
Emma at the Beach

Zane meets Emma at the beach. Sandcastles, hot tubs, and sex!

Emma at the Beach

Finally, junior year was over and summer had arrived. I was officially a senior now! I had so many plans for the summer. My friends and I already had tickets to a bunch of summer concerts. We planned on spending our days at the local amusement parks and beaches, and our nights partying at one house or another. It was going to be epic!

Of course, none of this could start until after my family vacation. This year, two weeks in North Carolina on the Outer Banks. Basically, one long island consisting of beaches, rental homes, and wild horses. My brother was supposed to come with us, but then got a summer internship at his college, so now it was just me and my parents.

Luckily my parents had some pity on me and decided that I could bring a friend along since my brother bailed on us. Otherwise, I would have been bored to death. No high school senior wants to spend every waking hour for two weeks with his parents, no matter how awesome they are. So, I invited my friend Mark.

Mark was psyched to come along. We had the days planned out. Jet skiing, water skiing, bike riding, hang gliding, and most of all, banging every hot bitch we could find on that beach.

Then, out of the blue, the day before we were set to leave, Mark decides that he can’t come. He had gone and gotten himself a job at a local coffee shop for the summer. I was pissed! He couldn’t have told me about this before now? Couldn’t have mentioned that he had applied for summer jobs? Now he just abandons me at the last minute with no options?

I couldn’t find another friend to come along at the last minute like that. My parents wouldn’t let me stay home on my own, not for two weeks. My mom was afraid I’d run out of clean clothes to wear or food to eat. Seriously, who doesn’t know how to do a load of laundry? Besides, it’s summer, I’ll be wearing shorts every day. If they get dirty, I’ll just jump in the pool. No, no. This was because they didn’t want poor Zane partying in the house for two weeks or bringing home all those girls who love him so much and getting one of them pregnant. That’s what mom was worried about. So, summer vacation with my parents. Oh, joy!

The Banks

The rental house was beautiful. Actually, it was a condo, but it was huge. It wasn’t one of the huge houses, like farther up the beach, with the private Jacuzzis, the pool and the deck that wrapped all the around the house, but it was still pretty sweet. It was also right on the beach, and that made it perfect.

We arrived on Sunday. For the first few days, I stuck with the family plan. Outings to the tourist spots. Meals out on the beach, or a pier, or some restaurant overlooking everything. All the typical summer musts when you’re staying at the beach. That grew old fast. By the Wednesday I was already tired of my constant companions. I wanted to hit the beach and check out the summer girls. So, when my parents decided to go to yet another tourist hotspot, I stayed behind to catch some waves or some babes.

I grabbed my towel, my beach chair, and my boogie board and hit the beach. Much to my surprise, there were hardly any girls there. At least not any my age. There were a lot who looked about ten or eleven years old gathered in groups around their parents. I had absolutely no interest in them. Then there was a group of obvious college girls who looked absolutely insane, but there was also a group of obvious college guys all over them. I didn’t stand a chance there. This sucked.

I decided to walk up the beach a bit and see if the odds improved. So, I headed north, up to where the expensive houses were. The beach was all public, but most of these houses had their own private access. I found a nice spot and sat to watch for a while. I swam a little, played on the boogie board, then got bored so I started building a little sand castle. Girls love sand castles. Mark and I had planned to build a huge one to see what we could attract. For now, this one would have to do.

I pretty much ignored everyone and just went about my business. A few girls walked by, either in pairs or with obvious boyfriends. I cataloged them all in my mind as to their potential for the week. Man, it was slim pickings. Again, this week was going to suck.

The best prospect that I saw was a pair of girls who came from one of the houses right behind me. They were obviously sisters. They both had long dark hair, dark eyes, and had obviously been working on their tans, and not leaving a lot of tan lines. Hmmm, naked sunbathing on the deck maybe? Tomorrow I would have to bring binoculars too.

As they passed, they slowed down to look at what I was building, and to smile and tell me “That looks really good!”

“Thanks” I answered and smiled back, taking a good long scan of both of them.

The older one seemed to be about my age, but showed absolutely no interest in me whatsoever, other than the novelty of the sand castle. The younger one smiled with bright eyes and big dimples that seemed to signal some definite interest in more than the pile of sand.

She had a nice body. Tight, flat tummy, a sweet little bubble of a butt, and nice tits, not too big, but definitely on display.


The next day I returned to the same spot.

After about an hour my girls appeared once again. They claimed a spot a short distance away from me and proceeded to apply sunblock to each other. Mmmmm, by the end of the week I wanted that job!

Big sister was wearing another two-piece bikini, about the same as the one she wore the day before. But little sister seemed to have lost half the fabric on hers today. This had the effect of making her tits much bigger than they were yesterday and turning that sweet ass into an absolute magnet that I could not pull my eyes away from. Thank God for sunglasses.

I sat for a while trying to think of how to make my move on them. This is why I needed a wingman. I had no one to throw the ball in their laps. Or the frisbee. No one to chase and tackle right as we reached their blanket, and fall right down practically on top of them. And the reaction from older sister the day before, or lack of reaction as the case may be, told me that a cheesy pickup line would only buy me more time to work on my tan.

Eventually, the tide started to go out, so I figured since it worked yesterday, I would try the same technique today, and started building another sand castle. An occasional glance to the side every now and then showed that little sister was watching intently the whole time. Big sister seemed to be doing the same thing I was doing, watching for other prospects.

When a couple of the lifeguards came by on their four wheelers, big sister popped up and practically ran over to flirt with them. I knew that wasn’t going to work, of course. They both looked to be in their twenties, much older than her. The lifeguards don’t screw around while they’re working, and they only use the vacation girls for a quick bang and then throw them back the next day. The best it would do is get her an invite to the after dark party in the dunes somewhere and a quick ride on a beat up, beer-soaked sofa. Then again, maybe that’s what she was looking for. What a slut.

Of course, this left her sister laying on her blanket watching me play in the sand. I kept watching her out of the corner of my eye, but I didn’t make any kind of moves. I kept making this sand castle more and more elaborate. Eventually, it worked. she got up and came walking over to check it all out.

“This is really cool” she said.

I looked up, smiled, and replied “Thanks”

“How big are you gonna make it?” she asked.

I thought to myself, how big do you want it?

“I don’t know” I replied. “I’ll just work on it until I get bored, then I’ll go back to swimming or something”

“Can I help?” she asked.

Why yes, I thought. Yes, you can. You can help a lot!

“Sure” I said. “Jump right in!”

I had dug a moat all around the whole thing so that the waves wouldn’t destroy it as I was building it. It was also the perfect depth to sit on the edge with your feet in the hole. She jumped right in, sat down, and started trying to imitate my method of dripping sand onto the pile to make spires and walls and such. Luckily, she wasn’t very good at it. Every time her construction fell over, I just snickered at her and smiled. She was getting frustrated with it.

“How do you get it to stay up like that?” she asked.

Heh heh. I just keep looking at your ass, I thought.

So, I moved over right next to her, took her hands in mine, and started to show her how to make it work right.

Up close she was much hotter than I’d thought. Her tits were barely contained by the little bikini top she had on, I’m sure on purpose, and her legs were perfectly smooth as I cozied up close to her. Every little action brought a huge smile to that cute face. Those dimples just begging me to grab her by the cheeks and kiss her long and hard.

Soon she got the hang of it and started laughing and squealing every time something didn’t fall over. She was so cute.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Emma” she replied. “What’s yours?”

When Mark and I had planned this week, we decided no real names. These were summer girls; the whole idea was to spend a week fucking their brains out and then never hear from them again. Although she was really cute, I didn’t see any reason to change that plan.

“Ben” I answered, using my other friends’ name for the week.


We sat and worked on that sand castle for at least an hour. I have no idea whatever happened to Sophie, that was big sister’s name, but I was glad she wasn’t coming back. Emma said she was no doubt off trying to find one of the hot lifeguards to hop on, so she probably wouldn’t be back to be annoying anytime soon, even though their parents had told her to keep an eye on her little sister.

“Why would you need her to keep an eye on you?” I asked.

“My parents think I’m going to drown or something.”

I responded “Well considering I haven’t seen you even go near the water yet; I doubt you’re gonna drown”

She answered, “If I want to swim, I’ll go back to the house and swim in the pool. I’m not going out there with the sharks and the crabs and all those things that’ll grab you and pull you under”

I looked her up and down and answered “I’d grab you”

She looked back at me with eyes wide and her mouth slightly open, clearly surprised at that comment. Then she smiled back at me and said.

“You’re so bad!”

Yes. I am so bad. We got bored with building the sand castle, so we left it there for the tide to take care of and did some boogie boarding for a while. She acted as if she didn’t know what she was doing so I could teach her, giving me plenty of opportunities to grab her and help her up. She knew what she was doing. She clearly wanted me to touch her and grab her as much as possible. I was happy to oblige.

This, of course, led to sunscreen. All that falling and splashing washed it all off, so naturally, she needed to re-apply.

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