Emperor’s Bodyguard (Complete)
Emperor’s Bodyguard (Complete)
Sex Story Author: | Kenneth Hammond |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She and Silvia were both ecstatic and Tinker pulled Silvia into her quarters to… celebrate. Michelle was sitting in the |
Sex Story Category: | Non-Erotic |
Sex Story Tags: | Non-Erotic, Science-Fiction |
Chapter one
The insystem liner released the shuttle with a jarring thud that shook the entire ship. I glanced over my readout one more time, “How does it look Tinker?”
My engineer growled, “She is an ancient bitch but we are still in the green. Just stay away from that damn brat.”
I grinned as I keyed the comm, “Beta Seven control, this is Green Two. Free of Sister’s Delight.”
“Copy Green Two. Your course is clear for decal and entry.”
I grinned and glanced at Tinker, “My engineer requests I avoid the brat since we have had two prior encounters. We request you check her location.”
There was a long pause, “Green Two, Beta Seven Major says to just stay your course.”
I laughed and then a flash of yellow on my course scan caught my eye. I flipped to another check and the flight scanner screamed and flashed red. There was an unpowered ship in front of us and we had no chance to miss it! I spun the ship upside down and jerked down towards the planet, “Divert power to shields!”
I could hear Tinker cussing and the comm came alive with demands I ignored. “Breaking atmosphere Tinker we will need the fins half open.”
The shuttle was shaking and being tossed around as the shield glowed red. I flicked open the comm as I righted the ship and tried to bring the nose up, “Beta Seven control, Green Two. Declaring an emergency, an unpowered ship registered to the Ducal family was in our fight path.”
I glanced at Tinker as he cursed and spun to the shield panels. I looked at my readout to see it jumping from past redline to dead, “Shit Tinker, divert the generators!”
He glared at me as his hands flew over the panels, “Just fly the damn ship!”
I shook my head and spun the ship with auxiliary jets until we were actually flying backwards. I shoved the throttles forward and the whole ship screamed as it began shaking even worse and red lights began to pop up on my readouts.
Tinker turned to say something but I was already bringing the ship back around and killing the thrust, “Breakthrough in one minute Tinker just hold the shield together.”
I checked my readout and shook my head, “The anti grav is in the yellow Tinker.”
“Shut the hell up and get us down!”
I grinned, “Maybe you should ask the duke if the brat can fly second seat. At least we would know where she was.”
He grinned, “You do know the comm is open right?”
I glanced down and shook my head as another readout flashed from yellow to red. “They can yell at me if we live.”
The shield flared and changed color, “Breakthrough Tinker. Open the fin vents completely and start generator checks. Beta Seven control, Green two. In atmosphere and flying hot.”
I ignored their answer as I inverted the ship and rotated again and then fired the main engines for a short burst that almost made me think the ship was going to shake apart. Tinker spun to the generator panels, “Anti grav in the red!”
I cursed and checked my speed before bringing the ship back around killing the thrust again. “Alright Tinker, shields are holding and our speed is down to twenty five thousand. Beta Seven control, this is Green Two. Course change to two seventy dropping to forty thousand.”
“Green Two you are still trailing flame, brake to two thousand.”
I glanced at Tinker and he grumped, “Morons.”
I grinned, “Beta Seven control could you tell us how to do that?”
Tinker laughed as he moved to the anti grav panels, “The anti grav is not going to hold for long Skip.”
I nodded as the comm channel remained silent, “I will use S turns to help brake the ship.”
Tinker glanced at his panels, “Just do not take to long.”
The shaking of the ship was starting to smooth out as I made a long turn. “We are down to Twenty thousand Tinker. We have a second, check our passengers and see how their doing.”
Tinker turned to open his display, “Does not look like anyone is too sick.”
I smiled as I made another slow turn, “George has them watching the displays?”
Tinker had turned back to his panels, “Looks like it. Good thing he needed a ride home.”
I nodded as I checked our speed and distance to Beta Seven. “Okay Tinker, time to get things moving towards the barn. Beta Seven control, Green Two. Taking a heading of nine zero and dropping to twenty thousand. Clear a pad and have EM standing by.”
“You are still hot Green Two.”
I shook my head, “You let me worry about that Beta Seven.”
As fast as we were moving I still had time to do a couple of checks. “Tinker, check the generators again. I have a fluctuation in the second generator readout.”
He spun and his hand flicked over the panel, “Shit! Shutting down the secondary generator!”
I shook my head, “That did not help Tinker. The main engines are only at half power.”
He grunted, “Better half power than blowing up from a runaway.”
I nodded and started another wide slow turn that brought our speed down to almost ten thousand. I brought up an external mapping display and did some calculations of speed, distance and altitude. It was going to be close as I made another turn, “Beta Seven control, Green Two. Dropping to ten thousand and heading to one eighty.”
Tinker glanced at me, “Did you want to punch the passengers out before we reach Beta Seven?”
I shook my head, “Not unless something else falls off.”
He grinned, “You could teach the brat how to fly without anti gravs and only half power for engines. Why the hell did she park outside the atmosphere and shut everything off anyway?”
I shrugged and made another turn to approach Beta Seven, “I do not know Tinker; maybe she forgot how to fly.”
He nodded and fine tuned the panels as I did another check on the distance. Another long slow turn and we were down to just over two thousand. “Beta Seven control, Green Two. Taking a heading of one hundred and dropping to five thousand for a straight in approach.”
“You are still hot Green Two.”
I just looked at Tinker and he shook his head. I opened the ship comm, “We are on final to Beta Seven. The hard part is coming up so relax and do not bump my elbow.”
I shut the internal comm off and took a breath. We were approaching the outer marker as I started another turn, “Put the anti gravs on standby Tinker and prep the main engines for a short burst. Beta Seven control, this is Green Two. Passing outer marker.”
“Green Two abort, abort, abort…”
We could hear sirens behind his voice as we approached the inner marker at over a thousand knots. I made a course change and looked at the map display as it zoomed in. I picked out an empty pad and dropped to a thousand feet. I took a breath and counted down before rotating and flipping the ship end for end.
Using jets I brought the anti gravs up with the main engines. The ship shook violently as the main engines roared, “Drop the landing legs Tinker!”
I watched the speed drop and then killed the engines and powered back the anti gravs. The shuttle bounced as the anti gravs gave out a couple of feet above the pad. I was busy shutting everything down as Tinker was shutting down the shield and grumbling, “Beta Seven control, this is Green Two. We are down on pad five. Thank you for your assistance during this drill.”
I closed the comm as it squealed and turned the seat, “Have George open the outer doors.”
While he spoke to George I started a check on the damage. A blue suited security officer started pounding on the bridge door an hour later. I glanced up and Tinker looked at me, “Time to face the music.”
I smiled, “Finish the evaluation and lock up. I will see you tomorrow.”
I walked to the door and opened it. The officer shrugged, “Sorry sir but the general wants you to report immediately.”
I smiled again, “At least he waited until they unloaded my cargo.”
He grinned, “I hear he was screaming so much no one could understand him.”
I grinned and headed past him. I guess my life has brought a certain amount of sarcasm my way. I walked into the large control room and headed for the far doors. I knocked and thumbed the entry pad. The door opened and I walked into the office to see General White and another man my mental file said was the Duke’s Concierge.
I nodded, “You wanted to see me General?”
He glared, “You can salute Captain Drake!”
I smiled and wiggled my fingers, “You forget, I am a civilian General.”
He glared and the Duke’s Concierge cleared his throat. The General looked at him and then sat back, “You are short a pilot Captain.”
I waited and he nodded, “Your engineer’s request has been granted. The Duke’s daughter, Michelle Grey will be reporting to you as your second seat.”
He looked at the Duke’s Concierge and he walked out. The general looked back at me, “Since your ship is not operating, I have taken the opportunity to assign you a new one.”
I straighten, “I am not buying a new shuttle!”
He smiled an evil smile, “According to the system contract you signed, you have an obligation to complete assigned flights but I was not thinking of another ship. I assigned you a fleet Omega insystem cargo transport ship from our list of decommissioned fleet vessels.”
I looked at him tempted to just walk out. I glanced at the memo board open on his desk and picked it up. I almost grinned but finally nodded, “Fine, what bay is it in and did you arrange for the sale of my shuttle?”
He looked at me with his eyes narrowed, “Hanger bay nine and I am sorry to say the price for your ship was very low.”
I nodded, “It happens.”
I turned for the door and he cleared her throat, “You are scheduled for a flight to Asteria tomorrow night.”
I walked out remembering another time when I was rushed…
Chapter two
First Mission with the Royal Marines
The sergeant leaned in my door, “Gear up private.”
I shifted things around and settled the long bladed mono knife on my left thigh. I made another check of my gear and picked up the new assault rifle. I grabbed my pack and slung it over my other shoulder before heading for the door. Lt Peters was at the ramp into the drop shuttle and the platoon sergeant was making a check of every soldier before they reached him.
My own squad leader had already checked and rechecked my gear. I had only just graduated from advanced training and this was my first permanent assignment. The mission was simple, drop onto Protus and move to the Senior Hive. Make a show of force and then pull back to the pick up site. It was a mission straight from the Emperor’s counsel.
The entire mission intel came from Duke Tonis and said we only needed light weapons because the warriors armor was fragile. Whatever the mission was supposed to do, I felt uneasy about it. The shuttle dropped free from the insystem transport and began decal. To keep the Hive government from expecting us we had used an unarmed civilian transport.
Two orbits in constant decal were enough to start our entry into atmosphere. Everything was going as planned but I was still nervous. The Lt was new; we all knew he was rich just from looking at the jeweled mono knife he carried. The shuttle was down only long enough to drops us and then it was heading skyward.
We had started our walk to the Senior Hive when they attacked. The penetrators from our assault rifles had little effect. As the warriors hit our line, I dropped the rifle and pulled my mono knife. After that it was a nightmare of slicing pincers and stabbing stingers. Our withdrawal to the pick up site was marred by the jamming of our comms.
When we pulled our dead and wounded into the pick up zone only twelve marines were still on their feet and uninjured. I took a second mono knife from a fallen comrade and moved to the perimeter. It was good that the warriors seem to be very short sighted. The rush of warriors was loud over the quiet of the jungle.
I blocked a slashing pincher ignoring the scream of pain from the warrior as it was cut off. I slid forward stabbing into the thorax and then spinning to avoid a stinger and slicing through it with my other knife. I spun, cutting through the legs of a warrior as it lunged for the Lt. I followed it with a stab into its head before moving back into position.
I lopped off a slicing pincer and then slid in and cut the head from the body. The warriors were suddenly retreating and I looked around to see four of my comrades down. We moved everyone closer together and drank water. We all thought we knew how this was going to turn out and rested while we could. The rush of warriors was loud enough to bring us to our feet and into place. I was resigned and just let my training take over.
I ducked and slid in to stab into the thorax and then danced back to turn aside at a thrust of a stinger. I stabbed back into the head and leaped forward and half onto another warrior. I stabbed through the neck as it struck at the Lt. I rolled off as another warrior’s stinger thrust over my head.
I lunged up and stabbed into the head twisting as I pulled out and slicing through another pincher headed for the Lt. I slid the other way as he killed the warrior and faced a huge warrior as it climbed over other fallen warriors. It was almost as if it was covered in sparkling jewels. I dropped and rolled as it stabbed with a stinger and sliced above me with an open pincher.
I came to my feet and lunged forward to slice down. It screamed in a high pitch voice as my knife sliced off the pincher. I cut across my body in an almost unconscious move that brought another scream as the stinger was cut off. I lunged as it rose up to drop down onto me. One knife slid into the thorax and the other slammed through the bottom of its head.
As I staggered back the warriors pulled back again leaving four of us still on our feet and several wound dead. Some of the wounded had managed to treat others and threw up a barbed barrier to one side. I wiped the blood and gore from my hands and the handles of the two knives I was using.
I sipped water and scanned the area in front of us. Only the Lt., the Platoon sergeant, a corporal from third squad and I were left. While the able wounded made spears tipped with mono knives, the platoon sergeant did something that punched a signal through to our orbital shuttle. The clacking rush of warriors brought me to my feet.
I slid forward and onto the dead body of the huge warrior I had faced. As the warriors struck they parted around the warrior I was standing on and I lunged off the side in a dive. One of my knives cut through the middle thorax of a second warrior facing the corporal. Its front turned towards me and I swung out and across my body, taking the head.
I shifted across the perimeter and cut down, taking a stabbing stinger headed toward the Lt. as he fought a second warrior. My second knife swept back taking half the head with it. I spun, moving a little forward of the perimeter to meet another huge warrior. I dove and rolled, coming up under it as it reared up shuffling back.
I lunged up with both knives sweeping back and forth cutting through the thorax spilling guts down onto me. I twisted sideways cutting back and through two legs as I broke free. I spun back swinging a knife up to block a back swing from a pincher. I lunged into the warrior as the pincher was cut through and stabbed into a glowing eye.
I rolled away and came to my feet with the Lt. pulling me back as the warrior crashed to the ground. I took a couple of steps towards the falling body of the corporal and another huge warrior was suddenly in the opening swinging back towards the platoon sergeant. I vaulted up onto its back, stabbing down and through the body.
The sergeant grunted and stabbed it in the head before falling back. I rolled off the warrior and crouched. The rush was over and I saw the warriors moving away. I pulled the body of the corporal back as the sergeant knelt. I went back to him and saw the blood on his side. I pushed him towards the other wounded, “Move back sergeant.”
I moved forward and started grabbing the huge warrior remembering the way they had avoided touching the first one I killed. After positioning the three huge warriors so that the Lt was still beside me, I wiped everything off again. The clacking started again and then the loud sounds of the warriors rushing.
The first warrior that rushed into the gap sliced across with a pincer and would have killed me if I had been standing. I had dropped down to knell and ducked under the swing, coming up behind it in a lunge that stabbed one knife through the lower part of the head. I slice away and the head bounced as the body dropped and twitched.
Before it was completely on the ground a second warrior was rushing over it. Its stinger stabbed towards me and I turned sideways and half stepped back avoiding it. I cut out and up and a spray of gore almost blinded me as the stinger spun away.
I back handed a slice at the warrior and was rewarded with a jerk as the head fell forward past me and its pincher barely missed my arm. I lunged sideways, stabbing into the pincer of another warrior as it held the Lt. suspended with its stinger through his shoulder.
My other knife was already moving as it spun to face me tossing the Lt into the gap behind it. My knife sliced off the top of its head and then I was moving to vault over its falling body to get to the Lt. A warrior that had been following the other had struck down with its stinger and stabbed through the Lt’s leg.
I came down and brought one knife across as my other stabbed straight into the tiny throat. My first knife had cut the stinger off that was still in the Lt. I moved forward as the warrior fell, to stand over the Lt as another warrior rushed us. I stabbed out and then sliced across to block a pincer.
I used my other knife to cut the tip off the stinger striking at the Lt. I shifted as the warrior fell back and another warrior took its place. It rushed in slicing across at my head with a pincer as I squatted and struck back. I stood and turned sideways to cut off its stabbing stinger and back sliced half the head away.
A huge warrior started over it before it had even finished falling. I sliced off a foot and then half a pincer before it sprang at me. I parried the striking stinger and turned, swaying back as its heavier body crashed into me. I stabbed up with one knife and down and across with the other.
As the large body jerked and dropped twitching, I turned to face any other warriors that could be coming. They were not though, they were pulling back and I shifted both knives to one hand and squatted to reach under the huge warrior to grab the Lt. I tugged and pulled and finally managed to drag him out.
I pulled him back to the few wounded still alive and returned to move the huge warrior. The sound of clacking and rushing warriors was almost drowned out in the roar of the approaching shuttle. I met the rushing warriors in the narrow gap. I lunged into the first, cutting across and stabbing at the same time.
As it dropped a second was climbing over it and stabbing with its stinger. I turned and cut down as I knelt under a slicing pincher. I stabbed up into the thorax and cut up all the way to the head. As the gore spilled out and it staggered back a heavy explosion rocked the clearing. I lunged forward and sliced across.
The warriors seemed disoriented from the shock of the explosion. As the head of the warrior fell, I was spinning and lunging to stab into the head of a huge warrior as it wobbled around. The warriors were falling back and I got a glimpse of the shuttle drifting down. I sprinted back into the perimeter putting my knife away and slinging the Lt over my shoulder.
I shifted the other knife and grabbed a struggling corporal by his gear. I started dragging him as I moved quickly to the shuttle ramp as it dropped. I set them down and went back for someone else as another explosion rocked the clearing. It took a lot of trips even with the ship crewmen that helped.
When the shuttle lifted, I sagged into the seat in relief and then got up to start moving through my comrades that were still alive. Out of sixty that went down only four lived to make it back to the transport; the Lt, the platoon sergeant, a corporal and me. As the insystem ship accelerated for the heliopause and our starship, messages flashed out.
It took two weeks to reach the waiting starship and it had five others floating alongside with a swarm of insystem assault transports drifting close by. Our docking was given priority and men swiftly moved aboard ship to bring the wounded and dead into the waiting starship. Doctors were moving competently around the Lt, the Platoon sergeant and the corporal and a tall well dressed admiral was waiting for me.
I was led straight into a debriefing room with two other men in coveralls. The questions began and it almost seemed as if they were trying to make me say it was my fault. I got tired of saying I do not know and when one of the men grabbed me, I reacted. Before anyone could say or do anything I had slammed him against the bulkhead.
My fist was moving in a strike that would have killed him, “PRIVATE!”
I froze and my fist stopped barely in time. I took one step back and turned to the admiral and snapped to attention, “Sir, if I am being charged with something I want to know.”
He was looking at the man behind me and looked into my face, “These… men, are from the Nobles Council private. Duke Tonis is being questioned about the information he provided.”
My jaws clenched, “Permission to speak sir?”
He nodded, “Go ahead.”
I cleared my throat, “We were told they were passive. They were not! We were told the warriors had fragile armor and our light penetrators were more than we would need. The damn penetrators bounced off sir! We were told they did not have comm capability to jam us. As soon as it hit the fan they did! Every damn thing we were told was wrong sir. They were waiting for us, sir. That was not a mistake. Once is an accident. Twice is a coincident. But three times is enemy action sir.”
He nodded, “So we believe private.”
He sighed, “You can go check your people private.”
I saluted and walked out. I walked into the sick bay and found the corporal glaring at a civilian shouting at the LT. The platoon sergeant must have still been in surgery. I started walking towards the Lt and two men in uniforms stepped in my way. One reached out to put his hand on my chest.
I was done being nice. My hand slid up over the arm and wrapped before locking as my other hand struck across. I hit just below the throat as I kicked straight out into the groin of the second man. The first man landed hard on his back with no breath and the second folded over as I continued moving.
The well dressed civilian yelling at the Lt spun as I reached him and my hand wrapped around his throat, “Shut the fuck up! If you want to speak to him you will damn well show some respect!”
His eyes were wide and the Lt was struggling to sit up, “Let him go private!”
I keep looking at the civilian and then shoved him away, “Yes sir.”
The room was filling with men I recognized as part of Gold and Silver regiment called Dragons. I looked at the Lt, “Are you okay sir?”
He shook his head and then laughed and lay back. He waved towards the civilian, “Private Drake, meet my father, his imperial majesty Emperor Tenison.”
I looked from the Lt to the emperor and back, “he is a little rude.”
The emperor laughed and walked to the bed waving the Dragons away, “My own fault, never threaten momma when her chicks are near.”
I looked at him and then looked back at the Lt, “A bunch of suits were trying to pen this on us sir.”
The Lt looked at me and then his father. The Lt shook his head and reached to his bedside table, “Never mind private.”
He held out the jeweled mono knife he had carried, “I want you to have this. My… service, is required elsewhere. Carry it in my place.”
I looked at the knife and up at the Lt before reaching out to take it from his hand…
Chapter three
Putting a Ship Together
As soon as I was out of the office I opened a private comm to Tinker. To say he was not happy was an understatement. I walked into hanger bay nine to see fleet chief engineer Paulson waiting, “Captain Drake?”
I nodded and he held out a memo broad, “If you will sign the ship receipt?”
I shook my head, “I do not think so Chief.”
He frowned and I smiled, “Tell me Chief, how well do you like the general?”
He looked at me and then looked around. He looked back and his eyes narrowed, “What did you have in mind sir?”
I waved, “Forget the sir, call me Jason or skipper. I was noticing that the general seems to have forgotten to sign the decommissioning sign off sheet.”
He blinked and looked down at his memo board. He scrolled through it and then looked back at me with a nasty grin, “What did you need fixed skipper?”
I laughed and started walking, clapping him on the shoulder and bringing him along with me, “Well, now that you mentioned it, the ship does seem… incomplete. I was thinking of throwing in four Atom class engines and I think we can fit…”
When Tinker stomped into the bay there were three full engineer crews swarming over the huge ship. A line of tables beside the door held cases of cold ale and food. Maintenance sleds moved around the huge hanger and Tinker stood and stared. I cleared my throat, “Did you get my things?”
Tinker looked at me and waved, “What the hell is going on with my ship?”
I grinned, “Well, the general forgot to sign the decommissioning sign off sheet. I pointed it out to the Chief engineer and requested certain… replacements and repairs be made.”
Tinker just looked at me and then pulled the hover sled behind him as he walked closer, “And just what did your feeble mind think of?”
I turned to the table and the memo board, “I was thinking of replacing the four missing engines with four Atom class engines.”
Tinker was looking over my shoulder as I scrolled down, “We can cut the static bulkhead between the generators and put in three Sierra Two’s. I also want to replace all the shield generators with Tobias six’s. For the anti grav units I was thinking of…”
A slim blonde with nice curves cleared her throat behind me, “Excuse me, I am looking for Captain Drake.”
I looked back and slowly turned, “Tinker, you asked for the brat and in the Duke’s wisdom here she is. Meet our new second seat, Michelle Elizabeth Grey.”
Tinker turned to look at her and shook his head, “Just great. What other monkey wrenches did they throw in?”
She was looking back and forth as I grinned at Tinker, “We have to complete refitting before 1900 hundred tomorrow night.”
He looked at me, “You are kidding right?”
I shook my head, “We lift or I get fined.”
He muttered and reached out the grab Michelle’s coverall, “Come with me you.”
She went wide eyed as he pulled her after him headed towards a knot of engineers. I grinned, “I called your wife and offered her the second engineer position.”
Tinker turned to look at me and I shrugged, “Insystem transports spend a lot of time away from home. Beside she is better than you.”
Tinker grinned, “You just want to steal her recipes.”
He turned away and pulled Michelle after him. I sighed and took her hover bag and the float sled with all my stuff that Tinker had brought. I pulled it into a corner and then went for cots and bedding. Most of the first few hours were spent tearing the ship apart and trying to find the parts I wanted to put in.
Tinker, with a tired looking Michelle struggled up to the table where I was talking to Tinker’s wife, Silvia. Tinker kissed her cheek absently and reached for a bottle of ale, “The chief told me about the launchers and rail guns.”
I nodded, “There are reports of ships disappearing while bringing supplies to the outer stations.”
He took a drink and elbowed Michelle, “Eat Cadet.”
Michelle sighed and put her head on the table, “Do I have to?”
I grinned at Tinker as he grinned at his wife, “We have a lot to get done Cadet you can not stop now.”
She struggled up and reached for one of the class one ration boxes. Silvia smiled, “It could be worse; you could still be floating in orbit.”
Michelle frowned and turned to me, “You would not believe me if I told you what happened.”
I sat back and put the memo board down, “Cadet, if there is one person that would believe you it would be me. But, I will know if you lie, make excuses or make something up.”
She straightened, “I do not lie and I do not need to make something up.”
I nodded as both Tinker and Silvia sat back waiting. Michelle took a breath, “Two weeks ago I was scheduled for a practice flight to Durango from Alpha Central. As soon as I reached cruising altitude the computer went crazy and sent me out atmosphere. I do not know how the shuttle missed me but it did. One week ago I was letting Jacob, my mentor in flight school talk me through a high atmosphere reentry practice flight when it did it again.”
She looked around, “Today I was testing for my atmosphere reentry solo when it diverted me and then everything shut down.”
I looked at Tinker and he shrugged, “Once is an accident. Twice is a coincident. But three times is enemy action.”
I nodded and sighed, “Gold six Tinker.”
He nodded, “I will watch her.”
I picked up the memo board, “Eat Cadet.”
I looked at Tinker, “Silvia had an idea. If we put four micro hydrogen plants amidships and tie them into the ships power systems…”
“You can put together a Nelson’s shifter if you add another two plants.”
I looked at Michelle as Tinker sat back warily, “Where did you hear about a Nelson shifter?”
She looked from me to Tinker, “In the imperial theological archive.”
I closed my eyes and shook my head. I looked at Tinker, “She is right. Add two more plants and put the Nelson between them. Make sure you add secure bulkheads.”
Tinker smiled wryly, “anything else skipper?”
I grinned, “The hard you do right away. The impossible will take until tomorrow afternoon.”
He grinned and Silvia laughed. After they finished and headed back towards the huge ship, I headed towards my stuff and an old beat up trunk. I sat on my cot as I held a blue crystal box and closed the lid of my trunk. “Wake up Peaches.”
“You know I do not sleep Jason.”
I smiled as I set the AI on top of the trunk, “I need to send a message to Albert.”
I had thought about it already, “Use Crimson Dragon protocols and ghost it.”
I looked at Michelle as Silvia and Tinker pulled her to a work bench. “Albert, Molly, sorry it has been so long but I have been unusually stupid. I miss you both, well, Molly more then you Albert, she has more sense. I am sure your spies have been keeping you up to date anyway but I thought I would tell you myself. Since the last time I have had a couple of… interesting things happen.”
“I have a Cadet riding second seat. She is Michelle Elizabeth Grey, Duke Grey’s heir. There is something about her that… keeps my attention. She reminds me of my first mission and a Lieutenant I had. She has had three accidents and it looks like she will need a dragon’s tear of luck to avoid anymore. She did tell me about finding Nelson in the imperial theological archive. The general of civilian supply has decided to gift me with a new ship, a decommissioned Omega assault transport. I have one day to get her ready for a trip out to the asteroid belt.”
“I was thinking about young Samuel. You know how he likes to take things apart and get dirty, by the way, tell him I am not happy about his last stunt. I read all about it in one of the gossip rags. Tell Constance I am proud of her, her grades have come up and it looks like her extra study time is paying off.”
I glanced around, “Do me a favor Albert, I left a bag in your care. Send it out when you can. I might need one or two things out of it. Well, I have to go, I have a little work to do. I love you two so you be careful. And Albert? The next time I see you away from Blade or Sister Shadow I will come home and kick your ass.”
I took a breath, “Send it Peaches.”
“On its way.”
I moved her onto my bunk and pulled an old belt with a large framed Mark V rail gun out of the trunk. I put her back and stood to buckle the belt around my waist, “Lock out all programming access and monitor the immediate area for threats.”
I looked around the hanger, “Crimson Dragon. Primary is Michelle Elizabeth Grey.”
I left and went back to helping where I could. I kept an eye on Michelle and knew when Tinker finally sent her to bed. Tinker and Silvia took a nap early in the morning as the crews switched out. They were up four hours later and back at work. I kept the crews supplied with class one rations and ale, which they really appreciated.
The general was screaming but I had already put everything before the Duke’s Contract board. One thing I had added since we began was a 20MM rail caltrop at the back of the ship. George showed up after first shift started working, he said he was there for the cargo master job. He had a tall short haired woman named Brit with him and she screamed marine recon just by the way she walked, talked and moved.
Before long, large crates and pallets rolled in and they began loading the empty cargo decks while staying out of the engineers way. Everything was finished two hours before the deadline and I signed off on the ship receipt. Tinker and Silvia were running checks when I pulled a tired Michelle into the spacious command deck.
I opened the last crew birth and pointed to her bag, “This is your quarters.”
I led her to the two pilot chairs with Silvia and Tinker working on the command panels behind them. I sat and the seat slid into place smoothly. I glanced at Michelle as her chair locked into place, “Start a lift off checklist.”
I brought my readout alive and glanced back at Peaches in her blue crystal box in the bracket Silvia had made. “How is she looking Peaches?”
“The system is free of tampering.”
Tinker grumped as Silvia grinned. I glanced through my checklist and opened the control net comm, “Beta Seven control, this is Cowboy’s Dream. Requesting clearance to exit the hanger and move onto the pad.”
It was only a moment before, “Cowboy’s Dream, you are cleared to the pad.”
I did one last check of my readout and then moved the anti grav power up to lift ship. I brought up external displays and started moving the ship. We backed slowly through the open doors almost silently. The night was alight with the glow coming from the station.
I moved the controls to stop and opened the comm again, “Beta Seven control, this is Cowboy’s Dream on the pad. Request clearance on a two seven zero course out atmosphere.”
“Copy Cowboy’s Dream, you are cleared to out orbit.”
I looked at Michelle, “Well?”
She nodded, “Everything is green.”
I pulled back on the anit grav and spun the ship before throwing power to the engines. As we began to pick up speed, I flick the rear gun targeting system to Michelle, “Keep a scan on our back trail and man the defensive weapons.”
She nodded and her hands drifted over her readout. I made another check of my readout, “Bring the shields up Tinker and set the internal gravity.”
I glanced at our speed and shut the anti gravs down, “Anti grav off line.”
Michelle kept the scan going as we approached black sky. I glanced back at Tinker a moment later, “Black sky.”
I opened the comm, “Saras Orbital control, this is Cowboy’s Dream. Starting accel orbit to Asteria.”
This reminded me of taking Albert to Wayne, somehow it just had that feeling…
Chapter four
Becoming a Bodyguard
I stepped out of the shuttle’s door and nodded to the two officers that saluted me before returning it and shouldering my bag. The junior sergeant that met me only glanced up and down at me, pausing at the black leather hilt of the mono knife on my left thigh and the new Mark VI rail gun on my right thigh.
He looked into my face, “That leather is not going to hide what is under it.”
I shrugged, “I did not put the leather on it to hide it.”
He nodded and turned to lead the way through the busy terminal, “Dragon’s… even Silver Dragon’s do not normally accept anyone as fresh as you.”
He glanced at me when I did not say anything. He went back to walking, “Albert… the heir requested you when your name appeared as requesting to join us.”
He glanced at me and finally stopped and turned to face me, “Listen up corporal, the only reason you got in was because Albert said to give you a chance. We did and we did not give you any slack so you made it through the grinder on your own. Now that you are here we do not care about what you did in some jungle on a planet far away. We only care about what you do here and now. Since Albert said to give you a chance you are going to be his body man so do not fuck up.”
I smiled, “I have no intention of fucking up sergeant.”
He turned and led the way to an unmarked hover car. I looked at the other junior sergeant behind the wheel as he opened the door for us. I moved into the back seat and he sat beside the driver. I watched as we moved through the city, “Why is the heir going to Wayne?”
They looked at each other and the driver turned back to watch where he was driving. The other sergeant turned in his seat, “The emperor received a request from Admiral Harris to attend and address the advanced Command officers school as well as christen a new Phoenix Starship. Since it came at such a late date, he could not accommodate the Admiral. Albert decided he would accept in his father’s place.”
I was thoughtful and sat back, “What is our strength?”
He just looked at me and I looked back, “I am his body man remember?”
He sighed, “The entire Crimson Dragon company is going.”
I nodded and relaxed for the rest of the trip. Somehow I felt uneasy about going to Wayne. The hover car slowed and pulled into a large gateway. It stopped and several marines looked at us and then gestured through the gate. When I walked through the large doors with the sergeants leading the way, two senior sergeants were standing in front of the inner door.
They looked at me and I recognized both as the ones in the sickbay. I stopped as the two junior sergeants continued through the door. I looked at each man, “No hard feelings?”
They looked at each other and grinned, “Not yet.”
I shook my head and continued into the room. Two senior sergeants stood beside the emperor at a large armored window and the Lt turned to look at me. Around the edge of the room were officers and top sergeants. The Lt grinned, “You have no idea how many cases of ale you won for me.”
I came to attention and grinned, “Glad to help sir.”
He grinned again and the emperor snorted, “You cost me a bottle of Rainbow Brandy corporal.”
I shrugged, “You have to know how to bet sir. Sometimes the odds are on the underdog.”
He laughed and looked at his two Dragons as they snorted. He looked back to me and gestured for me to approach. I knelt in front of him and raised my hand and he accepted my oath of fealty. When I stood, he clasped my shoulder and then looked at the Lt and a full Colonel that approached.
He looked back at me, “I am glad I was wrong corporal. I think you are going to wake the dragon and give it a good shake.”
He nodded to Albert and walked out with the two senior sergeants at his shoulders. The Colonel held out his hand, “Welcome to the Gold Dragon’s corporal.”
I took his hand and we shook. He nodded to a Captain and Top Sergeant that approached, “You will be assigned to Crimson Company. This is Captain Anderson and your Top Sergeant; Sergeant Choi.”
I shook their hands and Top Sergeant Choi nodded to Albert, “It is Crimson Company’s job to protect the heir.”
I looked at the Lt, “He slipped out to join the marines?”
They snorted, “You have no idea of the trouble that caused.”
I smiled as the Lt grinned, “I have an idea.”
The Captain gestured to my bag, “Leave that, I have had your new uniforms and equipment sent to the shuttle.”
I glanced at the Lt, “Moving quickly sir?”
He shrugged, “I had them wait on your arrival otherwise I would already be boarding the transport in orbit.”
He gestured and I fell in at his shoulder, “I have kept a check on Senior Sergeant Harris and he has fully recovered. In fact he was just sent to the Top Sergeant Academy. Corporal Smith was promoted to junior sergeant and has his own squad in a recon company.”
He glanced at me, “I was surprised when you applied to join the Dragons.”
My eyes had kept scanning around as we walked and I glanced at him, “I thought about it sir. It seemed that if you could manage to sneak away once you might need a better keeper.”
He grinned and then laughed with the other Dragons walking with us as they laughed out loud. “Good luck with that.”
I looked at him, “I do not need luck sir.”
After a fast hover car ride and a short shuttle flight we boarded an insystem destroyer. While the Lt slept and another Dragon stood guard at his door, I went to find my new gear. I checked everything and laid it out before laying back to sleep in the room across from the Lt’s. I was up four hours later, I showered and started dressing.
The light mesh like body screen felt different and it was because this one had been made to fit my body. I rubbed the golden dragon on my flash with blood red rubies for eyes indicating I was in Crimson Company. I checked my rail gun and the spare magazines at the back. I undid the stitching and removed the leather around the handle of the mono knife.
I settled everything and glanced at a display that showed movement in the Lt’s room. I opened my door and nodded to the sergeant guarding the door and then knocked before entering. The Lt glanced at the door as I came through it and nodded. I stood behind his shoulder while he started reviewing something.
Captain Anderson knocked and opened the door. A senior sergeant came in with him and the Captain gestured to me, “I need to steal him for an ops briefing sir.”
The Lt waved and I nodded to the sergeant and headed around the desk to follow the captain out. The next eight hours was spent in a white noise room with a blue crystal box that was home to Crimson company’s AI. Her name was Peaches; she drilled me on the company procedures and policies as well as quite a bit more.
I spent everyday with Peaches after the Lt went to sleep. The Dragon transport passed us a day out and docked with the waiting starship twelve hours before we did. The next week was spent in intensive physical training when I was not with the Lt. One thing I made clear as I spared and threw the other Dragons around was that I was more than capable of handling myself.
When the starship worm holed out on the edge of Wayne, two insystem ships were waiting. One was a marine fast assault transport and the other was a light cruiser. Only my squad went on the cruiser, everyone else left in the fast assault transport. From the start the fleet officers onboard the cruiser were rude and insolent. The Lt mostly ignored them as he worked on reports his father sent him.
We were a day out from orbit when things came to a head. A lieutenant commander from the comm section had come into the Lt’s room. He tossed the data disks onto the desk and looked straight at me, “Leave us corporal.”
I ignored him and continued to stand beside the Lt. The lieutenant commander’s face went livid and he took a step as if to come around the desk. That broke protocol, my Mark VI was pointed into his face before he had taken a second step, “If you move I will kill you.”
I had grabbed the Lt and pulled him out of the chair and back behind me. As the lieutenant commander’s face went white I opened my comm, “Crimson Dragon primary has a breach.”
I gestured with the pistol, “Step back and put your hands on your head.”
The door was opening as the door guards started to come in. The lieutenant commander drew himself up, “I will have you court marshaled for this!”
I smiled, “You have an illusion that you have rank in the presence of the royal family, you do not. Now leave.”
The door guard and two other Dragon sergeants took his arms and pulled him out of the room. When the door closed, I nodded to the Lt as he moved back to the desk to sit and opened a comm to the bridge. My conversation was brief and not satisfactory. The captain was almost as belligerent as the lieutenant commander had been.
The next day before we left the ship I entered a Dragon protocol into the ships computers that locked the weapons down. From the moment we exited the shuttle I knew something was wrong. The marine honor party was missing and the fleet welcoming committee was not who it was supposed to be.
The welcoming party was a Rear Admiral Hepcock and a Captain JG Dongel. They were both arrogant and insolent. I was tempted to take the Lt straight back to the shuttle and lift. When we reached fleet headquarters it was strangely quiet with almost no one around. Captain Anderson called as we were headed into the emperor’s wing.
The Marine commandant was less than helpful and they had a lot civilian contractors wearing weapons. I glanced at my squad leader and the senior sergeant made a gesture to guard the Lt closely. When we cleared the last door into the emperor’s suite I was grateful. I knew no one could have entered without setting off alarms.
The squad broke up further as they headed out to take up positions, leaving Sergeant Henry and myself. The Lt looked at me, “Whatever is going on, I do not like it.”
I nodded and after thinking about it accessed Peaches on the transport, “Crimson Dragon situation warning to Gold Dragon command. Fleet officers and the Marine Commandant are behaving in a suspicious manner. Elevating security levels at this time.”
I looked at the door as it opened and Admiral Hepcock walked in with two armed civilians. Sergeant Henry shifted and the two armed civilians focused on him as the Admiral stopped, “I am placing you under arrest…”
I drew and fired in one motion. The civilian’s head on the left exploded and then I was pulling the trigger again. Sergeant Henry’s pistol was out and tracking when I fired. Two shots sounded almost together and the second civilian lurched backwards. His head had jerked back as it exploded but what I noticed was Sergeant Henry’s shot in his chest.
It had not penetrated which told me he had been wearing a body screen. Everything I noticed was secondary as I shot a wide eyed Admiral Hepcock through the head. I keyed the comm, “Dragon Scales to all Dragon’s, Crimson Dragon’s treasure is under attack! Peaches, Gold Dragon has a Crimson heart!”
I looked at Albert and gestured to the big desk, “Get behind that sir!”
I walked to the door and cracked it as the company comm came alive. Four men in combat armor were moving down the hall and I ducked back, keying a dragon lock code into the door. I pulled a small pendulum mine from my belt pack and pulled the arming wire out. I attached it to the top of the door frame and tossed it up to stick on the ceiling.
I moved back to one of the dead civilian’s and knelt to remove his gun belt. It held an older Mark V which was heavier than my pistol. There were four extra magazines on the back of the belt. I slung it over my shoulder and moved to the other man as the company comm was filled with sounds of combat.
I stripped the other man of his weapon and moved to Albert. When I checked the magazines I was not surprised to see static penetrators. I handed the last belted weapon to Albert, “Strip to your body screen sir.”
Sergeant Henry looked at me from the position he had taken up. I began to quickly strip out of my shirt, “I am giving my body screen to the heir. The are using static penetrators.”
He nodded and went back to watching the door. I was stripping out of my body screen when the amplified voice came through the door. “Send out the emperor’s bastard and we will not kill you!”
It did not take long after we did not answer for them to test the door. The Captain had gone off the comm after they had been hit with heavy weapons on the landing pad. Our sting ships were all down as well and the reaction platoon was cornered on the other side of the huge building under heavy fire with major causalities.
I finished dressing by throwing the belt with the Mark V over my shoulder and under my arm. I heard the tell tale scratching at the door, “Their placing a charge.”
Sergeant Henry nodded as he fished in his belt pack, “Ice and Fire kid.”
I grinned as I fished out a small round grenade and primed it. I held my pistol in my left hand and the grenade in my right, “Stay down sir.”
I threw the grenade as the large armored door blew in. Henry’s grenade followed mine a fraction of a second later. The armored suits were just raising weapons as my grenade exploded sending out waves of cold that froze the suits and killed the men not in armor. Sergeant Henry’s grenade exploded and the armored suits shattered as the frozen corpses burst into flame.
The pendulum mine reached its arc and detonated. The men that were still alive did not even have time to scream as the compression wave hit. I glanced at Henry, “We can not stay here.”
He shook his head as he headed for the door. I gestured to Albert who came to his feet with the extra pistol in his hand. Henry stepped into the hall opening our comm link to tracker mode, “Dragon’s Treasure on the move.”
I followed with Albert beside me. We were halfway down the hall when a large group of armed men came through the far door. I shoved Albert in a side door with the sergeant following and moved to the center of the hall drawing the other pistol. I ignored everything and began firing.
A few bullets sang as they passed me but a minute later I was moving through the door changing magazines. Henry had Albert by another door and nodded before standing and stepping through. I caught up as he crossed to a half door on the other side of the room. He nodded to me and gestured before pulling the lower door open.
The first thing I saw was the body of a dead marine. I realized we were behind the marine info desk in the center foyer. I keyed my secondary comm on the emergency all hands freq, “To all military personal, this is Corporal Jason Drake, Crimson Dragon Primary. The Fleet command and Marine commandant are attempting a coup. Any assistance will be appreciated.”
I ducked under the top half of the door and moved closer to the counter as Albert slipped through behind me. Henry came through and closed the door as I scanned the monitors on the counter. They showed the foyer full of civilians that were armed. I glanced at Henry, “We need to get across the foyer and try to get to the admiral’s shuttle.”
He grinned and nodded and we stood up. I took the left and started firing with both pistols while he started on the right. A minute later I heard him grunt in a way that brought back memories of wounded comrades on Protus. I shifted as bullets started tearing up the front of the info desk and a burning stabbing pain lashed my side.
I fired into a small group rushing from a hallway and a moment later it was silent. I quickly changed magazines and glanced at a white faced Henry. He gestured, “Get him out of here kid!”
I nodded as Albert looked up from putting pressure on his bleeding chest. I touched his shoulder, “Time to go sir.”
He hesitated and then nodded and came to his feet as I started around the desk. We were halfway across the foyer when three armed civilians stepped out. The big Mark V fired and then the other two men jerked and were thrown forward as they were shot from behind. A female voice that was vaguely familiar called out, “This is Sergeant Drake I am on your side.”
I grinned, “Is that you Molly?”
A blonde head poked around the corner, “Jason?”
I started walking as she came out and began walking to meet us. She was carrying a marine assault riffle and I knew she knew how to use it, “Sir, meet my cousin Molly.”
The Lt. chuckled, “I just had to be saved by two Drakes.”
Molly grinned as she scanned the foyer one last time, “Since we are a marine family you might meet one or two more.”
I started down the new hallway with Molly following behind. “How did you manage to be here Molly?”
She snorted, “A stupid training accident. I was in the sickbay with a new private when all hell broke loose. One of those civilian assholes tried to keep us there.”
My comm came alive, “Crimson Dragon Primary this is Second Dragon, say location.”
I knew better than answer, the first thing wrong was the voice did not sound right. Second thing was Second Dragon died in one of the sting ships. Third thing was every Dragon had an implant that homed on the primary. Molly looked at me and I smiled, “Not one of ours.”
She nodded and I turned in a doorway. The complete plans for this building were in my mind and I was thinking of using another way out of the building. The marine dragon comm came to life, “Crimson Dragon Primary this is fire Drake coming in hot on the admiral’s pad.”
I almost laughed as I grinned back at Molly, “Uncle Blaze is coming for a visit.”
She grinned back and Albert chuckled. I slipped through a side door and across the elegant office. I was at the door leading to a side exit when the Crimson Dragon comm came alive, “Crimson Dragon Primary we have an insystem Carrier closing with the planet.”
The voice had been Peaches. I stopped moving, “Status of the transport?”
“We have deployed decoys and electronic scramblers and engaged assault shuttles.”
I thought quickly, “Known threat of the Carrier?”
“It has demanded our surrender and is identified as a positive threat.”
I looked at Albert. What I was about to do would kill a lot of people, some innocent. “Open a direct comm link and issue Heart’s Death.”
Molly was looking curious but Albert nodded. Heart’s Death was a deep code each ship had that did several things that would result in the death of the ship and everyone aboard her. I waited a moment and opened the door. I moved out and along the side of the building with Albert following me.
We had only moved a couple of dozen feet along the wall when Molly cussed and I spun. Molly was knelling and the assault rifle started firing at a dozen armed men rushing us from a hover van. I pushed Albert down and picked three off that had dropped to the ground and what they thought was safety.
I turned back to the front pulling the Mark V just as three men in light body armor came around the corner. The big bullets from the Mark V exploded through the first two and the third tried to dive to safety. He died with a smaller bullet through the head from Albert’s pistol. I glanced around, “Time to go.”
I was moving quickly as we left the side of the building heading for the shuttle on the edge of the pad. A large marine assault shuttle flashed overhead in a hot landing on the pad and Molly yelled. I spun yanking Albert behind me. I was only half aware as the pistols in each hand fired and then I was hit several times in the chest.
It felt like a sledge hammer was burning through my chest but I stood and took out the two remaining gunmen. I went to my knee trying to breathe as Molly grabbed me. I pushed her, “Get him to the transport! Use the code phrase Dragon’s blood!”
She hesitated and then grabbed Albert who was trying to open my shirt. She yanked him away, “Damn you come on!”
I sat back on my heels slowly and then a marine was there pushing me onto my back and ripping my shirt open. I could hear the shuttle as it did a hot lift from the pad and then I looked into my uncle’s eyes.
Both of Albert’s brothers and his sister were killed in the attempted coup…
Chapter five
Our Flight to Asteria and back
As we broke orbit and I put us in the grove, I sighed. “Keep the shields at full power.”
Silvia chuckled, “Not taking chances.”
I glanced at Michelle, “No, go get some sleep Cadet.”
I glanced back at Tinker, “One of you can crash and as soon as George and Brit give us the word you are both off.”
I checked my readout and brought up the ships long range scan display. Michelle hesitated behind my seat, “You are not just a pilot are you?”
I grinned to myself as Tinker chuckled. I glanced back, “One day I may tell you about it but not now. Go eat and get some sleep.”
She was in the back of the command deck with Silvia when Peaches cleared her throat. I shivered, “Peaches, how many times do I have to tell you to just talk.”
“It is polite to let someone know before you begin speaking.”
Tinker laughed and I smiled, “Okay you want to talk to me. What is up?”
“Albert sent a reply.”
I glanced back to see Tinker with a raised eyebrow. I shrugged, “Go ahead and play it.”
“Glad you finally remember us Jason. Molly said next time you take this long she is going to kick your ass around the salle…”
“That is the Emperor’s voice!”
I glanced back at the shocked face of Michelle and smiled, “Keep going Peaches.”
“I believe Samuel has been impressed with the need to remain with his bodyguard and not race in one of his modified hover cars. Molly did a good job of soothing the bruises after Sister Shadow was done going over those points with him…”
I laughed and heard Tinker chuckle. “As for Constance, she was really proud you noticed and wanted to send you a private message so Peaches should have it for later. As for the Nelson… Dragon Intel is going crazy trying to find out how they missed it in the archives. If you have to use it, let us know how it works.”
Albert chuckled and I heard Molly from what sounded like across the room, “Ask him if his Cadet is pretty? Molly wants to know if your Cadet is pretty…”
I turned to look at Michelle, “What do you think Tinker?”
He looked back at a blushing Michelle and Silvia shook her head, “Be nice Jason.”
I grinned checked my readout, “Keep going Peaches.”
“I heard about your fun with the general by the way. It sounds like you took him to the cleaners and if half the things you got work as well as I think they will; I would not mind a ride some day. On a more serious note, Dragon Intel have been hearing whispers from Saras. They think someone is going to try breaking away from the Empire. If you hear or see anything let us know.”
“As for your bag… I had Top Sergeant Henry check and repack it for you. I sent it on a dispatch courier so you should get it in two or three weeks at the latest. Molly said to tell you Cousin George is at Alpha Central. I believe she was the one that got the field commission and took over a recon platoon, it is hard to keep track of your family.”
“Oh, we had dinner with your mother last week. She was insystem for a short rest break. She said your brother made first officer and the Marines have your sister on some covert mission…”
“I am sending you a platoon of Silver Dragon’s. They are from Griffin Company so that should shake things up. I also sent a private note to Duke Grey but I will leave the military command up to you. You probably remember Wayne much clearer than I do so you know what to look for…”
“Jason, be carefully. Molly and I expect to stand for your wedding if a woman ever manages to catch you.”
“End of message Jason. Do you want to hear the massage from Constance.”
I smiled to myself, “Sure.”
“Cousin Jason thanks for remembering me. Mom said you would not forget. I… This is private only for you, top secret Dragon Scales and everything…”
I looked at Peaches, “Pause message Peaches.”
I looked at everybody, “Disappear.”
Tinker grinned as he slid out of his seat. Silvia took his hand, “Do I need to leave out a do not disturb sign?”
I waved, “Take him to bed Silvia.”
I looked at Michelle and she kept looking at me. She glanced at the door as Silvia and Tinker closed it and then she looked back, “Constance is the Emperor’s daughter.”
I nodded and she frowned, “She called you her cousin but he… the Emperor did not sound… well, not completely…”
She took a breath, “Who are you?”
I smiled, “Peaches?”
“Yes Jason.”
I looked at Michelle, “Give Ms Grey my full Identity.”
“Ms Grey, Jason is Colonel Jason Drake. Imperial Dragon, code name Crimson Dragon and Emperor’s champion.”
Michelle was looking at me with wide eyes, “but… but you are…”
I nodded, “Disappointing.”
She grinned and then shook her head, “No.”
I nodded towards her quarters, “I need to listen to Constance’s message.”
She grinned and headed into her quarters. I waited and then checked my readouts, “Okay Peaches, play the messages.”
“Jason I met a boy… he is Duke Thomas’s second son. He is like, really cute and I really like him. I… do you think it would be okay if we… you know, had sex?”
“I did some checking… you remember Uncle Felix? He did some checking for me and he said Joey looks like a keeper. Let me know as soon as you can please.”
“End message Jason.”
I sat there thinking and finally looked at Peaches, “When was the message sent.”
“Twelve hours ago.”
I nodded, “Fire up the star comm Peaches. Crimson Dragon priority, Emperor’s ears only.”
A minute later, “Go ahead Jason.”
I took a breath, “Albert, I need to speak to Molly alone without anyone’s ears, even yours.”
There was a pause and then Albert’s voice came through, “Give me a moment Jason.”
I waited thinking about what I needed to say, “Go ahead Jason, I am alone.”
I sighed, “Just listen Molly. Constance is thinking about a boy.”
I waited for the reply and heard Molly laugh, “We know that. She has been trying to be sneaky but you know how hard that is.”
I nodded, “We talked about this when she was younger. It is time you had the talk with her and changed her primary guard to Mother Steel.”
There was a longer then normal pause and then, “Are you sure Jason?”
I nodded to myself, “She asked Molly. You need to be her friend and confidant now and help her prepare.”
After the pause I heard Molly sigh, “Now I know how my mother felt. Okay Jason.”
I glanced back, “Discomm and prepare another message to Constance. Crimson Dragon channel, top priority.”
“Go ahead Jason.”
I took a breath, “Constance my little angel, I have waited a long time for you to ask me something like that. To ask that question means you have asked it of yourself. This time I can not stay silent. I have talked to your mother in private because we have prepared for this. You are a beautiful young woman and your mother is going to help you. Think of her as your special confidant. She is going to help you prepare to have sex and she will have your primary guard changed to a woman called Mother Steel. Do not even think of sneaking off to be with your young man. Talk to your mother and Mother Steel, they will arrange it so the two of you can be together and if you… You angel. If you decide to do it, they will protect your secret. This is a Drake family secret Constance, trust me and trust your mom. I can not begin to tell you how much I wish I were there for you, but you have made me very proud. I love you Constance.”
I sighed, “End message Peaches.”
“Message ended and… sent.”
I sat back and just scanned the readout. It was eight hours before George poked his head onto the command deck. He came in and sat in the jump seat behind me, “How is it look skipper?”
I glanced back and grinned, “Everything is still in the green.”
He smiled, “About Brit.”
I grinned, “She seemed competent.”
He laughed, “She is that. It is personal with us though.”
I looked at his red face and smiled, “It is about time Top.”
He relaxed with a sigh, “I think she is the one Skipper.”
I glanced at him, “How much does she know?”
He grinned, “She was recon, what she does not know, she guesses.”
I nodded, “Than sit her down and tell her.”
He sighed, “Sometimes that either scares them or makes them change the way they…”
I laughed, “George, if she was recon long enough that it sticks. She is not going to be scared or get a case of hero worship.”
He was quiet and then he stood, “I think I will go wake her up and have a talk.”
I cleared my throat and he looked at me. I grinned, “Be carefully waking her. Recon have nasty habits if you wake them up the wrong way.”
He grinned and a moment later it was quiet again. Not surprisingly Michelle was the first one up. She came out yawning and stretching. I grinned and sipped the fresh cup of tea I had made. She sat in the seat behind me with a cup of coffee. It was a quiet half hour before Silvia and Tinker appeared.
Silvia looked wide awake and Tinker… well, he looked rested but had a pleased expression that he seldom wore. I had to smile at Silvia and shake my head as she slipped into her seat. I looked at Michelle, “Time for a test Cadet. Climb into your seat. You will be flying a sim of a shuttle flight gone wrong.”
I glanced at Silvia, “Would you mind being her engineer?”
She smiled and turned to flip a couple of switches, “Okay Michelle it is you and me against Jason’s sim.”
Michelle had slipped into her seat and was waiting, she grinned back at Silvia. I had already downloaded the flight data to do the sim and paused, “Your call sign is Green Two. You have a logged flight path to Beta Seven from an insystem personal transport.”
Michelle nodded as she slipped the sim helmet on. I started the sim and slid my seat back and stood to stretch. “Ship is your Tinker.”
He grinned, “How many times do you think she will do it?”
I grinned, “Until she gets to tired to think clearly. When she stops, have her eat and then run her through some sims with the 20MM.”
He nodded and I headed to my tiny quarters and bed. My eyes snapped open at the light tap on my door, “come in.”
The door slid aside as my feet hit the deck. Tinker smiled from the doorway, “You are getting old, you have slept for eight hours.”
I glanced at my wall clock and sighed as I stood and reached out to open the tiny shower, “How did she do?”
While I showered Tinker laughed and told me about each run Michelle and Silvia made trying to repeat our landing in the shuttle. When I came out Silvia looked thoughtful and Michelle looked a little worn around the edges. I ate and Michelle kept looking at me. She finally shifted and cleared her throat.
I glanced at her and she looked back, “Tinker said it could be done but I do not see how.”
I grinned, “The proof is that you are here and Tinker and I are here and our old shuttle is probably still sitting on the pad I left her on.”
She blinked and looked at Silvia, “So this was a real flight and not a sim you made up.”
I headed for my seat, “It was real. You will not like the ones I make up either.”
I glanced back, “think about the five directions available in space and everything the ship is capable of doing. Do not think in terms of a ship or flying but what they can do and what systems they use to do it with.”
It was a week before Michelle final landed the shuttle.
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