
End of the world – Chapter 7

For those looking for just sex in a story this one will not be for you. There is quite a bit of story and not so much sex. Notice the scroll-bar. It is small, indicating a long story.

Spring was just about over. Today was the first really warm day and everyone was taking advantage of it. It was a lazy afternoon and the kids were all out playing somewhere. Last summer we had created a ball diamond in one of the small meadows near the house and quite a few of the children were over there. Swimming was a favorite pastime, and on a warm day like today, and at least half of the children could be found there.

Eight of us were sitting on the porch, drinking lemonade. The group included my mom and all my sisters, I thought of Sharon, Janelle and Mikey as sisters, it seemed like they had always been with us at this point. We were trying to decide what to do about our growing numbers. We had stretched our land past its reasonable limits. This was a conversation we had put off many times before. Tough choices were going to come out of it and none of us were really ready to face them yet.

Mom had long supported the idea of our moving some families to other farms and ranches around us. “I don’t see why we cannot just use the farms that are already around us”.

I did not think it would work for us, “Mom, I understand. You don’t want the family to spread out, but we have to. We are right below the snow line. This is marginal farmland. It is hard to grow food here or for feed for our livestock”.

Megan supported mom, “We have been fine so far. Look how much we have grown and we feed everyone”.

I nodded. “You are right. We have grown. But we are going to have huge growth in the next couple of years. We have thirty girls of childbearing age now, not counting you”. Several of the women opened their mouths to protest but I raised my hand to stop them. “I know you all have really slowed down, or stopped, but accidents happen”. Several of the women smiled and pointed a finger at me. “Yes, I know. I’m the cause of the accidents, but I do get some help”. Then I continued, “That thirty is going to grow by several every year. So unless you are going to institute an abstinence program we are going to be up to our armpits in babies soon”.

Mom had been slowly rocking, looking at the floor, now she spoke up, “That is one genie that is not going back in the bottle”. That got everyone laughing.

I had more to my argument but before I could continue one of the children, seven year-old Cindy, came up and tugged on my arm. “Daddy, do you know where Karen is”?
Karen was ten, or was she eleven? It is hard to keep up. “She said she would help me fix my doll”. Cindy held up a doll in one hand and its head and an arm in the other.

Susan, her mother asked, “She might be swimming or playing baseball, have you looked there”?

“Yes mommy. She’s not there”.

“Well, what about the clubhouse”? I asked. We had built a small one-room playhouse for the kids in a meadow about a quarter mile away. There was a bed in there for them to take the occasional nap though I suspected the older kids used it for other purposes. It was far enough from the house that the kids could play away from the adults but close enough for us to check on them. There was a small spring in the middle of the meadow that had the coldest, sweetest water year around.

Cindy nodded her head and ran off to check.

I did not want to lose any headway I had made so I jumped right back in, “Regarding moving to other farms, we are already using some of those farms now. So simply moving there does not add anything for us other than spreading us out; though that does help us with sanitation. But even if we spread a bit farther we are still working with marginal land”. I pointed west, “But just thirty or forty miles west of us is great farmland. I have read about it in our books. It is some of the finest farmland in the world. It is just what we need. We will be able to grow things almost year around”. I looked at each of them in turn, “If we move some of the family there we will not have any of the issues with land that we have here. Then as we grow we will already be on land that will support us”.

As I looked around at my sisters, several of them were nodding their heads in agreement. Even mom seemed to be coming around. She said, “I guess I just do not want any of my babies to move away from me”.

Just as she was about to say something else Cindy came running up to me again, “There is something wrong with Karen”.

Susan, who was sitting next to me pulled Cindy up on her lap and asked, “What is it”?

“I don’t know. She’s crying and bleeding”.

I stood up, “Cindy, do you know what happened to her”?

“No, she would not talk to me”.

I turned to Megan, “Megan, would you get a first-aid kit and follow me over”? I started jogging over. Several of my sisters also followed behind me. I hoped it would not be too serious. Our small cemetery had grown over the years.

When I reached the meadow the clubhouse was about thirty feet in front of me. I did not see anyone around the outside but I could hear some faint crying. She must be inside. What could she have cut herself on? I walked through the door and saw Karen laying on her side, naked, her knees pulled up to her chest, on a bed in the far corner. From here I could see some blood on her face. It looked like it had dripped down from her chin onto her chest.

I went over to her, “Karen honey, are you okay”? I reached out to touch her but she shrank away from me. Then her eyes focused on me and she reached up and put her arms around me neck and cried a bit harder. As I held her I heard Susan and Megan come in. When I turned to look, Sharon also came in and they all walked over and stood behind me.

Karen’s crying gradually died away so I tried again, “What happened? How did you cut yourself”? I could see blood but could not see where it was coming from.

Megan had moved beside us and was looking at Karen. “Dan, she did not cut herself. Look”. Megan turned Karen’s face towards me and I could see she had a badly cut lip.
I could also see the imprint of an open hand on the side of her face. Like someone had slapped her hard. Megan then moved Karen’s legs apart “Look at all the bruising around her vagina. Someone tried to rape her. She is only eleven”.


“Yes, it does not look like he was successful”.

That is impossible I thought. We have not seen anyone else here in years. Who could have done this? “Karen, who did this to you”?

Karen shook her head and then moved away from me to Megan and let her hold her.

I reached out to her, “Honey, please talk to Daddy. Who did this? What happened”?

“I can’t Daddy. He’ll hurt me again. He said not to say anything or he would get me and do it again”.

“Honey, you need to tell me who did this. Was it a stranger”? That seemed hardly likely though. It was starting to break through to me that it was not a stranger. We had not seen anyone since Sharon and her girls had arrived years ago. When Karen shook her head I asked, “Then it had to be one of your brothers, which one did this”? Even as I asked I was getting a suspicion of whom it had to be, the only brother that could possibly do this. But how could he do this to his sister?

Karen shook her head carefully, it must be really hurting her, and buried her face between Megan’s breasts. The warm weather had caused most of us to discard our clothing. Even though we had ample clothing now, a result of our frequent trips to the nearby town, we had gone nude for so many years that it seemed more natural to us than to go clothed.

Megan lifted Karen’s chin gently, “Karen, you need to tell us. We’ll protect you. We won’t let anyone hurt you”.

But she was still not convinced, “He said if I told he would get me when I’m sleeping”.

I reached out and touched her head, “Karen, you can sleep with mommy or with me. We will not let anything happen to you. Please tell us what happened? Did he find you here”?

Karen’s head turned slightly towards me, she seemed calmer now. “I was going swimming but he said he had something he wanted to show me here”.

Sharon moved up next to us with a wet rag in her hand. I had not even noticed that she had left the room. Megan mouthed a ‘thank you’ and took it and began gently cleaning up Karen’s face and chest. While she was doing this she asked, “Then what happened”?

“When we got here he told me to go and sit on the bed. After I sat down I asked him what he wanted to show me. I thought maybe he was going to give me a kitten. I saw him playing with one earlier this morning. He said to close my eyes and keep them closed. After I closed them I felt something bumping my face and then pushing against my lips. When I opened my eyes Frank was trying to push his penis into my mouth. It was really hard and pointing at me. He had been wearing shorts and he had taken them off”.

At the mention of Frank’s name Megan and I looked up at each other. Frank was the only possibility I could think of in the family and I found it hard to believe that even he could do this. Frank was Sharon’s oldest child. From his early years he was difficult. He could not share anything with his brothers or sisters. He would fight for anything he wanted that was not immediately given to him when he wanted it. And when he fought, he would not hold anything back. He seemed to have no concept of family. If he hurt someone he did not appear to care as long as he got what he wanted. And now at sixteen, he could hurt someone pretty easily.

“He kept telling me to open my mouth but I kept it closed. Every time he told me to open my mouth I shook me head no. Then he slapped me really hard so I opened my mouth and he put it in. I didn’t want to Daddy”.

I could see she was beginning to cry again. “That’s okay honey. You did not do anything wrong. How did you get the cut on your mouth”?

“I didn’t know what to do. He told me to suck it and lick it but it was too big. I tried but I don’t think I did it right, he got really mad at me. He told me to keep it in my mouth and he started rubbing his hand on it. Then it squirted in my mouth. I choked and I accidentally bit him. I didn’t mean to. I tried to tell him I was sorry but he got mad again. That’s when he slapped me on the mouth and I bit myself. Then he pushed me down and got on top of me, and hurt me”.

Once she finally got it all out she turned back to Megan and buried her head again. But it seemed the crying was done for now. Megan had cleaned up her face pretty good though the hand print still showed on the side of her face. The rest of the women moved up closer and gave her reassurance that she was going to be fine. Sharon did not move. She stayed back, watching me.

I stood up and quickly walked out of the playhouse, followed by Sharon, and started back to the main house. In my first reaction to the rage I felt I, wanted to go to the house, get a gun and just put an end to him. As I got closer to the house I had calmed down on the scale from a ten to a nine and now I was just going to go and beat the living crap out of him. I could hear Sharon calling for me to wait for her, trying to catch up to me. When I hesitated in front of the house, deciding whether to look for him first at the baseball game or the swimming hole, Sharon finally caught up to me.

Out of breath from chasing me, she asked, “Please Danny, don’t hurt him”? She must have guessed what I originally had intended because she moved around between me and the house. She had her arms on mine to try and stop me if I continued to the house. “He’s our son”.

“Yes, He’s our, my, son. But Karen is also my daughter. Think of what he did to her? You know something is wrong with Frank. He hurts other kids and does not care. He has no conscience. We cannot allow him to be with us”. Just saying the words finally helped me decide what to do. I would not hurt him, but he could not stay with us. He had stepped over too big a line.

“Okay, Sharon. I won’t hurt him. A beating will not do any good. It will only make me feel better. God knows, I want to feel better. But he is not going to change. If anything it will just give him a reason to hurt someone else. But he cannot stay here any more”.

“What do you mean? Where can he go”?

“I’m not sure yet. I have to think on it. For now I don’t want you to talk to him. I am going to go and find him and have a talk. I want you to stay away from him until tomorrow morning. I want you to sleep with me tonight”.

I could see the anger building in her face, “You tell me to stay away from my son, that you are going to send him away from our home, and at the same time you want to fuck me tonight”?

Oh god, she completely misunderstood. “That is not what I meant. I do not want you talking with Frank tonight. You can talk to him in the morning. I thought if we were together tonight we would have a chance to talk what to do, you and I”.

I said, “I’m going to go and find Frank now. I need to talk to him”. She took a step towards me and I held out my hand to stop her, “I said I would not hurt him”. That seemed to satisfy her.

I left her standing there, watching me, as I went towards the baseball field. When I got close to the field I stood back and scanned the area, looking for Frank. I spotted Jason and Paul, my two oldest sons sitting under a tree watching the game but no Frank. I moved on to them and squatted down beside them. They had grown into to fine young men, both of them twenty years old now. All my sons were fine young men. Well, almost all of them. But Jason and Paul were my oldest, there was a special place in my heart for them.

I waited a minute, trying not to be obvious. “Have either of you seen Frank”?

Without looking from the game, Jason answered, “I think I might have seen him going towards the swimming hole”.

“Thanks”. I was about to get up when I noticed that it was not the game that had Jason’s attention. He was staring at the twins. Mikey’s sixteen year-old twin daughters. If I did not have other things pressing I would stay and stare also. They were gorgeous. They both had long silky black hair like their mother. Where their mother was not five feet tall, she insisted she was, the rest of us doubted it, her daughters had inherited my DNA and were a good six inches taller than their mother. Where their mother had small, but really nice, breasts, the twins were nicely filled out. Not huge, just very nice, the kind where you wanted to wrap your hands around them. They also had a very exotic mixed race look. Somewhere between their Japanese mother and whatever mongrel European heritage I had. It was also the same with Sharon’s children though not quite as dramatic because Sharon was already very light skinned to begin with.

Somewhere along the line it seems the younger girls had started a tradition. I think Mary and Janice started it. As each of my daughters reached fourteen they slept with me first. Sometimes they just stayed for the one night. Sometimes they stayed up to a couple of weeks. It did not always result in a pregnancy, but frequently it did. I did not encourage it, but I certainly did nothing to discourage it. But it has been two years and Pam and Patricia, the twins, had never come to my bedroom. As far as I know they had not visited any of my son’s bedrooms either. Though I could tell they would be welcome by the erections I would sometimes see when the boys were looking at the twins.

When I finally pulled my eyes away from the twins I saw Jason looking at me. He said, “They are quite an eye full aren’t they”? I gave him a nod and stood up. Before I could leave he asked, “If you are looking for Frank, would you like Paul and I to come along”?

“No, that’s okay. I just need to talk to him”. As I left I could feel him watching me. Why would he think he and Paul should come also? What has been going on with Frank and the others? Have there been other things happening that we have not heard about?

As I approached the swimming hole I spotted Frank off to one side of the path on a little rise overlooking the area. He was sitting on a table in a little picnic area we had made.
Without really trying to, I was able to get within just a couple of feet before he was aware I was there. He was looking off to the side away from me and I turned to see what he was looking at. My anger rose again when I saw that there were six of my younger daughters, ages nine to twelve lying naked on a couple of blankets, sunbathing. About twenty feet to the left were around fifteen girls, aged fourteen to eighteen, all naked, very sexy, splashing around in the water. I could not see very many boys with them. Apparently most of them were over playing baseball. As I looked over the group I could see one young couple in the water.

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