
Egg Ch. 4

Jacob’s liaison with Grace


Chapter 4

Jacob woke up again for the third time in the night. Breathing heavily as sweat poured off of him, he tried to calm down. The nightmares of swirling darkness tormented him now without abating in its cryptic message. Sitting up, he looked over at the clock.

“Damn,” he said out loud to himself at seeing the clock only read a little after four in red letters. Getting up, he moved to the bathroom to relieve the pressure he had. After that, he lay back in bed and thought about his previous day.

Billy, his biggest bully, had been consumed by the apparition taking form in his parent’s room. After attacking Jacob, the otherworldly being came to the rescue and Billy had been completely drained of his insides. The husk still lay next to the bed on the floor in his parent’s room. Thinking on that, Jacob realized his father would be due back any day now. A new sort of fear washed over him and he began to cry a bit.

Jacob’s father would not understand what was going on. Even when the man returned, what would he say or even do about his missing lover? That thought made Jacob shudder in pain. He knew the fisted blows surely to come over it. His father would know, he always knew when Jacob had done something. Two people dead and so far the only things Jacob had gotten positive out of the experience was a promise from an alien lifeform of untold pleasures and the chance to get laid by Ms. Grace.

Ms. Grace who had made advances on him twice earlier in the day. Once in the office and another in the library. Each time Jacob had wanted nothing more than allow her what she wanted. But he had to wait all day tomorrow to get to her. Tomorrow at the track field. He made the mental note and felt better with that.

“Better to have something positive going than to keep dwelling on the two deaths,” he surmised to himself. With a sigh, he decided to get up for the day. Early as it was, he bet he could accomplish a few things before he left for school.

The first thing was to search almost the entirety of the house. He avoided his father’s room and his shared parent’s room, but he looked for things that needed fixing. He got a list going. The first thing was replacing his father’s recliner. Broken when he and Shanda fucked on the thing. The chair had been old, and it wouldn’t matter what Jacob said. The fists would do all the talking in that conversation. With a shudder, Jacob found a recliner online that looked as close to the old as possible and ordered it.

Jacob quickly found as he ordered things online that he had much more money than he anticipated. Saved up over the years by his father’s generous allowances and subsequently invested, Jacob ordered almost a new household worth of goods. His morning alarm going off brought him out of the trance of shopping. Blinking in surprise at the sudden intrusion, he got up and turned the alarm off.

Rubbing his eyes and the stretching, Jacob felt good about what he accomplished. Granted a lot of mail would be delivered over the next few days, but with his new skinny body, he felt up to the task. Besides, if he could get most of the house finished and looking good, he bet his father would be impressed. Maybe even not notice the chair being different. Plus, something about the whole thing told him the house needed to look better anyway.

Moving from his room, he showered and completed his morning rituals. As he was getting dressed, he noticed suddenly how hard his dick had become. It throbbed hard and a thought crossed his mind. With a sigh of mock annoyance, he left getting dressed and moved to his parent’s old room.

Even as he approached to open the door, he heard the pulsing of a heartbeat in liquid. He gripped the warm know, something he knew once turned to open the door, would herald a gust of humid air. He didn’t understand it, but the alien pod in the room seemed up the moisture in the air considerably. It promised queer things that Jacob did not understand.

The knob turned and he almost choked with the smell. A salty tang of heat touched his tongue and it tasted sweet. He gagged on it and quickly turned back. Having felt as if he intruded, Jacob frowned knowing his cock would have to wait now for satisfaction. Worship was the only way to whatever goddess he know pledged himself to, but self-worship seemed inappropriate to him. Never one to actually masturbate, he returned to his room and finished getting dressed.

After some breakfast, which still consisted of a few pieces of fruit and some boiled eggs, he suddenly remembered that he had Ms. Grace’s number. In the previous night’s festivities, he had forgotten to text her. Rushing to find his phone, he sent a text.

“Hey, it’s me, Jacob.”

Jacob had an iPhone. One that allowed him to see if the message had been delivered and read by the recipient. He watched in morbid fascination as not only did it swap immediately from delivered to read, but also appeared with the typing ellipses.

“Finally. Thought you forgot about me.”

His stomach sank. He had never texted a girl before let alone dreamed of one responding quickly to him. It made him feel like she was excited to hear from him. Sitting there for a moment at his table, he responded.

“Had something come up and had to take care of it.”

She sent back a frowny face.

“I practically waited up all night,” she responded. That guilted him a bit.

“Sorry, life,” he replied trying to play it off.

“Don’t you want this?”

Jacob was about to reply asking what she was talking about when a picture suddenly appeared on the phone. He dropped his phone out of surprise and quickly recovered himself before picking the phone back up. A girl, no a woman had sent him a picture of her naughty parts. Parts he got to touch yesterday.

Hers was completely bare. Plump and pale with butterflied lips that glistened with moisture. Pink petals looked inviting as hell and he licked his lips thinking about how hot her pussy felt in his hands. Shaking, he responded.

“How can I not?”

“Its all yours,” she replied.

“Do I still have to wait?” He asked.

The ellipses for response typed for a long time. So much so that Jacob became aware of the time. He swore to himself before finishing dressing. Moving quickly, he gathered his school stuff and phone before moving through the house.

As Jacob left home and walked to school, he found himself disappointed that Grace didn’t respond. Even as he walked into school, the phone didn’t go off. He silenced the device with a heavy sigh and headed to his first class.

Class didn’t mean anything to Jacob. Even as people complimented his new look and inquired about it his only thoughts centered around Grace and her gorgeous pussy. Plus, he worried constantly about her never responding. By lunch, he had lost his patience.

Walking down the halls, he went on the hunt for Grace. His first stop took him to the office where after some inquiry he learned she hadn’t even shown up to school. That set him on a course of sending another text.

Jacob had leaned up against a set of lockers while he stared at his phone. He hesitated to open the thread for fear of the picture being still visible. And he nerves began setting in as he thought about what to send.

Jacob by no means felt desperate, but still, he was nervous to message again. He somehow knew that would make him seem desperate. With a shrug, he took action.

“You okay?”

The message sent and delivered. Almost immediately it said read too. Then a reply came.

“Oh my god, I forgot to send my last text.”

“Okay,” he replied not knowing what to say to that. His stomach sank a bit with the realization that she had forgotten. Mostly because he didn’t know what it meant.

“Seriously, can you meet me at the meeting place like right now?”

That was a question Jacob did not expect. He sat against the wall thinking of the consequences for a moment. Then another messaged arrived.

“I literally cannot wait anymore. I’ll be there in ten.”

The message made him suddenly panic. How was he going to get through the school not only that fast but the break between classes had almost concluded? Swiftly he moved off the wall and navigated halls. He surmised that if he could just make it to the computer hall wing, he would be able to use one of the side doors there to leave. With a target in mind, Jacob left his leaning post and navigated the halls.

As he walked, Jacob almost wished he had his once ginormous frame. People bumped into him, many of them unaware now of who he was. Thankfully, there weren’t any comments about this frame. That would have ruined the mood of everything. As he rounded a corner, he found himself suddenly in an empty hall. Any second now the bell would ring to signal the start of class.

Jacob moved quicker now. He knew the hall he needed to get to would be unwatched by teachers for stragglers. Then as he moved, a sudden thought of being caught by a teacher became a real possibility. To his surprise, when he rounded the next corner he ran right into what he didn’t want to.

Ms. Devons let out a squeal of surprise as Jacob ran into her. He bounded and he heard her fall to the floor on her rump.

“I’m sorry Ms. Devons,” Jacob stuttered out in horror. This woman was not the one he wanted to run into at the moment. When he suddenly felt a hand grip his hard cock, which had grown painfully hard growing down the leg of his pants. He had been so focused on moving through the halls, he had done his best to ignore it. Now that Ms. Devons had grasped it and elicited a gasp from the both of them, he throbbed even more painfully.

“Oh my god,” Ms. Devons spoked before her hand let go. Jacob grabbed it and pulled her up.

Ms. Devons could only be described as a small petite woman. She wore glasses that always changed in style. It seemed to Jacob the few times he had studied her, that she pursued a life of shifting personas. Sometimes she was meek, other times powerful. Today she looked small to him and her blue eyes looked up at him with astonishment.

“I am so sorry,” She said slowly as if trying to wrap her mind around the situation.

“It’s okay, but, I’m late for class,” Jacob replied knowing it was a lie, but the way his cock throbbed in anticipation of events to come, it didn’t matter to him that he did.

“Get to class,” she said, seeming to stare right through him.

“Thanks,” he said and left her standing in the hallway.

He continued his way through the hall until he arrived at one last corner. Being careful this time, he slowed down enough to gather if anyone was near as he cleared it. Nobody in the halls, he went without hassling until he reached the door he sought.

No one tended to watch the doors. The halls of Silverton High happened to worry not about its students leaving. Most faculty offered engaging classes and the school’s academic national ranking put it often high on the list of great school’s.

Outside, Jacob blinked under the bright sun. The side entrance had few windows that watched it and the few that did, only one that rarely had an occupant. This entrance to the school opened directly next to the auditorium. Brick and stone flashed past him as he moved, a sense of urgency pulsing in his testicles. Jacob felt driven to get to the meeting place at all means.

Past the biggest part of the building was the fields. The Track field ran all the way around two football fields while being framed by two baseball fields and two soccer fields. Woven in between the fields and track were different stadium setting like areas with bleachers, concession stands and buildings. Jacob knew a lot of these areas, as he often had used many before to hide at lunches, breaks and to avoid going home. He even knew how to get into some of the buildings as their locks hadn’t been maintained in some years.

Moving between the buildings, Jacob realized that he had no idea what her vehicle looked like or where she would even park. There were other vehicles and so he leaned up against a wall, obscured by shadows.

“Are you here?” he sent to her.

The message delivered but did not get read. He looked at his phone impatient that she would continue to keep him waiting. Didn’t she know how much he needed relief?

Minutes passed and he looked from his phone to the cars all around. Nothing gave him a hint of where she was. The fact she hadn’t read his message sent shivers of rising fear in him. His thoughts centered on this endeavor being a cruel joke. Then he heard the sound of footsteps. Panicking, he moved as far as he could in the shadows, hoping not to be seen at all.

“Jacob?” a small feminine whispered.

The voice could barely be heard and he almost missed it altogether.

“Grace?” he responded, his heart pounding in his chest.

There was shuffling in some dirt and then Jacob saw Grace. She moved slowly on the wall opposite him. She wore a floral patterned sundress with leather sandals. He could see her red lipstick from where he stood, shining in the light of the sun. Het blonde hair also glimmered in the rays of light. Grace looked like an angel to Jacob and his throat became dry.

“Where are you?” She whispered.

“Right here,” Jacob said after clearing his throat.

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