite literally that somebody had set fire to her sex. Wave after wave of burning pain shot through her body from her crotch, like nothing she had ever experienced before. All the while she knew that she needed to bring her mistress off in order to stop the searing pain, and so even through her screams she sought to pleasure her. Darting her tongue out much more frantically now, licking like a woman possessed. She moved her tongue up and down Greta’s pussy lips, darting it inside occasionally to try and find her clit, working slavishly to try to elicit a response. It didn’t take long before her work paid off, as soon Greta’s pussy was covered in a thin film of moisture. But that wasn’t what was on Olivia’s mind. Her hips were bucking desperately as she tried everything to alleviate the pain in her pussy, unable to spread her legs at all or reach around there was little she could do. All she could do to end the burning was to make her mistress cum.

Greta shut her eyes as she savoured her little slave’s efforts on her pussy. The frantic darting of her tongue over her sex was heaven, and coupled with the vibrations every time the girl screamed it was absolute ecstasy. Greta pushed her head as far into her cunt as it would go, trying to force the girl to penetrate as deeply as possible, only occasionally letting go to allow her a moment to breathe. With one hand firmly locked in her hair, the other moved down to the girls nipple, and with each scream from Olivia or dart with her tongue, Greta would pinch and tug o it, trying to cause as much pain as possible. For it was not merely the mechanical motion of Olivia’s mouth on her pussy that was bringing Greta off.

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