

Cousins have fun

Life with Cousin Eileen
I hope you enjoy this story and will take the time to send me some feedback. Feedback is what we live for. Without it we don’t know if you enjoyed the work or not. As for punctuation, ya gets what ya gets. I haven’t figured it all off yet…

My cousin Eileen and I are the same age. Our moms are sisters and I guess they had some kind of bet going on about getting pregnant. Eileen and I were born two weeks apart.
Because of the screwed up calendar year our local school district used, Eileen and I got held back a year when we were enrolled in kindergarten. That meant that now we were of legal age and could vote while we were both still seniors in high school. And that in and of itself had advantages, but that’s another story best told at a later time.
It was right after Christmas that my mom dropped the bomb shell on me. Dad had been assigned to a high paying position in Indonesia and we were all going with him.
‘No way,’ I protested. ‘I’m in my last year of high school and you want to drag me off to some third world country? No way!”
‘Frankie, be reasonable. What are we supposed to do? Dad has to take this job or he’ll lose all his seniority.’ She ran her hand through my hair, but I pulled away from her. I wasn’t going to make this easy on anybody.
After the holidays I went back to school. I couldn’t concentrate on anything other than how terrible life was about to become. When I bumped into cousin Eileen I told her what was happening.
“No shit! Are you kidding me? Indonesia? That is totally bullshit, man.’
I shrugged. ‘Yeah, I know. It’s a done deal though.’
Eileen gave me a quick grin. ‘Hey, on the bright side I hear hookers are plentiful and cheap over there!’ She flashed a smile and punched my arm softly. ‘Keep your chin up Cuz. Ya never know how things are gonna turn out.’
Sometime during the next few days there was a family meeting that I wasn’t invited to. When I saw Eileen in school the meeting she was smiling.
‘Hey Dude. Did you get the news?’
I turned toward her. ‘What news?’
She laughed out loud. Why, you’re moving in with me man!’
I shook my head. ‘What?’
‘I said, you’re moving in with me and my folks. Our moms got together and worked it all out. You’re going to live at our house until we go off to college in the Fall. Isn’t that bitchin?’
I was totally dumb-struck. Isn’t life just grand?

A month later my mom and dad were gone, our home was leased out and I moved into the basement/rec room at Eileen’s house.
I was busy putting my clothes in the closet and dresser drawers when Eileen walked in.
I hadn’t mentioned this before, but Eileen is a knockout. She’s around 5’8′ and maybe 125 pounds. Her hair is short, sort of like a boys cut, but not that short. She’s got long legs, the kind that go straight up to her ass, which I might mention is round and firm. And her tits, oh-my-God. They are perfect. Thirty-sixes if an inch. Just looking at her usually gave me a boner. Damn, I so would like to fuck her.
‘So Frankie, you getting settled in okay?’
‘Yeah, I’m getting everything put up.’
‘Good,’ she said. ‘That’s good.’
I sensed maybe something was wrong. Like maybe Eileen wanted to tell me something. I faced her, but said nothing.
She paused for a minute. ‘Well, you might as well know right now that this place is….,’ she paused again, then smiled a huge smile, ‘is like a party that never ends.’ She followed this with another laugh. ‘Had you going for a minute didn’t I?’
I let out a breath of relief. ‘Yes you did.’
The folks go out every Friday night and I’m here all alone to do anything I want. Once I took Mom’s car and went joy-riding. Another time I hit Daddy’s liquor cabinet. But this Friday night, Buddy, is the big one!’
I didn’t know what to say so I said nothing.
‘This Friday night we’re going to…’ She smiled again. ‘Never mind. Just wait and see what cousin Eileen has found.’

I didn’t give Friday night much thought after Eileen told me she had something special planned. I had enough on my mind just moving in and being around her all the time.
The week progressed and soon enough it was Friday. I was looking forward to some much needed rest. It had been a long and trying week with my folks leaving and all. And true to form, my Aunt and Uncle announced after dinner that they would be going out for the evening.
‘Eileen, you know the rules,’ her Mom said. ‘I expect you to set a good example for Frankie. No parties and no friends over. And since you have Frankie here to keep you company we won’t worry about getting right home tonight. In fact, we aren’t planning on being back until tomorrow.’
I thought that was kind of odd, but having just moved in I really couldn’t be a very good judge of what was odd and what was normal.
Thirty minutes later Eileen’s parents were gone and we were left to do the dishes.
Although I hadn’t given it any thought up until now, I was beginning to wonder what the big surprise was.

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