Estranged Sister Eve
Estranged Sister Eve
Sex Story Author: | Phoenix Cinders |
Sex Story Excerpt: | “Honey it’s okay, I get boners all the time too,” she says as she takes my face in |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Ass to mouth, Blowjob, Boy, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Diary, Drug, First Time, Gay, Group Sex, Hardcore, Incest, Oral Sex, Romance, Teen, Threesome, Toys, Transgendered, Transsexual, Virginity |
While I sit on the plane I have plenty of time to take it all in. I’m still in shock that they’re gone. My parents were murdered… The crime was left unsolved. My parents were strict catholics no nonsense kind of people. They were church going people. They gave to the community. They were loved by everyone… How could someone do this?
My life in Santa Barbara is over. I don’t know what lies ahead. All I know is that I have to go live with my estranged sister, Eve, in Michigan. My sister is much older than I am. We were never very close. She and our parents never got along, which is why she left a long time ago.
I barely even know her. We’ve barely ever spoke. Our parents avoided all conversations about her and took all her photos down. I never understood why. What could she of possibly done to elicit such actions? I know my parents can be strict, but she’s their daughter after all… Right?
As much as I miss my parents, it’ll be nice to have a fresh start. Back in Santa Barbara High, I wasn’t popular. To be honest, I was bullied… A lot.
One reason has always been because of my figure. I’m not like most boys. My body has never fully developed. I don’t have ripped muscles or hairy legs. In fact, I don’t even have a single strand of hair below my dirty blonde eyebrows. To make matters worse, I’ve been given a body with a somewhat feminine figure. You could say I have what most would call a bubble butt. In fact I’ve been confused for a girl more times than I can count. You have no idea how humiliating it is to be constantly referred to as a girl. And at Santa Barbara, most kids purposely made it a point to let me know how much of a sissy I am. Although, if I’m being totally honest, there is a part of me, a large part of me that feels that they’re right. Deep down, I feel more like a girl than a man. I’ve always fantasized about wearing women’s clothing and sometimes I have dreams about sucking a big fat cock. I’ve dressed up before and I love the way it feels to look and feel beautiful. To feel vulnerable and feminine. My parents, may they rest in peace, never found out about my secret, but I already knew back then that they wouldn’t approve.
The only friend I did have back in Santa Barbara totally understood. She’d even help me dress up. Her name was Zita. She was my best friend… She wasn’t popular either. She’s transgender and got ridiculed often because of it. But she understood me and I understood her. It’s hard to come by that in this world.
As much as I’m going to miss her I know where I can reach her. We would spend hours online in Aratheon. Mostly because both of our real lives weren’t a good place to be at. The virtual world was somewhere we could be ourselves. I was a majestic female elf priestess and she was brutal female warrior. We were the perfect duo. But we’re practically on seperate sides of the country now, but that doesn’t mean I still don’t worry about her. She has a tough life. She lives in foster care with no real family. We shared everything together. Now she’s all alone in Santa Barbara.
Now that I’m going to live with my sister in Michigan, hopefully she’ll understand. I’ve never actually had the chance to visit her. In fact, I’ve never even step foot outside of California. Moving to Michigan at the end of November will be a new experience all together. I’ve never seen snow before.
The plane begins its descent into Detroit. As we dip below the clouds, the city comes into view. What a sight to behold. Three gigantic skyscrapers rise above the rest, connected together by several walkways. The towers are surrounded by a beautiful park and several other large buildings. It’s hard to believe this is Detroit. I learned in history class that Detroit used to be a city filled with despair and poverty. Now, thanks to John Farrell, the wealthiest man in the world, it’s become the most advanced technological hub in the world. His company Prometheus Corporation has its headquarters here in Detroit in one of those towers along with Gennecho University. The school he built that allows free tuition to all it’s students. He just opened it recently. The man is a legend and one of my idols.
We finally land. After I get off the plane, I make my exit through the TSA checkpoint. That’s when I see her. Eve, my sister, is standing at the gate waiting for me. The sight of her sends a shiver down my spine. She’s wearing a tight mini thigh high black dress with a black leather jacket over it. A pair of black boots that come up to her knees to top it off. Her dark brown hair, the same hair that both of our parents share, falls gracefully down to her shoulders. Her bright hazel eyes connected with mine as she jews on her bottom lip with those pearly white teeth. Absolutely stunning. What am I saying!? She’s my sister!
Before either of us say a word, she pulls me into a hug. “It’s so good to see you, Shay, even under such sad circumstances.”
“Let’s grab your luggage and head out. The drive back to my house, or should I say our house, is a couple of hours. It might take us longer with the weather,” she says. “By the way, please tell me you brought a jacket. It is December in Michigan…”
“I didn’t even think about bringing a jacket!” I sigh looking down at my jeans and t-shirt. “I don’t even own a winter jacket.”
“It’s okay, we can stop and pick one up,” she says with a smile.
I grab my suitcase and follow Eve out. As soon as I step foot outside, the cold air hits me like a bag of bricks. I go temporarily blind as the brightness of the snow reflects into my eyes. Goosebumps appear on my skin as small little white flakes pelt my face. “It’s freezing!” I say shivering. After my eyes finally adjust it really doesn’t make a difference, all I can see is white. The fluffy white snow is completely covering almost everything as it continues to fall from the sky with such persistence.
“What did you expect, it’s Michigan in winter,” she laughs. We finally arrive to her SUV and it’s completely covered in snow. She pulls the keys out of her pocket and hits a button which opens the hatchback. I set my luggage in the trunk and get in as she grabs the scrubber and cleans the rest of the car off as I get in the front seat. Holy crap, it’s a mercedes! How can she afford such a car?
She gets in after she finishes scraping the snow off and we finally take off. It has an automated drive system, so the car practically drives itself. Thank god! Because you can barely see the roads with all the snow coming down, it’s a complete white out. I’d never imagine snow would be like this. So blindingly white.
It’s not long before we’re on the highway. We push through the storm in complete silence. I don’t know what to say. I don’t remember the last time we’ve spoken. She didn’t even show up at the funeral. To be honest, it’s hard to believe we’re even related. We barely know each other at all, now I have to live with her…
After what seems like forever, we take the exit ramp to a place called West Branch. She has the car pull into an outlet mall and park in front of a clothing store. “I bet we can find a nice winter jacket for you in here,” she says.
Following Eve into the store, I notice how upscale it is. After browsing through the winter jackets, Eve pulls out a white down coat with fur around the rim of the hood and black snap buttons. She places it in front of me and takes a long glance. “This would definitely look good on you,” she says with such a hypnotizing smile.
“Isn’t this for girls?” I ask, even though deep down I think it’s beautiful.
“No, it’s unisex… Just try it on,” she says. Hesitantly, I do what she says. It fits quite snuggly. I’m surprised by how comfy it feels.
“Oh my, it looks so perfect on you! We’re getting it!” she gasps with excitement.
I slip it off and she grabs it from my hands and heads up to the check out. After she purchases it, she forces it on me. “You look so adorable.”
Adorable, just what every man wants to be called… But I can’t lie, deep down inside I love it.
We grab a bite to eat before getting back on the road. During our travels Eve finally decides to break the ice. “So… Shay, tell me about yourself.”
Her words echo around inside my head. What is there to know about me? “Well… I like to play video games with my best friend Zita and I’m a huge bookworm. Mom and dad always said it was rare to see me without a book,” I say. I see a tinge in her expression and I can only assume it’s because of mom and dad. What happened between them?
“What kind of books do you read?” she asks.
“Well… Right now I’m huge into the Aratheon series. Zita and I are big into the mmo game and I can’t help but become obsessed with the story.”
“Aratheon? Really?”
“Yeah! It’s a fantasy realm full of elves, dwarves and what not.”
“I know what it is, I’m just surprised to see you’re a big fan of it. I’ve read all of the books myself and I absolutely love them! I played the game for a bit, but I’m far too busy to get really into it.” I can’t believe it. She’s an Aratheon fan!
“No way! I can’t believe you’re into Aratheon!” This made my life!
“Of course I’m into it! Did you think I’m some kind of prude like mom and dad?” she asks and I can’t help but tense up upon hearing their names.
She’s quick to take notice. “I’m sorry, Shay. I didn’t mean that.”
After traveling for I don’t know how long in silence on the icy, slick, roads with what seems like a wall of white snow falling from the sky, we finally pull off on an exit to a city called Gaylord. We take a left at the stop light and it’s not long before the city is in the rear view mirror. We take a few zig zags, hills, turns and loops, all encompassed in trees covered in snow. Finally as the day grows dark, she turns off on a long winding driveway. The sight before me about blew me away. It’s the biggest house I’ve ever seen!
It’s got a garage with three large doors. The garage itself is covered in stone with a large wooden patio built on top of it. There is a set of stairs just next to the garage that leads up to the patio, with a large welcoming door to the house that appears to be made out of logs.
The garage door on the far right opens up and we pull inside next to a lamborghini and a huge ford truck. How can she afford all of this?
“Where did you get all this money from?” I ask.
“Ha, I’m a top selling author on Amazon. I make a killing off my books,” she says. “Now grab your things and I’ll show you up to your room.”
As we head inside, we enter a small room with a coat rack, a washer and dryer and a place to put your boots with another door that leads into the rest of the house. As we walk into the actual house, I’m blown away just by the living room. The far wall is almost all windows looking out into the most amazing view of the woods down the hill all covered in snow. There’s a glass door in the middle that leads out to another patio. The floor is all wood with a giant carpet in the middle surrounded by two comfy leather couches and several side tables that look like they were made out of the roots of a tree. The wall on the opposite side of the windows has a giant flat screen above a huge fireplace made out of stone.
Past the couches in the corner just below the overhanging loft is a long rectangular dining table with 8 chairs around it. On the opposite side of the room is the kitchen, which is completely underneath the loft that extends all the around the room. The kitchen is huge with the left side completely covered in countertop and cupboards that swing around the wall all the way to the right side connecting to biggest stainless steel fridge I’ve ever seen. There’s a giant stove on the left side of the kitchen with an oven. The top row of cupboards stops at the end of the left side and a row of windows takes over the far wall where the sink is. An island takes up the middle of the kitchen. To the right of the kitchen is a set of stairs that lead up to the loft. On the left side of the kitchen next to the door we just came in is another set of stairs that go down into the basement. And between the door we came in and the fire place is the giant welcoming door to the patio.
Tugging my luggage, I follow Eve up the stairs to the loft, which is less of a loft and more of its own floor with multiple rooms. We continue through the balcony that overlooks the main floor and she stops at the second door and opens it for me. The room is rather small compared to the rest of the house, but it’s still bigger than my old room. The floor is covered in a nice soft brown carpet and the walls are all wood. It’s got a nice cozy bed in the middle, the frame is made out of logs. There’s a dresser with a tv on it across from the bed and a desk next to it. There’s a window that looks out into the driveway next to the bed. On the other side of the bed is a small closet. There’s a bench at the end of the bed I set my suitcase on.
“Why don’t you make yourself comfy and then meet me downstairs for dinner in about twenty minutes,” she says. “Once we’ve ate, we can relax and get to know each other better. Hows that sound?”
“Yeah, sounds good,” I say.
“Great,” she says as she takes off down stairs.
I open up my suitcase and pull out my tablet and my vr set and put them on the desk. I take out my clothes and fold them neatly on my bed. After I put them away in the dresser, I stuff the suitcase underneath the bed and head downstairs. The smell of pizza takes over my senses. I notice an empty box of Digiorno sitting on the kitchen island. Eve strolls out of a room on top of the balcony in a silk black nightgown with silky grey robe on top. The nightgown comes down to the middle of her thighs, showing off the most mesmerizing pair of legs. She looks down at me, biting her lip. Our eyes connect with such tension it causes my knees to grow weak. She finally breaks her gaze away and makes her way down the stairs as she closes the robe around her.
I hear the alarm go off for the pizza as she enters the kitchen. She grabs an oven mitt and pulls the pizza out of the oven and sets it on top of the stove as steam sithers off of it. “Let’s give it a few seconds to cool down,” she says. “Why don’t we make ourselves comfy on the couch while we wait.”
“We might as well go over the ground rules now,” she says.
“I’ve already taken the time to have you enrolled into a homeschool program. You’ll be finishing up your schooling from here, if that’s okay with you,” she says. The news is music to my ears. I was so afraid of starting over at a new school. The thought of trying to make new friends sounds awful. The outcome was going to be the same. No matter what school I go to I will always be bullied. That’s just the way it is. But being homeschooled, I don’t have to worry about that.
“Really!? That’s awesome!” I say with excitement.
“I’m glad you’re alright with that. Also, if you don’t mind, I could use your help around the house,” she says. That doesn’t sound all that bad. I mean, she is letting me live here with her, the least I can do is pull my weight.
“With as big of a house as this is, there’s quite a lot to do to maintain it. I have a cleaning crew come once a week to do the floors, bathrooms and windows, but there’s still quite a few tasks left for us,” she explains.
“How good are you at cooking?” she asks.
“I’ve never really tried before, but I’m a quick learner,” I tell her.
“Well, it can’t be any worse than my cooking, as you can see Digiorno is about the best of my cooking skills. If you don’t mind cooking, I’ll do the dishes,” she says.
“Honestly, I’ll be more than glad to do both, this your house and you’ve got a really important job. I’d be more than happy to take over some of the chores like cooking and cleaning the dishes. I can even do your laundry for you as well. I want to help out as much as possible,” I explain.
“That would be wonderful! Thank you so much!” she says with excitement.
“No… Thank you for allowing me to live here,” I reply.
“I could never turn you down,” she says with a smile. “Now let’s eat.”
She then gets up and heads over to the kitchen and pulls out a pizza cutter. After she cuts up the pizza, she grabs us plates and fills them with a few slices. She takes both plates over to the dining table and sets them down, as she sits at the head of the table.
“Be a dear and grab us some drinks,” she says crossing her legs as the silk robe and nightgown reveal more of her thighs. I start opening cupboards, searching for cups until I find them. Then I head over to the automatic ice/water dispenser on the fridge and fill up both glasses. Finally, I take my seat next to Eve and dig in.
“Shay, as glad as I am to have you stay here with me, I have a fairly strict routine that I would like to stick to,” she says as she takes a bite of pizza. “Every morning I’m up by 5 AM. I like to have a cup of coffee while I read to get myself in the right mindset. I’ll usually eat breakfast by 8 AM.”
“I like to work out and shower after breakfast. Then I’ll spend most of the rest of the day in my office working on my writing. I’ll take a break around 1ish for lunch, then it’s back at it until around 4ish. I’ll usually end up relaxing a bit before dinner with some wine and I either end up in the hot tub or I’ll put on a movie before hitting the sheets for the night.”
“I’ll try not to disturb you while you work,” I tell her.
“I appreciate that, while I’m working I value my privacy, besides you’ll have homework of your own to finish. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t spend time together. Trust me Shay, I want to spend as much time with you as possible. We should have never of been strangers. I promise you there will be plenty of time for us to spend together, if you’d like that.”
“Yes! I would love that!” I say.
She smiles with delight. “Me too!”
“Now how about we go downstairs and watch a movie after we clean up the mess in the kitchen and I show you the rest of the house,” she adds.
“Sure!” I grab her empty plate and mine and head over to the kitchen. She grabs some zip block bags and puts the leftover pizza in them and stores them in the fridge while I start cleaning the few dishes. She then grabs a dry towel and starts drying the dishes I’ve cleaned. It doesn’t take long before the dishes are all cleaned up and put away.
“We sure make a good team, don’t you think?” she asks with a smile.
“Now let me show you the rest of the house, we’ll start with my room,” she says.
I follow Eve upstairs. We enter her room, which is really nice and cozy. She’s got a little furnace in the corner, a giant bed full of pillows right next to it. There’s a little stand next to her bed with a two picture frames standing up on it. I notice one of them is of me as a kid. I don’t recognize the other, it’s a woman with gorgeous blonde hair, a lot like mine. There are several paintings hung up on the walls. The floor is wood, but there’s a giant fur rug covering most of the room. She’s got a corner room so there are two windows. One looks out onto the backyard and the other looks out onto the side. She’s got a giant closet next to a door to the bathroom stock full of clothes.
“Here’s my room, it can get nice and cozy in here,” she says as we walk into the bathroom, which is just as amazing. The floor is made out of stone and the walls are all the same wood covering most of the house. She’s got a giant tub on the left and all the way to the back is a walk in shower with multiple shower heads and all sorts of nozzles. On the right is a long counter with two sinks and a giant mirror. Just before the tub is a little cubby with a hamper full of her dirty clothes on the other side is the toilet. “This is where you’ll find my dirty laundry. You don’t have to do my laundry, but I really appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem, you’ve got a lot on your hands, especially now that you have me to deal with, I’m just glad to help,” I reassure her.
“Shay, having you to deal with is the best thing that’s happened to me,” she says with sincerity. Which makes me feel all warm inside.
We leave her room and there’s still one more room left between hers and mine. We stop at the next room. “This is my office, please stay out, I hate having to be this way, but I like to keep my work private, okay?”
“Yes, I understand.” I can’t help but wonder why she doesn’t want me in there. Hopefully one of these days she’ll let me see the inside. We stop at the door after my bedroom and she opens it, revealing another bathroom. This ones not as luxurious as the master bathroom, but it is still pretty amazing. It also has stone floor with a walk in shower and a counter with a sink. The toilet is right next to the shower. “Here’s your bathroom, try to keep it clean.”
We head back down to the main floor. “There’s another bathroom downstairs. Unfortunately there’s not one on the main floor, which can be quite troublesome. Who ever designed it didn’t really think it through,” she says as we head down the other set of stairs to the basement.
The bottom of the stairs are made out of stone along with the wall between the stairs and the basement. It reminds me of one of the castle’s in Aratheon. The railing on the stone steps is made out of tree stumps and branches, giving it a natural look.
The basement has a darker wood floor along with the same tint on the wood covered walls. It’s also a walkout basement, that goes to the back yard. The stone wall has a fire pit on the basement side along with a few comfy chairs and a coffee table. Past that is a bar made out of the same wood with five wooden bar stools with backs. The bar has a mini fridge filled with bottles of wine and a sink. To the right of the bar is an entrance to another room. As we walk into the other room, there’s a set of chairs and a table off in the corner next to a pool table. Then there’s a bunch of exercise equipment, including a treadmill, a bench press, a squat bar and a bunch of dumbell weights.
Past the workout equipment is a sliding door to the back yard. I can see a hot tub outside, underneath the upstairs patio. Against the opposite wall we came into is a door to yet another room. As we walk inside there’s a mini theatre with the most comfortable chairs I’ve ever seen.
“Why don’t you go pour us a glass a wine while I pick out a movie,” she says.
“Wait, you mean I can have a glass of wine?” I ask a little surprised.
“Honey, your 18 years old, it’s not like your a child or your going to drive a car. As long as you don’t get too drunk, I’m fine with you having a glass of wine,” she says.
“Wow, mom and dad would never let me drink,” I say ecstatically.
“That’s because mom and dad were obnoxious saints holier than thou,” she says rather bitterly.
“What happened between you and mom and dad?” I ask without thinking.
“It’s complicated, maybe I’ll tell you some time…”
I decide not to push the matter, instead I head over to the bar and pour us both a glass of wine. She’s already got a bottle open. It’s a white wine. I fill to glasses up and head back over to the theatre. She’s got a romantic comedy picked out and is already relaxed in one of the recliners. I plop down next to her and hand her the glass of wine.
I sip my wine as the movie plays on. It’s rather cute, however I’m so tired and suffering from jet lag, it doesn’t take long before I’m out like a candle in the rain.
“Wake up sleepy head!” I open my eyes to see Eve hovering over me, biting her lip. “You fell asleep. Anyways, I’m going to hit the sheets. Early to bed, early to rise.” She leans in and plants a kiss on my forehead.
“I think I’ll go to bed too, I’m tired.”
“I bet, you’ve had a long day,” she says.
She turns off the tv and I sheepishly climb out of the chair and follow her up stairs. On our way up the stairs I catch a glimpse under her nightgown. What I see nearly throws me for a loop. Not only is she not wearing any underwear but between her legs was a massive cock and balls swinging with every step. It’s the biggest dick I’ve ever seen. It has to be twice as big as my own cock when I’m hard and it’s still flaccid. Her balls are completely hairless and look like two grapefruits dangling down from a giant tree trunk.
“Tomorrow, we’ll get your homeschooling started,” she says as she looks over her shoulder. I can feel my face burn bright red.
“Ah. right… Yeah. Sounds good…” I stutter, quickly looking away.
Once we’ve climbed up two flights of stairs, I walk into my room and climb into bed, instantly passing out.
As I make my way down to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, Eve’s already there. She’s completely naked. Her fat cock is standing at attention. She walks over to me and pushes me to my knees. I left completely speechless as she shoves that fat cock into my mouth. With fistfuls of hair she starts fucking my face. Using my throat as a fleshlight. “Such a good boy, Shay. Take my cock into your throat. From now on you’re going to be my little sissy maid sex slave.”
I gag and groan as her cock plunges down into my throat. “You’re going to be wearing a nice maid outfit from now on.”
I look down and all of a sudden my clothes have been replaced by a girl’s maid outfit. I have fishnet stockings on, a black mini skirt with white trim and a corset on. My hands are covered in white gloves as I desperately try to push her off of me as her mammoth dick sinks to the back of my throat. “You’re so sexy in that cute maid outfit. You were born to be my sissy slut.”
She continues to pump her cock in and out of my throat. “The perfect cum dump. Cleans, cooks, and sucks cock,” she moans as her hands grip my hair tightly, thrusting her hips as those big cum filled balls smack against my chin. “Such a little sissy, you deserve to have a dick down your throat. I bet your little weenie is so hard from deepthroating my cock. You’re such a slut.”
Finally she grunts as a load of cum shoots into my mouth. She continues to deposit her seed as my mouth overflows causing cum to spill out from my lips. She pulls her cock out of my mouth and continues to explode her sticky seed all over me. Load after load hit my face, landing on my lips and completely covering me in her jizz. My own cock starts to shoot out cum. The sudden orgasm overtakes me.
End Scene The Next Day
I shoot up from my bed, feeling groggy. My underwear is soaked, along with my sheets. I reach down and feel my cock as it finished spewing out a load of sticky white liquid all over. It was only a dream, but it felt so real. I take a finger and wipe it up. Then I take a sniff of it. It’s definitely not piss. I taste it and it has this rather salty taste, but not a bad salty taste. It’s cum! I came in my sleep! How did that happen? Do I really want to suck my sister’s cock? And wearing a maid’s outfit? No… It’s just a dream. But then why did I cum from it? I lick the rest of the cum off my fingers. I can’t believe I actually find myself liking the taste.
I get out of bed and put on a pair of clean underwear, shorts and a t-shirt. Then I make my way down stairs and into the kitchen. Eve’s downstairs making herself a cup of coffee. She’s wearing the same nightgown as the night before, only without the robe. “You’re up awfully early…” she says.
“I had a weird dream…”
“Yeah? What was it about?” she asks.
The thought of sucking her fat cock in a maid outfit rushed through my mind. “Uh… nothing, I barely remember it.”
“Ooh… Well dreams can be really complicated. Our subconscious likes to show us things about ourselves that we don’t truly understand,” she says as she takes a sip of coffee as if she read my mind.
“How do you know all this?” I ask.
“I’ve got a bachelors in Psychology,” she says.
“Really!? Wow, I never knew… Mom and dad never really talked about you…” I say, as I try to reach the top shelf for a coffee mug.
“That doesn’t surprise me. Maybe later we can spend a little time together and get to know each other better,” she says as she presses against me and grabs a coffee mug. I tense up when I feel her cock rub against my tush.
She immediately pulls away. I glance at her as she looks away, her face is bright red. “Here,” she says, handing me the mug.
“Thanks.” I take the mug from her and make myself a cup of coffee. The room is awkwardly silent.
“So… Christmas is coming up soon, will you help me decorate?” she asks.
“Yes! Absolutely! I love decorating, I was always mom’s little helper,” I say and she cringes hearing me mention mom. I feel a sudden sadness, remembering all the times I helped mom decorate. She was always into the holidays. She used to love when I helped her decorate. I also see the pain in Eve’s face. “I’m sorry, I should stop talking about them.”
“No, don’t apologize. I know how hard it is losing people you care about,” she says as she sets her coffee cup down and pulls me into a hug. She presses my face against the those large breasts. She smells so good. Like a basket of fruit with a musky after scent. Suddenly I feel something poke my stomach and she immediately pulls away. “Well I should get on with my routine. After lunch we’ll get you started on some school work.”
“Okay, that sounds great. Can I do some laundry?” I ask.
“Yeah, by all means go right ahead. But how do you have enough dirty clothes to do a load of laundry?” she asks. I instantly blush bright red and pull my gaze from her eyes.
“I… uh… Well… It’s a little embarrassing…”
“Did you have a wet dream?” she asks, giggling.
“No! Wait… I didn’t wet the bed if that’s what your asking.”
“No silly, a wet dream isn’t pissing the bed. It’s when you have an erotic dream that causes you to… well… jizz in your sleep.”
“Oh…” I say, looking down to my feet, feeling embarrassed.
“It’s okay, it’s a natural occurrence, nothing to be ashamed about,” she says as she lifts up my chin. “Did you ever take sex ed?”
“Well… mom and dad said that I need to wait until I’m married to have sex and it needs to be with a woman.”
“Mom and dad are idiots.”
“No they’re not!” I argue.
“I’m sorry, I mean, they’re biased. They see the world as black and white. Good and evil. That’s not how the world works,” she says as she strokes my cheek with her thumb. “It’s okay to have sexual desires. Sex isn’t a bad thing. It’s a beautiful thing between two people. Even if they’re not the same gender.”
“Really? But mom and dad said that anything that isn’t marital heterosexual sex is a sin.”
“Shay, loving someone can’t be wrong. Even if they’re the same gender. And sex is a physical act between two people, nothing more, nothing less,” she says. As awkward as it is to talk to Eve about this stuff, it makes me feel better. “Now, I’m going start my routine. Are you going to be okay?”
I nod yes and she gives me one last kiss on the cheek before she strolls off. I can’t help but watch her ass sway as she heads upstairs. My cock twitches in my pants. Before she leaves for upstairs she turns to me. “Would you mind doing some of my laundry while you’re at it?”
“Not at all,” I say as I quickly tear my gaze down from her. I hope she didn’t catch me staring at her ass. “Thank you so much, you’re such a sweetheart.” Then she heads upstairs and disappears into her office.
I grab my coffee and head up to my room. Once inside, I tear cum stained sheets off the bed and take them along with my semen soaked underwear and head to the laundry room. I throw the sheets in and start the washing machine. Then I head up to Eve’s bathroom and grab her laundry basket full of dirty clothes. She’s got enough dirty clothes for two loads. Might as well do them all. I set them in the Laundry room and head up to my room as I wait for the Laundry to finish.
I grab my tablet and start surfing the internet. First I hit up The Shadow Leaks, my favorite website to find any new information about evolves and superheroes. I still can’t believe we live in a world where people have superpowers and superheroes are real. It’s just so crazy.
So far there aren’t any new videos uploaded. Just the old ones of the Ghost killing those clowns. Oh wait… This one’s new. The Shadow… Sounds interesting. I click the play button to see police officers being pinned down at a traffic light by a bunch of thugs with guns. Looks like this is footage from a traffic cam. It looks like the criminals have the policed pin down from both sides of the intersection.The thugs have three cars lined up with four guys hiding behind each car all holding guns on the street going perpendicular to the street the cops are pinned down on. There’s a bridge for a highway off to the side with a semi parked underneath. While the thugs and cops are firing at each other I notice a figure dressed in black jump off the bridge onto the trailer of the semi. It appears to be a woman. She rolls off the trailer onto the ground. She’s got some kind of blanket or something in her arms. She throws it over herself and suddenly completely disappears. What the hell?
A guy behind the car closest to the bridge all of a sudden looks as if he’s been stabbed. A hand appears from thin air and grabs the guys pistol from his hip holster and shoots the other three down. One of the rifles that the dead guy had starts to float off from the ground. Suddenly, the girl reappears as she pulls off the cloak she was wearing that made her invisible. She’s got the assault rifle in her hands. She charges at the second group of thugs and plugs them full of holes. The guys hiding behind the third vehicle all look over to what’s going on, but they’re too late. She’s got the drop on them. She lights them up. She then runs back to the other vehicle and grabs her cloak, puts it on and vanishes.
That was crazy! She just killed them all without mercy. I quickly scroll down and read the comments. They’re calling her The Shadow. She’s some kind of ruthless vigilante that has been seen killing several gang members.
Strangely that got me a little aroused. I pull up an erotic site and browse through some stories, there’s a few from one of my favorite authors Phoenix Cinders, but I’ve read them all. Finally I find one that peaks my interest. It’s about a crossdressing sissy by an author called Winter Snow. I know I shouldn’t be turned on by the idea, but my curiosity got the best of me. I started reading the story and it was so hot. It was about this femboy who kind of reminded me of myself. Blonde hair, short and slim. A nice bubble butt. Anyways, he got femmed out by his mother and half way through the story she has him bent over with a fat cock up his ass. The deion of the mother kind makes me think of Eve, strangely. I take off my shorts and underwear and start rubbing my little cock, I can’t get Eve out of my head.
Those large breasts of hers I’d love to shove my face into. Those thighs… oh god how I would love to be in between them. Her ass is so perfect. Then my mind wanders to her fat cock. I only got a glimpse of it, but wow was it thick and long. Her flaccid cock is nearly double the size of my own dick when it’s hard. Her hairless large ball sack I can see myself licking them clean. I can only imagine what it smells like. Then the thought of her fucking me while I’m wearing a maid outfit fills my thoughts. A black fluffy mini skirt that can barely hide my ass. A white pair of silk panties that fit so perfectly over my bubble butt. Uhhh god, I can feel myself getting close. Maybe Eve would shove her fat cock up my little tight ass hole while I try to dust the high up cupboards… A thick cock like hers would surely stretch out my tiny butt hole.
I continue to jerk my little cock while thinking of being split in two by Eve’s big dick. She’d force herself on me, maybe she’d shove that fat cock down my throat. Make me gag on her thick dick. The thought excites me. Suddenly the door opens and Eve walks in. “Hey Shay, what would you… Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” she gasps as she stares at me while my cock suddenly erupts all over myself, covering my tight tummy in jizz. Some even landed on my face.
“Oh god!” I moan out, lost in the orgasm and completely humiliated in front of Eve. She laughs as I try to get a hold of myself.
I quickly try to clean the jizz off as I hide my little weenie. “I’m sorry Eve, I…”
“Don’t be sorry, by the way you missed a spot.” She gestured up to my face, I immediately blush as she walks over and takes a seat next to me. I try to cover my penis with my hands. “There’s nothing to be ashamed about. Masterbating is a natural part of life.”
“You mean your not mad at me?” I ask.
She takes her thumb and wipes up the jizz off my face. What she does next catches me completely off guard. She licks the jizz of her thumb. My jizz! My mind is completely blown.
“God I love the taste of cum… “ she moans before looking back at me. “How could I be made at you? I masturbate all the time.”
“Really?” I ask.
“Come on! I live in the middle of nowhere all by myself. Of course I jerk off. I’m sure you’re aware that I’m a transgender woman. Mom or dad probably mentioned their disdain for what they would call “my condition.” I have the same urges you have,” she tells me.
“Actually mom and dad never said anything about you being transgender,” I explain.
“Of course they didn’t. They wouldn’t want the word to get out that their son became a woman… Well, for the most part,” she says. “By the way, you didn’t seem all that surprised by this. If they didn’t tell you, how did you find out?”
“I accidently saw your… Uh… Your penis last night when we were walking up the stairs…” I mutter nervously.
“Ahhh, ooops… Sorry about that. I’m not used to wearing underwear in the house. Or clothes for that matter,” she says giggling.
“It’s okay… I… I don’t mind…” I tell her.
“Well you’re sweet and I’m relieved your so open minded about all if this. I was afraid you’d be put off by me being transgender. I thought for sure you inherited mom and dad’s phobias.” She rests her arm around me while she intertwines her fingers in mine with her other hand and plants a kiss on my cheek.
“Mom and dad were wrong. You’re perfect just the way you are,” I tell her.
Eve looks at me with those eyes… I can see the water form in the corners as she holds on tight to my hand. She stands up and pulls me into a hug. She presses my head into the heat of her breast. I can feel her cock up against my stomach. Finally she pulls my face up and lays a kiss on my forehead. “I never wanted to leave you, Shay. That was my biggest regret.”
“Well… Now we have a second chance to connect once more,” I tell her.
She gives me a smile. “Let’s not waste it.”
She pulls me in for a long embrace and gives me one more kiss on the forehead. I can feel her cock once more against my stomach and it causes my own little dick to twitch up against her leg and suddenly remember my lower half is completely naked. I quickly pull away and try to hide my little pecker.
She laughs. “You don’t need to hide your cute little cock from me, Shay. I just saw you ejaculate all over yourself.” She pulls my hands away from my crotch to reveal my hard on.
“I… I didn’t mean to… uhhh get a boner…” I stutter trying to overcome my humiliation and embarrassment.
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