Eroflu Author’s Guide
Eroflu Author’s Guide
Sex Story Author: | jadling |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Visual impairment could prevent this signaling, but the virus has already developed alternative but slower ways to communicate for these |
Sex Story Category: | Male / Females |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, Male / Females, Mind Control |
Eroflu is an erotic science fiction setting open to other authors to write in. It’s intended as a scientifically plausible scenario for a mass impregnation harem fantasy, without the usual baggage of stories in that genre that annoy readers like me. It’s obviously not for everyone and it’s not meant to be. It’s for readers who like fantasizing about one man getting a lot of women, but who have trouble identifying with an intentionally mind-controlling man, can’t suspend disbelief about large numbers of women just throwing themselves at a man for no reason or for magical reasons, or can’t help thinking about little details like the difficulty of impregnation, sexual stamina limits, or the risks of the characters getting STDs.
Again, the point is an unintentional harem, so the man being confused and the situation being out of his control are essential to an Eroflu story. The consequences of the virus trying to breed each man can play out in many different ways. The virus is learning and changing, trying out different things, and each main character is different. So there’s a ton of flexibility for how different authors could interpret Eroflu.
Everything in this guide is eventually explained or at least hinted at in Eroflu Shanghai, but it takes a while for the characters to figure it all out. For most readers, I think it’d be more fun to learn all of this the way the characters do. This is here as a reference for other authors who I hope are considering writing their own Eroflu spinoff stories, for readers who might have missed or been confused by the brief explanations in the story, and for overly analytical types like me who need to know the scientific mechanisms behind a story before suspending disbelief.
To avoid spoilers, I’d suggest reading Eroflu Shanghai through at least chapter 12 before reading any of this guide, and reading through the epilogue before reading the Epilogue Secret section at the end.
Eroflu basics
Eroflu, short for erogenous influenza, is a mutant strain of the influenza virus that creates a viral network of altered brain cells within a human body, resulting in a separate intelligent being with its own motives. The virus is present in everyone, but can only take on its full form in a few people with a rare combination of genetic quirks. It wants those few people to spread their DNA as much as possible, so it tries to encourage them to breed. It can’t control them, but it’s very good at magnifying sexual attraction, pleasure, and breeding instincts.
The first Eroflu series, Eroflu Shanghai, is about an accountant named Jim who suddenly finds every attractive woman he meets reacting strangely to him during a one-week work trip in China. Other spinoff stories should take place after the events of Eroflu Shanghai and should focus on a whole new set of characters, although it’s ok to have an occasional cameo by some of the characters from Eroflu Shanghai.
Other than the research team Jim recruits in Shanghai (see Eroflu Shanghai Chs. 12, 17, and epilogue), nobody is aware that erogenous influenza is having any effects on anyone. Scientists are of course aware that all other infectious diseases including STDs have been eradicated, but they don’t know that the eroflu caused this, and they think the eroflu is harmless.
Spread of the virus and spread of its commands
Six months before the events of Eroflu Shanghai, the virus already spread to everyone and grew a network of modified nerve cells in everyone’s body. These networks are small in most people, hidden within their brains where they’re mostly indistinguishable from normal brain tissue, so they won’t be detected by medical scans. In a few people with a rare combination of genetic quirks, such as Jim, it can spread much more extensively throughout their body and become a sentient being. The result is a parallel nervous system with many nodules of nerve tissue scattered throughout the body that together function as a second brain. In this full form, any medical scan would reveal that something is very wrong. Biopsy of the tissue reveals that it’s nerve tissue, not cancerous (as doctors will first assume), that the neurons are larger and denser than normal, and that the cells are all infected with the Eroflu virus.
The resulting children will appear completely normal and healthy. They have the genetic quirks that will allow the virus to take on its full form, but the virus waits to do this until they are mature. The virus knows that these children might be studied, and it patiently waits to activate in them. Any medical scans of the children will find they don’t have the nodules Jim has.
The small networks in most bodies are not sentient beings. They can follow and pass along commands that originate from the sentient network in Jim or in any other people like him, using facial muscle twitch signaling. Some of them have slightly more developed networks, allowing more complex commands such as those that give them hunches about how best to pleasure others (see the helpers section below). When any two people are within about 20 feet of each other, these signals can be so subtle that the people don’t consciously notice them. From farther away, the twitches need to be stronger and are noticed, felt as a quick series of facial muscle spasms. If he’s wearing sunglasses it will interfere with this signaling since it mostly happens in the muscles around the eyes. If only she is wearing sunglasses, she can still receive a signal from him causing her to move her sunglasses out of the way to look at him.
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