Emma’s adventures and misfortunes
Emma’s adventures and misfortunes
Sex Story Author: | DarkThunder |
Sex Story Excerpt: | "Do we have to? I'd.. rather not." she says shyly, holding her legs closed. "Yes we do, you've heard |
Sex Story Category: | Discipline |
Sex Story Tags: | Discipline, Fiction, First Time, Older Male / Female, Reluctance, Virginity, Young |
Today is June 16th, a day since Emma’s school year came to an end, while also the day on which her mother Evelyn is having several interviews with potential candidates for a job of a live-in nanny. Even though Emma feels glad to be away from boring school and excited about her free summer, she’s also both slightly worried and annoyed about the new nanny her mother seems to be insisting on…
Emma Collins, a 5’3″ ft tall spoiled girl with blonde hair, a nice smile, and full lips, has always been her mother’s ‘good girl’ – or at least she was until recently. Ever since she accidentally broke her mother’s favourite vase where she ended up getting only a ‘stern’ scolding from her mother, she quickly began to feel like she could get away with anything without getting punished for it. Sure, she felt bad about breaking the vase, but.. since then she’s also felt at ease, knowing her mother’s scoldings, ‘warnings’, and punishment threats were only words, and that is the time when Emma started turning from good, to a bad girl.
At times she’d just barge in into the bathroom, either to fix her makeup, pee, or brush her teeth, while her mother was in the bathtub, taking a bath or shaving. Her mother would scream for her to get out and would cover herself in panic, but she just ignored her – why should she care if her mother is in the bathroom? After all, this is her house too.
Evelyn Collins is a nice, pretty, 39 years old woman, and the mother of Emma. Once upon a time her daughter, husband, and herself were a good, loving family… but when her husband unexpectedly passed away, everything changed for the worse. With both of them being grief stricken, Evelyn opted to take a break from work, leaving her assistant in charge of her company. With her husband gone, and with her being too soft-hearted, she just couldn’t enforce Emma’s and generally the household rules. If Emma wanted something, she would buy it – no matter the price. But.. everything seemed to change a few months ago after she found out that her daughter broke her favourite vase, though being as she is, she just scolded her and warned to be more careful.
Everything was okay for a while.. until one day her daughter came barging in the bathroom while she was taking a bath! Evelyn screamed for her to get out and lowered herself in bubbles, but her daughter only apologized and said she had to pee, before she lowered her panties and sat on the toilet – peeing right there in front of her! Evelyn reluctantly gave in since she has been occupying the bathroom for a while, and her daughter left quickly after that. It wouldn’t have been so bad if the same thing didn’t happen again, like it did the following week – only this time she wasn’t in any hurry and she took her time! Then again, and again, no matter what Evelyn was doing, be it shaving, taking a bath, or being on the toilet, her daughter every now and then would just barge in the bathroom, take a pee, or do her makeup right in front of her.
Evelyn would scream again and again, but it was no use – her daughter just wouldn’t listen, and she stopped apologizing after the first time. After pondering things through she realized her daughter must be just acting out because of her father’s death, and every time she thought about it.. she just didn’t have the heart to punish her in any way. More recently however, things took a turn for worse. Evelyn was used by now to see her daughter sitting on the toilet or doing her makeup as she took her bath, and even though she took great care so it didn’t happen, she knew her daughter saw bits and pieces of her nude. And that was.. well, it could be worse – or so she reassured herself.
But on one of those days, after leaving the bathroom and getting ready for shopping, she noticed some money was missing from her purse… then again, the same thing happaned two days later. With Emma and herself being the only ones in the house, she knew who was to blame. Despite lots of protests from her daughter, she managed to sit her down and talk with her. She told her she wouldn’t be angry, and her daughter quickly admited she took the money so she could buy some new clothes. Evelyn forgave her but scolded her, and everything seemed well.. until the next day when her daughter walked in the bathroom, for the morning ritual of sharing the bathroom with her mother. That shocking part was that Emma has been nearly nude!
As Evelyn screamed at her daughter to dress herself, she just ignored her and applied lipstick, acting like she wasn’t even there. However, it wasn’t until later when she checked her purse and noticed more of her money missing, that Evelyn realized she had no choice but reintroduce discipline and some modesty back into her daughter’s life. Being unable to do it herself, she decided to hire a nanny who could, and she quickly arranged a couple of interviews with some of the most feared nannies in the Paradise Valley. With days flying by fast and with Emma’s bathroom visits becoming longer while at the same time she’s been wearing less and less, the day for which she has arranged the interviews for has been coming rapidly. Of course, Emma doesn’t know of her mother’s plan… but little does Evelyn know how far those nannies are ready to go to make sure the kids are disciplined… and sometimes, the whole family.
Now barely a day later after her daughter’s last bathroom visit, Evelyn is having interviews with 6 different, potential nannies. Having to head for another country in a few hours, she knew she had to choose, and choose well. She did call her daughter to come downstairs so she’d meet the nannies, and so she could tell her she’d be gone for a few weeks, but with an hour gone and only 2 more nanny interviews to go, Emma was a no-show. So far Evelyn believes that the second middle-aged nanny seems to be the most promising to bring so much needed discipline back into Emma’s life, however, right then.. just as the fifth nanny has sat down and with only one more to go, Emma finally arrives.
“What do you want, mom?” Emma asks in an annoyed tone.
“It’s good of you to finally show. I want you to meet…”
“Susan.” the eldery woman finishes.
“Susan.” Evelyn smiles. “She’s one of the nannies I’m interviewing.”
“What.. mom, I don’t have time for this! You know I’m busy.” Emma says as she types a message on her phone.
“Honey, it wouldn’t kill you to sit down and meet the nannies. There is only 2 more left.”
“Ughhhh.. fine!” Emma sighs as she sits down next to Susan on the couch, still typing on her phone.
“I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but you shouldn’t let her speak like that to you.” Susan says.
“I know.” Evelyn sighs, as Susan’s words catch Emma’s attention.
“And who the hell do you think you are?!” Emma nearly shouts into Susan’s face.
Susan smiles softly at Evelyn then turns towards Emma, and suddenly slaps her hard across her cheek. “We don’t speak unless spoken to, child.” Susan says, as she rubs her hand. Emma just sits there, too stunned to move or say anything. Her mouth is hanging open and her left hand is holding her cheek, as she feels blood rushing to it. She can’t believe this woman just did that! How dare she?!
“But.. you..” Emma tries to find her words, as a cold spike of fear runs through her body, making her shiver.
“Do I have to slap you again?” Susan asks as she reaches with her hand towards her. Emma, still feeling shocked from the slap just as she’s about to shake her head ‘no’, she remembers her mother is there. “Why isn’t she doing anything?!”
“Mom, why don’t you…”
Another slap quickly echoes the room as the back of Susan’s hand meets with Emma’s right cheek, who gasps in shock.
“Oh my…” Evelyn mutters. Susan grips Emma’s chin, turning her head to face her. “What part of ‘we don’t speak unless spoken to’, didn’t you understand?”
“I-I’m.. sorry..” Emma mutters in a quiet voice, still in shock as she rubs her rapidly reddening cheek. She has never been slapped before in her whole life!
“Alright.” Susan says as she lets go of Emma’s chin, letting her thumb brush over her lips. “Where were we?” she asks, turning towards Evelyn.
“Oh, we… You’ve got the job!” Evelyn excitedly announces.
“Mom!” Emma gasps, horrified at the thought that this woman could be her new nanny.
“Be quiet, dear.” Evelyn says, and Emma closes her mouth as she looks in fear at Susan.
“Thank you.” Susan says.
“No, thank you. I can see she’s going to be in good hands while I’m away.”
“Away? Away where?” Emma wonders, as she looks back at her mother.
“Oh, right honey, I didn’t tell you. As you already know I’m going to start working again, and.. I have to visit one of the company’s clients in Europe, so I will be away for a few weeks. Susan meanwhile, will be the one in charge in this house.
At her mother’s words Emma’s eyes bulge out in shock. “Mom, you can’t be serious! You can’t leave me here with… I can stay on my own!”
Evelyn sighs. “I have to, Emma. A lot of company’s profits depend on this client, so I have no choice. And even if I had, I would still hire Susan – you are still a young girl, and I just can’t leave you on your own. Anyhow.. my flight is in an hour, so I have to head out.” she says as she gets up, then takes the bag with her clothes in her hand.
“Mom, please..” Emma mutters as she gets up, trying to hold back tears. “I didn’t do anything to deserve this!” she thinks, shocked that her mother will be leaving her with nearly a complete stranger, who has just slapped her twice.
“Now, honey, it will be fine.” her mother says then walks up to her and gives her a hug. “Just be good. I’ll be back in a few weeks.” she says, breaking the hug before she heads towards the door.
“But mom.. what about the money?” Emma mutters.
“Don’t worry about it. I have Susan’s credit card number on her resume, so I’ll be sending her the money. Anyway, I gotta go. Bye, honey!” she says before she heads into the hallway, and out of the house.
“Emma.” Susan says from behind her, her stern voice making her shiver. As she turns around, she sees her holding a lengthy paper towards her. “This are the rules I will expect you to understand, and respect. Take them up into your room, and read them.” Without saying a word Emma gingerly reaches out and takes the paper, before she turns around and hurries up to her room. As she sits down on her bed, rubbing her sore cheeks, she starts reading the ‘rules’.
Rules you have to respect and obey in this house:
Rule number #1 Always do what I tell you to, without any protests or complaining.
#2 Don’t speak unless spoken to.
#3 Pick up after yourself.
#4 No television or computer after 6 pm.
“But.. my favourite TV show starts at 6:30!” Emma thinks, starting to feel annoyed and worried as she continues reading.
#5 You are not allowed to leave the house without asking me first.
#6 You are not allowed to leave the house after 6 pm.
#7 If you break any of the written rules, you will be punished three…
But before she can finish the rule number #7, her eye wanders to the one underneath.
#8 When going to the bathroom, make sure you wipe good. I will check.
“I will check?! What does that even mean? It can’t possibly mean that.. oh God, I hope not.” she thinks, as she shivers at the thought.
Rule number #9 You shall <b>always</b> treat adults with respect they deserve.
“Ughh.” she sighs, placing down the paper on her bedside table. “This nanny is such a bitch.” Emma then begins to contemplate what to do as she lays down on her bed, knowing she has to get on Susan’s good side after such a rough start.. but still, she can’t understand why her mother would hire a nanny that slapped her – right in front of her actually! However, soon she dozes off into sleep.
A few hours later Emma is suddenly woken up from her nap, as she hears a loud voice calling her, “Emma, come downstairs!” She sits up, rubs her eyes, then gets to her feet and heads downstairs.
“Yes?” Emma mutters sleepily as she walks into the kitchen.. then stops, as she sees a man standing there right next to Susan.
“Emma, this is my husband, David.” Susan says, as she places a hand on the tall burly man next to her.
“N-nice to meet y-you.” Emma stutters as she approaches him nervously, then offers her hand. He smiles, takes Emma’s hand in his, then leans down and gives it a kiss.
“Nice to meet you as well.”
“Emma, would you be a dear and go buy us some groceries that we need?” Susan asks.
“Umm.. I..” Emma mutters, still looking at the man, as she wonders what to do. After thinking for a moment she realizes she should do it – it would show Susan that she’s willing to follow her rules, and that she wants to stay out of trouble. “I’ll go change my clothes.” Emma finishes nervously.
“Alright, I’ll make a list while you do so.” Susan says, and with that, Emma heads upstairs. “Is he going to be staying over?” she wonders. “Well, of course he is! He is her husband.. but my mother didn’t say anything about him. I guess she didn’t know.”
Emma quickly walks over to her room, takes off her worn clothes, then puts on a sexy blouse and a short skirt – she never goes anywhere outside the house without looking good. Once she finishes dressing, Emma walks from her room and into the bathroom, then applies makeup and her favourite lipstick. But just as she’s about to leave the bathroom and get her purse, Susan walks in and stops right in front of her, with a shocked expression on her face.
“What are you wearing?!”
“Umm.. clothes?”
“Not those you aren’t.” Susan then walks up to Emma and starts unbuttoning her blouse, to her complete shock.
“What’s wrong with this clothes?” Emma asks in confusion.
“Emma! For God’s sake I can see your bra through the blouse, and if it was any more open, your tits would pop right out. Not to mention your skirt…”
“B-but.. it looks good! And my mother lets me wear it..” Emma protests as Susan opens her blouse, her bra coming into the view before she moves back.
“I don’t care what your mother lets you wear – she is not here, and you are not leaving this house until you change, end of discussion. Now off with your skirt, and since we are already here, take off your underwear too.”
“Oh God…” Emma mutters, remembering the rule number #8. “But…”
“Alright, that does it missy.” Susan hooks her fingers in both the skirt and the panties, then yanks them down to Emma’s feet in one move, making her gasp in shock. Then she makes Emma, who shily covers her crotch, step out of both of them before picking up her panties and examining them. “Lucky.” Susan grunts after a couple of seconds, seeing they are clean. “Here.” she says, handing her back her panties.
Emma takes it in her right hand, but realizing she can’t dress with one hand, she takes them in both hands. However, just as she’s about to lean down and put them on, Susan speaks. “Stop. Let me see.” and she moves Emma’s hands aside, exposing her crotch completely.
“Do you use lotion?” she asks as she kneels, then runs her fingers along Emma’s lightly haired thigh, making her shiver.
“Uhh.. sometime.”
“That’s no good. You need to moisturize at least twice a day, to keep your skin soft.” Susan says. “And this.. what is this?!” she asks sternly as she slides her hand up and runs her fingers through Emma’s pubic hair. “Don’t you shave?”
“H-hey! D-don’t touch me.. there.” Emma stammers nervously as her body tenses up.
“Answer my question!” Susan nearly yells, making Emma shiver with fear.
“N-no.. I like it this way..” she replies quietly.
“We are going to fix that right way.” she says. “David, can you come to the bathroom?” she yells.
“B-but.. it took me years to grow it!” Emma protests.
“Honey, you are still a little girl, and little girls shouldn’t have any hair.”
“Susan…” Emma continues to protest in disbelief.
“Madam, for you. Now keep quiet.” As Emma hears the footsteps coming up the stairs, fastly approaching them, she bites her lip then drops her panties and quickly covers herself, just in time as Susan’s husband walks into the bathroom. “Yes dear?” he asks, as he looks first at Emma’s bra-covered breasts, before looking down to her crotch. Emma looks down only to see a few curly dark hairs peeking out past her fingers, making her blush as she cups her crotch tighter.
“David, I was wondering if you could give her a shave?” Susan asks as she takes Emma’s hands in hers, then with some effort, she manages to force them aside.
“Of course.” David says with a hint of a smile as he looks up at her face.
“Su.. ma’am!” Emma starts to protest, but her protests are stopped as Susan gets up then slaps her face hard.
“What is the rule number 2?” she asks sternly.
“It’s…” Emma whispers as she rubs her burning cheek, while a single tear trails down her face.
“What? I can’t hear you.”
“It’s ‘Don’t speak unless spoken to.’ ” Emma says it more loudly as her body shivers.
“You better remember it. David, you take over here, and I.. I’m going to buy groceries. Make sure she moisturizes her body too.” Susan says, heading for the door.
“Yes dear.” he says as he approaches Emma, who is still standing there in shock, her cheek burning. As Susan leaves the bathroom and David looks down at her crotch, Emma quickly covers it again with her free hand.
“Alright.. so, where can I get the shaving cream, lotion, and a razor?” he asks.
“M-my mother.. umm.. there is no shaving cream.. only s-shaving gel.” Emma stutters. “I-tt should be i-in the top drawer.”
“Thank you.” he says with a smile, before he walks over to the vanity table, then opens the first drawer. He goes through it for a second, before pulling out a razor, a tube of shaving gel, and a bottle of body lotion her mother uses. He closes the drawer then goes through the second one, and pulls out a wash cloth and a large towel.
“Come with me.” he says, and with all the items in his hands, heads out of the bathroom. Emma reluctantly follows him as he walks into her bedroom, before placing down all of the said items on her bed. He spreads the towel across the edge of the bed then takes the washcloth in his hand and says, “Why don’t you bend over the bed, and we’ll do your butt first.”
“M-my butt?” she mutters in confusion.
“Well, yes, I’m going to give you a full shave. Considering what a jungle you seem to have between your legs, I’m sure there’s a few hairs on your behind too.” he says, making her blush. “I’ll be right back.”
“Okay.” she responds quietly, as he leaves the room. Less than a minute later he’s back with a wet washcloth, but Emma is still standing there nervously and covering her crotch.
David sighs. “Come on Emma, we don’t have a whole day! Bend over the the bed.” he orders sternly.
“Y-yes sir.” she stammers as a cold spike of fear runs through her body at the sound of his voice. Reluctantly, but realizing she has no choice, she turns around and lets her hands down, then bends over the bed so her upper body is laying down on it, and with her butt facing him.
“Good.” he says, and as she looks back she sees him kneeling down behind her. “Alright, Emma.. it would be great if you could spread your butt cheeks for me.” Taking a deep breath, Emma moves her hands back then places them on each of her ass cheeks, before gently spreading them.
“Wider.. that’s great honey.” David says, as she spreads her cheeks wider per request. “Now hold them that way.” She bites her lips nervously as David gently presses the wet wash cloth against her butt, then runs it down between her buttcheeks, before placing it down on the towel. Staring at her pink rosebud, he opens the tube, then squirts a small amount of gel on his right hand. Emma bites her lip hard, her body tensing as he reaches forward then gently begins to rub the cool gel onto her ass cheeks, then down into her crack. She lets out a soft gasp before she can close her mouth, as she feels his finger running over her anus and moving down to her taint, stopping just before her pussy, making her cheeks burn from embarrassment.
His hand then leaves her body, and she relaxes a bit as she feels the razor on her butt, right before he starts shaving her. After a minute, shaving her gently and carefully, he’s done. Using the washcloth David cleans her butt, before saying, “You can get up down.” as he gives her a light swat on the bottom. “We’ll do your legs, and your front now.”
Feeling embarrassed to be threated and shaved like this by an older man, she slowly stands up, before she turns around and sits down.
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